Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 May 1912, p. 1

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The Daily British Whig & EE ---------- YEAR 79 30. 106 os KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, MAY 4, 912, ~ LAST EDITION CONFESSED THAT HE SLEW ~ =""""". TRAIN WRECKED =". COL. ROOSEVELT HOPES : { TT Ottawa, May 4.--A downward re; Clayton, N.Y., May {.=Alon Baits, >, : 4 vision of the tarnfi as afiecting a J deputy, shoei sad poticoms, nd ue i i o - MO < ne er, gall Jit, of items. stems to Ve proc|fiugident 19 ¢ » R. Express) isi init. i mi ine pine of onus is bt inab . : { from plomaine poisoning, contracted ' . is obtainable to support a promise Near Burkton ha ih Soning, Soni ; cout of such revision, but there 15 ne er e ol 2 puree - hie members of} -- me ea-- : . aac - ; theless a strongly defined belief in the family have not been able to dis- n : A Murder Mystery at Minden quarters Sess wo Abe ministry . thut The two men had been working in . Bi one or two of the duties in the ex- § d i i e whking - $ ; : "Et isting wohedules may be hammered A their wood lot abowt four miles from 7 E55 HIRE aS 7 : ed "" be s 5 Is viliage, and came home compiain- Fi ° i Ir Is . ¢ : down. th ill g i i plain f ! : & ---- Even with the tariff commission or A Cat me - a Teas. Fellaini Salied Ii I iis i after an enquiry by an ministerial a dul everylhing possible lor them, 2 L sab-commiitie no.chapges in the tar | DOWN THE EMBANKMENT hut to no avail in the case ol Alton. | g ; ETE, CON 1 3 5 t 4 is symptoms were clearly those of gia SHOT IN SELF DEFENCE 5" BT ABOUT THIRTY FEET. | roman Bain . i's et 4 10 Al TACK sanction of parliament downward { : . Yovision 8. Ancther matter. It can -- | Mr. Butts nas thirty vears old. He Le done without legislation, by or-| Ne One Was Seriously Injured--|marricd Miss Winifred Didge, who . ; PRESIDENT TAFT AND THE IS CLAIM OF ARTHUR ELLIS, &. g der fn eomunecil, and the report here is Passengers Scratched and Bruis. | *Hh his parents, his and rs. Steph- ; F > S47 LATTER'S scPPoRT ERS. UNDER ARREST, a that this will he the Case. edSpreading Ralls the Cause-- Huthe; Se o children and one broth 7 : i! 4 ' 3 Nd indiesticn hax been made ¥o far 1d f Traffic . ds 2 c 2} las" to the items likely to bie deslr) Pold-up of Traffic, i : : ; He Declares at Baltimore That the He Declares That Porter Fired Two ; with in this way and no guessing un Torohto, May 1.--Of eight ears CLUB LK ds DOOMED, TOO. People Know What They Want, Shots at HimeStory of the Pris " pe der present conditions would be safe | which composed the day express fropt That is. if the Rowell Policy Should / Be hs and if Given the Changes Will soner as to the Manner in Which i triain activites now noticeable in Nontre al on the Canadian geile ral- nT, ca a y n'y Prive Out the Bosses { one or two of the depart'nents, how-|{way for Toronto, seven lefi the rails . R a3 ' . Porter Met His Death. } {ever, point do a rT and closely |at Sand Bank, five miles east of Ottawa, May 1--*"The impression Ff, ---- i unit mare, Md., Has 4.~Inspired by Minden, Ont., May 4.-The mystery { considered paring of some of the] Burkton Junction, at 5.30 o'clock last [that seems to have become prevalent : . br I ulrite ight, with the ren wurroanding the murder of Louis Por f duties. evening. Two hago ears and the | that our policy does not include the J J; : : Re ot mn to Chicago, Col. ter on the «ameron road, on the sven | A mail ear rolled down the embank- [Wiping out of elub lieanses is wrong." SH 8 y lo wig d ben Sight, tad a img of April 25th, was cleared up, Fo TITANIC HERO ME DALS, rent, which at that point ix ahout Such was the statement of XN. W, | § Sp arg ence at the Lyric Theatre, yesterday, by the arrest of Avthw % ee thirty feet high. { Rowell, who is in Ottawa. X : al he 1s going to keep hard at the Ellis, hrother-indaw of the mardecsd J Carnegie Hero Fund Commission Strange to relate no one on the | Mr, Rowell stated that while club Sampaign with the hope of winning mun, who confossal to the killing, but Beeides to Tssue Them train was seriously injured. Two men |lienscs were not expressly mention of . e noulaiation. claimed that the shot was fired bi . Pittshareh. I \ Sop . went over the embankment in the | od inthe first clause of hig_resolu + yy Opponents may just as. well self-defence, He also aceompanied In EUGRNE XN. POSS og I arp : lay 4. the Care baggage and mail ears, and one of [tion it was the party's intention to na . up their ninds that we. have spector- Reburn and Constable Welch |, 0 ch cimsntts. a prea gle hero fund commission, in recog-l pon Rov Mavhee, a baggageman Hv | WiPe them out under its second clause : au begun," said the ex-peesideni. to the seene of the erime, and showed . dential possiblity, nition "of the many acta of heroism info, "oy jan St. Germain strewi, Mon Cs LTE rr pm h AY, we have hardly started. We them 'Where he had placed the dead the wreck of the Titanic, has decided] \\ 8.1" C0 "cit about the dogs and Condition Still Critical. are going right ahead with the cam , i is' ; i to issue a gold medal appropriately : T ; MRS RUSSELL SAGE paign. It looks f we had man'y rifle, Elis' eonfession, which » "EEE ERS i. aki : 3 Bl Y lseverely bruised. He was attended by Toronto, Mav 4. -The following was . ' . * is if we had the peo Wan yopeated 16 the jury by the ac.{ M- F. CHURCH IS CRITICISED. |isseribed to the heroines and heroes viver of Miilions, is seriously ple 'on our side." a . : Dr. I. B. Anderson, 1daor sireet cast, { the bulletin, this morning, of the her New York nome used st an adjourned inguest con- | - - ; 3 : of the titanic and deposit itoin thelohn was on the train, and was sub physicians attending Chairman Mabee, a The colonel made no allusion to ducted last evening, before Coroher ialned Less Then Twa Per Cent. bh United States national museum at sequently taken to St, Michael's hos [of the dominlon railway commission BETRAYER OUT OF REACH. the Massachusetts result, por hix ges Progue, was as follows : . - Membership. oh Washington. pital. "There is no improvement in Jodge | c---- tion in "handing" to President Taft "I saw Lows Porter pass my hous Minneapolis, Minn, May 4.--Criwe A record thereof will be placed on Other passengers received' seratehes | Mabee's condition this morming. He is | Nothing Can be Done to Avenge the eight delegates at large. He ve Thursday evening, April 25th. After | 2ism of the condition which enabled | the roil of honor of the Carnegie hero} nd bruises and a shaking up. The] still very critical." Death of Annie Hailes, pewed his atiack upon Mr. Taft for he hgd passed 1 went down the road | the church to gain "less than two pe und commission "as a lasting me Jo nce of the necidént has not vet mc ln M bi Acccrd to Tm the president's assertion that the lead: to hunt some stray cattle. 1 couli | ent. of its membership in the last] worial of those whose chivalrous con- jun definitely ascertained. Wis | Detroit rs --Aaccarding 10 imc} ers supporting him are "patriots" not see them, and coming home, went | year" and charges that the churel duct and self-sacrifice have profoundly thought to have been the result FACTORY WALL FELL pritrration ; Hspeetar Prick, of "this ra ther than "bosses." into the house and got my dog and | press was being used "'gs a free forum moved the eivitisal world. spreading vails. There was eonsides SH. TE eo. an x San pe Ridiculing this, Roosevelt observed gun and went up the road north. 1 1by the promoters of disaffection," wer Ro able hold-up of traflic KILLING SOME GIRLS trait By J § nied His S21 CAD that these patriotic leaders of net Porter in the awamp on the road | made in the bishops' report to the L00KS 10 WOMEN - - m-- cig} v8 old T SH . ol e Mr. Talt want 10 do is run your gov coming south. 1 asked him if he had | quadrennial general donference of th PITH OF THE NEWS. y i . ' 138 is phim , os EN i ernment for you. That might sot be soon any enttle. He said, no. Are vou | Methodist Episcopal church. \ AS NATION'S HOPE A Frightful Accident at Neilson's!; 4a al dose o Junk on, ines: so bud 3 aha dd it the way you looking for cattle 4 thought you! "In the last vear,'" said the Jopert Ime Very Latest Culled From Al 3 say, after a inp lo ths ety with a 1 gant it done, but they have: thalr on were looking for ge? : ciness he ole , y the church has made net gain of Ra Over the World. lce Cream Factory in ~~ |Voronio busines man when told whe | way and it's a mighty bad way. We ' must return to. her parents, The busi "t said, 'No, Lou, ii 1 had been | but 55,000, which is less th wn "two pel . . . ip : : don't want that type of patriot to he looking for you § eould have find | cent. as the outcome of the year's ae k. ) } Walsh Compares Social King George's novel gifi of six bean Toronto nest cman is alleged to have fled to governing us a ont wo." 9 tivities, and the outlay of many mil og r . tiful swans to the mayor of Owen : . Canada and it is said his offence is Charles J. Bonaparte ath lt *iwe had and one another, and he [lions of 'dollars. The statistienl para p Condition Here and in Ancient Sound; Ont.; has been sent to Canada. Toronto, May A --From five to if }not extraditable: The «two Toronto eral in a regime, a : . so 1 we as es 3 teen POPE Were ul, s . 5 of ~ pt 10 i ar swore at me and said, 'i vou want {dox glares us out of countenance. It 'Rom Horace McEwen has béen appointed LL a ee wre Biting apr is frisude, " the busine "nah I Are out with a Ls during the 'ré me now vou ean have me." When he shames and humiliates us, What ar 8. superintendent of the Prince ; Edward io " i . en thie oll a ail acoused 4 hi ing ia . saps i - ih cent. Harvester Traut breil backing up TY ee OHOr f offices worth in any arm : Island railway, pice G, A. Sharp, re |° i 2 wy, ere, gavel return 0 anada nile spoke like that he turned and fired he fi 1 win battles? Nc ak St. douis, Mo, May £--Dr. James], . i rf } way, this morning, while business was | the father of the dead girl, returned Ressbeli, introduc! the colonel, x at me. I threw my gun x my a not. win Dall a ) Bis 1. Walsh, dean of Fordham Univer |" Zant in fuli swing. Nearly a hundred peo-| to Toronto with the body 'onaparte read off the list of lead shoulder and said, 'Lou, that i-|vel that some are proposing {o veduet bo: srodical. School. in a lecture bo Edward Henry Keating, the well le. mostly: Birle: op he band ers supporting Président 'Taft © and enough.' the major generals to post duty lore the alusmae of the Sacred Heart known Canadian engineer, has been PE » 4 r . vere Im d " ile ie adopting the manner: of the: Sxpmg Tear i a} . . AR. . mz, when ie grasn came. n We con » 3 pa 5 "1 went down the road as far ax| Among the reason jor: the meagt Apadeiry, talked op "The Women of elected an officerof the institution of fusion and. -noise, it, was impossible WORST IS YET TO COME. dent, culled them all 'bosses. The foi the commons and tured around and [growth, as set forth, were a toc fwo Republics, Those «of the United civil engineers. for a time to ascertain th en wlties. . mer attorney general carefully avoided y ha aki h -%y |] wy ¥ pr { uy @ ensun . 3 3 was 'going back. After | got across | striet application of the law of the states ond of. Ancient Rome." There] Fight persons were drowned when At noon the body of Miss fava Ant 0rerd Prices for Produce Within] any reference to the Hacvester Trust the swap | saw Porter coming to-| church demanding that all members a aR : ol the: Mississippi = 'viver leves. near Mor | ae 3 In tolling tiie' tha what beiw in BE a che oad 1 Stepped off] Who remove: from n given : communits we many more similarities between pp derson had been recovered, badly | Next Twelve Months, ® ong ant : . y > Law . wan, La., broke, flooding the surround- \ . . 2 > Mua oi y . ed to doin respect (0 progressive to boe side and hid behind a sy ll] without their church letters be drop rhe i -- Are us Hog conntry Santi, pu ides the heavy Jp. Nas Youks May 4.--~The nest twalve islation, Col. Re ot Ben] oy i Go hip afte v ong vr. Walsh sai = ra . i : Lois feared there ave othecx dead in mopths will see some new records ir halons ne Agel BEng iid. pasmeduok /Y en De Rie a "idan batore The tepublic Beenie the | The British eruiier Alserine will ar Figo same pol y ; : | iigch prices for a ros and gr he would "try fe tthe di- spoke to him, and Be soon as 1 did |. Abou A usappen 3 wmpire," he continued, "immense for-frive at Mazatlan on the west coast of Hundreds of relatives of missing | ter, is the belief of 1, 1 "Preston odi- poet tection of Vnitad Sates i. sv, he whegled and ficed at me, the way. ; snes: Foe Ik ; R México, in about 4 week 6. Anke 1a 3 ' tars, "so we ous improve on some of bullet. boing snibedded in the tree just Meading for an emphasis on th ines pecanie very common at ome, v0 ' girls ure at the scene and the police {tor of the Produce News kind we' have naw." wet my face. Then 1 fired two or distinetive Wesleyan doetrine, the re 1nd the nen mide their money in the abogrd British relligees. x ™ have difliculty. in handling thew. | The priee for potatoes would go to} "Mav . i ot 1 an shots nt him, and he apparent | port said that they were the onl bra, Slansie ds hy eat ion in Sirand Trunk railway traflic earniigs | ~carchers are working fo refover more] $8 a barrel, he adds, if it were not for { best . . oy bo er ali he . ¢ o th inst vice. | aed, by cornering foodstufis, by in-{for the period ending April 30th total |hodies Irish and Belgian import The eab-t °F, a i Or X BOSH Ivy kept coming towards me. When I | power to save the nation against vice - - " : hoctien, 3 rsh an gian nports ie eab elt. *"} a Ye Pio op. de hie Lie ays urance and speculation in stocks and {led $1,318,817, as compared with $1, The, scene of the accident is wierd. [bhage crop is short, and eabbages, like | ¥® A - it will h. Jeti, than hav and as he Waa apparently dead i "Where is the evidence that scienc | *onds, by geaft in polities nnd. by1125,144, an increase of $193.67. Seores of factory girls are seated on|artichokes, are becoming luxuries a Ee ® : wi Jat . 3 : | : g Tho ; aking u r Presic - drageed him in on an old road about | has ever regenerated one soul, or tha ubsidinry collecting ol taxes. They | At Neenah, Wis, when Mr. and Mes. | the Inwns recovering from their har Poultry is the one product that has tion that Bocsmell pa mm rhled hi KE : ec > axe rectly, @ ro 1 . : 3 1 y £ . 250 yards and laid him bhehigd a log. culture has redeemed one Ihertine ollected the taxes directly, us pros {Charles Rusch were divorced, Mrs. [rowing experience. The houses of all {not risen in price hy leaps ane Toled 3 poh hi . Rh i 1 then took hix gun and en about | or taken envy, malice, pride, jealousy onsils in the provinces, not indirect | Rusch was given a cemetery lot valued | the neighbors have been thrown open | bounds, ' th on a Ph ad hapa Reo - twelve feet front where the body was | oF greed out many « heart ? Thes | by: means of tarifi Fhe women {1 $10 as her share of the property. [to them and everything possible ix - -- velt prot med ie Lmesiven, by found." y utterances are pot resctionary, unless | vent the money that the men made. (7), couple had been married fifty-five | being done for those who fainted q ela) i Mr. Taft : this world has outgrown Jesu hey collected bric-adbrac and decorat-1 ., : JAt 11.30 o'clock workers found the! For Saving Lives, i mn nh ; th ith bi lise a a heist." +1 their homes with Grecian art, listen Seti] : fer { \ ven and rirl sticking | Mari Ind. M i or: the last lew months, wy i. mls MURRAY CANAL DISMISSALS, Christ, ) : tn a Petitions for recounts were filed by | feet of two men nd a girl shicking | larion, Ind. ay t work on ag went explanation; vou wil 1 The address condemned the practice d to lectur 2 on many subjects, dab: the Taft managers in nearly all the [out of the debris They at owce|iarm and with only eleven cent . it Pa - . u Hp net this For Politienl Reasons--=Ne Com. that was said to have grown up |i led in literature, read novels the cities and large towns of Massachu- | started to work frantically to get atlpocket, William H Prickett, dent is really. aliaid thd Pp Ch ea i Vietin certain churches of calling in evan | 10vel was reinvented at this ilme--en- setts. Recounts were also asked in | them. Who they are' is 'nnknown.| was told that he had inherited $25, fo the ' ri 1 Jo _-- 1 plaint Against ctims, gelists to carry on revival services, a rtained the artiste and the literary | i § tri F their position it is fearsd thy {oon ir Frank H ) h ov So yvetr Own fwily at's 1 n'y : g § VO { s" many of the congressional distrios rom he.r | 10 i} i a om rank orch, a ranch owne nterpretatio ak { Cobourg, May 4.-lt is stated that | gokinet the former custom whiel en, and as Mrs. _ Putnam, formerly | fed be the Roosevelt delezates in twa, | they are killed. of Pocatello." Idaho, for having resend p uh bows you ead on ke of it cight bridgemen and one lighthouse | places the local pastor in charge o Lan of Barna, said, introduced that belistricts. s A few minutes laier rescuers were Horckid two daughters from their § ee RE i ot wi : a min keeper on ihe Murray canal have re | that work. liance between fashion and litera- attracted by the moans of another | burning home several vears ago, Pri i, pr go Ll fen will be To. ceived notice tht their serv iow will ms 'ure and nr and Wealth, which had THE SON TO HANG woman and frantic efforts were then|kett, then a circus hill poster, risked A a hd hat 2 oy he an a not be required any longer. 0 com: aon enlled society and has recurred . PRA * made to get her out alive. She was! his life by running into the blazing | Pose R10 STO he Pec ey plaint was lodged against them and BITTERLY A i and on. ever since. Sather in th . e Pri Pleads | Padly hemmed in by the girders and a house and carrying the girls to safety what hy le and if hing ake giv. they were given no vhanee to defend With the growth of wealth and lux e Sam ; raison As] ass of debris, and it is feared that | Horch's brother. J. H. Horch, came | ®® the chance they will drive t themselves. The Trenton Courier in 10 UNIVERSITY ry children became fewer, divorces for His Life. she. will not. live {here to notify Prickett, of the be. | often owt and show what they can referving to their dismissal says: "The nore frequent, the demoralizition of La Porte, Ind., May 4.--One of the One report says at least ten fauple only ground" for disntissal was the he family, in spite of efforts to Pre | strangest situations that has ever pre- | are dead and buried in the ruins Roosevelt rode in a torchlight par fact that apparently it was thought KH. E lewin, KC Says It is th. ent it hy means of laws giving |ented itself at the Indiana state pris- noon the body of Louis Shine w * STEREOTYPERS | JOIN ade to the theafre and was cheered by i bir ! " the men did not vole to suit the par wnuses for the number of childrenion is that of Nelson Fritts and his taken out of the wreckage. He wa the crowds onthe street ty in power. in fact, two of them did Dispenser of Religious wd other methods, continued to grow | son, John, both of whom have been fd ad | o ---- not vote in the last dominion election. NOrSe. sentenced, the father for Jife.and the At 12.15 o'clock the police say | STRIKING PRESSMEN Taft's Flying Tour. For wome time previous to the. last Poison "Rome fell and luxury and the de-|son to be hanged in June. that evirvbady in Nelson's candy Baltimore, Md., Mav 4.-President election four conservatives "have held Toronto. May 4~H v Irwin. KA. re fou wealth with the disappearance! The father is daily imploring that fact. ry has been accounted for and]... Taft is making a flving tour of this sitions on the canal and these have ema : sf real patriotism were the causes of {ihe son's sentence be # " iva} . : commuted | (hat the total casualties are iw hicag Newspapers rs Raving rouble | «ate to-day. following Col. Roosevelt, permibbed - to. hold their places. graduate of Toromia ner has the fall. Whether history shall repeat | ihrough the iatercession of the war- tht cighty seriously injured and e T who went through xa and it is The light housekeeper un the east-end OTOUSTE 8 ¥ arm Gis PEDLLEL by AR 1 1 taell depends apparently more on the | den, and if it cannot be commuted to fifteen slightiv. | Few of Them Are Able expected there will be a great battle being a conservative was allowed to "tack made by him on Toronto univer | vomen, ever the ethical element in all It ; rE decidad vet Whether the at] at the republican primaries to-day remain, but the mag on the west-end sity, which he terms, "The dispenser of ! sgees,' than on any other factor." he will know nothing of it. y ia >» yu eo ny hel Aosien es to Publish. "tending the Hght was thought to have [Powon," in regard to religious instruc. Se The son has been serving a sentence | 4 Geotive building. % | Chie May 1X1 stermoty "voted liberal; 80 he was discharged, tion. One D.D., a distinguished grad UR LouIS DAVIES for theft at: the' : state relommetory. ar ive hai] kad" ol Chicago, May stereotypers on DIED. as were the Jem, without . vea- uate described Mr. Irwin's allegations and a few months after his confine: ony res A: the Chicago papers have joined He : oo : . ins, being reseved just in time { wirid x pressmen and drivers, this | IMRAN t the family residence #3 son. Two of four conservatives as "damnable." Anothér representa ment Killed a guard, He was found |" : a | ---- po - um oy --. lie tio ' rin Street, on May Ath. 19132 who have been permitted | to remain on tive man said it is "the mos outray guilty by a jury and sentenced to he py pr tially . red Tiny of _. Patrick Daniel Detan, aged 12 . anged." i after o- faut wih ded Big : : years their jobs have been enjoying their eous thing 1 have ever seen." -- hanged, and shortly after was ve THE BRIDE OF ASTOR ! newspapers did not appear at all this] Funeral private. Reaulom. mass at $19 positions all through the liberal term, | The indictment of %He bniversity i \ . moved to the state prison pending his : the at of theta 4 Monday, 16 which friends are In. and the other two were appointed un. and one, of its Jeol ott ie eubliihed Many. of His Boston Audience Were execution. WAS UNABLE 10 Al TEND: ning, though most of them. turned ited. out in gweatly condesed form. This ag : der the Laurier rogime, This "is just "by Mr. Irwin in the o¥ tissue of - He had been there a month before le nk he bea I gi HES--In Bunbury, May Ind further evidence of the unfairness of +The Evangelical Christine." In it Nis Former Maritime Con- the father knew of the crime or that hi papa . will hay imilar 18 8 Robt, (eenices, aged 2 3 . : 'trouble getting out. : Car the p-------- I "But the climaxcof hotel of whic! stituents his, son was near him. The Funeral Service at the Family] Tic publishers chain that the em | FoPETa il take Blace (rom his late - ut the climax. o il of which 8 y Si Me ------------ . ployees have grossly. broken their y Sunday morning, at "10 3 AN AUSTRALIAX SCANDAL. ihe br. dl capable is as he disper. omen, May § So Mah) Sitieran DISTRIBUTE RELIvr BUNDS. Home---Diverced Wife Alse Tae ane Bie bringing men rus - p EE th Etichds and Jcquaist The 'homes mn - othe « ere was some shooting Victorian Tend Com Commissione: Asks ships Sefeti] ty Devi 4 Bening (Be Na mute bY | SIF British Contributions Now Amount Absent. on Dearborn street, this morning, favestigation. tion, but 'the souls lost: douis lavies, justice of the Cana- 600.000 ; i i he waggons of one paper dro say, when the teacher of ro oulld dian supreme court, at the Intercolo- to 81 x. . . New York, May A Impressive Jiihe. oe sok ¥ veto okay Mclbourne, Australia, May 4 3. Tenfle he ligious pw vad Foal. Club, on - Tuesday ight, the London, May 4.---The British Titame zal J wes we held at uine t life, : kp . ep Commissioner Wickes is pressing - im [speaker was yested to give his own [funds amount to approximately $1, | Hudson river, the home of the Astors, ROP SEMEN LES. Victatian Sinment for - sn ain into . pie of admira : raion of argues of his address, in | 600,600. \ eyplerence was held at the in Sountetion with the fauers) of Joh PROP AMUSEMENT Ri y into an gontract "thay ch he referred to reciprocity he: Mansion house 10 arrange for its dis- | Jacob Astor, a vietim of the Titanic |, i Shethotint will be recalied ro i rater in oom Hig ii i Hib. eh Canada and the United States, (tribution. It was decided to extend |disaster. Mrs. Madelaine Force Actor he' American Methor ist Bishops plete, violation of: the preference re- ms / __ySuts te_oan Kir Lops explained that there were | immediate relief to widows and bereav- | was able to attend. Miss Muriel Astor Remove This Ban. common- doubts of its the aniong_ his auditors so many of his ed families of the members of the and. Vincent Astor, children by the! Minneapolis, Minn, May 4. -""The an fem ot -- ith inten In former constituents from the maritime | crew, pending the orgatization of a|annulled marriage, were there, Mrs. lAmeridan people are too far advanced > nw provinees that he felt obliged, . in committee to undertake the adminis | Ava Willing Astor, divorced, was not jonger 10 be restricted by church rules Fo a a third year ih hers es forth iss opening his address, to mention reci- tration of the fwnd. This committee present. as to what their amusements shall be. A couple dozen of. them. Wit sel tory and faith ¥ i set h ty: which he did substantially as | will include the lord mayor, the Earl Have mmngpane The rule prohibiting dancing, cacd | them st a reasonable mice: Must be CIvia § a 4 of Derby a stl the governor of the Bank DRUGGIST GOES TO PRISON. y playing. gambling, and going to the | cash. Turk's. 'Phone 705. Ottawa May 4, "ln. my pre-regenerate days T was jof F atves, cirewses, amd horse races there earnes vocate of reciprocity, | Om fund Derby" § suggestion was For Selling Poisonous Drugs ite should be. sholished." of the minister of mili That abject yey within the ambi. | decided to inquire whether the Ameri: Workhouse Inmates. 3 This is the gist of a report presented ministers tion of political controversy, and be- can relief committee would provide for! Rerlin, Germany, May 4--A drug (yesterday to the general conference of eanse of my position as a member of | such emigrants sho lost - ative - gist named Schatmagh, Sanvistd of | the Methodist Episcopal church by the CEILING BROOMS. court of Canada it would | intended 10 settle permanently in violaticns of thé pure fou aw, in hoard of bishops. SCRUBBING BRUSHES | be improper for me to discuss | United States. supplying inmates of the national] recommending this radical chavge, . the hl 1 may say farther that " * workhouse with paisonots drags. |g. {eenty-faur active bishops stipu STOVE BRUSHES. the of Canada have spoken and PROVE TO BE IMPOSTERS. joarsing we rly one hundred deaths, 404 that the church, however, should DUSTBANE. have set the matter for the time." fe wis Ent to prison for five vears, In " indifferent 'on th sib " ot be indi ne jects. Many Alleged Survivors | of the to-dns. There were other minor sen LIQUID YESEER. The condition of Chairman Mahe, ©, Titanic Disaster. ences. Five workmen were barned to death BON-AMI. + this morving, was. mare at . Cleveland, Ohio, on Thursday, SAPOLIO. vil A Calgary man averheprd nn tele when: 100.000 gallons of gasoline, in SILVER. POLINN od ten TH : 4 ite § phone conversation wot -intended for lan oil barge, exploded SIL le . of his ears, and as a sonashelifs a bas in P. B. Morrisey, of Chicago, presi- CLOTHES LINES. : 6 he stituted proovedings against « A tdemt of the Railway Fuployees' and Brooms, Whisks, Tubs, Pails, Wash. {fiort ad T. E. MoCanley. teal Investors' assotiation, bas been wo boards, Pearline, Stove Polish. A rig a a to lleciéd as a member of the arbiteation ding sopply ir houtd um the wage neyotintions for. iJas. Redden & Co. do." have the execution conducted so that

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