Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Apr 1912, p. 6

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PAGE SIX. THE Ris Y BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, APRIL 29, 1912 Kingston Business College (Limited) | fighest Education at Lowest Cost Catan Tele- Brg Twenty sixth Tour: ns August 304 Keeping, Bnorthand, phy, Civil Service and Our graduates get ths best positions. Within a short time over sixty securéd positions with f the largest raliway cor- ons in Canadas, Enter any Call of write for informa / Metea Principal. Kinaaon Canadas. REAL ESTATE SNAPS POUBLE FRAME HOUSE, with good barn and large lot. rents for $17, all at $1,506. BRICK VENEER HOUSE, To- ronto Street, 8 rooms, with two extra full lots, good "barn and poultry louse, or fo rent... ....:... SHLTOO FRAME HOUSE, 6 rooms, on York Street $930 FRAME COTTAGE, six rooms an improvements, and barns, Elm Street .. $1,250 FRAME HOUSE, six rooms, large lot and stable on Al- fred Street $1,000 DOUBLE FRAME HOUSE, 6 _ rooms each, with all im- provements, Montreal Street rented for $202 per year, $2,100. HOUSES for Sale and to Rent fn all parts of the City. NORMAN & WEBB, Real Estate, life, Fire, live Steck and General Insurance. 171 1.2 WELLINGTON NT. : LOOK AT OUR NEW PRICES 4 on f Electric Light da. ... qo... Every light guaranteed. p40 80 Also 8 and 16 c.p- Carbon Lights. Saves two-thirds con- "fnmption of electricity and - gives infinitely better light ai hall cost, W. A MITCHELL, 'HARDWARE Homo of the Peerless Lawn Fence, 4 i . New Spring Goods now tn and on the Easy Payment Plan. House Furnishings Boots and Shoes Jowelry, Ete. Come in and see those Goods, or IP us a card and we will send the to your house. A in joseph Abramsky 263 PRINCESS STREET, Next Princess Theatre. GOOD SHOES? s is the kind you want This i is the kind we carry. ---------- ~The newest swell sty- THESE OLD PEOPLE OWE THEIR HEALTH To The Wonderful Powers Of "Fruit-a-fives Mu. N. Jouserr OF ORANDE Licyz, P.Q., says ; a For more than 10 years, I snff with Constipation an Tine After taking four boxes, of "Fruit-a- tives", 1 am well, 1 am now over 8c years of age"' Mgr, Wu. Prrr, general storekeeper writes I am 67 at SHaNLy, ONT years of age and lon long su suffered tortures to Stomach from Headaches, Troubles. I was dd to try "Frnit- a-tives". 1did so and t a d they completely MR. Wa, Parsons OF OTTERVILLE, ONT. says :--*'[ am 79 years old and a great "believer i in "Fruit-a-tives". Soc a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 250. At all dealers or from Freit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, BBV Melville J. wexsmith, Sinart J, Wilson, SEXSMITH, WILSON & COMPANY Estate and Financial Brokers, Correspondence Bollcited. 31 Willouby MBI 2ist Sireet Saskatoon, Sank, Great Engl Le Ti ones and inxiguraiont the a ny. ak 08 now sia. Lures N rua Peis , Ment ul} [3% of alld Medicine CG.» Toronto, COWAN'S PERFECTION COCOA Is rich in food value and easy to digest. It is just Cocoa, pure Cocoa, ground from the choicest Cocoa beans. Nurses and Doctors recommend its uw tion hes Forever Prompt Relief---Permanent Care Ee Genuine mus bear Signature ¢ Piles, 1 tried | many remedies, but none did me good, * ~8 THE WORLD'S EPISODES: | GIVEX IN ™HE me BRIEFEST POS. 1 SIBLE FORM. I oi That Imterest Everybody-- | Notes From All Over----Little of | Everything Easily Read and Re' | membered. Roosevelt declares that, the | money kings ate with Taft. Lon. A. FE. hemp, will "kes be the next lieutenant-governor of Ontario. 1 Je is reported that ssoveral changes! in the Mamtoba cabinet are m- pending Totonto is to have an eighteen mills tax rate. The budget calls for $21, 115.569, Ihe Puget Sound lumber nlils British Columtia of $100,000, James A. Patten, Chicago, believes the country is facing a sefous short {his retirement age in wheat. Tite Prince of Wales, Paris, will shortly visit the States and Canada. The private car, Cahada, of the late | C. M. Hays, will ¢Onvey the body of | Mr. Hays to Montreal. Major Peuehen was summoned to | England to testify in the Titanic puiry before Lord Mersey. A Lawton, Okla, denth and destruction followed: in train of a fierce tornado. Automobile bandits were blown pieces in a battle with an army soldiery at Pans, France, The ms.rance loss on the intluctog marine, life and (stimated at 812,000,000, Ia 1912, 1,966,355 boxes of cheese were exported from Canada, a decline of 135,720 boxes over 1911. Fifty buildings, mostly residences, were destroyed by fire at Brunswick, Ne. , on Thursday. Loss $15,000, } in stated that Prince Arthur Fede is coming to Canada the autumn to visit his parents, Miss Lottie: Gibson, Brantford, cides the canal after seceiving threatening letters from a lover. ° | The Syr use Y. M0. and Y.W.C, A will reengritie a a8 an part of the social life of the ranizatior Charles Nelson, secretary of Tudustrial Workers of the World, arrested in Yale, B.C, on Thirsday. Fhousands of operatives in the paper | mills of New England have received | 1 information of an advance in wages. | Dr. T. B. Flint, életk of the House of Commons, # confined to his bed as the result of falling downstairs in his | residence Lhe New York state S100.000 for a new f mdinz beltore ¢ who is now in United ons to of of in| m org the was fair bulding if a MUTE s will reeeive { becon es a Faw, { 1 I The late Dr. Clemensha of Port Hope [i left an endowment of $10,000 for a hospital, ii erected there within years. A warrant. has heen issued arrest of Mrs. Mctiee, of St, i. K.l., charged with children. Be. Francis Bacon, eminent sirgean . and recognized authority is dend, aged eighty, 4% The academy of music, Pittsburgh, Pa., far forty years ga plavhouse, burned owt. . Loss $150,000, men were injured. Cluster Holeombe, ister fo Chifia, 8 dead mn Y., where he was visiting. born in Winfield in 1844, | Superintendent oJ. A. Young, of the { Londen street railway, offered the su- { perintendency of the Regina municipal railway, will probably aceept. i At Worcester, Mass, a denunciaticn of President 'I'aft Col. Roosevelt's reply to the dent's attack upon btm | The wholesale slaugheer of Chinese | throughout Thibet is reported fol lowing the promulgation of a {an declaration of independence. | Sixty thousand Jews in Jerusalem 'are fasting and mourning for leicles Straus apd Mrs. Straus, who ent down with the ill-fated Titanic. f Mrs. Beatrice Harwell, aged twenty- | nine, of Newark; N.J., committed sui cide on Thursday, because her sister "he on the Celtic for England. The city council of London, Ont. threateps to cancel the franchise of hel | street railway there unless they live up to the conditions agreed upon. iW. Trott, son of Ald. Trott, Thomas, has been appointed to vacancy in the customs office,' isucceeding W, A. Melntyre, resigned. | Fearly 500 men have been appoint-| ed as proescicd fire rangers and in-| structions are now being sent to! them to report in the first week of May. vw tice given tein for the| 's, her | Mary poisoning New Havem, slienist, on yellow an and a fever, was Three fire once acting min- Lyons, N, He was wns presi- St. {the is of the application to -parlisment, by Louise M i. wideé, of toronte, for a bil of dic | voree from her hushand, naw of Spat. tle. | Fred Yearly, Warren, Ont., charged with the murder of his wile, but who was found guilty of manslaughter, wax sentenced by Justice Britton wo life imprisonment. Gen. Count Fukushima was appoint ed goverdorgeneral of Kwang Tung, Japay, succedding Gen. Viscount Oxhi- ma, who becomus a member of the military council. i A team of cadets from Canada will go to the Boys' Bisley this year de spite the dedision of the damloion goverament hat it could not aftord ta sound the usual contingent, {| News Yurk authorilies are investiga- ing a new hit of "wiretapping" here hich resalied in a number of pool room proprietors and handbook men Lbelng Heeood amt of $30,000, The Cologwood Shipbuil lag Co. has a contract with the Uleage and St. Lawtence Navication com- pony for a steamer which wil be the e Jnrgest on A Canadian register. Knox, professor of iy Eel history of religion at 'mion Bary, in New York, | at Seoul, Kored, on Thursday, aged Glty-nine years, One hundred and four million brook trout will be distributed throughout the "lakes and phi pi op streams of Minnesota this year 16 pro. = amusement sportsmen. fh Al nn two hours' ramming t Nid ah, of cities, four robbers blows open the vault of he of Midlonsd, oi escaped with Pi roe fa ji also be fs {4 i suffered fire damage! ] | leadership, {him to reconsider his decision. despate h says that | the [trite £, the construction camjs Titarie, | accident, isl {Transe sui fo Denmark from the | A dueted bill s { th: stevmshi {eredited merciless! ; Thibet- | million wall-eyed pike | THE TOWN OF GANANOQUE. west be cost of Mexieo to took | interests. of Hritish sub -------- 5 bekeved that another | Oddfellows at Churchi---Post Ottice | { i i be sept by Great Britain | Soon to be Started, { the Gulf i ! "With face wreathed Happy Jack" Mul New jeon deted of mre {McBrie y a saloonkeeper, | tene d to die in the wees of June i Ww. B. Sullivan, a who has resided | in jforty years, died on | seventy une Vears, | Moss, Lady Moss { bridge, of Toronto, 1. kN. 0. {h, will be waiter i fects. v asad Gananc 2 Archibald and hig AFeNe, April &,{ Babdton. a wellknown spected resident of Pine to rest on' Friday last, sged sixiv-on years, after a long illness. The iu "imeral took place yesterday to Ganan- oe cemetery, The home of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis {Flaherty was thrown open to their firiends for a cottage dance gn Friday levening. About 150 officers and members © of Gananoque Lodge, No. 114, 1.0.0.F., with fiiteen members of Canton Ganan oque, No. 12, lined up in parade ves terday morning to attend divine wor ship in St. Andrew's church Rev. Henry Gracey preached: the society sex mon. i Navigation from this port has open ed up for the season, the first out- bound being Capt. Frank Barnhart, with his coal schooner, Horace Taber, after a load of soft coal. The Thousand Island gun club's see: ond match, out of the series of three, for the Nobel gun case, was shot off on Wednesday afternoon. The stand ing of the contestants now being: N Rattray, E. P. Wright, 8. Griftin, tie, 70 out of 10d; W. F. Stevens, F. Willis, tie, 71 out of 100; U. A. Lewis, 36 oat of 50; H. McCarney, 32 out of 50. The series will be finished next Wednesday afternoon. The Gananoque Spring and Axle Co, is having a large addition to its ware house on River street erected, the work being in the hands of Mitchell & Wil- son. It us expected that operations will ba started at the Boyd properby, vorne of King and Stone streets for the new post othce building early in May. far as can be learned the contract has not as yet been let. Local contract ors are tendering for the work, John Hubbard has during the past week, disposed of his brick residenee on King to Maxim Bishop. 1 Conlin is having addition made to the known the souvenir gore, is Ww turned nto an ice cream store I'he local Salvation Army corps con a memorial last evening for those who lost their, lives m > s nue, nis sn il es rhiv ve ranes, « irk, the passed the elecirvio drd. Toronto lawver, | Chicago, IH., for! Thursday, aged! drs. Thomas | and Lady Falcon: are sisters. freight rates, after reduced materially counlized over the in conformity 'with the standard mile- age tariff jor Eastern Canada. The chief reductions are on charges 'to points north of ('ohalt, After nearly twenty years of Dr. Franz Adickes, burgomaster of Frankfort. announces Heavy pressure is be- ing brought to bear on him to induce May and Rystem civie chief The question of the release of Mar- ry K. Thaw from the Matteawan In- gane asylum will be disposed of om Mav 6th Justice Keough, sitting without a jury, will take up the ques- tion of Thaw's sanity and dispose of jit is losing a month a trade of by the r ol Pacitie rail- merchants 'strongly furs e more dre ustie government aciion to: rid Prit'sh Columbia of LWW Loaders andi oh ay Qrite the bisgist thing {tre Ry will undertake this year {eorstruction of the great nt nental railway Aum sta in South Australia goalie in Western Australia. enterorise will cost at least £! Lec, . The to be | Hall, Vanchuser trade a miden d@lars he Canadian Northern Why, Prominent which Aus- in the Federal from Port to Kk: The S06 - So King of Denmark has promised present at the Copenhagen City August dred, to receive on behalf Danish-American committee the national park, purchas ed in Jutland at the instance of the committee, of which Dr. Henius, of Chicago, is president, street west, au building on Main street, which as be SOTV Ie FAST TRIPS TH CANADA, Titanie disaster. Vessels of Iustopia Type to] Join B. Mc Murchy, spending Cross tn Five Dhys. winter in the Bermuda Islands, April 97 i Aurmed much improved in health PI wt ; mportant H. I. Lariviere and het expuete con=13. O'Neill, expected soon, with the passage to Ua- ¢ : possession of the property on and se. eral : Her sonskioration weently purchased by Mrs. La sideration : . : : from Mrs. J. De Witta H.W {tLe (Fr oxtl Let a . § I Ta Country the retary-trea ure ol the leased thé property occupied by J. A remove from the New : the nas 1x Mrs mother, Mis to take Stone Lond n, Opens nection | pada, devel nre shorily in are sen proposals now un street, wm at she 3 riviere rlening u veen: the Mother|,. Looper, R. Co. has Church street, loch, and will eronto shortly Mi Hanes, and of the the French WL th» dominion continental Franslantic, trend ff emigration irae, now in the Canadiin ports, have to inaugurate dircet seriters this lor to arrange for calls by cricen lines at Hehilax, N28 Several conferences with reference to {the question of neceleration have r cenil) held at Ottawsn, betwesn le government and re, COMPANIES fust sory weover, nme nota bly Bul Des observing i from here ol either is direction Seciited STRANGE AND GRUESOME TASK year, their Am- in Parish lothwell, Eng. April 27.---A somewhat gruesome task been performed in the crypt of parish church at Rothwell, amptonshire, where lie some HL000 human beings. This charnel-house, similar to those may be seen at Hythe in Kent Ripon in Yorkshire, hag long ed the attention of county and anliquarians, and some nonths ago it was discovered that the damp in the vaults was rapidly reducing the great collection of bones to a ms valieless for purposes of scientific in vestigation. The wicar of Rothwell, therefore, decided that the remains should be moved from their position against the outer wall, and piled: in the centre of the eryvpt. Shelves wero also erected along two of the walls and on these the greater number { the skulls have now been placed - iv rows, while the thigh and other large bones have been arranged in stacks. Although Performed Church in London, and ntly the North the remains of strange bien has rece resentatives ol interested in ee between Huila, and, pending of a satlslactory in the proposed Liverpoal acd the arrangeae t seems, it is understood that a mittee of the Borden enbinet po thoroughly into the matter the ree 88, ard that the Allan muil contract willbe renowed other year from May lst next. Me nthme the Canadian Pacific and th Canadian Ncribhern ecompanics are 8 id to be keen compeiitors in the ne rotiations, which are in progress, and ewh of the rival concerns are whkth the intention of spend ing abot L6,000,000 on an express line fr the mails, provided that the g¢entract invol.es the grant of run ning tghts over the Intercolonial ra lway between Haldax, N.8., apd St. John, N.B, In order to day service ucross the eroncsed to bvild a Orton vessels of the whieh, at short notice, could be equipped as armed cruisers for the cefence of the trade routes in time of war. The C {scheme also ment of a fast vast which and at attract historians com 's to during Line for an tw maintiin a regular five Atlantic, it is number of 30,- Lusitania type, Rothwell was in former times a nlace of considerable impor tance, surrounded by walls and hold ing its weekly market, it is not easy to acrount for such an enormous num ber «f skeletons and throw no light charpel-house discovered when south ancient records upon the subject. The appears to have heer accidentally some 200 vears a grave was being aisle of the church. ---------- rs -- \ SON MUST SUPPORT BRIDE, anadian Pacific Railway's includes the establish line from Halifax to Kingston, Je which would link up with the Transatlantic boats at the Nova Scotisn port, and thus proviie jan all-Briitsh route for the mails be tween the United Kingdom and the {West Indies, by way of Canada. ago, the dug in Boy Sacrvificed Money and tunity by Elopement. Oppor- Arto 5 BN prs nc soi Old Owl Says "The wise woman cleanses, purifies and bleaches her white things and her linens makes 'them a beautiful, snowy, stainless white by using the wise cleanser." "The wise cleanse is OMO, a scientific preparation that will not harm the finest white fabrics, nor the hands. OMO removes tea, coffee, cocoa and fruit stains. It does the sun's work. Get 'oMO at grocers', Be wise 10c. Use OMO Pugsley, Dingman @, Co. Limited, Toronto We Are Headquarters for INGOT METALS--Large Stock, Prompt De liveries. Ingdt Copper, Pig Iron, Pig Lead, Sheet led, Aluminum, Zn: Spelter. i METAL Limited TORONTO "The St. Louis, April study in Europe and rificed by Chrisilan teen-year-cld son dell, millionaire er, when he eloped to and was married to Miss Harel Wal ker. Furthermore, says father in denying parental forgiveness, he now support himself and his his own efforts. "1 do not know Lhe voungy woman or her parents." ssid Nicholus MN 481. *']l have devoted my ie t son and his sister, Marjorie, ears' sac ~T'wa 3 5,000 were Peper Bell, of Nicholas tobacco ning M manufactuy ot When The Lungs Are Weak) To every person with weak lungs or who has a family history with re cords of consumption, a cough or cold is a serious matter. Coughs have a tendency to bang on. They irritate the weakened mem- branes and prevent healing. There js Mary lnstitute, and yet it always the danger thai a cold may bate not his confidence get a firm foothold and setile on the £0ing to work for me ot lungs. - It is so casy under these con. Felatives." ditions for pneumonia or eonswwption! Young Bl to develop, automo! Le. About the surest means of control- jthe might ling coughs and colds is by the use rents after the Bell family had re of Dr. Chase's Symp of Linseed and used forges, : Turpentine. This treatment Joosens| Mrs. Bell it is s.0d, is prostraie the cough, allays the irritation and as a result of the elopement. inflammation and thoroughly over comes the disagreeable sv mptoms. The stiecess of this medicine has given rise to many imitations. It is only natur- al to suppose that the geiginal pos: sessed merit of an unusual Charles his must wife by now srems He Ans elojed in his lather' lle and his bride at the home of her Pe ------------------------ AGAIN TALK OF BRYAN. § -- Silver Tongued Brings Senator Under His Sway. Washington, April 27.--The visit of William J. Brean to Washington, and his conferences with the various paris fleasiers here, particularly in the sen ate, was followed hy widespread dis euskion of the possibility that the dis tinguished Nebraskan might again bw the democratic eandidate for pres dent, In short, the imypwession leit "ak that H Col. Theodore Roosevelt should be the republican nominee, Mr Bryan would like onee move (0 take the field against him. her a millien &llars will be ex peg this season in ral ¥h ing, serorcing to a compala- | tion made by the Ameriean Antomo: bile Assceiston's touring informa | -- QUEEN'S CAFE Lunches served "on the - shortest notice. 'REGULAR DINNER, 23. 2 SA A TEA! TEA! TEA! Yd From the Finest Tea Gardens of Ceylon, uncolored, aud of the finest flavor, Green and Black at 20¢ per pound, at. . : J ANDREW MACLRAN, stipation. The mild, sens reliable remedy is the latest which rt and without dis wre not They contain Siscovered and best svacuant empties the bowels without the turbing the rest of the systen.. Contant! necessary 28¢. « box. If your drugyist has not ya! stacked therm, send 25 and wii worn, Af National Drug and C hefnic ol Company of Cannda, Limited, Montreal, Dawn, Queen Millinery On Thursday, Friday and Saturday May 2nd, 3rd and 4th Will show advance MILLINERY All these Styles in Ladies Hew are cordially invite creations 174 WELLINGTON ST. PUTT TCT VOPITT TOW TIT IOCE OVO IETET ww ria a BR {A IR, i fou LIPTON"S TEA GOES FARTHEST FOR THE MONEY franseontimes- | Gutarie Street. tion bureau, New York ety, W. L. DOUGLAS Custom Made Shoes They are made upon honor of the best loath the most skilled workmen, For style, I's, in all the latest © Fit and Wear they ha hy ah fy equal $3.50 and $4.00 AA 1 HA SO LA. AS SON. SOLD ONLY RY REID & CHARLES IOS,

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