Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Apr 1912, p. 5

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, APRIL 29, 1912: : When Lie Blast went ofl stones: were MARRIED IN TORONTO. ! j i : INJURIES WERE FATAL thrown Bn afl direflions and the 'un THE WAGES OF SN 1 Ki t M T 1 " fomonate gan wey struck in the side! ngston Man OOK BB oronty | : S---- wd had aetery] eh broken, Bride. A B BE R N E T H Y Ss 8 H 0 E 8 T 0 R E BULGARIAN DIED AT GENERAL He wax ghverl medical aid and rush- {SUBJECT OF SERMON TO ou] The warniage of Miss Gladys {Tiny J HOSPITAL ON SATURDAY. ed to the gener hospital as speedily | ODDFELLOWS Diewson, youngest daughter of Laps. | as possible, but from the very start! a i and Mrs. Dickson, to baward J. Swat, : it was shown that he could net. re-| lot' Birminghaws, Alabama, f Mr. | Was Hurt in Construction Camp of |, .. [iy Freeman attended the in {By Rev. 8. J. M. Compton in St. An-| od I oh h Tt Mr e we oes Canadian Northern Railway Nearljured man at the camp and had him! drews' Church on Sanday Morning | (ook place very quietly at 2.00 clock] A Lake Opinicon on Thursday Last removed to the hos 3 | --=Has Oddfellowship a Place forjon Sat urday afternoon, mn the 'preshy- Dir. Mundell Will Hold Inquest, This makes tae lon rth fatal. acc Christ? {tery of the Church - of Uur Lady of dent which has accwrred in construe 3 : J Lourdes, ioronto, Hev. Father Mor The B.A arin named Avarinoss, who lion camps of the Canadian Northern] A spesial service, Sunday morning, row othciating. om rom u wus wjurd in the econstruetidn camp | railway in this distticy during the' was "that at St. ' Andrew's church, the lair young bride, given away by} of the Canadian Northern railway, hast few months, Just a few weeks | when the Oddiellows of the cily---Ca- | her father, ore an exquisite gown ot ] | a , W Le v ! weer bale Opifeon, on Thursd ago u Bulgarian was struck with aftaragui lodge, No. Jo, Kingston dodge; iwhite charmeuse and pearls Lhe 0000000000000 0000 ced in the gener hospital en Sa letone while engaged in bjasting and No. 59, Granite lodge, No W, Ame dice on one side was neavil i { 5 h @ E 4 i . : i bx ( Oo sche as npeavily em torday afternoon | recived injuries which "caused bis, stone City Encampment, Louise lodge, | hiwide red with pearls draped with fir. Bs M i, ewoner, who | th in the general hospitif a few Pe 4 _D; Canton Kingston, No: | harmeuse \ pane! train embroidered New Tans for Men, Nu-Buck for Women, wan notified The death, ordered an duys latex 6, P:M.--~about 600 strong, attende : ? 1 e . with seed pearls was caught from the in puest, witch will be held in the Decessed was ahout. thirty ess oii the ninety-third anniversary service Po R pol ed court room, at the city halt, ee. , A post. mortem wat held : on) The procession formed up at the hall | shaulders with a wide satin bow. Her Patents and Gun Metals for Boys, {veil, which was of tulle, was crowned a -- rma y p jrock | i on Tuesday evening the body on Saturday. RK. J. Hea) on King street and marched up I with oragge blossoms. She i : 3 ne soms. She carried a Pitre 7 Constible Samuel Arnie took charge of the remains [street to Clery, and thence to . the | ith SYAUET BUssons. "he OEE 8 Strap Shoes and Colonials for Girls. went oul to the camp to-day . to] ' Is ecotch kirk, The Canton, with Major |. © oe % iit to her a veld . purimon witness lor the inques i toss, in command, led, then the ie grooom sg > h Was a gok The accident occurred when rie) Few robins are hopping about as irate members, and the officers and {watch brace tel : : Whit P li hes S ed P li hes Bo Scout Polish ! . blasting Fveterans marching, and some driving 1 Miss Eifrida Lester, maid of honor, e 0 Ss 4 : u e 0 18 9 y . Were enyunges vet. s i of teks | wet Rgaged gu yer in the rear of the procession. At the and Miss Haidee Crawford, were the church the whole halted, and the offi bride's attendants, dressed alike in eers and veterans marched through the f dainty frocks of pink flowered ma files and with the Canton aceapied the | quiselie, made high-waisted, with fine front pews in the centre section of the sat fichue. (Sh Bats nore A Shite ¥ x aregation. outside the raw with lace" and pink tulle bows. PACKED tush, Se cong TRA io doors th | They carried bouquets of red and pink IN ONE ing thrown open into the Sunday onpe and wore the groom's gifts, gold school hall. " jand filagree earrings. James Swift 'The service was impressiv e, the | was bis brother's best man. hymns and music being 'inspiring and | Auer the ceremony the bridal party - appropriate. The choir rendered the rave to the residence of the bride's ~ Tt of coffee by the cereal substi- Janse "0h, For a Closer Walk With father of Park Road, where Mrs. Dick- FIRST CARED OF IE . . tod." as N *, Hinckley singing the [son held a large reception, weaning tute people, coffee is still the iad a yi pleasing effet, X he | champagne embroidered net. over sat- breakfast favorite of millions of Arthur Urale also sane at the offer- {in and brown hat with pansies, and sensible To. torys The choir, as well as the mem- he carried violets. Miss Bickson was | ARRIVED IN KINGSTON ON SUN. {bers of whe oraef, wore roses, Yhe | in mauve charmeuse and black hat DAY EVENING. Seal B torgan prelude and postulude, by Miss | with net howe hs Survie mauve wha nd Shaw were the "Song of Hope (Pa- sweet peas. Mrs. Joseph Swilt wore} | . 4 a rd tistg) and the "Trumphal March" | black brocaded satin and black hat rhe Steambarge Sowards Reached is the finest coffee 5 i. Auith white plumes After the usual Port From Oswego---Several ot "Rey 4. 8S. NM! Compton, B.D, toasts and speeches, the bride slipped the Montreal Transportation Com- that can be | meached a strong and pointed ser- | away and changed her bridal attire pany's Vessels Have Started Out 2 SAN ion to the, order on the wages of sin for a travelling suit of black and F Fort Willi from the text, "But if ve will not do | wh'te check and black "at, and tossing or Fort Ann. {30 behold, ve have sinned against the | her bouquet to her bridesmaids, drove| The honor of having brought the | Tord; and he sure your sin will find | away with her husband in . shower of | first cargo of coal into the port of bvem out" Numbers xxi.22 le nfetti to catch the train for Detroit | Kingston this season, goes to Capi f Mr. Compton, be fore the delivery of | nnd Chicago en route to their home in| Max Shaw, of the stcambarge Sow {his sermon, and after welcoming the { Birmingham, Ala ards, which arrived on Sunday even fer to his chureh, said he did not re rr ing, at eight o'clock, from Oswego, propose to land such an order as that INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. with a cargo for Sowards. The vessel . " -. * {of Oddfellowship. Hisgone aim in his |° made a trip across the lake early in m I | inery pe ing {ministry was to preach Christ, and Newsy Ta Picked Up By ihe week % D JUST ARRIVED-- the would alwavs strive to i a BE Our Reporters. the steamers Ntormount and Kin ! A Pointer About ICE CREAM Means coming in to enjoy d»- licious, creamy, properly flavored delight. with health and refreshment. No Dbettar pointer on earth. Try our lee Cream. Sakell's NEXT TO OPERA HUSK, 'Phone 640. eo 0000000000000 0000000 9 ANS 00000 0000000009000 {Christ's saving truths. | }d Dus shing 4 piel. | mount, laid up at' Windsor all winter, 6 beg to ( © r 8 er Ove. XK Ide fiasther towards the lose), 0d Dust washing powder at Picks! Lo, Lifor Wort: William. ADAMS MADE TEX 'MILES IN| gi Announce Our Summer Millinery Open p I ering's. . wien rel ering £5 the Christian church, iP Wind Fh O Fhe steamer Rosemount passed Wind SAST TIME Diy TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY and THURS. ! "thrist bought His ire gras Harsin, Bowmanville spent SOr on Scturday on her wav to Fort a oh , AP MA 8t and 2nd, when we wi - ne mighty purpose and that!' ; oi ; ' ' i ; William { S$ 8 Id Fenian raid veteran. His Name Will be Engraved on the! qv rv ' INK 3 a TW 3 Cha {wis to take the gospel to those who;' an oO Al >. #2 . Fhe steamer Advance is loading "ngraved on the have for your mspection a ( omplete New and Except- [have it nob! Phat is Mis will, he], Men! You want to save a dollar : : f Tri Buy boots at Dutton's package freight at Hamilton, for Fort McFedvidge Shield -- The City ionally Smart Assortic ent of I'rimmed Hats and all Leo tinued, "and that the Jews should] ye J arian NM Huater eit to-day William, and on her return trip will Baseball League to Organize. { ie 1 ry S > S . ibceome His own agan.'" " tbe tt a ~ {load wheat for Montreal of fas Yana the © ading hape s for utimer wes ar. a | The preacher asked, "ls the church fore ire Ni it Jonas Jef Shier The steamers Fairmount and West br dae he tens | i Sat . yr mon 1s 3 P e larents , . ' 3 ed og " "y nie record on Sa y WH io AW . . performing her mission ? He had tie ie mount have cleared from Collingwooc tia Tio k . We would like to d an youl attention to our Hand (hae doubts for he declared thal she! 'apt. and. Mrs, - Potter, Lorngante,, Kort William and will load grain urday 3 AO a making the distance Painted Bands and Crowns. This is a unique line and E pobded. to be + re-Uhristianized. street there for Kingston. in 61 min. 15 25 sec. The record that . : : : $ | House cleaning, supplies at Picker tant 4 9 {was made some time ago, by Cadet a most effective trimming. } Mr. Compton went on to say that|. =p] Capt. A. Lepine Las arrived: ftom (yo, "0, 'ah 0.5" 0 Tie pew Alte] 's, : Y ithe same principle applied 10 ihe ing . Point Claire, to take charge of th 1 | ne: order as 2} A He knew] Archbishop Spratt visited'in Napa- [tug Mary P. Hall was. | min. 8 sec. less than the for i G E D Y E, The Up-To-Date Millinery. tie order was doing a great deul of nee. He spoke at high mass. He was Lhe sioamer Belleville clears from a ord : Ho sgt hi fram the i » Bib. lin Napanee to examine into necessary {"amilion, Tuesday, on her regyla «A. building out Princess street | 178 WELLINGTON ST. oor]. and vaskel work, with love, i: | : h ea $ o ad IPA hg nr fl oi 'riy: and eiuality embodied in the improvements to the church and pres trip, 1 , PRIVATE FI ING ROOMS, "PHONE 225 i i iat what yinve 1s bytery. L again. ( olin Macpherson % antomoigile TT A 4 3 went along for fear that the runner ; Ro ef soaked 9p rl Students ! Music sent post free any » \ bp thére in all thes for Glirist," he ask i - Passenger Capacity. might: need 40" stop. The wibners 0 i 3 ' sre. Dutton's a : « ed, Read your constitution. Twon't| "here. 1 this e Americ or ve going | ne : EPS Pe say what 1 found; Ull leave 1t for Mr. and Mrs. John - McKercher, The American inspectors aré going fname will be engraved on the Mcled rae hate ems ba BinEetom bo ecules, the mumber of pusseogort rigs sield;" For This Week's Sale "Yor brotherhood is glorious. But také up residence. Mr. McKercher has steamers lo carry, The Oswego in iwhat 's it unless it is a Chris)an|occepted a promotion in the service of spectors who were here last week are To Make Arrangements. Le stherhood; if it makes any diffec- | the Prudential Life Assurance Co. reported to huve made a marked re- A meeting of the City Paschall! ence whether the will of God is done] Comliort boot for men and women.| duction in the number of passengers | | eague wili be called for Thursday The «n this earth." '"leed My -Lambs"|lLow prices. Dutton's. formerly carried by one of the Clay-levening, to make final arrangements 1 tght be carried out but how about A meeting of the management com: | von boats. The Canadian law in this] for the coming season. Ewery team 'anowest thou Me?" | mittee of St. Luke's church has been | rospoct is more stringent than thelihat desires to enter should see that The very latest ideas in Baby Bug throughout the first part of the| called for Monday evening, to discuss] American, and the Washington auth-|they have representatives at this meot- | gies somon Mr. Compion dealt with gin the advisability of buying the pipe|grities can go a good way vet. There]ling. The juniors are nsked to he pres Jit as with the law of gravitation all | organ of St. John's church, Belleville, | should be a uniform passenger carry- ent. : See our Window Display at tasses, great or small, are drawn to| Which has been offered for sale ing law agreed upon at Ottawa and Jd cre centre, following the same prip- Sale corset covers, 20c.; $1 moto Washington Notes on Sports. 9 . at Awe ' . veils, H0e.; belts, Be; elastic belts, i ates Consul ci de, $0 €in jh v ys finds the tras Det ton's United States Con ul Jobason "ys Jersey City has won three out of gressor ort, rich or poor, strong om i; : . . |e was pleased to see in the Whig ol four from Rochester: und' two out of . : vw. ak. ~in is the want of conform-| George Hilton, acting veterinary di- [Saturday an article on the passenger | f Phone 147 : s ( ? three from Toronto, it unto the law of God, and trans-'rector general, Ottawa, has given G. learrving question, and he intends tol (rsfion ag: 'nst the law of God. There F. Mutton, Portsmouth, a certificate [take up the matter with the depart {uit of Toronto plaver, continues to , sides. J ) : there were react 'hateve ) ' o wie the two ides ust as if man that there Wake ho = tions wh Bley + {ment of marine at Washington, using thump the ball for the Boston Na NOVEL COMPETITION. fies in the face of the laws of na- in his cows subjected to the tubercul- [the Whig"s article as a basis. of his | tionals He was but very few points t re and health he must sufier, if holin test, as evidenced by a chart re- [report. He will make a punber of ro- 4 shy of beating Haus Wagner for the Active Service Cup tu be (live y STE sods : eordi ta Hak " sndations \ ven to transgrisses God's law it wll sure: cording the conditions after' the test,|commendations. i National Leggue batting honors last : lv come back to him. Our lives may Some fifty cows were tested, se---- eso: Best Team, ay is one lok all 1izht so us, but how do patent Captain Won Hat, | The magnates of the big baseball A novel competition, which is open they anpear from the Godward side, | RODE BIC YC ON RIDEW AL K Hats offi to Capt. Max Shaw, of the lanoues are partially. convineed that [10 the quadrons and companies of V hat about the wasted lives, unused | --------. steambarge: Sowards, The captain | he championship season begins too | Corps in the first, weeond, and third arpy . oi . t fonts and anspent opportunities ? 1t| And Had to Pay a Fine in the Police] was the first to arrive in Oswego with] \ "Conte de a [military divisiogs, is asssounced io ET your Bicycle. Every day between now and | oi ve more «tilicult ar " : y feariy. buy they, dows, contemplate a Court, a cargo, and on that occasion v 83 | chamee in view of the way the fans militia orders It is a challenge tro the day you pick your mount is another day |!h¢ sins of transgression, the preach-| sy hicvelo riders ean take warning | Presented with a fine hat by. the bar ype crowding arund the. box office | Phy given by the late Hou, J. Gowan, . y . " . i : ~ or declared. from a ease which came before: Magis-| POF master, following the usual cus lywindows of Barrie, for the team scoring the without the help a bieyele will give you. Many doctrines are irving to-day trate Farrell, Monday morning. A }ilom to make such a presentation each| The Toronto ¥Faton Hockey Club | highest mimber of marks n'a march : . t» smooth down the rougn edges of i... 'who Yode on the sidewalk just | season to r first man on the job| Las received a check' for the smn of |g and firing competition. This tro "mn x : vive But it is no use. Look back poo (he road was a dittle muddy, | Capt. Shaw®was also the first man Lo £1,100 from the Allan cup trustees for phy is apn to units earrying out an I'he Bicycle saves hours of time every day. Won the ages, at Jacob, Saul, Pel as fined %1 and costs oH 7" {hring a cargo inte Kingston harbor, expenses to Winnipeg last February nual training in camps of instruction 2 . t.r, and all the rest. The Jews ate| "I only went a block." said the eiti- | and should be remembered in a sim {The Eaton team put in a bill for 81, The trophy is known as the Active t day Fearing the blood which| "It "was raining and the road Var manner by the loc ul harbor-mas- 500, so that the trip cost the club at | Service cup 0 such return to popularity as the Bicycle is enjo (h ir. ancestors caused by the ery sett, i ter. fons' $410 I'he 'teatns are to consist of one of les ¥ FAR Vi v . . i could have been possible but for its practical value. © recify Pim, Crucify Him." al "There ada danger in this prac a Toronto Telegram: It"was not so |ficer, two sergeants, ome bugler, aod sin is so obscure that it cannot dolce," replied the magistrate. "You Held Memorial Service. { much religious scruples that is caus. [twelve rank and (ile, the rank aud filo ia vile work to tne human soul" del icht run down some person." Service was held on Sunday in Prin- ling Ottawa to forego Sabbath day [competition require the JYeams 10 ve el nd tle preacher, "But | did not see any person on |eess street Methodist church in mem- ga ymes, %0 much as that the praprie [march five miles at reguintion pace, W-- the walk." : ory of the late Mrs. N. Caverly and {tor of the grounds aeross. the river | not longer than one hour and thirty First Baptist Church. The excuse was of no use, however, |H. S. Burns, both of whom were ac- § wanted most of the monéy, Then, |#Y minutes, including a hall of six Tt was a very much interested audi- | the magistrate imposing the fine. The | tive members of the congregation. Ap- jagain, Sunday ball usually brings out nde, . A ence that listened to the pungent gos accused blamed a neighbor, "with [propriate music was rendered by the # rowdy crowd and the Freneh-Ca- Robes ar siiention is to we aid te pel address by Douglas Russell, in the {whom he is not on friendly terms, for Jchoir. W. M. Mack sang "One Sweet- pucks down in Ottawa and over n | Tiscipline it be ~ bargin 0 gt 20 0 First Baptist church, last ' Sunday making the complaint Iv Solemn Thought," and Miss Grave Hull are on a par with the erowd ranges _ be OU), J, HR, SU, ani evening, Mr. Russell, who has been -------- i Mitchell rendered "Crossing the Bar." that attends lacrosse matches in the } yards. greatly used of (oe in evangelistic AN ACTOR IN TROUBLE. : ee -- east--indiined to sly brick bate at the work, still retains the vigor and fer- Had a Surprise. pvisiting team, particularly if the vis Complaints of High Charges. ror of pis SuHliet od His ex} Raat Dr. Pelletier, a Vaudeville Artist, pe and Mrs. Byers had a very plea- {sore habpn 10 be loading. were ae Surely it is time for a § wvestign- Tibieor Pence, the poe which God Laid Charge in Court, Ty sant surprise when they reached their 1, sed of competing in wriforms verg: | hon ig *XPrese Share é both gives the believer, and which God Dr. Pelletier, a vaudeville artisi, | home in Spencerville, after their L100 on fmmodesty, the Olympic exe-| Canada and the united ates--or, laid a charge in police court, Monday {honeymoon. They were greeted bv feveive committee announced that all better still, the taking over of the i { | : { was Suceessiul pn latest in Go-Carts and Baby Carriages. Dr. Rov Miller, the former Univer re 1 1 alone ean give. He spoke of this peace - : > 2 " " g . Gresv y { ' as "the universal weed of the human | morning. He charged R. HW. Murray, | about one hundred people, who gather "i hiotes must wear onecyaarter sleeves business bn the government om an" re sinned. 2 or. | connected with the Princess street od at their home and were presented aud running trunks that reach to th plaints of high charges are almost "Masse ' and 6¢ Periect" a) have sinned 2H Jewd tor theatre, with having unlawfully con- [with several tokens of their esteem Lee " ng » universal, A. business firm on Monday y (iod, who has" made a universal pro- verted his property to his own use. Jjar the young doctor. Mrs. Byers | Ay (he Clymbie games at Stockholm received a package [som Baltimore, 2 vision, 50 that all mankind who hears {but the accused denies the charge. was Miss M, W. McMichael, Cataragui, in July an Frnglish ghel of filteen is] 9d oes than: five pounds in mwight, -* : J this gospel may, through Christ, re. The case as enlarged until Wednes: | and wedded recently. 'to compele in the world's equestrian om seh the aed ee 1CyC es furn to God and fimd peace. God has day: Dr. Pelletier protested Against A . _ |rhampionship. The intending compe A kia Ae wa ob on od Paving. provided, in His pesple the means for the case being eolarged, saying that| The steamer Belleville of the Rich: :iitor ix Miss Helen Preece, and. she aif ve She an. chbrged ml . 38 : the universal pre jon of the hs Schl pat, foes hia Bropertss _ ehieu & Satarie Navigation company fs ensidered to be a wonderful horse }' nt} ive ote ; . : veat gospel meswage. 6 This | tha n o-get oul of i will open the season of navigation be | woman. : mr are known for sturdy con- them for reliability. Hun- -- an is 10 he oioclninia to! The eidsuce in the case will he heard tween Hamilton and Montreal on Ap- st For cool evenings, 20- alt les, to every creature. When | 97 ay. oil 30th. x kr Raa ervans, al Dution's, ation and up w the- Sreds of old molicls fe = all (his has been done, the grest pro. Di nasul 4 f Estate Special sait cage, 81.30. Poiton's BISHOP WORRELL'S SERMON Two fairly good sized bovses wil- minute features. 'There : bought {ison offered must be personally ap Sposa of ate, Mr. John Comper and family, also |, Lake' nessed the "Mute and Jef" periorm- never has been another years age. {Ypropriated. All the fulness and free-{ The'late Mrs. Bell, widow of Rev. {Miss Pearl Anderson, are loving for {10 St. Luke's Churh on Sundayi,... ,. (he Grand Satucday, The boyde that could beat {nes of the provision >in be of no [George Bell, D.D., former registrar of | Toronto, where they will reside. Evening. 5 rhow was one of the funniest that has : Et at il unless appropriated by faith. 1 Queens, Joft an estate of $4,182. The Bis Nop Worrell, of Halifax, preached | been seen here in "wuny 4 day. The hi x Huse] i ht and intaventing in [Broresty a he Weed in Soxiug fou PSE in Bt. Luke's church om Sundsy ev- chorus were good, w sen lustrations, | Marmaret el ring life, 5 ening, his text being "Whom think ye Sale miants' boots, wool deals, sic. an! Wis address madein deep impres- {chon divded becween Mes. Belly' ive |g BRAIN WORKS that T amt" Te wail that the Chris Dutton's, sis on the fine audience present to children. J tian of to-day must be as the Clwis Mies Margie MacDonald, Gananonue, he r him last evening. aa. Clear and Clean tign of Christ's time. - His faith mist [has returned howe after spending . » To Cure a Cold in One Day. On iy : * be built 'apon creed, worship and work, {few days with ber friend, Miss Doris The handsome boat house ai Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tah Croeds remain ss they were in those |Overbaugh. Sim th's Fails, owned hy G. Edwards, [lete. Druggists refund money if it fails early days of hristianity. A Chris- of Oitasa, was sunk some time dur- [to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on G : N {tian should be a devout worshipper. in~ the past season by rats ealing each box. Ve. rape-, uts Our Lord's example in praying should hols in it. FOOD be followed more. Christ went often Viirabeth - A.B. White, aged eight | To Attend the Funeral 10 worship. * "The reason we have mogths, twin child of Filacd Whites of of, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Lockett, Stuart "There's a ileason." not advanced farther with regard to Beackville, died on Ssturday. The street. 1. T. Lockett and Douglass : the evangelization of the world," said i or died about ten days age. Russell, lof for Belleville, this morn- Get "The Roall to Weliviile™ hiv Jordehip, "is because too many of of corsets, fifty kinds to choose ing, fo attend the funeral of = Mrs. n pies. #s have commenced and coded with {3 einen inten of BG Kockoth service and that only." i swenters for evs

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