Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Apr 1912, p. 1

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ranged aily vitish Whi YEAR 790-30. 101 THE REPLY OF WHI 10 ORGANIZED LABO It is Not Said to to Mest With Favor. PREMIER'S STATEMENT NO OPINION ON AMENDMENT TO ASSESSMENT ACT. Considers ! Present Factory tion System an Fight Hour Working Shit Desirable, Ottawa, Apel { ntario executive ol Irades and Labour avid for a reply lative requests if 20. In answer the Congress, We owriting to legis made through a de putat.on during the late session of the has tUmtario house, 'remier Whitney sent a formal statement cers of the congress. Un points the answers Sir characteristic, of with his favor The resolution asking for the estab- lishment of municipal technical schodi 15 answered thus "ths commu Dominion technical pleted to the ol many James them of and few are meet "ion appointed by government 10 enquire into education bave nearly com- their labors, having held st in al sections of Canada a taken evidenen from all classes is ested in © the subject, including labor organizations. It would be well for the labor tongress to await their re- port, which will be issued within few months, beiore asking a de inite position." Fothe request for spectors he replies : "Futal accidents are statistics do not show more factory in and ac decreasing that minor cidents are increasing, but on account | wesks ago a corpse, of Ontatio having a capable staff of of -W, inspectors, accidents are more fully re ported, Loeal inspectors in each in- dustrial contre would not be so effici ent as the present method of inspec: tion; the best service is obtained from district inspectors. Untario has present 'mine inspectors for as many districts. They reside, one in Hamilton, one one in London, and five in Toronto." Asked for Jeguslation to debar. Ori entals from employment on any h- i : that de does are employed wailers oi in Stratford, a » not beueve" Urientals either 4s bar tenders, cooks in Ontario hotels, In reply to the request for legisla. {suveral letters from Ils tion allowing only shifts where the four hour system premier save : Very desirable if to shifts where work 1s varozd on conse cutively for the whole twenty four hours, for any lengthened period dur ing the your, The resolution approving of the pro posed amendment to act of Ontario, to. permit municipali- | ties, if they so desire, to tax improve ment values at a lower rate than land is met with, 'An economic question I do not feel satisfied to express opinion," An appeal for the most up-to-date safety appliances for linemen and elee teienl workers elicits : "The inspector of factories and the Hydro Electric Commission have had this matter under consideration. {gv some time. 1 may be necessary to re- quire. modieal exwmination of all men proposing to engage in this work, and h found to have any organic dis- ease, partienlarly heart trouble, they should be debarred from that employ ment," Requests for lahor representatives to be nppointed justices of the peace; "No objection to nominees of labor organizations being appointed as jos tices of the pence if satisfactory in all other respects." twenty - the continuous 18 In vogue, it can be a values, an or dr ---- DYING, ALL APPROVED Inspees Sttisfactory----i es Not Believe Orientals are Employ. od in Ontario Motels, and Regards ns to the Duniinion which of the the assessment ! LOST LIFE IN STRANGE WAY. Wirdow Descended © on His Neck Youth Hanged. PEL, April eleven year-old son of James Arbing, d4 blacksmith, of North Tryon, came to his death this morning in a most ¢ xtraordinary man- ner. Sometimes he was given the task oi thaking the school fire re: dy for lig hting. Not having the key, he stood a piece of board against the side of the building and cimbed to the win- dow. The board slipped and the win at the same time came down on his neck, leaving him suspended there. A neighbor, James Leard, happening Lo pass, noticed the hanging from the window and hastened to his res- cue, but found that life was extinet. 34 hb let PEEPEIPED > I Charlottetown, Henry Arbing, the 29 dow boy SMUGGLER PENITENT, Ottawa, Amil > hundred dollars money' reached the depart- of customs, one of the larg- est amounts yet received from a jenitent smuggle The money came by letter, a 29.--Two "conscience | Another Man Buried by Mistake. at shop where the corpse had been pi ved one in Ottawa,' 'egr } ined this by eight: 'hour work mystery of the identity of the | | } have cight-hour working ' The Late Mrs. i upon which ' "church. | | (most | | ACTION OF FATHER Drowning, Bays Nodded Approval When Parent Carried Sister to Shere. Geneva, April 20. -A Swiss father has just had a torrible experience in a boatimg disnster on Lake Constance. He. with his three boys and a girl, and accompanied by his brother, went jor a'row in a hoat, and were overs taken # 4 a sudden storm, the boat tounderin The father was a good swimmer, and had to chouse wmong, his four children which of them he should save first, He chose his favorite, the girl, * and swam with her to shor safely, return. ing at once tn rescue his sons, but they had disappeared under the was tors, aml were dro . The bo could not win their uncle only 3 get ashore. boys, with death star: | stolen. meney order, but there was nothing to indicate the loca- tioh of the sender. Officials of the department, however, think he is a Toronto Man. * APIIEPIES ILI IE LI | IDENTIFIED BY MOTHER, BUT NOT HER SON Turns Up Six Weeks Later--- Insigance Collected. Worth, April i tentified Wollerd, was seit N.Y, and the Mary. Wofferd, Fort Tex RD. that | from here as ki. to Brookhn, mother, Mrs. the lody es that of her leet d fide 5 s trance. karly a wails ad the i | x | | { ma accepte and Saturday undertaking pr He declared i and that 8 son, col man into for shipn ent, mistake had been mado, wis the resl Wollerd The mistake in sdentits by a recemilange between nnd the man who was: buried fin name, nd by letters found on TR vorrse adiressed to Wollerd, Wofford saying he had los iwcoatl in the pockets of which were | Th { mar buried for Wofferd remains unsolved Was caused Woiferd mn mother : DIED ITY oT Ww A. i : Mills, Kingston. Whig PAR Formerly. of Specia Ottawa, a large circle to the April With deep regret | of friends will learn of | the death of Mrs. Mills, wife of Na | thaniel Mills, postmaster of the { House of Commons, whieh occurred at | (her late residence, 68 Melaren street, | on Saturday, after an illness of only | three weeks' duention. The late Mrs Mills was a danghter of the Inte Hugh Ross, Kingston, and resided in Ot. tawa for many vears. She was a member of St. Andrew's Presbyterian There survive her sorrowing husband, two daughters, Mrs. Robert lee Rigws, Winnipeg, Miss Mar guerite, at hope, and one son, Ross Mills, of the post office department The funeral took place, to-day, tes | Beechwood cometery, Rev. Dr, "He ridge conducting the service, WREATH FOR LINER'S DEAD. Chicago Masons to Drop it in Sex Where Titanie Sank. Chienzo, Aptl 20. The Oriental Cansistory® F;, and AM., have fox warded to New York hy expeess the beautifil floral tribute hat (Heago coi ld furnish, a% wu tribut to the heroes of the Titanic. The floral tribute will be 'placed aboard a White Star liner and diop ped in the ses ns wear as possiblet. the lace where the Titanic went down, The wreath bears the sofiplion : "Av Rest--~Titanic." DE Favor Church Union, Belleville, Ont., Apuil 20 ~The Me thodist congregation in this county are voting strongly for chureh union. At Stirling the vole was 167 for and forty-three against. On Marmorda cir cuit the vote stood ISS for and only two againgt union. In Tweed 272 vot ed in favor of union and eight against. At Actionlite, Methodists ninety-one in favor and four against. Wireless Equipment for Line. Sarnia, April 20 Manager Gilder sleeve; the Northern Navigation company, stated that his company had ordered a number of Marconi wireless outfits for their fleet of ships. The instruments will be installed and ready before the land stations . are placed by the government ai Bar nia, the Soo and Port Arthur. Dr. Carron, "Brockville, was in West: port on Thursday to Ammpylate abave Phe knee, the: log of W..Seott, the nimeteeh-y sh of W.i Scott, reeve of South Crosby" Three stores hs Sieh. tnd were ¥ it, sev SE a a Se It ie reported tha Prince Don Ja miw. second son of the Ring ~ and 4 ane | if | NESBITT l, kicked him KINGSTON, ONTARIO, MONDAY, AP Ki ' LAYING THI Of the new Dor IS CHIRPY AGAIN. ays He's Innocent and Will Win His Legal Fight, April 20 replied confident vet." IS NEEDED, WHAT Panama Canal, Hemauds Prained oree for COL. GOR April construction resuen ike the HALS 2 Goethgls, i of the rather Washington, charge of the Panama eanal. than reronin to of the ed adipinist lohn Bary Pan- Nmerienn Washmy tert opening sind Ww properly train according to of the turned to general Unio 0 ton to the ca { Zone Mr. Barrett said that $00 Chad made it the meg be willing wily « roethals with him the hra pera ing who are to bear respon fae witlhont The should hehind these a trained foree begin a Grabbed Suicides Foot entral City, Ky Fr Fokiin Rit frie, was L the foot plunged Ans April hard niv-ont d to end jnst iy SO 20 determi hi when his d and eried for help, into un we vit by he along elf, free nd dropped 1 fa th bottom. : What Sheath skint Munich, April I'he riviging female figures, velopment, and knock-kneed women, Franeke, the eminent Does, Hy 5 tenting de race Lr. physician. producing a ion Lutkding at Toieunto Hon Martin skirt | enon of Karl 2 half for a sit CORNER STONE Exhibition Buviell, on i ARBITRATE PECUNIARY CLAUS, British and American i Have Arrange At greed {Ame rit (ihe ninct 'i nd Sihkot seerel iv g my hi ttme Limit © pr sentat ch 1 wliel inb iracter 11 n Secured au ' ad 1 1 un wit h wditi of n ment the Thursday ! Under y Governments | ment. ri Eritish a like] thmittod Hr standing, isheries urlher the settle diierences OBJECT TO MORMON MISSIONARIES WORKING The Strong Remaiks About the Men Who Are Proselyting In Canada. oecting nn dursiing referved ted, 15ike, intima the h * hey m 8-1 wie ther ¢ his right Ble Big Store Me Af for south-west cofit Blenry streets store, hi prened to be ron Mon church, | Matmor hend of home if the xv hey vould be qi! te some or yntreal, veh purchase of gto milling Fame B awtherin and dephirtment | MUST K Washington. April 29. New Jaws ne be cndury day and wight, every min ate, fixing, stringent qualifications to secure mature men with judgment, and changing the system of ther employ, ment and supervision, will be. the first ard immediate rosnits of the senate Smith said, "New wegulations tore Wre paperaiively deaded, ben shown coachisively by the in: quiry so far," Senator Smith deetared. [he horrible death toll of the Ti tibn had born had: One Nslation," Probe. 29. ~Renr- Admiral '8. Captain "A.W, OC. Lyon and iy The . London. Apri A. Cotigh-Calthorpe. Clarke. 'Commander F. a 5 Spin Te Sd 4 John TH. Biles, vice dent "of the Institution of Naval Archilosts, Senator Smith Says His Fir First Duty Will Pe to See That the Law is Amended---Need is An Urgent One. ---------- -------- quiring wireless opergiors on hips to mst Lord 1 { 'of Lord Morsey, ftanie nguiry, Senator William Alden bady will take WIRELESS READY AT ALL TIMES tied have be appointed ass crsey with Linguicy into the Titanic fifth assessor will be an Captain Charles Clive tary of the court. we first place nex * Eneluding the fund ithe Titanic disaster i$ © has been made ERS OT to the | @urt of disaster, (The nounced later Bigham, a son [OCTe- as sitting of the inquisitorial t Thursday. raised in New for witless opera') York, the total amount subscribed to it has "date for the reliei of the sulfecers hn ver §1.050 0600, The corporation of the town of Go dalming has passed a resolution tanic might have bevn decreased and open a subscription for the ervetion of pos:ibly obviated emtively, it has been a memorial to Phillips, the chief wire | #0 shown, if better wireless communis: less operator om the Titanic, of my first | te The White Star Line sunounces that {have heen identified. j the artist, is one efforts will be to enact such new log- seventy-five more bodies of 219 jonnd Frank 1. Millet To Arrive Tuesday. Halifax, April 20.4 wireless Savy | the morgue ship Mackay-Bonneti is de Inved by weather and port until $ am. om Tuseda will not enter iy, 29, FIVE CONVICTS ESCAPED L 10g. BUT WERE RE CAPTURED rn i A TO ESCAPE DEATH CHAIR, Their Get-Away Was Most ........ vo. oi Sensational. | GUARDS AND DOCTOR oi Fieve. » it was unofficially | hat the govédrnor will re : dn to his souneil that the slaver's : PWN AND RELIEVED = e be commuted to life-imprison ment, CLOTHES, ! Affidavits from Vieg were sub i | mitted, telling of sanity in Riche the | Gates Ware From Prison-- son's family, several members of which are in lunatic asviums. The peculiar All Recaptured-----Guard Davis Bad-! Iy Hurt, ! mutation of Richeson's Mass., April 2 Following before Governor Foss, at the petition to Sentence, foston, th he daring now uh am BEKNOUKED 1 OF rinia The Besperadoes Got Through Baylight! ~¥Four Stoney in wiions of Richeson before and after murder also were related. Members of the last night, ainst the Mountain council said they commutation who would ofl the were pe vote Five incorriy Sent the four desperac ferred from the Stoney tenbinry, Vegch 12th, McNeill, of Woodstock, made sational from the penitentiary, on M ihle piisoner melding trans unlain pen | 310M Mr rRatR ities % + eno loes, who were rl Me mn and Vincent a sen NAILS INTO WIFE'S SPINE, ay morning, - were dungeon Wilkesbarre, Pa., April Accused of inflicting on his wife the weird and deadly form of torture which the an- cient Jezebél preferred tor her most dreadful foes, Stanley Vehenas is under ar- rest here it is alleged upon corroborated testimony that the man actually drove two nails into his wife's spine lealons rage is given as the for the deed Bours they placed two re 24 m ' oi 3 Bp dbp * (TEN THOUSAND SEE BATTLE T0 DEATH Defying Dynamite and Artillery Bon- not and Dubois Exchange Hundreds of Shots Paris, 2 April wnized Bonn band oi h ive bern tender vit omobile tervor ng districts for Dubois, a the Woan band In ory who and the surrounding and NOTE 8 basi notorious on Sun thrilling encounter Frenok crime Chaoisv-1 o- Roi, Paris, in which the bane taken refuge, was blown up these men had hour e part ol an contingent two companies | anarch shot to death 1 th apnals of ari ileswenih of Jad "i RIX «l hom namite alter tw DANIEL PHELAN at bay for a lueg pi om-------------------------- police tosew of aris, of gendarmoes of re publican guards ngineers th tripped his clothing, oa of stud and a company ol spret atots points of van ath Len battle were Jocked coll Hom the of hor thousand AW viewed from th raced to the of set four rit Jonnot the | riddled supposed ray t promptly # that club on hive died great a tured with lets and an hospital, The had pathered, 'Death to he seeing was ns ratekeeper bu the as he crowd i ot was with a with erie of he of lonnot the injured AD most tore cass | bandit from solide I he grounds head Assi Molarthy to intercept the direction where one sent wrendere eral whom were A General ot] Round-up. The Are general round-up of | . 3 poli in result of depredations hile bandits killed yesterday ---------------------- WILL DO OWN BDENOUNCING. the 1 wm ajuarry was t 1utom two of whose hy they erpOwes rifle urned over to t the cout ont , and gang with |. des R Wer - was {uarry wn ht into prison other YWatehman Cla roug Ar of t PrISONers wus caught by Portsmonth vith the rk, in nother officer Bishop of St Knights Hyacinthe Defends of Colmbus. Montreal, April Myr ' Wi "t." Hyacinthe, h statement repudiating the Mnights made Ren Dominican, during a penitentiary » 1 i 2H Hery i were the to elude Hors caught un Road and escape mto the imder Af werd Bish made \ ju Creek, on Frant pith the de I eayormng nunciation Column Fathe retread Church of acinthe that the Heer b Mmping 3 mping bus, recent! by the and duck heads fired. witer the ter a Lhe oven, a when is they the vater were Sermon Notre Dgme Bisbee orikey and ha delivered de Bernard in the Hy declared sanctioned self, and himself to make ld become SHIP OWNERS HELD UP BY SEAMAN'S UNION Must Pay Kigher Wages, Or no Vessels will be IAllowed to Sail. Eng., April An order issued by Neaman ¥ and Fire men § morning, that no Shap this port until the owners consented to pay the rates de manded bythe union of #225 ' month to Samen and $25 firemen, Mhicials of be rigidly time surrendered and Pemitentiar Fran m > eturned to Ihe a the chureh Other conv et ones 1he L100 p ath by him k hiding in Guard Driseoll there and He said he nitentinry the men who Was wa hi ction: noth shot they was and hat he wad escaped was ww hustled oan back at will be the penitentiary that br. 1% hospital just MeNeil had and he w and td was All the escaping into a penitent ed with the nen charg rom « #ulation lan sntered the at the tire verpowered the tnken completely being armed, no chance v fight for it. Guard the worst injured, url was taker to the general hospital He suffers from severnl outs in head Rotherford, at. the gale, raesrved bragses in the altack won. him Guard MeCarthy cut dn the head. SOP R when runrds, As INRWATOS, had to make Davis was on Livé®pool, was the this would leave . he Lnion, Guard Son and was a month 1 er -- with rations and said this w In future, work in Chinamen severe wing the unson adbered to, firemen will to where non-uniosists or engaged. bt looks Tike wilh these men in point of Great Britain. OS TS The Vapture of Jones. Frank Jones was caught 4 & barn in the Strawhenzic property. at about LIS o'dlock, by Guard Prscell. He pat wp a big fight, but was eanght and placed in the rig. drom the prison containing about twelve guards, 'amd was soon behind the bars. Jones put Lp an awlal fight, but he kaw that he most give ug, amd came {hack to the prison without causing distrrbance mm. the fig with thet ton refuse whips are troubl every shipping ver Miners Ready to Accept. New York, April it is stood that a settlement of the Lies between the anthracite coal ors and their omplovees in the former being ready to secept an increase of ten per cent. No official appouncement has heen made vet 2, ander. rou min guards - What Jad the guards to find hin was that « womber of children happened to be moar the place where he wan bid img and caw. Bim go. They were irightened and they told & guard and : he eaptured him Logansport, Ind., April 29. Despon- The street car serviee was all' tied | dency, following the advent of their up on scevunt of the afinir. Jones had fourth baby. ix the ressom assigned by | sevetiteen years more io serve og his'ihe mother for the smicide of William i g. The couple had been mar ried six years. ' 7 Advent of Baby: Father Suicides. {Continued on page 8.) commend Come vil G1 ght, | LAST EDITION } | WEATHER PRORA KILITYRS. : 9 t April th, 0 am i 1 8 Val and Upper St. Lawrence winds: cool: sMowery ta i Tuesday, northerly winds: i i HOUSEKEERER'S WEEK - - - A ct St At Sr ~~ re ith \ yearly event that now swing into line. with Ofierings to mt the occasion, - Curtains AT SPECIALLY LOW PRICES. fee our Specials at and 26¢ ° G0¢, Tull 2 1-2 yards long See our Leadsr, $1.99 quality 4 for Tic, 3 yards | ng. » A » Conista Curtains \ Fhe last word 'n curtain styie $1.50 9 = for Spring 1912, at $3.00 $3.50, all Arabiaf™d and in Whiie | Ecru and Rugs Wiltons. DBrusscls, Tapestry, Wool and Union tugs and Mats, all sizes dnd at prices that are bound to please MATS, $1.25 $4.50 ART BQUARES, $4.50 to $43.00 See ow showing and save mouey while Jou dpeiidait. STEACY'S "The Store af Satisfaction" MARRIED, FEENEY I 1912, at by Ne garet Laura Fear dhouse, both this 4 Kingston, at the re« Annie daughter Horsey, to ympson, third Duncan Thompson H, I. Horsey, of (is other f the bride DIED. "---__ HORNEY «At Apt mh, 1912, of her brother tivied Edwin Phe THOMPSON Me: late Tues weloek, respect un hie Street 0 ees plaoe When ' at uRintar attend RORERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker, 'Phone 877. 280 Princess Street. JAMES REID The Old Firm of Underiak 4» 256 PRINCESS VIR one 147 for Ambunirece, GO-CARTS. A couple dozen of them them at a reasonable price cash. Turk"s. "Phone 705. ~NEW MAPLE SYRUP. Pure and Good The kind that is made from the sap of the Maple Tree and has the cal flavor, Jas. Redden & Co.. | Norman Mclotosh nud Mark Che? ¥ | verie, fishermen of Prince Edward's le, land, have been awarded the bronze (medal and $1,900 each from the Car negie hero fimd, for saving two mm from drownmg : The St. Lawreoce river route will be more beautiful than ever this year, ix » (the opinim of those who watch the curse of events, a An attempt was made in Franc on'? {Saturday to wreck & train in whieh | IM. Jules Pams, the. presidential cana FL date, was teavelling. Mies Hall, {the Christian Endeavor Rooleties of the provinces, spoke in Cocke's Sunday sohool on Sunrlag afternoon. Wii sel? Must be i { { i

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