f= 3 €- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24. 1912 i THE WHIG, SEVENTYNINTH YEAR |\ MARKED' ADVANCE 7 DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published tario, at $6 per year. Editions at 2.39 and 4 p.m a H or : EY BRITISH WHO, 10 age hed In Dar oD ada ada [CANADY THADE | INCREASEE at Sale Shoe Sale Thursda Borning at $1 a year. To United States charge for postage had to be added, making price of Dally $3 and of Weekly $1.50 per year LOVER NINETY.THEEE MILLIONS Attached is one of the best Job Printing Offices in Canada; rapid, si) ilsh, | and cheap work; nine improved presses. | | { | i 3 Despite Defeat of Reciprocity Dust | : ness Wigh United Hiates Show S A ! k Phenomenal Growth--Trade With! : Britain Also Increasing, THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY, LIMITED J. G, Elllett, President. Leman A. Guild, See-Treas A Ottawa, Apt 2 5 he 4 -- TORONTO OFFICE~Suite 19 and 20 Queen City Chambers, 33 Church i fe ent: of reciprocity amd € keepis "= : i h Ki o H : poof the tarill restriction fist | : = ce ng a Stréet, Toronto. H. E. Smallplece, J P, representative ' [Sa ast s sho = is sold ery: where in Un nada at BETRAYING HIS TRUST. [bs the, urns for the. twelve : i . $ 2 50 Mr. Ismay, the managing director of so it, wathout : : with] : . the Wikte Star Line, WS e. pbs Hy iis the rosclt of the gesersl roast fing the ven v3 J4i ¢ abot {abe ZF & / y ' ' : {as rece ed Lesnose of the very 1 rade ' p* We ROW price on Nale J.P Hont's 1912 # be sary that be did not rest Bris © Fit 2 : G 5 ' Sritain ncreused : only $1 | a a : FOOD CHOPPER office iu New York and stiend tofi Tt IE Blaysd NPG the Titenie Ter Da ' 4 ht per cod a Sprigg shipment of these Celebrated Hats, at 1 {haps he will now find some ceerpa oh, edi Pe { : : t ¢ : brsiness. He tells the geotfe, in olin that will keep him ashore ( So for He twalta : rani) go . a. A : i The Best Manufactured. signed article which he may have writ {us ecugenial employment, : y. BN v fareat Britain, pa 1 ETT wen os .50 Eac Price ten, and wihy not, hat he shi wed | a 8 alot is SUCCESS ! ( : Only $1 25 us an ordinary prasad tr. He had alwana ing director of a great steam : Ganion ERregain limi Y 3 . : | i th rire world wi } u * 3 2 ile of rooms. Me moved about sii) bine he should have stood belde|. pe . i \ : ~ . ' 3k : fe y o jaw we he should : ( o , of whi Y . Now Flat. Bith Derby. hidf i dozou differ Guaranteed satisfactory . largely among those on board Hedy, Hays, and others, and gone down, |x " ' ny, it a dozen difier- r retur i is ilew' . {i re > a \ y { $ woduct shicl {| FR no ---- \ . . . , . money returned, 1 said bis idea' wns To ubpave things 14 red le, rother than take advantage of domestic produ v A allied | ; ; ent width of big anil several heiwhts and generally, aud to note bow the great |of his position and mabe*n cowardly |S285.607.242, increased by onl oy - : Fhe dominion's ' 5 shapes of crown. 3 ship acted. Yet he did not see the | escape. Live his employees he should = . Cnited § * q woth ' ited States, , therefore, | inziee room, had not tallied with [hate ben one « f the last wen tot siderably hors thas wi of th \ : ; ' wh : With it the w r i ang { Har H . : the engineer, did not talk with the [leave the shi); better still he should captain or with any one cle 1 lhate been engaged in the work oi . . authority. Ile did not eat with them. rencre undid the shin left him. In 3 any Dinty shia i . ! 4 i mport « Cire by i ims wets - He cid mot give them ny orders, | ste d he jumped, without invitation ; ! ot i i" ! 3 ain « the twelvd months v Ju fact he was, necording to his own into a boat and rowed off, not daring [5115 a Wi ih thi ! REAL ESTATE SNAPS eccount, so Little around that one Ys {eo look around and see those whom t om the t States tot 1 SOLID BEICK HOUSE, tweive left to mar él what he wus doing | he had descrted or note thdr fate 48, IN .2 no anereas rooms, drive house, 'motor on the Titanic ; He is acevsed, and with some reason, Xpofis ol voy a 5 > R: The ( 'elebrated garage, good cellar, between Great Britain totalled two and three acres of land, fle had een awcustomed to make] of betraying Mis trust, and the press!a., ne 3 " ep bi 09 110 outbuildings and modern frst trijs om new boats, bit only | of Yew Yors des not heskiate yy to the. United State tata ' be J bd dupravemonts, one and hn as some first nightors patronize the | mate his arraignment os toredhd au |¥ TAT500, a decrease of nearly S |. ust 1g t oe a : putiea from 1 he $ hea theatres, becuvme he was accustomel | poesiile. ny : 4 3. aitiatte io eg { y rh iy by The BRICK VENEER HOUSE, To- || == Re : I I a Saco : ; JusT Are ronte Street. 8 rooms, with : dua of 3 » { RLY { . two extra full. lots, good NO EVIDENCE OF DISLOYALTY. : ha ; Pr > ' | wR $5.00 $5 50 and $6 00 barn and poultry house, or a ns A gal ol b , i WRIGHT . , to rent. .. $LT00 fe Tewpr, of Ottawa, has been « t= sown promi 'For one rea and a 4 : a a y : 14 ] Faia Si Y's S are : v FRAME HOU SE, 6 rooms, on B tom ! nw another un prom ' vs not th ye va ye h: 1 NOE I'he pl Sho ar made Liy % York Street .. $050 ing from Prounier Roblin a statement . . \ had BUperan e nd forty-three millio A pening | » 4 . FRAME COTTAGE, six rooms, h regard Lo socialism. snd a state- 3. Bimation whieh ac een advoca il pte 5% Rey Anata | 3 4 The Just R ht Shoe pir obi iy and with r say inlism, and a stat Tho conservative party, in Nias atursl prot rainroeit wanthd ' 18 3 barns, Elm Street .. $1,250 mont that brings reproach to certamn | p.aming the party of hibition, {10Y°. J iraltly feducad thi : , \ R kl d om ¢ arty ol pronint +3 i ; s i wivarse" trade: bala Hn. 4 ; ocKiand, Mass. 'RAME HOUSE ) ye . Ram fot and ind AT. of the people of Canada. Mr. Roblin, gradually 've i around until, 'in 'the - fred Street van A000 it wppears, on a recent occasion, boil- | last session. of a comparatively new ? 2 One of the La wrest Shoe concerns in America. ve DOUBLE AME HOUSE, 6 ed up in his contemplation of the | parliament, it became the open advo DD | hoy 3 rooms each, with all im- initiation, the referendum, and the | eate of the bar, and the premier and R. SO ER | 9 . yr ! : provements, Montreal, Streot now place our stock of these Shoes on Sale at being sold all over Canada HOUSES for Sale and to Reng spreading and expressing discontent | bly that somy one ventured to In all parts of the City, with prevailing institutions, that a referendum would be an ¢ NORMAN & WEBB, The occasion of this declaration is | tive way of testing public of inion, Heal Estnte, Life, Fire, tive Tr | 0 } hat od Mr. Roblin denounced "it as re ®tark nod Genera! Insurance. not recalled, bul it was probably that and . Roblin de volutionary 171 1.2 WELLINGTON »T on which Mr. Roblin had antagonized A 7 V \ i + . iho ticenge ques: | Many years ago Canada had o refer. fi A | Patent Colt, Velour, Box'Calf.. Tan, Blucher and Button styles all sizes popular opigion on rented 'for $2032 ner year recall, which he referred to as and his mmister ol education espoused the DR. W ~va 1 year, : $2,100. ' evidence of the socialism that is | treating system, Jt was then proba HITE i tion. Manitoba was some vears ago | endum on the prohibition question, b -- . the ground on which an acute cam order of the federal govérnment, and '\1 ! Mi A " 'A 4 "> H paign was conducted on bebali of op- | whil> Sir John Macdonald wus pre = | d i and Mr. Roblin's party pro | mier. It has had the suggestion of the PECIALISTS | i ardwood SPECIALISTS | L tion law, fessed to be in sympathy with it and | ceferendum now upon the navy anes In the {ollo wing Nasases of Men: | Ww . Flooring Hito be anxious to give effect to what- | tion. h Du many {hings Plies ever the people voted for. There 'was | worse than appeal to the people Eczema { o he referenduni. In a sense there on some great issue and when the \ IR ¥ Cleaner and better than ther: th Fen x ise she 3 great : . Diss Einissions | KeGDRy A Teetlons See Our PARAMETTA RAINCOATS wae the initiative, 'because the move | feelings of the people upon®it" are as the inith # people ut And Blood, Nc: carpets. mv at Soe el a ey "ied" | EEE | .$6.50, $7.50, $10.00 and $12.00. Can be laid over an old government of the day pfoposed t« 15 not Blank, 2 ofiect tution, but it is not anti-Breitish form. 1l¢ : i! in 3 y give. 1t elieet, : rt AON1 op idayS=10 ab. 10 Lp . » ? floor. . [he government of Manitoba did| the Canadian who advocates it is not v Consult on oo " i I y BIRCH not eatry out the people's desires orf to be charged with disloyalty. DRS. SOPER & WHITE, i - ® ' ut Oi hy MAPLE and : - | 0AK THE (ITY'S OLD MEN. | | Men's and 'Boys' Departmental Store Jdmported Raincoats direct from English Makers. ow The recent adiustment of the wages' | mavor and council means he S. Anglin & ( list. af the city hall, und in ennnact ion ue hire Sher and ; hove a h : ! ie! ol . Coat r iit of la : \ 78, 80, 82 PRINC ES S ST R E ET. 0 with the works deperiment, may not] those who are incompetent apd ove + ne i the RIS h . be a good thing in the interest of | paitl ? : touch of these works 1 Z Cor. Wellington and Bay Streets. certain old men. These have been for It is this contingency that + eid vou again sow-like lothin | vears the dependants of the de has been hghting for sear 4 { preset wi i ne "Pho N HIST) > sil 1 been demande n the ast tha it | He 65 partment. They have bom pretty well | been lemanded A fie pact that R. PARKER & CO. | 00000000r0sano0savoses KING'S PARK- South Winnipeg BIG RE-BUILDING SALE vorked-out fhey have, however, the same wage for ve Ganon 0000000 yers sad Clenners, LOOK AT OUR NEW RICKS 3 i ¢ he 1 spirit of industry and will, as long as] work that the privaie empio v y possible, continue to earn what they | and each time this has been dems Princess Si. Kingston, Ont ean towsad their living hey can: | the works department has protesied that there is another side, namely, A few choice 100 ft. lots for sale| UV ir Spring Furnishing diy |easy terms. It will pay yon toj 8 oh Cie ianve mel: a {secure these at once. Apply to ; 1. 0. HUTTON, Rinne! oaents | ls one: 20 styles RR AR ¢ 0 of Music Melville J. Sexsmith, ¢ Hehe a TL Cabinets at Suhr J. Wihaan, | : ' 3 2 # SEXSMITH, WILSON & COMPANY BE : , ' ' on Electric Light : Globes ned nd do not persume, to compete Here's an Offer You Show Xor|' : Uverfook. » : he lab ark Pul men who must be ken care of reo' men m th abour market, a rood? Ts ty sede 4 : 3 } A Rexall Dy Spepsia Fablets reid the oity has favoured them for] When this is the case the foreman does 3 stomach troubles by aiding nature to : . N st drive them. ahd it is not expud IAT mupply the elements the absence of many years hey have been given af ic t mn, and it 18 not expedy ADWAY READY which in ithe gastric juices causes in | wage which is beyond probably what ent that he should. x shigestion and Sy apepuia. They aid tho jany private employer «ill pay, and Fhose who mindful of the Jabour 9% ¥ A rR RE deh to. Higgea: vy hud to usek they have been given a preference by | ng wen in the dity's service bave not hp - ol ert gt mito rich ved blood and : i heir 1 y : the works depariment. sil done their duly wholly when the, material necessary for Gvarvoming na . " . deparimen Be did well in dural body waste. this, for it is responsible in a sense n, Carry a package of Rexal Dyspepsia for their maintenance, and it would, if as rs : 3 whlets in your vest pocket, ar keep | in England, be contributing to the old | sion fund, Tone out of which the old ' 3 thet in your room, Fake one after age pension which is a god-send to | mien shall be paid a regular sum per Hench SAVY mont and prove our asset 1 me $0 and \ tion that indigestion will not bother the man who is aged and poor : { % Now it i# doubtful where they stand reached ap age that should carry. with We Kuow. what Rexall Dyspepsia Tali | The city engineer octupies a peculiar] it rest and repose, Some of the eo a are and what they will do, Wo position. He hires the men who just | poration's men have toiled Jong en Co al nied tuo to relieve indigestion | aaen the wage the city pave. He re fough. Bent in form and wearied iy op! ey | dyspepsja.. 11 they fail we will hed } i : X b ' Ms os ¥ s | body they are entitled to some con YOU money. Thies aizeat. 35 alizes that sume of thesé old men are on y you e « « on PHONE 087. ts, 50 cents, and $1.00, Remember, | nOt able to do it. What is he to do | sideration, They cannot be flung Drop a card (9 19 Fine Street wwe, inh: Yunis anyth da . can obtain Rexall Remedios only | Pass them over, as the action of the | aside. er ne RIT vo in Ihe Carpen. it. our store -- The Rexall Store, G. smn-- ------ | fT tepiits and now work aime -- -- -- i inrawaibd Floors of all kin.a th the vounger and more! stalwart | that there are certain old and iaith-| -- | oY ' ¢ - | 1, or ; Py Tw | | B | 4 | & ES * | & |e ® | ° | | le | ® v '3 : ® ® : ® > Re] = da rH Heal Estate #wd Fisancial Tohtin, #3 Prarie Block, h bet ka LL 25 styles 04 IT IITL III IS | hh of China Cab Ea a bX 3 inets at 20 THAT TOBACCO per cent off With the "Rovster™ on It : 4 crowing leader as he goes plang miv 5¢ per pound For chewing an' | smoking. AT A. MACLEAN'S, Outaris Stress HARDWARE io i ------ Home of the Peerless Lawn i F. J JOHNSON > rdere will receive prom atreat AL: EDITORIAL NOTES a i rseuive Tremp lon | 9400040040000000800009/{ 394 KING STREE T Walnut Table and Skis. a ! Lig Btotk of New aud Heo i ------ : TTT HER i Special prices in Cut ne nevassaa seaaB iy org. See our window a play i hd y MN ruiiure, ot will ge bare ' EN pe 3 wt : gst a bu Mr. Haulwin is being deserted un acting for : Ahorta and Sask it hewan, - $ THE CLUB HOTEL i i Wedding » Bowquels and Pi lorai | 1 | ! 204 0000000000 0004 bave altered the pay sheets, Thes wranteed, should go further and advocate a pen 3 week or per month when they have 00000050000 i i i} WH. SUGARMAN ] bis extablis ; ; ie 242 ric er bia = the Ruskatchewai election, because be [has stablished a prima facie case CREDIT i | CONVENIENCE WELLINGTON. STRERT Designs Floral Spray i against the railwavs. They have In on | (Near Princess). . specialty. desorted weciprocity in September hast, {a ry . i ws Wiles you have mo mones to | diseriminating, There ix no doubt of : There are other hotels, bu § specialty." Sweet Pea Seed in : ih . 3 N In helping Mr. Borden he seems Just Wink. You come here. you i 1 y % = oy . lub for dik Ni fhe Patio ONG 81 G have very seriously hart himself. it. Now they must justify or suffer. rehags your clothing, you pohe_ approach iis C | Bulk Named Varieties 3 rot L0 SYNCS 193, Prmee a Time for n change, 3 onzed up neatly, and § wu Located In contre ul no and 1 'Phones: 1} . iy jose lo rine and i - atk Suarantend. Hon. "Bob" Rogers threatens to goyf pr---- nly » are. » 8, Store, 238. 'Copservatorids 235 te Saskatchewan and handle the elec: The federal goverment proposes | to 00 Per Week yi ef Bg ge i Residence, 1212 2 R. J. R eid, Phone sn tioh on hehall of Mr. Haultain, The [put all the power it can into the As #or quality and value, 1 J THoRrsON, Proprietor. 8 h ar feader of the opposition needs help Quebec election aud for the purpose of Bie you more than any mlbor Shs store in town. Don't belive {and sympathy, but not from the party me until you have possible. The provinaal government $ = i: - y UJ KS A witose opposition to tegiprocity has . SUH Lass Why Bat, rail ie } 5 : reused. all the a bas boon a good one, however, and is day?! $1. oo rei webs win 1 i Fri Chinese Restaura Restawat 4 * likely to be 'sustained by a large BO, i risco 4 AW ¥ OR D Ss My Carts and Carriages all rede overthrowing the Gouin government if -- he lst conservative sundidate in 1 Majority. : er: ebeiar spelit ware 22 Jog | Regul Regular Dinner - ar Dinner - 25¢ | Saskatchewan to abandon the heldy | I Keon also a full Hine of Oil i ! loeally, is Nr. Ladies, in Redbeery. | So the Beck salary of 86.000 a yea cloth. Lanoteum.. Odd Squares, | First Class Service] i lie" could not endure the dissatisine is to be golleeted from the muwiepali- Garpets, lave Curtains and i First Class Servic : eh era |e he take pe fv he yi [| Tages Corian: sic nif] ict Oss Sorvid lin of she party on the sesfrmy ss Counts. Me. Beek, in wots : oPEN DAY AWD NicHT. § ZT Bs TN [4 4 34) 3 Coal ¥ ord, it is ar Bn provinei ; TE ey he ain ary rir, we, iv | JOSEPH B, ABRAMSON, [||| . saM & CHARLIE, i HS dist : Well, a speainl act had. to : yh distrens, ine paseed 10 Jove him fron. the con: & COLBORNE STRENT. rE . Prop Mad e 14K 4 | The railway Teommission. is forcing | sequences' of the Independence of Par- if} Opposite Central School. ; : ; results dn the west, Mr. Cowan, KC, lament Act allytha, same... : a Spe Tver Sb