Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Apr 1912, p. 2

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- _ PAGE TWO. ee. SPRING Tailor Made New Styles Every Weck. Something Exclusive. Your Inspection Invited. - No Obligation to Buy. ckKAY 149 157 BROCK STREET Parlor Suites and Odd Pieces will make any room look and rieh and comfortable. Hundreds io select from, 25 up to $75 each. $3.00, Arian, i aplh a CARPETS and RUGS from Bug id. Persia, Turkey. Germany A eh negualled for rich, exclugive 8 HY L.OURTAINS that are not common, 'Bl Imported, new in design. §1.uv, BLI5.82.90 up to $25.00 pair. pair and Upholstoving prompuly F. HARRISON COMPANY "Phone 90. ns tt I. | Carpe ts for Bpring are lower in sly 4 "twice the variety gg i RUGS are lower price with | softer colors. We | "have every- thing worth buying. MAT CARPET WAREHOUSE. buys a brick detached im residence on Albert with hot water heat- n baleony; nice tot. | for a few frame dwell- on Johnson. Street, 7 'rooms. b. & o., verandah, $200 anh . 00 buys a stone dwelling Cwith 3 acres of good market in, outbulidings, corner and Buth Road. | for a brick dwelling, four acigs, on. luke ive; good outbuildings. . Resfdénce, Uni | Avenue, 8 rooms, hot Swater heating: large ¥ ong in a bad bondition THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, ---- SCHOOL OF MINING TUESDAY EVENING, { Successinl Year on Chunges in thé Expenses Were teported $327 More Than the Revenue, The the subseribers to the ing of of Min evening, in the ring building, J. B. Carruthers chair he retiring governors, BB. W erison, R. Crawford and H. A vin, Kingston, and Sie Bandiord Flem ROC. MCG, The director presenied the report for 5 i n'ueteenin naval mi ! Senool wad held | oesda engine mm the Roly Cal Ling, tHiawa, were re-elected the vear, showing that there had been i ball has was considered building an decided progress. trordon heen eompleiod, and the ch "try ada. Nicol ball was nearing comple tion, and a number of the lnbatatories would be in use nest month. I'he "treasurer presented anoual port, showing total isepme ING, 000, an over-expenditure of 8327 le menting followed mmedi ately by the annual meeting of the governors, Bb. M. Melniyre in the chair, Asmisimnt Prof. W, OC. Baker was giv: en the standing of associate professor Committees were appointed to adver tise for a lecturer in chemistry; sticesed Prof. Manning, who has ne signed to study abroad; who for assistant professor in physies to take, the place of Prof. halmus, transferred V. E. Pound, M.A, Foronto, appomted lecturer in physics, vice J K. Robertson, resigned, study | nhroad Douglas Viiis, in mathemati status of assistant professor A vay satisfactory report was pre sented on the work of the Douglas tn torships, which assistance is fimesi in ¢ re was to an | of was to M.A, BSe. was advanced to the! leet aror nnder j riven by the men of the senior year to the first and second in much hetter work and a redaction of over in the pereentage i the students of vears, resulting being done, twenty per cent, ol failures Seholarships in Science, ( hancellor's G.I J.B. Carruthers' Scholarship- E Racknor, Gohies. Science 1 Scholarship Johnston, Napanee, Mowat Scholarship-I Lloydminster, 4.4 honarable throtighont Scholarship (fst vear) Patterson, London h P GG. "Daly Sask > received work Eng., his class year fay, London, mention lor the second THROWN INTO WATER. Capt, Constantine: Saved Dean Bid. wells Daughter, Phe stone wall at the city entrance to Cataragui bridge, gave way, Tues day alieinoon, about hive o'clock, snd fell into (he water below, carrying with it the voung daughter of Dean h J. Bidwell, who wag sitting ob-it al the time. The little girl would in sl! probability have been drowned had it not been tor the prompt action A Capt. OC. F. Constantine, passing, an who jumped into the water and 1eseu ed the httle girl. A companion" of Miss Bidwell was with her at the time, but Was not sitting on the wall, and 80 escaped: the wel and cold experience of the dean's Haughter, It appears that Capt. Constantine was the omly person passing at the time, but the falling of the wall at tracted the attention of a number of the soldiers at the barracks, and oth or people crossing the bridges. The wa tor i quite deep at the spot, and, al ter the artillery officer had swam to the fool of the wall, he banded the little girl up to snme men above. She was taken to Mrs. Richardson's quar ters, at the barracks, and apr plications administered she wis removed to hor home Ring street I'he entire wall at this spot has been for some time, and it is thought that the frost coming out of it caused it to give way. The foundations. were badly undermined, nad it would take very little to top ple over the remainder. The broken piece was barricaded off Tuesday even dmg, and the whole thing should be seen to at once, Colds Most Faial At This Season This is the time of year when colds stem to turn into pneumonia or quick consumption. and to prove more gere- rally fatal than at any other season. With many pedple one cold follows another during the winter months until finally the human body becomes go run down that it ean no longer redist the attack of the germs which cause lung trouble. The best rule is to never allow a cold to get fariher than the throat, and this you can do by the prompt use of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine. Do not wait for chest colds and bronchitis to develop. Keep this well-known medicine at hand for use in case of emergency Dr. Chuse's Svrup of ldnseed and Turpentine loosens a cough, aids ex. pectoration, amd soothes and heals the irritated and inflamed membranes. warm Later on . "Risa pleasure to show | ¥ ANNUAL MEETING WAS net] A | Wedpesdas Feaching Staffe-- | -- 8 i Bi He sai DOUGALLMHENDYRSON. A Bagot street Wedding on Wednes. day Afternoon, pretiy wedding took place siternoo i Mr. Mrs, tive Arches Lower Bagot st when their da tex, Miss Vena Henderson, we in aparriage Ha u mireal and 10 The ho being with floral narcissus and hyacinth eéorated fertished and green, desig white | Re An be ceremony was performed by MN. Compton, B.1,, Presbyterian h Marelies were played b Dougall. Mx Mae Hin S.J of 1 drew's ding Margaret Sang. The bride futher sister churel wed Mis kde was away. by he Mrs. Hicks Hawking, Mexieo, | of the bifide, while the MacPherson, flower girl, Harold treal, acted as best The bride looked frock of white | overdress of FOr ot Miss | made a cherming | Moore, of Mon man Was matron honor, brides niece, Jean in renels cpope, with Brazilian pointe. wore a veil of white 1ulle and a coro } net of orange blossoms, and carried a hoop of guardanians, the giit of Mrs, Hicks Hawkins, of Mexico Mry. Hawkins wore a Paris frock of | white voile pale pink taffeta, | heavily beaded in black and white, | tennmed with white silk fringe. | bouquet of Killarney | Her hat was black chip straw | trioumed with white osprey. Miss Jean | MacPherson, ax flower girl, earried basket of pink and white sweet She white embroidery frock, i ! i } | charming i i over and She earried roses wore i" haby bride's and a hat. Fhe mother wore a frock of mauve «ill and carried a bouquet o purple. orchids, N ane | ome of the guests were Mrs. J N. Dougall, Bougall, 'B. Dougall, ( and Miss Craee tread, The was a gold Miss Dougall and choral matron Mr. S Wiss Murgaret Henderson | all of Mon- | the bride and to 1. La laulton, root 5 gilt watch braeeled, Miss Mae His present to the | was a to necklaces, of honor | perfume hott lg fhe flos girl loeket and chain, and the { best man a pearl tie Mr. sand Mrs | an automobile tow (Ontario, after which they will {home in the Gueen Alexandria apart | ments, Oldfield avenue, Montreal, | | } ceived a { for Western be at} will through Dougall vo ! AT THE POLICE COURT. Chinaman Claimed a Man Tried t . Choke Him. : off of het ween © | | i The turning n tap trouble John Melott, fymy loyed at Bibby's Livery and Hin iKim. Kim rents a flat to Mell tand they had soméd disngreoment over | ywho should pay. the water rates, The! (Uelrstial turned the ;when asked by Metall refused. Then there was Me. McColl said he tried Lien {on the tap when the Celes!al grab ibed a knife and made an' attack upon hime 'This the Chinamuavi deniess Io [says he did not; jiok up a knife but ton the ather hand says that MeCnlt tried to choke him and knocked Wig head against the floor. Fhe magia Pate dismissed the charge and the | [understanding is that Meloll wilt | {arek new quarriers. ! Fdward Holder was charged with being drimk and as per usual doied the charge. The magisirate then tasked him if he used cocaine feain he sald "no." Holder said he was Dalicon's fir ves'erday, tripped over a fine of hoso and was taken 'n charge hy the lice, The magistrate imposed a lof: $3 and costs. water caused off and turn more to wiley to it on trou. and a nt po fing i MAE ETE Ar Cake | A THREE-FOLD SERVICE | j For Licensure Ovdination and 1x sig: | nation. The eight members of the Aradun ting class, in divinity, of Queen's Uni form, this intersting group, They versity, year, a most are the last class, to represent the passing order, the old order that has existed the foundation of the university Henceforth, the university will not graduate students in divinity, on the other hand, the connection of the church, with its theological students, will be closer and more intimate. On Thursday .evening, the whole elas | expect to receive the preshytery of Kingston at a special meeting, to he held in Chalmers church Thereafter, ane of them, W, H. Burgess, B.A. of Tilbury, will re ceive ordination. 'Then, along with Mr. Kennedy, a third year student in medicine, he will be designated to the Loggers' Mission on the Pacific: const. The graduates will be addressed by prominent ministers of the chureh, and there will be a presentation from the Woman's Home Mission Society, * the organization responsible for the new venture and for the salaries of the men designated to the Loggers' Mis: sion. The public is invited to attend. HInee licensure from The Late Stanley Cadenhead. The funeral of "the late" Stanley Cadenhend, took place from the resi dence of his mother, on Union street, to Uataraqui cemetery, Wednesday morning. The serviee wae conducted bv Rev. Dr. M. Macgilliveay, of Chal: mers church, Only relatives and close friends. of the deceased were present, the pallbearers being six chums of the deceasnd, FE. Goodwin, George and Stanley Driver, = Stanley Cornett, Philip Maedonnell and Ross Meliae. Died at Mount Chesney. The death 'occurred at Mount Chess nev on Tuesday of Mary E. Campell, wife of Samuel Sloan, of that * place. The deceased lady was highly eatoem- ed by all who knew her. The funer al will take place on Thursday hiter- noon to Sand Hill cemetery. The ser vice will be in charge of Rev. Mr. Drennin, Deceased leaves her hushand, one son and two daughters. Penitentiary Appointments. Hoo A. Wilson, has been appointed hospital overseer, at the penitentiary, in the place of W. A. Gunn, resigned John Clark: has night. watchman at the penitentiary over his duties April lst. OFFICERS IN COMMAND OF RC { purser, i tan, ward, iy "nthe lodge room, corner of Hinckley, {for ilver inlaid (kai: es pin Hi VESSELS OF THOUSAND LAND STEAMBOAT ONO. 1s. The Men Who Will be in Charge of | the Different Vessels Route--ileet Work. It on River] Ready for Season's he Island Steambx announced the is of captains ERA ned mt apy othicers Tor Oompa to-day, mes Lith , ad follows : I'housand Isiander--{ H. Rendall; first refoch Boats ap officer, H vr, John er H eho] engineer, Farrell; assistani Weeks eng purser, J. Her St. 1 1 Bertrand; first ofhicer, JJ. , ; chief engineer, J. kK Marshall; R. LL. Morse, mer Island Wanderer--( Wilh, ©. Hudson; first officer, Joseph ;oengweer, Jobe \ wiaistant engineer, (lion F purser, E. ¢', Resch. Sutanier Newsboy--Uaptam, FF. MM, Charlebois; engineer, W, KE Bovee; purser, Hector A. Thibault, Steamer Amorien~&aptain, 1. H. firet otheer, David an mings; chief engioeer, James Gillie; as istan? engineer, William Hartley: ste Arthur Sparham No appointments have been made oy steamer Pigrrepont?" as vet. VR Teno A voy » Rie Now ap fom (oo how; chief Carnegie; HAD A FINE FIME, Members Home Circle Had Fine; Gathering on Momday Evening. ¢ te of the element evening, the members Canadian Home © ' n Morday rd of fer HF, held | weather, 4 of helt Cirele,, No. |¢ gathering Mon Mrz. Wood: ¢ secrelaey ved the is tread Princess: streets. reliving finance loasing Pie the near Winnie, to her resented with a doren ilver Hh nd forks hy the member ol the Circle 1 A very fine ie: f rovided, Fhose progrianme Were Fella Nash, ! and Routleyv, row, who iting : la husbund, }* mii programme wns pant Lhe Sash Miss Tea Routlev, Masses Houtley, rth ti, WwW. taking Mis, Mrs. Homer John ined Smeal Hr Come Jahn Norman = Webster, * aged forty Lansdowne live VORIR, pas ed wway Saturday at on ----y WORTH MORE. THAN MONEY Here words of advice more Mrs banvy, tor 18 an mstance where friend a gilt of $1,006 wo by a than I N id who lives in Al bad health ind vig Hartinann, iY. amd is who 'was in VeArs How strom orous says in oa letter oy run-dowm « vears until was in a nthout tive ondition for this EOIN, when [ dearaed what a good tonic and Vinol is. hv is I have ever us certainly of and at ul who | to haild up | by strenot honor the best fon has dove wonders for me. It is for are not feeling vst right, their strength this our delicigus cod on without oil. Vina! ta Then is no better time than now, for Vinol both enriches ifies the blood cron te new strength. People fave trouble some coughs, no appetite, can't find Vinol exactly what they ned to build them up Vino) to satisfy. you and will pay back vow mone if it does not Mabood's dvug s, Kingsiom, Ont. very important spring liver tnkang and rem ady right and pur- and who deep, We guaranties b | ib hans { Men of good old Queen's, i As you leave for other scenes, B Don't forget the dear old city i» By the Lake. 4 4 : | p i For over thirty - three years we have heen hat- ters to Queen's students. "Where the best Hats come from." WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, For Rally of Young People's So- will spend two wreks in the eity addressing the mg, hall; hele, day mi § fher bh jin { people were i Charles | George piand it is also the fg@ation in the Sunday 1mv12. Record of the (ireatest in the history of the seas heroism and sacrifice. Tis history and its: lessons kind. One complete section of Sunday Herald is rublect, Also stories by fore the US Senate Committee 120 Pages, incinding FPasLion Sheet. CO 490 PRING Wreckof the $$. Titanic Tales of place for the devoted eye-witnesaes hvestigating LLEGE A Save $1.00 on Ladies' Home Journal Tragedy m mag On and after May 1st the salserl- NY thi. tion price of the Ladies' Home Jour » to nal will be fncredsed in Cangda to $ +o. ul Bel rear he- Subseriptions may placed at wee, to be called for at the store 1¢-pare at the oll rate of $1.99 per year. "Phone or send ander at BOOK STORE OPEN NIGHTS. 'Phone 918. once ARRANGEMENTS MADE cieties, Fhe loral union of the young Hes societies of the city, met Tuesuny Ping, mage arrangements for he quarterly rally of the so leties, in he First Congregational church, Mon lay evening, April 20th. - Miss E."Hall, field of the oung people's societies of Ontario, address the gathering. She will boo and secretary societie Fhe programme wen: laid out denominationally OW has 1 fol nos April 30th, Cataragui that village; Wednesday even in Cook church Congregationalists, church; Friday of St. Andrew's, evening, at Prince SO by Presbyterians, Chureday Bethel young people evening, 1 evening mm then Portsmouth Portamonth: and . in Yueen street hurch: Thursday os and Brock nm Svdenham Sunday Presbyterian society, Morn treet wUOnRing Queen Methodist Methodist Svdenhiam emng Metho church; Fri Lion streesd wtrect street Baptists, evening, mn clive latest Baptist Fhe the Port addition to the union i= active voung people's society af mout! IWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. What Happened a Quarter Cenjury Ago. held of a Queen's hall $ Farmers «libs organized at Datter wn cand Inverary. Ihe steamer Hero ragidar trips: An ISSG-1887 there were. 373 wludent wt tending Queen's The total revenue from all sources waa 830 305, The interest 'hearing capital was $222.004. Jobm Carruthers gave $10,000 to Queen's university, convocation in City commenced hey Unversity. Death of Mrs. W. iL Tisdale. The death aecirced hospital, on FPuesday evening, Sarah. Laura lisdale, wiie of W lisdale, Stuari str.et Deceasad derwent an operation. She had ill at het for about month's time going to the hospital Tide le was the voungest daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stuart Street, and had only ried three vears. her and in the general of it ALL heen home belore a Mrs Prouse, been about ky and She 18 inther, sister, tt surs iv ed and one at wo brothers, Arthn home. The e ylace on Friday Alara ti ce mother baby, Lirac 1 NY) nd t Harvey, at nurse-in-tri ang a, and will to funeral altervoon { Were Married in Relleville, \ quiet was solemnized in the Methodist parsonage, Belleville, ou Fuesday en Rev, W. G (larke, Iwo hingston vouny vedded, the contracting parties being Miss Ila May, daughtp of Mr. and Mrs. 151 Montreal erick Belwa, and son of wedding ening, by when George street, formerly A. Jackson, to Charles Fred of PArriefield, the late Mr. and Mrs, Belwa, of that village. The bride was: attended by her sister, Mrs Dennis, of Belleville and N. Priogle, ' brother-in-law of the bride, of the same city, supported the bridegrgom. The young eouple are both well-known and popular in the city, Mr. Belna being a plumber with MeReélvey & Birch, will Maoutieal street He nry They reside ol Hospital Ladies Call Meeting. A public meeting has been called for Thursuny evening, in the board of trade rooms; for all interested in *"The Festival of Empire," which the Wo man's Aid Society of the general hos pital proposes holding in the fall. The festival will take something of the Moving Time Means Many Newn Arti- cles For the Home. How are your Lace Cur- tains? Are they fit to put into the new home? If not, may we ask that you see our range,-- we have a magnificent display at, from 35c¢c. to $7.50 a pair. THE LAUREL Ask to see it. est creation TABLE Spoons, It's the new. "I"LATED Knives, Fangs in WARE." Forks 8 efforts and Pleces t' far in as ahead of previous beauty as can be imagined Prices are very reasonable and the quality lasts a genera- tion SMITH BROS. 850 KING STREET. Jewelers. Opticians Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Combining designs, material and values 'that are second te none. ---------- RAT S CASH PAID FOR ALL KINDS W. F. GOURDIER BROCK STREET -------------------------- i. dnl A Big Line of--- Curtain Scrims, Curtain Muslin, Art Draperies, Bungalo Nets, Fancy Sateens, Etc. Ail at Popular Prices. ---- NEWMAN & SHAW The Always Busy Store, ROSES --ALL THIS WEEK -- | $1.00 per dozen | | H All Other Cut Plentiful Flowers | ieasure things Hens sing room and . - Cheap nature of the "Made in Canada' event held about three vears ago. The pro coeds Will be used towards the erdetion of the new wing at the hospital. Any person interested in the welfare of the hospital should attend. Will Enter a Team. Al a meeting of he Bove' (lub of Crake's chureh, Vaesdny right, it was decided th enter a jun ior feam school league io eater the city league. the junibr sevies bol ieagae year. The members w'il hold wher meeting on M further plans for t discussed, A weHior team ja Cgoke's churéh wo bast nn wy wight when season will be attending convocation, st He has 8 son graduating this wear. Jt is reported. that while here the inspector, will make inquiries Sole Agents for the famons Knox and the popular Hawes Hats, ' : into the resent escape at the pepiten- tinry. | tometrst y, Ir. 220 PRINCESS ST. IPURDY'S 109 BROCK STREE me id FP HO000OOOGOIOIOIOIOIOGOOISIS We Grind Our Own Lenses 'Many PeopLe 'are willing to gacrifice themselves and their children to prejudice, or "what will people say? © The Foolish Prejodice Against the Use of Glasses. by children with defec- tive Eyes often resplts in the greatest suffering sometimes permanent dis- ability of one who might otherwise become a power in the world, J. §. Asseistine D. 0. S. Regist ered Optometrist & Optician 42 King Se. "Phone 1018, A gale, sure and gentle process by our SANITARY . LAUNDERING. grimmest thing emerges object of glory---of prid- Soflad sheots, pillow cases and towels © sanitarily treated very thread cleansed and whitened without hurt to the fabric and with but Hifle hurt to your povkei-book, Kingston Laundry Cor. Princess & Sydenham Sts. "Phone 22, 8008000000000 00000 The an SOV NLN0NOOONOOINEEPOS ARRON NOROBROOROSD Kingston's Exclusive Optician, awe DOCG RRRPR0RRPOPRCRPP CROOOORLIPR ROR ROOCOROOTYT

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