\ o THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY. APRIL 23, 1912. PAGE THREW ---- KEEP ON SAVING TE ors DAY'S EPISIES CumisEweNTe) js SA easacavesssnesens CX Looan rors am axp rmnas 1x) GRAND T OPERA HOUSE) 3 | i ves en sro wi | oe EAP 1 The People's Forum > =Other Brief Items of Interest * Werba & Lacwsher 1 - Prerers ; rT ay PITT IVES EVI Fr reverb rv as KEEP ON DEPOSITING [|| tists ™ HE" GDRING MAID cormrunes sermon mers] camsso. eons Es Spring tonics. 'Gibson's. KE stra choice beef at Pie bring' 8, First fosertion le a word, Each oon-| CERMAN CANARIES, -- ANOTMER|FRIVATE 900 oF Hol SEROLD f toll time, in The Dank of Toronto Fancy corset cover, We. Dutton's. Unsurpassed ¢ ompans Of 33, 5 | secutive insertion thereafter Mai Br rel He heey Bewutitul we 18 Web! n Stiner NAPPY, ' r " 4 : : ne 3 a: y 2 > a cent ord. charge R 3 n id : " 1 LR * o Your money, a few dollars al a ne, | i A Willisin Swaios. piatio sansr, Orders Fam sun Sering W ra run and nw Misininm tor rds ARSE, received: come Savings Department. No better and ne safer investment for the received at MeAuley' 8. Phone 564. es. wha each bird a 8 120d | c-- dns A-------------- ; TORU] | ------------ one lusertion, 2e; three imsertions, bungster. = W. 1. Driver, cf | A LOT OF WARDRORES FOR $8 To mal chpltalist, : Stanley Trotter has been confined to Hig | Seda al now ou Kale, - S004 six, $11 vne month, 83, Queen and Barrie Street. Mone $16 a ples smal chpltalis 8 i ; Ris0 a Tew ohe cup {his home for a few days suffering from | Profuetion nrds, at Turk's. 'Phone 105 ta bad cold, 1 HELP WANTED, -- wa oo - T : + : : . . dg \Lmiox SAROTEL, | HRI x) n ARROW. Bank of oronto ana driah_iseslith dre Bln SATURDAY. APR. 97 HELPERS, APPLY, KINGSTON SHiP- BUSINESS CHANCES, uth, Oat. with furtiture and huliding Co livery Stand Apply, DD. Jdraves, HB, Cunningham, plano tuner, 21 JL auliaing ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN Straws | © Proprietor = ail order busine 8% at home: ue | TT Ki t. ve or e waiver AT 2.30. EVENING, S05. ONCE, SMART BOY. APPLY TO Small arp at INCORPORATED 1856 ing wires Leave orders aL M ET A0n Banienl Head oY $ CANVASSING: Be your own boss: | $00 LADS GOOD RARTH. APPLY Auley's bdok store, Maren Co Beud for free booklet; tells how, shtractor and Inher's Laaghl Crentlo ---------------- che i o> Any Capital $53,000,000 A meeting of the athletic commities ry -- =: - HOY TO LEARN THE. DRY GOODS Hadstok, 1048, Lockpurt, N.Y Bud Rirees uae Breet, or" 47 Rest a TT RO : of Bethel church was held on Monday Pana PY, THE. Day . : OBL ot amorviewran sen, ' evening to talk over club matters, . 1 'Monolite' * cigarettes. '"Uibson's." A SMART YouNa MAN, APPLY ro FINANCE AND INSURANCE. SINGLE Hf ge Jnxonca |W. G. Kidd has a pumber of flowers EAPROPLE, MOSTLY STARS--S0, Sarasin. Haslery Ci. Ltd. Ringl Gsial INSPRAR OR 3 1 Cutaraqul Sirees "PY: C. Maxam, : f in Son it one of the flower beds in Twe Car Lends of Seenery, - -- BOON, Asent, A588 Wellington Suif ae -- KINGSTON BRANCH--107 PRINCESS ST. fant of the louse on Parrie street. NATE, 3,30, T5 Childeen, 2e.| | PEW an ME SHA ARMY To Ponsieate Accident avd Health RRL TRON THE LARGEST, REST. - aie 1 he Su ir O Oslery 0, Lie 1% d and as a GEORGE B. MeKAY, : Late, infants' boots, cheap. Dut oy lem Te TRA bung Kings ay HH in ghap st colored pen of Black Minor BATEMAN & GARDINER.--F1RE, of ihe country: even Bh thin parm i every bird a prise Gilbert's blend of Ceylon teas are LBE Life, Accident, Insurance and Cus: winner, C. Saund only A RT ALD NG FIRST-CLASS DRIVE n: Soa, WAGES } wn aunders, Grocer, 20 per cent, Metter than package tens. SP I PAL ADDIs io Tee Broker; Hea! Estate and " : Pp | Ackie Money to Loan: a share of your A. B. Cunningham left Tuesday fir The Great Violinist. Princess Rtreet, ghsinees solic ited, on Glarener \ FAR op son Siok Hou pe ngston. 'hone a ns B Bae t orm Red Heer, Alta., on business. He will ANDRE BENOIST WANTED, YOUNG GIRL POR LiGiT & ne Cr IVOPRIY: must he sold; Swe be Shunt from the city a couple of Celebrated Pianist, housework. "Mrs. ©. Fahey, 155] 4 MK. . CARROLL, 14 MARKET "MaPket Nireer + 4 K. Carroll, Ls . 14 M fel i i i" Bagot Street Btreet--Fire, Life, Accident and ark "Monolite" cigarettes. "Gibson's." City Hall, --ru-- podith insurance. Plate = Glass s . a " - a GROCERY » 3 1 a Ex-Ald. Robert dy Free leit last I AY A A FEW su Any Joys, APPLY vo Employers 1 lability snd Dore bh. JN ony: ap week for the Canadian west, He ex ' Yi i Sirect West, te ara Real Estate in Winnipeg, Regina, ey i X x eusons fo i pets to be in Saskatoon for some Seats, $1.30, $1.00, T5¢, 50c. rr - Calgary, Moose Jaw, etc Mor Re Sem : @. # . GOO Ser 3 SAT - im Plan at Sargen's Drug Store, a © Lh rt FUR SAT. | py LOAN AND Be ve = - - Apply. Box 27, Whig office, ment = Socleiy: established 1:65 | AWNINGS AND iv ron When i In the Market for any kind of Pleasura { 208 Pri neces at, ane hice stace, ' a . a # Ee Rie he a hy a ann Dix, ld I 1 | the Ih. W. Newman. Electric AMEE Th brennan "longest. drops Boat try jus. We build all styles. . : Dantes Leal Sale of smart women's boots. You 1 the SERVANT. properties, municipal and country elty. If you want Apifiy. in evening. beiween 6 and », debentures; mortgages purchased; that will last the longest, drop a pny has garsived the contract for the io Mrs A.W. Winnett, 98 Bago fopoths received and interest al- card to 211 Nelson Street electrical work on the news RM .O 5 Sire: Managing ttt sin ttn ll i i Director, §7 Clarence Stree SGGS FOR SETTING DA I DRY DOCK CO {| | dormitories, Closing Ex Exercises AN . INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY Class stock RTE," Rot, FINES . i Senge from operas, le; "Oh T l arn 3 thods island Red: ou 100 monthly cor esponding LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLOBER and B.C. White Lekhorns; 'setting "Phone 420, fit [Sullime Sweet Evening Star, Hm Ld w 1 of 18 8 0 a Se boll Seventy-First Session Sena" Tor pr tata pics Byndl | metotn SONISTAIE Th Gaditte he] larger Feud reduced rales for tdiers" Chords, Miserere," ote. Dut l y e, 3,968 Lockport, N.Y which the policyholdérs have for Friendship, 88 Nelson Street. ton s. | TUESDAY, APRIL 23RD, tc rn en ---- ateurity ro Unhimited Habiiity at Prof. W. Benett Munro, of Harvard 2.80 ym. LATHE = HANDS, BORING 4 a ri d ¢ : . university, is in the city. He will vo | STUDENTS" DAY, Hands, Ri orders ands ors] TE bers Betore renawing. ond mu SET Tor Gr Ys AFTER THE FIRE ' ceive the honorary degres of LL.D. at [Convocation Hall, Old. Arts Building. and good wages. App anadian | Pr Bivins few business gel rales townsites; camy. paymem "acifle Queen's un Wednesday. | VALEDICTORIES, ETC. oeuerd] Electric Co. Peterboro | tm She silts, evan Ana . a Ween, ont. Bassang, . 4 an ar A 1chewed shop, bright and cheery, pick and spat. I'he fragrant ihemory of nh. eup ol Re Cane AA Marker StrabPl. i A Stock of Higa-grade bicycles--Canadian, English, dekciovs "Salada" Tea lidgers with WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24th, OLD COUNTRY DOMESTICS, CAP- 70 LET 4 American. ete. An extra Pair Dunlop Detachable Covers you. For winetéen yvoars always of 2.80 poo. A okeh, English pana Irish s FOUR GROCERY LYTORES, With with every new wheel sold. gh and amiform quality. CONVOCATION, Arriving weekly, | ArBLY E ARGE FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH Tons tn ity: 8lse aot oars A Btock of good Gung, Bitgleand Dowble, New and Second-hand, tearle (hredza and bride = returned Grant "all. lid, 71, Drommond Sireet. Mont | * vomit vined. near City Park + and welling In thriving vile cheap. Goods paid for on instalment plan or liberal discount for to Milan after spending the week ' : ; assis réal, or Bank Stree aws 28 Wellington Street. nenrby. AAbRly to TJ Lockhart, cash. end with their cousing, the Misses |: Tickets may be asroenred at the 1. - Kingston ubers. Clarence Stroet, Grevea, Willington street. Registrar's Office L YOUNG MAN OF GOOD |] " THE WEL r-K NOW ¥ RE Hise s " aiid selling ability ie 'rinee a Dubie strength moth bags. "Gib knowledge of carpe ) 'The atrorium ADDL 63% je TENTS .avD AWNINGS ul. age. 1 é t wiror . Apply, i $ 4 RAY $ Custom, Made Ins f oo Y & ot your order for awn C. A. Jones, on's TENDERS FOR COAL | {iit "uius huh doin, fo Tn oR ro AA Two drunks were the only offenders commission yp : 8 ARAGE RUOW FOR ONE ON Foro old reli , Who Knows his bust ; ¢ . : « i v PEOPLE'S REPAIR KHOP AND UPTOWN BICYCLE DEPOT. in the police court on Tuesday morn | pusppng WILL BE RECEIVE Kingston British Whig cars tn stone building a0 45 King) Tint avi 0 Your wants: do 204 PIN CESS STREET, wig. One was fined 81 and costs, and the undersigned for 3 \ | eit er Street: slectric ght ef Api taric® Stress. Krai ices, 163 On. the other was given a chance, ean, : Aenuin ae ney # ly CISINKING OF Lo "i ANIC Dr, Black wv & " tirwin Basin) te be delivered in cog great sea disasters---Only autho ). D. disinfectant. Ciibson's, pocket at: Kingston Ont RALITE DOOR Ho irs Arana ithe He e-------- GS TENTS, CANO J. N, Beott has secured the contract | All tenders to be hand of 1° disaster. in history: threilitn : STORAGE FOR KU RNITURE, CLEAN camping, outfits, fishing Xx 7 . h 0 san hi yi thrilling story; dr iry room aboslutal otk ---- of supplying elactrical fixtures for the chasing Dengriment Jaeatreal, by Sas profusely ill endid Sot ao ock. and RK a ie, Su Jie FLAGS, .AWNIN : ots y splendid op roof; your own lock and Ke} English ra rats. PLUM splendid residence and office of Dr. =z. F570 I~ portunity f ' making; or \ By my er P------ a ' rost's ity Storage, 259 Queen canvas, kit ba Hk thing i for ANY CARAFE 1 note i ne £9, allk tents, "pr DIAMOND } S : ] S I Ii. B. Williamson, King street. arity accented. Tl mn Shir' 1100; uberar Rs i] Poonesgem = TCC TU TED fidae Ki base 'tin wi Fra C DOMINION TEXTILE CO, LTD gehts malling charges STORAGE FOR FI RNITURE, CLEAN Koank id or > 18 onlarih ' Parchasing Dept, Montred', . Winston ¢ Limited, 7 dry; also Dwel Mugs, t rush RINGS a Pitan Fur Agpreniicns n xh Sin, nein -- n Janes | F a FOR MATCHING, + . : Few Londoners know that there ex- 2 SS -------- Btores, ets, J § R. McCann, 6 ; selnctad, hininaTN Columbia Batteries j ists a special place of carfinement in ARE YOU ONE? Eo bred; 8.0 Rhode Jetand Heda. aa OUR BUYING POWERS h the City Chamberlain lias pow- There aré many men making a «ics s Zon = nes Sh Wile eo irs ADDED TO OUR MANU ' oh commit disobedient Spprentites, desk of thelr business, but unable ta Boy to assist on News- 1 brick; rent, $30 a mon i guantities; all bred from : nd row Sinbke nf { In/ Bridewell Hospital, elo y to Fleet 'sxpana owlig to lark of finaneial r rons; elegant yard wnd i on vari and earls layers. MO. Boyd FACTURING PACILITIES EN- A New Stock of Col- street, are, however, a few cells which kuowiedge, paper press. Good io ahd Bon. Lis Queen, « . 106 1ine Btreet, Kingst in, Ont y i o Fuki . . Asialy chance to lear t ABLES us TO OFFER umbhia Batteries. His are practically the sole remains of | Write wr advies, bg deal n he ap ¥ FOR QUICK sawp oFFEn TIA Jus the old building thut stocd on the site | gr oir (rib posto, trade. Apply at 6, Biv rumsiswen wovsk, : thangs al block' knaw: VALURS NOT 70 "swoon "Bor a oustime royal palace at Black. J : ote THE a FoomR, with all convenlene . h © ih Bulldin f TAINED BLSEWHERE. | received will be sold this Bl friars. hi Beidewe | wis given by 4 We HA bi nf Jo lienepiorute au Business fice, THE fludig I Oatepe ly, lorated prock Sreet, which © i 4 hihi a he Edward VI. to the Lo ayor for use tice you and put yeu Bn oa stesdily WHI nw a ; : 208 King Sireer East, x Stange Tiss give vou full rent DIAMOND RINGS, $15.00 week at epegial rate of Jas a workhouse for the poor and idle, |Wicressing basis Wo speciarize in bn % , Ker hn agaremn. Ged Sir AND UP, : MRL Fial Mis " . . » . . tak t one and the hospital, which resulted from 4 trial Manifagturing Concerns A. | VPOM, ST MAY, 101% BRICK stats 'Broker Bimomon a" this gift, is still governed by the alc XLE Btrects Siem rooms tins ir ts hoy --------il WE HAVE AN ATTRACT- $1.49 fer set of 6 erin. GEO Y & CO. WANTED-GENERA ing: bath & oo. rent, $1500, in moton moar, "WANDAS 2 me These cells are occasionally occupied Compdns Promaters, = ii ng axes Apply' to Thomas S09 In iGnary shade Gece IVE BELLING PLAN. ASK for briel periods by relractory Appran- | UNION BANK HUILDING, TORONTO, FURNISHED MOUSE To Rh NTF now a Brine re, Lo finish: 4 1 ABOUT IT. tices, who are brought before the City [. 'Pucte Main 2491 Aut t About October 1st Apply Hehe (opyar tank ana Chamberlain in his court at Guildhatl, Cannes Real Estate Agency, [1] NEW BRICK HOUSE, ALL MODERN outfit fou ting Ey tani io i and, if he finds that they are incor- Brock Btreet rotivenivuces. 'on Wlctorts | Birset Atply 10' 1 Ea, WWniion . 2 rigible, he commits them to Bridewell | NICE CLBAN RAGS FOR WIPING Kingston Collagitie and Victor: |e oot. Kingston for a week, or, in exceptional cases, machinery: will pay good price for Behool: will be ready Tat Mas " ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR a fortnight or_ twenty-one days, the 1 hig - i y same, British Whig Publishing PIV 10. Wii Miller, $4 Victorla BOARD AND ROOM. J 8, Company. Ntreet a pe _. 4 : lads thus escaping the bad influences i et bse cness | GOO BOARD AXD ROOMS AR OHAN : ROOMS AT 10s DIAMOND MER TS 116 Brock Street. of an ordinary prison. | HOARD AND ROOM FOR AT LEASE York Street A ---------------- " } EE wre wy vim Wr We wr three men location near i $2,000 301 RE a. STHRE » T, BRICK, Formerly Spangenberg's ; For Two Bishops. motive works Apnly Box $23 347 King Street. Phone 1216 Th» veteran cricketer, Dr. W. GQ. : Cure Whig office : oT, Stone AND CATERER + Grace, has probably been photograph. HOUSE, WITH MODERN CONVENT. bias nar ars ND. heen WE CATER TO PARTIES, l uu | €d and has given Lis autograph as ' fonroy Tamir ily lavaten) JIHER. Pie rT AND, a1 er, JAW even : ES, WALLS, Marriage Licenses Issued. many times as moss celebrities. At, it < » t Wedding Breakfasts, "Banquets culara, to Dox "D1" care Wh hi : : GRanun agus ete; almd Hent Dishes, ble a meet the other day a wee maiden | " office, ie ATEN a GARDINER, oF, CLAN Hanis and Silvaryhoe, Re id 8 : approached him with notebook and | " Basy to make am maihrook, Ehons $94. a pencil" for his autograph, which was | "Basy to take " SHOR REPAIRING OF EVERY DR. y ' : - gracefully accorded with the cheery | peription; firet class work: best DENTAL, 4 NIGHT ORDAY > smile and good.natured manner for | At the bast grocers, leather on pen one trial will HOTELS AXD RESTAURANTS, y e e Btrect coe. of | A EB. KN re, PDA A | ee -- FOR SALE[l "Goin which he (HA Same e Bi SBE el, 3S ERR Wr oe GDPORILE GTR. station, one block fortnight later, moch to his surprise, ; SPAR rom C 1h: At Attractive Prices . Tt ahi. lady shgly sidled .up "CARTERS DAVID MARSHALL, PLUMBER, Gas |" A358" § Er Bar wusblied annTores car ine: t ve d is 4 I will pay 15 cents & load for fiter and Electrician, 129 Raglan Bol 246 " * and lguors: charges, $1.38 per § - to him with the necessary documents ashes and earth, Good dumps Road, is the place for first class special rates by Lhe week a (1) Beveral large ocommodions i dnd the réquest for his autograph. ing place, Victoria Streei, ho. Rork at reasonabis rates. Call or | Ju o NADH. DEN Cousinesu, Prop residences; alt modern cone "But I gave it to you only a few days iweeri Darl ahd Johnson Hach frop a curd for gas esumaies be- | PM. 0 C NAMM, & NTATLOR. CB | veniencan; splendid locations, | = " lgughingly shid the 'veteran. Jf 108d paid for wileh deliversd fore spring rush, "Photie Fol an rincess "THE GRIMASON soTEL, (2) A number 6f moderats kite J ag,' ly od "I chan od. Drive up Johnson or Earl, : Princess Street. Bar Re x S02 a brick and stone residences) \ Ub," came. the answer, & WM. MILLER. 5. A. AYKROYD, D.D.S the best of Ales, Beers fis all modern conveniences; at 7 . that one tor two bishops." . ; TAKE NOTICE, THAT | WILL muy |S A. BD, wo dald.8., RENT. Liquors gnd cholcest brands right prices, RN 7 | i . go ! All Kinds Of Behonds hand furniture int, A aboiminion Express hice Cigars. Meals, 26c pach, 4 4 . 3 3 . * and stoves; w pay est pr a {3) A number of frame houses A Queer Hermit. ET TTI EERE at bargain figures. rat by th . Re me Jefore, Anyone Fs S10. stable socommodniion," tes re . : . --- bb in ln ds . hal ding an to ely oh 2 ; I bso ws un an_fed A next xt Bt A Andrew's Church 8. BH SIMPSON, LDS, D0. he reasonable Muivilie 4 brissel u n o 4 P +e - y i ¢ . ist, corner ' Princess ot (5) To inre , OroLaRtiés located 3 Ca ty-eight. lived the lile of a unis Toe Victim, Not Author, of the Speed Entrance on Bagot Btrest to OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENCY. 5) Two large prope J \ : t Nawport, lsle o Craze. ™ wai n-- ------" BELG Street, . suitable nearly forty yea:s & : Ne rin = on ye a ar other o Wight. He occupidd 4 mud-hut which | Poor Capt. Smith uf the "Titani-, SE and have, it Made Up tate : A oT TRAX AATLANGIC Xd AN INES, ALL CLASS busihass purposes; Including | he erectéd on a piece of waste land | wis fot the author of the #pecd iis Eolrarie joe ng. ho , ROHITECTS {arene Siraer ol odd rs ot het of attractive in the village of Chale, but the hut erage which claims Bim and hus a rin done ald as -------- HENRY H, ARCHITROT, BTC, modern hauses for reht, furs 1 became so dilapidated that the raral.| gpeqs of (others as its victims ot st Bb ona flowy! King a sx 264 treet, "Phone ished ord uhrurnished J HEY » district council ordered its destruc it 18 easy to suggest that the Ti ck oie "near PERSONALS, (1) x ana i tion. Sheath was greatly exasperated | ,niic should have steamed careful; ARTHUR ELLIS, Ang WTRCT, 10 ai = S------ =p Brack isdn larg large. laters: | . { by the council's interference, anid bs | trough the iceberg-hauted waieiy | KINGSTON WINDOW CLEANING CO. University Aven Te ma ana an er arn. at right prices. {fame left for the workhouse he burn: | gn jceborg is never dangerous ex- 3 Montreal Streetcleave ait r oved permanent My MAL uf _Sfterings w 0 fares rack ed the hut to the ground... Mice and jcen in conjunction With the spo 1] Sood tndow A woather Ub Wh SEWLANT 4 wr tne . pear i 3 aes . fore, wl in elt Jor any - " "birds had grown ho secudtomed to the {of the vessel which ft strikes. If} ound § Baro Tor tre FW We w HRW rer www owt to come; don't delay your ved ete. Offices, Ber who Are inierésted in barge ---- - uid man and his lovely ways that Capt. Smith had lost twelve or order until too late: place ft ai e $08. ' Bar None of rel estate of any | , fn they used to come and feed from his 14 hoors - eluding icebergs he fo clean your windows, we aiso| POWER & SON, ARCHT T tion, : | 5 Lh hand. would have docked in New York a (#ke off storm windows. xd any Ton i wll TEC wen | UFBOISTERER. fidings, corner day late, apd his passengers migut arock, ane ot Wellingion treets, The Brown Clas. have grumbled as thay left the ship OSTEOPATHY. i 3. SAVIYR, TPRO Se ATID Kiva an Ever since 1760 there bas existed "That was a great big tub the! ! vi rd : ress - nove Drop sa card or a charitable society in Glasgow known brought us over, aud the cap- FURNITURE FINISHER. Rant © rand as the Browns Society. The number fain was a dub to' slow down "Sailr rar! D0. 108 Wellingian ot for nothing." SECS s pad Oot ohromi ANTIQUE FURNITURE A SPECIAL LEGAL. aon ut en ebanizi tid in 1] md Rieet v 'bration and ail colors : asin work: » pH ms . work: CUNVINGH A 9 y "Ottien, Ti sppelintment. 'Phone work given eution. Hy ars and Senior ia: 1 Drindoll, 33 Tons Blroet Call or Clarence Birast, SEWER WE Ee Ee W, roat ont othe, - once and be. sdre of a cupable man Sow Lett to Good 1 ses. Betlevilel Ontario It pays to be & gurgeon. The late] = iam " io Lord Lister, of London, who dis cavered the antiseptic system for the : 4 treatment of surgery eft an estate y Suning on $3 ERLE." moe GE'S gm. A Bag of Charcoal part of it he 16ft to wedical institu- 3 , ¢ ¥ rr. tions. and with the singular request that the donor's name should nat ha pied with the bevefaction. Lord or a wiser' erm 2 awomsie wd | | NAWEL ORANGES || & otal! With a few hundred of our bim to formulate liv theory, whica . a o he afterwards developed in practice i : Cannell Coal for your And 'yet, he was ofa of the mos v ¢ 7) rou, Lind sta saishne oot men |. The finest oranges al Grate Fire keeps the an argument that the anti- i whfornia « A vivisoctionists will find #t hard ot grown mn California overcome. i" 1 off. Robert Thompson died at West J A. J REES, oi) Hantingdon, ear lay naa wiv. Pr r Phans » . tv-lw bars. owas a Princess ' ae {he Holness Movement and s Jibs, 166 st. Special corset, SPe. Dutton : T AN STO A. BS NA BS NOE, O30 6 i,