Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Apr 1912, p. 1

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a tut] Che 1 of a Commission to {report upon the whole question of Ipower development on the lakes YEAR 79 MO. 96 FIREMAN OF TH From Queenstown. TWENTY-SEVEN BODIES NEAR THE SCENE OF DISASTER ARE IDENTIVIED, London Times Calls for a Fair Hears ing for Ismay---A Vessel Passed Within Ten Miles of the Titanic When the Latter Was Sinking. Now York, April 23. John Thomp sou, a fireman of the Titanic, now m St, Vincent's hospital with a broken arm, says: "From Uneenstown out all the fire: men had been talking of the orders we had to fire her up as hard as we tremedned whrking the {last Carried Full Steam Pressure! f dynamos the tights burning. came on deck to sce happened, g am sure that the this shocking catastrophe will agree in placing thise" who worked below on the right of the live. They never what had really survivors ol Young Astor Gives 210.000. ew York, April 2 -Viocent As tor, son of Col. John Jacob Asior, who lust bis life in the Titanic dis cuter, sent to Mayor Gaynor a eon tribution of 10,000 for the destitute survivors of the ill-fated ship. Contriyutions received from various sources to-day brought the 'grand to tal to bo administered by the emer seney relid committee of the Anvericss Red Cross to 367,00. In additton to this, the women's rchél committee bas appounced that it bas received contributions aggregating 29,000, and that no f riher funds are rejuired by them. Tribute to Titanic's Doctor, New the fie poesibly could, We were to make aw yuick a passage as possible, the or ders ran, snd we were to beat all re cords on our maiden trip. I heard that these orders eame from the engi neering department, "We were carrying full pressure, from the "time we left CUneenstown, une til the moment of the shock we never eenwed to make from seventy-four to seventy-seven revolutions, It never below seventy-four, and as dur that whole Suaday we had been keeping up to sevemty seven, surely she must have been making that speed then. "At eleven were enlled to be ready to go on watch at twelve. Ow quarters were in the forecastle, We fell the erash with all its force up! there in the eves of the ship, and my mates and | were all thrown sprawl ing from our bunks. "It was a harsh, grinding sound as if everything were being torn out of her. It must have lasted at least five minutes, until she came do a stand still." | ------ Recovering the flodies. New York, April 2-<0nly those | bodies that admit of being identified, | will be brought back by the stésmner | Muckay-Bennett, Some of the victims | have undoubtedly been mutilated by ioe so that identification is impossible. | The steamer Rhein reported to the! White Star line by wireless that wreck. | nig oy wate, passed in 12.0] Is Nonirltiag; and that the Mackay -Renheit wns heading for that position, This message indicates that the Gulf "tream is ving the bodies Mud wiretkage over fifty miles east of where * the Titanic sank. i Ouly those bodies, it is generally be- | lieved, will be recovered that are | buoyed up by life preservers which were fastened on before the Titanic passed beneath the waves. | Twenty-seven of the fifty-three bod: ios found by the Mackay-Bennett have boon identified. went we Give Ismay Falr Hearing, London, April 23.-The London Times reproves its American contem- poraries for their editorial onslaught | upon Bruce lsmav before the facts on the Titanic disaster can be sifted, The Thunderer shys : ; | "As a nation we owe our recogni tion to all those other peoples whose sympathy and admiration our compa- | triots have won, and now that the first shook of calamity is past," we ta owe something to ourselves. Pub. lie opinion, ahen so deeply moved, is quick to form conclusion and appor- | tion blame, "Bruoeg fsmuy has, in particular, been visited with sweeping erviticism, and evon with abuse, "For our part, we shall be tha last to husband blame where blame can justly be proved to lie, but we must depreciate in strongest terms all this growing tendency on both sides of the Atlante to prejudice conditions which the public in general is as vet in no Position to understand. We owe it to ourselves as a nation io await a pro- vor verdict on the event with some. something of the calm whigh dinified our fellow countrymen, amid the actual terrors of the wreck, Tried to Evade Ice Field. New York, April 20-From all sources comes confirmation of the re port that the Titanic was proceeding al a ow of twenty-one Knots when it was sideswiped by the iceberg, but Safating men are loth to blame Capt. Smith for proceeding at such high speed. "N the hydrographic oflice in Wash ington, it was said the eourse taken by Capt. Smith showed that he gone 160 wiles ; track, to avoid, it is presumed, icp pack, but had founi it far mere tonthornly than he had the season of the vear. A------ Lord Beresford's Tribute, Londen, April 3--Adwiral | Lord Charla Bervsford writes 4 ta, - the Timer ©. " : ' Many comments have, been 'made remrding the heroism on deek, but nothing has been said of + the bravery of he oTeers, titi Justly | HT Yer, April 28.--1In counts prigted about the aml hing J tanie teen said of one who, probably, was the mest + Sdidy known and best-be loved by all elusses. He wes Dr. wil liam Francis Nornmn (FLoughlin, se wor surgeon of the White Star im who perished Yth the ship, Survivors say they saw Dr. O'Lough lin on deo', ghng trom one to ay other of the frightened pasesngers soothing them and aiding them n petting into the litebonts As tha List lifekoat left socn stand ng in a eompanionway by wide the chief steward, the ard another oliver, swinging ww beit, He was heard to say Link Ul} weed to put this was in the companionnay vigsel went down. purser, life "1 don't He Lh on, V when Boats Only dalr Filled. New York, April 23. The fact Captain Smith realized that the Titanic's lifebonts, were when only half filled with pascengers dsclosed by Peter D, Daly, of Limd, Peru, one of the first cabin sur- vivors, who relates that he saw the veteran skipper rush to the railing after the boats had put out from the sinking ship, and call: "Bring boats back; they are only half ed." "Of course," added Mr, a fact thal many boats only Rall (lled™ 7 Orders Coliapsibies, Copenhagen, April 293 <The White Star Steamship company has sent an order for a big consignment of collapsible boats of Captain Engle hardt's well-known design. hora the Titanie could have car ried eighty of these hoats without ent cumboring her deoks, thit the that some of launched was those fill Daly, "it is did get away say and would have provided seats for 4.000 | persons. Pearls Were ost, Philadelphia, April 23. When the Philadelphia persons who survived the Titanic wepek arrived here it became known that Mrs. George DD. Widener's famous steing of pearls, worth 8750, 00D, waz lost, when the Titania went down, Mrs. Widener having left her jewels in hep stateroom: Her insur ance policy demanded that the jewels be worn all the time. Passed Within en Miles. Washington, D. C., April 23.-Evi dence at the Titanic investigation in- dicates that an wnknown vessel passed within ten miles of the sinking vessel "and did not help her. Winner of Automobile. Watertown, NY; April 21-W, WH Youngs, proprietor of an hotel % Cape Vineent, im one of the happiest men in Northern New York. He won the 31.80 automobile offered at the Fike fair on Friday night. Me. Youngs is seventy-five oars old Whether he will sell the car or retain it for his own use, he has not decid ed. There 1s a standing offer of §1.400 for the machine. Mr. Youngs possess ed but one ticket. Dr, Gould's Mother Dead. London, Ont., April 23, The death oconrved, yesterday, of Mrs. Edlen Goold, mother of Rev. De. Gould, of Toronto, secretary of the Missionary Society of the ) Auglican church of Canada. Mra, Gould was seventy live vears old, and had been un resident of don for many vears. GE < t ~3 ~-- nod | Fifty-Five Per Cent. of {he the vessel ha wax! Experts | 'KINGSTON, REPORT ON POWER SCHEMES. i Considering Appoint. | ment of Commission for Purpose Ottawa, Apel 23 Government The appointment mvestigate and | great and the St. Lawrence river is consideration. The government appointed such a body to enquire into the effect of power schemes upon navigation on the | 8t. Lawrence river, but before it down to real work ome of the bers, W. |. under late got mem Gear, resigned ey has not yet been filled, and the work has not gone ahead. The prod posal wow is that the enquiry be en: larged . (0 cover all the waterwavs from the Lake of the Woods eastward, snd to make a comprehensive study of flows, levels, and the probable of- feet of power development and other "0 hemes, DREAM CAUSES A MURDER, Man, Waking Up, Suddenly Fired at Random. Georgetown, Ky. April 23. Just a liane Southworth was wmserting his) fateh k in the door of his home near Lytle York, Ky., after returning Hrom a fox hunt early Sundav morn ting, his elder brother, George, awoke {from a dream about burglars, | jseized his shotown and fived {the window blind, killing | stantly. REVEALS VAST POWER OF THE STEEL TRUST Has Controlling Voicz in Nearly and throash ham in United States Railwas. | Washinvton, Aprd 23 {the Uitied States Steel through stock, ownership and (laces on L'itectors ol Corporation jthe directorates of the great raflwa {syetems of the United lecntr Hing voice in iter ent, of {eo ntry, ACCCY ing to a lstudy yrepared for the Stanley Trust investigating -commitfee house, | The aggregate value of the railvoads lis fixed at approximately X15.000, 000,000 and that of sted corpgritior {alfliations are said to contro) Wot {than $10,000,000,000 |* The twenty-three (%rectors of steel corporation also sit on laf directors of compani' s, panies and various other industrial Jeorporations, with an. aggregate cu Hitohizaticn of ¥7,558,000,416. l. Figures collected for commitiee': teoord by one of the special inves {tigators show that steel corporaiios joflicers and directors sit as ollieer er directors in hanks, trust and in surance . companies having agoregal capital, surplus, deposits and ded profits «f 3$3,314,81),178 The industi® 1 corporations havin ageregate capitul and bonded in {ce tedness of S2,8300.0500.04% (including the steel corporations S1,164,925,167. Tu street railway, steamslip, expres {tele raph and terminal companies ha ving aguveraté capital and bonded inde tedaess of 81,271,778,800 | Of the individual, othcers ov dir Ltors, (worge F. Baker holds the pres test nunber of membershiys in other {bonrds «b dircetors Mr. Baker is a director in industrial ioorporations with combined ca G00 nearly" $2,000,000 000, railroad a express companies™ with "eapital i 'wore than $4,000,000,000 and {with ecaiital » of more than G00. L0H, | Fach of the other directins are in dustrial corporations with com ttined capital Gf more than 51,000 oo0n00. J.P. Morgan, J. 1 Mon tran, r,, William Fk Corey, i t He W. H. Mogre, George Wo. 'as have nearly fifty-live the ratlreads of the statistical Rte of the States, the boards banks, ISU once LOX[ ress com unr banks $1,500, alsa buns, Norman B. Ream, Damel [Peid, P. A. B. Widener, Pereiv [Letts ta and E. « ji rominent in the names upon th tabulations prepared for the miftee showing their ropresenta in other corporations Converse are Com 1 REMARRIES IN 15 MINUTES, leceives i Loses Little Time After She Second Divorce, Indinnapolis, Tud., April 2A di voree wag granted Mrs, Sylvia Page Guess by Judge Carter, in Superior court, al tem o'clock ip the morning Five minutes later she got a license to marry from Deputy County Clerk Roerner, and in another ten minutes Ishe had crossed Delaware street, modi har way to Justice of the Peace Man- ning's office and had been married John Thomas Kirby. i Mra. Kirby was divorced once before, in 1899. She warried James Guess in 1910. He filed complaint for divoree {in which he alleged that he had treat od him "moan." The divorce IPRS granted on | her crosscomplaint, in which it was alleged that Guess had heen guilty of cruel and inhuman treat | mént, abandonment and neglect. Kir by also had been warvied before, and had been divorced. He is thirty-six amd she in thirty-seven years old. . ---- Preparation for Consecration. Ogdensburg, N.Y. April 28. Rev. J, H. Conroy, pastor of St. Mary's ea: thedral, whose eonscerstion ae auxil iary bishop of the diocese of Ugdens. | burg, takes place here May Ist, will | leave to-morrow for New York for a days' retreat with the Paulie | te of that city in preparation for! his 'consecration. | The ceremony in the local cathedral will be icipated], in by many pro- | minent Catholic clergvinen, eluding | Cardinal Farlev, of New York, Bishap ! Hickey, of Rochester and Bishop Cal- | ton, of Ruffalo. 'A banquet by th | Ton, ) £11 \ The vacan: [iP the fall and ihe marviage was cele FIGHTING SPARROWS | Beak or the Talon of One of the|>+« ol one of perous a farm of 117 {chair on | with ily British Whig ONTARIO, TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1912, A MARRIAGE ANNULLED. How Sydney (BB. Wright Married Miss Tremblay of Montreal. Montreal, April 23 deau has just of a here Lifs Were Justice |.auren annulled the mariage witich took place | [he contracting pas Sidney 8. Wright, of Cornell University, young couple fast fall a student Prov. N.Y. the tweniy-year-old daughter of Lillian Tremblay, of Montreal. met while the girl was of a visit to some friends at lagt summer, and the young man came up to Montreal s An Unknown Ship Near the Titanic After Crash brated without the Knowledge of Mrs -- Tremblay. Aue 1 one day of married life the couple agreed tg part, and OFFERED NO AlD the young mau lft for his ows home, leaving the bride behind, Mrs rem - -- hi blay did not of the marriage a til a forinight sfierwards, and nme | 17 diately instituted view voung matter und Mys They oy heay FAILEE TO RESPOND TO proceedings with _a » . VGN ' to having it cancelled, both FRANTIC SHANALS, eos Whe - yo Prope belare ng. % hen. th Fourth Ofticer Boxhall Could See it: deau there was "no appearance for Lights, and He Tried to Hail i Wright, the learned judge held With Rockets Mors. that the law of Quebge required the Fleetric Signal consent of the parent or guardian to wa : wartiage. The marriage conducted hy Rev, Dr. Hart, of the Dominion Methodist church. acGriescing. and and the 23. With the Washington, succor ouly "live nto its watery grave, carrying with it 1,000 of unidentitied saved nll failed o frantic signals flush a minor's was April miles away, F'itamie sha -- more than crew, that refused to see thn ed To it for ad, his phase of the tragic disaster wa it Monday mvestignting committee { Buxhalt, fourth officer ol the Tian {told of essful attempts ihger s attention wording to been HE passengers am while an stenmey might has betore the senut when J B brought Lis wns tattract the str | This Heould ship, a Boxhall than___fiy toward tha San not have more and was steaming No close was it Boxhall plainly then bridge masthead hy and Is req ghits sidelight. rockets and with the jenal did the Souny of Captam >dmut bosn with wl the several the bridge declared at the I belief that the vessel had seen stranger others in vicinity 0 time then them land was signalling in veply Boxhal {failid to see the replies, however im an the course obliquely past the Titame with tout ex ad i" This, the dec NS. Frankim, {| White Sta and case steamer kept on 1t laration by I'. A viec-president of the Line, that not lifebouts aboard Litani {to care for the ship's company at one ne, wore o the hearing sent up distress rockets until the ship,"' Boxhall testified, 'to Lo attract the atlention of a shiy hight "She seemed to be meeting us and fur She got elose - . : cuough, #0 she seemed to me, to, reqs Little Bipeds Makes Mortal jour electric Morse signals. ; | "F told the captain. He stood with Wound. me much'of the tne rying 16 signa W.Va, April 23 Huron, Randolph county, and there wen . ¢ Isatlicient the the features of I bad seen her PUT MAN TO DEATH: iu away. Clavkshuryg, From {4 . . "Ho told me to fell hor in Mors 'Came al COMES nowy the most pecalin Dall," a pro and operates | "Did auswer that plas did not see them. but two nn ghting Eng (say they saw signals from thar ship "How im ' do think tha death { ship wan? Doll sitting asleep in a hickory front poi tifted which had death QRCE We. ny wer chronicled. Jacob farmer ho owns come?" 7 acres neat hie and two | patrows were the Wis victim lish unusual cause AW you of his My WHS miles." not five did t "Approximately large old-fashioned Poxhall the hig head rocking sini he know wha Was. "Have vou that "No replied 14 our rockets and our signals, but 1 & ; [ his house Suddenly een fighting violently sip it 0 wl i} i vened anything | abo the spa hip since?" mm adie, swooped RETOR talon | some people say she the porch and either a beak op ane wight he Hesh of Lhe steep not see it ng heny ' 3 ome people,' whom cutting the Mrs large ATOM Re, lagged do vo jugular vein nt? mean Doll came to thei her floor. v the time sleward auld they savy "Naot but declared passengers, hushand 3 thort all Ay | them." porch from the kit lay uncunscious on to cheek the flow Doll. expired rived hen the capinin the were futile and Wat: had tia ow n Titanie, powerin could vou thrown a beam on the v "*Nuppose searchlight on belore a physician ar ynl the fm ---------------- thot have wan] Robson Black, Magazine Writer Black, a dormer Kingston an, who has had an extended pews the King Citizen, Montreal Star, and the fo where he has been for Hi he bade farewell to and in and hay smpelled her attention?" "Wo might." said he Robsor rowed in the ' boat tUneeyuarters of a mile when th Fitaxic down Before that hu rowed "around the ship's stern Lo see could not take persons for which there was room. He future jubandoned that attempd, however, he him only to havdle an onr, and His bost, he the first picked ap in hat about 1.10 Boxhall paper experiences, News Herald, Montreal News four ye journalism will including ston Ottawa went ronto off three more the ous irs the § f irs, 3 week st hiv entire time with ong Mr. Black Haz been sac- who knew many of the New York {hie Minne add it with | gestifid : will be {the Carpathia wies--and articles Hy the morning. American Maga | ---- zine, Woman's Home The Investigation World Wide, Musical Monthly, Maclean's, graph and others devote writ cessful and British these to magn leause ho had Ti } how feared aw accident wa hix work Recent 1 have appeared in the publication identified wis Companion, America, Canada New York Tele Proceeds. Owing to the GOES TO MOURN AND FINDS HOUSE OF 10 Washington, April 23. tremendous crush of women and othe {eurious people to the Titanic investi (gation, Chammarng Smith, to-day, ad 1iourned to smaller quarters, and ex cluded all except the Wilnesses and { press representarives { Fourth Oflices toxall "was ill this morning and Third Officer Pitman was Telegram Announcing Death Sent fo called 10 the stand. Major Peachen, {Canadian witness, was ' present and Brother to Bring Him to lexpected to he called shortly Pitman saul the weather was perfect Mother of Nephew {from stavtiog to the collision with the xa : . {ieeherg, Brockton, Mas, April 23. Reviving | 3 a telegram saving his sister in Spring- | Seventy-three Bodies' Found. field wax dead, N. B. Yorken, a tailor, | New York, Amil 23.-The Mackey Whee shap 3 in Maine pret, Brock: | Bennett "steamer reports by wireless, on, How 3a worin of Howw ., Ol + i : i the ie for Sicinglhld. ao oi ar] OEE, having found » haggis I ne upped foe ol griel more burials at sen al. sunset lo woth : ue Decome Mimight. Among the hodies identified Greeted with the mens that his sis | doy ax the bundy uf Billiws Dag, Ee ys fone of SC of n Sege, who te ae wiv ad ot wl ap coud be eur in hr WE, uncle. "1h man. Was overcome With | Saskatchewan with his wile and fam- emotion. Then he learned that the of nine children, aml all pere ap- telegram was went to him by his broth- parently Jost, er-igdaw, Lear Borner, as a joke. $ nquent Stesmer It secms that Yorkan had repestediy | The Del) Has pe been ifivited to hin sister's home in Jorento, April 23.--Dr. F. ( Springfield and had alwavs pleaded F805. of Berlin, Germany, who has ar that business prevented. Borer rived bere to atlend a post' graduate thought there was 86 other way of course ia Toronio university, was a getting iis brother-in-law to pay his Passenger on the Mount Temple, a C. % 44 the home of the new ar PK. steamer which arrived at St. rival than by sending the 'jesting"' | Joba, N.B., Friday. He tells a start {telegram.. ! ling story that the wireless operator mr---------- , 'on the Mount Temple was the first to The Welland cand] is open to navi get the Titavicds call for help, and was then only forty miles from the scene 3 i a ' : | WEATHER PRORARILITIEA ' 4 Toronto, Ont April 28rd, 10 an «= jOtawa Valley and Upper St Lawrenes Blirong north-west winds and coolest Quite * - + LAST EDITION -- Wednesday, westerly higher winds. fair, with a Hitt temperature of disaster, but did not go to the as sistance of the stricken line: Capthin Moore, of the Mount Tem le, indignantly denies that be failed to make an efiort to reach the Tita The captain's story is told in a St. John's despatch already sent _Nuitzrans' seemed to fit in with that told by the surviving offi fs of the Titanic, thal they the ights of a vessel about five miles from hem when their liner was sinking Captain Moore admits receiving a «i wl of distress when about fifty miles astward of 'the place of the disaster {e wade afl speed to where the Ti anic was sitking, but found himseli docked © by a big ice field. Capt. loore had nearly fifteen hundred peo- le on his own boat, and he didn't take any chances among the ice bergs In fe, accordingly proceeded very can wtsly till morning, when he gat a ireless frome the captain of the Car athia that all swivivors were picked ip. a It seems quite evident that the fount Temple was nearest of all to He had all nis eady for launching and all hands on eck prepared for emergency. - BY SURVIVING OFFICERj------= yo He, story SAW COLONIAL DRAPERY FABRICS THT LTTLLLLLITRTTRLRS novel ant and design make the room a deligiit artistic coloring contributes to living: to the eye, and an excesding low bedroom or Cost. SEE THIS BEAUTIFUL DE PLAY OF Carpathia Crew French Repps we nieve (I~ Crefonne | Carwin wae Florian Patterned Sat- eens Art Muslins Beautiful Net Curtain- RES Art Squares Windowphanie Conista Curtaining and Curtains from 25¢ to $15 the pair. Remarkable values for qualities, We give you the best without High prices. he 'Titanic, lifeboats Medals Washington for ¢ medals of I. Ro<tron ii the Cunard roduced 'rancvis of we 85,000 the mint al 10 vd the Liner ' Monday by Representativy Ohio It would na Carpathian was is appropri nse the director of to strike off wysuitahle thei med commemorate rescuing the Titanic's "HE OFFER TO MEDIATE LIKELY TO BE ACCEPTED Md the Big Raitway Stike in United States May Not Occur. April 2301 is believed nth hour the Un meditate the engi the com this afternoon Employees have already signified their seceprance, I the companies do not accept, the trike will go in (oven So morsew » GALE KILLED SIXTY.SIX. Destitute in nevoism in SUPVivOLs New 'York hat the elev, ted win een oltes of States the neers will be abr officials to and accepted by anies who are me witronds 'ting to consider the situation We fhvite quiries. vour tall and fa lundreds Villages ot Minois and Indiana, Chicago arding pil 2% Latest figures re aver 11 evening nearly which Sunday injured the ga noi and Indiana how 66 dead, 157 nd 0 families in a destitute condition More d and sWwaopt than 6 homes were demolish the property totaled ral handred thousand dollar Lovmna Adjutant Len have arranged to extend the boss SOV Deneen and MARRIED, MeC'ARY 1 f Ringe is 1 y ral Dickson ate refit to dhstiricts ir trivken Hinois ont : nv Chapel, TS ACCEPT) Mi daughter of : *aru 8 wip Nireel, MeCare bulh of Kingston: DIED, In Kingaito on Garnet Doy A widd 28 veurs erat will take reskdence, 64 ' at ton THE NATIONAL Daniel Witish Premier Asquith's Home ---- ---------- -- inl Bill. Witl Tredund demonstitation, convention tule \pril 23 green Aptit orig plage from Lis Tate Jay Btreet, Thursday en ocliock. Frisads respectinliy « Dublin, f the umultuous Lhe ntathing Iw and a the « na forinally Hug of onalist to-day, Asquith's Hedmond Premier Leader bill, Dublin and blood dizappea | he ish r nation of lool Ww to woepted rule that with ils home 1 A ' nll declared i Ta Hote April ¢ $12 tradition vido y the late aged 5 Monduy, McBride, VoRerty, un, on Margi ret Philip Cars inder this castle, avil vould would ix accept in In Memory of W. T. Stead. New Y Conservation ork, April 22. The Congress of Christin My ' Forward Movement ds last night to William vid ar Lhe repos tif mega wilted Brewer's the dei ! Friends speetfi Lerment at ahves wre attend Mills RORERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaher, 'Phone 577. JAMES REID The Od Firm of Underts 254 snd 356 PRINCESS STREP 'Phone 147 for Ambuinace, § ee entme-- esl GO-CARTS Na couple dozen of them Wii self! them at a reasonable price. Must bat cash. Turk's. "Phone 705 and Religion voted its morial the English perished in RESHIONN me services for Stead | withor, wh disaster Mr 4 ! { editor Fitanie Sthad was on his movement on the dal Peace, ned the address the subject of "I niver wis on way 'to the = pro tamme to speak tonight praise of Mr hife and character made by W. A. Cameron, of Toronto; Res Lreroge Sherwood Fddy, of India, and Rev. Newell Dwigatt Hillisi of Brook lyn, Archdescon Madden, of [iver A pool, with the Rev, 0. S. Davis, presi dent of the Theological sem inary, offered tributes in Addresses in Steals werd Ley Chiengo Prayer MR.HAYS HAD PLANS OF A STARTLING NATURE Which Would Tend To Eliminate Much Present and Prospective CROSSE & BLACKWELL Mixed, i Chow Chow, Walnuts, White Onions, London, April 20. --1he tuture the Grand Tronk railway is aresto widespread interest in financial cles, the late Charles M. Hay's Gherkins, ecnsor being 'reels discussed it In Octagon Bot conceded that Mr. Wana ght, bee tap Men, Bc. : Wis long and devoted servicers, hae : unquestioned claims, but it js doutit Jas. Redden & Col od of his health will permit of his acesplance Major © RB, W. lLeocuard in well-informed circles Hou. -H. P. Roblo, promise of Ma 4 ioba, sd Mes. Hobfin, are at Bells k ville, attending the bedside of the it is woud that Mr. Hesse bad we ters father, Ne NX. Bemtil } Jortant documents bearing on 6 fe with paralysis. orgnaization of a startling nature Kentucky lawn seed. "Gibson's." which world tend lo disvioste much! James Brady, a wealthy sawmill present and prospective compe tion. [erstor, and bis wife were found ------ (at their Bome in Edmons, Wash. Age Fears are entertained of further seri- | pucently Mrs. Brady had shot het ous disorders in Canton Thousunds! husband asd committed suicfie. . i Indicate! of soldiers have returned from the! Keptucky bloe grass seed. north in 8 state of discontens sun's" * "

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