ERGOT. yy A en A ERE A BEARER PARTY R AR RIY "The The piercing pains of ih which often follows a bad cold or LaGrippe, are frequently almost un- and few medicines afford any relief to the sufferer. 'l am a rural mail carrier and have been a user of the Dr. Miles medicines for years. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills can't be beaten, They are the only thing I have found that will relieve my neuralgia and I have tried most everything; besides medicine from the doctor. I am willing to tell anyone what the Anti-Pain Pills did for me."" ' CHARLES HILDERERANDT, Box 205 Woodyill. Ohio If you, like Mr. Hilderbrande, "have" tried most everything' in vain y not doias he did," fight' aches and' pains with Dr. * Anti-Pain Pills. Let the bear the brunt of the battle, matter how stubborn the con- _ test, they will come out victorious. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills stand on their record, which isa * long list of cures extending back a % » . "Druggists everywhere sell them. If first package falls to benefit, your drug. will return your money. ILES MEDICAL CO, Toronto, Can eh tr Hardwood | Flooring Cleaner and better than carpets. Can be laid over an old floor. BIRCH, MAPLE and OAK S Anglin & Co. Cor. Wellington and Bay Streets. "Phone 66. BRONCHITIS Jan Inflammation of the mucous in. Bi of "the: broncuial or wir ful windpipe with the ¥ Hellef should 1 alentiy Ht vigoreus'y 4 the thrdat and chest, Tt m spplisd on tlannel to the t the night. The buwels mu 3 ise ane to three of aa t-door exercise when st ASK for RADWAY'S and TAKE no SUBSTITUTES . b | Frisco Chinese Restaurant | | Regular Dinner - 25¢ | [First Class Service| OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. SAM & CHARLIE, Propricters. 183 Wellington Street. 9, Woei's The Great English Remed: Tones snd inv igurates the whe makes pow . ere ental and Brain Worry, Fess wel Wealaeo, K sions, Sper fects of Alwse or Kv. esses, Xfor $i Ona will plese, mx Lt Arc geists br mailed in 3 peceint of price. New pomphled The Wood Medicine ©» Windsor) Toronto, One QUR CRYSTAL BRAND Of Standard Granulated Sugar as reli wad" ante. bee sxcellont 1 pr Fy ANDREW MACLEAN, ay natn Walnut Table and Si te-| : Hr stock of New and Secale 8 Furniture, You wil ge: In at MH. SLGARMANS, 242 Ontarie Street, FONG SING a bars ! | | INTENTIONS MAY BE GOOD. FEET TY ITI TEE TW EW i #1 published [06-211 Ss at 2.39 and 4 pm. is pages. published in parts on M ii To United States hr for post &nd of Weekly $1.50 per year £ Job Printing Offices in Canada; ra ed presses, J. 6, Eliett, Premade, Leman A. Guild, TORONTO OFFICE~Suite 13 and 20 Queen City Chambers, 33 Church Btreet, Toronto. H. BE. Smaliplece, J.P. representative. THE SALT OF THE EARTH. ' Chireh Life hos a most depressing (They appreciate the refining influence article on clerical Mle in the rural |<! pesior and teacher. One who Jed the classes bin a pulidié school fifiy odd miles from King stan, told the Whiz that she Wi {few comforts, which are enjoyed by MNonely enough at Limes, hud she Shed the vow. @eacon or priest. The lthe work, Ske Siked the people. The. home experiences are disheartening {were poor, and they may have enough, but they are not to be com- dull, but * they mnvited the pared" with the thule: he Bas"th teh- she * Was able to bestow, velting ab out (long Badly kept Toads, Hd necapled her advice in manistering to the people that eon. |'Yes, she was mifslering stitute his parish, in about to this {al disolation jeonaciousness that she did vast," that it esnnot be Emagived. yhour in vain. { i parts of Canadas at ithe present time {ur coORLEmpoOrary comments upon the been atiention and they and aid angel and day the not in suffering a men. {she cantes "wo awlul apd so Awl he is these things alone." allowed (obliged) to! The young clergyman 18 engaged in ia work whieh is not and the by the The "teaching The best. . and ox: {most effectually from his life, and the in this disheart- | more sacrificing There's the [1 4ty, says our contemporary, sin of it. Only Jor a while, deacon or priest is not jected to meet to be measured rewards of it. «f the good man proceeds young contine it is the. better. in service for ever. 'The exper [time he moves in to new and helpful, It wii make it will demonstrate in truth he has a call to the minis [the loneliness and help him ingletting all that is his hight shine for the benefit of his and comforting in ow there jening easior a man {fields 1 jence i of him. whether try. and there moves nto the hone \ 4 the cne whom he needs to abolish Away back, rom Intghtening dathization, fellow men. 'The marvel is that in to be | this day so miany intelectual young Late at [wen select the minfstry for a life {the Lest is chuerless. wo- occupation, and with the knowledge toil * and slave while they lay |that they are to he the saving «le the foundation are bowld many disoouraging things. Mun and jmen } F: for ao useful career, | ment of sociely. The Ottawa Citizen offers a peculiar- closed by the inspector, and apparent fame and impotent defence of the {iy with the eoncurrence of the min {Li-Kngual schools as they exist. wy, [Ste of education, and (2) the policy of the government has been defined. Spfnger towaship the French the tescher was 80 manifestly meompe- the itent that the English pupils, so large only language used. 'The childreh were ly in the mworily, were not mak French, the teachers | the tuition iishe-speakiog schoct it could infers schools complained of," says the ( We lpn i i i fens. "were not bilingual for simple reason that French was ing were French and progress. She was teaching church was French. I dn Eng- {catechism dung school hours against child went to such a the wishes of the trustees, not be taught, Bi [vices were dispensed with. Mer that €hildren could cessor could not teach French satis be taught in both languages. Owing | factorily. She would not teach relig to neglect, oversight, or probably lax- ion. 'the trustees were reproved by ity on the part of the inspector, Eng- (the deputy minister of education, and schools in some sections haveilecatqu a change could not be made turned into French but {the schol was closed. The govern that is not and never was the inten- Yment prevented the discussion of this tin 4n thi provboce®, : FOR "tn the Public Accounts Com. The "imtention of the provinces' may mittee. The minister and his deputy Le one ting and the intenthon of the (declined 'to answer (questions. : government way be another. The plan | In the new policy * of the of the premier--spenking for the min- {ment it is provided that amd representing its mind on (Look shall be used, that the the subjeot--was that it did not have'!scheols shall be inspected oflen the facts fn a fair and unbiased way. [enough to see. that they are being It asked for make (conducted according to regulations. an examination of the situation. and (But the chief defect of bilingualism js the result is disappointing. 'the shontage of teachers, and it re sicce Br. Merchant has reported |muins. What the "intention" of he two things have happened (1) Ihe | government ig upon thls point nolydy been knows, Her ser- Buc 1 {Lingualsun | I lish been schools, govery- proper text istry and time in which to Srringer township school hus MEDICAL COUNCIL MUDDLE. rene, . « The Ottawa Citizen raises a ques- granted the license and the one who tion which i§ of loeal interest, as it bad persuaded the council to do the 3 ' granting, fe a8 n ve concerng a student of Queen's Univer: |¥ ting. This offer has not yet heen accepled. The administrative, in sttv, and one who has graduated from various bodies, legislative and connection with Queen's | niversity will meet this week, and it is for one of them to take this matter up, and insist standing its medical department. The com plaint is that the young doctor is not permitted to write on - the Untario PMedical Council examinations because upon an under- Ihe: Medi eal Couneil is not managing the uni- versities and his matriculation papers, British, are not acceptable. with the council. The absurdity of the statement, says When it is must not usefulness. It interfere with the Citizen, is obvious, their may pass upon the merits of the graduates, and im pose the tests thst will satisfy it (hat the candidates are competent to prac- tice medicine Medical Council of | But it realived that the said papers were ac ceptable to both Metill and Queen's Universities. "Medico" the Citizen that from the now | informs last week he received before licensing is unreasonable 'that a doctor shall be put e and repudiated at the close of his®medical studies be cause the Medical Council found that his matriculation papet has not been up to the standard. Ihe time to matriculation them, a letter Nova Scotia, stating that he may write on the council's examinations ol that province, as his matriculation papers are quite satisfactory. This is fur her evidence of the injustice of the attivude of the Ontario Medical Coun- cil towards this young loeal doctor. settle wen is porth anything: sJudgefett! suspended weanwiple. J. Costell Hopkins presumes to, in Merphet Canadiat "opinion in. Setters to the Posksh" press on home rule Mr, Hopkins bas a good opinion of himself, but he has no warrant to speak for anyone but himself. Several big wigs, politically, 15,000 eich in trying to influener *he rdmaries of New York for Roose eit, What are after ? thing large, it spent they Some may be assumed. They 8, endl all that without a are not money purp sc. According to Lavergne the people of Quebec, or rather are not ready for ight. And yet that element the conservatives, another Lavergne represents that appeared to be spoiling for About and was frequentls challenging the government to a cam bat. political The richest: man in America, outside of Rockefeller, and perhaps not ex cepting him, was Col went down with be missed. le Astor, the Titanic. He was of won't no use in the world except most useful man among the lost was Mr. Hays, of the Grand Trunk system, and his death is universally lamented. ---- A Desirable Haven. Miawa Free Press The tories as a partly are cursing the senate, but there's quite a number of husky old tories chasing around these days trying to be made senator M.P's. Didn't Break It. ditawa Journal. The city engineer is puzzled by the disappearance of eight mullion gal lons of water a day. Perhaps the milkmen could help clear up the mys tery, . What's the Security? Hamilton Times Premier Whitney is to abolish bi lingual schools. He has said so. Im proved inspection is to he the remedy The whole system is to be thoroughly enforced. "It will not be y hereafter by a teacher knowing only French." What security is offered for Sir Jumes spedking the truth about the majter ! possible Difference Between Them. Watertown Standard The loss of a man worth many mil- lions is of ' comparatiely small se count if he did not prove his business ability by making those millions. In the scale of usefulness to humaniiy, Charles M, Huyvs ranked phove John Jacob 'Astor. Astor's millions remain with his relatives. The genius of Havs is extinguished with him. The Accident Foretold. Hamifon Hernia, "1 thank' that ever passenger vho crosses the sNorth Atlantie takes his life in his hands,' said Admion] Dewey to a Herald reporter. "For myseli | would rather go around the world in a wellequipped man of war than make a trip across the North Atlantic in a transatlantic vessel "The greed for money making is so great that it is with the sincerest re gret that | observe that human lives are never taken into consideration." ipitinite BPP P Pe PReb Lhd dP db db be L 4d 2,000 SHOT DOWN, London, April 22 The Central News correspondent at Calcutta cables that Chinese troops mowed down 2,600 women and children with Maxim gung in quelling an uprising at Lbassa * * PEPPER E PDIP EB PP PEPE PPE Wolfe Island News. Wolfe Island, April 16.-- A mesting of the Ladies' Aud of the Methodist church was held at the parsonage on Monday, to say. good bye to one of the members, Mrs. William Bolton, Mg. and Mrs. Bolton lave to-day for Sas katchewan, to spend the summer with their sons, Elmer and George Miss Jessie Cooper, who has been ill for the nast two weeks, is improving. Miss Mabel Allinson left on Saturday to take charge of a school in Harlowe Mrs. (Rev.) A. W. Stewart and little son, Ferguson, visited in Parham Eas- ter week, Mis. Elmer Woodman has returned from a short visit with To- ronto friends. Miss Myrtle Bolton left last week for Hawkesbury, where she will attend school. The Misses Sarah and Mamie Langdon have returned from a visit with friends in Syracuse, N.Y. Mrs. C. Pyke, who has been ill, EEE a OR PRI pBEee® of it Ie LY) "y remaing 10 be seen whether the nes | and he to scandalize it. The "Medigo" further alleged that he knew of a case last year when the Medical matters is when the student begins his|is improving. ; The many friends of H. medical studies, and in any case it is}le Spankie will be sorry to learn that remarkable that the council should je|he is confined to the Kingston gvner- Jitehed up later, on a float, but died Council issued a license to a medical graduate at the instigation of a pro- minent Ottawa member of the council, discontented with an exhibit which is acceptible to the colleges and the pro- vinces outside of Ontario. Queen's after the examination results had been | University has a right to dhampion published, showing that this particu: | the cause of itz graduate, and to get lar candidate had failed (0 pass. When Jan understanding which wilh guard challenged, "Medico" offrdd to give] against any case of 'this kind in the the names of the doctor who had heen future. : * EDITORIAL NOTES ! Roosevelt backad by the trust agents preached yesterday were apologetiods in the primaries is the spectacle in their character. It is assumed thai many states. The expenditure of mon- some men think it neecssary to oc: ey is shamefully corrupt. The desper- casionally excuse Providence lor the ation of the big interests is thus ap- | mishags in He. = patent. eo hero of the Titanic disaster | big, palatial ocean greyhounds. He Philfps, the operator of the {would rather take a mano' -war for a wireless system. He stayed at bis post [safe journey around the world. This until the ship went downi Me was makes one feel that the marine crea. tions of late years are not what they seem. tefere resone came. |" So we are going to. have asphaited: § Ra eeaiiies & Admiral Dewey bas no use fon thely al hospital, suffering from diphtheria. Rev, A. : Stewart is in Kingston this week writing on the Methodist Lonference examinations. i Reports From Kepler. Kepler, Apeil 17.-A young daughier has come tostay at T. J. Garrett's. Mrs. Joly Donnell and Miss Stewart spent the holidays in Toronto. Mise H. A. Johsston, Boston, visiting friends here. returned to her duties as professional wurse to-day. Miss Jen nie Lindsay, Ottawa, is visiting at Herbert C. Johnsons. Miss Martina, Yarker, at T. J. Garrett's. Mrs Slack and son. Perth Road, and Miss | Lindsav, Yarker, at H. Lindsay's; Mrs. A. Smith. Howard and Glenn Latimer spent a few days at her father's, re- cently. - Miss Mabel Orser is spending few days at Sydenham, : Miss Nina Wood, | Sydenham, has been visiting bor sister; Mrs. E. 8. Horning. T. H. Lawson. at Newton Orser's. H. . Townsend. Wilton, at A. Townsend. Our Good Clothes our good Clothes know judgment. See Our Indigo Blue Suits £15.00. See Our Scotch Tweeds $18.00. " King Hats, $2.00. SPRING OVERCOATS. 4 78, 80, LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Titanic Disaster Will Do Little Good, Says Writer. Kingston, April 20. (To the Edi tory The world mourns the joss of the "litanic. It 8 now plainly this tragedy was due to absolute care fosuness. BEvemis of far less magni- tude are termed criminal carelessness All the surroundings prove this I he great stip must prove her by making the fustest voyage on re cord. To this end she plunged at Lizh speed into & sea of iwehergs over 100 miles in extent. A great ship, a great company, a great occasion ! The world was to be surprised at the magnitude of the aclhevement men can act upon oceadom in a manner one would hardly expect from their past history. ' It ix all over. The dead have pass ed to the great bevond. Will the world take waring * 1 is feared not Huge ships will rush into a field of ireberes in the future as in the past Big ships, big railways, big foriunes ~this is the dominant note of the age Ya which we are living. A preat writer puts these words into the mouth of some of his eharacters, "What fools these mortals be' --Yours in sorrow, ONLOOKER. ' BR. SOPER Orn greatness Some Hartt Celebrated Shoes . BIBBY'S Are Sole 'Agents in Kingston for For Men GENTEEL CLOTHES are the limit of expert tailoring. Men who have worn of their superiority. The Exclusive Tailors know all'about it, too! Come in and look--were perfectly willing to 'est our case on your See Our Brown Worsteds Imported, at $15.00 See Our Blue Vicunas $15.00. See Our Pattern Cheviots $15.00. See Our New Basket Weave Worsteds Brown, Grey and Green K1%.00., NEW HAT STYLES Borsalino Hats, Italian, $3.50. Kenmore Hats, $2.50 Real Baauty Show, : See Our S18 Kensington y BIBBY"'S Ltd. Men's and Boys' Departmental Store 82 PRINCESS STREET. a ors (KING'S PARN-South Winnipeg BIG RE-BULOING SALE A few choice 10Qft. lots for sale easy terms. It 11 pay you to secure these at o Apply to J. 0. Huron, mss: dues, aasen cevesacse Tare. we ih Stuart J. Wilson, : $ { sts, wisal couPiRY ¢ Buy yonr Spring Furnishing dor ing this Bale and save money We are offering big discounts 40 as to save double handling. 20 styles of Music Cabinets at 20 per cent. off. - Heal Estate Financial 31 Willouhy Bleek. 21st Street. Kaskatpon. Sask, Bess assasssssasasacl Electric Restorer for Men Phosphonui restores gvery nerve in tha bady ---- 1 18 DYODer tension ; restores vim and vitality, Fremature decay and all sexual | weakness averted at Are ol will make you a new man, ice $3 a box, or two for | k Maio to any addsess. $s omnagt Drug | Catharines, Ont. i Ge *For sale 'at Mahood's drug store bo a , Correspbndente Solicited, : '41 25 styles' of China Cab. inets at 20 per cent off Aa F. J. JOHNSON THE LEADING FLORIST 324 KING STREET. * Special prices in Cut Flow- ers. Sec our window display. . | Wedding Bouquets and Floral | Designs Floral Sprays a specialty. DR. WHITE > Go Carts and Carriages all redu R. J. Reid, rum 511 "Phones: Store, 239. Conservatories. 235 i Residence, 1212, { USE. C NO 20] 110 WeHavePlenty of Coal CALEY EB XS