Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Apr 1912, p. 3

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INCORPORATED 1808 Bank of Toronto Paid Up Capital. . Rest £3,000,000 . $6,000,000 The ample resources, excellent banking connecilons, and complete facilities aud equipment, constantly maintained, enable this Bank to provide for business men a mos. satisfactory banking service. In the Savings Department Joint Accounts may be opened, the money in which may be withdrawn by eitbér of two persons or the survivor. interest is paid on balances. TOTAL A [rp -------- Sh dt ts KINGSTON BRANCH--107 PRINCESS ST. GEORGE B. McKAY, . $57,000,000 * When in the Market for "any kind of Pleasure Boat try [us. We build all styles. DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. Woe AFTER THE FIRE A renewed shop, "right and cheery, vpick and spau. A Stock of Higa-grade bicycles -- Canadian, English, American, ete. An extra Pair Dunlop Detachable Corers with every new wheel sold. A Stock of good Gung, Singleand Double, cheap. cash, New and Second-hand, Goods paid for on instalment plan or liberal discount for - C. A. Jones, PEOPLE'S REPAIR SHOP ANB UPTOWN 203 PRINCESS STREET. BICYCLE DEPOT. DIAMOND RINGS OUR BUYING POWERS ADDED TO OUR MANU- FACTURING FACILITIES EN- ABLES Us TO OFFER VALUES NOT TO BE 0B- TAINED ELEEWHERE. DIAMOND RINGS, AND UP. Columbia Batteries A New Steek of Col- umbia Batteries, received will be sold this jus $15.06 week at special rate of $1.49 -per set of 6 J. N. SCOTT ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 116 Brock Street. 1215 WE HAVE IVE SELLING ABOUT IT. RODGER & WRIGHT DIAMOND MERCHANTS Formerly Spangenberg's 347 King Street. Sonn AN ATTRACT- PLAN. ASK | ™------ ---- Special Sale THE DA 'THE DAY'S EPISODES! LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS 1S GENERAL, Occurrenecs in the City and Vicinity --(ther Brief Ttems of Interest Easily Read and Remembered. Orders Phone 564. VanSickle, for Port William Swaine, piano tuner. received at MeAuley's, Mr. and Mrs. A, C, Ringstom om Saturday thur. H. NX. Snelling, of the Bell phone company, 18 back from to Bermuda. Pr. Coutlee, Sharbot Lake, who hay been in the city during the past week, returned home on Monday. It was Mrs. Turner, not Mr. who took part in the concert } First Baptist church last week. Tickets oudered for "The Spring Maid" and not called for before noon on Tuesday, will be placed on sale Ald. BR. F. Elliott returned Monday from New York, and reports his broth: er, "Chaucer," as improving nicely Carl Yioldman this alternpon swore oil warrant for the arrest of «a customer who strack him,in lls store on Brock street, The remnine who did in the on Saturday, were removed ho ke on Monday, Jd. N. Scott has secured the contract of wiring Mrs. Sherman's new house at 313 Upiversily ave., his ae wr the lowest, : : the remains who did in the of heart en Monday, to Perth. be. 1. A. Bovee will go to Napanes on Tuesday and give talk at the gathering of the Napanee hospital aid the wbrk needs of the King ston general hospital Dr. J. Y. Ferguson. ersity has Formos where he and 31.103 treatments. He in urgent need of a fully qualified as sociate physician, Lawrence Smith, of Perth, the police magisteate, charged with drunkenness, and ordered to "hike" home. Cornelius MeMahon was fined two dollars and costs for leav ing 'the water waggon." Dr. Robert Tracey, Belleville, on Friday night, aged sevenly six VEuTS He graduated in medicine at | Queen's in 1862 and had beem practic ing in Belluville for over forty years | He was a brother of Mrs. J. W. Dun {lop and Francis Tracey, of Kmgston eft Ar- Fele- a nap Arniel, at the ® ok of Mrs, Mary Hyan, House of Vrovidence, to" Undne be- i of James Cavanagh. Hotel leu on failure, 14 Sun wers removed, 8 late home mn dny, a nn and of Queen's uni + mission hospital | | vear gave was | | died | SOLON MENOS, from Haiti to the States. rr net Killed While Pruning Trees, Perth, April ?2--James Craw ford was killed on Saturday morn Minister Marriage Licenses Issued. i NIGHT ORDAY Phone 201. a At Attractive Prices (1) Beveral lurge commadioas residences; all modern con. venlencers; splendid locations. (2) A number of moderate size brick and stone residences; all modern conveniences: at right prices, (3) A aumber of frame houces at bargain figures. (4) Some of the best located building lots in the city, cun- venient 1a ear line (5) Two large properties located on Pripcess Bireel, suitable for livery, garage, or other husiness purposes, including large lets, (8) A number of attractive KID GLOVES CLEANED, Our methods of cleaning kid gloves and shippers are easily the best. Cleaned thoroughly "and nd offensive odor left on them R. PARKER &' 00, BIBBY'S CAB STAND ing while engaged i» trimuiing " tree in front of his residence The wires, which belong to the Camadian Electric and Water Power compan' pass through the row oi ir and contsant rubbing of the wires againgt he branches wore ff the covering with the result that the full cleetri val current passed down Lhe from | rod to the lever of ithe pruning knife and Mr. Crawford vas elecorcuten iis children were watching him the time and saw their father sw denly become rigid and then over on the granolithic walk. \ 1 needle in a hay +h up a qua asvion for find dhe i Don't look for a fetack if you want to patel vel. There will he no oe the patch by the time you needle. Physical culture doesn't weccssarily make & wonlan strony minded. modern houses for rent, furs nished snd unfurnished, (7) High-grade Bonds and Stocks yielding large Intorent at right prices. My list of Jtrecinge, is ton tus to publish, ahd there. fare, solicit a al who ars lulerested In real ite of n. i x Le HOWARD . FOLGER, ATIVE REALE RE ous MEN 4 source of uh- Coming from ons. y on the ail questiohed aut ments oi men 1: aregumed 16 Be infallible, while the profes- ston generally endorse the i redients "and prescribe them & many. différont farms vovious Gcedses The following furmuta is highly efticent in g b fn BETyo SAY sae fi When you hive no money Bm. You me here. you dred your clothing, you dressed up Piparsy, and jou Hh hy malsncholia. anxiety nian in venturing, dizniyens, tien, tramh ne thinneos on et feeling w tor do onal acts A man's Anh happiness in social and every-day life The instructions for. a 8 tho! He so u . at may felt, mba 1 2 PIL met ined Are as fol ounces rin Sarsapar ¢ mE Fetiniy HH and el wih ORS INOXL \W stre ful re- fare t how nervous Lai Armin... follow treatment matter ates be whed Jiute certainly Insting fene- his staff last | in | was before' | Royal Chinese Cafe United | * $l of & patiently, 4 34 in all, ws as 3 Sd 3" 3 & LY RRITISH WHIG, | CASE) | (EAN OPE HOUSE) THURSDAY, APR.25 Werba & Lacseher Present THE SPRING MAID " Unsnrpasscidl Company of 75, Benatiim Ww rr now on dr Promsetion. in, 2h Tickets ordered und not esiled for will oe placed on sal Tuesday moan. QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY Closing - Exercises 2,00. Seventy-First Session TUESDAY, APRIL 23RD, 2.40 pom. STUDENTS DAY, LComvocation Hall, 1d Arts Building. VALEPDICTORIES, ETC. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2.30 p.m, CONVOCATION, Grant Mall .. Tickets may be Registrar's Office. 24th, urocured at the AUCTION. Ercollent Household Furniture { MRS, ROBERTS, 58 CLE | THURSDAY, APRIL 5TH, Parlor Furnitur Axminster } uther t Oak THning- vin Bolt Leather. Cg Pictures, | sr ru Ld able blew, Sofa i+ Range and Tank Cabinet, Oak Chest . ete Auctioneer , Bp OREN Telephone Notice to Creditor S, In the Matter of the Walsh, Fatnte of Michae! | Butcher, Deceased, i | TAKE NOT ow THAT sans havi 2 5 re requir v nde reigned bet May next, admi nistrat ALL PER. the estate with thr + 15th dd above date (he laribute the ty to claims that ved Kingste this 7 Solicit ! | 4 { cen Dated at 2h Apri a1 I. RIGNEY for Adi in}el rate nr oLD one lasert ge, PERS, rutidiag AT aN E, AR, MEAT GIRL Apply, A GOOD, after House SMART BOY. Harrison Co £ DINING-ROOWM Bruopswiv SOBER yard Queen Street v ©ONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES ---- First insertion le a word, Each con secutive. jnsertion cent a word. Misimum charge for thereafter half lon, 25¢; theee lasertions, Sie; six, $1; one month, $2, HELP WANTED. APPLY, KINGSTON SHIP. Ce APPLY TO AT ONCE. 8 bire GIRL, APPLY TO Hotel, Ontarto Stee. POR STORE, iris, Prine k MAN Apply, TO LOOK Temperanct INTEL earn Send for cate, AFPRENTH electrica Scett, Brock LATHE Hands and goo. (feneral Ont 3,869 Lockport, for smart = HANDS, Fitters and Nay IAGENT PERSO $100 monthly corcesponding for pewspapers; no vahvassing, particulars, Press Byndi- N.Y WANTED TO LEARN trad geod opboriunily hoy Appi? to J N tecirical Coatraclor, 115 treet, i HORING Flands Machioe wi, steady w Apply, © adinn Cy Pelerber Mita Elottoy rect d wages Elecirio able maids; arriving Guild, 71 real, or a | Boy to paper trade. COUNTRY Business WHIG. DOMESTICS, h, English and Ise Pauish' girls; weekly Apply Drummond: Street, Mont - 237 Bank Stréet, Ottawa 227 CAP. Irish parties now, Th assist on News- press. Good chance 50 learn the at once, THE Dice ' WANTED--GENERAL. "INSIST ON GETTING. SYMINGTON'S SOUPS 'Easy to make" "Easy to take," At the best grocers, ------------ pi. ' SCARTERS™ will pay 15 cents and osarth Good place Victoria Street Ear! and Johnson paid for wlgen delivered, up Johnson or Earl WM. MILLER I ashes ing tween load Prive 1 load for { Phone 1138. Regular 338-342 King St dinper from 11-2 hort orders at all hours nodern and finest equipped dining all in the city. We use nothing ut tht best of foods. Our cooking 8 strictly sanitary by the latest im- roved methods, and eur table ai- endance is courteous and obliging. Yhat is why everyone enjoys meals at. 'The Royal.' \_Specially. equip- ped apartment for small banquets, heatre parties, ete Fred Hum, (Prop... A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE. (MOTHER SELLS HAIR T0 BUY CHILDREN FOOD 'Story of Kansas City Woman Re | sults in Issuance of Wamant for Absent Hushand. | Kansas City, Apwil Het | that she had to sell her hair to buy tfood for her family secured the assem ante of 4 warrant in the prosceutor's office here at the instance of Mrs, Mon roe Birch for the arrest of her hug bund, chang od with wife desertion Fdwatrd J. Curtin. nssistant prosecu- * sor had 4 finished telling Mrs Birch that no abondanment warrants were fssuerd from the office winless the linus band had been gone at lemst theee weeks. Mis. Birch heard him ont then Tumbled at her hat ping. Out they came and off came Het hat, 'revealing her closely cropped Air. 1 sold it for fifty cents an nines, two weeks apo," said she, painting to the remainder of her Whir 4d had to have food, the children pm ! Most | | | | =. tory w oe ' pay the milk bill and tlt "Hi as 2 ago, said the wife, har her Jor paying an M0. fo Tom hill, mad be ished a poker wt, of his remonstrance. Then tod and the wile, seeing wo he of yt ge Ba him support her, ask- £ the warrant. "Did you ever stop to congider how are aod how a believe angihing a hdres Dog feig Ne ne Me a love letter. It js pever too soon to blame il 14% thay Tetley when you make a the, is a remedy for almost every humo ailment--inclading a swelled A woman bought the hair, It { About Cann's Brock 8 Or FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT FROM Apply M Agency, £1 181 Estate clober Real treet NICE CLEA o machiner same HOUSE, enees, ferred cultars, office, wi t British Company. ce N RAGS FOR y: will pay good priee Whiy WIriNG f Publishing TH MODERN CONVENI- ntrally located; brick pie- Apply, with full pa o Box "DD." care Whig scr! leather rl Fitter av Road, Is work at "drop a fore spri TAKE NOT all kind see me next St. SHOE REPAI tion; DAVID MARSHALL, PLUMDER, Thomps.n, ING OF EVERY DR. irst class work; best only used; one trial will our repairs to e Btreet, cor, of Ten West. GAS. yd Electrician, 129 Raglan the place for first class reasonable rates. Call os ard for gas estimates be- ng rush, THAT 1 WILL BUY TOK, s 'of second-hand furniture and stoves: will pay highest prices; before anyone elae, J. 333 Princess Btreel, Andrew's Church. ing and shortest GENTLEMEN Cloth and have it made up Into up. to-date suils. ship guaranteed to please. 131 Brock St, TO BRING THEIR Price and workman- Preoss- 5 done on the 'Thomas Galloway, near Bibby's Livery repairin notice. KINGSTON i orders good wi bound 1 order wu once to ¢ take ang lea off opposite discaser methods nun your "HEAL TH WITHOUT DRU Asheroft, WINDOW CLEANING rea Btreet--Leave ali at Bargent"s Drug Store; ndow cleaning wedther n come; don't delay ntil too late; place 1 be stire of a capable windows, we wm windows, cH, in your it at mar also ste OSTEOPATHY. DO, 138 Wellington Be the Post Office: chrom {treated by Osteopathic and Electrical Vibrations; treatments by sppointment. 'Phone "1 FURNITURE FINISHER, eboniztn and ail work Drtacoll given best ANTIQUE FURNITURE A SPECIALTY, g and gilding, snamellin colory of miseion work; sil attention. Fat. 28 John Retreat Call ww ARCHITECTS, 368 Kin HENRY PF. SMITH, ARCHITEC - ETC, & Streot, 'Phope 3b 4 iver ARTAIR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, wit. Telep 51 y Avenue. Hone tects, ¢ Thane wN, NEw LASTS a oo SON, ARCH). Offices, 258 'Bagot POWER & ron a Sinise rock and Wellington MER- corner treets, Ta LEGAL. hee ans Batista ew ART, Deson nN The People' Forum FEET eV err YUveTervYTYv rev rye re FOR BALE. SALE re aly nator LOST. MARCH sma taining dimacud rendre ifeved for Hipe CON. Liberal to Wt rHIV ATE Fura We OF Hol SEnoLh ald week Apply, Street PLRSE, ring return 2 g 2 wr ERMAN A TWELVE ROO¥ Dagny, Hs will Appiv, 'phoned ALOT OF W ARDROBES Fon © To $10 a pion, alse & Tow cleap Lape boards, at Turk's, 'Phowe 704 FOLAND THW he af Sire Kiadiy ram Freer CANARIES. CAN ARIES. -- ANOTHER shipment of those beautiful SUNK birds Just received; conle in ang bear them; each bird a uarint sed sany®ier, 3. Driver, ocoruer Jioen and Barrie Street., 'Phone 1 oa Por dy W Ho bidek er by BR? wen ¢ ¥ 15) CANALIES. \LBlox a ROTEL smnn, is Hyery stan P . (RRIcw) 2 moss iip---- LOADS ano EARTH. APPLY to KE. Walhen wiractor | and Rillder. Fronlenac Sirveet, 47. Mack Street, : COMB BLACK MINORCA mE, $2.00 per setting of fMféba; show birds. Apply, C. Maxam, HARROW. furniture apd py. DD. Graves, no or hi no BUSINESS CHANCES, ANY FINANCE AND INSURANCE. i Cataruqdi Hureet eps EGGS FROM THR LARGE ST, aped and best colored pen of |S Black Minorohs In tds pan of (Ke sountLy every bird a prise winner, unders, Grocer, A ram or MAD RRICK Hose ks ONE, ANYWHERE, OAN START a mall order business ai hame. no Canvassing; your. own Goss Send for free hookiet; tells how Hencork. 2980. Lockpnrf N ¥ BEST. GENERAL BOON BATEMAN ive bedrooms gach: not far. from 5 RIversity ; must be sold! bwner caving city Apply, K. Carrel 14 Market Street a GROCERY BUSINESS IN ONF the best residential sections city: good reasons for Apply kK, Caroll Market t 'Phone No INSURANCE, . ARent, 15% A int on at Ire, Life, Accident and Mealih otictes (esned. Jd oe of the Fe a! xa c-- ININGS AND PFrORCH CURTAINS. -- " Joseph Dix. Sallmaker. Is & GARDIN we Life, Accident, KR, IRE, Musurance and Cus. toms Broker; Real Estate and Money to Loan; » Shite of your business solicited Arence Street. Kingston "hohe ioe Hire best awning maker in the 3 If you want a wall made one that will inst the longest, drop # card to 211 Nelson Streot, ~. CARROLL, Btreet--Fire, Life, Health Insurance, Emplovery' Liability and Metor Boat Insurance, Security Rounds, Real Estate in Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Moose Jaw. etc, 14 MARKET Accident and Plate Glass, JGGS FOR SETTING class stock 1d and SO FROM Insp. Rhode Igland Reds 4 White Leghorns. setting of 13 eggs FRONTEN $1.00: reduced rates for larger quantities Apply, J Friendship, 68 Nelson Street -- ses cnt seine ---------- LOAN AND INVEST. ment Soclety; established 1843 president, Sir Richard Cartwright; money fesued on tilly and farnr roperties, mudicipal and country ebentures; mortgages purchased; deposits received and interest al- lowed 8. CC. McGill, Managing Director. 87 Clarence Street BEST WESTERN INVESTMENTS am agent for Grand Tiunk Pa fle tow 8 CAxy payment me choice lots in and Welland, Ont 4 14 Market Bireet LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND Grong Fire Insurance Company, Avaliable aksdts, $61,187,218 In addition t which tha policyhplders have for security the unlimited Hability of all the stock-holders Farm and elty property insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Sirange & Strange, Agents 'Phone 325 FOUR GRrot ERY STORES, Awellngs tached good ®l%0 general ving viiage J. Lockhart, larence Street, wirn loca store ply to ambers, ( t TENTS AND AWNINGS --LEAV your order for awnings, tents nn small sails at P . Bazeau's, old reliable, who knows his hess. will catér to your wanis TO L¥T. AR x right; no high prices," 163 Ou- tario Street, Kingston, 0% GE I A -------- r 8 wimtu Park ¥, PRNISHED ROOMS, ut baard, near City Sirect w Wi Himgte n FLAGS, AWNINGS, TENTS, CANO THE pr STO STO anc ed "2 camping, outfiia, fishing Noles, marine supplies, lunch baskets, English raincoats, everything in canvas, kit bags, silk tents, pr hoods, motor boat rupted Frank W. Cooke, 288 Ontario 'Phone 591 or 23% ON d 'rincegad WELL-KNOWN "HEMINES incense S.ree Wonderia Theatron Apply, 630 Street tum, NAGE FOR FIMNITIRE, CLMAY dry, alry rooms. ahorlutaly math pronf: veur ow lock and kev Frost's (Hv Storage, 399 Queen ®t "Phune F26h, FIRST-CLASS KGGS VOR HATO HING, carefully selected, handled aud bred; B.C. Rhode Island Reds. Har. pod Locks, and White Wyandotte; ih cenls for 13 for larger auant itis all from DY Lae fowl and early M. (0 Roya, 106 Pine Kingston, Ont, : + cheaper bred layers, Hlireet, RAGE FOR FURNITURE, dry; also Dwellings, furnish and unfurnished; tices, ot Jd 8 RR. McCann, Street CLEAN Rint Bro k FOR QUICK SALwm substantial change OFFER TRAY block known se Kx- Rulldin and Premises, Brock Street, which will be sub- lect 10. all tenants, leases, ota J Strange will give you full rental Het, and $12.000 witli buy same ALBERT hrick veneer harn Apply Ontario and STREE 1. MODERN da som Basman & Barrack RN taken al once Agdrom hen Clife Fistate Rroker MAmaonton Affe JORNSON solid brick, : barn or STRE 11 BOARD AND ROOM, Ont HOARD AND Goon HOooOMs Ad A FURNISHED rooms, with o% cluddng phone frou tin 20% vet MOUSE, FELEVEN eon venionces centrally October East CATERER. WE CATER TO P| wated Apply at AnTIES MALLS, FRe 4 NEW 4490 MONTREAL £1,200 EARL, ST #3 ay FOOL, AM BATEMAN - COE KNAPP, RA, 1.0.8, nhs, ne SPARKS AND SPARKS, Wedding Bre ete; alsy Rent Iehes, Linens and Silverware Hambrook, corner Union ston Bireein. 'Phone #43 ikfasin, "™ NT Awelling Street: eight ing bath & MAY, 1m2, 150 No. room BRICK Alfred ha and Divi. Ay r 5 00 3 Claurenc HOTELS AND RESTAU RANA, BRICK rie PRU? NSWIC K opposite from bar fled and Haonrs pec fal rates by Cousinean, Prop rae anum ASaN noTE)., Prince Har wig the best 8 Baers TAgquors opt Clgars each rates stable reasnnahile ALL, MODERN HOT SE, s « Yictoria MOT ivr GTR FR treet ness xi toria { on betw : with "ey . wt the week 342-344 STRE v rb TF, BRICK; JAF STORE AND dwelling 802 LARGE ime on 11 or specist Sars AND Princess Stree NY, AWRENCE rf G ARDINER, or, : "L AR- by AOCORINO Mulvitl, "GOOb River "nce OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENCY, TRANSATL ANTIC LINES, ALL OL ASS. ea. CC B Kirkpatrick, Agent. 42 oareiicy Etreet, Kingston. 'Thine DENTAL. moved to 388 Princess 8irest DENTISTS 30 1-2 Princess Breet, Kingston BR PERSONALS. | mam, MOLKS, WARTS, HinTH ©, Nn Watks And all gruwihs and sk wt piemished removed permanent €C. NASH Kicker Ses Phon DR, DENTIST in Tincess tant, 13% without sear. 27 year sEper on. Elmer J. Laks Ng Throat ahd nile na Nd er Ragnt Mrpast UFHOLSTERER. "Wei LDA, DENT. Tou! yg Br BA Offien slliugton Street. 'Phone WwW. J. GAVIN UPROLATERING Hi oiring and earpet work, hair meals ais SP Rane, Drop a card 118 Bagot Pires SIMPAGN, LDS, DDS, DENT. ncess end corner Entrance on ot Street. phone $28 The A. hon, a woman lets her hors' an 'worry her more. hy igwa, | & LH | rrm------ NAVEL ORANGES grown in California. : S11" finest oranges J. REES, £ Fok Fase wena RE ae on -- With a few hundred of our Cannell Coal for your Grate Fire keeps the i TET'S:

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