PAGE TWO. SPRING SUITS Tailor Made New Styles Every Week. Something Bxclusive." THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, APRIL 22 apd | ISTRUCK'BY: A FENDER: tert CITY ANDVICINITY. -------------------- Wreckof the. S. Titanic Save $1.00 on oan sens Ladies' Home Journal eine No Notice vi Appedl M. Melnbyre, city solator, thé Whig Monday mous that he had reedved ire AT ABER-' «od to tha liquor peopla of STORE. Civisional court om Sistrenyear-oid L v1 Under Arrest, qusehi the lice Confessed That He and Two Other | ten licens Lads Entered Store--Goods Hid. May den in Railway (ut. ma---------- vear-odd lad Lady Fell Downstairs. : steamer Pierrepont, Garnet Es wear-o By Samuel MeCormack, (olling- I Worth, about twenty years of age) having pleaded gusty ¢ wood street With a serious acc | re siding on Rideaa street received ; Abergethy's Shoe Store dent on Thursday. When about tol!what was regarde i as fatal ipjurie stealing goods, has told how go down stairs, she lost i lwo other lads of about his Your Inspection Invited. her balance !in an accident, which occlrred atg . and fell down fifteen steps. ' As a re | Folger's wharf at roon on Monday ge planned the burglary and salt she suffering from vy with the 3 "oe No Obligation to Buy. a wpruined| The youbg man was rushed fo the awe ROGGE, wrist and the shock, " £t 3 and is in a very | General Hospital James Rad's | Ae Saye that. they got serious condition. ( y fad" re nbout leven o clock seed the st the threg made off ambulance, and his afternoon the of boots. fhese were 149 157 BROCK STREET b. stat ing | G ARNET KLLSWORTR PROBA. LY FATALLY INJURED. Was in Aet of Goring Stern Line Off Steamer Pierrepont When Fender Struck Mim on the Head. COMMITTED THF T NETHY!S SHOF no notice mn sppealto the | to v-lav be an thor reducty will, at Ist motk mn Record in the Traged Greatest of the mn of the Ty © i ut history seas. Tales of o ol on heroism and sacrifice. Its place,in for Struck by a fender, falling off tig ra! history and itst lessons man ta én , and he and own got | The #ixlee mand, aring on Mrz met kind On and after May 1st the subserip- One ! In Sunday r a subject ia the might with into at Also stories by eye-witnesses bLe- W------------------------ wil : § Capable Man for Position. fore the U.8. Senate Investigating placed a The executive the Lord's Dar Alliance appointed Rev J. 8. Wa son of Minnesoda, Man., to 'he posi- tion of field secretary of the alliance for Manitoba and Suskatchewan. Mr Watson is a graduate of Queen's University, and has given eleved years of rervice to the west, en hi idden pairs at doctors -at the hospital stated that he would not recover, His relatives were summoned ito his bedside a place known as the The oceldent happened just as the } ree's out" on the Grand Truok track steamer Pierrepont came in to 'the pear the outer station. 'The police wharf from Cape \incent. Mo per {hat € xe ssavesed one pair of the miss gon appears to know just how tae {ing boo The lad under arrest accident happens. but it Appears | that "the boots were Laken away that Ellsworth, who is employed a= fraps the hiding place by some other a "carter, ran on to the wharf to party, cateh the stern lune on the vessel Poller Constables Bateson and Nay- As he was in the act of getting the ion arrested the lad and are furthe line, one of the fenders fell from the investigating the case beat and struck him a terrible blow th will he remembered that ole nee on the forehead, wi.ich knocked him {was secured to the shoe store by the unconscious, Lator it was found | breaking of a pane of glass at the that his skull had been fractured pear, and at the time of the robbery Men gathered at the wharf, quickly lit was stated that it musi have been summoned James Keid's ambulancy, helo. [boys who committed the robbery, and every effort possible was mada {ns the space through which they were to secure a doctor, but of the half foreed to crawl, to yet into the store, dozen or more do tors who were was very small The lad who has confessed says that {after getting away from the. store called not one conid be located, with Dining Room {they hid the stolen plunder under the result that the young man Was rushed to the Geucral Hospital Tables | their coats and afterwards took it {to the railway tracks to hide. The high wind prevailing. a'l morning likely had something to do with the loosenin: of the fender It would appear from this con: from its place. On stormy days the fession that Kingston has a band of is always great danger of fendcie burglars at work. EDUCATIONAL ance, to be ealled ut at the store Committee. 120 Fashion Sheet Pages, including 16-page &1 the old rate of $1.50 per year, wder at ((JIEGE BOOK STORE +30 PRINCESS. 'Phone or send once tm inti To Erect Dwellings. Coffey and Bruce will erect two solid brick dwellings on the south side of Willlam rtreet, between Aberden street and Unlversity pvenue. 3 Alexander McCartney and Hunter and Harold will ervet a brick resia- ence on Barrie street, near O'Kili for 1. D. Bibby « 'Phone 919. Keyport, of the Keystone line, is now in the dock for repairs The Pierrepont will make one trip a day fer the present between Kingston and Cape Vincent Second Engineer Stinson, Bartlett, We're in fine position Immense stocks, Curtains, etc, to steamer furniture, Carpets, i THE LAUREL TA TR it in WARE?" Forks It's as far in Special Trip for Patient, The steamer Wolle Islander made special trip to the foot of Walle land, city of the tug a has arrived from Cardinal. Is- Saturday, and brought to the Edna McFadden, a young girl, who was operated on afterwarls in the general hospital for appendicitis, by Dr. Bogart. The only passengers on hoard were (. N. Meseyve, secretary of the Y.M.C.A,, and his family. Death of Kg aville Man. The death eceurred in hospital Sundsyv of Donald F. Metiregor, Foan tle. 'The deceased 'had been 'n Ul-henlth for about three months, Ver yems he was agent of the Me Langllln machinery company at Egan- ille. = The remains were sent fo kis home for burial on Monday. He isj sursi ed by his wife, children and a brother, MORE DEGREES AND PRIZES Ask to see creation TABLE Bp Pile pre can be It's the new "PLATED ive SR est Announced at Queen's University on Monday. These additional were announced at Monday J Kn Ro Chairs, Buffets, Etc. Ail ew 1912 be In Princess Street "Methodist Church ONS, and falling. Death occurred at 2.45 o'clock Deceased ig survived by his wife and child; also his pareats and sister boy degrees and prizes ahead of Queen's 1%! versity os SERVICES vious efforts beauty as aon imagined Degree of BOL Menzies, M.A, Oitawa Pitcher, B.A., Kingston. Wylie, M.A, Sault Ste ---- whoo va r veasoRabl LAUNCHED. Pricea are very reasonable Thousand Island Water at Toledo. Capt. Robert Cra turned from Toledo, Ohio, witnessed the launching steamer Thousand Islander, steamer for the Thousand Steamboat Compar on morning, at ten o Qek The new steamer was christened by Mrs. Parry. wife of Harry Parry, Buffalo, vice-presitent of the Toled Shipbuilding Company, urd the usual bottle of champaigu: wa used for the cercmony¥. Two hour ¢fter the launching the two boilers were placed in the vessel, remark- ably good time The new steamcr to Kingston the first week in Juno, The vessel is of fine construction, and will be a valuanle addition to the fleet of the company. Cap! Crawford is well pleased with the uew steamer. an NEW VESSEL g of I Bl on Sunday. edveational services fn Prin: Methockst church, on Mun attended. "The 'edu of the Methodist Lefore the congrega and the quality lasts & genera The conn street were largely ¢ dd {church was Haid | tion very cleadly. | Rev. 8. Sellry, pastor of Queen street church, 'preached in the morn | appealing for an education, not «0 much from the standpoint of mak {ing a living but for the bllding of 3 So SEYRET a manhood, character, that God RUGS. CARPETS, CURTAINS, all}, 1g je glorified through a fully direct from European mills, ensures | developed intetlectuality. 'you an unusual choice. I'he preacher bused his discourse on Repair and Upholstering "That the soul he without know! 1y cheap and well done. edie, ibis not good." --Provérbe xix, 2. v ) t Yours, : fir. Seilery said he hoped the time T. F. HARRISON COMPANY world come when college graduates 'Phone 90. "> tio Steamer Took fo on We have just placed in stock.over 200 every dainty Tailored Waists and can recommend them to intending pur chasers. The styles, the material, and gen- eral appearance com- bined with a reasonable price will make them very popular at this season of the year 95¢. and Up Are you wanting a good stylish Suit ?1If so, we 'ask that you see our range of the newestideas $1.00 and Up work Im A ANA SMITH BROS. 830 KING STREET, Jowelers. Opticians Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Theology Burgess, N. Caldwell, Laing, B.A., Owens PP. Menzies, B.A. (i. McCérmack, M.A, H. Somers ile, MN A. Additions to 8; Ne, Bour has re where | of tl the new Island paturda' wiord Testamurs, LA Shanty vo We H. Ttbury Bay owt, Ottawa, Ring two ng, A Wolfe Islander Dead. Patrick Lyons, of Woelle tite. on Sunday evening at 1no douse of Providence, The remains vere removed to 'vs home on Mon- {ay The funeral will take place yn Tuesday to the Chureh of tue stored Heart, where ather Sprat wi ring & requiem mass My yons was one of the oldest and pe | yest known residents of the island. nut of | yn Island, HO List. Que, soing, "Yadousae, Wililacetown, ------------------ RAT S CASH PAID FOR ALL KINDS W. F. GOURDIER BROCK 8 TREET Crow, prompt Other Avts Medals. En lish >3drian Mebonald, don German 1 will be seen not oly in the will be brought fessions but in the more menial, nevertheless sacred occupations life In the evening a laymen's platform meeting was held at which the ohurch was filled. T. F. Harrison dwelt on the sbso- lute pecessity of an educated ministry, to preach to what are becoming more and more educated congregations. Whe college and its part in the preparing of a minister. was taken by Prof. W. D. Bonner, of Queen's. {He approved of denominational college, where the supervision was the best, and fees low- er BE.' Weber, Wallacvtow Prizes. Paid "Visit to Saskatoon. Richard Chown, son of Robert Chown, of this city. and 'an ol {ingston boy, now a progressive Iruggist in Saskatoon, had a happ! jrprise about ten days ago to have Or. J. F. Sparks. of this city walk nto his store. The two are old friends, and Mr, Chown Was more han pleased to see another Kings- ron face. Dr. Sparks has been al tochester, Minn, and crossed the western Canadian border. Arts' Calvin price In Latin--A. G ming, with honor of Melemman, Professor's prize in Latin--d Cameren, Newburgh Mclennan pree Keil, Kingston. Letin prose compostiion. prize C. KR Ovens, MA, Tottenham. Professor's prize in French--Mary E. Staples, Cobourg. Roughton prize Stock, Tavistoek. Roger prize in Kemptvil le. Gowan tical science- Moosomin, Sask Gowan Found: ron No, --Ww, W. Robbins, M.A, Gowan Foundation eal od, C. Edmonton. McLennan in B.A., Regina. Haydon prize in eolonial Mary E. Staples, Cobourg. Mcintyre prize in classies--C. Owens; M.A., Tottenham. Mowat price in political M. Walsh, Perry Town. Lochead prize in economics--0. Mas ter, Berlin. Professor's prize in Kathleen Wingard, B.A., Morrisburg. Professor's Frize in European - his tory--W. G. McN¢l, Kerrw dod. Cam Lyn, iH. Blocked With Tee. Li. in Greek t Word has been received in the city that the foot of Wolle sid blgul ed with ice, and it be no He L clear for a week or more. Ii takes. a north-east wind to bow this ice out This means that any vessels leaving here would not be able to, pass the head of the Welland canal, with the result that navigation will pot really open here before the dst of May. * CARPETS Carpets for Spring are lower in price, and twice the variety RUGS are lower price with softer colors. We have every- thing worth buying. MATS 4 Every conceivable shade It all sizes, sizes to match larger ones. R McFAUL'S CARPET WAREHOUSE. in German nora | : ] Euglish--Sadie Lee, May Woman's Home Companion. The May Women's Home Com- anion contains & most interesting account of the recent dramatization wind staging of Louisa M. Alcott's 'Little Women." t is quite a re: narkable story---how Miss. aAlcott's weirs have objected for years 10, ywitting the story on the stage, but! iow at last they have consented. Among the other articles in the wmber are the following: "Seeing Burcpo on $3.50 a Day," "A Moth-| sr's Account of the Effect of the Bor scout Movement on Her Son." Abraham Shaw covered the educa: tional work of the Methodist church, in a general way, calling for an edu- cated and consecrated d ministry. No. . 1, Laylock, Foundation Pp. in poli MAG Marine The steamer Port Colborne, which has been in the drydock part of the winter, is lying at Swift's wharf, load ing her cargo of cement which she un loaded there last fa. The Notes, 2 & botany Malvern. Na. 3 in politi- Macfarlane, M.A, IN MILITARY "CIRC LES. Kingston is Headquarters for No. 3 Ordnance Detachment. A pra ordnance corps is be ing orggatized in the active militia. No sthhchment will have its head- ABT wm Kingston, The organization of a battery of field artillery, to be designated the 31th battery, Canadian Field Artillery, with headquarters at Baelloville, and allotted to the 9th Brigade, CFA, is authorized, The Canada Gazette of the 20th inst. authorizes the organization :of a regiment of cavalry at Roblin, Mah. seven batteries of field artillery, three field companies and three field troops engineers, two eight. company (city) regiments of infantry in Saskatche- wan, ap eight-company regiment of infantry in Winonipeg, Man., the Cana- dian non-permanent ordnance corps, and four eompapies Canadian Army Service Corps. Fourteen Rifle Associa: tions have been disbanded. The appointment of a musketry in Ml stractor to each regiment of cavaliy NEWMAN & SHAW. Always Busy Store. science steamer pilize Hebrew--U. W.§ i history-- § James, "The Hat Store." R The The Nurses Commencement. The commencement Kingston General Hospital Training school for Nurses will take place in convocation hall next Friday evening. F. G. Lockett, chairman of the board of governors will preside. Addresses will be delivered by Mayor Hoag and Rev. 8. J. M. Compton; B.1)., the lat ter addressing the graduating class. Solos will be rendered hy Miss May Hinckley, Miss Jessie Reid, J. D. Bankier and Angus Orr. The diplomas will he presented by Lieut.-Col, James Massie; the emblem pins by Mrs. F. Lockett and Mrs. H. A. Calving hoa medals by W, F. Nickle, M.P., and Dr.*A. E. Ross, M.P.I'.; the prizes by Dr, G. W. Mylks and R. Uglow. ; science T exercises of the | 'o Prel, history--] 57° ) ROSES -ALL THIS WEEK | { $1.00 per dozen | Scholarships in Theology: Sarah Meclelland | Waddell, George Telford, Scotland. 1 Chancellor's, £70, D. E. Foster, B.A, The Grange, Ont Spence, $060, London, Ont. Anderson. No. 1, $40, In. A., Elm Creek, Sask, Aude rson, No. 2, 835, I $120, | In both our Hat and Mil- | linery departments we | show a big variety of ' Children's Hats. All the M. N. Ormond, M.A, J, W. North, : 3 W. T. McCree, and infantry is authorized, appoint ment to be for five years, TWENTY-FIVE YEARS Au0. What Happened a Quarter of a Century Ago. Considerable ice in Portsmout Lor J. Francis building yachts for sala. Mrs, Darby, wile of William Darby, travellee for Carson's wholisale, re three steam ofved a lezaey for $35,000, from Eng: Annual meeting of Kingston ofekel club. Othioers elected : '1. Yu Greek, provident: F.C. drelasd, vieespresic dent: HB. H. Gildadieeve, secrelary- treasurer. A committee of citizens appointed ito rafse $00,000 Sn the aty ha Cueen's wiliversty, vim ------ DIED, AGED NINETY-SIX. The Late William MeCormatk, of Amherst Island. William MeCormack, aged ninety: six vears. dicd on Sunday evening at the House of Providence. Deceased | 'was born in Ireland and had lived this country about sixty-five years. Until three years avo, his home na {da hetst Island, home hati Fenian Bald Veterans. A number of other rans have sent in Magistrate Hunter. the following : nee, cavalry; Jumes Regley, William Davis, 14th P.W.OR; Mahon, Mth P.W.OR. satrick, 14th PWOR; William arrison, Mth P.W.OR,; David St ton, K.F.B.; Wilham Rae, [sinh Radford, 47th Regiment; Richie, 47th; William Keys, Fenian raid their names Among them A. 47th; R. Mosier, 18th: Joseph Tair, KFB; Bittalion: Francis Bryant. OR: Robert Carson, RC.R; Lake, Storrington Rifles. a CLARENCE STREET RUN NAW AY. A Cab Team Knocked Down a Carts ! er's I John McAuley, un ertaker, an exciting experivmee on Monday about ane o'clock, when the horses drawing the cab of Joseph Sinn He was just going to 30 way. wer's Mills and was in driving dowa Clarence of < Fiaxle's ran do Robert H. Baker, Napa- RC Michael Kirk: KF.B.; James 47th; James D. Smith, 47th; William Dallis, §7th. Henry Bauder, William (iibson, K.F.B.: Thomas Sweaton, Sth 1th PW Steven Street. | new shapes in the pret- tiest straws and felts can wt. |§| be hadat reasonable prices to are 15¢ to $1 50. Ri; New Tams | | | | | y J rat. We are having a biel run on a leader at We have all colors cloth, eorduroy and lea- ther, 25¢ to $1.00. had S We are direct impor. tha oe. Sinderland, England. Tawse, $40, W. H. Tilbury, Ont., and E. Sault Ste, Marie, Toronto, $60, 3. A. White, St. Andrew's church, Toronto, A. P. Menzies, B.D., Ottawa. Rankine, No. 1, #45, 5. G. mack, M.A., Lyn." Rankine, No. 2, $45, W B.A., Woodville, Glass Mersorial, {A., Brantford Mackie, $25 (in books eroft, B. A, Woodville R.A B. b., Burgess, B. Wylie, Barrie Unt $45, McCor y. A. Beecroft, ¥ $30, 1 >. lt, by, W. A. Bee Fellowship Appointments. | F. L. Burnett, B.A. Fellow in Polis edad Feonomy," University [R400 W. OC. Clark, M.A, Thayer Scholar in history and political science, Har yard naiversity, $300, W. Day, M.A, scholar in physics, Harvard university. The segicr Y M.C.A. basketball team will play in Belleville on Taesd PUSH At Newburgn, on April 10th to Mr, and Mrs, Bush, a son BRAKE, At Napanee on April o Mr. and Mrs. £ 4G Drake, Mies Annie Wilson, a son. DAVY---At Bouth Frederickshusih, 5 1 17th, to Mr and Mrs Albscd vy, & Son. FOURG---al Siitsvilie, on Apri ist, nd Mrs, Wesley Young. a hry = Tu Northport, Easter omg la te Mr snd Mra Ogtrander, 8 son. 12th Pe Manly of Chicago, All Other Cut Flowers | Plentiful - and - Cheap | 1 PURDY'S 109 BROCK STREET Keeley, ee 226 ¥ 2 ST. Optometris 'Phone 927, GOGOL ONPONOINOPENEES We Grind Our Own Lenses ------------------ Wearing the - Wrong Glasses Your present Glas- ges fail to give you ease aml comiort, there's something wrong. 7% ARE YOUR GLASSES RIGHT 7 That's a Vital Question to You and should bring you to os at once. We like to discover un- usual Eye defects "GLASSES RIGHT, GOOD SIGHT." J. §. Asseistine D. 0. 5. Restored Optometrist & pe Ma, a2 King St, 'Phone 19. Bingston's Exclusive Optician. 2000030080000 00000 a safe, by our SANITARY LAUNDERING, t thing emerge glory «of prid Soiled shenis, pillow cases aud towels sanliarily treated -----~ every thread cleansed and whitened without hurt to the fabris and with bt Hidde hire to your pockel-book, gure and geste process 004 P000ERO R000 0RRRRRRRRRTY . The an grimme: object of i setévocecse se S080c0c0enteBeRROee