Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Apr 1912, p. 8

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PAGY FIGHT. SPECIALS and MONDAY Grey Twill, Pin Head and Hit and Miss: Worsteds, all shades, good value for $28 and $30, made to measure. Special for Saturday and Monday. $23.25 LIVINGSTON'S BROCK STREET 98c Sale SATURDAY 8.30 o'clock 10 dozen White Tailor Made with the latest side offoct cut, $1.50 and 1.60. . Saturday 98c. 8 dozen Ladies' Print House Wit appers, fast colors, 'made with good full skirts, $1.50 and 1.75. Saturday 98c. 15 dozen Ladies' House Dressek' two shades Navy and Black, high neck and Dutch neck, $1.75. Saturday 98c. 20 dozen White Muslin Night Gowns and Under- skirts. Among this lot you will find goods the price of regular $1.75 to 2.75. Saturday 98c. 17 dozen Paddy Green Underskirts, made from Gloria Taftets, the best imitation of silk ever made in the world, $1.75 ta 2 50. Saturday 98c. This is the Blouses, 8 dozen Black Pan Satin Underskirts. best imitation of satin ever made. $1.75 Skirt Saturday, 98c. SUS Gne- Third Off, SUITS One- Third Off, SUITS One: Third Off. This micans every Suit in stock to go. No * Reserve and no old stock. Every Suit new this Spring. THE Dany BRITISH WHIG, TITANIC DIVED: 7: To The Ocean Floor With Over c= oA re 1600 B Souls IT W "ship began 10 have t | fumped into the sea, [vor HALF HOUR WAS DANGER, | --a i { The Captain Was * Under Greatest Speed Possible----Story of the Tragedy. New York, April 19.--1t was the sub | merged ledge of an iceberg of ry proportions that sent the | Star liner Titanic more than {miles to the bottom of the Atlantic! [off the bank of Newfoundland She | Was steaming almost full tilt through {a gently swelling sea and under a [ ats arlit sky in charge of First Officer] i Murdock, wha, a moment after the f ec sllision, jC apt. i i From the Company to Make the! : ! White Smith, who went down with his | vessel. The captain was washed from |way back again. | to get into a lifeboat f but refused. The {lifeboats that were launéhed were not filled to their capacity. The general { feeling aboard "he ship was even af jter the hoats had left her that | i she would survive her wound, and the| passengers who were left aboard be- Feved almost up to the dst moment that they had a chance for their lives. The captain and officers hehaved with the utmost gallantry, and there was perfect order and discipline in the launching of the boats, and all hope had heen abandoned for the salvation of the ship fox aboard, Just before she down she hroke her back With her lights ablaze, and band playing, the great grevhound the ocean sang with all but 715 of her hwmad the rescued subsequently died in the lifeboats off from the sequent ly sides, were perished. One whith Liner's side, and five sub succumbed on the rescue ship Carpathia. The list of prominent men missing stands as previously report ed, and the total death list, a brought to port by the Carpathia, is 1,601 fhe great liner was plunging through a comparatively placid sea, on the sueface of which there was much mushy ice and here and there ¢ number of comparatively harmless looking floes. The night* was rand the stars visible. First Office: Murdoch was in charge of the bridge Fhe first intimation of the presence of the iceberg that he received was from the lookout in the crow's nest. The, were upon the berg at thi moment that it was practieally impos sible to avoid collision with it. Th first officer did what other startled and alert commanders had done under similar circumstances, that i bie made an effort by going full speed akead on his starboard propeller and reversing his port propeller, simul taneously, throwing his helm over, to make a rapid turn and clear the berg. The manoeuvre was not suc cessful. He succeeded in saving hi bows from crashing inte the ice cliff, but nearly the entire length of the underbody of the great ship on the starboard side was ripped. The speed of the Titanic, estimated to be at least twenty-one knots, was so terrific that the Kknife-like edge of the ice berg's spur proteading under the gen. cut through her like a can opener. The shock was almost imperceptible, The first officer did not apparently realiz that the grea: ship had received her death wound, and none of the pas sengers, it is believed, had the slight edt suspicion that anything more than a usual minor sea aceident had hap pened. Hundreds who had gone to their berths and were asldep were un awakened by the vibration. ---- were put sa close Card Players Mesumed Game. To illustrate, the placidity with which practieaily all the men regard od the accident, it is related that fom who were in the smoking room play ing bridge, calmly got up, from the table, and after walking ox deek and looking over theyrail, returned to their game on the card table, and while the three others were gazing out on the sea, he remarked that he could not afford to lose his smoke, returned for his cigar and came out again. The three remained only for a few mo ments on deck, ' They resumed their game unter the impression that the ship had stopped for reasons best known to the commander, and not in vaolvitg any danger to her. The ten- dency of the whole ship's company, execpt thgapen in the engine depart ment, who were made aware of the danger by the inrushing water, was to make light of, and, in some mstances | even to ridicule the thought of danger to so substantial a fabric. Within a. few minutes stewards and | other members of the crew were sent round to arouse the people. utterly refused to get up. The stew- grds had almost to force the doors of the state rooms to make the som nodent appreciate their peril. Mr. and Mes. Astor were in their | room and saw the ice vision flash by,' They had pot appreciably felt the gentle shock and supposed that noth: ing out of the ordinary had happened, | They were, both dressed and came on deck Jeisurel; ; It was not until the ship began to {take a heavy list to starboard that a tremor of fear pervaded her. The 'crew had been called to clenr away the lifchoats of which there were twenty, for of which were callapsible. The boats that were lowered on the portside of the ship touched the water [without capsizing. Some of the oth- Ler Jowered to starboard, including Lone collapsible, were capsized. All hands in Phe collapsible boats, = that [practically went to pies, were res: vhied by the other boats No Man Made a Move. THAT THERE Grders ardin- ind surrendered the command te|children | the bridge and was seen to make his | He had been! urged | after! those who! went | Fisuetion as to be freight of 2,340. Six of | clean | Same yout helm." I did «so, but it FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1012. -- -- -- --_-- fed of even some of the off WW, tas |i lowet of the boat wo offs. (the 6 oles jumped braasker L the sea lowerings «df forte I manared oft er ras, the. brass raahing on the abu.e, and I hung on with might When the ship p eel) nd no man made an (90W8 1 wad forced to det 'po and while the |¥&8 swirled around and being put what seemed 10 me an As the ship began to settls 1'We. Eiestually. came to . ito starboard, heeling 'at an angle of y/ 2° '© fad the sea a mass of tangled Jinearly 15 degrees, those who had he jwrecka : L | Fieved it. was all right 10 stick by the ih iI was unhurt, and easting doubts and a fow abo it managed to The were fol} retin toattng nearly, When ' ' had recovered my breath I distover- ed a larger canvas and cork True raft which had floated up A ma {whose name I did not lears, wae struggling toward it frm £Om wreckage to which he had clung. 1 shore these great go armed with re necessity for using the land mln. Wats wer HH at ere wa no pthem, \as there was nothing in wi ¢o got into a boat lwomen and children were aboar i the suy selee a wouden others and in a ROOTES Howrd immediately hy there were Nearly One man: who had » {pomeranian dog leaped overboard {with it, and, striking a piece of wreck age, was partially stunned He re the raft covered after a few minutes and swam of reser ing those who had jumped Ente {towards one of the lifehoats and was ithe sea and were Houndering in tne taken aboard Most of the men who |q * a aboard the Carpathia barrine 1h | i members of the crew i iboats, { Tivanic few minuies ming Wim around. all of them worg { lile preservers, there raft, star iter, "When dawn broke who manned the thirty of us ou the had jumped into the seq as the | knee-deep in the icy was settling. J. Bruce Ismay [to move lest the creaky craft be over as one of the few who frag. Several unfortinates, he- [boarded a lifeboat from the fof the ship. Aecording ta some of his to save them and one or two Hellow-voyagers, he behaved with ex jan effort to resch us, but [eepiional gallantry He took charge [Warn tham away. Had we made any lof the launching of the lifeboats, and |offort to might all hve around among the women ond |pPerished." soothing and encouraging | ] etre according to one of the | Sixteen Widows Sobhed. Erescued on the Carpathian, remarked ne | New York, April 19. Robert Dan intervals, "Don't fear, we will get vou [iel, of Philadelphia, declares that on into the hoats all right." Nobody {the Carpathia were sixteen ut | seemed to know how Mr. lsemav him- [all less than twenty-three vears old, ! into the boat, and it was as [Sobbing together on the deck. sumed that he wished to thake a pre mcr---- sentation of the vase of the Titanic to Gamblers Perish With Tiianie. this company. le was among those | New York, April 19. {who apparently "realized that the [titly five of a band of } plemcid ship was doomed. jeard sharps and confidence men +h {were aboard the Titaife are Captain Stuck to Ship, {to be among those who went All hands in the lifeboats under in- | bottom of the { structions irom officers and men in |ship. : | charge, were rowed a considerable dis News of the drowning of Tom tance trom the ship herself in order MeAulle, Wilkam Dey and "Peaches {to get far away from the possible} Camo was veedived from Georg, t suction that would follow her founder- { Homer and Ralph Bradley, two New | ing. The marvellous thing abouts her Yors mew, who sent wireless {disappearance was there was so little ['© friends in this city yesterday af i hardly: appreciable Cnforming them that the where the boats were| "Vere aboard the Carpathia and th ample time to life, Dey and Van Camp ha before the Titanic|t®ne down with the Titanic. was two hours and we had to save them we went i them, and, dows self got three and pas professional | Know | to th ocean with the stem | message ternoon from: the { loating. post ihere was launch all boats | went down, as she " " Eleven Brides Widowed. | twenty minutes afloat. So canlident were wll hands that she had not sus Mrs Jacob Astor ix serious) tained a morial wound that it was{ill as the result of har awful exper not until 12.15 a.m... or thirty tive fence = : minutes after the berg Twelves brides were aboard the Tita ed, that the Hun ¢ and eleven were widowed dreds of the ered Bp... ity of tu Had an Instructive Trip. Suiith, last. It several were the John Vas encounter boats were lowered, and a including Capt ship to the very The party of there werelCol, WJ, H, V. Crowe, commandant of doubtlessithé R.M.C.; Col. H. A. Panet, con that shel manding R.C.HLA.; Col. A. B. Cun | jhad but a few minutes more of life ningham, commanding 14th Regiment | She broke in half amidships and al [P.W.0. Rifles; Major Hopwood, of th most simultaneously her after half and | indian army, and Major Sedgwick, voi her forward half sankg, The forward] ihe R.M.C., which left on Good Frida half vanished bow first and the other] for a tour of the Virginian battle half stern (rst fields of the civil war, returned to th ed was much less than the horrified | eity Friday Major Robertson, | watchers in the lifeboats had expect | general stafi officer of Quebec, also ed. They were close enough tothe [formed one of the party, which spent | broken ship to see clearly the thursday at West Point Military Aca grewsome details of the foundering. | demy, returnfhg to the city via Uy AH the speclators agree that the [densburg, N.Y. The officers report fo shattered sections of the ship went | have had mstructive and plea down so quietly at to excite wonder, {and trip They felt a distinet shock and ice, believed the berg which the ship Netruck being at least as high & the ship. It drifted away from the neigh-| evening in the Sunday school hath | borhood of the accident lonz before {to hear a lecture by Rev. W, | the Carpathia came along and picked | FitzGerald, on "ireland and th all hands up. ° Phey were in the life-| Irish." Notwithstanding the fu boats, they believe, until about 5.30 {that this lecture was delivered by M: a.m. Some were scantily clad and| FitzGerald for the fifth time tho hal suffered exceedingly from the cold, but way packed to the docrs and the the majority of them were prepared || re sent enjoved the wildrecs to for the emergeney fulleat extent. Once on the hesitated to After the address a vote enter the lifeboats Thel moved by J. W. Porshe glassy sea. the starlit sky, the ab jed hy = sence, in the first few moments, of in tense excitement, gave them the feel ing that here was only same slight mishap, that those who got mto thej . . boats would have .a chilly half hour! The bold hoy of Gleny below, and might later be laughed at, [=Teat st Irish drama evar It was such a feeling as this, fron, rom the poem by all accounts. which caused John Jacob | tov two thousand fect of filing Astor and his wife to refuse the places ja rduce this play At the offered them ih the first boat, and | | lward fo night and Saturday | { i large major ollicers, stuck to the was evident after explosions, which blowing up, officers compisting of boilers I'he commotion caus noon most nN Very i James. x -- Lecture at St. James' elab gathered Thursda deck many of than! amd secon wetorded th swinging Subth, was Ss] eaker. Shamus O'Brien. Namuel |.on to retire to the gymnasium. In ---- Trades and Labor Council. the same way, H. J. Allison, Mont real, banker, laughed at the warning, A meeting of the. lrades and La and his wile, reassured by him, took [bor Cevncil was held {her time They and their ling The | daughter did not reach the Carpathian. fe hn Fl, Their on, less than two vears old, eral or waz carried into a lifeboat by hi nurse, and was taken in charge by Mai. Afthur Peuchen, of Toronto. ek at the Laber Fducation Assscia Not only was the Titanic tearing | §.n weeting to be held in. Pets rbore throggh the April night 10 her doom ion May 24th. They are Willian with every ounce of steam crowded | Deisec ll, Ald. Wiliam Turkington ar on, but she was under orders from!J. E. Sauve. the general oflices of the line to make | ------------ all the speed of which she was en | Gennine Scotch" Comedian. pable. } Sendy Camntel will appear to This was the statement made last, i ht and. Saturday ut the Wonde: night by J. H. Moodie, a quarter land theatre. Sans has just arrives master of the vessel, - and helmsman irom. Neatland and is brim full © an the night of the disaster. He said {Scotth wit. A splendid the ship was making tweaty-one knots! of mévine picture an hour, and the officers were striving | gt Fl ito live up to the orders to smash a record. "It was close to midnight," said "Moodie, "and | was on the bridge with the second officer, who was in command. Suddenty he shouted, 'Port | was ton Thursday even mee ng was address by Amerkean Feleration ge anizer, on the labor situ; jtion of the day. hree do legate appointid to re r sant dressing. i werg he cow programms Bushels of Spinach, Young Feds, e.dery, head tomatoes, mir bars, ote, young earrats, aspar Isttace, cucumbers J radishes, rho ag: 8, Tate, We stick.' the New and Exc! usiye Styles tion of the i submerged por | beriz."' y ! Io men's hats at Campbell Rios', eR a i aR Sevgn vears each in penite ntiary Fas | Sule Surtivor ui Final Plunge. ! he sentence handed out at the we New York, Apri W.tol Ardds sions, Cornwall, Ont, hy bald Gracie, the fast man | Kelly to Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bick saved from the : went down ford, whe were found guilty of cans jh the igri Thy was Fucked up. ing he death of their eleven-vear old | Lol. Gracie sold a remarkable stor, niece, (Catherine St. Pierre, yf prramal Jhardshin aq Sts a 3s hin for soft shirts with soft | phatically the reports that there had collars for pood dressers, | een any panic ou board. MMe prais- | Capt. Joseph Elzear Ferpier, ed in Ae hizhest terms the behas mander of the anadian LOVerpme wor © th possengetes and crew amt | steamer Aretie. has heen suspended In md § bigh ttbute to the heroism of , the government, following grav. the women passengers. 'charges lodged against him in eonvec Mra sdor © irues,'" Fe . said. tion with his wificial conduc: of ox "went to her death befiuse she would tpeditic ns to the far north. » ' fot desert her hushamd. Although biol Shaking' for New York Cheney tive rlecded with ber to take ler Pplave! The wd Trumk railway hos © wn in the boat she stoadiastly refused creased the pay of its Freight handlers wnd when the ship «tiled at the hes! a cont an hour, thus preventing " the two were _engulted by the wave threatened strike. that swept her. E It doesn't seem right that a woman | Cl Gracie told of haw Be was should have two ears for hearing gos driven to the topmost deck whens the wip and only ove tongue for repeating Jontic com araund for | mt orminabls | cast off and helfed ham to get omic. | and we then began "the work | i water and aleasd deck 'numbed and 'half-dead, besough us! mad. : | Special To-Morrow; 'X : ° 95 . 9 Ladies' Suits Just one of each make and as follows Navy Cheviot Serge Suits, all wool 2 Black Cheviot Serge Suits, all woo 2 Dark Grey Cheviot Suits, all woo I MidGrey French Venetian Suit, all wool, | Brown Fine Serge, all wool Sizes 34, 36, 38. Price of these Snits were $15.75, 20.00, 18.75, 21.50. Your Pick To-Morrow $8. 95 These caunot he seat on approval, * IE NOT re een have it put aside until required. you and Hosiery For All the Family WOMEN'S Fine ! Black Cotton Stockings, proper makes for ¢ Spring wear, oe, He, 25¢. Black Lisle Thread Stockings," : se and de pair Tan Cotton Stockings, Ae, LHe Tan Lisle Thread Stockings to match the new boot shade, 35¢ pair, speeial. Children's Stockings In Cashmere, Ribbed or Plain. All sizes and in all wanted makes Black Cotton Stockings, Black ( Fan Cashmere Stockings, Tan Cotton Stockings. 'ashmere Stockings Kid Gloves Ready for To-Morrow. A fine new lot just received and in all wanted calors $1.00 and 1.25. Nixteon hoais in all got away Yivor after the wave that swept fer It was even then the general jut telors her final plonge mprosion that the ship was all right pessed, : there is no doubt that that was | or nged with the wave," said stip settled, and was the sole snr ji had I Jenkins' for new Lion collars, Some people can't see a joke with La magnifyi glass: ©. denkins jo Some of the most stylish apparel costs lie # you know where to find it. Thete & no question as to shoes: you want the "Dorothy Dodd." Every authority on style admits that. / The Lockett hoe SS ote Se

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