Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Apr 1912, p. 5

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bers preseat being Alds. Couper Litton and Fair, Peters. The actmg chait mag gelcometl, 7AM. Litton back Ao eh Birsiness. after his wip through United Niates to Vacihe Ald. Litton, in replying, during his travels he had striven and Some of the Roads--More|had succeeded in gathering informa \sphaltic Roads May be Built--|tion and dain, regarding street pay Small Increase for Corporation| Laborers, THE BOARD OF WORKS WILL APPLY SPHALY TO LAY THY DUST. § the const On which would be very beneficial {hoard of 'works, in us efforts those lo, to the along ihe board of works, daring a hours' session, on Thursday afternoon, ! The for the laying of the discussed ses eral Important matters, | Bermudez asphalt muecadmm pavement including the road building system, in | this summer, as set forth in the by' all its phases, and decided to experi- {flaw last vear, is Wellington streét ment on dn sephalt application, south from J ohuson street, to the take the place of the oil® used for the park, and a block on each side of suppression of the dust in summer, | Wellington, of the intersecting streets, which wad recently abandoned. This #2 about one mile in all, The board spent some time in con- Ald. Peters and others spoke strong sidering the purchasing of a machine {lv of starting the work on this street for heating the asphalt. Ax this will | where the permanent pavement ends necessitate some considerable expepdi- [at the corner of Brock street, the ture, the matter was left over. The [block onglroek street extending from board will also be face to face with | Bagot (FF Wellington street, as well the necessity of a new roller for roll las the post office and custom house ing the asphalt, or make some ar [block on Clarence street. It is alto: , fangement for it. The present old {gether likely an amendment to the "war horse" is oo slow, and would by-law will be made to this effect. not be suitable, } In the ahwence of AM. Elliott, who lof the heavy trafic ie run, and this wats out of the city, the chair was would test the pew pavement, Ald two area to "THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE BE. Have installed Ju' their Vault i - SIBLTS% res SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES If you have any of WILLS, TITLE DEEDS, MORTGAGES, INSURANCE OTHER V ALUABLES lodged POLICIES Onl - they should be in one of Lesa hoxes THE ALTENTION OF FARMERS AND RESIDENTS OF THE COUNTRY In drawn to the Security these Safety Deposit Boxes afford against LOSS OF VALUABLE DOCUMENTS, ETC, BY FIRE OI THE For further particulars and information, Apply to C. STEVENSON, Manager, P. . Kingston, Ont. -- A -------- THE SPOTLESS HOME The thoroughly clean hom, that one that has no dirt. dust or germs lurking in the corners or behind the furniture, Is the one as SOCLEAN Dustless Sweeping Compound 18 used. It absorbs the dust and germs. gathers them up instead of scattering them, and thorough- ly disinfects your carpets. Get a trial pail at your grocers or hardware dealers. The brown sweepiug cqgmponng that reuovales and preserves. "S0CLEAN LIMITED Kingston Agent _.. TORONTO H.W, MARSHALL sai | t ing, as done in the places hie visited, | These are the blocks where great dent | taken by AM. Carson, the other mem Carson, really the promoter of it, said This he felt convinced that when the citi {zens bad tried it out, they would ix more than satiskicd It is likely the work on Wellington street will be commenced on June lst, a carload of t asphaltic covering having Been | A foreman will come from {the faclory to instruet the local men {in the laying of it, ; The chairman explained a scheme to { take the place of the oil used on the street, for the past two years, and, {abandoned this spring. It 'is a Trini {dad liquid asphalt, manufactured by the same company, which supplies the asphalt for the new roads. The chair man explained that one application of this preparation was sufiicient each year, and that after three coating j had been applied a permanent road (way would result. The street would {have tp be thoroughly cleaned before | hand, so that the liquid eoudd grip the stones. A high was abso- { Tutely necessary, to prevent water ving on the surface. i Ald. Litton expressed himself as hav- little faith in the iden, although [he would like to spe it tried ont. i though our limestone wax too =oft for {this preparation te cling to, and aeeount of many of the city streets not being properly crowned, the water jwould lie there and rot the dust lay After quite a lengthy disenssion, motion of - Ald, Peters, enough oi j thes liquid asphalt was ordered to be 'secured to experiment on Earl street, from Bagot to Barrie streets. These blocks were built last vear, with high cvowns, and are the best in the city the experiment. The cost of the liquid will be a good deal less eventu- ally The agent of the (company offered to forward a quantity the city without try 14 out with, Sy ordered | crown Hig on er ! Ooh for than ne oil, ta charge to General Business. | | | } i McMahon his houses read from behalf of A which on near Earl, sustained of the cellars, drain this winter this block small A communication Was 11. Rigney, on Lasking damages | Wellinkton street, | through Hodding iron Ihe somewhat sePy ny {on defective dramage teomplicatad, these houses The difficulty what, it appears, frecze-uyr, but not before My put to ter was referred to the city pr for a- report. Growing out of this, Ald 1 the engineer if the underground f works always dooe before This block, of no main Ald Couper spoke urging prevention against the possibility of having to up the «treet after paving bas been done, to lay a sewer or repair house connee tions Ald. Fair moved that, to guard against this, the engineer by jinstructed to inspect all sewir connec. on is a sewer ety wig a McMabon "I'he mat wins moeonveniends : soliton {and cngin | Fair ask ~ wepe not the street was paved, Mr. McMahon's Fhe chairman and sironghy, has "ewe Led tions on Wellington street and to lay a main sewer at this part, if pecesSan before the paving wae dove, and prepare a by-law forcing the landlords to carry their obligations this rospect. The engineer notified all the landlords of this necessity last fall. A commumication was read from the i militin ~~ headguarters, | sranite quarry at Dead Man's Da) ont mn regarding the jm nthe' notice to the cancelling to his | } With reference to He (*PFeal to council for protection ' repaired with | was the outcome of-Ald. Cars proposition in council, that if teeeit could secure this quagry, therefrom © would be vastly superion with a longer life-time than the lime stone used in the building of th roads. The rock vould be yuarried and brought to the city by teams ov- er the ice in the winter for this pu pose. The communication stated that T. 8S. Kirby, of Ottawa, had held lease of the property for some vear giving the department auy granite i required at cust price. However, little had been dene there for some years. Mr. Kirby offered to sell gra nite to the corporation, but his figure was too high. Fimally, on Ald. Liv ton's motion, it was resolved ww ask council to petition the government give Mr. Kirby the i" very necessary Rix leAse of the quarry, and to hand it over 10 the city to be used for muni cipal 'purposes, the corporation agree ing to supply the department with granite at cost. i . Francis 'hing's @ painst the Bell Telephone constructing polis and guy wins his property on Stuart street, iw solicitor's report was read. It staled that the charter which the Pell Tile phone company his from the dou ibn ion government gives it the to erect poles ot powe: or any a cessary in the vonstruction Yo! its ea bles and wires at any spot sides of the streets muifty has next to fn regard to it. lhe the company is cousidcrate in hi: egard and would not crect unneces sary guy wires, «le. It Ls uoderstapd anyway that all these wives will be placed underzround in years, James MeDermott, mar, H ing on Johusn ap plied, through dbmmunieation, four amages, He clihms to have falle: sidewalk Broek of Rreek %treet NM. thoedist church, on March ty, awd kro"e Fis kip. It was refirred to th solicitor 1e ort, The petition f vd for a streit, FetWeen ( hatham and 8 granted, provuded the com on and the nothing to board felt that say lew rather stre to, 0 a age on ery 8 reet. front a sir on fer . Monlte yoy t harles others fewer on Divisio: sircets, iu j roj erly The asked wi signed. Canadian the "bhoerd, cat'on, fir the right trois the east street, tetwien Gore and in front of where they t erect building and eonstriact a fir main, 'The chairman enginect wore given power to aet. } On motion of Ald. Peters man and engineer were awpowered 'engage the usual assistant fon fatter for the summer months. | A jetité n was read, stined by Wn tyre of COTPOraALION. mes asking for is tng the high er reason for the of men are nov wins Locomotive company through commun to x cide JemOve Son of titan Earl streets on expect a and the cha [AN the city's increase in { of liviogy & incren'se THs cla receiving from 1k to 1Me. an. hour, for nine-howr day, and thew asked for The mere s illed men emploved on tl cement sidewalk ' run hizher. The men petitioning an wages, cost 8 n 25¢. an how congrw Yon, wan nr. s'rect and serap \ the snow shovell re ONLY 7 DAYS MORE -------------------------- TO SHOP HERE Days are Passing Quickly By--Think of it, your dollar will do by far better here than two dollars of yours would in any other store. No restriction. - No limit whatever in quoting bargain prices. We are sacrificing our entire fresh and clean stock without mercy. Now consider these circumstances before buying anywhere else. Come every one of the few days left before Closing. - . «"e Just a few Men's and Ladies' Coat Sweaters, all wool, different shades, rogu- lar price $2.50 and $3.00, | Good-b Good-bye Price - $148 Balance of our Pan Velvet, differ + ont shades, regular $1.25 yd. Regular $1.50 48 Turkey Red Table Covers, with fringe all around, size 60 x 90, Good-bye Price of the hundreds of Bargains. Men's and Ladies' Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers for Men. Regular #0¢ and 60c¢ garments. Good-bye Price, 25¢ garment 30 only, Mens Fancy Knitted Vests. Regular $1.75, ye Price 49 It will pay you. to get one for next winter. : Balance ent co 1% | Good-h : of our Veiveteans, difier- lors, Regular 50¢ and 60¢ ye Price - 23c yd All Store Fixtures Selling at Less Than % Value JOS. ABRAMSON i : 4 S. OLD @ ir =f STAND Proprietor TREET compan; | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1912, the granitg! | ! | i { Rn PAGF FIVE, | DAINTY SHOES Pretty Tans, Gun Metals, Kids, Whites and Fawns for Women Tans, Patents, Gun Metals and Velours for Men, on .all the newest lasts and patterns, also up-to-date Foot Patents ers. The men's peti ton was thor- | ughly consilered but the dedision of the board was that such an increase iwas impossible, All sueli increases "mean permanent expenditures and many of the petitioners were = only ' spasmodic city workers. On motion lof Ald. Fair, though, the rate wus made at the even eent., from lic to i15¢c., 15 T-¥e. to lie; and 17ie. 18c. The watsérworks hour for its labor. Tenders will be asked for a and 11g for the foreman of streets The board instructed the dity engi neer notify all the companies hav ing poles on streets, to comply with the by-law and have them paint cd. 'The city is one of the worst enders, with ig light department poles, but the fire and light commit will have to "knuckle down" with rest to pays I8¢." an horse to the of the A YMCA. RECEPTION WAS A FEATURE ON THURSDAY EVENING Bright Addresses Given to a Large Gathering of Young MeneThe Work of the Association Was Ex. tolled. Ihe crowded Y ALCOA evening at pariors of the were on 1 harsday ception given to young en I'he chair was occupied by il. E. Pense George Mills, the first speaker called upon, spoke on the importance of the young men's work in the community tle referred to the great men who had Leen patrons of the work, calling to mind the words, of Chauncey M. De- pew, who said in substance' 'There is no greater device on the railroad day than the vigilance and care of the Y. MCA Mr. Mills also referred to the late CC. M. Hays, of the Grand frunk, who was a Keen friend of Y.M CA. work, le brought witness mveral examples of young men who had been helped by the "Y " among whom he mentioned our friend, Frank Beckwith, who is now engaged in Y.M CA. railroad work. After Mr, Mille, the chairman called on Archibald Pettigrew, sang in a very pleasing manner, 'Bonnie Mary of Argyle." \. PP. Mershon then gave an address on the relation of the YMCA the church My Mersbon said that in looking over hi boys he found about fifty available bascbail players "That," said he, 'is a direct road to the Y. MCA, The 'Y' is the club house, and it gives the of the church just the gare they require." He lad stress on the importance. of a good gym. and good baths, The chairman called on Mr. Jones for a solo. Mr. Johes sang in his usual perfect manner, "The Rose Will Blow." The wanted more and Mr. Jones had no peace until he had sung again, 'The Little Irish Girl" Henry Phillips and Roy then gave short explanatory talks on the boys" department. These were fol lowed by a dust by i. Mack and Harold Angrove, An address was given by Secretary Meserve, of the Y.M.CA,, in which he gave an oniline of the sumer pro- gramme and all the good things that i conlained, among which he men tioned bath houses at Lake Untario Park, the summer camp, a canoe club, and other things which go to make the *Y'" what it is to the boys. Mr. Jones, of Dublin, lreland, is a short talk, spoke in the warmest terms of the welcome he had received in the Y.M.C.A: upon his arrival here, and called attention to that depart- went of the work--the meeting of the strange hoy or voung man and pro viding him with safe associations and friends when he comes to the sity. The remainder of the everfng was passed with refreshments and songs, im which evervone joined heartile, The evening was hrought 10 a close about leven o'clock by the singing of "God Save the King." : are to to who ley lo boys bovs ele boys Goodearle W GOT IN WRONG HOUSE, Drunk Cansed Trouble at a House on Division Street. When a man is under the influence ol liquor. he i= liable to do almost anything. A citifo who had indulged too freely caused some trouble the other evening, when he walked into a house on Division street, believing that it was his own home. Members of the household and a couple of po- Mice constables. who weve called to the sorme, succeeded in comvincing the man, alter a time, that he was in the wrong house, and placed him on the right track. The unfortunate fellow tried to make himeell right at home in the strange place, but he certainly xr not find any "welcome" sign on door mat for him, The Buckley Hat. Se And Pings A Pointer About ICE CREAM Means (oming in to enjoy licious, . treamy flavored delight and refreshment polluter oh carta Cream. Sakell's NEXT TO OPERA HOUSE. 'Phone 640. do» properh health hett2 our with Nou Try lee A. PARLOR MUSICALE By Miss Jessica Reid and Mr. Bees croft on Thursday Afternoon. Some of Kingston's most ardent lov ers of music gathered in of the YM.C.A,, on 'Fhursday noon, to the musicale given lessica Reid, assisted Archibald Beecroft, bass; and Mabel Meck, at the plang, I'he work of Miss He croft, although performed of the city y. musical ceived the warmest applause selection of a programme the evade some of the Miss Reid most capable artist of "The Farewell to the Hills," from Jean d'Are, a piece which demands not only flexibility and strength of voice, but also dramatic abilit The works of Hayden, Liszt, Wagner, Schu Mendelssohn amony those provided and these favorites ceived ample justice It with singers that the faultless received from Miss Meek was largely Yesponsibl the parlors alter: Miss by Miss who was Mr befor Bee som and taste, re In thei did pai ditlicult proved herself in the rendering most 80h tions a bert and wer re may be said to the support they at the for the justics plana " se cess Mr in "The Evening Star, won a well-earned applause. The ' lection to test his abilities to the utmost, and he proved ejual to the performance of ii The opening and closing of the gramme appropriately phied by 'What from that That dered After the the appreciation of his Jeecroft, ol Fanhansser rendering from was one calculated ore Were very Kg he I To I inah," ag duet, duet Have Ihe ver opening bo With ind at clove "Oh Moment exquisitely on Thee t he w 8 ren Programn finished the Tohn Was awlienoe Melnt ON pPAr the su wa expressed In the congratulated eflorts warmly ht st cess of their re, and singers and Ae were upon SEEKING NEW QUARTERS, Cheese Board is Logking for More Accommodation, It " The members of the ntenie hoard, looking 1c for the holding of their weekly hey have been holding the general rooms at the city hall, but have been are new quarters "we i meetings, in Like A request has been of trade in regard and the board of one of the writers of the board of trade" Phe board has appointed a committee to take up the with the couneil of the board oi . eramped for re and would SeCHre more room to the board the matter the q mud to may rooms in the secure ae matter rade Made a Good Trip. Pierrepont on Thursday af and did not have much trouble ie. lhe steamer Newsboy also nade the trip to Clayton, N.Y \ despatch from Clayton says that the first vessel to navigate the St. Lawrence in that district was the tag Alice K, belong ing to the Victon Island Med Granite company. She made her regular trip between the quartiey and Clayton on Monday. The tug was in winter guar ier in the bav of Calumet Island snd to release hor it was necessary to aw through solid ice sixteen inches thick. The Cape Vincent slenmer arrived in SrHOOn, with ' The Hat Question. Solve it with ane of Campbell ros' nobby #2 or $2.90 derbies or hats, soft --- -- Paul Schetagne, of the Bell Tele phone company, is now engaged plac ng & new pervice out on Dividion street from ihe Concesuon Koad to St. Mary's cemetery, The we is fagain comiog down the lake, and on Friday morning the har bor was full of it. Hood's -- ocd's Thos, PR The Great English Remed, Tones and invigorates the whole nervous eysiem, makes new Blood in old Veins, Cures Nero ous Debiity, Mental and Frain Worry, Des pondency, Sexual Weakness, Emissions, Sper hoa, and Kfects of Abuse or Fl .esses, $1 per box, sixfor§5. Ono will please, six grill cure. Sold by ¢ A r fists or matied 13 n . on receipt of price, ew pam Dy ree. The Wood Medicine Ca former'y Windsor) THIS Toronto, Ond IS 1 The most uceful and step saving Kitchen Cabinet made committee See our Window Demonsiration Showing the 'OLD WAY' And, the 'UP-TO-DATE KITCHEN JAMES REID'S 'Phone 147 : 3 DAYS Treatment Catl Absoiute!s wid desire alter.elle at th in Institute The Gatlin Instiate, 128 Jas Toroste : GAGE'S NAVEL ORANGES The finest grown in California. A. J. REES, 166 Princess 8t. Phone 08 Oranges i ', George's Ice Crezm Parlor i A fall lime of high-class | Chocolates Call in and try ovr delicious Ire Cream. made | with the verybest cream i We will deliver your otder , promptly to any part of the # "elty. GEORGE MASOUD 264 PRINCESS STREET.

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