Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Apr 1912, p. 9

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t . IS STIRRING LIFE €: M. HAYS ENTERED ON RAIL. WAY CAREER A% SEVENTEEN. PAGER NINE. at every individual stage of its pL AT THE GRAND. : - Bancroft at Saturday Matinee and Night. When €. James Bancroft appears at {the Grand on Satarday, April 20th, {matinee and night, in "The. New Boy," the theatrs goers are in for a Be«iguod treat, for most of vou remember thim in his splitting rendition of the lobert. Spaulding, in ""I1he Pri i Re Hay wl " th { il [vate Secretary." In choosing the #, who was ta ry '1 RY y a 1 second Hustrious 'vo Bon a8 a Successor 'to The matance of 4 man born ig the United |, © ate Secregary," Mr, Bancroft has Sates rising to the highest place in 8 oliosen weal) a8 the cdebrated furce continent wide railway syflem mm Can- had a long rin at Terry's London ada, was born tovk [sl " . ines » od : M, 16 0 1 u ia § ek. 4 and, Ii. ou and 'was claimed by press and pub May 16th, 1556, He received his early 'Hie to be the equal to "Charley's education in that town, and com "he Pal, vate Secretary." menced his railway earcer at the age ae | Aunt' and ' y Mr. Bancroft hes taken /great pains of seveniven in the passenger depart- + it as meni of the Atlantic and Pacilic rail lim producing this comedy, and a ! . said to Le one of the best things prod ty heatis Bo. He saon_ dis-. pat he has over done. The manage- %, ond in' ver has surrounded Mr. Bancroft Work. aslitor's department n exeelledt and fine pro-| ; » : duetiom, Canadians are fully aware tsequently to the genéral superinten- | \ whitaver flay ts associsted with dent's ollie on that road. In 1578 he Mr. Bancroit's Ls be fully re. | was promoted to the position of seere- | h hang tan ho lwly re tary of the general manager of ihe fied upon to give a good' clean and : - © : : sund performance, The phenomenal { Missouri Pacific railroad, which posi- 0 ¥ 1 pes > {tion he held for six vears. In 1884 he, A Vigilant Unceasing Cleanliness preparation "SALADA" | : | GBYLON TEA, IT'S $0 CLEAN, IT COULDN'T BE CLEANER BLACK, MIXED OR NATURAL GREEN | SEALED PACKAGES ONLY REFUSE SUBSTITUTES ® | : 'SALADA', Toronto Was Man of Big Ideas--tonneetion With Grand Trunk Railway gan 16 Years Ago, » Montreal, April 18. Charles Melville GLARE ELLLLIILIIL AALS H A SIAL 11 11 "FOR MAKING SOAP' ' SOFTENING WATER REMOVING OLD PAINT /DISINFECTING SINKS, CLOSETS.DRAINS,AND/ FOR MANY OTHER PURPOSES THE STANDARD ARTICLE $005 HERE Drncsmapsonsonmnstr miniseries GoesFarther Three drops of Shirrifi's True Vanilla gous far as six to == | | | RNY UDR NN | FREE Sample mailed on enquiry--Address BIG RE-BUILDING SALE Buy your Spring Furnishing dur ing this Sale and save money. We are offering big discounts so as to save double haudling. cast {LIME FoR SAE DRURY'S Coal and Wood Yard business which Mr, Bancroit is ddhng "Phone 443, 235 Wellington St. from one end of Canada to the other eight drops of ordinary Tot vanillas. Shirriff'sisthe real extract of Mexican Vanilla Beans. Aged until its strength, bou quet and flavor are fully matured. Try a bottle TrueVanill Get 9a fou frocks fitted over it. tect style, perfect comfort and durability by getting new corset NOW your new summer ure cor- a a AERA TIE that is "going § i . | ' i | has written | i LATE CHARLES M, HAYS, i Grand Trunk Pacific president, Who went io His death : ey So et moa was engaged as sceretary to the gen ! eral manaver of the Wabash, St. Lou- is and acific railway, and in 1586 he | was made assistant general manager {of the road. In the follaging year he assumed nu similar position on the Wa- hash zystem, wnd five years later was appointed viee-president Mixteen years ago Mr. Havs com- menced his connection with the Grand Frunk railway in. Capada. le was appointed general manager in Junu- ary, 18062 He relinquished the posi- tion, hawever; in 1901 to become pre- sident of the Southern Pacific railway, He remained in the south hardly a vear, apd relwned to the © Grand Trunk ns second + vice-president and general manager. At the much-talked- of meriing of Grand Trunk directors im London in October, 1909, when Sir Charles Rivers-Wilson resigned the pre- wideney, Me. Hays was made president, In 105 he wily made president of the Grand Trunk Pacific railway also. Me. Ways was also president of all the smaller roads controlled Hie and run in cenjunetion with the Grand Trunk railway system, both in Canada and the United Stator. In addition he was president of many industrial concerns, and a inember of many charitable or ganizations®*and clubs, He was one of the founders of ihe Mount Royal Club, the wenlthiest and most exclusive 'in Montreal te It is said that My. Have refused to nesept a Knighthood in WIN. Hie homed was in Montreal, and Charles M, Have was a wellknown igre in. the indus trisl and social circles of the eity, is ails was the daughter of William 11. Greg, of 81. Lows, Mo. He had one daughter, who heeame the wife of Thoin'on Davideon, of Montreal. The i AN AVIATOR SUICIDED, Made Spectacular Plunge After Love Quariel. Versailles, France, April 19. Jahn Veirept, the well-known ~Belgian air man, who had participated in many of the leading sporting events in Europe, was killed on Wednesday vhile making a fight. His mono plane collapsed while he was fiving at a height of 600 feet, and he fell to the ground and was killéd instantly. Friends of Yerrept now express the opinion that the aviator committed suicide. He had, they say, had a dis- {pute with his fiancee, to whom he swore that Ke would kill himself, Observers of his Night say they saw Vervept throw his arms _up, and the acroplane, then left to itself, dashed! to the wound. The machine was {found in perfect working order. Ver rept was twenty-three years old. Provincial Estimates, Weekly Sun, Toronto. The main proviscial estimates for the current fiscal yéar provide for sn outbay of over BRO000000. wo sete of sap lepentary estimates Aotal neoely $5,000,000 more. Here is au (gare ate amide from the special an- frofriation of 85,000,000 for Untaris of wil an ty $12,000,000, In 1403 the total expenditure ol the provinces was $5,796,000, Lven if we cut 'the a fini of $2,000,000 for the Mydro Hottie out of this year's estimates that still wakes the antiviocted oxi onditure of 1912 mors] than dould the outlay of seven years a. : © In the levguage of the snatl bay some," eh an cn Tragedy of Springer No. 4. {¢eems korn Neath if sat ci'nt proof or this. -- "The Spring Maid." tiene Luneskn, the fascinating prima donne in Worcs & Luescher's New York: Liberty theatre success, 'The Spring Maid," which comes to the Grand on Thursday, April 25ih, with a company of seventy-five and Metropolitan orchestra. was last sea ron the leading ikoger jn "Ihe Choco late Soller." Miss Luncska is a Russian, but has heen associated with successes on the American stage for several years, fi would be hard to find tuneful score that Hemtch Reinhardy for "The Spring Maid." It overflows with haunting = melodies and foot-tapring wilitzes, There is a lilt aboot its gems that proves irresistible to all who hear them ks erywhere one hears such melodies re "Day, Dreams," ~*"Fwo Litule Love Bees," "Fountain ¥av," "How 1 Love a Pretty Face," ete., ete,, be ing vlayed and sang. Through the entire thay little Miss loyors sunbeam to all fi more action Luneska spreacing of the fits Like on happiness who wateh her work. She to the part of tde m- 'quant Bozena, and fills the role with incomparable charm and sweetness, while Leo Stark, as Roland, gives one of the quaintest and at the sdine time avpeafig examples of comedy WOri seen in many years, ! ---- BUDGET FROM ATHENS, of George Ferguson William H. Moulton, Athens, April 17.~Large quantities of maple syrup' are now on sale. Rev. W. G6. Swayne, formerly of Oxford Mills, the new rectowof Christ church, has arrived and is taking possession of the new rectory, a fine commodious dwelling. A reception was tendered him last night by bis congregation. Rev. D. R. Grabam. Toronto, is to outipy the pulpit of the Methodist church = on the 28th inst. Rev. Wm. Weoatell, pastor of the Baptist church, hay been in Torpnto, attending a con- vention. . Goorge Ferguson died very suddenly at his home just east of the town on the Sth inst. The remains were taken to Oak Leaf. where services were von ducted by Rev, Mr. Smith, Lyndhurst, Deceased loaves a widow and one young son. William Henry Moulton, aged seven- tv-itwo, a well-known mason, suffered a stroke on Sundav morning and died on Tuesday morning. The funeral ser vices are to be conducted on Thursday by Rev. W. CG. Swayne Rev. F. A. Read was called to 'West- port yesterday to conduct the funeral of the late Mrs, R. B. Donevan, Lans- downe, who, as Miss Mollie Robinson, is kindly remembered here by a host of friends among whom she resided for yerrs. At one time she was a mem- ber of the public school staff The high school and public school re-open- otf on Monday, with all the teachers present and most of the students" in their places, Erastus Livingston is moving to his house," Elgin street. A R. Brown has purchased Mrs. Jeah Lillie's house, Elgin street. Mr. Val- lig has purchased Wm! C Coulin's burbering business, A land agent irom Regina was in town last week. Andrew Hanna and family, also E. S. Clow left this week for the west. H. Rowsome has gone to Toronto to take a position in a jeweller's store. Mis. E. 0. Robinson, Boston, is a guest of her father, H. H. Arnold. Mes. Singleton, Newboro, who came to visit her daughter, Mrs. (IE. McGhie, was taken with pleuro-pneumonia but is somewhat better. Mrs. Morrison, Centre street, continues very low. Mrs, M. A. Connell ig nursing her, Nathaniel 8. Demille, Belleville, ag- ed sighty-three years, suffered a stroke of paralysis on Wednesday moming. His condition is very serious. His daughter, the wife of Premier Robin, of + Manitoba, has been called to his New} © David Frink's barn on LF -------- THE EVENING BODICE DOES NOT REACH ABOVE THE ARMPITS. Exaggerated effects in decollatage ave considered the smart thing now and even the debutante wears her frocks eut ont in a way that would have shocked her great-gram! mamma. The bodice seldon: rises higher than the armpits, though a wisp of chiffon or headed net partly covers shoulder and arm and suggests a sleeve. Worth puts in all his evening hodices a fold or two of flesh tinted tuile which softens the line between the gown and material and the neck. Sometimes the decollete effect is only suggested---the transparent bodice being lined with flesi colord chiffon. i ME NEWS FROM COUNTRYSIDE. vy Reid recently sold his farn Brown street to William Richie, art. Ass will. build a honse MN illiam Goudy Moutrdal Pears old, - Stevens Caug vidie 4 on : % B i Rob secley's Bay Prize Bull, ne hrien Secley's Bay, April 17.--<Robert Webh ol Seeley's Bay, is the owner of A reg Holstein bull which he purchased from Mi of Philipsville, whose dam has Line took a trip to tetered two ------ ------ feo Machine sels. ABeil 15. --While operating t Avondale Farm Jarvis aged eighteen, got his arm caught in the belt running EA irom the He harled Budget From Picton. around the wheel avd when picked up, Picton, . April 17.-~The cheese factor ies started on Monday for their son's work. Wellington Boulier made the Canadian world record under offi cial test oi 38.57 pounds of butter seven days. swing mach XN right ne a in engine, WAS Wis UNCONsScio One arm was br sen four places has iar THE NEW ENOCH REMEDY, THERAPIONE: 22. Fre¥ich Tospitals with great success. Cures weakness lost vigor vital force, drains, blood poison, disc barges, kidney bladder urinary diseases, either sex dri gists ormail §1 Fougera Co,90 Beckman st New York( ity or Lyman Bros Co Ld, Toronts. Ifin doubt No. required tend address envelope for FREE book to Rr. Le Clore MED CO HAVERSTO. KROAD, HAMPSTEAD, LONDON. on ENG, HERAPIONSS Sits BICYCLES BICYCLE SUNDRIES DISC Records BICYCLE MUNSON at Cut Prices 413 Spadina Avenue, Sendfor Cut Price Catalogue. TORONTO | R RR RADWAY'S READY BELIEF FOR LA GRIPPE ' 20 styles of Music Cabinets at 20 per ceat. off. 25 styles | of ChinaCab. inets at 20 per cent off Go Carts and Carriages all reduds ie te dew, 11 RR. J. Reid, poe sn | Ask for RADWAY'E 2-8 Teke no Substitutes cmt purchased Mis. Stafford's residence on the lligh Shore road. Miss Eftie Wil liamson® Albert College, spent the Easter holidays with her parents. Mr, and Mrs. B. R. Hepburn returned from Ottawa on Thursday last. Prof. Iva Martin, of the Royal Military College, Kingston, spent over the holidays with Mr, and Mrs. George Martin Mr. and Mrs. Patterson, Brantiord, spent Faster with Dr. and Mrs, M. E Branscombe. A. I', MacVannel was in Belleville last week, in charge of the stock judging. Miss Naomi Johanson has returned. aiter visiting at Orono Mrs, CC, CC. Wannamaker and little son, Ameliashurg, have been visiting her parents. Reports From Maberly. Maberly, Apnil 17.~The annual meeting of the Ladies' Guild of Alban's church was held at the rec tory on Tuesday, with a good at tendance. The vestry meeting was held on Tuesday evening, when Gearge Ferguson was appointed people's war- den; Thomas Palmer, clergyman' warden, and George Morrison delegate to the synod in Uttawa in June. Rev Mr. Clayton, of Perth, administered holy communion in St. Alban's church on Sunday. Robert Blair has moved to his new home in the village. Tho mas Butterill has come to visit his sister, Mrs. Manders, and is much im- proved in health since he came. Miss Eva Flaherty has resumed duties at her school, also Mr. Mellrath, after spending vacation at their homes. A number of men are emploved getting ready for the construction of the new railroad. A line new hoarding-house has been built, and they are to have a general store and butcher shop =t Kilbirnie News. Kilbirnie, Amil 17.-A few around here have tapped and report a great flow of sap, the best in some years Oliver MeAdoo and H. Blacklock had ! bees this week drawing pressed gay to Kingston. J. Buraash lost a cow last wees, The factory is open a gain with a good supply of milk, Mr. Cunningham, Gananoque, is mak- er Mr. Bornash will be salesman, and the keeping of the books will be in the capable handsof J. B. Quinn. Many from here attended the funeral of the late .John Lawless. He was well known, being mal carrier for Years. Miss Quinn is ill. Miss MN Franklin, Napanee, spent the heli days the guest of"her sister, Mrs, U Cowan. Visitors 1; Mr. and Mes. Pad terson, Mount Chesney; J. Blacklock, Cataragur: W. Blacklock and Miss May Blacklock, . Glenburnie; J. Lap pon, Lansdowne; W. Franklin, A. Hay and 'mister, Glenburnie: PV. Hogan and stster, Dufferin. Mrs. ,C. Cowan is spending a few days in the eity. #ys. McAdoo and daughter is vidi mg in Gananoque. Tidings From Moscow. Moscow, - April 17. Lightning struck font t last. It shattered some posta" but did mot set fire to the building. . Har ry VYanLuvsn has returned from the west, where he was with a car of horses. The cheese jactory has .com- the season. Fish are quite pletitiful. A good deal of being made, Horse for the great western ountry. His wife and family will remain at FP. dows Wrigley's makes it easier for them to care for their teeth than not to care. of any dealer. It costs less. Made in Canada Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co, Ltd, Children don't care! If they did care, they would forget! If your children chew it every day, the friction and the mint leaf juice preserve their teeth indefinitely. While they chew it they also help digestion. Most children don't chew food properly -- don't Create enough saliva. Chewing this dainty helps digest the "gulpings." And all this applies to - You--Mr, or Mrs. or Miss! ¥ Buy-it | by the Box Pass it around after meals.

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