Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Apr 1912, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRIT! 3 " r JAGE SEVEN: latives of persons on the passenger DEATH AROUND NAF / ; CHILDREN WERE POISONED. JRE THAN 1,900 I icon lev a Tian, The Late Cyrus Allison, of Adolphus. § Died From ¥Fffects of Bating Decay. as to the survivors from the terrible town. : 3 ; i ed Hefrings, PERSONS DROWNED disaster There were people of all|GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS-| N\apance, Apr 16.--Mrs. John Sher THE RIVER ICE : THERE wEXT] Charlottetown, PEL, April 16.-Jn classes. Well-dressed women stepped SIBLE FORM. wan, Bay Centre, died on Fray las, OUT GN MONDAY. itwo days Patrick and Mrs. Magee, out of limousene and mixed in the " es 'ae Aral mothe itlnths: of pei ly § whi ride Shout ix niles from Nat m page I) throng with grimy workmen, all be gious aficmia Inceased was jut . s cTtagu, have been bevel. of five of their umship Rentncky, | see ag for saformation about loved | Matters That Interest Everybody--| i .. (cars of age and leaves a far A Sunagiique Couple Woden MI gx children, The denth of the children Fosummer San Franciseo, sank off jones on the ill-fated ship. At first Notes From All Over--little of}; wi six chilacén, besides her sor ingston-- Walter Lasha and isso supposed 16 be due to ptomuine %; ide +. Wireless brought Mal- | there was nothing bubyexteeme anxio- Everything Easily Read and Re-] rowing husband The sons are Frank Rena Slack Were the Happy | poisoning, brought on Ly eating de cooking easicr no ust as vessel went | tv evident, but as the day wore gn, > and oyron.- Ringston; James, Ward] Couple. {eaved hercings, of which Mr. and Mrs. Delicio § satidwiche: vd snved, with little definite information, there membered. y and William, al houte, and Miss Elsie, © | : a i Magee and the five children partook cious lor san ' Atlantic transport | were signs of rising anger that might Bishop Farthing has accepted thal, ningsion. The foneral (ook place |; Gunano e, Afni 6.--A wedding of | freely at dinner. The sixth child was f home and camp. grounded near Bis | work retribution on the ofliees of the post of ciaplain of Victoria Rifles, | 54 Sunday fast, Services were held at Engerest to many in this swtion took 3 ieily "daland. Wireless | company, Montreal, sucoceding the late Canon he Presbyterinn church, Sand Hill, {1 Jace in Wingston on Saturday af- 4 Cubes 0c. 10 Oubes-25¢ | aboard saved, When the general agen finally ap-| Fllegood, } 'The remains were placed in the Napa- | er N Sack. : ! 5 2rd, 110-Bouthern Pacific | peared at an upstair window and read! <ir Allsn Avlsworth was eom- [nea vauit. jo Mr. acd rs. Siac Rng A icame more serious, Ur. Fraser, off sree iner 3 is on fire off Florida eoast, | a list of those known tbe saved, thel 1ud to'go to the Toronto Western] Apgthier of the old residents of | As upited in marriage to alte j Monta gu, was sent for. He found all | gesssssssdessstsacsssd wmus, of the same line, tdok off pas great, majorily heard 6 with heart [hos iz), on Monday, where, the #u- Adolphusiown has passed away, in the Jasha, sa. st son of the late Wale five chiMren very sick, one of them Melville J. wesumith, 4 pengrera, and assisted in puting out | rending disappointment for she names! joriti 3 say, he is suffering from ery- person of Cyrus Allisos, aged about Lasha, River street, both being well dying an hour aiter his arrival. Two Stuart J, Wilson, ire and then returned passengers, they wanted to hear were mot among |gipelas. cghty years, Deceased was a brother {known young residents of the town. fothers died. Saturday, within fifteen SEXSNMITH, VILSON & COMPANY dul ot, 1910 Wireless mast dra | them. That the RobEn government wouldiof the inte 1D. W. Allison, M.P., and' Mr, und Nrs. Lasha returrind to town minutes of each other, and this morn Real Estate and Financial nt ic t. Capture of lr, Crippen There were cries of indignation i.e (he Catholic minority of Mail-lwas wildly known and highly re 0 'Sunday and will locate here per {ing the other children passed away a end Mise LeNeve, . against the company. "Why did youli ha complete justice was the opia- spect. ' manently. : { The father and mother have recover Correspondence Solicited, April 15th, 1912 Titanic calls for | lie to us yesterday that the Pasgeugers Lon expressed by Armaid .avergue! Mrs, "Addie Fitchett, relict of the he al puldie ud big gd wd, a Salauby Meek, toon, Sask and Virginian and Olympic and {were all saved 7 said one. They z o Montrest from Win Ng s Fitchett, died last week at "opened up yesterday moming altér the -- ot en st . tna te! . hips respond saved millionaires in the first cabin ig us tap 1 jate home he street, after several Kester vacation, with a fad teaching | Alphonso's qegacy. Bevessssssssssasssesay ---- and le our poor folks go down lik With hundreds dying daily of tam {onthe lines. 'The funeral took staff, Miss }. Lake filling the vaean-| King Alfonso has claimed « legacy Terrible Scenes in London, rats in a trap." These were some of ine throughout Kastern China, itiplyee on Saturday morning last. fra Vietoria avenue sehool. {of $500,000 left him last October by H Ne Re Lorslon, ¥ng., April 16. There were the bitter remarks. THE 1s wit! not at home. After dinner the children and mother teruoon, when Rena Slack, dnughtes | hecame ill and as their condition be- : tecomes apparent that unless relief] [) 1. Preston left, yesterday, for De 'bocal branch of She Jl we ol w.C. 'Albert Sapene, a French landowner, terviole semis around the otices of| 1 availed nothing that agents ex-|yaigires are Laken the entire repud-lKerrobet, Sask. to look after his T.U. met at the home of Mrs. Horacs | who died in an asylum at Bragueville, en raion aa biosd son, discharges, the White Star line, near Trafalgar | plained that ihe women and children lic will be swept as tf by plage.' farm ng interests in that section. Mrs Grillin, Garden street, Lost evening. | His majesty having instructed coun sex druggist Square, to-day, when hundreds of re |of all clasts were saved first. Final-| nore will te no harvest to save the (Dr.) Russell and little daughter, i Started by a gentle brue: e at anise! in the matter, Maitre Cargue ex- fal A ' ly, extra police were requisitioned to star ing before Jume 1st. 'Ihe gov-l ican, who have been spending a few early' hour 'yesterday moriioy the jee plained before the court of St. Gau- | endade dress envelope for FREE book to Dir Le! oe T look after the erowd, and BITESLS WEI Ol arnment has no funds for relief. weeks with hér parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0 front of the Railway whart worked | dens the extraordinary circus ances | EE A CURES TO For Freckled, Rough threatened. Tt was an hysterical weep- ---- D. H. Preston, left, vesterduy, for her itself loose aud drifted away, 'down lof the legacy. Though the testator had | f HERAPION.Si. . - ing, sometimes cursing crowd that News From Westport. home at Baileboro. the channel, jwo days later nan last been conbined since 190%, the lawyer as- | ns ¥ aunt ec ralaigar Hare ao aay. . . = v % Ss s- year, | sert that it was not true iat we or Spotty Complexions ||, | Trafalgar Bq il doy Westport, April 15.--Van Campbell | Mrs. Ira D. Clark, who ha vis ed that : that | dn eens . Rr } he . & Carleton Viace. [iting friends in Napanee and Toronto | Wuite a heavi elect rie storm passed was insane when he drew up his will Hope Completely Vanishes. po Toy ~~] bn 'oburn, of Delta, [for the past four months, leaves, to- OV€r here at an dusly hour lust even-| The document was signed nearly thirty Montreal, April 16.--1It is feared that | 1. calling on Westport friends last day, for her home in saskatoon. ; ing. So far as heatd no serious da-fyears ago, whe " . Bape ne, then in the forlorn hope that the Allan liners| o_o Among those home for the Word was recived, to-day, that Wal. mage 'was done in this neighborhood. the prime of life, left his snare for Parisian and Virginian picked up su: Eastor holidays are Misses Maizie Re-|ter Coxall, Toronto, formerly 'of Na-+ "Wilkam 3. Maedonald, prepristor of | tune to Cgunt de Chambord. n Wo vivors of the Titanic disaster bas bow nar Julin McCann, Mary McCann, |pance, was very ill in Toronto, of Maple W roft farm, has returned from | tender to the throne of Franee. hen . - « t ¥ 2 A ' ™ > " "iy An 2d completely vanished. They were both sdelaids Dicer. Ko NeCann and Wal | ppermonia, with no hopes of recovery, New York to spend a few days, hav- | the count died, Sapene, ar avowed spoken to by wirelnss this morning nt}: ne : a---- ing purchased a fine herd of thorough | loyalist, made a new will bequeathiog , Sid ; ih} 0 g iter. Whelan, Miss Rhea Breakenridge, bred cattle to add to his stock. He his estate to Alfonso NIH, "or hie eleven o'clock, and neither reported J 1 . 3 . J : . AL SaakN ~ yd OCK; BN * : retiring and removed in the morning | having Survivors aboard F who was recently under treatment at ALWAYS ON WIFE HUNT, came to look after the housing of heirs," as the next greatest of the with Soap and water, completel peels ahr : niin : St. Vincent de Panl hospital, krock- -- them Sor the present Jourbons. In a few vears his majesty fi il | nh. GQ 5 q i ville, is recovering nicely. W. C. Wolpe om op to Bedouin's| pH ie PE soul | died, and from that day to this, com all the disligured skin, il an ounce What Buildérs Say. ) eath nly Stop FE. H. Hurd, Charles street, is con- |" » Al 4 a ) Hs, coun 3 re Whitcher, of Ottawh, was amoung he a . : z : tsel claimed. the will has not been al ats the wax at any druggist's. Theres | pogo April visitors here during Easter wook. Mrs Search. fined to his home, quite serioushytili |* ' ns hy ; ® § pre Laste ok. . a " or . . y ade y Hl 07 efiective way of Yanithing James Wright, of Newboro, was the From the time that a Bedouin is Miss Mary . Taylor, who has been : red, the ap standing made dvel . unt, . ¥ ' 4 ¥ p i : : il . AS y guest] of Mr. and Mrs. John Forreste: |#ighteen years of age mtil he dies "of spending several months in town " ie Drosen 0 \ he st on Snturtuy Miss Lirzie Castle. who old age, he is more or less looking the geest of her aunt and uncle, Mr. i ee 18 Fo Ld a iE Phe Ae pent th past three "months in Carle |oot for new wives. By-law Mohaoimg- fand Mrs. James M. Thomson, arden Ee 1 i ng i pain, lonso WE RP © pe we ' 8S ac § 8 relgn » dans are never allowed to have 'more street, left yesterday for her home a as a civil list. of salary as sovereign ton Place and Perth, returned on Sat- [dans are n ! } treet, left terday for her howe at, '* 5 Pl SUCCES, Ni 3. tat (From the Dermatologist) The frecklin discoloring ow rough emny to which heate «Kins are sub et alter axposure to wind or sun, often appearing in spripg, niuy read Hy be gotten vid of, Mercolized wax, read lightly over the. face before 16.--A represerdative of Harland and Wolff, the construc tors of the Titanic, interviewed, saul that if the Titanic had sunk the col i : ligion must have been of great force nrey mar the complexion, and. one J % ak a hav ' he (lating wf the ves I, he said, ; & \ Grafd .-¥ Io Mi Gladys +01 about $500.000 a vear, bu: this ix . + [wus of the hgailest calibre, and even). uv Miss Gertrude Griffith jsf than four at the same time, but they ilranc Oras, ho pLIes PAOL SE ugiiented by a further $4,000,000 & ¢ H Id U ) givhichly beautiful face if it wire pierced any'two of her com-|, spending the holidays in Toronto ensily evade this regulation by divore | Berry and' Miss Christine Wright tev} od ftom the Vast roval property i 0 ou P # ) er = am tiian a i 8 ur = ays . . = rive 0 Vas ova rope n Wrinkles caused by weather. ' worry | partments could be flooded ~ without D. M. Downey, of Brockville, was in |g one, which simply means sending veftorday for Ottawa to resume thei Various parts of the pdetohh io I M. Sail ' ; or illness are best treated by a. simple imp erilling the safety of tlhe ship. {town vesterday. George Castle wag |r back to her parents. This is often studies the Normal school. pene's grand-nisvs, who claims; the dis n Prices, golntion of powdered saxolite, one hamein vision in Ottawa last | because whe has borne him no sons. | Cap tal { Mrs. Felix © Compenu, | led 'astute has | arn her livin ' a i STRESS 8 § k a i odo ., 0 et ¢ oe are PI rs hat ote, dissolved in a half pint witch et So it happens that the old sheikhs alo of Kingston, ghent Sunday with elas f SN eriioan an ' We are Plfmbers who ha ' : . i 1 > ak. : or ' : 48 a governess, fi ol Bathing the face in this pro What Titanl€ Was Like. x ba most always have voung wives, fies . "Dr. Ernest WW. De hud ES in the singular soit is. ex p- mastered our profession, who w---- a, Te nin . {x men 1 e 8. e ¢ 2 stil ' A Shirking a Discussion. It is considered elieminate for a ilong, ouver, B.U., spent. thy past pected soon. Meanwhile the press |B ao Report of ihe Legislative man to show the least aflection to- few a in town, the guest of Ws hakes all sorts of excnses for Al 4 In the legislating estimates was an wards his wives, at least openly. 7, Mis Essie Delong. Miss Marie fonso's course. A man who claims to who charge but fair, equitable triple screw steamer 'litanie und hes fio, gop spedal couns:l's fees on con- of the young sheikh of the Adwans, |Nquire left yesterday to send have seen the will affirms that his older sister ship, the Olympic. In them | igitational questiors, ete. Mr. Row- Mouthafyvfi, who recently lost his fyponth with relatives in Boston. are epitomized all ¥ cience and ung and only wife, acknowledged to majesty will not benefit personally p ey a. e _sgience and ia goved, that in view of .the desl YOUNg and only bs, AE ROW NS m3 {hmt that the testator diréeted that the 'an T skill of steam navigation." These tig-', (sn of the wvovernment to "appoint be the prettiest girl in the tribe, shed NEW LINE © TE AMERS. te ' " 4 ' ad You Can Tum ures tell of the coistraction of th ry . : legacy be devoted to furthering the 1 ieitlv! TT : Ars 3 ave. ; is he w Ree 2 ix a s Implicit] Try : counsel 10 represent the | rovinep | tars at fuk Brave i Foe this he Whe ; . {royalist cause in Spain, the country y y y Litanic, which is laeger than thei; he argument before the supreme much laughed at by his companions, | Under the Title of Canadian inter. Olympic in tonnage by 1,300 tons. ) 1: "1 ns wile die: he (most likely to suffer from the next conrt and privy eound! on the Lan-{Who sanie fi. man 1 lake Line, Limited { ravolutionary - - 3 i hi a v ry, uprising. tonnage, registered | on is 16,32 caster marriage bill, the government] " busily proeare himsel} anor Toronto, April 16.--Under the tive | : - David Hall tonnage, displacement wn OB,000 0 uote counsel do support. the 1 iw But for a deceased father, brother or : Re, Ar } = y e 7 h | i Queen of Beauty. Length over wil WN2 feet; 6 inches that the parliament of Canada hag] even a mother, they think it does not 10 the Canadian Interlake Ane, Lam. Vise 1 ¢ ! 88 BR " treadth over all goer he Sov to declare the: validity of show weakness to mourn, because from ited, a federal charter has been issued | iscountess Curzon, the daughter in. "| OCK STREET. Breadth over boat the power 1a « ob a h oh Plwheré could he get another ? This [to Capt J. W. Norcross and his as- {law of Lord Howe, and one of the pind 04 "0 ol Jaastinges Sele Puta arnug out seeming indifference 10 Women has | sociates, under which a number of | most beautiful women in - English So Store, 236 Residence." 856 Height from bottom oh oneuion ob Anat a 2 He ame undoubtedly grown out of the false freight vessel interests will be consoli- | ciety, is to be the Queen of Beauty in Sol he : nd or Rol Do OY 1itney coked annoyed. C131.den the men entertain 'hat to ex- [dated imto a cotporate company, { the Eglinton tourtiament, which is to ASS ANAS not propose to discuss the matty, hich will be th be one of the chief features of s appreciation of them would be | which will now the miost important | Height from bottom as the attorndy-general had announced [Press appr lation of : ! of keel to top of } i id do his duty this | Weak and unmanly. From personal {member of the group of fieets trading | "Shakespeare's England," the : great ' captain's house .., .. JUS that Mr Rowen Wad RE WEE observation | know that the DBedouins, | between . Montreal and Fort William, jexhibition which Mrs. George Cornwal freckles or other cutaneous defects Little skin particles come off each day, sg the process doesn't even tempor: DO NOT MOON acaumires a brand new potless eben truly marvelon transforma "The world's largest apd finest Liom steamer' has been the elaim of th only iperior worl and White Star line ' in reference to th price for the work we do 'Phones: Height of funnels Hee in private, treat their wives with more [under the name of the Merchants' Mu- {lis-West is to produce at Earl's court, : above casing ... .. 13 apa Sp in. vn 3s aon 3 consideration than is generally shown | tual. Line. London, during the summer for the 1°] ow 'wapt Canadg's Heigh fof tbat down hy Wo ltve 9 : ght oO angels . among Orientals, especially so if | The vessels are all full "'eanal size," benefit of the Shakespeare Memorial finest sugar, at its above boat dick 4 8 New Welsh Leader they have borne sons. Bedouin women [about 260 by 40 feet, and will consti- Fund. 8 i "€ Of best, ask your Djstates jr mh P ae = Sir David Blynmor Jones, the newly Grocer for Number of steel decks ; elected leader of the Welsh patliamen- . Number of watertight bulkheads 15| tary party, in succession to Ellis Passengers carried . .. 2,800 | Griffith, is the eldest son of Rev, 860 | Thomas Jones, the preacher under can go about alone and no ome dare | tute the most moderniseries of vessels Lady Curzon, who was married in molest them on pain of death. in the trade. The boats are the Aca- | 1907 to Viscount Curzon, is a daugh i Immorality is scarcely known among | dian, Calgarian, Canadian, Hamilton- | 47 of the late Col. Montagu Curzon Pid. Nut Drecsnaint them, for should a girl go wrong, her tian and Indian, and the bulk freight- {a great-uncle of her hushand, and, al : i o ise ppoint. own relatives would put her to Rs ar ers, Rénvoyle and A. E. McKensley. j though the mother of two children, Pon't beconu Liscournged simpl . : Jinder | Kuropean women are not likely to be |The Hamiltonian is being built at { does pt lok a day nots than eigh- | secuuse your hair all The largest plates employed inthe whom Robert Browning used to "sit. subjected to any indignity at the {port Arthur, and the Indian, a motor' hethe hig age at whie Jha was mar | weak and wisp until hull are 36 feet long, weighing 84 tons Sir David is a well-preserved man of | hands of these roving sons of the de- boat, on the Clyde, Scotland. a . 9 wonfan in plant was more | (lerpicide | each, and the largest steel beam used | ®iXty, with twenty Fours ol parliamen- | sort. Wide World Magazine. The directors of the new corporation | Hire than she by the foreign roy- | wo Herpicick three ye alter Extra Granulated Sugar x 92 feel long, the weight of this| tary experience, un gift of persuasive are Messrs. M. J. Haney, J. W. Nor- alties who visited London at the time | 4 spell of fever, which caused me to double beam being 4 tons. Further, | speech, and a comination of taet, dig- : of the coronation. y ; ross, Thomas Bradshaw, and J. F. |" : . necome almost ba Herpieid GON the colossal rudder, operated electri-| nity, and sagacity. He is a lawyer, A Good Reputation. » RR taWaTl of Toronto: 'A. M. Wop. | She will not be the only titled per-| stored she quant antl' nn tiral co in the new Sealed Pack- sally weighs 100 ' rons; the anchors | Who relinquished a county court judge- #3 , bt : | Anv firm's business® is largely built {vin Winnipeg; Henry Munderloh. Mont- foa_to take part in ste Elidatietiunm or of mv hmir. 1 heel fost with age containing 5 full 154 tons each, the. centre (turbine)|ship to take up a political career. Hel, on its reputation for faie dealing. | real: and F. WH. Ambrose, Hamilton, [CV¢% Two dukes, it is stated, are to} (id of Herpicide in the house ¢ ro eller 22 tons and each of the two | edited the volume of his father's ser- |p; partivilarky trie of an insur- [ha capitalization of the wow Hine is ba among the number. Over 3,000 per- | wy, Apna (0 Lavo, %20 Secomd sounds of sugar. bp o mons, to which Robert Browning con- : *t wa 5 he eats By sons well-known in the social world, | Ba dv: itellmitn Sat wit 1 'wing propellora a8 tons each. The ' 2 ance company. © Yeu don't want ft placed at two milltion dollars, all attired in. the contimed of the Louisville, Ry. tells in hor ow huge after "boss-arms," 'from which tributed an' introduction, and with policy in a company that, when your | a in the costumes of the six | \ CANADA SUGAR REFINING e suspended the 'three propellor Sir John Rhys wrote a standard book CO/ LIMITED. 12 a pe wd a thin, VOR Cave ied first began to use New wow she lost her hair d* how . : ho teenth century, will engage in the 3 ' o ; » Qs <a oc lire loss occurs, is going lO squeese ACTRESS SS LEAVES STAGE oad i Thurs aoa re. ot it back Mrs. Layu shafts, tip the scales mt ae tons, and | on "The Welsh People." Sir David is vou and hold of as long as possible. jvarious events. There are to be jousts, the forward "boss-arms' at 45 toms. | % Congregationalist, an authority: on You want vour loss fairly setthd and | And Will Devote Her Time to Re- tilting, and other competitions, and and can be repented thie Fach link 'in the anchor-chains weighs the disestablishment uestion--he sat a . said "The. company - that g ; the Queen of Beauty, who will watch Newbro's Herpicide 175) - So n aes ship is an un-|on the Welsh chureh commission--and farm y 1 gd last 0 my quarters : Nglous Work In Future, { the tournamelt from a raised seat of | 4 oy i, perfect 19 pounc n ea Fels hi || lifelong servant of the cause of edu- his earned in the la } ua Miss Evangeline Plasdale, a member hopor, will afterward award the W ha) etek on era r= | yqually large number of sidelights anc cation of a century perhaps the greatest rep-| ¢ (he "Beverly" compahy which Inurels to the victors. ihn i hen why al ows---over 2 . ; Tey X Joe Ya : men destroyed t CAUSES SICKNESS windows--over 2,000, nation for Thera} and A fas played in Kingston some time #go,' The revels will rival in every way Re To fogs n ; ------ a» v pits po er don He ¢ r an ! germ ' " Had a Fine Time. seltlements is the laverpoo i has, according to a despatch sent out the famous Eglinton Other Marine Disasters. md Globe. See that vou have its Setlay's 'Bay, Apill 15. --A very sue |. ¥ } . 3 ro A > Newhro' erpie The disaster to the Titanic. is the codstt leant tA place fast Thurs protection Agents, Strange and|y.e put on the other night, left the tumes and armour of the competitors fF » ' i ! fourth serious marine accident within day evening when a Leap Year dance Strange, stage to take up work in the Salva- and the trappings of their horses will ui y m 4 » 2 3 ! 0d . 1 ny » fhe There is nothing that will 'create la few months, begiining with the} OR SAGER Tl (uP CE Sn " : tion Army: It is stated that while be historically accurate in their minu- | COE © 0 ickness or cause more trouble than a stranding of the steamer Delhi, off was decorated with streamers ~ paring for the Future. staying over in London she attended tist details. An th dis sedered stomach, and miny "people | Morocco, as g result, of which the a ." : § plus tending: fro "He drinks heavily." a Sunday ocvening meeting in the _-- imilar lain ladics simply § Duke of. Fifereontracted fatal illness; red, winte an@ bine, extencing OM. ol know it." citadel there, and was converted Oheys # M ull germ des daily contract serious ma he FE the centre. AL ome end of the hall a ' * Ybeys Order; Shoots Man. Abplicatit {through disregard or abuse of the Jthe collision and sinking in the Fng- SE El nd oe et ince "He gambles, It appears that she was first at-] Fiance a toril 1 pplication ! re ol or " " : 4 Franc so, ' / y i oA = lish channel three weeks ago of 'aj®™ V ¢ ! I am going to marry him to tefiracied to _the army while she was . oo) » A : V may Shut vour eves and pull the tri EXPT ws been duplicated a thousand Lournament at Good Health Impossible With a Dis- from' London, Ont., where the show Eglinton castle in 1537, and the cos | 0" ded growth ordered Stomach, stomach. i : : oni ith 1 were arranged. At twelve o'clock re- al : ; . sister ship, the Oceania, with a loss forn ¢ Quebec. While r i rr Hom of cen liver, and. the Horiing® and |ireshments were wried by the com Or i Jisten to me. Try one ex Blas ing . de n "ok boca hile ger," sald Howard Egan, au employe any stomach degangement, mc gees ' stranding of the steamer Ontario, off mittee. The dan ing continued until it So bolo oi a Chat" at « pr na : ri oF in by f an shoo®ng wallery at No. 1,120 Hr dvs popu " he or it lets, Long Island, last week. The collision 3 a.m, when it ended with = "Home, Pe What poche pw Vang . I, ry ot 1 I "1 F lmore strext, io, thirtesn vest 3 te trv Rexa y spepsia ab y 1 y: ; . < I » waltr. Thos ho oN 4 t : he hotel, and wen o the service « . his Tha ' did gh The distinct understanding that Joi the Olympic last September was [Sweet Hone" walt hose on th Take in a week's washing 10 dv, jx understood that she hns cancellod Ursin Meagher The girl hid i s 3 % ittee were Misses (olin MeAvoy : k oa ey Faan fi to the foo ith ballet ! alS a cause for' sepsation. comm Miss 11and see how you will like it. or engagenwnts and wil leave the [847 X 3 the {laor with a 'ruil wo will refund hit i fot i It is three veare last January since | Beatrice Murphy, Edna Berry and Siu. . all her engage Reun 1 floor with a bull guestion or formality, 3 : v + i Iv \ et tage just as soon as she reaches New : @ dollar = \ J y plows" ' ver | Eva Randall, The patronesses vere a ai} tl. but Ft was sald that paralisisd ahr---- able use of this midicine they are not -- ne a Shi oo. Mrs. (br.) Belfie, firs. G;. Gnrdiner.| Oriselle Roberts, an inmate of 176 1York. It is her intention to engage nd set in abd tere wi little p of ? entisfied with the results. We recom or on the Republics. flashed word | Mrs. R. DPracken, Mis. J. Mchinley MeFarland ret, Winnipeg, in ; tha in religious work of some kind. for fife, BiG RE- BY) LOING SALE mend them to our f Ere lof the collision with the liner = Flar-fand Mis. (8. Garner. Beg Lise fe int on In These Days. | PE i__ PB PR fav, Gud Jove yet x Ad I ghee. ida, off Nantucket. The steamer Bal: ! a - ee hie Tad aan stranghn Her Sh as a prim miss of thirteen i Cote fo Enter Politics. Buy your Spring Furnishing dur i e . x rouse p P| ? . ™ She w pen, : i } 2 i } who has pot heen, beg ite | 91.00 tic, now speeding to the Titmnic, Was How Time Changes Words. fot ad herds were. tied E: he an » Be ue Ottawa, April 16.--Thomss Cote, | ing this Sale and save mone We Three sizes, Me... Bc, aw then the first 16 the rescue, and 1,000 | «pe.» " " . Who Slob. lars " . ilar : di {3 hot Sold dn' Kingston anly at our en th moved Si v \ he hve' used to mean "to own, to known Anglican church last week and former secretary..of the International] are offering big discounts ¢o as to K. persons were removed. nde: then possess." store ~ The Rexall store. . W. Ma- : : # py { i sei has » our save double handling ud fooked him squarely in the eve. Waterways omn! selon, h Ann 4 eas ne 3 the Fw ; \ ) 3 hood wirel 2 fred pr i aly h Any boy was once a knave. ; » . "Please repent that fifth mmand- od his Sntent on of ranwing ws An in ood, wrecks of the Slavodia, in ores | Idiot once upon a time was applied ent again," he said, jor he was dependent liberal in Labelle county 20 styles (June holly 1909); City of Racine, to a private person who {ook no part oe . R in the comiliy: provindat dections 'in " dghe, Michigan, .Junel Ww, Obs, oki public life. It ie a Greok word, and watechising hee with regard io: hes : of Music 1 909 re ¢ 1 s » § Quebec, . , H akan coas"URogin Toh THON: 1" Grek Bere ha al sah pr Lovie" of the werpiurs gpeopos dcr Cabinets a Patronize ome Kentucky, af Cape Hatteras, Febru-{sahs were foolish: so it has come to 4 mother and thy father, that thy The C.P.R. is ready to begin work 20 per cent Industry y ary Ath, W10!; ot inch, Sil 18- {mean a foolish person. x 3 days may be long in the land which | 00 its new lake shore line between * . 4 Hands . (April 18th, 1910); Manas, off Hussy now characterizes an impu- . the lord thy God giveth thee," was Toronto and Ottawa at once off. Florida coast (July 2rd, 1M.) Since! dent woman, while originally it was i Why pay $16. 06 for Mate that time it hae heen ssehil 2 a Short. Ward, meaning houwsewifo., 8 Quick Relief. Trial Package Mail- the response. "Homor thy mother ahd | thy father," mused the recior. "Who tends whefj you Si at Just, p stravding of ; hr i t isin Was le A Slave nitachu) ed Pree to All-in Plain Wrapper. taught you that "Mother," was Man Mastered 2 styles, as good for $10. 00, If not as Irene, of Fire Islavd, N Ya Inst stm Py Pat oie applied Yo nny prince of Many '© of Piles have the response. "Thess are certainly wal of ChinaCab. good we will give you one for mer, was alson sensational occur y agist days upc hich have fall ; " i "infant mc Pile Roady witnout Turiner trea ar rome we mii. Father By His Business = 3 nothing: rence, : : " nt" was once synonymous with e Re y wit urther treat-} ° : i The terrible rok of Sue Fron; "aposchless." 'Kansas City Times. ment. When it proves its value to used to come first," per 0 iner, Bourgoyne, in the Atlantie some oll, get more from your druggist at < KINGSTON MATTRESS co. ® ten years | ago, when } hundred | |i ar Rx i HY Bet. ry il ae : Snowdrops Unlucky Flowers. y When a man cannot forget his busi 558 PIRINCESS SPRRET, {8 [fives were lost, was the worst tragedy Manton, MN April 16.--Rub shat you ask for. Simply Slip] Tn some parts of England snowdrops ness when he lays his head on the SPE J _ ga tol the kind. an., ~Ruby below mail are supposed to be unlucky flowers. | pillow at night, it is time to con Fhe loss of the C.P.R. Empress of rise, a sixteen-year-old 'girl from I apn ou dul aa a= Superstitions folk in Shropshire we | pill the condition of his nervous sve J China, which struck an rock in eastern Jiuipes Children's Home, stole alygiross on a slip of paper. Save | never allow them to be brought into tem. Otherwise bis business will wreck waters a year ago, LT the hide oue stable, and a saddlef vou elf from the surgeen's knife |the house. In Be ae, 8 Munch, of Poca by undermining his health t costly of wrecks in wh no ; t doctor and hig! snowdrops is not thought to a time ma; p gomg on | end . *8 1 tarture, 'the *®thad tuck, but a : owes stimulants, but if health is to be re . and worn forbodes death within !stored and old-time vigor brought gear of some member of the. hotse- | back the nerve cells must be revital Sommersetshire folk it is { had by such treatment as Dr. Chase's gre [Nerve Food. * vi A few weeks' use of this grest food ~Lobdon lenre will do wonders for any business {man or womsn whose nervous system io . nae Jailen to stand the strain. Gra John Tennant, aged iweniy-seven, dually and naturally the blood is : been misdag from his and vigor and energy are re- y Ambo, snee December. stored to mind ha and body. Appetite is a Carts and Carriages all reduc- Sunday evening his ho 1¥ na wns found sharpened digestion improves, you | a a at, hather igint en regain the strength | T's wonderful hn TE J. Reid, Phone 577

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