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We can. furnish any from a match to a timber stick. S. Anglin & Co. Cor. Wellington and Bay Streets. "Phone 66. . . # i ¥ 2 . : » ® * # ® . M ® » » * * » ° * ® ® ° THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THE WHIG, SEVENTYNINTH YEAR DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published tario, at $6 per year. Editions at 2.39 WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 16 Thursday morning at $1 & vear. be added, making price of Daily $3 and wi in parts on ' Monda rh Batten Pp pi at Ya gid -310 King Street, Kingston, On- an and od States charge for postage had te of Weekly $1.50 per year. Attached 1s one of the best Job Printing Offices in Canada; rapid, stylish, and cheap work; nine Improved presses. THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY, LIMITED -a 3 TORONTO OFFICE~Suite 19 and Street, Toronto. J. G, Elllett, President. Leman A. Guild, Sec~Treas. 20 Queen City Chambers, 33 Church H. E. Bmaliplece, J P., representative. AGRICULTURE BY COMMISSION. | 4 -- The Conservation about to Commission is embark taking. it the fe ernments on a under- to provincial which signed scientific ions of the public rights at the pro model and it will revive and dis all manner of with regard to new proposes and in places co-operate with leral ZOV are de to promote farm: vineial farms as centres ot education, infor seminate useful mation farming. The eomniission has some very Smportant accomplished work since its organization. It has men of capacity in its membership, and men of capa its service, and it has fssued warnkngs agelinst iong of the public rights It peaks, too, independence and authority This will strike The ely in anticipated invas mm the pro- per time. with an which are peculiarly ite own. agrioultural venture, however, some people as remarkable.' gov- ernments have their agricultural de partments, be te and they aggresave and up-to-date that they are handicapped, comm! ssion by supposed to It Are may as the 15 It are not as free to act as mission not, political con- be tht ~ they the com- capable of siderations. may and the work fs Inmamense expansion. The serious bye it will where point is that and be hard to tie responsibility ol ends, by determine any The dominion gov- ernment begins and pro- vinees are looking to the ror education, Now a commission the government aid other cillture becomes fcr. financial good roads, and things. agri- mat- ter. some of Eventually things now depending the be remitted to commissions, and they will be better attended to. The times on may the conditions and are, politically, surely changing. RECORD OF THE SESSION. Pr-- The opposition in the local legisla- ture is to be congratulated upon its excellent showing during the session which is now closing., The new leader, a man of high standmg in the pro vince, a man of energy, clearness and broadness of view, has made a splen the gov- has led in all he has led the did impression. - le proceedings even ernment. The great man who heads the gov- ernment set out by disdaining the eof forts of Mr. Rowell, and for a time by treating him with little consideration. He certainly and arbitrary in many of his answers, and was most abrupt, he was far from gracious at any time. Mr. ually Rowell asserted his position grad He put up with a a good while, but event- that pnd firmly, good deal for he rights and purposed to have them then got recognition, The speetacle was he knew his . He ually intimated afforded oi Mr. Rowell putting bimseli and his party on record with to government regard certain things, and amendments, the moving This happened several (for work), this kind. Mr. Rowell moved that the lice nse law be amended by providing that no club times. The closing day, witnessed an instance of licenses be issued in an option law dis- trict, and West Elgin approving thé member for mov ing the an amendment, of government's in discourag policy ing the issue of club licenses in option districts. The difference had Mr. there between them is that Rowell's motion car- ried would have been no club licenses in option districts, and there are two and there may be more. the now On whole the opposition ac- quitted itsell worthily and in the one . /, session haé made a record which must find favour On- with the electors of tario. THE DOCTOR'S QUESTION | Much Sickness Due to orders. A Sostor's first qliestion when cour paligu, ia ise "Ara your bow- els regu ae I nows that ninety eight per cent, of illness is attended with inactive bowels and torpid liver, and that this condition must be moved gently and thoroughly belore health can be restored. Rexall Orderlies are a positive, plea- sant and safe remedy for consiipa- tion and bowel disorders in general. We are so certain of their great cur ative value that we promise to ve turn the purchaser's money in every case when they lail to produce en- tirg satisfaction. Rexall Ovderlies are eaten like can- dy, they act quietly, and aid in pro- ducing a soothing, strengthening, henfing influence on the entire in testinal tract. They do not purge, gripe, cause nausea, flatulence, ex- cessive looseness, diarrhoea, or other annoying effect. 'hey are especially good for children, weak pers mn or old folks, « Three sizes, and 5S0c. Sold only at The Rexall Store. G. W. Bowel' Dix roe He. 25e. our xiore Mahond. THAT TOBACCO With the "Rooster" om it is crowing louder as he goes rlong. Only 46c per pound. For chewing and smoking. . AT A. MACLRAN'S, Ontario Street. Woed's Phosphodizs, The Great Paglish Remed Tones sud inviguratontho whole oy nervous syatem, makes now load in old Veins Cures Nerv mn us Devlitry, Menicd and Brain Worry, Des- ondency, & Sexual | Feakness, Jomstanions, Sper Or seta and Effects af Abuse or Firirsses, oT One will please six wie aks Ho! or mailed in few Ram fon $i ad sais x New and Second-hand Furalt Anyone havin me re. rniture, Electric Restorer for Men | restores every nerve ta the body to its propér tension restores EE Premature a and all i sexual averted at go ee nan, pga 3.8 baw, or} or To yi Swank 234 For sale at Mabood's drug store gh SING inventive me & MelN Lhe en to making an announcement with local government has been driv- regard to the bi-lingual schools. a doubt that but for of the opposition in There the de- is scarcely persistency manding information, in quoting con- the ministers about these schools, and in calling for explanations that the would have been closed and the silence of the on the subject remained unbroken. And this is markable in view of the premier's pro- tradictory remarks by session government the more re" mises. At the preceding session of par- liament the issue had be- bi-lingual come intense and Sir James Whitney had postponed action on the pretence that the wanted the facts. [hese facts Bishop Fallon had sup- and forceful to the exhibit, plied in a Others precise added that the from his own commissioner; and Before was way had Sir lames avowed he wanted story Pr. Merchant the election was appointed, the of it was known local report ready. The by the premier when the campaign was essence on, and because this campaign was a because on the school was annoyed over hot one, ques tion his own party the subject, he deemed it prudent to keep the rev elations back, The report weeks ago. It was, At there came down some dated February 24th. once was a sensktion. There were bi lingual schools, though Whitney had said there they were ineflicient; they were Sir James were nob; lacked supervision; they supplied with the authorized book sthey were not pupils for the entrance examinations, as they should; they were inadequately manned, and there was no hope of them being otherwise while present conditions remained. It is strange that not text preparing the BI-LINGUAL SCHOOLS REMAIN. a---- the should deine to discuss the guestion until the last day, practically the last hour, of the ses- sion. Tt is stranger still that, having announced premier and some action looking an improvement of the situation, refused to let it be debated, to he There is to be a closer inspection of the bi-lingual schools, that they may be kept closer to the regula- tions; the aid of the province will be made dependent upon in order the compliance of the schools with the laws or vegula- tions. English is 20 be entrarice of the taught from the pupil in the school, and French is to be discontinued, the language of instruction after first form. But, as Mr. Rowell pointed out, in the few minutes during as the All this is very good. which he was allowed to speak, and without ity to move any opportun- a_ resolution, there can be wo change or reform until provision has been made for an adequate ply of teachers. In Russell county there are nineteen unqualified teachers; in Ottawa there are twenty- four, these were retained the In the two training schools in Ottawa and Stur- geon Walls there sup- and against pro ests of the inspectors, are thirty-five teach- er-candidates and to secure these the entrance standard had to be lowered. In Nova Scotia there are Vacation courses at Truro at which teachers are equipped and course might trained and a be similar pursued in Ontario partment were equal to the emergencies of the day. fut the law will not be changed, says Sir James Whitney; the bi- lingual schools will not be abolished: little indeed will be done to chaoge them; the ¢ over for the if the education de rigis is present and the govern ment will bide awee until a new row or tumult occurs. EDITORIAL NOTES Did the Whitney government nesitate to deal with bilingual schools _ until the teachers in convention: had con- demned it ? It looks that way. And the cure proposed, as Mr. Rowell has pointed out, will not be effective Sir James Whitney boasts that in twenty years he had not been called wa igpon do withdraw a remark, He was oulled upon severnl times to speak softly, but as the speaker did not insist upon it he escaped. The revison of the statules has been going on for five years and may gonflnue for five years more. Wouldn't it pay the province to appoint some owe on this job permanently, and let him devote all his time to it? Does the home rule bill satisiy the Irish in America ?. That is the ques tion, M it does not it: will be: of ¥ ------ no avail. the money national ant, The Ish Americans supply which keeps alive the party, and it is all-iopory The thing that no one can under. stand &s why questons which were in order diwhen the conservatives wera om opposition in Ontario are now out sf order when the conservatives in power. The Jovernment party laying up trouble for itself. are As The deputy minister of education was not allowed to explain a school mutter, before thie Pullic Adbounts' committe, because the minister wae the one who should speak. But br Pyne declined to speak. Was he a fr8d? Was be not equal to the job? The Toronto News sees in the home rule bill the price of the support of the mationalists. Our t ¥ MONDAY, APRIL does not see fn the amendment the Manitoba school hill the of the mationalists" of Borden ures are two of a The Mimico aviden tly ving the purpose tablished. The in it. They and allege ment, better resame its enquiries, The big harvester trust dissolved, It to pr we the the meas support government. -- Bat kind. Industrial It for which it Sehool 1 a failuré is not ser was es bovs cannot he held escape when they AS A can reason harsh treat- The special commission had has been was a $200,000 000 con 15, 1912, cern, and rich enough to dey It even the national government during the It wilted during people can sion. SPEAK FRENCH ONLY TEACHERS FROM RURAL SCHOOLS ON BILINGUALISM. Roosevelt Taft their the reiga draw owt conclu How Delegates From lish Centres. Dr. Merchant's Report Strikes the French-Eng. Toronto Star, Inspector , Sunwnerby, of Prescott, and Russ M county, attending the Fducatkonal Association convention, ciscussed bilingual conditions with the Star. . "Lr. Merchant's report covered county pretty well," said he. "Some of our bilingual schools are good and some are bad. It depends largdly on the personality of the teacher and the uspector, The French have been nu merically in the ascendant for twenty YOATS. The English-speaking people of the rural communities bien moving to Manitoba. The "French people establish separate schools." Mr. McDougall told of a large num ber of French-Canadian families who have been repatriated to the MNiplssing distriet, largely through the efforts of Father Paradis and other Catholic leaders. "I was surprised to find that majority of them became public schocdl supporters," said Mr. McDox gall, "They had been assimilated in Michigan and spoke English perfectly The effort of the church tog them into the separate school again teach them French again, not so much, | fancy, with the Vdea of preserving their nationality but ta be Freer to teach them the catech ism." Inspector Casselman, of North said that so far North Bay concerned there was no talk ol a lingual school problem. "They teach the English language in the separate schools Narth Bay said he. 'Bishop Soallyrd 13 an Irishman. He sees to it tht the scholars taught the English lan guage.' "There only two out really English schools in Russell county," our have the was back and Bay, was bi as of are of five Prescott and said an inspector at the Educational Association. to The Star, this morning, "Dr. Merchant's recommendations will suit us all right --if they ate carried out, As I under stand it the child is to talk English in conversation with his schoolmates from the first day he comes to school but for the first three years will be taught in French and whe English classes SOON That would suit But find that the trouble is public schools. Ing in are schools, and are he get mito he in Russel we not in the The French people com- establishing eeparate the proportion of separ ate schools to public is in ereasing. In the separate schools they speak French only." ) An inspector for the Sudbury district spoke of the problem of dealing with the French "They #imply settle in a solid com munity and establish separate schools They are clannish, speak their languac and stick together «tay nch and teach it in schools. The inspector instanced a whole New Ontario village which of settlers from Hull "We have a lem said he. as as can, us, schools Manitoulin and settlers. Own They their re was comprised don't there,"' French." prob simply ual is bi-ling "ft "Use and-Ocenpancy" Insurance; Are yon. conducting « manufacturing business ? Have insured against loss of profits standing charges should a fire along 7 'lhis 18 known "Uso Occupancy' insurance and #3 a necessary protection Enquire ahont it from an agent of the Manitoba Assurance company, which makes n specitity of this form of insurance. It is not expensive and it will you well in of loss Agents, (, Wright Thompeon. mercantile or on am vomne as and very pay case Ww. and KE, B After working for yuerading as a lesk, of Erie, wo vears mas Alexandria Ze fated. She said she donned men's clathing to seureh for" her husband, who disappeared three years ago at Gary, Ind. (BR. SOPER WHITE man, Pa., In the a Botta [Y Diabetes | Diseases of Men: Varieocele | Epiiope, 7 ort 29 | Lost Vitality iRkin Diseases | Kiduey A fecticas And Blood, Ge o1 ve and Bladder Diseases. Call or history for free advice. Fie ook on Diseases. and Question Medieine furnished in form. Hours 30am. 10 1 pm. and 2te Sunda a.m. oy tation free. » existed administration The | vet | ada's best sack, Styvle--~New Sizea 34 to 44. made with Military neck, 46 Price $6.50. Sizes 396 to Men' BLUE SUITS BIBBY'S SPECIAL--$15.00 This week we offer something Special in a Blue Suit at fifteen dollars, Fabric--A "fine Twill Imported English Worsted, made in one of Can- tailoring establishments, trousers medium peg, ) Two and Three button belt loops, side straps plain or cuff bottom, Raincoat Special--$6.50 This week we place on Sale 50 Raincoats colors Fawn and Bronze, English Parametta Cloth, storm cufls ete. BBY'S and Boys' Departmental Store 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS STREET. \ THE NEW FRENCH REME ora. TIERABISNET? FrenchHospitals with great success, Boh ness Jost vigor vital force, drains, blood poison, discharges, kidney bladder urinary diseases, either sex -- druggists ormail $1 Fougera Co 90 Beckman st NewYork City or Lyman Bros Co 1d, Toronto. If in doubt No. required send address envelape for FREE book to Dr, Le Clerc MED. CO HAVERSTO.KROAD, HAMPSTRA D, LONDON, ENG. THERAPIONS G2 60003 SOLD ON TIME. New Spring Goods gold on the Easy Dry Goods Men's, and Boys' Suits Ladies' Suits House Furnishings Boots and Shoes Jewelry, Etc. Come in and see these Goods, or drop us a card and we will send the goods to your house now in yment Plan, and ' Joseph Abramsky 263 PRINCESS STREET, BIG RE-BUILDING SALE Buy your Spring Furnishing dur ing this Sale and save money We are offering big discounts to save double baudlips. 80 Aas 20 styles of Music Cabinets at 20 per cent. off. 25 styles of China Cab. inets at 20 per cent off Mi Carts and Carriages all reduc. ed. Next Princess Theatte, | SORE IE a CRAWFORDS CoAavr. WeTavePlenty of Coal R. J. Reid, mumesn ---- bE Kd "THE BEST GOOD SHOES" This 1s the kind you wan This is the kind we carry. test The newest swell les in-- sty- Ladies' Shoes | ; Tan, "a Metal, Patent Colt and Satin. White Nu-Buck Button Boots. THE Sawyer Shoe Store | al Correspondence Bolieited, Willouby Bieck, Street. ressessew § i