Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Apr 1912, p. 6

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIGC, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1912 REVIEW 2 CITY AND VICINITY, THE SPORT Cut Rite Groceries. | Redpath's best granulated sugar, ie PLANS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL]Ib., if bought from us. Write og 1 - } BASEBALL LEAGUE SEASOA prescutative, ( Spell, 200 Syden A Short Point- : han street, Kingston. iTo be Discussed at Meeting Nev We: Two for Thc. | Week--A Extra Diamond as Be-| (pn bound editions of $1.50 and if | quired for the Jundor Baseball {$1.25 books to be cleared at th e essa e 0 : Feams. above pilee. Over 2,000 titles by ih j Lest American and Canadian aut} 018, Uollege Book Store A meeting of the exeoutive of the . Sunday school AAA. will likely - iw emi a a-- - --- called the begiomug of next week, tor Queen's Examination Results. Lie {rpms of WhHNE up the ho Key Complete results of the examination \ league, and 10 discuss pians for the will 'be published inthe WBE as Sech . ' : . : us they are posted. Students = whe A T------ on | ummer. There is a shight deficit from leave name and address at this offies j the: hockey, but it was arranged at aleay have the paper mailed them with previous mecting that the teams who ogt delay. Price, inchiding postage, played in tbe league "would go down three cents a copy } mo their own dips" and make this ---------------- up. iv was late ww the winter before Death of am Infant. hockey wax launched, and, although § py, death occurred, on Wednesda. 2 TN the ry uedule was never finished, it isn morning, of Edwin Bruce McDonald, Clothes don't make good start in this sport among the the antlay ol e infant son of Mr. and Mrs. James oS schoo » 3 i " T 2 the man, hut the ¥ 20 a tut the Zam of the hour is base Mcllonald, Alived street. The child : had been ill for some time, with pueu- mighty long w way to- ball, or, al least, it will be in a few monia. The funeral will take place on re Weeks, and the S85. AAA. executive Thursd ward showing what wall fave to get down to business, cali : ny kind of a man you are, for teams and prepare a schedule. Last if you are somebody, vear the baseball league wag very sat 1 ] infu tory, and a greats improvement on You ll appear the part. the previous year. Some very good There is a very light slate of busines exhibitions of the game were seen. An € No ordinary clothes amendment to the constitution re The members are delighted over the re dmitt sl ¢ this stricted (city league players, with . fact that the city council has passed are a ni 2 4 I fow exceptions, "There is a good deal the by- daw, mlling for the borrowing store. If they are not to be said on both sides, whether this of 89.000 for sanitary and other im- | cut and tailored just was advisable or no; but one thing | PTOVEMents to be made in some oi the An unusually attractive assortment of Wash Goods for Summer wear Ei must be acknowledged, a goodly num. | "POO! | is now ready, right, we fire them ber of boys were brought out and giv- Frontenac Ch ost Board i back. We sell on! ly en a chance, whose places were filled : : | | ' iil by more expert players of the senior | The Frontenac cheese board will vet Ginghams : SUCH ZArments as wi 1 down to busi Thureda April cagues, during the season of 1910. n to iness on ireday, Apri Fr the F Scotch Maker: Ander ' Gl : retain their rood ap- One very obvious fact in connection | 15th: When ihe firs ot wecking foe the rom the Famous deoteh Makar, Anderson, of ASgow, Ek BoE yo > with this leagu s ths wh election of officers wi Lake piace { . pe arance and stand the lie winders gus 8 hat i is rondly when: chesse cae be boa. dod Tha New Plaid Gin hams wear. You can depend a. good diamond to play on. The meting will ue ake Hace at § Sa pam., Hl 5 > . - = 4 De p 1 CENers « . * ' y . "t : : , oT ' : upond clothes bought Fame the lust twa seasons wore Play. A roe ih Lie antral com] New and pretty designs in Blues, Pinks, Tans, Greens. Greys, he sre to make you look ed on the .hield between the collegiate | mstitute and Victoria sdiwool. At one a vue i : J 2 1-2 . | . 20 : 25 - the part of the real time last year it was suggested to re- : Snow on Apel Jom { | Co 9, Cc, X( » ge . . ge ri i i : E ey will satisfy Guest the city council to put the other e. have snow on Ap man [h y i ill atl y *|dinmond on the cricket field in shape. something that the city cannot boas "Af you, your family and but it appears nothing was dome abou | having in many a day. On Tues . vour friends, } it. The parks committee fitted up the lay afternoon it snowed very hard, | New Cotton Voiles ' } diamond for the city league at the [8nd by 14ght there was nearly three | , ; : . : Suits $12 $15 $18 other end of the field. ine hes of the beautiful on Yhe peround " Double Fold, in all the best tints Of Blues, Pinks, Biscuit also It is said that the active vicespres n ednesday morning the aLhey Monk Ihita ' ' ' dent of the 8.8.A = _-- nl rion id vas milder and the snow started to Black and White. and $20 tary and treasurer. will all be com- | © very fast, A . willed to tender thei ¥ mations A ---------------- | - - Wi allie, on Co a Highs 3 ion 5S. Oberndorffer is Pre rsident. { Ew ou ar S of other Su Overcoats, $10, $12, ties. President JJ. R. Forster. will. i In vesterday's issue it was stated! Entirely 1 NEW range of patte is HOW re ady, Many Bo be Seria as i of these are only In Topec receive the sane -- that Joseph Abramson had resigpe! . . : 15 and 18 that his predecessors have in the past, [from the presidency of the Jowish one or two dress le neths and this is the time to ¢ hoose, 25¢ yard. 1' . { and the buseball season will be a de- |congresation, 8. Oberndorifer hag ¥ i vided wuceess this summer. held this office for a number ol Nols a Spores, ee White Indian Head Suitings vice-president in October, 1910, which England beat Belgium at soccer foot- {office he has now resigned and heen ' ball and France at rughy. succeeded by 1, Cohen. | 5 | 8 20 25 > Longboat and Queal are under cons een ' C, C, C, Cs tract to race in Watertown, NY. on Did a Noble Act. the 26th inst. . \ J. W. Costello, of Calgary, father t the semi-annual meeting of the of Dr. Costello, a graduate of (Queen's . 9 Ontario Curling Association the num- |, versity, was the father oi ty fund ber of clube wus raported at 102, and tard of Calgary whieh has alrendy ite S the registered membership at 4,538, reached the handsome sum of $3, . » Hesretaty Maciadden is retiving after WO for one, Peter J Murphy \ twelve years in office, : 3 3 Coe oi d bligzard Wetim. 'Mr. Costello who S 3 | V | | 2 : do : 2 . - - ' 3 v . . : Alfred Shrubb, the veteran runner, 's inspector' of weights and measures, pecia atues at Bc ' Oc, 25¢. ids applied to the Canadian Oly mpi in Calgary, got the News-Telegram in . . . . . . Smaeitieo for Sh etition ns conth tal) tod and Le ram I We are show Ing (quite a range of new makes, suitable for Skirt 3, for The south is to be abandoned by the | € Toe succeeded in doing no Dresses and for Children's wear. Different sizes of Cord and in soft New York Americans as spring train- | °° WO or finished makes. 2 ing grounds. Next spring the High \ * ant Lard Tea octorre ' landers will go 'to Bermuda, where : Want Land Transferred. WwW ur in they will train on a field which has] Fdward Donald, land and tux com been leased In the@ersey City Inter. | missioner, for the Grand 1 runk, with : national League Club for five venrs headquarters at Montreal, was in the Q -------- A pr city, "to-day, on his way home from o » IN MARINE CIRCLES, ; re he Foronto, and while here he had an in {starting of the baseball league * ths Board of Education. ¢ The board of education will weet in regular session on Thursday evening terview with City Solicitor "'Melutyre, Steamer Cataiact Bought by Manie [and Mayor Hoag, relative to fi Just rece i¥e d for pring and SUNNer sew ny apes Leaf Milling Company. transfer of property secured by the White Mulls, company, in recent dealings. Mayor He Sati { The Maple Leaf Milling company, of Hoag has called a meeting of the White Satin Drills, . . May seal and Toronto, recently pur | finance committee for Thursday after White Line ns for Suitings, Whit » Linens for Skirt chased the steamer Cataract, which noon, at four o'clock, to tak "up the / e Shee - pn - rp - - , . a ~~ ne ' i ¢ ( A Re hurr rigs J -- ™ was burned near Brockville last | matter and make all the necessary ar W hit i r L nens for Ww ists spring The ait portion of the vessel rangements Ww ite Dimity for Dre 'SES, wus burped to the water's edge, and -------------- White Crystal Law hite 3s He : : ' ge, stal Lawns, ite Indha Linens The styles in Window Dy. aping are far down through the engine room. She An Hiustrated Talk. . . w India Linens, diflerent to former years, is being rebuilt at Brockville. The | WS Hperington, KC . : . Cataract belonged to Toronto parties, We show an extensive variety of she , of Napane RO has consénted to address the sembiegs | was formerly the Miles, which, of the Canadian Club and their friends dy . | about twenty vears ago, ran on the in the city hall on Thursday evening Shas ih Kimpxton harbor, out from Mr. Herrington spent some months in ew Im YOl1 eries . a - N the foundry, thereby di vering the 3h : rE adey Madras, Nets, Casement Cloths, X familiar Miles a When fitied -- Nexica, on usinoes, aud dating Jha) s 1 Nia * me gathered up a greal deal of in . . 3 i . M Li she will bo used for stérage. purposes feorn on™ CP SL BIE GEE Pretty New Patterns, in both narrow and medium widths and Insertion us ms, etc., m Montreal harbor. I'he Maple Leaf which has bulked largely in the eve Millie RAPE, which conducts a Jon. of the world during the revolution New x r Dre 58 K mbroide eS, G . wari my USIhess, in connection with The wnddress will be illnstrated be s x } © TA At most attractive prices, its milling trade, also vocently pur Lo ihre lantern slides tod ar No New Allover Fm oid Kies, thasel the steamer Alzonmuin, awd; it Lo, nee "where the address has sleady | New Flouncing Embroidefies 1 understood, is neg otiating for an- bem given, it has heen pronounced sx- | given, New Banding Embroidery New Net F ringe S, 5¢, Ic, 1 0c othe 'w steam barge. the sister ship to cerdingly entertaining *The lecture | A " ui hv ' the Cataract, well known to local ma: fig free to all who desire to attend it, . riners. nd tickle may be procured from the . to, ¥2 |-2¢, | 5¢ yard. About a dozen city ship carpenters, 5 ha I member of the club or its secretary are, al the present time, in Brockville, . -- assisting in the overhauling of the LATE PATRIC ® GALLIVAN, | ® steam barge Senator Derbyshire, isa $ which is owned by Antoine Wendling, | List of Floral Oierings Placed on of that town. Casket. ® ' 3 ilk. ix " . The steamer Mississiquoi, owned byl Following is a list of the floral of TI the Rookport Navization company, ferings placed on the casket of the whic: has been on the ways on the wank TC alli : \ . 3 . : Pe Hate Patrick' Gallivan \ er Kingston juundey, this winter, is in Wreath, from emplovees in the ten peta 0 mgs fl the hands of workmen. She navigates der shop, at locomotive works; sheaf, | an the Si. Lawrence passenger © and | ip, Mrs. Jerry Gallivan, Rome, N.Y. P 5 Gg sf Ata 4 freight route. Hull and general over- a, TY Can sheaf, from MAYOR HOM SPEAKS §eeseeserstrsnsetaseescarsersersrnssestesans hauling is under way. Parties are ve | My. and Mrs. ¥. Gallivan; spray from i a of tl s Aged W gutiating for the purchase of this bwet | Mr. and Mrs. Pittman; spray of lilies, | Regarding the Case off Hue REY " for = the Ontario and Quebec naviga- from Miss Anmie Vanalstine, Toronto: man wn Hospital. 4 Engl ist Cc ASPpre S tion company, of Picton. In the vv ent Howers, from Michael Nolan: sheai, : Concerning the case of Mes. Martin, ont of the transfer, it is thought the | from Daniel Gallivan; ent flowers from | - = = = FOR SPRING i the aged women who was brought in steamer Lamande will take the Missis- | deceased's mother. Also spivitanl offer. | Tan Button Boots are the latest «raze + to the vity from Tamworth, and who 4 siguoi's ron of the St. Lawrence, with {ings from the following : Mr. and Iw as taken from one hospital to anbih Suitable fof Single ald double beds at Capt, Carnegie ax chief officer. Mrs. John Gallivan, W. H. Eves, Mr ier, Mayor Hoag explains that Mr; The steamer Quinte Quen, which, for [and Mre. Alexander G'Prien, Sr: Mr. Martin was faken to the Hotel Dieu Fries fully 20 per cent, less than regular: the past twn vears has been running fand Mrs. L. Joyee; Miss Bileen Galli. | Martin was taken to and again sent on the Bay of Quinte-Kingston routs, A; Gerald Lynch, Miss. M. Gallivan, (back to the Home foi the Aged, on will go to Ottawa shortly after navi. iss Vanalstine. | Saturday, Mr. Greer, of the home Odd Lines of Table Napkins gation opens. The Napanee and Ad- hh TS {consulted with him, and asked what a olphustown Navigation, which bought APPLICATIONS FOR GRANTS | 00 rad better be taken. Mi. Crest and vebuilt the Queen two years ago. " - ip [did not consider that the woman Was Ths than one dozen to each design, have sold hor to. the Belle Isle Steam- | To Fenian Raid Veterans Are Wie a hit oration to be left in the guara I in ever way, ey boat company, of Ottawa. The re Col. Hunter. a (home, and for this reason, the mayor noo y 5 = building fwo vears go was somewhat ~The Felan raid vetersns' apli-! oid Mr. Greer that he bad better let extensive, she being lengthened and wi- jtions forthe SIO grant, have Pr. Moi 'arthy take her hack do the Remnants of Sheetings dened. The Queen is at present lying reached the president of the, 3 Ser Hotel Dieu again, where she had bots at Napanee, and will run on an excur- [ans' Asspeiation, ient.- ol | taken, in the first pincs. : > { sion route al the eapital, this summer, |! from Col. the Hon. Sim anima" Sing ar 1 De bl Beds t Reduced : : - r © Hughes. Coll Hunter wiki be pleased! Turkey declines to consider Haly's or Si and Double Beds at Re Ta joo: E " J A Word to Students. to assist veterans Yn line out their unconditional surrender proposals. Reiore feavi the city. order the | ™ application blanks, which are dena | Manicure scissors. Gitwon's. "Whig. with ction results, mail. much the same ax the land crants | Gen. Booth, of ths Salvation Army, od - rou address, anvwhere. Price, may be found in the sitemasns will visit Canada wexi year. three cents. Orders will be most care. [OF #38 week ai the Hotel Raw fully filled. . 'S Mie A Aldeedice returned Ao To. Champion Suck Johuston has bees ood y Ry ion agandet from She Free ends. ah ar Spading Ege where Everybody in New York is Wearing Tans, WE HAVE SEVERAL NICE LINES TO CHOOSE FROM Dorothy Dodd Button .- at $5.00 | Other Makes at $350 and $4.00 Tans, Button and Lace, for girls at $2.50 and $3. The LOCKETT SHOE ST POPPY IVP IT IVI IC Seve SPF III IIR HR WEse0eceseeREttset ssesttnstttitetetty

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