THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. TUESDAY. APRIL §, 1912 "THE STANDARD BANK i FOR THE EMPLOYME XT OF PRI. ' ki. OF CANADA Every Department Is fully. Equipped to ensure Prompt and Efficient Service. Savings Bank at all Branches KINGSTON BRANCH made to your own measure is the cular in using only good linings and durable gether and see if we cannot satisfy H. E. RICHARDSON, Manager. Ee ---- Thos. Lambert--Merchant Tailor We trade on merit and give a quare deal every time Clothing est and most economical. We keep the best of cloth In -lassy color tones, and are parti- pockets. Pet us get tn- you with a Spring Sault, THOS. LAMBERT,---157 Princess St, Kingston. -------- The Queen Millinery 1s » name that spells Correctness and stands as a GUARAN- TEE OF QUALITY unquestioned * { Our Parlors contains many smart, new styles from Paris whica : make The Queen Millinery in advapee of others. For the Wee Wee Folks Milan and Soft Straw---all fit far down on ihe head--roll or poke brims--round or pointed crow ns---satin ribbon in twists, bows and shirred fancles are Hked. Finy ribbon buds gdd pretty dainty touches $ hest WE WANT COMPLETE 174 WELLINGTON ST. YOU TO KNOW SATISFACTION OUR HIGHEST AIM IS YOUR Yeeorsseessresersesece SAAMALALALELELARARAASI $ i i : i i i i, ee EEEIEE000080008000600000000000080807 i Electric Light Cheaper Than Coal Oil SPRING SUITINGS | Just Arrived rc --------- A ---- Inspection Invited CRAWFORD .& WALSH . Princess and Bagot GEE EER RRR RR SERRE RE teduce your Lighting Bill by using the Genuifé English make "Nick" Tungsten Lamps--the most econom- ical on the market. Prices Right. ELLIOTT BROS. 77 PRINCESS ST. SFIPIGIIFIIIIIIIIPIIININ RO ----------------------------- EASTER SHOES. Every 'Woman who can possibly do so should Make it a point to have a pair of our Spring Shoes, to'which taghion nods a hearty approval that the INDUSTRIAL FARM SOXNERS AT JAIL. Ald, Ross Sets Forth Scheme at Meeting of the City Council--=Wil! Ask That Finance Committe Take Up Matter With the County That the hnance commiiiee of the eity council consider a plah with the county eouncil as to the advisability Af sweuring an industrial farm where men confined to the common jail on minor offences might be employed, is a scheme which Ald. Ross brought forward at the city counc'l on Mon day fight. He took up the matter in the form of a notice of molan and will move to this effect at the next meeting of the cound! He re vards the plan as a good one amd will put forth every effort to have it carried out. Ald. Ross, in giving an explana tion of his scheme, pointed out that nowadays great change were bag made as regards the conlinement of prisoners in jails, In the present age all the attemtion was not giving to merely keeping the prisoners within the big walls of a prison, feeding them on bread and water, and as regards work, calling upon them to earry wood from ane swe of the jail wall to the other one day and then the next day have them carry it back to the other side. Toronto, he pointed out, had heen taking the lead as regards branching out into a better scheme. Statistics would go to show that ninety per cent. of those in the jail were un fortunates who had heen arrested for being drunk, and who had bean unakle to pay their fine. Ald. Ross said that this scheme, course, wotld not apply to puson ers in jail on seripus charges, for in stance in the case of uo murder char ro when a petson had to be closely guarded. AH this, of could be provided for, ihe matter will, bring forth an interesting discussion at the council when it comes up in the form of a resolution. of course, no doubt, FOR HARBOR Ald. Shaw Asked for Information at Council Meeting. At the meeting of ihe eity council, on Monday evening, Ald. Shaw, in view of the by-law passed to purchase the Cataragui bridge, wanted to know if the special commitice had acted as regards the harbor improvements in the way of dredging. He was anxious that the, _matler be proceeded with ag IMPROV EMENTS, | FEES STANDARDIZED AT MEETING MEDICAL oF ASSOCIATION, There Will be no Increase, But it Will. Simply Put Doctors on Same Baste--sSchedul= of Special mittee Adopted. Cum At a meeting of the Kingston Medi eal Association, held on Monday night, the medical fees for the doctors in the city was standardized. Reference has been made to the fact that the doctors were about 10 in crease their fees, but there is no in- crease, the doctors simply making a tarifi of fees, on the same basic as some other cities, Kingstom doctors have never had a local tarifi, or basiz of fess, and Wt might be siated that for the past Li teen years the fees in Kingston have been lower than neighboring places. An attempt was made, on several oc easions, to adopt some basis, air the same {ime looking after the legal and of the matter, and some months ago 4a special committee was appointed to draw up such a tariff. This committee got down to work, with the result that at the meeting on Monday night, a tarifi was submitted which met with the approval of every doctor present, and which was adopt- ed witheut anv correction whatever as to details. The meeting was well attended, eighteen doctors being in at- tendance. Dr. James Third was in the chair. The schedule of fees, as drawn and which was adopted, is on same basis as ['eterboro, Belleville, Ot- tawa and Niagara Falls districts, so it can be seen that that the local doe tors are not asking for an increase Some of the local oh have been charging these same fees, while others {have not, so now all the doctors will be on the same basis, After the schedule has passed the On tario Medical Council, it then stand the legal test, and the tarifi { will be sent on to the council at once, nnd will then go into efiect after inext meeting of the local doctors Another matter which will be taken up hy the association, is that of ledge and contract practice, uaderinken by tthe doctors he special. commitiee which submitted the turifi of fees will be continued in office, and will be asked to sunmit a report dealing with these two matters, and the said report will be considered by the association. The watter was discussed at some length at Monday night's meeting, but it was linally decided to leave the matter with the commitied for a re port. In places doctors have up, the will the some ron "possible, and that there should od no tithe lost. Mayor Hoag: stated I, Ryan, president of the board trade, he had waited upon Nibkle, MP. The matter had pow reached the stage that it has gone into the hands of the city solicitor, and afterwards it would be necessary for a deputation from the hourd of trade and the finance coutmitiee interview Hon, F. D. Monk, of public works Ald. Shaw wanted to know if there had been any plans as 10 where fhe bridge should be loc ated. The mayor replied {hat matters would he worked out plans. that, with Dr. of to minister all these in the i -------------- BUSY AT DAVIS DRYDOCK, There is a Steady Demand for Gaso- line Engines. With the approach of spring and the opening of navigation, things at Da. vis' dry dock are taking om quite a sanguine nppearance. Wark is going orward at the double quick march and the men work better when the spring atmosphere gets into their blood. The main feature of the work just iow seoms to be the steadily in- creasing demand for gasoline engines, of which a large number have been turmed out or are still under construe: tion. The Davis company expeats shortly to close another comtract for a cruis- ing pleasure craft, fifty feet long, ten fee® beam and drawing about three feet of water, capable of developing a speed of from twelve to fifteen miles an hour, The boat is to be used in the vicinity of Montreal. ORPHAN SCHOOLS IN INDIA. "4st Epworth League. Miss M. Uampbell, missionary furlough from India, addressed voung peoples of the Epworth of >vdenham street church, on day evenmg, on the work of the phan schools in India, especially girls' schools, on the League Mon- or- the The address was most mtiresting and gave a «most ade guate idea of the difficulties encoun tered in that country as well as the tless:d results of the labor. After the regular part of the meet- ing the commitiee on the entertiln- ment had a session in which nanies were proposed to take part mn the jlay which will be put on. It was also decided to get right to work on the lay and put §t through as soon as possible. Montreal's Kingston Old Boys. The Kingston old boye, in Montreal, will bald their ansval disner on Fri- day, April 19th. © Hugh C. Walkem, the secretary of the association, is vety guxious to hear from any of the ald Kingston boys who are pot mem ors of the association, so that they can be put on the list. The dwmaer will be held at the Epgmeer's Club, aml Bb fine time is beng looked for ward to. { Up to Steamer Pierrep The steamer. Pierrepont will be the frst Jat 1a break, the ie to the island stig At Hime the stoner: Walle Ialander is ashdve on the ian lie the veteran Pierrepont will. be forced to go over land pull her of. Tt is wu 1 Wolfe Islander will not be Wa are agents fo Premier electrie w. Pr | Address to Sydenham Street Method. | contracts with railways and various | companies to: attend men injured, and I ome are paid a stated salary for the {vear, while others are paid for the they render in such case Lodges have a system by whirh they set a sum of money for the yearly at tendance of sick members The matter will be thoroughly inves tighted by the committee and yeport ed upon . i sorvice FOR THE YMCA, YOUTHS -------- A Fine Programme is Arvangeg for Easter Week. A special programme is being earcied ont. this, Easter week, among the upiors and intermedivtes of the ¥ M.C.A. boys' department. Tuesday the 1xal gym. class was held at p.m. and on Wednesday aquatic stunts" will be the special feature. At 4 pm. Thursday the boys witli play games, ete., in the gym. and in the evening at 730 o'clock a recep tion wi'l be given the juniors and intermediates. The presentation of the swimm'ng medals will be made. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the "\" will servg refreshments, and some time will be spent in the gvm. 'The hove are erving for "waners," but the Indice wtil decide what form the "feed"' will take, Friday morning at Ffker's club will) start on a "nike" to Fort Henry and surrounding coun- try, which is ofen"io all the boys and adulis. The Key note LY 'Bring 'a lonch." There will cer tainly ke something doing, over hill and vale. and through the bush. The hovs will all be there "with their hells on." The big week will closs cn Sat rday with, as well as the ustnal gym. cladses, a social at eight o'clock tn the evening, for the Sun dav morning Bible classes, at which, tcf corres, there 18 sire to be' an en: couraging attendance. YMCA The Monday the Y.M.C.A 10 o'clock tne Bible study Club, evening Bible class was addressed, by F. W. Savary, St. Jares" church. His address on "Peter" was very much appreciated by the members of the club. A vote of thanks was moved to the Indies for the excellent supper they provided. Piles Cured in 6 t» 14 Days. Your druggist will refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Pro truding Piles ia 6 to 4 days, bbe. ------------------------ of ley of Miss Fraser, Brock street, has returned from Cobourg, where she has been staying since the death of ber aunt, the late Mra Evi wlvn Fraser ery. * let us repair your electric hights and exiemd your system thie house cleaning tune. We are dxperts. H. W. Newman Flectrie Co, 79 Princess street, 'Phone 411. C. H. Hopkins, of Belleville, hans been appointed deafisman in the on gineer _depa t of, the . militia, in this city. Natural Pood Wins Use Genre Nuts Mhare's. & Banson." KINGSTON! { SHOES OF GOOD T. 1000000000000 0000000BRNONTRNRBR ROR OBRNRNINNORIPNIRRIRIBIRIRNRLIRNTS ~ \STE. SHOES THAT FIT WELL. Tans, Patents, Velours, White and Fawn. Easter Shoes for Men, Women, Boys, Girls and Children. PRESENTED ON MONDAY EVEN. ING AT THE GRAND. They Are Everyone Simply Magnificent-- in Kingston Showid Make it a Point to See Them. The Durbar pictures were presented at the Grand Opera House vestuiday afternoon and evening, large audiences peng present on both occasions. lt is dificult to find words to describe the wonders of these views of the great Indian pageant in which the king-em- peror amd yuecn-empress were tral Boures. foresent at the cen- Word-painters who were Delhi last December ack knowledge their nmbility to describe the wonderful scenes they witnessed there I've kinemacolor pictures pre wnted transier into smaller detsil the the durbar ceremony from its original setting in Delhi to this part of the em oire, and seem. in addition, to have brought with them the verv atmos ohere of the east. so faithful are they in color and action. Lveryome whe takes a pride in Brit ish citizenship, should see these pict: ures. for they convey the extent and power of the British empire. To see the vast plain in the durbar encamp ment. where 50,000 troops were gathes ad to do hapor to the ruler of Tudia's teeming millions. Sikhs, Yaurkhas, Bengalese Paythans, Kilted Neots, British fusileers, and Irish lancers wire there. rubbing shoulders with each oth ar in a manner to thrill the imperial wt and delight everyone, Raling prin oes in their splendour with their tow ring elephants, laden with their gem encrusted trappings were sverywhere in eviiddetice. Veterans of the Indian mu tiny held their old heads proudly aa they marched past the royal ensign and saluted the new Kiong-emperotr. Every phase of this pvent was pre sented in ite wealth of color and gor veous detail. All the familiar taces thrown on the canvas and all the sti ring events recoived generous applause. The military review before his majesty when 50,000 troops marched past the royal standard, was also presented; us also was the charges of the English and native cavalry and the manocuvr- ing of the camel corp and artillery. Among the subjects shown last eVen- ing were the "Arrival of the Ring and Jucen at Bombay'; "I'he Grand Ene try into Bombay"; "Preparing for the Coronation Durbar"; "The Rayal Ar- rival at Delhi; AThe State Entry In to Delhi" : "Rehearsing the Caleutta Pageant': "The Coronation Durbar Ceremony'; "The Camp of the King at Delhi"; "The State Garden Party"; "The Horse Races.' and several her beautiful scenes. ' a Every night and natinee every after- naon this week will this beautiful work of art be presented : J. N. SCOTT, ELECTRICIAN, Opens New Warerooms at 1168 Brock Street. The public will be interested in knowing that a new depot of eleetri cal supplies has been opened at 116 Broek street, in this city, where the very best fixtures, globes, lights, bat and other electrical supplies weed in the "home, shop office, may be obtained at astonishingly dernte prices. N. Seott, the proprietor of this establishinent, states that he employed only, skilled workmen hopes, therefore, to reduce to a mini- mum the inconvenience and interrup tion so frequently experienced when new work is installed or repairs have to be made This will, doubtless, be news to many readers, who ciate quality in goods, and skilled workmen, as derate 'charges J. XN phone number is 1215. STEAMER POR PORT COL BORNE teres and mo haz and welcome "ppre and courteous well as mo Scott's tele Is Ready to be Floated From Kirgs. ton "wydock. The steamer Port has been in the dock of the Kingsion Shipbuilding company for the past few weeks for repairs, has been finish ed, and id ready to be Roated. It will be remem that the Port Col borne scraped her bottam in the la chine cangl in the fall, and was brought to Kingston, where her argo of cement and hardware was unloaded before going into the dock. Thousands of bags of cement were stored in the freight shed on Swift's wharf. The Port Colborne lay at the (Cereal company's wharl until the middle of the winter, when the we was out away around her, and, with a good desl of difliculty, she was put in the dock. The Keynote, which was in the dock at the time was floated out, but was quickly frosen In the ice just outside the dock. A. PF. Lawler left, on Monday, Yor Colborne, which | ABERNETHY'S THE DURBAR PICTURES| ALWAYS ACCEPTABLE A BOX OF orn FECTIONERY It is absolutely nure wholesome, freshly made, delicious to the taste What better present at Easter time than a Box of our Pure Candy? Sakell's NEXT TO OPERA HOUSE. 'Phone 640, FES 600600006000400000 S34III04 CON. and and 0000000000000 000000000000000000000000000R00 A WELL EQUIPPED BATH ROOM ' Is a necessity in every house If you are considering having any plumbing done, you will savé money by consnlting BENNETT & HALLIGAN Plumbing, 000000000000 COIGERORMS Tinsmithing, Heating aml tary Engineering. 191 PRINCESS ST. Sani Phone 1033 AFTER THE FIRE A renewed hright and cheery, pick and span A Stack High-grade hieyeles Cahadian American. ete An extra Pair Dunlop Detachable with overy new wheel sold A Stock of good Gung, Sivgleand cheap Qoods paid for on cash, shop, of English, {over Double, New instalment plan or C. A. Jontes, PEOPLE'S REPAIR SHOT AND UPTOWN 204 PRINCESS STRELT, and Second-hand, liberal discount for BICYCLE DEPOT, These are the days when the farmer is "coming into his own." He is prosper- ous, and his trade is worth going after. The Weekly British Whig, with a sworn, guaranteed circulation of 5,341 copies, will carry; your messages right into his home, Mr. Advertiser. ~ A ------ t DANCE IN CITY HALL : By the Officers LO.O.F, officers and chovaliers of ( and Chevaliers of . for Glest, Canton. Standard remalty Goaorrhars and Runnings IN 48 HOURS. Cures Kid ney and Bladder Troubles. ys ion No. 6 anton Mili 170 of the Patriarch ant, fr ends at Monday about mm the ot hall, MeMahon's tioned on the platform. did music, twenty-five on the programme, refresh sgnts mittee, responsible for of the affair, was RB. D. Sloan. w Griives. T. W. McKenzie, RH. Pavater, WW. BR Ladlow, W. Elder, F. Clench, ¢ A. Bunt theix dn Atak evenir r arehesira supplied numbers About served the "in aphan being wii night The SUCCPSs were com ~ Arthur (oirigan left, on Monday, for Hamilton, alter visiting his par ents over the holiday. Hoods Sarsaparilla Is the most effective ntedicine ! {or the coniplete purification of the blood and the complete renovation of the system, | If urged to buy any prepa. ration said to be "just as good," you may be sure it is inferior, | costs less to make, and yields the dealer a larger profit. Take Hood's this spring. The most useful and step saving Kitchen Cabinet made See our Window. Demonstration Showing the 'OLD WAY' And, the 'UP-TO-DATE JAMES REID'S Hamilton, aiter visiting friends in the CI re E . Get it today. Bold by all druggists tverywhere. 100 Duses Bi. "Phone 147