~ Or ed PAGE FOUR, ---- a an EQUALITY LUMBER } f | PEREREL EERE ERE PERE S . Do you consider in Lumbert If yor ought to see us. real Lumber values, stock is unsurpassed. We from a match timber stick. $3. Anglin & Co. cor. Wellington and Bay Streets. : 'Phone.66. v - : a 489985000080000800000¢ THE FAVORITE LAXATIVE One at Night Makes the Next Day Bright--=No Charge if Its Doesn't (quality then For our Ri), can furnish any size to a 6GOft. E00000000TTSNEIIITINEHAETRGO SOS Because of its extremely gentle and effective action, Hexall Orderlies have become the most popular remedy for constipation. We are so positive that Rexall Or- derlies will do all that is claimed for them that we positively guarantee to hand back the money you paid us for them upon your mere request, if yén are not entirely satisiied, Rexall Orderlies are enfen like candy, are very pleasant to the taste, do pot gripe, cause nausea, or any other appoyance : usually experienced when ordinary gatharties are used. Resull Ovderlies have a positive re gulative eflect upon the bowels and tend to provide permanent relied Irom and the myrind of asso atlments. Besides, they help to overcome the necessity of the con stant, of Ilnsatives to keep the bowels in normal condition. We honestly believe there similar wedivine Orderlies, éspecially for children, ' or delicate people. They are prepared in eonvenient tablet form in ti pizew of packages Prices, 10¢, and S0e. Why not try them at risk 'on our guarantes ? Remember, Rexall Remedies can obtained in this community 'only store. The Rexall store. Gi. Mahood, Kingston, Ont REAL ESTATE. NAPS FRAME HOUSE, four bed- rooms, double parlor. kitchen, pantry, hardwood floors, - furnace. and all improvements . ... $2,400 BRICK VENEER , HOUSE, Toronto Street, 8 rooms, with two extra full lots, good barn and poultry - house, or to rent ..%$1,700 SOLID BRICK HOUS elght rooms. furnace, good lot, on north of Princess Street... .. . 2,650 FRAME HOUSE, Patrick ~., all Ymprovements, with extra corner lot, good vias. 31.500 HOUSES for Sale and to Rent in all parts of the city. Norman & Webb Real Estat Life, Fire, Live Stock and General Insurance, 171 1-2 WELLINGTON ¥I.- 'Phone 730. constipation ciate hse pood as 250. our be at Ww. od 4 Don't Persecute your Bowels Cut out cathartics and purgati They arah-unnecessary. Jig von. - TER'S LI LIVER PILLS Purely vegetable. Act a the liver, Genuine mus bear Signature Zool BIBBY'S CAB STAND NIGHT 2 DAY DAILY BRITIEH WHIO, publ varie, at $6 per year. Editions . 2 KLE BAILS, Wo ursda be adds: making price of Dally oe tached is and Altash work: ni nine improved presses. ' romonto OFFICE. ~Suite 19 and toh rie DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THE WHIG, SEVENTYNINTH YEAR at hyn King Street, Kingstes, On- i rts on Mounds eo nares for for Postage Tad Ba ot eokly one of emboldened fds I anid SI THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY, LIMITED . 4 6, Elllett, President. Leman A, A, Gulid, See~Trens, 20 Queen City Chambers, 84 Cnurch Street, Toronto. H. E. Smaiiplece, J.P, representative. The Ontario legislature is claiming sonfe® eredit by inserting info its Highways' Act a cldnse by which the cities and towns may co-operate with the county and get some share of the federal grant for good roads. Hither- to 'the towns and cities have not been encoygaged to build out to the limits and in conggetion with some - main road. Now they will be able to do it at an advantage. - The idea is not.a néw one. Newd York state leads in' the new move- ment, the governor having given his assent to what is called the Allen Act. under which the cost of the roads is paid in exactly the sume nianner as roads' built through 'the towns, "the state amd county paying part of the expense." The provincial act has been amend- ed in another respect. In the future CITY AND COUNTY BENEFITED. ---- mini counties will be able to build a par tial road system or a sibgle country road apd levy" the cost upon the townships benefiting. ' This will allow the improvement of highways in many counties where the necessity in the past of levying the post wn the whole county, regardless of whether some sections benefited a great weal more than others, has held back =) struction. Fi The levying of 'a special rate for Synstretion in wortain sections is also provided for, ai township requiring more expensive type of road being permitted under the amendment sub- mitted to have a different rate to meet the cost, This is information whieh particular: ly affects the county and the ships, and it will be remarkable town- if large advantage is not taken. of it. o There is not to be union between the Preshytevian, the Methodist and Uon- gregational churches. © It has nearly been attained, but the majority in , one case is not overwhelmingly large, and it is not considered expedient that further steps «hall be taken at pres- A resolution has been drafted for It misunderstood or misinter- ent. presentation to the supreme body. has been preted, According 10 it union cannot be ef fected mow, but iy cannot be long de- layeds Meanwhile the vote warrants a great degree of co-operation in church work, particularly in the newer Apparently many persons have not been sufliciently educated on the of union. They heard some : discussion of the subject, have read some letters in the press, (some that were not very illuminating), they still remained uninformed as to the real merits of the ease. The campaign, if again undertaken pro- vinees: subject have and ~and it does not seem that any ag- "Mr. nation Morine has tendered his resig- of the Pub- has man with the charges as the chairman lic Service Commmicsion. and he No which were preferred againgt done well, him should head a commission whose work should be free of all partizan bias. The rremier, in his briel reference to the case in the commons, let iL be he 4d not have an op- charges known that portunity to look into the before they were ventilated in parlia- ment. But it scem& that some hve, who knew of Newfoundland's al- fairs, a statement to Mr. Bor den. while Mr. Morine was n candi date for parliament, unsuccessiully, and Mr. Borden did not think it exped- jent to act. It was after thls note that Morine Ottawa and clothed him with power to investigate the civil vice where he liked and at ony pense. One for such a contract should be of the highest ro pe hon- our, conserva- sent to the sor ex he summoned Nr. NO UNION AT PRESENT. ---------- -- direction the pext--must be in a somewhat different spirit. gressive movement in that will be seen in this gemeration or The feeling must be abandoned that any sacrifice the parties ions may is being made Wn to the agreement. be given up, Opin- practices, that cus. toms, routine is with age, some hoary distinct, but' the church oi Christ can give up very much that it holds dear and have moré 'han the early church which was so influential, The thay is quite venerable and in the to uninspired writers contri controversy press, which some buted, did more thap anything else to The. articles or letters served to show that the time had not yet come when men, in the interest of the holiest of all causes, could sink their petty dificrences and act with one great and importent object in view, namely, the elevation of pure and undefiled religion snd the exten- sion of the kingdom for which the church exists, prevent union. MR. MORINE STEPS DOWN. preciate the service of Judge Riddell, who reported upon the marine depart. ment, and the present government's appointment of hime would have been the best assuranrt that they wanted an unMased and effective scrutiny all the epatiments. Now the bas been injured by an appointment which was mot advisable for reasons. Yr, Morine was a compafatively wew comer to Canada. Newfoundland i® not a part of this mew nation. The steps that have been token to bring about the confederation of the island with the maritime provinces have been a failure. 'I'here is no sympathy between the Newfoundland: ors and thy Canadians, and Nr. Mor ine, though ready owough to east in his lot with the conservative party and servo)ft with all the zeal at his command, was not a copspicuous lender in Canadian public life. He got a position to which some one else, as a mere poltical rewand, was duly entitled, and his resignation from 'it will be regarded as accoruting of work many The conservatives professed to ap- The opposition in the legislature has good reason to be satisfied with its work, and the liberal party must of fer its sincere congratulations to Mr. Rowell. He makes an ideil leader. He is always calm, always clear, always gentlemanly, always good-natured. He had his own experiences with the lead: er of the govermmnent, and for s time he exercised the patience he possesses to a remarkable extent. There came a time, however, during jon when patience ceased 0 1 the speaker, quoting the rules upon be a vittue, and - Rowell, knowing his rights as u member, appeiled to which be relied, snd the result was af meant that the leader of was nok lo be waived to discuss » I the to the eternal fitness of things. GOVERNMENT ON ITS DEFENOE. -------- assent, litical jobbery with (he work might be avoided. Sir James White, knowing the scheme of Mr. Cochrine to ex. pend the money politically, moved an amendment, sud, of course, it carried ~by the premier's conmand. Mr. Rowell moved agaitist the spoil. Adin some proceeding in worship® system. Sir James Whitney denied that the system prevailed in Ontaio, ihough any politician knows thet is does, and his amendment, on the same vote, carried. Mr. Rowell gave notice of a ho ton, favourable to the abolition of the bars, and it was declared by the J avinist secretary to be a joke, and the premier fo be a sourée of won- t. But two days later thé gov. Smmént, in order to megt the de wands of whe parly, including hus, thevslues, bist: seksion in the party's prestige. fone suwmsiny opposition coatinues its good work at ihis rate the dest | 'be a very the government has béen on the | EDITORIAL NOTES ---- Sam Hughes will take warning by the failure of compulsory training New Zealand. Public seatiment does not faveur the movement, and without it suctess cannot be expected. -- The temperance people. ecamnot get over the idea of Sir James Whitney's vonsultation with the license holders regard to the treating habit. The men who run the bars were not like ly ne that they be abolished. Col. The parents of a man's wife, when she is ill, cannot carry her off and domicile her in her old home. So a judge in Montreal hae decided. and he has given upction to his decision by imposing a fine of $5,000 upon the parents-mn-law, and even Here's a warning a point of law worth remembering. The party has adapted itself tq the requirements of the time on the liquor question. press Not a solitary conser- vative paper can see the folly of tre ing to check the drinking habit while the bars remain. Party allegiance is a powerful thing, = commit- tee--or the patronage committee -- ix busy nien for the places in the civil service. But it is not apphrent that of these places are at the disposal of this patronage commitiee. The penitentiary is not a Kingston institution. : The conservative executive picking out best some B. R. Hepburn, M.P., securing so uch money and Prince Edward county. is praised for Picton There for i# to be a large expenditure in Picton har- bour and of and North Bays, which will be a benefit to the of the boats that navigate of Quinte, of fhe South owners the Bay and particularly the boats Hepburn family. Must Get Busy Right Hamilton Heraid uThe <zovernment's perance polev has too evidently ted hastily with the set that of the opposition leader he government proposes ish the treating habit" be making it Hezal. 'A social habit which where rvégarded - as essentially and which has: become deeply by long custom is a mighty hing to abolish by process of Fhe possi'Uity of such a thing may well be doubted We don't believe that the gagernment cam draft an anti-treating law that could not eas- ily be evaded. However, we shall see next sossion what means can bo taken to stop folks from "setting 'em up." The government must dry its hand at such legislation, tor it has asked the legislature to ratify the proposal awd the legislature hay of covrse done so. Away. "advanced" tem heen intent to off What is to "'abol- i no- sinful rooted hard law Will Have Its Hands Full Montreal Star The revort that pariament will not met, till wext January and then get through by the "Queen's Birthday," must have been started by S016 one who dil not remember that next session will likely sce n maval bill, a tariff revision, the report of a lot of investigations, and, possi, a re- fistribution measure. IH it can do all this in six months it wil bo working much faster than the usual parliamentary pace. Maple syrup, 25c. Toye. There are 250,000 dogs fo Montreal. license the felines. per bottle. R. I. and 25.000 proposed' to cals It is Bd DR. WHITE SPECIALISTS the following Sscudes of Men: pepsin umatiem Kiduey Affecticns And Blood, 4. Nex ve and Bladder Diseases. Cali or for free advice. uses and Question * deine" fiivned in © biet n and 2 to fam wipe DUST LADEN CURTAINS, After the winter season your curtains are bound (0 be 'dirty. Send them to us and "they will be cleaned and dona up in a way that will delight you. R. PARKER & 00. # Prinems St. Kingeton, Ont. SOPER TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 1912 Suit Pointers Our good Suits show every feature of fine Tailoring that the Custom Tailor dotes on as well as a style very few Tailors can successfully copy See Our $15.00 Brown Worsteds and character ~ BIBBY'S SPRING OVERCOAT We've a splendid showing of splendid styles, splendidly tailored. Grey: 'Blacks and Brown Mixture, The Chesterfield and the Raglan Style Silk faced or plain, $12.50, Special $15, $18. See Qu English, Grey $ 1 5 Worsted Chesterfield, that but See Our $15.00 Grey Worsteds See Our $18.00 English Cheviots Boys' Clothing. We're Experts at Clothing Little Men, and while our prices are no higher than others as for inferior styles, and Different." B!IBBY"S Ltd. are always * Classy - Men's and Boys' Departmental Store 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS See Our $18.00 Blue Worsteds our Little Fellows' Garments STREET. Z santteteseseteeseens NEW SHOE REPAIRING BUSINESS {OBERT PAYNTER has taken tine business B < " ': ya Repairing promptly dene \Ul work guaranteed. FIFIIVIIFIIRIPSIIIIL || Symington's Packet Soups an d Gravies Get Them at D. COUPER'S "Phone 76 Prowpt Delivery. fod] oe) . LEN DAY AND NICHT. LAME CHARLIE, Sasa SALAS S > » | e Bl >| '3 » #41-3 PRINCESS ST, |, Ib who charge but Yair, equitable George s lce ren ved A full Chocolates tie Cream All order Geo Masoud's 204 PRINCESS STREET, 'Phone 80. line of and Ea Try our del WE "Hold You Up" Prices. DO NOT | Scranton toa ty S Cod t Selected from the Celebrated {| Richmond No. 4 and Ontario No. 1 {y Mihes, the best Anthracite Coal 'jmined in Pennsylvania, Plate your next order with In Plumbers who have our profession, superior work, We are mastered who do only and |THE JAS. SOWARDS COAL CO. Rorth Mad Ontario Mirees, $ Phones 158, | 00008060 0505005000008 Just Received Another Shipment of -- ALUMINUM WARE § $1.00 prices for the work we do. You Can Trust Us Twmplicitly! Try David Hall{ 68 BROCK STREET. "Phones: Btore, 235. Residence, $58. Tea and Collec Pols to $1.50. Sauce Shc, The. Flylog Paros, 0 o $1.35 Tea Kettles, $2.60 to 8 and Puddis Ther are untreakable, rusi prool, and will Jast Yor years. Prices are lower than any Canadians manufacture They are genuine, imported Airect om manufacturer W. A. MITCHELL, WARE