& ("WY STOMACH IS FINE R000 AENMP PIII EHOISONVIVEYY is certainly one of the most disagree. able ailmetits which flesh is heir to, Coated tongue--bitter taste in. the - mouth= nausea -- dizziness = these combine to make life a burden. The cause is a disordered liver--the cure Dr, Morse's Indian Root Pills. They KO straight te the root of the trouble, put the liver right, cleanse the stom. ach and bowels, clear the tongue and take way the bitter tasie from the mouth, At the first sign of bilicus- ness take ; Dr. Morse"s Indian Root Pills POSOVUENOONRNS0000000S - QUALITY LUMBER FPP E PTE RRE PREP EOP 40 Do you consider quality in Lumber? If so, then you ought to see us. For real Lumber values, our stock is unsurpassed, We can furnish any size from a match to a 60ft. timber stick. S. Anglin & Co. Cor. Wellington and Bay Streets. "Phone 66, 00000000000 VU CONOR IIITIR YAR ERNS OES Since Taking Na-Dru-Go Dyspepsia Tablels" Mrs. J. Merkhuger, Waterloo, Ont., a enthusiastically recommends Na-Dru-Co » Dyspepsia Tablets, Her experience with vu them, as she outlines it, explains why. «. Chemical Co, "I was greatly troubled with my stomach", she writes, "I had taken so mich medicine that | might say to take any more would only be making it worse. My stomach just felt raw, I read of Na-DnwsCo Dyspepsia Tablets, and a lady friend told me they were . very easy to take, so 1 thought I would 'give them a trial and really they worked wonders. Anyone having anything wrong with his stomach should give Na-DruCo Dyspepsia Tablets a trial, they will do the rest. My stomach is fine now aud I can eat any food." One of the many good features of Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets is that they are so pleasant and easy to take, The relief they give from heartburn, flatulence, biliousness and dyspepsia is prompt and permanent. Try one after each meal--they'll make you feel like § ew person. soc. a box at your druggist's com- pouaded the National Drug and of Capada, Limited, 1 Montreal. i one larg © Porationa in Canada i ne lor wri Tea and Coffee Pots ta $1.50, $1.00 Sauce and 30e, he. Pudding Pans, Frying Pans, 60c to $1.25. Tea Kettles, $2.00 to $3.00. « They are unbreakable, rusi- ¢ broof, and will last for years. Prices are lower than Canadian manufacture. are genuine, Rmported from manufacturer. 'W. A. MITCHELL, rn cama Si mi ce ------------------ Kingston Business College (Limited) Highest Eddcation at Lowest Cost Twenty-sixth tear. Fall term begins August 38&h. Courses in Bookkeeping, Eh orthand, Tele- firaphy, Civil Bervice and Eng Oitr graduates got the hest positions. Nithig a short time i Over sixty secured sitions with of the railway cor- Enter any for juform ae , Principa adh any They lirect H FP. Meteca Ingston, havi Fu Loh > it Absons of lLoiture to Sel} : o sa AR fer In all kinds of oves and 242 Street. FONG SING. Ee s | dwell upon the quarrel which he had } the commission a complete monopoly 3 would be for-ghirty years. . Fon guaranteess up to a certain amount, tario, at $6 per year. WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 18 Thursday morning at $1 be addes P Jean, To United States charge for post making price of Dally $2 and of Weekly $1.50 per year. THE. WHI1G, SEVENTENINTH.YEAR DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 308-310 King Street, Kingstony Om. Editions at 2.50 and 4 pm, . P rt M Fan 8, published in parts on a ad Attached is one of the best Job Printing Offices in Canada; rapid, stylish esses. and cheap work; nine improved pr THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY, LIMITED J. 6G. Elllett, President. | Lemmas A, Guild, See-Tress. TORONTO OFFICE~Suite 19 and 20 Queen City Chambers, 33 Church Street, Toronto. H. E. Smaliplece, J.P, representative, wm DEMOCRACY N OT SUFFERING. Is the Canadian Courier correct i that Hon. Aflam Beck to tnke the lighting systems of saying wants the province, with which the commission of the people. "The mayors, aldermen and people," mays our contemporary, "eannot be trusted, They know how so manage an electric busi- Spurned, despised, trodden upon--poor old democracy. nt 1s abandoned b. who placed on the highest and broadest tal ever built in Outario. it goes because Hon. Adam Beck found, as honest investigator finds, that democracy, like every man Enstitutions has has to do, out of the hands do not Leas, it pedes- Now, over haa every hi Ha¥tations." of © the question, and it is not exactly Mr Peok's. The power jssue is a purdy business one, and its success depends upon the fnfygjon into all the details of a business spirit. Mr. Beck more cognizant of this fact than most because he how councils transact their business. its Now there jg another side 18 penile, HCe8 some Some years ago the government, its bureau of information, through undertook to publish the records of the public utifitivs and cities, and gave up the task, Why ? There was such a variely of book-keeping connection with the "utilities that com- parison was out of the guestton, and the object of the publication was to of towns in print calculations by the municipal ties with regard to cost, to earmings, ta expenditure, to profits, ~Mr. Beck may see, however, clearly than the average individual, necessity fox sound financing, and' if the commission can introduce order and system and unifarmity in- to the accounts of the municipalities which do busfness with it a great pur- pose will be served, and the people will not be deprived of a voice all this. They will still elect commissioners, as they do now its dermen, and they will have the which they have that the transactions of nore the in the al oN at the surance, not present, re- de not, fairly, for people wilk be conducted gularly, with definite plans finite results. Democracy is we hope, to suffer by the application of business rules in the direction of the people's affairs, MR. MORINE'S TEMPERATE DISCOURSE. / Morine justice To do Mr, fence, or the explanation of his hig de- con nection with certain notable events in Newfoundland during the time he was a member of the local government, is He a perturbed mind might have used em- phatic language, He things that written in temperate language. had cause for irritation, and with passes over, course, some of , will be remembered, es pecially the opinion of Mr, Chamber- an unbiased to the character of the legislation which he had promoted, and which was not for lain, critic, as the good of the colony. He suggests that his colleague, Sir James Winter, had changed his mind and tribute, originally so severe and hurtful, hy taking him back into the govern- ment after their quarrel. He is careful in his references to the But bishop with he does not whesy he differed. the and with NM Mr. under great railway thie king, Reid, circumsiances which he left Newfoundland tice Jaw to prac in Ontario, There will be an opportunity for fu- ther light, for, of course, Mr. Borden the Mr. Morine vindicate his public career be will see wisdom of letting fore he undertakes, as the head of a the character and career of any body else. Mr. Morine must regret that he has special commission, to vindicate one rash friend, in his former private Mcretary, who rushes into print and réfers to members of parliament and bishop an immoderate When Mr, Mo#ine has read this epistle, address ed to the World, he must say - a {certain in argl injudigious . manner. with milar circumstances, "Save me from The former private sec have learned a great deal from his master, while extending his views on public questions, but he has not learned one very great and important lesson, namely, to leave to this master the tasks and the duties my friends." retary must for which he has the qualification. JOCKEYING FOR A CONTRACT. : ® sein The civie power committee has had another session and given the power question a further hearing, without ef- feet. One thing has become evident since the last appearance of Mr. Beck ~that the deal of the Hydro-Electric Commission with the Seymour com- that the commission expecting any relief or assist ance from the Trent power system. When Mr. Beck was last. here there had been a meeting between the power re presentatives. They had discussed at Ottawa their rights to the use of cer tain dams on the Trent river. The Seymour company had offered to give pany is off and is not of the power business for a considera- tion of several millions, and the gov- ernment was disposed to accept of it. It was a big scheme, and seemingly too big for even the commission, with the province behind it. The commission had a pew scale of rates which it submitted to the com- mittee. It was based, said the engi- neers, upon a revised estimate of the cost of transmission . lines, ete., plus ten per.cent., so that it is possible it may still be high, being on the safe side, in which case the cost of power will be less. Of course it is possible, | too, that the estimate may, in spite of every check and precaution, be un- der the actual, in which event the rates must be adjusted. The new tariff is : Ror 3,000 horse-power, $33.73 per h.p. per annum; for 4,000 horse power, $26.64' per h.p. per annum, and for 5,000 horse-power; $24.25 per h.p. per annum. 'The quantity in any case is mach larger than Kingston cap find a sale for, and at the outset, and for a very lang time, the tax would be very burdensome. And the contract The Seymour rate has not been changed. Tt is $25 per Wp, per an: num for all the power the sity wants over and above the specified quantity lie, per kilo-watt hour, according to the meter registration. The contract to be for one vear, or as many years as the city may desire. There is no financial obligation. Here is a pretty safe contract, and one that cannot be ignored, notwithstanding the desire that many may have for a connection with the commission and power system. There is perhaps one incentive in the commission's contract, namely, that with a large quantity of power on hand or available, a large quantity for which it must pay, it will hustle in order to dispose of it among large consumers, and it may imdulge in the luxury which is common in: all the western towns and cities of a brilliant street illumination. its great jut la great white way is simply impossible in Kingston until. there is a plan looking towards the removal of all the poles for tele phonic and telegraphic and power pur: poses fro Princess and King streets, and the sooner a commencement je made in this direction, and with this end in view, the better. Both the commission and the Sey- mour company propose tn be able, if given the contract, t6 deliver the power in six months. The commission will use the surplus power generated at Waddington, N.Y., until the Chats Falls' power has been developed, and the Seymour company will extend its transmission lings from Napanee to Kingston, and touch the button. By jthe way the N te people have a power poikrdeq; with. the Seymour company that 18 worth studying. It is said 16 be 'the best, for the town, that has yet beep drawn, and thie is the declaration of one who has been examining contracts for a certain company for years and ought to know a good one when he sees it' Let the commitise procure a copy of if, and let the city solicitor examine it from - 400 horse-power upward, and as an expert in his profession, 7 EDITORIAL NOTES pees The Whitsey government has essay- ed to punish Sturgeon Falls becauss it retursed a liberal member. It has been deprived of all pid for roads 1 limit of w 4 3 in Trunk railway has. been charged with |" brealéng an agreement which made with him with regard to employment) of certain men. a defence to make il too the He 'Was make, and he canhot Soom. ' so many who have suffered under. si-* was | , TURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1912. . ie the franchise. "This may be the eul- minating act. Through it the London tradesmen may learn to be good. Tris week, amd begluning with last night, the Jews of the city will cele brate the Passover feast, It' began with the Hebrews, in ove place, millions of them, in. Eyoypt, two it has been continued by increasing mul- and titudes scattered over the world. --r The Borden government is being landed and magnified because it sisted that .if the proviaeial received awd trom the federal meut it should the federal railway commission. But that was the idea and contention of Hon. Mr. Graham, n- railway aOvern- be subject to The Mtawa the success of the Meolblride government a moral-dhat it docs things, Granted. All times wisely and sometimis Journal sees in governments do things, some unwisely, the British Columbia government were wise It remains to be seen whether in banding over control of the vince, politically, and for the being, to the pro- time great. corporations, An Easy Solution. Hamilton. Times If Hoo. Mr. 'Crothers 'expects to do away with all strikes and lockouts by the short and easy method of tiddng men to strike and forbidding employers to elose their shops, why ermit 'any labor difficulties ? It's al most too easy, ' DR. SOPER DR. WHITE for: Dyspepsia Rhenmatiem Lost Vitality Stricture | Skin Diseases Diabetes | missions | Kiduey A flecticas And Blood, Nerve and Bladder Diseases. Call or send history for free advice, Free Book on Diseases and Question Blank. Medicine furnished in tablet form. FHours--10am. tol pm. snd 2 to 6pm. Sundays -10 am. to 1 pn. Consultation free . RS. SOPER & WHITE, % 2 Toronto St, Toronto, Ont, EVE & CANHAVE blessing within who will nse 18 n the reach oli anyone Newbro's lleppicide be fore the dandruff germ has the scalp and left a condition chronic baldness. Herpidde imparts luster to the hair lractive. Having a subtle fragrance Herpicide appeals directly to persons of finement, it has been sold for years, and boasts of more satisfied than all other hair dressings 1 fned, Newbro's Herphcide recommended and vsed by the best barbers and hair dressers. Send 100. in postage or silver fon sample and booklet to the Merpi cide Co., Dept. R., Detroit, Mich. One dollar size hoitles are guaran- teed by all druggists. ' Jas. B. Mcleod or L. T. cial agents. { SPRING HOUSECLEANING means confusion. Lot us save you this by cleaning your cur- tains, blankets, drapes. furni- ture coverings, etc Wea ean do it better than you, and al small cost R. PARKER & 00, Dyers and Cleavers, € Princess St. Kingston, Ost. denuded of and at that soap which is so re UROTR com- is Best, spe THERAEISH lost vigor vital force, drains, 'idney badder urinary diseases, g or {3 Fougera C.90 Beskmansi New York ; Lyman © Ld, Toronto. If ju doubt No. required send address enve to De.Le Clerc MEDCo HAVERSTOCK ROAD, HAMPSTEAD, LONDON, ENG, THERAPIONS Sri ELECTRIC Vacuum Cleaners Washing Machines Irons -- Toasters Coffee Percolators Everything Electrical --If we can't supply it, itis not made. alld Electic Co. ry PO J 3 ee i: 1 sang 4 are opposed Eide them']" + Genteel Hats 1912 Derby and Fedora Classy Shoe For Men 1912 Modeis are Ready $4, $4.50, $5 Agents For Hartt Shoes Styles. ---- See Our $2 King Hats Regular $2.50 Stock COME IN! We have many friends who every season enjoy looking over the new arrivals in wearables just as soon as we receive them. We "invite everybody interested "in good clothes to call to see the new Spring Productions. Our Spring Display is one of Unusual Merit. Handsome New Models. Beautiful Colorings in Fabrics. Gray again! The pretticst Grays we haye ever carried. Rich Browns. Jeautiful Patterns. Some pliin, but all the very essenee refinenrent. The Bryson 18 The Altons $12 5 The Gordon The Castle $20 $20 New Overcoats, Real Beats, $12.50, $15 and $18 | BIBBY"S Ltd. Men's and Boys' Departmental Store 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS STREET. of The Windsor 1 SLLLL4000000000064800) Perv ctsssssasssaas ~aeesel |i; > Fresh canght Haddock Cod, Bulk Save money by having your Halibut, old hair mattresses renovated and made like new. Feathers cleaned into mattresses. Manufacturers of high-grade mattresses. --RINGSTON MATTRESS. CO, 556 PRINCESS STREET. Oysters. and made . TVTLLTLTTLLTRTBOATROTON DOMINION FISH CO., 63 BROCK.ST. PRONE 250 PEER RERRRE EYE ee reste setteeTRTTOIGTS ? ' ' ' ¢ i ¢ i ¢ ¢' ¢ ¢ ¢ ' ¢ ¢ ¢ WE DO Nor wl i | Se -- A full line of high-class | Chocolates and Easter Novel- | ties Try our delicious lee | Cream. : } All orders delivered prompt- | Geo. Masoud's 264 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 980, WE SELL } "Hold You Up" Scranton Coal Co's Coal| Selected from the Celebrated |! Richmond No. 4 and Ontario No. 1 1 Mines, the best Anthracite "Cows! || wuined In Pennsylvania. 1 Place your next order with THE JAS. SOWARDS COAL C0. In Prices, We are Plumbers who have mastered our profession, who do only superior work. and who charge but fair, equitable prices for the work we do You Can Trust Us Tmplicitly! Try North End Ontario Street. "Phone 156. THAT OBAC CO With the "Rooster" on i 8 crowing louder as he goes wlong. Only 45¢c per pound. For chewing and t David Hall i» { 86 BROCK STREET. "Phobes: Store, 335. ROBERT PAYNTER has faken over the business of "the late § Jas. Davis at the old stand, 26% PRINC SIRE ET." Alb kinds of Shoe pairing promptly done. All work guaranteed. CADBURY'S EASTER EGGS ------------------------------ 12 Eggs for 20 Cents. 12 Fggs for 40 Cents. 6 Fggs in Box, 40 Celis. 4 Eggs in Box, 40 Cents. 2 Eggs in Box, 40 Cents. ..A. J. REES, | 166 Princess St. Phone 64) -- Moms, LEENA ATE TE TEI ~UOAR AT