Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Apr 1912, p. 2

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OF FURNITURE, Sales CARPETS, CUR- T ARE ASSURED. But the early birds are the wise e. Our stocks are immense. We ve the largest stocks ever carried here. See our Chairs CARPETS and RUGS from Europe and US, In colors and patternss that are not duplicated, in cheap lihes that's worth something. Ex- clusive designs. Repair and Upholstering work promptly and wel done. 1. F. HARRISON COMPANY 'Phone 80. Carpets for Spring are lower in price, and twice the variety | are lower price with i softer colors. We have every- worth buying. | MATS 'Every conceivable shade all sizes, small sizes 'to match larger 4 R MeFAULS - COAL! "is the kind we sell. SCRANTON COAL | is good Coal and we guarantes prompt delivery, BOOTH & CO. BORE REROEER : ® your B08 peters the X= Are First in Quality Fit and Finish. MADE TO ORDER SPLENBID QUALITIES BRITISH, FRENCH and GERMAN FABRICS of the atest designs $15.00 to $30.00 THEY STAY TAILORED MCKAY 149 BROCK STREET. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. What Happned a Quarter of a Century Ago. Hosglery company erccted worth of new machinery. | Fifty-two applications received for tavern, saloon and beer licenses, twen ty-one for shop licenses, and one for a wholesale license. P. J. Quinn and M. P. Corrigan pus chased the business of F. X. Cousinean & Co. Mayor John Carson presided at the police court, Custom imports for March, 866,517 ; exports, $22,198; dutv collected, 817, 831.27. Inland revenue receipts, $13, 676.47. Queen's university Y.M.C.A. elected: President' T. Scott; vice-pre sident, A. M. Fenwick; treasurer, D Munro; secretary. T. R. Scott; librari an, J. P. Falconer, $15,000 officers "HAD JOLLY DINNER PARTY, Henry Stratford, Veteran Citizen, Celebrated 76th Birthday. A veteran is, to-day, celebrating hin 76th birthday, in the person of Henry Stratford, 13 Charles street, The event was fittingly celebrated, at dirmer party, held at the home of Mr. Stratford, when a number of his intimate friends gathered together. It was a jolly affair, and many were the interesting stories told. Mr. Strat ford is a weteran fisherman, as well as a crack shot with the rifle, and knows how to tell a guod yarn. His many friends wish him many more years of good health and prosperity. | A REMARKABLE OCCURRENCE. Reaping, Threshing and Plonghing on the Same Plot. H.W. Richardson ' received a letter, on Tuesday, from High River, Alta., which is remarkable for the facts -it contains. It intimated that a farmer in the neighborhood was, at the pres ent time, reaping grain, threshing the wheat, and plowing for the spring seed, all on, the same plot. The wea ther they, 4s extremely fine 'and warm Mr. Ricgrdson says that he ean recall no sudl triple event in all his experi ence, TO T AKE AN APPEAL Against the Abolishing of Students' Special 'Rates, The authoritios of the various east ern universities have decided to appeal to the railway commission to have the order abolishing the special rates to students cancelled. These rates give advantages to the students in the far { west and the far east to attend Ontar- io and Quebe¢ universities, the rates being very low and of a great ad vantage to those who are seeking odu- cation. ANOTHER EXPRESS OFFIUE. The C.N.R, Company Will Open One in Kingston. The Canadian Northern railroad will iven to the iwo other express $ soon as the new line is in full swing the offiee will be opened. The C.N.R. is right out for business, and the other companies realize is fully, i g achf riveE: HH ! | THRABAILY BRITISH WIIG, HOSPITAL GOVERNORS WOUND RECEIVED RESIGNATION MISS BB. J. WILLOUGHBY, the Nurses' Training School For Over Three Years--New Wing Will be in Operation Before End of the Year. The board of governors of the King ston general hospital, met Monday ai tb i o Tr. ternoon, with a good number present. The management committee's report was handled dause by clause and brought forth more or less discussion. The resignation of Miss B. J. Wil- loughby, superintendent of numses' training school, who has been in that! position for three and owmebali years, and who ig a graduate of Kingston general hospital, was received . with much regret, and a resolution to that effect was passed, by the board of gov- ernofs. She asked to be released on May first, and the committee was in structed to advertise for a suitable person to fill the position. The financial report embraced the whole six months, and showed a cou: siderable increase in the cost for that | time of nearly every item. This a mounted to the sum of $2,724, but was in ome measure offset by the increase in grants, from some of the counties. Still, it is felt to be a very difficult problem '10 continue the present high state of efficiency which the hospital is determined to do without any visible increase of rates. The number of patients admitted for the six months, were fifty-six in €xceds of the same six months last year. At the pasent time, the hospital is * so full that it is found difficult to place all who apply, but as patients are al- #0 going, as well as coming, the man agement has so far been able to a vange that all those applying, have been comfortably settled. The chairman of the building com mittee for the new wing brought in a verbal report, stating that he . felt confident that before the year closed, the new wing would be in operation Dr. Boyce, who is president of the CanadM™n hospital association, was appointed to 'represent this hospitat at their annual meeting to be held in Toronto the end of this week, A number of other matters came up for discussion, among them the one which appeared in the press recently, namely the statement of a cily doator that he would not be allowed to fol low a ward patient into the general hospital and attend it there. It was explained thal the rule in the ! King- ston general hospital and also in nearly all hospitals on this continent, is that any patient coming into the hospital may be attended by any phy- sician they choose, provided they are pay patients. But if they come in as non-pay patients, then they can only be attended by the reguiar appointed Medical staff of the institufion, as it # righlly assumed that if a patient can afford to pay their family physi- cian, they can afford to pay fifty cents a day to the hospital. The visiting governors brought in quite a lengthy written report prais- ing many parts of the hospital, and criticising others, at the same time making many valuable suggestions. The report was referred] to the mem- bers of the committee of management. who will take up these questions dur/ ing the month. + The board expressed its thankfulness; and appreciation, to the members of the 'city council, for granting them the sum they asked for, namely, 85.000 40 wards the erection of the much needed addition to the*institution. Dr. Bogart and T. W. Milo were ap nointed visiting governors for the pres ent month. The following members were present: F. 00. Lockett (chairman): B. W. Rob- ertson. Prof. D. H. Marshall, Lieut. Col. Massie, R. E. Kent. F. W. Span- genberg, R. Uglow, A. F. Chown, H D, Bibby, Archdeacon Carey. James A. Minnes; Ijeut.-Col. Duff and G. Y Chown, PASSION WEEK SERVICES In Brock Street Methodist and First Congregational. Brock Street ' Methodist church holding special evangelistic services # the church parlors. The service on Monday evening was conducted by 1s the pastor, Rev. John Webster, who! gave an interesting talk in a plain and simple manher on the text, "He thal is not with me is against me." The speaker emphasized the necessity of a decided mode of life, Mr. Webster will speak on Tuesday night from the subject "of the 'Prodigal's Decision; 1 will arise abd go to my Father." Zz At First Congregational. The First Congregational church held the first of Passion week ser- vices on Montlay afternoon from 4.30 to 5.15. The service was well attend ol. The pastor gave an address on "The Cursing of the fig tree and the cloansing of the temple." Miss Hazel Massie sang a solo. Miss Rogers play- ed organ selections. Mr. Gi eo Ross, of W burn, Sask., formerly of Brockville, died, od Fri day, aged Jrent five years, A Blow at the White Plagus OF| CAUSED Who Has Been Superintendent of] 43 na LS 3.3 TUESDAY, FROM CATFISH DEATH OF SAMUEL HOWARD, NAPANEE. The Servant of Dr. Veooman--Blood Poisoning Developed, and His Arm Swelled--Died in Ihe Lhospital on FPoeslay morning of Sam- fuel Howand, the colored man sorvant Vyooman, :Napance, whé ; was ibrought to the city last Thursday, | sufféring from blood-poisoning by con: tact with un cat fish. He was skimming the fish and the small horn in its head entered his leit thumb, Blood poson set in and the arm swelled rapidly. The sufierer was brought ta the hospi tal in a very bad stale, but hopes were held out for his recovery. gradually grew worse, however, died on Tuesday morning. He lived in Napanee for years, and remains will be sent there, for burial He is survived by his wife. le was fifty-one years of age, Death of a Prisoner. The . death occurred on Monday in the penitentiary hospital, of Andrew McDonakl. who was serving a three vear sentence for forgery He had He was sentenced at london for for- gery. Deceased was a hali-breed and had served a prison term before this. His home was on the Indian reserva- tion. Purhar Pictures Coming. The durbar in kinemaeolor has been secured as the attraction at the Grand Opera House, all next week, every afternoon and ovening' and these superb pictures will be shown exactly as seen in New York and po- pular prices will prevail, 206. amd Je. The programme includes the royal visit to Bombay and Delhi. i Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days. Your druggist will refund. money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Pro- truding Piles in 6 to 14 days. 50c. Guard Suspended. (One of the guards at the peniten- tiary has been suspended, pending the result Sof the investigation regarding the prisoner who escaped from his cell in that institution om Friday night, It's Easy To Peel Off All Your Freckles General | Hospital. i ' { death occurred in the general been ill for some time of tuberculosis. | "g {From American Home.) The eontrast between the freckles and the clear skin usually is so great that no bleach can be more than parially successful in obliterating the disfigurements. Ordinary mercolized wax is far better; it literally peels off the freckles. Get an ounce of" it at the nearest drug store and to night spread on enough 10 eomplete ly eovir your face, remove 'in the morning with warm water." Repeat daily wmtil every freckle dis appeared, - Rough, blotchy, pimpled skiu, also common at this season, may be en tirely gotten rid of by this samo method,, without discomfort of in- convenience. The effort decidedly worth whils, the new compleston ob- tained being so clear, smooth and vouthful, If bothered with after washing off the bathe the face in a lotion made by dissolving an ounce of Powdered saxolfte in a half yint of witch ha- zeal. has is mercolized wax wifnkles, 2 Kingston's Famous Fur Storo, EASTER ATTIRE "If it's here it's new--if t's new it's here" is the best (les scription of our mew. Ready. to-Wear Department on the ground floor. We are caters ing to the trade of particular | people who appreciate dis- tinction in dress, to those who want correct style at a mode rate cost. NEW SUITS, saz Up. NEW WAISTS, 81.25 UP, NEW COATS, so up. High-class Modern Millin- ery at Moderate Prices-- noe two hats alike 4d BSF APRIL 2, fore EASTER CARDS, BOOKLETS, POSTCARDS. of the finest English and American manufacture, in- cluding those of the 5 M, Davis quality line of Boston, Tuck and other Englisch manu- facturers And publishers. 200 PRINCESS, Save One Dollar on yearly subscription Ladies the of Journal price the Home May b- increase On Ist next the pu lishers the Canadian price to $2.50 per year, « Subscriptions (to be called for at the store) will be {aken during this month at the old rate of §1.56, Subscriptions 3y mail, $2.00 be taken for longer than one year at the $1.50 rate. will not THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE OPEN NIGHTS, Hearst's Magazine Reduced from 235¢ to §13e. The sale, April issue, now containg the i Chapters of Winston Chyreh i's latest movel, "The dnute of the Cup'; David Morgan of short Graham Phi Shuster's "Cossack Rule In Persia' Just received-----Third Girl, ship ment of 'Little You," from Jumping Jupite 'Phone 9189, EASTER buy and only in of the Tailors Art. not to be in the city, Popular prices prevail placed in stock. $7.50 and up. Ladies' Tailored - The Easter Suits Shown at this store are works They stylish in make, graceful in pearance, petfoct fitting, and 1ad in any other store, A late shipment received to-day, including Navy, Black and Tweed effects. $10.00 and up. Note These Items. They: are seasonable and just Ladies' Coats for Spring. latest ideas and in wanted shades Waists, aud inexpensive $1 and up Ladies' Imported French Kid Gloves. Another shipment of the celebrated Jules Guerry make: All shades, all sizes $1 & $1.25 a pr. Our: Guarantee, coupled with the makers stand behind each' pair. Dainty Novelties, just to hand, including Lace and Embraicery, Jabots, Collars, Wash Belts, Negligee Collars, Colored Rosebuds, Ete, Ete. BUYING is an easy matter when it is done at this store, as we keep only the best that money can the very latest styles are ap- are The new ~ NEWMAN & SHAW THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. MADE A QUICK SALE, R. E. Harpell Sold Fire Team on His Way Home. R. E. Harpell, the well-known (ata: raqui farmer, who purchused the bay team from the fire department, made a Guick sale. He purchased the team for the sum of 3410, and on his way home met I. A. Jenkins, of Kingston, and disposed of the tepm to him for $450. Mr. Jenkins shipping the horses to New York, where they will be sold. It is hard to tell just where Kingston's old fire team will eventn ally locate, but it is altogether like lv that they will Be used by the New York fire department. They were not good enough to hold down a job on the local department, but New York may give them a glad welcome. in A Story That is Stale. It has taken the Ottawa news papers over six months to learn that Col. H. R. Smith, of Kingston, the gergeant-at-arms of the House of Conunont, won a 35,000 election bet in Kingston, on September 21st last, The bet was the talk of the city for some days previous to the election. The bet story is featured in Uttawa to-day. ---- To Observe Anniversary. The Young leigh Catholic Denevolent Association will hold a meeting * on Monday, April Sth, to commemorate the thirty-eighth anaiversary of. the association's existence, it havin heen organized on April Sth, 1504. Tt wm the itention of the members to have special features at this meeting. ------------ . Died in General Hospital. Wesley Randall, of Verona, died, in the general hospital on Monday even- ing at nine o'clock, after a brief ill ness. The decsassd had been working at the mica mines at Sydenham. The --_ Bi Salons in men's hate, : infant's. shoes, all cologs. Dar BIR tna : r ins were riat to Vercaa for bur- ial. Not Just Street Gossip, But yor hear it C is the strom for Fale PLANT LiST everywhene that a P for EASTER RHODENDRONS, ROSES. HY ACINTHS, DAFFODILLS. EASTER LILIES, AZALEAS, TULIPS, PALMS, FERNS, Ete. Please leave order early. URDY'S 109 Brock Street. | PENDANTS & NECKLETS Daintiness and beauty design are two [eatures « Pendants and Necklet Add to that their ua quality and article of value anyone may be J There is one Pendant de with chain at $12.00 that exceptionally desirable, with is SMITH BROS. 850 KING STREET. Jewelers, Opticians. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. For Faste |A nice lot of--- OSTRICH FEATHER [ MARABEAU BOAS and STOLES W. F. GOURDIER BROCK STREET. ULLIN FOR [BARGAINS I SEE MULLIN FOR | ¥ SOT Beet "0111 ¥ A $1,000] $1,500 311 e $2, 100i 14) dwelld Bag £2,500 1 £2,000" M } ' MULLIN The Real Estate Broker h39 "Phone 5 - SE We Grind Our Own Lenses ER ONE PAIR SN yn OF EXES ' to a lifetime Do net neglect and abuse them * Your Eyes May Need Attention, and need It badly. Don't put it off from day 1» day. Do you know the risk you rus? Every day's delay means added danger to your health and Eyesight We provide Glasses to meet every defect of vision, and dar charges are moderate. WO CHARGE FOR. CONSULTATION iia Ss KINGSTON LAUNDRY Cor Princess and Sydenham Stroets, Join Ruone 0,

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