Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Apr 1912, p. 8

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PAGE FIGHT, -- "EASTER T HE Man that fails #0 buy any . Spring Outfitting until after East- * er wil rob himself of a whole lot ==! of pleasure If you wish to enjoy the spirit of Easter and appear at your best, we're at your service! If you are a cheerful dresser you will find new color blend- ings in our Suits that will dslight you. "iw If you prefer subdued effects you will find your favorite fabrics in many entirely new wae. Suits $12, $15, $18, $20 Overcoats, $12, $15, $18 Our Hats and Haberdashery Departments are also in the bloom of Easter freshness New, correct and exclusive styles in Toggery at every turn, Just come, see! LIVINGSTON'S THE OUTFITTERS :- BROCK STREET Laster Gloves The Reliable Makes, In all the Leading Spring Shades $1.00; 1.25, 1.50 Pair New Paris Jabots, New York Collars, Many original ideas. 15¢ to $5.00 Each. Hand Embroidered Handkerchiefs A large variety of manufacturer's sam- ples: No two alike. Real Madeira, Irish & French Makes At 25¢, 35¢, Hc, 60¢, Tac, SLB 1.25, 1.50 cach. New Veils, New Motor Scarfs. 'A MOST SEVERE BLOW BECK'S POWER OFFER AGAINST HONESTY OF BORDEN | TO BE CONSIDERED BY UTIL GOVERNMENT, i TIES COMMITEE, sieus and Carvell May Eepeat | It Has Not Yet Been Announced-- Their Charges Against Morine The Commission Will Net Buy and Decharme Outside the Come! Out the Seymour Company. mons. , This witernoon the civic ubilities Ottawa, April 1:~Although the cabi- committee will deal with the power wet has pot yet had time formally 10 ques ion once more. At its last meet wonsider the charges made by Mr, Car- [ing it instructed the manager to bring vell in the commons ou Friday againsy, down a summary of the correrpond- the public and private character of A.!ence with the Seymour company and i. Morive, chairman of the public in- the Hydro-electric commission, with a quiries commission, and Mr. Morine's |View to entering into a coniract at reply thereto, the wholé episode islonce. A week ago Ald. Rigney: re- looked upon as perhaps the severest ceived from the Hydro-Electric com: blow of the session, at the honesty, mission a contract with which Hon. pecspicacity and political good faith {Adam Beck would like to enter into of the government. The importance with the city with power from Wad of the commission's task in reporting 'dinston, NOY. « The Seymour company geoerally on meazures for the general will also have its representatives pre- improvement of the governmental sent at the mecting. The Hydro services and on the past administra (Electric contract térms will not be tion of the late government demand- announced till the commitiee meets ed te appointment of commissioners tits afternoon. fd unimpeachable character { The intention of Mr. Heck is to The charges of Hon. Rodolphe give the eastern municipalities power Lemieux and Mr. Carvell in the from Waddington until the Chats cCOwmMons against Commissioners Falls are developed, and then to Ducharme and Morine are of the connect with the latter source : gravest kind, and will be wepeated | The latest information is that the if necessary outside the walls of par- {commission has dropped iis intention liament, where * 'privileges" 'cannot be of buying out the business of the used as a defence against libel ac Seymour company, which operates tions. {the Trent supply, and will confine Tt In the case of Mr. Morine, whether lf in the east to the falls at Wad- Premier Borden demands his resigna- dington and Chats Falls, near Ot tion now or not, the significent fact awa, remains that practically all ithe in formation gdduced in the house on Kridav was furnished, to Mr. Borden | - in a private letter by a Toronto con-!# SALE WAS STOPPED. .. 0 servative in 1905, when Mr. Morine # Lecame the conservative candidate & A howl in the conservative against Hoo. W. 8. Fielding. This | ¢ camp, Saturday morning, letter is now in the hands of the op-'% had the affect of stopping nosition here, with permission from 4% an advertised sale of ten the writer to make it public if neces military horses, which was sary. to have taken place by auc- Hon, at Joon, that morning. PROROGUE PARLIAMENT . . Allen was 0 ave ON MONDAY AFTERNOON sold the animals, but objec- The Final Sitting Was Held on tion was ralsed, as it ap- pears Mr. Allen is a liberal , Monday Morning With Slim Attendance. It is likely the sale will be held next Saturdsy morning, Ottawa, April 1.~There was a very slim . attendance of members in the and the auctioneer will either be W. C. Martin or J. E. Jones commons, this morning, when the dn 4 t house assembled for the final sitting Ee tmtion of» rowd._on this session, only between forty and pou, eight o'clock. They were in = fifty 1 OR REY being Prescit. The speaker re shoe shining parlor on the corn@ of ri hi etter Irom Col. 3 C. Low- Montreal and Princess streets, when h ix TH vid secretary, informing the ' 0" Gifference brought on a quarrel Suse that prorogation would take '4nd they went over Montreal street to Pp ng oy Ay o'clock, a 'fight it out. Their fists flew for a Sir Willrid said he had received a while, and one of the windows of the telegram from Dawson, stating that Deering machinery store was smashed. Dr. Thomson, of the Royal North- ' Yak Nor The combat » West Mounted _ Police, had buch dis | b+ goon of 'thai Toisurmnr? "oPerated missed, and asked whether the teport | was true. The premier replied that he had no knowledge of the matter. | | | err TTT ree TROLL P PELE PLL EIDE + A Montreal Street Fight. Two young men from Barriefield At the Police Court. Thomas W.hams has only. been in [the city a short time, justi a week PITH OF THE NEWS, ju so, but he has spent a good deal tof time at the police station. Two The Very Latest Culled From AB .; three nights fe went to the po. Over the World. | tice station of his own accord, seek- The Grand Trunk railway stated ing shelter, but Saturday night he that (here was enough coal ou the was gathered in as a drunk. He was track to last well intq summer. {the only offender in the police court Picton is up against-a coal famine, |on Monday morning and the magis The three local dealers are sold out, trate imposed a fine of $1 and costs, and they do not expecttheir orders to or twenty days. be filled. { Senator Gore, of Oklahoma, narrow Thief Still at Large. Cha mtiped death, when a crazed Dole, : The man who broke into Z. [Ire arles Schomulla, attacked him Nth pom' s clothing store, Brock street, a MIR rense of ately $15.10 still at large. Mr. Prevost says VOO.000. will 1 =) Approsunas } \ By that the thief got into almost every. 4 vil De shown mn the inal. ¥e | gi0y, He is continually runming a turn of customs receipts for the fiscal cross goods that have bee idled vear just closed. bwith . h hi o ere w) The minister of railways and canals '/t" 82 that he eannot estimate hig has figally determined upon the route!'0™s Without gaing throngh the whole for the enlarged. Welland 'canal. It ju Mbock, He thinks the man got away what is known as the Ten Mile Creek | With between one and two hundred routers. dollars worth, Two artists, Robert L. Newman and In T I a Miss Louise Schofield, were found dead : n Trouble Again. in tneit studios in New York, on Sun-! 'A man suppossd to be" John Mur day. baving beeii asphyxiated by gas 'phy, of Hamilton, a burglar and from a heater. {Fank robber, out of the penitentiary The body. of a child could not be re- but a short time, is under arrest in ceived for burial at Mount Pleasant { London, charged with vagrancy, and Cemetery, Toronto, Sunday. because | eld in connecion with the blowing the nine grave-diggers there were on up ol the safe at the Arva roller strike. The body wag' accepted at St. mills James' cemetery. i i - The federal parliament was pro- i Few Contagious Cases rougued on Monday by the governor During the past week there were re general The tarifi commission and ported to the medical heaith offic highway bills have been dropped 8s two cases of typhoid fever and one governny ng, woilll uot accept the sen- 'ense of chickenpox. One of the ty- ate's amendments rhoid cases originated outside the At New York on Saturday night, city, the patimt having come here Queal, of Alexandria Bay, N.Y., won from Porcupine. the one-hour professional running race. : He covered Hn miles and 700 yards.' Numerovs pradiical jokes were play. Wood, Canadian, was second, and led od. April fool sports are as numer Crouks, of Fall River, Mass, third. ius as ever. Une catch was this over St. Yves and Treat were also among (he telcphone : "Say, Mr. ----, would the starters, quitting early in the con- yon like a fresh fish for dinner *" test. Longboat did not start" 1700, yes." "Well, then hold the line Representatives of carmen, telegraph (jy you get a bite," \ apstators, disgardhior,; signal man, | Mrs. W. Rothwell, Rockland, who has tack pep; eels m hen te np bean in the city attending the funeral ad by \ Ste . of her mother, Mrs. Peter Baxter, re Tht Los clini or beaten pa haut turoed home Sunday at miduight. be considered before the railroads The friends of Ernest Sproule, of Westhrooke, who is in the gencral Jranted further idctontes to their high: IB how, itel, will be glad to hear of his ee Stn vy Umprovement. Ba JOpening Mines in Barrie ies Nettie Adsit, Earl street, re The Ore es Mining bi turned to the city after visiting her has property in the township of Bar- PRES Wel beouk- ak ssid to be a fireiclase pro- | James A. Fegy and w ave re id Pov Hs holdings Tro iturned from a trip to Toronto and three hundred acres of other western points. land, where it is said ol iver} Bertram Smith, S it hs oe ton | Deen appointed police magistrate for Sharbot Lake. ¢ in| Rev. R. A. Delve, Seagrave, has boon {invited to Wooler Methodist eircunit. o} rine a prowmivent engineer. William D. Hay: wood, former secretary of the feders: | of miners. on Sharges of duplicity and in connection with the Lawrence strike and other labor trou Kinnear Rewd will leave in a dave for Sew York where he : » course in ono of the cubihs- schools in that ely. amen Vai, of Panphinvit, F. Yair, of New York, are * Every Woman Who Can Possibly Do* So Should See @ur New Suits Easter Marks the Turning Point Frcm Winter to Spring Clothing 4 Ww Sivan Spring Suits, $12.75, 14.95 Smart Sprivig Suits, 15.00, 15.75 Smart Spring Suits, 18.75 to 35.00 Come To-Morrow You may select any Suit or Coat and have it ready when wanted. 1 2 GLOVES The Best Ester Glove at the Lowest Prices Perrin's Famous Kid Gloves give the best satisfaction Years of experience have proven this, and the prices are no higher than other makes. It's no wonder we are doing the best Kid Glove business in our history, Real French Kid Gloves, $1.00 Real French Kid Gloves, $1.25 Every pair fulty guaranteed. Reynier's French Kid Gloves, $1.25 NEW DRESS GOODS Now ready for your choosing. . ENGL ISH WORSTED SUITINGS, doo 755 99c. : " $1.25, 1.49, 1.75. A number of designs. Only one be ess to a pattern. (CREAM SERGES. The better makes: of English Dress Serges (NOW er 49¢, Tbe, 99¢, 1.25, 1.49, NAVY SERGE, in great variety, 49¢, 75¢, 99¢c and up. NEW SAND SHADES, in English Worsted Suitings, $1.25, 99¢, Toe Fancy Neckwear for Easter NOVELTY JABOTS, 25¢ te 75c. LACE COLLARS, Quaker Girl designs and other new styles, for Dresses and Coats. LACE COLLAR AND CUFF SETS. FLORAL JABOTS in great variety. New Dress Trimmings A number of the latest things in Dress Trimmings now Ready. New Buttons Pearl and Metal Suit Buttons, Glass Buttoms for Suits, (3lass Buttons for Waists. | J. Laidlaw & Son. mi ~NEW EASTER SHOES FOR ALL Ladies' Patent Button and Yave, American make $2.00 Ladies' Empress Patent Button and Lace, $3.50 and '$4.00 Ladies' Dorothy Dodd Patent Button' and Lace - $5.00 Also Ladies' Button Boots in Tan and Gun Metal Leather. Boys' and Girls' Boots in Tan Calf and Patent Leather. Children's Fine Boots, all kinds, Gun Metal, Tan and Patent i in Button and Lace Lots of Nice New Goods for Easter. The LOCKETT SHOE STORE ES

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