Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Mar 1912, p. 6

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A Sign of EOPLE are becoming very careful about what they eat and drink Pp the Times & The preference for goods in sealed packages --especially in food stuffs --is now quite definite and becoming more so every day. : We must frankly admit that there are sound reasons for this preference. Food stuffs cannot be ex- posed to varying - atmospheric conditions with- out losing both strength and flavor. Tea: of all articles of everyday diet (excepting coffee, best merchants have been quick to appre- ciate the fact. So much is this the case that the selling cf perhaps) needs protection most, and loose Tea in bulk will soon be a thing of the past. RED ROSE TEA reaches you with all its vir- ginal flavor, strength and purity -- ~--1It is sealed in air-tight packages--dust and damp-proof-- RED ROSE is a blend Ceylon Teas. of the best Indian an ~The former assures generous strength and richness Qualities for which Red the latter that coaxing, delicate flavor, Rose Tea is famed. Ask your Grocer for the 40¢. package of Red Rose and you'll get betier Tea --Tea that spends farther for the same money. You want "Good" sea well, "Red Rose Tea is Good Tea" PASS BILL TO PREVENT Further United States to Canada. Washington, March 250.- The sum of 125,000.00, was taken 16 Canada in THO by 126,000 Americans, who wore attracted to various provinces of the dominion by lands that were procured for the taking. Jowa and other states of the North- West declined in pop8lation or failed to show' normal increases in the de- cade between 1900 and 1910. Western fandom contend that this condition «affairs in dircetly traceable to the wore liberal laws governing the dis posal of the public domain in the do- minion. While the population of the North-West is decteasing or failing to the population of Canada is ing ensing at the rate of 1,000 a day. Canadas is drawing on this Pountry ta increase her population and the faeming regions of the border states ary yearly losing thousands of citizens wlio are attracted to the provinces by iven in patent to s ttlers al lo Emigration otherwise, that 1 was used in behalf of a bill passed by 'the house governing the disposal ol public domain in the United States. The measure, which has already passed the senate, will soon be sub mitted to the president for approval It was framed by western members and is designed to check the flow of emigration from the United States to Canada. the bill in n large measure, is pat- terned after the land laws of Canada. In the Ligst place it reduces the resi dence required on the Amesican homes stead from five to three years. Second, it permits au entryman and his fam- ily ta he absent from a homestead five months during each year of the resi- dence period. It was pointed oat in the report on the bill that most of the desirable public lands in the United States have already heen settled and- that in order to attract humesteaders it bas becowe necessary to selton the rigor of the American land, Jaws. Tsnne Bisco, Napanee, left, last Sate urday, for Edwonton, and from there will go ta thes Peace River for' the summer. \ . ) ces and on terms that are fav- in brief is the argument } >. 0 More Lie ri tonle you desire. Bat why continue to use a halr tonic that doesn't do what it should do: kill the germs and banish all dandruff and hair troubles. 'I you have dandruff, if your hair js getting thin and falling out, if your scalp itches and your bair isn't ht and lustrous, bear in mid this fact: This is a free country. that PARISIAN BAGE, now sold all over Canada, is guaran- teed by J. B. McLeod $0 give the limit of satisfaction if nsed for any of the EDDY'S SILENT MATCHES Death to Dandruff Germs i" Life to All Hair. Dandruff, Falling Hair, Scalp Itch, Bald Head Pe or Dull Faded Hair, It's your: above hair or scalp troubles, or money t, your privilege to use any hair{ back CK. PARISIAN SAGE is the most de- lightful and refreshing hair dressiug for men, women and children, and is particularly in demand by refined women who desire to increase thelr beauty by acquiring an abundance of fascinating hair, full of life and lustre. A large bottle of PARISIAN SAGE costs but 50 cents at J. B. McLeod's and druggists everywhere, The girl with the Aunburn hair Is on every carton and bottle. are made of thoroughly dried: pine blocks. The tips, when 'struck on ahy surface whatever, - 'will "light silently and burn steadily and smooth. ly without throwing off sparks. i Bady's Matches 'are always full M: M. cgint-- 8 ask for them at all good dealers. EDDY COMPANY, Limited, '| street, entertained at dinner on Wed: for | wen : ily, Ottawa, expect to leave early in jens. THE DAILY SRITISH WHIG. SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1912. API IESIIS INNS Li in " SHAE PPPe 00000 VEE PI {Continued from Page 2.) Among those present at tke assault at-arms at the Roval Military Col lege on Wednesday syEhing, were : Colonel and Mrs. J. H. V. Crowe, Miss Madge Crowe, Colonel and Mrs. T. Benson, Mise Aileen Benson, Colo- nel and Mrs. Hunter Ogilvie, Colonel and Mrs. A. B. Cunningham, Colonel and Mre, Frank Strange, Colonel and Mrs. Bichall Wood, Major and Mrs. J. P. Shine, Major and Mrs. F. I. Sedgwick, Major and Mes, A. J. Wolff, Major and Mrs. N. Leslie, Major and : Mrs.-Vernon Faton, Cap- tain and Mrs. J. B., Cochrane, Misses Christine and Sylvia Cochrane, Pro fessor and Nrs. William R. Butler, Colonel and Mrs, E. A. Whitehead, Montreal; Mrs. Colin MeQuaig, Mon: treal; Mrs, B. Carruthers, Misses Marie. and Dorothy Carruthers, Mrs. Hume Blake, Miss Nora Blake, To- ronto; Captain and Mrs. C. N. Per reau, Captain and Mrs. H. T. Hughes, Captain and Mrs. W. A. Sim- son, Professor and Mrs. Iva Ek. Mar tin, Misses Phyllis and Charlie Shortt, Professor and Mrs. James Cappon, Mrs. E. F. Torrance, Mrs. Haultain, Peterboro; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Dawson, Mr. and Mrs, P. OC, Steven- son, Mrs. W, H. Macnee, Miss Nora Macnee, Mr. and Mrs. William Harty, Mr. and Mrs. Cronyn, Toronto: Mrs. F. G. Orchard, Brockville; Professor and Mrs. K. N. Colville, Mrs. Lefroy, Toronto; Major Hopwood, Dr. and Mrs. Storms, Hamilton. Mrs. HI. S. Holt, of Montreal, Cap- tain and Mrs. S. Morrison, Mrs. Eas ton Burns, Miss Freda Burns, I'rofes- sor and Mrs. J. Waddell, Misses Lucy and Gwendolun Waddell, Mrs. Bernard Browne, Miss Hazel Browne, Dr. and Mrs.. It. K. Kilborn, Mrs. Frederic Brownfield, Misses Mabel, Dorothy and Margery Brownlield, Miss Mabel Gil dersleeve, Miss M. Starr, Misses Leta and Vera Carson, Miss Marion Red: den, Miss Madge Taylor, Misses Hilda and Doris Kent, Miss Lassie Kirkpat tick, Miss Helena Gordon,> Miss Aileen Folger, Misses Marjorie apd Gweneth Mcrrick, Miss Lenore Hamilton, Misses Eva and Ruth Martin, Miss Jeap Duff, Miss Phyllis Knight, Miss Lillian Mun dell, Miss Marion Lesslie, Miss S. Anglin, Misses Eva and Mabel Riche son, Miss Amy Campbell, Miss Bessie Smythe, Miss Lillian Smythe of Otta- wa, Miss Katharine Hart, Misses Lil lian and Jessie Slater, Miss M. Butler, Miss Dora Oldrieve, Mrs. ¢'. Hamil ton, Miss Sibbald Hamilton, Miss Gladys Burton, Miss Ada Petrie, Miss Jean Young, Miss Helen Uglow, Major RC. Hammond, Captain C. ¥. Con- stantine, Capt. W. Hi. P. Fikins, Cap- tain MH. Doak, Prdiessor Anderson, Professor Smail, Professor Davis, Messrs, O. FT. Macklem, Heywan, H. Lafierty, Huntley Macpherson, FE. F, S. Dawson, F. Bemson, Stuart Rob ertson, Sherman Hill, Laughlin Hughes, F. A. Smythe, Walter Sicacy, E. Rogers. 8. of, . Col. 'and Mrs, J. H. V. Crowe, Royal Mititury L'ollegn, entertained at a de lightful supper praaty on Wednesday ev: ening after the assanit-al-arms. Those present . were Col. Whitehead, Mrs. E. FP. Whiteliend, Mrs, Colin McQuaiy. Montreal; Pr. and Mes, Storms, Ham: iltan; 'Mrs, H. 8. Holt, Montreal; Myx. Lefroy, Toronto; Professor and Mrs, James Cappon, Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Dawson, Mrs. J. B. Cochrane, Mrs. Sylvia © Cochrane, Mr. "and Mrs, Wil- liam Harty, Mr. and Mrs. Cronyn, 1o- onto; Mes. F. 1. Orchard, Brockville; Professor © aml Mra. K. N. Colville, Mys. T. Benson, Miss Aileen Benson, Me. PF. Benson, Mias Mable Glider- sleeve, Miss Charlie Shortt, Miss Kathleen. Crisp, Major Hopwood, Capt. W. H. I". Elkins, Capt. Hl. Boak Me. Tluntley Macpherson, Undets HH. Lefroy, A, 1. lolt; Stormes, Cronyn, Whitehead - and. McQuaig. . - A very bright amd enjoyable supper party was given on Wednesday even- ing after the assault-at-aems by Major and Mes. Sedgwick, Royal Military College. The guests included Col. am! Mes. A. B. Cumninghom, Major and Mes. A. J. Wolfi, Major and Mrs. N. 5S. Lesslie, Mr. and Mrs, P. C. Steven: son, Capt. and Mrs, H. T." Hughes, Miss Helen Gordon, Misses Marie and Dorothy Carruthers, Miss Nora Blake, Toronto; Capt. M. Plor ser, Capt. C. K. Constantine and Nr. Heymann» Major and Mrs. N. S. Lesslie, Bagot . nesday evening in honor of Col. White- head and Mrs. E. A. Whitehead, and Mrs. Colin McQuaig, of Montreal. . is entertainiog at tea this afternoon, in honor of her guest, Miss Gillespie, of Toronto. A . 'A dimer will be given at the Coun- try club this evening in honor of Miss Gillespie of Torodto. : - - - > Mrz. William Gunn, 170 Barrie street, will receive on the second and third of April, and not again this sea- - - - » - After spending a few daze in town, Mew. Lefroy returned to Toronto on Mrs. Henry Joseph, street; . Montreal, Lake Placid to join Miss Stewart and Norehester Master Gratz Joseph and next will go to Lakewood. : Mr. and Mrs. Dale Harris and fam- the summer for a trip on the contin which they will reach on Saturday. Mrs. Hunter Ogilvie, Princess street, | left on Wednesday | spend the Easter holidays in Mp real; and will be the fruest of Mr. ! Mrs. John Fairlie Mrs, W. F. Caoroll, of Ganapogue. spent several dass in town. this week. Mrs. WF. Fullerton, of Gananoque, wae a guest in town on WedneWlay. Mr. and Nrs. 5. Rougbton and their two children, King street, expect to spend Faster in Helleville, the guests of Meg. NS. Bérrows. \ Mr E.R. C. Dobbs, Bask of Mont- real, Sault Ste. Marie, expects to leave, on Thursday, for home, ta spend the Easter holidays with hig parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Dobbs, Barrie street. . * 2 Mr. W. B. Covington, Queen's [nix versity, will leave, on Monday, for his home, Tennessee, to spend the sam- mer, Mr. G. L. Johnston, of Gananoque, spent Thursday in town. Mr. Andrew Flemming, of Lakefield, will be the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Nal colm ras Earl street, for the week-end, Mrs, Fleming, who has been visiting her parents for some time, will also retarn to Lakefield on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. D. Robertson, Syd- enham street, returned on Wednesday from a delightiul wip to the West In- dies and the Panama. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Robertson, Wel- lingston streel, who have been on a trip to the West Indies and the Pana- ma returned home early this week. Mr.and Mrs. John Nicolle, Union street, who have also been on a trip to the West Indies and the Panama, have ret ned home, . Mrs. Henry Cunningham, Farl street, who. has been visiting ~~ Mrs. James Maclennan, in Toronto, return- ed home on Thursday. Mrs. Edward Kenny, who has been the guest of her parents, Mr. ad Mrs, James McParland, Emily street, leaves on Tuesday next for Halifax, Master Kerr Skinper will arrive from Toronto on Thorsday to spend the Faster holidays with his. aunt, Miss Nan Skinner, Wing street, Dr. and Mrs, Storms, who were in town for the assault-at-arms, at the Royal Military College, on Wednesday returned fo Hamilton on Thursday, Mrs. H. S. Holt, who wad a gust in town for a few days this week, hash returned to Montreal, 3 Colonel Whitehead, Mrs. B. ¥. Whitehead, and Mrs. Colin MeQuaig, who dpent a few days in town, tis week, have returned to Montreal. Me WikL LEAVE GOOD FRIDAY To Visit Virginia Battlefields of the Civil War. Col. JJ. H. V. Crowe, commandant of the Royal Military College; Col, A. B. Cunningham, Rifles; Liewt-Col. Panet, of R.C.H.) A; Maj. Sedgwick, of RM.C.; Maj, Hopwood, of the Indian army, mid Maj. Robertson, G.8.0., of uehee, leave on Good Friday morning a1 eight o'clock to visit the eivil war battlefields in Virginia. They will leave this city either by way of Cape Vincent or else by way of Prescott; thenee taking train to Washington, From Washington they will go to Misganis; then to Chancellotsville, and the Wildeeness, and then to. Richmond. They will visit the battlefields at Richmond and then go down as far as Yorkton and return to Richmond: From Richmond they will go to Gordonville and then cross the moun- tains to Staunton and up the Shep- andoah valley by Strasburg. From here they will go to Kernstown - ind Winchester, to Harper's Ferry, Antie tam, and Gettysburg, then return to Washington. It is expected that most of the trip will be taken in a motor car. : A Big Display. We helieve our. big stock oi sping hats discounts anything ever shown before in Kingston, and #t embraces all the new styles from the greatest hatmakers of the world. Ser our wonderful values in soft hats and derbies, $1.39, $2, $3.50, 83, $3.50, $4. Campbell Bros'. the largest importers of men's hats in Kingston. new S-------------- College. President Resigns. Reging, Sask., March 30--Dr. W. W. Andrews, formerly of Mount Allison University, Sackville, N.B., teaching staf, and principal of Regina Collegd, since its foundation about a year ago, has resigned. His resignation is to take effect at the end of June. -------------- Get » Hat With a Name ; And reputation bebind it. Seott's, Buckley's, Christy's, Heath's, are id- cluded in our immense stock and these makers are recognized the world over as standards of style and quality, $2, $150, $3, 150, #4. Camphell Bros', Kingston's only exclusive hat and fur store, 4 ------ Will Build 200 Miles. : Finnipeg, March 30. At a meetin alos & Hadson Bay rail way company shareholders at Winni- ;o the Construeting of the road Jn Saskatoon to Melfort, and then on to le Pas, was disew owas decided to start with 200 miles this [ suinmer. - Ke Pazo Ointment ing, Blind, Bleeding eo ting Ps 6 to 14 days. Ble. i mO., Moreh 30 Physi- -- all the railroads of the United States is suthorized" in w bill reporied unanimously to the house, today, by interstate and foreign commerce iter. » of the 1th ILW.QepPohet S000000000000000000000 Mon ' On Watch. * 0000000000000 0000000n It the town engineer expeCts to see the light, best and power depart: ent's Pole on the streeis painted i year he will have to keep ri after the utilitics bal rw ht Lamgman says. The tows ecorpora- tion Stell is the greatest offender in Fegard to violating some of its own by-laws tat it expects others to ocey. The light depariment poles phere to have been painted vears ago but never & brush has been pat to them yet, # ; -- The Lampman often thinks what a EItY it is when lies of beavtiful flowers are locked up in the grave yard vaults, How much better jt would ke if the relatives and friends of the departed would send flowers in the form. of bouquets or potted Flants to the hospitals, | emory those called to Fanti 4 : vest. The over the flowers would be so po oh gy the living than with the " The" Lampman is convinced that a good many people who. receive * freq trécitment in the gencral hospital and the Hotel Dieu impose upon these institutions, for many so-called poe Patients ave well able to pay and should be followed up. When some of them can afiord to Supply themselves with luxuries, like liquors and to baecos, when they are well, (hey should surcly be able to pay a lit- tle in return for being attended when HL. the hospitals would § Up some of these '""deadbeats' would add a good dest 'eidue. Of course, thy poor, but - the Lamijihan knows of non-pay pat ents who hav treated in hospitals and he -_ good wages, but spent thei p Ros - F our money follow they to their ye there nre the wor- -- ore again the Lampman feels 48 duty to call attention duty of clergymen to exercise great st cars in performing mare iage Ckremonies. Since ¢ recent comment pan the matter he has learned olf the marriage some time ago of an hoe rable consumptize. The wecLing was performed by a clrgyman of this town. The sooner the Godfrey matriage law passes (he legis! J the better. Sun i the the to It has come to gthe ears of Lampman that some Kingston peopl 're actuslly doing some of thei shopping in the little town of Na dust think of that, you King Aton merchants and milliners ! wy ' The question was asked the Lamp man if the police were doing their Vty when there are at present onl, four men in the jaik al'he. town has n mil and yet it 1s not drawing the trade" that it might. Just © think fa town and district of nearly 50 HO inhabitants allowing the Jail v have . only four boarders at the end of the month of March, Armen The Lampman wns Tleased to read the outspoken remarks of the Dean of Outaric on a recent Sabbath that there are in congregations a good many whom the shepherd cannot reach and that was why it was wis at times to bring in missioners t¢ aid. But do. these special services reach these classes 7 'The Lampman, does not think so. At any rate has failed to see it in this town. A glance over the congregations which Attend these special services will show that there are few of the class that should be there. Those who at tend regularly are mot in need of gospel. exhortations or shouldn't be. The buacksliders and the bad are not gomg to' walk into the churches on pulpit or newspaper invitations, They must ke sought after and ** compel lad so come €n."' THE TOWN WATCHMAN. ---------------- PASSION WEEK SERVICES the To be Held by the Y.W.CA. at the Noon Hour. During Passion week special noo hour segvices will be held" at the Y. W.C.A. building, every day from 12.10 to 12.40 o'clock. All 'women are wel come, and it is ho the business women, especially, will be present, to hear these short addresses, prepara: tory to Easter day. aie pear Monday noon will v. <M. Maegillivray, of Chalme chureh; Tuesdny > Rev. LeRoy gy pastor of First Congregational Phureh: Wednesday, €. N. eserve, gemcrdl Secretary of the Y.M.C.A.: Thursday, Rev. 7. W. Neal, pasior of Sydenham Street Methodist church; Good Friday, Rev. Canon Starr, of St. George ca- thedral; Saturday, Rev. D. Laing, of First Baptist church. On Easter day the Fellowship Clob will be entertained at tea at 4.39 o'clock in the afternoon, when Rev, Principal Gordon, of Queen's, will give an address. ) pn A hand will give her talk to 1m club on the "Holy Gril," Tuesday evening. y The gymnasinm classes close for the season this week, and the final lee tore Jor in Josson.. in domestic science wi r given y i at 7.30 po To Quay yeni ------------ BOSTON GIRLS HAVE BIG FEET. Duncing Teacher Also Accuses Them of Being How-legged. be Mrs. R. E. Genge, : Chursday to spend Barrie street, : Easter 'spend Faster with hue wifes Teailed, " New on the Sontinent. | Mes. York for a Toronto, i Washington, | sgn, Gon for. Easter. ; ing io two women who have been in i yestigating. A i "Few women & perfect wr of legs," says To Lilla Viles Wy. man, a teacher. "1 dare say that if twenty-five of our society wo men were {0 give a calisthenic exhibi- tion it ow be discovered that few | A Lot of News of Interest to : he¥Bathurst. ' THE WHIGS JUMBLE. . body. Violin strings. Dutton's. 1 The post office kmown as Poucher's Mills has been rechristened Latta. "tag 3 Quality How" is what the grocer hears most. smn, William Conger and James Saul have the cobtract il bie act or bmpey Hi "Buy moth camphor." Gibson's. Mr, Black has resigned his position as leacher of music in the school at Lanark, "For drug store wants" phone 230, Gibson's. Mrs. George Thompson, of Belleville, od on Wednesday, aiter two days' hess. i Moth camphor 'and moth proof begs at Sargent's drug store. » At W. H. Miilmg's sale at Hawley, horses sold as high as $256, four-year- a one ¥215, and cows from $16 to "Phone 230" for drug store wants." Gibson's, For fine pastry cooking, "King's Qualia" flour never had oR a A. Hagerman, Ernesttown Station, has tapped his vast sugar bush and claims there is nothing to equal the early rug, "rhone 230, store wants. Have yout wheels cleaned spring. H. Milue, 272 'Phone 542, Burke Crowe, son of E. B Crowe, Ernesttown Station, has been pro moted from dispatcher at Kenora to Souris, Man. Most housewives prefer "King's Quality" flour. There's a reason. "Imported French olive wil." son's. ' [sauc "Fraser, FErpestiown Station, intends migrating to Calgary, Alta, where he will engage in agriculture on a larger scale. "desu" Lover of My Boul," "Consider the Lilies," and many others. Put ton' shelma," perfume for Buster Sargent's drug store The new Y.M.C.A. building in Belle vile, Ont, which. cost for constrac. tiom and furnishings over $50,000, has wim formally opened. Book-binding and ruling of lescription at the British Whig office. "Salted nut meats." (iibson's. At the meeting of Deseronto council on Tuesday, R. Miller was appointed a trustee for the high schodl, in place of James Sexsmith, resigned. "The home of high class sweets." iibpon's. HE flour the housewises prefer "Bing's Quality." ). B. Amey, commercial traveller for louglas company, Napdnée, was singston last week and purchased me team of driving horses for ompany . : "King's Quality" flour, manufactur. xl by the Maple Leaf Milling com: mny, and sold by all leading grocers, 8 in popular demand everywhere, Have you tried it? The engagement is announced of Annie Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Thoma® Foster, Bethel, to Joseph Byrnes Chippewa. The marriage will take place April 24th, : Prevost, Brock street, has received dl his spring and summer goods for tis order clothing department, and cady-made clothing and genta' fur sishing department, All well assort sl with new goods. i Jonn G, Campbell, Perth, got word last week of the death of a yonnger brother, Peter, at Jacksonville, Flo, at the age of seventy years. Deceased was born on the homestead farm, at Gibson's, for drug for the Bagot street Gib at every in a the Why persist in being imposed upon by buying poor, trashy alum baking powder when you can just as well Sy Magic Baking Powder, the health giving "No Alum" brand at the same price ? Rixteen ounces for twenty-five cents. At all Grocers, : tapt. A. G. Cousins, Belleville, the youngest captain in the district, has been appointed captain of the steam r John Rolph, formerly Resolute, the woperty of the Point Ann Quarry company, Kensington Place lots are being picked up. + Over twenty hine been sold. Water, gay and sewerMge are being put in. Only a good cluss of residences © are permitted. Lots ar selling #275 up and will soon he ad- vanced in price. Terms ave easy. Me Cann has the agency. ' fi. Hodge, general superintendent of the eastern lines of the Canadian Pacific railway, has issued a circular announcing the appointment of J. 1 Boyle, acting superintendent of dis trict No. 4, with headquarters at Ot tawa, during H. B. Spencer's absence on leave, through illness, I They've All Gone ! No More Humiliation; the Wonderful Stuart's Calcium Wafers "Get | Right After" Those Pimples, Boflls and Skin Eruptions, Trial Package Sent Free to Prove It. No peed for anyope to go shout any longer 'with a face covered with pim 3 , eraptions, blackheads and liver-spots. These are all due 1, impurities in the bluod. Clesnse the hited \ and the i wi That's what Stuart's Calcium Walers are intéuded to accomplish and do ae complish. Their principal ingvadint is Calcium Sulphide, the qu most thorough blood clesuser known. These wonderful = little wafers get right into the blopd, snd destroy enup tive substances present in it. In som. cases a few days is sufficient 10 mak: a marked impcovemient, © And when th Blood is pure the whole system is hundred per cent. better. Don't fret anv looger about thos blackheads, pimples, = boils. totter eciema, Spots skin evaptions; the you aw En sassy BUILDERS ALL KINDS OF LUMBER AT ¢ LOW PRICES, ASBESTIO PLASTER FOR SALE. ALSO COAT AND ALL KINDS OF WOOD. S. Bennett & Co. Cor. Bagot and Barrack Sts. 'Phone 941. ) | F. J. JOHNSON THE LEADING FLORIST , 324 KING STREET. Has resumed business with a full Mne of Cut Flowers afd | Plants always in stock. i Wedding and Presentation Bouquets and Baskets and | Floral Designs made on the | shortest notice. i 'Phones: DAY. NIGHT Stove, 230, Conservatories, 283, | cr srn bm bes | LADIES' TAILOR Weé have all the latest styles for the spring season, You are cordially invited to call and leave your order with | us. Fit and workmanship guaranieed, | | {L. COHEN 267 Princess St. Phone 8567 EEE EEE. MADAM, ARE YOU LIKELY TO BE- COME A MOTHER SOON? 16 'IT have glad tidings for you---child« Lirth need be dreaded no more, Follow my advice--be happy now, and all will be well with the child and youpself My remedy, Mothers' Cordial or Herbal Tonic, bullds up the reproductive organs and nerve centres-- makes confinement easy, safe and quick, and rapidly recalls the glow and cheering health of vigorous womahhood. Mothers' Cordial is also a rebuilder of run-dewn giris--girls strained overtaxed with toe much 'work It purifies the blood---makes menstrua- tion prompt And eaky, and is acconnt- able for many of the cléar, beautiful complexions you admire so much This valuable remedy contains no stimulants or hurtful drugs. It 1s Jimply a scientific blend of Indian herbs, whibse virtues dare well known to 'medical men' Write for free ciren far. At your drugwist's, or by mall, 71.00 per package, or € packages $5.00, Or. Coonley Medical Co, Windsor, Ont. or REAL ESTATE NAPS FRAME HCUSE, four bed rooms, doubl2 parlor kitchen, pantry, hardwood floors, furn and all improvements . B22 am BRICK VENEER HOUSE, Toronto Street, 8 roars, with two extra. fu! lots, gond barn and poultry honse, or to rent $1,700 SOLID BRICK HOUS eight rooms. furnace, good lot, on north of Princess Street - 82,050 FRAME ROUSE, Patrick »t., all improvements. with extra corner lot, good barn coe. B1LBOO HOUSES for Sale and to Rent in all parts of the city. Norman& Webb Real Estate, Life, Fire, live Stock and General lusurance, 174 1-2 WELLINGTON »T ' "Phone 730. DININGROOM FURNITURE Just arrived, a fine line of Dinin:- room Furniture in Golden Oak, Barly Baglish and Fumed Extension Tables, 36.46, $8.5) to 40.00, . Chairs to mateh in any finish. R. J. REID ~

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