Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Mar 1912, p. 8

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PAGE FIGRT. TRAGEDIES IN ONTARID|CLAUSE BROAD ENOUGH, } A NEWBORN BABE WAS THROW wo ENABLE HEBREWS TO BE . 3:3 FROM A TRAIN. APPOINTED. ~~ EN A Woman Died in Charch at Lon. {To the Teaching Staff of Queen's-- don--13 Man Fell 160 Feet Down "Christian Character" Capable of ; an Embankment and Was Not a Broad Interpretation. After purchasing our. Spring Stock, we de i Seriously Hurt. Although the Hebrews seem dissatis- i Barrie, March 25. Somebody drop- lied with the revised test clause in the i , ) i i I : : nin Ww 's University bill, the view the cidéd to make Extensive Alterations , ped an box, containing = a new-born [{ueen's erst : Is AL Falions in om babe, out of a Canadian Pacific train | trustees of the university take of it nent here, apparently with the object | 1s that Hebrews cannot be debarred . Ww i whether th i. . C of having ithe train ran over it, bat [from the teaching stall whether they Ready -to- ear Department. it fell between the tracks where the {ars Christians or not. During the dis u orl a ve es n child died of aml the body cussion on the amended clause offered | SA pOEUTe i was found this morning. by Rev. Dr. Love, on behalf of the} In order to make room to do so. we must -------- getieral assembly commissioners, the Bied in Church. understanding seemed to be that . * x - i educe Our Stock very much ---- onli, Out, March 25M, Mat. | Christian, character' implied ving a : uits an oats reduce Jui ix k Ve ry LL h ox a Jha 3 od Con Godly and upright fife, or following r saBiple at: Cn SOD ehurch, last evening, just as the pas. | the example of Christ. reed is en 1 : 4 shot o EAE wor. | tively eliminated irom the clause. It During The Next 30 Days. hr ot Je his > is pretty well understood that the mon. She leaves four small children. [0 Lio ony Nr dealing with ap Many of the customers who have taken advantage of our early show Fell 160 Feet and hives. poifiments 2d grintideing " the ing of Suits, and who bought, have told us frankly, they were pur- Hever + tt + - . : . , ~ . _. 1 *Christian character" of an apphoan : . Our Stiowing of New Spring Styles will he of Il | whet, March 25 Frederik for "hosition. om the a = chasing hecanse we had the correct things, and it was onty after a Pratt, fell sixty foot from Canadian bo ai nor dobar any Hebrew of Godly careful looking over everything in town they decided. $d a . gE . : Pacific bridge, bere, Saturday, strik Lh . - Creal Toterest to all Admirers of Handsome 1 iisr the enibankment and then drop life, so long as he belioved in the gen i the lf i eral principles of Christianity, which . Apparel i 4 | pag another hundred feet against the, bo done whether of ian: be a pro Apparel, : s sud so { abutment, but was not setiously hurt. fol Tap olor not e ul S ; ! ap One of the assembly commissioners Boy's Awful Fate. told the Whig that whal they wanted London, Ont., Mareh 25. Allan Jef lio guard against was the placing of x wat Suits ve the cutaway ws slip fries, aged eig At, of Idgetown, was | professors on the staff who would Many of the latest : uits hat u "a ay effects with lightly shap probably: fat: talls injured when plaVing | teach things opposed to the principles ed backs in the 26/inch Coats, Skirts show new and several decid thout a . He shipped into anlof Christianity, As the university was edly original ideas. ' aed a chute, which fed [15 be "distinctively Christian," he | ai ov | a big co er. Bef we the ma fiaid it was necessary that Godly men . chiney was stop sped the boy's legs had | should direet the students. e pring ats hoon drawn into the rollers and were Principal Gordon. made a strong ap- ( oie : a a : terribly rushed He has also serious peal for a more modified test clause, Jur Suits. and Overcoats, worth $15.00, {] |internal injuries when it looked as if there was danger g i of the deadlock between the trustees Are prettier thamever, and we ask you to come and see'our collection $ix.00 and £20.00 are marked for this Sale | reminining, and it is understood that | . ' the amended clause was largely due to Y his pleading that some satisfactory i agreement should be reached The Remember $12 00 $15 00 $18 00 l leonuaxin was gone is aces] Soement should he reached The ' ' . ' » . i DENT ON SATURDAY. trustee representatives that had the Ye | seme Sowtuiewoners ot gees a We never urgo any person to buy. You are at perfect liberty to r : have withdrawn the bill from the sen come and examine freely, and not even a hint from us as to pur- This very day we urge you at least to Come Camp of Canadian Northern Ral | 00 for the time being hase : . . Bu i way Near Sydenham-- Another i. M. Macdonnell, Kk C., is in Otta- chase. . . . 9 * > Y iti w appear io © Seng p and Examine the Suits we have marked at Man in Critical Condition, hil pes Vefare the --nate ada : | | Two foreigners were brought to theline with W. F. Nickle. MP above prices, : - a { teity on Saturday morwing from Syd A despatch from Ottawa says that - Uueen's graduates in the capital ap- fand removed to the general hospital, Iprove the step taken to. modify the . . * Here's Your Spring Suit and Overcoat | {avin bom "Canon. Northern ie clue. Exmbroideries and Laces i] (way, and one of the men died on Sun s=--====== Opportunity, ----------= I} [73 wonung. wei) QUEEN'S RINK PLAN This is to be a great season for Laces and Embroideries. Antici t 0 Which Occurred in Construction jenttam, bY Drs. Sargeant and Farrell, the men were ork . - . . + Friday afterpoon, and in some man tis pating this we have gathered here a most attractive showing while they were making a cull THE RINK TO BE CONDUCTED the newest things, t the rock foundauon, a part FOR THE PUBLIC. tof the bank caved in on the two men : : | with the result that one of them died 4 [| 15 the emerel' hospital on Sunday. | WII be Enlarged in Another Year Dress Embroideries, i} rhe accident ocenrred jist afer the "Eventually it Will be Moved : Jui nir hour A blast had been sep ofi d'rom the Present Site. . . RH | time in' the morning, and it Fhe arbitration between the King Skirting Embroideries, loosened a large boulder on the top 2 i : Pl ston Skating Rink company and of the hill When the stone tumbled ' x A BROCK ST i down: the Ril. it strack the two. mies | 020s University authorities over . . . . tl l\wich the result hut jt crushed one of | the skating rink, which the university Allover Embroideries, is to take over om July dst, will not take place till the summer, 1t 1s un- in the hospital, on Saturday morning, derstood that thé obmpany wants Fl E b id but the strain was too much for lim. ] 22000 for the rink, 'and that = the : ouncing mbrol eries, and he died from the result. 1lé was | university people do not want to pay hho. irivred intcenall mere than 312000 or $13,000, I is A iBjured. 1ateranily, the intention of the university athletic About fifty nen were employed a} committee to enlarge the rink during Embroidery Edging and Insertions i in all wanted wid this plac and it is very fortuna he summer and fall of 1913. Nothing thi the Suicitiant y hod when Hoan be done this vear. About twenty . . itd, or others might have heen hurt. | ive feet will be added by cutting the : B d and Beadin S . 1he other mun now lies in a very lov ink in two. More seating accommo an Ings ¥ igi s aon: {ul 1 \ lation will be provided, Eight years ' . Neither of Ap son oon perk a jistion will bo povided. Kight Jose sot C Ewmbroid ward of English and 20 no person i I be 112 hgure ie rin yiilding orset over m Tol ery. * moved from ibs present site on men's arms. The inured member was amputated sure of the naw «, the university grounds to the lower A. Arp AAA AN ANAM NA A AlN ANANSI Coroner De, Mandl ordered an in-Logrtion of the university's new eam priest to be hold at the police stavion. | sus grounds on Union street; between : an Tuesaday might, and on) Monda Albert and Alfred Constable Samuel Arnel went ont Fhe secretary of the athletic com or . 2 . . i . he all important idea in a garment is Sydenbum to serve the witnesses nittee says that the rink is not to TY J y on y 'Jars 3 a be merely for Queen's students. The s I: d | sn STY LE. ' No matter » hat else it may hingston Heard Protested tention ix to condwes it along pre Swiss aces an nsertions, have, if it lacks style, it 18 not wanted. = : ert lines for the public. only that a 2 } L. L. Henderson, general manager of | ogi . wr showing of 2 aH erson, general manager of | patter service will be. given, Arrange al ro Sr, rao oa aie Aer mete will alee le inde "with the Plauen Laces, many pretty new a : tub to retain its present tion that Francis King will also act streets. building Rpoa, tnd which will protest again The: athletic co a0 expects d the: diversion of | the waters: of shale Lian wool ornittes SPECI: to) €s1gns- rave enovigh ground on its new Union Michigna by the Chicago sanitary dix S : = = 4 y " CO dstreet. field for two compuses. one | ; ew pring Suis; heparin depen Bond BLEUE) sont a Torchon Laces and Ipsertions, re re H © he ronie Ra + : nt viver, It will be remembered vio of erecting stands an this ground that at the meeting of the Kingstor rhe + resent university. athletic | Including the wide widths, bourd of trade, bold on Mareh 29rd, - ARLE whe Dee EE Found will be retained for ' New Summer : wins he. matters, Se Hendy Te le be Novelty Laces for Trimming Wash Sits, : an Wit represent the interests of 1" wesent the committee has not ompany and Mr, King appenrs for | money to add the improvements the Boniinion Marine Association, these groiind which it plans Allover Laces, a complete range, from 50c Dr €SSES, To lepeat the Comers: | Sul Sone me te to $4.00 a vard. A meeting 'of the choir of Queen | the old campus on the grounds in stent Methodist church was held wb | front of the new arts building, ter the rice on Sunday evening o-------------- * to consider the request of Princes To Report on PEL Route. : rin oa atreel Methodist church, that it repeat Prof. A. 'K Kirkpatrick, of the . the Village Choir concert in Wil [School of Mining af Queen's Univer | vumsville in the near future. It wat lgity, who was appointed to enquire O Nn al aw On : lceided to put on the eonee roi the into the best route for the ferry ser \ : . . proceeds were evenle" divided. It js vice between Prince Edward Ishand Are distinguished from all other ready-to- a neg tent leper, - ihe: Maininnd, went; wan fad wear clothing hy their distinction in style, ™ 5 well. With Prof. Kirkpatrick was another | === - Another urekt advantage in ny king your - pled -------- het of the Sehaul of Mining teach Kelly is IIL selection heres is that stocks are exceedingly Hotel Promoter Here, ng Tals at re ekauder iacphail. Montreal, March 25.--Robert Kelly, | Vile Durand. Mick., negotiating with the large and varied. there being over LOO gar C. KE. Phoenix, of Bos'm, Mass, (tion in Prioee Edward Island to re- " if 4 > p he tart Quiver Grand Trunk for the settlement of dif- ments to select from besides You ay nothing Sh of the Promoters " the vex hotel, | bresenst the. Belfast division uf ferences, following the announcement % ' i arrived in the city, this afternoon, | Me. Macphail is ed route for the cap; : : : i of the cut in wages, has been taken extra for style amd is going over plans, ete. with|ital of his native province, to take" Architect Wiiham Newlands. © As far as [his seat, as the legislature will be ®¥ ideuly ill, aud a meeting which was held this afternoon, has ! can be learned, everythifig is progress. | opened in a few days. ro have been Pp ing nicely with the arrasgements, and m-------- {been called off. Kelly Tepresenty the : Suits $1 5 to 50 00 a ee ia tod iy, Am Short Chasen, {conductors and tenimmen: started. The graduates of the Kingston : » School of Mining have elected Dr. Sir John's va Home Sold. All the newest popular song«. Dut-| Adam Shorit to the position of gov-| tons. ernor of the institution 7 Ottawa, March 25.--Siadacons Hall, | We have just raceived for Spring trade Fg Tos averal years by the late , [Dresses $2.50 to $75. | ji WiimigiG MS =o | | Bo Hk ot Ten Bess ett Fastened at the top with one strap. . Fe Rev. F. J. Day, pastor of Zion Con- 3) bo 4 4 + MN Lk rer : A pins to have you inspect 10 WITHDRAW STUDENTS' RA grogutional durch, Momteonh hur se : Splendid Boots for wet weather, slush these goods, {tional charch, Toronto. and mud. ! The new pians for the Weiland on 'nal deepening will require $45,000,000 All sizes in | "Winnipeg, March The withdeawal and ~~ Principal Sparling of Westeyan bars : stock at 3. 00 an 3. 0 Po the railway of special rates for sine collige, mdignaatly denied the charges dents from the west attending eastera contained . in (Queen's university jowr % colleges ix greeted with approval by ml that the western universities had! western colleges ahd mniversitios Ed fenced the action of the railways} weationgfists say thi move will key, The Ceutting off of the sper "al Yates) ( seentorn students at Bode and fill, hokener, injure the west. in that) . , 1 RE C8 large part of the attend the of 1 chers and stu} il " ' WY ' i SRS IER Boni tatione frome west of the' dunt ministers wunually ssewred Troms {the anit fut the vomuer will naw have

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