Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Mar 1912, p. 2

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SPRING Your Inspection Invited. No obligations to buy. 7 - Mc ~. CARPETS Oarpets for Spring are * Jower in price, and , twice the variety RUGS are lower price with : colors. We ~ + have every- thing worth _buyiny. JPY sonceivatle shade to match larger ones. R. McFAULS Fo OUR CRYSTAL BRAN . FRENCH DRY CLEANING. 's +BY our French Dry Cleaning we can clean perfectly the most 'elaborately trimmed costumes' or cloaks without | ripping apart. R. PARKER & 00., @ Princess St. Kingston, Ont. ! L o D ! 4 ree Shnnaseenriens C0000 VVICOPVRONIN000000000000000000000 KAY'S 149 BROCK HOUSE FURNISHING SEASON IS COMING Better be a little ahead of the spring rush, We are making large sales of Furniture and Carpets to wise and early buyers, who are select- ing while the stocks are large. Yours, T. F. "HARRISON COMPANY "Phone 90. Th'anam an Dhia! This one short hour pays O Ireland! I bid you the Mrs. James Hamilton, King street, entertained at a delightful tea oa Wednesday afterncon to ansounce the engagement of her daughler, Miss Lenore Hamilton, to Mr. George Ketchan Graham, of Frankford. The preity little bridesto-be looked very smart in a dainty white marguisette gown, handsomely beaded in coral and white, and wore a corsage bou- quel of violets. She received the best | wishes of her many friends, with all the charm that hers, the wishes, however, were tempered with regret that she is so soon to leave King- ston. The drawing-room 'was effective. ly arranged with pink roses and violets. In the dining-room pink car- nations were used as a decoration on the tea table. Miss Madeline Higgins, poured tea and Miss Mamie Garrett poured cofffiee. Miss Mildred Jones served ice cream, and the girls as- sisting were : Misses Christine and Sylvia Cochrane, Miss Ielen Gordon, Miss Hilde Kent, Miss Nora Macnee, Miss Jean Dufi. The guests included: Misses Saunders, Misses Edith and Dorothy Goodwin, Miss Ada Petrie, Miss ' Gertrude Power, Miss Madge Dawson, Miss Phyllis Knight, Misses Mamie and Susan Anglin, Miss Flor- ence Macgillivray, Misses Marie and Dorothy Carruthers, Misses Lassie Kirkpatrick, Miss Bessie Smythe, Misses Bessie, Mabel and Eva Rich. ardson, Miss Amy Campbell, Miss Kate Craig, Miss Gladys Burton, Misses Marjorie and Gwenneth rick, Miss Florence Stewart, Miss- es Edith and Hilda Hague, Mrs, P. Gi. C. Campbell, Mrs. W. Bal- four Mudie, Mrs. Charles Kirkpatrick, Mrs. J. Farrand Pringle, Mrs. Harold Hughes, Mrs. W. IH. Craig, Miss Rey- nolds of Brockville, Miss Rose Hop- kins of Watertown, Miss Goldie Crans- ton of Arnprior, Mrs. Charles Low, Miss Frances Sullivan, Miss Marion Redden, Misses Annie Daley, Misses Aileen and May Rogers, Miss Doris Kent, Misses Mabel, Doro- thy and Marjorie Brownfield, Miss Lillian Kent, Miss Aileen Benson, Migs Starr, Miss Sibbald Hamilton, Misses Phyllis and Charlie Shortt, Misses Grace and Eva Martin, Miss Con- stance Cooke, Misses Edith, Elsie and Marjorie Pense, Miss Madge Crowe, Miss Lenora Sanderson, Miss Aileen Folger, Miss Dorothy Hooper, Miss Lillian Mundell, Misses Richmond, Miss Freda Burns, Miss Mabel Dalton, Miss Marion Lesslie, and Misses Hudon. - - - - is The usual weekly tea was given at the curling. rink on Wednesday after noon. The hostesses were Mrs. Hugh Macpherson, Mrs. James Higgins, Mrs. D. Phelan, Miss Carrie Waldron and Miss Bessie Smythe. Several tables of bridge were in play, but on account of the mild weather all the cutling games were postponed. The guests included Mrs. Dawson, Mrs. John Fairlie, Misses Fairlie, Mrs. R. EF. Kent, Mrs. Frank Strange, Mrs. H, Tandy, Mre. J, M. Campbell, Mrs. Francis H. Macnee, Mrs. Robert Fra- ser, Mrs. Richard Hooper, Mrs. Herb- ert Dawson, Mrs. H, R. Duff, Mrs. Henry Wade, Mrs. Campbell Strange, Mrs. A. W. Winnett, Mrs. Bernard Browne, Mrs. Charles Lowe, Mrs. Frederic Brownfield, Mrs. Vere Hoop er, Mrs. George Mahood, Mrs. W. H. Craig, Miss Mery Hora, Miss - Helen Fraser, Miss Ethel Waldron, Miss Ma- bel Dalton, Miss Agnes Richardson, Miss Lillian Mowat, Misses Daisy and Edith Ferguson, Miss Florence Cun- EE ---------------- Morning on the Irish Coast, By John Locke. But there it is-- The lawn on the hills of Ireland! God's angels lifting the night's black veil #rom the fair, sweet face of © Ireland, isn't it grand you look-- Like a bride in her rich adornin'! And with all the pent-up love of my I bid you the top of the mornin'! sireland! heart lavishly back other attractions scornin', Don't you hear me shout? top o' the mornin', ¥---------- "ET .| tained some of and Kathleen |} -- Lorraine Minnes, Miss Florence Wil liamson, Mise Ada Birch, Miss Marion Lesstie, Miss Nan Reynolds of Brock- ville, and Miss Edith Hague. - - - - entertained at a most enjoyable tea on Thursday aflernocn in honor of her two visitors, Miss Any Campbell Palo sear id dees, assisted by Miss Floren.u Cunningham, Miss Mamie Anglin, Misses Evy and Mabel Richardson. The guests included rs. PGC. Campbell, Mrs. Hansord, Hora; Mrs. Halloway Waddell, Mrs. Colville, Mrs. Patton of New York: Miss Aileen Rog- ers, Miss Agnes Richardson, Miss Su son Anglin, Miss Lenore Hamilton, Miss Mamie Garrett, Miss Irene Swift, Miss Pearl Oldrieve, Miss Phylis Shortt, Miss Marjorie Ponse, Miss Mil: dred Jones, Misses Mabel and Dorothy Brownfield, Miss Frances Sullivan, Miss Lillian Kent, Miss Flora Stow. art, of Harrowsmith; Miss Kate Craig, Miss Christine Cochrane, Miss Elsia Pense, Miss Kate Munn, Miss Minnie Gordon, Miss Agnes Browne, Miss Ma. rie Carruthers and Miss Hida Kent. - Mis: Agnes Richardson, University avenue, was hostess at a bright and interesting bridge on Thurs lav even- ing in honor of Mrs, J, F. of New York. Cards were played at three tables, The guests included Mr. and Mrs. Hallaway Waddell, Mr. and Mrs. Hansord Hora, Miss Mabel Pal ton, Miss Marion Redden, Miss Mann, Mr. J. M. Farrell and Mr. Arthur Dal. ton, Patten, Miss Wehster, daughter of Rev, John Webster, Johnson street, enter. the nurses of the o'clock tea on Friday. Among those present were the Nisses Willoughby, Koen: Brown, Black, Wallace, MeCallum, Dafoe, Mercer, Fairlie and Bailey, "lw A very delightful (¥nner on Thurs- day evening claimed as hostess Mrs Arthur Cunningham, On-gwa-na-da Fhe guests were Col. and Mrs. J. 1. V. Crowe, Col. and Mrs. I. F Kent, Major and Mrs. Vernon Eaton and Mdjor and Mrs - - - city at five Kay. - » The last tea of the season will be given by the Kingston Ladies' Curl ing Club on Wednesday afternoon, at the curling rink. The prizes for the season will be presented to the lucky winners, Miss Muriel King, Alice street, en- tertaitied 'informa ly 'on Friday even- ing, in honor of Miss Amy Campbell. » - - - The cadets of the Royal Military College held their annual cake walk for the recruits on Friday evening. - - » - Miss Webster, Johnston street, was hostess on Friday afternoon, at a de- lightful little tea. - - Miss Isabel Ross, Alfred strest, was hostess at the Reading Club on Thursday afternoon. The Reading Club" met * at Edith Ferguson's, Union ' street, Thursday afternoon. - - . Mrs. on Nr. Heyman, King street, entertain: ed a few friends at the tea hour on Friday afternoon. - - Mrs. J. Waddell, Parl street, is en- tertaining at tea in the early part of next week, »* Mrs. W. C. - MeNiel, . Albert street, will not receive again this season. . - . - WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 16, ! ningham, Miss Marion Redden, Miss} Mrs, J. S. Ham, of Napance, is in 1912, -- i Bl to tet cr gn eee ll Two Great Books at 45¢ § obi Alto, Calif, and Miss Ella Me-| Ginnes, of Belleville. Mrs A. B. Cun | mingham poured cofiee, and Miss Ford By Miss Nelly McClung Author of * Sowing Seeds in Dany THE TRAIL OF '98 By Robt. W. Service Author of ** Songs of a Sourdough " " 200 PRINCESS. Phone Orders Prompt! COLLEGE BOOK STORE OPEN NIGHTS. 'Phone 919, y Filled. Mail Orders, 10¢ Extra. Kingston, the guest of Mrs. Bellhouse, Mrs. Sidney Warner, Napanee, visiting her cousin, Miss Clark, University avenue, Mr. and Mrs. K. Uglow, Kingston, are spending a few days as guests of Er. and Mts. J. I. Na panee, Ww. 13 on Vrooman, of Col. and Mrs! V. Benson, King for some time, left home in St. Catharines. Mr. W. T. Ncl'es, of Montreal, spend' ng a few days in town. Mrs. Muleolm Sutherland, street, and Mrs. Mellis 1s been visiting left to-day for Ysomans for will go ¢n to Stratford, Mrs. R. J. McKelvey and little son, Master Rolert, Bagot street, returned cn Friday Irom Montreal, after spend ing the past several days with Mrs McKelvev's parents, Capt. Nrs Gilbert Johnson, on Friday is Karl Ferguson, who here for some time, Belleville to visit Miss a short time, and later and - . - . : Miss Illa Meclinnis, of Belleville, is spending the week-end in town, and is visiting Mrs. H. W. Richardson, King street. Miss Bessie Fowler, Brock street, re turned on Tuesday from (Mtawn, where she has been spending the past few months. Miss Florence Richardson, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. J. } Richmond, Union for a few weeks, expects to return to Clifton Springs on Monday. Miss Lulu Chapman, visiting friends in the «ity, has turned to her home in NJY. street, who has been re Rochester, Mr. and Mrs. Albert nounce the engagement ter, Mary Waddington James Campbell Spencerville, Ont. take place in April. (Continued on page 6.) MeMichael an- of their daugh- McMichael, to Byers, M.D., of The marriage will Y.M.CA. LADIES' AUXILIARY Addressed by the New Secretary, N. Meserve. The president, Mrs. 0. Chown, took charge of the meeting of the Y.M.C.A. Auxiliary, on Friday afternqgon. The attendance was rather shm, as the The Hat Store. MILLINERY OPENING NEXT WEEK. Watch for the Date WE ARE Andthis Spring's show- ing means any lady, gen- tleman, boy or girl, can easily be suited here You can save money by buying here, because we are direct im of all the Hate gr that we do not make our- # selves. : ic ed mn RIE day was stormy. C. N. Meserve, the new general secretary, spoke a few words. He expressed the wish that the work might not be interrupted now, but continue for the next six weeks, and that the ending might be imprest sive. The Monday night Bible class has increased in attendance of late and Mr. Meserve hoped the ladies might continue to cater for it as long as it lasts. Having just come from a wide-awake Y.M.C.A. in Buffalo, Mr. Meserve bids fair to bring some fresh features into the work here. After some discussion it was decided to hold the regular thankofiering meeting in April, and have a programme and serve a cup of tea, MRS. FLORA F. NEVE, b.C. Spinologist, Princess Street. The word chiropractic meaning to do by hand, ki-ro-prak-tik is the only sci ence, philosophy and art that has thoroughly tested and proven that (Ki-ro-praktik) pad at the openings where they emerge be tween the vertebrae (spinal bone), Chi ropractors do not treat effects. They remove the cause and nature cures the disease. Not medicine, not osteopathy. Call at office, 231 Princess street. Office hours : ¥ am. to 12 am, 2 pm. to 6 p.m. Driving 450 Miles. J. R. Hooper, a young man about twenty-five years of age, was in the city, on Friday, on his wayto Perry, N.Y. The young farmer is moving to New York state, and is driving from his former home at Strathcona, to Perry, a distance of 450 miles, with a team abd * cutter. lle Telt the city shout 230 Friday afternoon, and expected to spond the night in Water fown, N.Y. "Choice of roysity sweets." Gib- son's, Mre. James Pennock, who has been ill at her home on James street, was removed to the general hospital on hi Friday afternoon. HOW'S THIS We offer One Flundred Dollars Re- ward Tor 'any case 'Catarrh that Santot be cured by Hall's Catarrh re. F. J. CHENEY & CO. Toledo, O. We the undersigned bave known PF Believe in pertastly Nonsrabie | "on n business transact tons d nanciaily Abie = CArTY out any ga ons made a, Xoo + awn olesal O. Hat's Casi 'curs ak taken "hd > tf. pk En El | Miss Pens n, who has been visiting disease is caused by pressure on nerves not surgery, | @ his mative place, Ballymena, Antrim. S23. mara 2900900000000 00000000 "se PEARL RINGS We have some beau tiful Peanri Rines fo yvourselection at 13c a Yard 500 yards «cf extra. wide Silk Ribbons in the following popular shades: Pale Blue, Cardinal, Navy, Copenhagen, White, full 5 1-2 inches wide. reasonable prices. * One stone, 1 Liree sine, and Five stone rings 6f excellent workmanship. A a . SMITH BROS. 850 KING STREET, Jewelers. Opticians, Special To-night 15¢c a Yard 25 pairs of $1 Corsets, new mo- dels. in broken sizes, 25 to 30 only. Issuers of Marriage Licenses, S000 000DBIGPORDOI0ODI00000900006000 0090000000900 0000000¢ To Night to clear out at 69c a pair We sell Nobby Suits $10 and up. NEWMAN | & SHAW | THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. Highest Price Paid for all kinds of RAW FURS. W. F GOURDIER Real Estate is the basis of all wealth. Begin now to get wealthy. Here are some bargains $375~--Vietoria frame $V00--Lansdowne frame and $950 Victoria frame $975--Raglan Road, roug 81. 000--Ragian oad, ro $1,200--Division frame $1,550 Victoria frame, lot f S1,800-A|f 1 single $2,000--N¢ ing, lot 132 8$2,400---Queen } all improv 5 $2 Universit Avenue, all improvement $3,000 University Avent with improvemeats $3,500 University 'Avenue, all improvements, Complete list of bargaing at off The Real Estate Broker. "Phone 53% Corner Johnson and Division i Street Street, NE000000000000000046000 ® We Grind Our Own Lenses We Fit Eyes With Proper Glasses. There is only one glass, or lems, that you eyes require. Any other kind is apt to do them an injury We rately Street, Street, kind of en 750 fit each eye wnepa- by unerring test that reveal every deflect. Our knowledge of the human eye is sufficient fo insure that you receive the glasses that you need. Let Us Examine Your Eyes There is no charge for ad- | vice, and our charges for glasses are as small as the cost of the glasses and frames you require will permit. J. §. Asselstine D. 0. S. Registered Optometrist & Optician 342 King 8t. "Phone 1019 Kingston's Exclusive Optician, brick brick, Er ---------- TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO, Mrs, Carey, mother of Rev. Pather Carey, of Brockville, died suddenly, James Redden elected president of the Mechanics' Insitute. A leading Kingston doctor says: "Fhe bath tubs cause more sickness and death than sewer gas. Ones in three weeks is often enough for oo bath." The freight business on the K. & 1. SR. improving. ayor Carson comtributes the Salvation Army, The penitentiary "authorities arrang- ing to have all convicts Photograph od on eutering and leaving the pry 25 to BN "H Stratford received & pair of wen Noh Bismia. and his ov, eo Kingston Laundy Y, returned from Ireland. He and Sydenham Sroets. Phone 22.

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