L% # HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1912. A LOG FLOATS WITH THE CURRENT Would you' rather be the log-- inert, powesless, without will, without purpose, or THE CURRENT swift-flowing, vigorous --the pulse of life urging constantly onward? ; L ABATT'S VITALITY OR INERTIA HEALTH OR DISEASE Health gives one the spirit of the current. Your duty to your family ~to yourself, is to keep nerves nourished, blood pure, muscles strong. Scott 'S Emulsion is like sea-air -- bracing, in- vigorating, giving out tonic- life and health. ALL DRUGGISTS LONDON LAGER INDIA PALE AND EXTRA STOCK ALES, XXX STOUT Sranparp Brveraces - 3 in the flour means quality in the bread and the pastry Without quality behind your efforts, no knowledge or skill can bring good results, Better be without the skill than without the quality. "BEAVER" FLOUR -- Ca aE - ed WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS TELL US, ° The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Onptario--What People Are Doing and What They Are Beving, At Bicknell's Corner. Bicknell"s Corfiers, March 12.--Sev- eral from here attended the sale at the late Hugh Baul's on Friday af ternoon, at Camden East. James Se well lost a valaable cow lasé week. A. Alkenbrack has been through buy- ing hogs. The price has advanced lately to $7.35 a ent, Percy Wilson had a bee drawing wood from Fet- worth. Miss Olive Emberley re- turned home after spending a few days at Yarker. Wesley Simmons is home and has been ill with preumon- hia. Dr. Beeman is in attendance. At Marysville, Tyendinaga. Marysville, Tyendinaga, March 12.-- Frank Milling slipped away quietly last week and brought home a bride. J. Fahey and daughter, Anna, have gone on a few weeks' visit with friends at Brewer's Mills and Elgin, Mack Haggerty of Brighton, spent last week with his father, Hugh Haggerty. Mrs. Lizzie Sheehan, of West Brook, is vis iting her sister, Mrs. J. C. Meagher, V. Traynor aud sister, spefit Saturday in Napanee. A family in this vicinity have been quarantined for a disease suposed to be small pox. Notes From Forest. Forest, March 14.-'The snow has set- tled so the farmers can start teaming again. They report their work away behind. The cheese meeting on Satur- day passed off quietly. The proprietor Mr. Gonu, is packing his ice this week. Mr. Loyst, Ernesttown, is buying and pressing hay. School is i progressing favorably upder the man- fagement of Miss Mabel Harrigan. C. A. (Connor and H. Clark are hauling i timber to Stone house lake for the C. {N.R. Miss Fstella Moreland spent the week-end with her parents. H. Pat { terson spent Sunday at 0. Kelly's. Locals From Leland. ! Leland, March 12.--The recent thaw has somewhat improved the roads, but the snow is very deep vet. A wee girl has come to brighten the home of J. Stewart; also a boy at 8. Acker- man's. Rev, Mr. Hammons and wife, of Inverary, visited at Leslie Ran- dall's last week. R. J. PFergusom, of the lead smelting works, is expected bere soon to reside. J. Cumpson and J. Young are hauling logs at Batter sea. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. E. John- son, Mr. and Mrs. J. Young, at S. Dickinson's; Miss Mabel and Manford Buck and Miss dna Dickinson spent Sunday at Maple Leaf; Mr. and Mrs, Babcock, Perth Road, at R. Fergu- son's; Frank Kellar, at Chafiey's Locks, : 3 Wafts From Wilton. _ Wilton, March 12.--~Great sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Snider in the loss of their little son, Garnet, about ten years old. He had a vio Dufferin, 'A pie social was held at D. Stratton's last Wednesday night, A considerablé sum was realized in aid of Wesley church. V, Redmond is vis iting in Glenburmie. Mr. and Mrs. G. Franklin, Kingston, spent a few days last week, the guests of C. Cowan: DEATHS AT LONG POINT. Mrs. Ira Bevins Passed Away Very Suddenly. Long Point, March 12.--The people of this neighborhood were shocked to hear of the sudden death of Mis. Ira Bevins on Sunday, March 3rd. Al though a women of seventy-lour years she was remarkably smart and had done all 'of her morning's work, and about mine o'clock was taken with some pains in the stomach and a doe- tor was called, but to no avail. She died before twelve o'clock. She, with ber hushand, who have been married about fifty-three years, lived the most of their married life here and were very much esteemed and respected. She leaves an aged husband and sev- en children, three sons and four daugh- ters, all married, with the exception of one son, Joseph, who lived at home. She also leaves several grandchildren and great-grapdchildren. The funeral took place at the Olivet church, the services being conducted by Rev. Me. Curtis, Seeley's Bay, after which the remains were placed in the vault at Sceley's Bay. Another aged resident died quite suddenly early on Saturday morning, in the rson of Edward Bryan, who was only ill for a few hours, al though he had been in failing health for some time. He was seventy-five years of age and had always been a resident here, and was never married. He leaves an 'aged . sister, who kop house for him, and two nephews, Ja cob and Thomas Bryan, and twe neices, Mrs. L. Murphy, of Potsdam, N.Y., and Mrs. 8. N. Chipman, of Ot- tawa. His funeral took place on Sun- day afternoon, to the Anglican church, Lyndhurst, the services being perform- ed by Rev, ux Smith. : Miss L. J. Chapman is quite poorly. Miss Ellen Connor, who has been = sufferer from sciatica for some time, is slowly recovering. Mrs. M. J. Cav- anagh, who has been visiting friends for the past ten days, returned to her home at Charleston yesterday. Mr. Cavanagh came down for her on Sun- day. They were accompanied home by their cousin, Miss Madeline ('Connor, who intends to visit friends there and at Athens and other places for a week or two. Miss M. O'Connor and Mrs. (Cavanagh spent' Friday and Saturday of last week visiting friends in Gana- noque. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slack went to Toledo, yesterday, to attend the funeral of a young friend, who is being buried Thursday from John Fen- lon's. Rev. Father Kehoe, of Gahanoque, celebrated mass at Arthur Slack's, on Thursday of last week. Quite a num- her of people attended. Dr. F. J. O'Connor accompanied him out. Dr. A. B. Chapman and wife, of Reston, Man., are visiting at his old home and other places. Mrs. Edmund Henry ig very ill. Miss Sarah A. Bryan is also ill. Miss Pauline Slack does not improve as her friends would wish her to. The sawing machine is busy in this neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Sykes and little son are back to their home, having spent the winter visiting friends at different points. TTT oy ] g As a token of appreciation of your patropage--you_ of Canada who smoke "Black Cat" Cigarettes--we want to give you a cigarette case of rare value. This case is British made, and js perhaps the handsomest souvenir. of the coronation -| ever offered. imblazoned and inset on each, in colours, are the portraits of their majesties, King George and Queen Mary. Qver 100,000 of these cases have been given to our smokers in England. One is yours in exchange for 50 coupons of "Black Cat"' Cigarettes. The coupons are asked for only as proof that you are a smoker of this famous brand CARRERAS & MARCIANUS OF CANADA, Limited Medium Get This Beautiful Cigarette Case ree --the highest class Virginia cigarette made. You couldn't get a better cigarette than the 'Black Cat" at any price. You couldn't buy a more exquisite or more lasting souvenir of the coronation than the "Black Cat" gift-cigarette-case. And remember: Both the cigarettes and the case are produes of British labor--and financed by British capital. "Carreras" is England's foremost tobacco concern. The "Black' Cat" Cigarette is one of their products--and the cigarette case is their gift. Here is no foreign concern masquerading under a British name, with intent to deceive. When purchasing 'Black Cat" Cigarettes, please see that the sealing band around each packet is unbroken. In every packet you will find one Coronetion Cigarette Case Coupon. Save these, and when you have accumulated 50, mail them to the address below. Your cigarette case will reach you by return post. Address: 853 St Lawrence Boulevard, Montreai Q:e. "Black Cat Cigarettes--10 for 10 Cents mua EEE "y lent and very sudden attack of appen- dicitis, was taken to Kingston general hospital in Sunday, but died Monday night. The funeral will be held in th ra Methodist church here on Thursda - Several People Injured by Severe one o'clock, Mrs. Thomas Mills is Falls. still very low. Miss Pearl Switzer is| Yarker, March 12.--Mrs. James War- recovering from a severe attack of|ner had the misfortune to slip on grippe. Mr, denzies, a final-year stu-|some ice that had formed on a ce dent of Queen's, ched in the Pres- [ment floor of the woodshed and has byterian church last Sunday evening. |been confined to her home for some William Walker and Harvey Mills are|time. . both on the sick list, but are recover] S. Winter walked into an open trap ing. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Amey, As-|door leading into the cellar. In the BEAVER FLOUR means stine, are visiting at L. H. Perry's. {fall he fell against a box, breaking economy as well as efficiency. / TH out of a sibs "Ask your grocer for it to-day. : | elo ra. John Wright, Sr., met with ys oe Ton Silks " £ faa ] Budget From Zealand. the same misfortune in going into the DEALERS Fyita foe pricse on i Zealand, March 12.--Quite a number|pontry while dark. The cellar door Coarse of farmers are drawing pulpwood to being open she fell and was laid up Maberly Station. Several attended for a week. the sale at E. Warren's, Oso. A num-| Your spans for the new bridge are ber intend taking in the sale at George |noW here. are three more yet White's in Bathurst. Mrs. M. A. |'0 arrive, when all will be placed in Wardrobe, accompanied by her niece, |POSition by a powerful steam derrick. "| Miss Jessie Garrett, has returned to| ied are now arriving for this part of her home at Westport. Miss A. A. the work. The trestle work is near: Weisner has returned to Carthage, ly done, as they bave heen working N.Y. 'Mins Myrtle Bourk spent a few]o" it all winter. The C.N.R. has not days with her aunt, Mrs. J. A. Con- taken over the B, of Q. to operate it, boy. Mr. and Mrs. Chapman, of To- oy will not likely for some time ronto, are visiting at R. McVeigh's. | YS. a : Mrs. James REA and NeVoigns. The special services held in the Me- Miss Emeline, who were very ill. are thodist church here for the past few pr id ee ~ i i" ; recovering. Mr. Moyer, of Toronto, Un rivalled in its delicious fresh ih officiated in the Zealand Methodist ness and clean, cool taste. Un- J Khisrch on Sunday. Nisitors : Miss M. THEY WANT THEM en : G25 M. Bourk, J. MeDopell, Gwenie M equalled in its results--pure, white teeth SER Donell and E. Adams, at T. Garrett's, \ IN ENGLAND weeks, came to a close last Friday. It is the intention to bold one re GROWING DEMAND FOR GIN PILLS |yival service every Wedaesday night CocHRANE, ONT., DRC. 17th, 1910 in the church. you please let me know if The Misses Sills, of Sydenham, have PILLS are on sale in moved to Yarker, and will open u Hoglaud. "aud if a millinery department here. » : who It was Sunday in Len- is the development of blended wheats, embracing the rich en properties of Manitoba Spring wheat and the carboliydrates of Ontario Fall wheat, which make delicate, white, light bread and pastry. Remember, it is for bread and pastry, both, With BEAVER FLOUR in the house, you only need one kind to attain the best results in every form of baking. ACCIDENTS AT YARKER. To help the tender skin of an infant is the Baby's Own Soap standard. For four generations, it has won unstinted praise and today Baby's Own is the recognized leader for nursery and toilet. Its pure, creamy, fragrant lather softens and heals, and its daily use is a renewed hy delight. I¥'s Best for Baby and Best for You. Sold almost everywhere-- but insist on Baby's Own. ALBERT SOAPS, LIMITED, Mirs., « « MONTREAL ~~ .. AAA Tbe tnt presnssrappsent ¥ Keelerville Tidings. Keelerville, March 12.~Thomas|, Moore's sale, on Friday last, was well ' , are taking quite There is 's choir in the Sab- avd oe r ve Ringer, a organist, . E. Vanluven, as leader and trainer Mellroy and his i il An pa . 188 i - Ang! _ C. N. R. surveyots ike making arker their headquarters r the pre st, Sen dollars 4. cord is being P Gideon. Joyner, leaves hers fof Wilson's Invalids' Port with the Medical His position in ihe factory Profession, market several attempts at imitation of rial Sins Package of Sasitol Tooth Powder or Pate, Face Oil Liquid Shampoo sent free on receipt of your dealer's name wd and 4 cents to pay postage and packing for each * sample~or any 3 mailed in an attractive box om receipt of 10 cents in stamps. svi "Manafactarers in Canada of high clam tooth and toile seepations exclusieely. | . i Af : I