Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Mar 1912, p. 3

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Lots in Bow Island, Transcona and Nokomis for sale. Full information will be furnished | and orders taken hy J.0. Hurrox, Rmanrket tans NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matier of the Estate of SARAM DOWNENG, Inte of the City of Kings ton, In the County of Frouteanc, Widow, Deceased. v---------- NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, PIII- #pant to "The Statutes of Ontario. 1911, Chapter 26, that all creditors and | others having claims against the estute of the sald Sarah Downing, who died on or about the y of Jang ' 1912, day prepatd donnell YE POWDER sessessetetesstsseees NEW SKOE REPAIRING BUSINESS ROBERT PAYNTER has taken $ ov ror the business of the late vis at the old stand, 269 ih RING ESS STREET. All kinds ot Shoe Repairing pramptiy done » » All avork gusranteed, 3 FIGIRIPEIGEIINY 12, 10 send by or deliver, to Messrs. & Farrell, 3% Clarence Bireet, Kingston, SBolleitors for the Executor of the last will ahd testament of the sald Qeceased, thelr Christiag and surnames resses and descriptions, the full PRrtic ulars of their claims, the ttate. men: of thelr accounts and the nature of the securities, if any. held by them And further take notice, that after such last-mentioned date the sal Executor with procesil to distribute ad assets of deceased among 10 parties nth ted ther ving regard to the Plaims only hich he shall then have notice and hat the sald Executor will not be lable for the Assets or any part thereof to any per-} son or persons of whose claims uoilce shall not have been received by him at the timp of such distribution Dated at Kingwton the 21 February, AD 1912 MACDONNEBLL & FARRELL, Solicitors for Executer ! of 8 of day pred, ih Dax Memiene Os. Tonvuns. bur 6 Gormerly Wi Thomas Copley * « PHONE. 98 a card to 19 Plos Street wa, wanting anything done in the Car ter line. Estimates given on all kin ie of repairs wo yi Will greatly the Whig by handing oblige and rk Ds Hardwood Floors of all Kinds. orders will receive prompt attention Shop 49 Queen oot P RADIUM TO RID THE WORLD OF BALDNESS Falling Hair, Dandraff and All Other Hair aod Seatp Trouble. in the day previous all advertising copy intended for insertion on FRIDAY SATURDAY. or MME, Hundreds of with Baldness, Dandruff, Phin Halr or Premature Grayness, who have read o the discovery of Radium by Mme. Curis the wonderfiill woman scientist, and of its later use in the healing of diseaxe, will be interested in recent sclentific chemical experiments, seeming to prove beyond quest that): its remarkable radio-active rgy cap be used to equal ady antage in quickly producing a growth of new, healthy hair on { the baldest head anc fa restoring natural color to gray faded hair Some time ago a French Physician phar ng A prescriptoni for a elinie 'aris for the treatment of Bealp Sores, Dandruff and lKezema added considers ably more n was his custom of an ingredient «d Pitchblende This prescription d not only wonder fully effective for the * Intend- od. but greatly to the s self Ny fetlow-physicians, it started a y growth of hair Whe B applied ldheaded men with Eczema and Sealy Scalp and people with Dand- ruff tried this pew drug aud found not only the Dandruff gone and Scalp Sores quickly healed, but Hh in from ten a thirty days' time nad produced mokl marvelous ATA ol new al even in spots where hall roofs were thought to be dead. This rewait greatly physicians, until recently, ties of Hadinm itself were discovered in the Pitchbiende that had been used. This unuestionably explained the whole thing. Judged by results it would seem that this Piichblende charged with pure Radium, bad communicated its awn wonderful radio-active energy to the whole treatment for healing the scalps, banishing dandruff, vitalizing the dying hair roots, invigorating the color saca and stimulating the follicles #a that hair might grow with marvel. ous rapidity Pure Pitchblende, like Radium, is far ton powerful in its natural state 'o apply to the human scalp, but the pro- per amount as determined by the Paris physician in his clinical work was at fast combined in a prescription wth other Ingrediefits especially designed to refine its own radio-activity to the sealp's needs. The compound ved in ig prescription 18 kwown to physic ans and druggists b¥ the technical name of Lavona de Composee. It i not expensive, and a very little of 't will go a long way, two ez. obtainajle at any good drug store being sut¥rrent to make a very convineing test. Pour one ozg of the Lavona de Composee in- to § ox. of ordinary Bay Rum and then add one-half drachm of Menthol ilrystais After allowing to stand over night add the remaining oz of Lavona de Composee when it is ready for use, Apply liberally night and morning, rubbing briskly into the scalp with the finger tips Mme. Curie"s amazing tests with radio active rays would, from the above, rove conclusively that Radium - itself must have a specific action en the hair follicles, as well as possessing properties for healing sores on the scalp or ether paris of the body. Investigation prescription has been very filled by all the prominent central eity druggists, one in verifying the above caution that because tendency to grow hair wherever ap- pHed, lady users shouid be careful not to ryb on the face or where hair is net FEBRUARY FURNITURE SALE You can save by buying this month. your goods until required. &* CURIE'S AMAZING TESTS, our readers afflicted Aidit bY Puzzled the when gquanti- COMPARE OUR FENCE PRIOES WITH Any manufacture, tind they are nol Made of all No, ized Freel Wire, wires, 48 in, high, 25¢c Rod, wires, 48 in, high, 28c Rod. wires, 48 in. high, 30¢ Rod. Wires, 49 in, regular 30c¢ Rod. Take it home with you now when the sleighing Is good and gave extra handling. Sold only by W. A. MITCHELL, Hardware 85 Princess Street. and you will ia it this vear, 9 Heavy Galvan. STOREKEEPERS ATTENTION Increase your profits, save systemize your business and remove nll tempintions from your clerks hy using a National Cash Reginter. "Phone or eal! at our warerooms and we will de- monstrate the National Cash Register, 3 W. J. MOORE & SON Agents for Cadiline, Hudson & McLaughlin + Meter Cars, time, the above frequently and other, of whom, adds the proves that money A Combination of Fine Diamoxps and Prarixvn even | in} of lts-remarkablo] We store! Special this week at $2.00, $2.50, 5 5 Brast Bedoworth $60.00. for $48.00 Brass Bed, worth $45.00, for $32.00 Bras Bed, worth $30.00, for $23 i; AD fhe, 2.1, Posta, at $12, $13 -- x * THE DAIL ¥ BRITISH WHIG, THURSDA G00R ALWAYS OPEN) CNMmSEMENTS) (AN X OPERA J WOUSE ) TO-NIGHT, FRI, SAT, MARCH 7, 8, 9, EVENINGS AT S435, Grand Matinee Saturday at 2.30. Daughters of the Empire, Spectacuiar Ex- AT THE POLICE ¥ STATION FOR THE UNFORTUNATE. Hecord Shows That Close to Five Hundred Given Shelter at Police Station During Year--Means of Saving Many a Man Freezing tw Death, Kingston has no "shelter," but the { police station serves us one, accord- wg to the repori of the police depart- ment, for the past year, as it is shown by the report, that during the year, four hundred and seventy-six people were given shelter in the sta- Lion. It may be safely said that the door of ithe police station, is always open for the stranger, within our gates, the unfortunate in hard luck, and the lost, besides taking care of those who Vhave violated the law and are taken to the station, mot of their own ac- cord, but by the stiff arm of the law, So Kingston forced to go " Mepe Leonard's travagansa, Land of Gollen Dreams a. Numbers. 30 PRICE 5 30, 5 Seats now oun Sal COVERED RINK. HOCKEY MATCH CHAMPIONSHIP GAME, McMASTER vs. RM. C. Friday, March 8th Game called at § pm. Admission, Reserved seats 20¢ extra, Plan opens on Mareh Sth, has those who to the police station, and those who go, in order 40 have a place to stay. It is remarkable that out of the large number who were given shelter, there was only one i woman. 'The rest were all men, and each had his own story. of bard luck. Ope night, no less than fifteen men were given shelter in the police sta- tion. some men have come two, are at 10 am, COMING SOON The day WHER everyome Y, MARCH 7, 1912 CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES nt First insertion lc a word, Each con- secutive Insertion thereafter half cent m word, Minimum charge for one insertion, Ie; ree Sbey six, $1; one month, $3, HELP WANTED, AN EXPERIENCED STENOGR APHER, hig Apply, Box 3, Wh FARM HELP, ONE OR TWO Rann men, at once, for farm, Apply, Dr Black, Kingston, SALESMAN FOR CURTAIN DEPART. ment: knowledge of carpets pre. ferred, McFaul AT ONCE, LADY STENOGRAPHER: must have good references, Apply at office No. 3, Ontario Chambers, EXPERIENCED HOUSEMAID; goon references. Apply to Mrs. Carson, 72 Barrie "Street. three and four nights for lodging. For the most part, the men seeking shelter at the police station are price ! men "on the tramp' '~-that is, men who are on. their way to Toronto, | Moutreal, or intermediate points. They are very seldom men who have come to Kingston to get work, although, at times, an odd moan who has come to the city get work drifts into the police station I'rue, the police station does provide a great deal of comfort. are no feather beds and but instead, there is and if one is fortunate overcoat, he bill for pillow the +h DE JONG'S GLORIA COCOA All first-class grocers sell it. Ww. G CRAIG & CO., Ltd. Whoelessnie Agents, Woel's rh to -- not Ihere a grate fire, a hard bench, to have a cap can these cover saying goes, 'beggars must choose," and the poor un- fortunates ave very glad to get this much. One thing sure, the police sta- makes pow Veins. 8 ING Brain or, use or Ele as pan: Medicine ©. rd make and and an fill the But in ous pendency Sem Vv and bres an as uot nd st for § Bold by £3 On Race) of OLD ab LABORERS WANTED, Kingston lee Co, Apply corner King Street West and University Avenue or corner King and Colling- wood Streets BY THE INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corcesponding for Newspapers; no _eanvassing, Send for particulars, Press Syn cate, 3.969% Lockport, NY COUNTRY le Seotch, DOMESTICS CAP English and Irish maids; parties arriving twice a month Apply, now, The Guild, 71 Drummond Street Montreal; Pembroke Street, Toronto; and Bank Street, Ottawa, 47 27 2 A FURNITURE FINISHER. tion corridor, where the men are al- lowed to stay, is always kept warm, and this is some comfort, ou a night like many this winter, when the ther momete as been all the way from , {ewght to enty-eight below zero. STADIUM RINK CARNIVAL, Those Who Won Prizes at Wednes- day Evening's Event. The carnival at the Stadium rink on ANTIQUE FURNITURE A SPECIALTY, sbonizing and gilding, enamellln and all colors of mission work; & work given best attention. Fat Driscoll, bey John Btreet. Call = | Many have been saved from freezing to deatn through the fact that the ' police station is thrown open for their benefit, These men who knock around the world, know that they can always get into the stations, and take advantage of it. Wednesday evening was fairly well at (tended. The ice was in perfect condi tion and the band furnished excellent music. A large number were in cos- tume.- After those present had skated for some time the prizes were awarded to the winners. The gentlemen's prize for the bust skater went to Joseph Cullen, the prize being a pair of gold cuff links. The first prize for the best lady skater went to Miss Irene Atwood . who received a set of silver collay According to the stories going the 'ping. The gentleman's first prize for rounds, Patrick O'Brien, the a Albert ate" man, who was brought { Campbell, as a clown, who received a irom London, the other day, RO fountain pen. The prize for the best sentence of twenty years for high- {1,407 costume was won by Miss Sarah { | | they DID NOT INTEND TO SHOOT. | Story Told by Twenty-year Prisoner; to the Police, iaper- A desper- | (he best costume 'was won by down n UPHOLSTERER. WwW. J. GAVIN UPHOLSTERING, RE. palring an rpet work, hair mat. tress renovating. Drop a card or call 216 Bagot Street. LEGAL. CUNNINGHA ers and Boll Clarence Street, M & MUDIE, BAKRIST- citors. Law Office, 71 Kingston. i : 2 j way fobbery, and shooting, with ini | Lennan, who also received a fountain ttent, relieved himself of many fairy pen tales to the police. In one story, he is said to have ex- plained that he did not intend to shoot the woman he robbed, but that the trigger of his pistol caught in his overcoat, and caused the weapon to explode. He farther explained that his act. ions were caused from a long spree. He was in a stupor after being drunk for many days. A FIREMAN'S PERIL. How Zam-Buk Delivered Him. At 215 Fraser avenue, Edmonton, Alta., lives W. P. Mahy, a former member of the local fire hngade, who has wonderful cause to be thankful for the curative powers of Zmm-Buk. | He says: ?'A serious skin disease broke out on my face, and spread un- til 1 was in a terrible state. Th spots and little ulcers were frightful- iv irritating, and yet when scratched or rubbed they bled and smarted. Shaving caused me agony, and some- times | would have to go two weeks without a shave. 1 tried home-made remedigs, herb salves and various oth- | Ice Houses Nearly Full. The loeal ice houses are neally full The men have never in their experi ence had sueh a fine winter lor get. ting in ice. 'There has been no soft weather to bother them In other wears the men have to contend with water on the ice. 7 ARCHITECTS. RY P, SMITH, ARCHITECT, ETC, bt King Street, "Phone 34. f People' S POPE » » > > > » revo vSvesen STO IIVITIIT INI ITIRT III Re FOR SALE. LOST. te XxX Pa FOOT MIRROR, COST san, ood as new, far $39, at 5 hone 705, AS SHEER Turk's. DOG, rfougt ay King Sir COLOR STEE GRAY: Foi mR REY S oN A ane . BETWEEN Th and Istar Steamboat umber yard FORD, MODEL *"T." MOTOR CAR, AP. ply. office of J. McDonald Mowat, Clarence Street. Retu urn 1o A FIRST-CLASS 8 HP, Hine Engine good reas quick buyer tress Co, LHC. GASO- 4 good running order, for selling. snap fori Apply, Kingston Mat ~ bas Princess Street CANA RIES. CANARIES, GERMAN 4 CANARIES, « ANOTHER Shipment of those beautiful song birds just received; come in and hear them; each bird a gusrantesd ohgster, Driver. 'Phone A DESIR \nLE HOME, No. ae NELSON Street; all moder convenle: good garder all Kinds of {ruil T . Lockhart, Ontario Chambers, arence Street Cl HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS, FLAGS, AWNINGS, TENTS, CANOES, camping, outfits, fishing tackle, marine supplies, lunch baske inglish raincoats, everything canvas, Kit bags, silk tents, Spray hoods, motor boat supplies. Cooke, 'Phone 891 or 23. BRUNSWICK MOTEL, ONTARIO ST. opposite GTR. station, one block frem CPR; on street car line: bar supplied with best and liquors, charges, §1 clal rates by the week. Cousineau, Prop. Frank Ww. 59 Ontario » FOR QUICK SALE I OFFER substantial block known TRAY change Bulldin and Premises, Brock Street, which will be sube ect to all tenants, leases, ote, J, Strange will give you full rental Hat, and $12.000 will buy same if taken ai once. Address. Geo. CHET, Estate Broker, Edmonton. Alta. THE GRIMASON Princess Street the best of Liguors and Cigars. HOTEL, 342.344 Bar stocked with Ales, Beers, Wines choicest brands of eals, 25¢ each, or special rates by the week ard and stable accommodation Rates reasonable. Mulvilie & Driscoll, $1,700-224 RAGLAN ROAD, 7 ROOMS, furnace, electri light $25,500--230 AND 232, RAGLAN ROAD. BESO" ARM, NEAR WESTBROSK, GROCERY BUSINESS IN CITY; GOOD paying trade being done BATEMAN & GARDINER, 67, ence bSlreel, Uny BUSINESS CHANCES. ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN START a mail order business a. home; no canvassing: be your own boss: Bend for free booklet; tells how Heacock, 2.969, Loekport N.Y : CLAR- FINANCE AND INSURANCE, 70 LET. INSURANCE. T % OON, Agent, 15% Wellington St. Life Accident and Health Policies issued DWELLINGS, FURNISHED AND UN. furnished, Stores, etc. McCann, 51 Brock bireel BATEMAN « Life, celdent, toms Broker; Money to Loa a business solicited Street. Kingston GARDINHR.--FIRD, Insurance d Cus- ¥ and your Clarence J0é Isr 1s A FROM MAY, 1012 DWELLING 1 N ALL : n » "Thomas Mille "Phone OFFICE ON present oe- American Ap ply te Le. Brock Btiree FROM IST MAY, THAT Wellington Street t cupied by the rih Smelting Co, Limited Livingston & Bro, KK. CARROLL, Street--Fire, Life, Health ran Fmployers Boat Insuran Real Estate Calgary, 14 MARKET Acc 1d {dent ce, FOR FURNITL RE, CLEAN, dry, alry rooms, abosiutely moss proof your own lock and key Winnipeg, STORAC Moose Jaw, etc rost's Clty Storage, 299% Queen St. 'Phone 626Db, AND estal Richard Cart INV EST. hed 1863 FRONTENAC LOAN ciet is DENTAL, "purshased interest ui- Managing A. E, KNAPP, BA, LDS, D.D.S, RE. moved to 308 Princess Street LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND Fire Insurance Company. Available assets, $61,187.21 In addition which the policyholders have security the unlimited HMHability all the stock-holders Farm and city property insured at lowest possible rates, Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents 'Phone 325. GLOBE SPARKS AND 1-2 SPARKS, Princess Street, Pp Bons 6 DENTISTS, Kingston. tor of IR, C, C. NASH, DENTIST: DR, C, WN, Weicker, assistant, 133 Princess BL 'Phone 7°% 8. A. AYKROYD, DDS, LDS, ARTHUR ELLIS, University Avenue. 10 ARCHITECT, 181 Telephone . NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI. a aD ete. Offices, 258 'Bagot st 'Phone 608 y SON, ARCHITECTS, MER- POWER & Sunk Buildings, corner Brock and Wellington treets, drop a © er prepatations, but the sores got better. When Zam-Buk was men- j iomed [I had little faith that it Kingston doctors will advance their | would be able to do me any good, Why Should It? Tevonto Telegram - no 80, story THE HOME RULE BILL fees, owing to the increased cost of | My case seemed such an obstinate living. But why should the cost of] fone, 1 gave it a fair teial, however, living make the cost of dying dearer *! and the first box made such a won- A -------- derful change for the better that it George Boyd was the cabmaun who [gave me encouragement to continue. looked after John (YConnor, the | 1 did and to cut a long voung Montreal man, whose feet and short, Zam-Buk, in the end, quite cur- hands were frozen when he was taken [vd me, y face i# now clear of all off a GIR. train on which he was traces of the terrible disease, which "beating" bis way troubled me for so long Kipp's hair tonic reduced He. oi) Thousands of safferers from eczema, son's, { blood poison, ulcers, chronic sores, The country roads in some places | piles, ringworm, cold sores, cuts, are ii very good shape. Both roads burns and skin injuries, have been re- to Kingston Mills are very good, al {lieved and cured, ax was Mr. though there are fewer pitch holes on) Mahy, by Zam-Buk. As a balm for the Montreal sireet road. lall skin idjurics and diseases it is "Kipp's hair tonie, regular 73c., without equal. All druggists and now Ble, "Gibson's." stores at 80c. box, or post free from Richmond, Va., city and county ; Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price. Re schools were closed here, Wednesday, fuse harmful substitudes. { because of snow which was seven in- | ches deep. Bargains for smokers, "Gibson's." Capt. Robert Fraser and wife, West street, have returned from week's stay-at New York, of a Introduced Beforn Easter. London, Eng., Match 7.-In the commons, to-day. Premier Asquith said the exigencies of public business | did not allow for the home rule bill to be introduced before Easter. Sir i}. Lonsdale asked, amid loud cheers, {whether the premier had arrived at {that opimion after the South Man- {chester election. No answer was given, ' Will Not be Cigar bargains. "Gibgon's." Sale 3-inch silk ribbon, le; S¢.: elastic belts, 20c. Dutton's. The (Mtawn general ministerial sociation on Monday passed a reso. Jutim congratulating Judge Char bonneau on his decision in the Hebert case. Potatoes from Ireland. J. Crawiord $1 motor veils, S0¢.: flannel- lette night dresses, .Dutton's. The ers have been notified by the that in futare . the Dards. nelle will be closed to ali navigs- tion at night. Clearing sale of sweaters and avia- tor caps. Dutton's Rrtatoss from Treland. J. Crawford, A poultry dealer $n New York was, on Tuektiay, seniénced to ten days imprisofiment and fined $150 for sell- bibs, as OSTEOPATHY. "ARALTH WITHOUT DRUGS.""-R. a roft, 204 138 Wellington Bt, Alhe Post Office; chromic isons Hr b Osteopathic methods and Electrical Vibration; treatments by appointment. 'Phone DPRESSMAKING. INSTRUCTIONS IN CUTTING ny mE A sure, designing trimming evening classes a specialty, Mme, Elder's, 253 Princess sirec at I= FOR SALE. 1. Several large, commodious modern residences in delight: tul locations at right prices. 2. A number of moderate sized brick residences in good locations; all modern conveni- ences. ' 3. Some of the best located pbuilding lots in the city, cop- venient to car line, at bargain prices. 4. A number residences to rent, unfurnished. High-grade Bo yielding large re prices. Money to Loan. For particulars call at office. HOWARD 8. FOLGER Investment Broker, 44 CLARENCE STREET. "Phone 995. of attractive furnished and nds and Stocks turns at right fuil Birihs on Wolfe Island. Island, Mareh 7. The charpions of will have to plas local th Wolle hockey team ate southern group snd Sydenham for the The w are eophdent of winming aiid likely will bring the 'cup vo the sland. Born to Mr. acd Mrs. Grant ¢ke, a son. C. Cole aod wile, Cape nosnt, spent Sunday, the puest of BRE Mr. and Mrs, F. Briceland. #t, over Dominion Ex es 837 Wellington Btreet, 'Phone 10. PERSONALS. | s. H, SIMPSON, LDS, DDS, st, corner Princess an Entrance Bagot Street. phione 62% DENT. Bagot Tele HAIR, MOLES, marks and all blemishes without ence. WARTS, BIRTH growths and skin removed Jermanentiy i r experi- mer J. Lake, Eye Bkin and 268 Bagot on Ear, 3 Specialist, Street. MEDICAL, NTED--GENERAL. ' wa DR. BE, CD MacCALLUM, PHYSICIAN and Burgeon, 142 Welhmgton St Edwards' trophy. | Mond i Bate | house lately vacated Office hours, 10 to 12 am, 2 to 4 and 7 to § pm. Telephone 1093 SHOE REPAIRING OF EVERY DE- soription; first class work; best leather only used: one trial will suffice, Bring your repalrs to Scott's, 206 Barrie Btreet, cor, of Clergy West. ( ATE RE ER. WE CATER 7T0 PARTIES, Wedding Ireakfasts in 1 Ivishes nUy ErWRPrE TAKE NOTICE, THAT I WILL all kinds of second-hand furniture and stoves; will pay highest prices; ese me before anyone e&lse J. Thomps-n, 33% Princess Btreel, next Bt. Andrew's Church JEAN STEAMSHIP AGENCY. GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR OCEAN § %y Cloth and have it made up Into up. to-date suits. Price and workman- ship guaranteed to please. Press ing and Fepalring done on the shortest notice. 'Thomas Galloway, 31 Brock St, near Bibby's Livery. TRANSATL A es « Rarence B 668 C LINES, ALL CLASS. kpatrick, Agent, 42 eet, Kingston. 'Phone CUMBERLAND Blacksmiths' Coal $6.50 Ton Delivered. Good Smithing Coal is neces- for the best results. Is true to its reputation as the Best Babbitt Metal for all general machin- ery bearings. Co., Ltd. FRASER AVE. - TORONTO R home ahle CK Conley bas Watertown mew to visit relatives, Born to Mr ra. John Bricelaad, Kane and Miss 1% 3 the guest of filynn Hiram Marlow sister in Watertown, f month, has return od Mr. apd Mrs IH Louis Larash will aorily ovenpy the | Pure cream by P. Grills. {drug store, gone 16 o his sa | iilnass, wt 1TH +1 § fromm is ynas in Bix | An Mrs {1wh tg | Gananoque ' arf frends i Vast of inriar st Bargomt's

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