J THE DAILY BRITISH WHIC. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28. 1012 -- STORE CLOBES - FIVE Neckpioces ; - FOR BPRING New Designs McKAY 149-1566 BROCK. ~ LAST DAYS FEBRUARY SALE Hundreds of careful buyers have bought this month for and have saved money. are away ahead of 1911. future use, Our sales 29th ends this opportunity. Rugs, Curtains, Carpets. Yours, T. F. HARRISON COMPANY 'Phone 90. Per Cent. OFF ALL BLANKETS COMFORTERS AT PRICE . Ww A sufficlent number of lots Have been sold to insure build- "ing operations, commencing in "the early spring by the very. Dest class of citizens, ADVANCE IN ON MARCH Call early and get particulars as to bullding restrictions, CUGIOOUTCO000IN0000000000ENG00000 THE FUND NOW $8,444 SUBSCRIPTIONS TO QUEEN'S WOMEN'S RESIDENCE, Two of the Years Raised Over $1. 000--The Donations are Coming in rroan All Over Canada. the ac I'hese further subscriptions to Woman's residence juad, are knowledged : : : 8535 Year '11, Queen's University, £500 Year "12, Uueen's University. $200 each--Mrs. Jane Leggat, Ham- ilton, and Alexander Turner, Hamil- tou. $100 cach--Mrs. Stanley Chown, Ren frew: Miss Redden, Kingston; Mrs, Hendrie, Hamilton; Mrs. George Rich- ardson, Kingston; Dr. Malloch, Ham- ilton; Prof. J. Morison, Kingston; Andrew Haydon, Ottawa; Prof. T. L. Walker, Toronto University; Rev. Charles W. Gordon (Ralph Connor), Winnipeg; Herbert M. Mowat, Toron- to; Lady Gibson, Government House, Toronto; J. B. Carruthers, Kingston; E. R. Peacock, London, Eng.; Hon. Justice Maclennan, Toronto; CC. B. Smith, Toronto. $75 Mrs. Robert ton. £20 each--Miss Grenfell, Ottawa; Miss Helen Drummond, Toronto; Mrs, Kgerton Simpson, Summerland, B.C; ILevana Society, Queen's University; Mrs. A. E. Malloch, Hamilton; Mrs. Fleck, Ottawa; Rev. Dr. Pringle, Syd- ney, C.B.; D. M. McIntyre, Kingston; J. Melntyre, Kingston; J. M. Camp- bell, Kingston; W. F. Nickle, King- ston; RB. W. Uglow, Kingston; Charles Livingston, Kingston; Prof. M. B. Baker, Kingston; Dr. H. H. Pirie, Dundas; G. 8. Malloch, Outawa; Dr, and Mrs. Olmstead, Hamilton; George Hope, Hamilton; J. A. Aikins, Sas katoon. %25 each--Miss M. Russell, Miss dlelen Melntosh, Madoe; Miss Pesky, Edmonton; Miss J. McCor- mack, Brockville; Miss H. Patterson, Stratford; Nrs. Looper, Toronto; Mrs, Young, Toronto; Miss \.. Birley, King- stony; Mts. R."0. Sweezy, Quebec; Mrs. {Dr.) Arthur E, Ross, Kingston; Miss Misener, Chicago; Mrs. (br.) Ryan, Kingston; Miss. Alice Cameron, Yan- couver; Mrs. George Vallance, Hamil ton; Mrs. Ami, Ottawa; Mrs. Ewart, Ottawa; W, I). LeSueur, Ottawa; Dr. P. CU, McUregor, Almonte; OO. H. Lin- ton, Toronto; W. A. Boland, York- ton, Sask.,; Capi. R. Crawford, King- stom; G, T. Goodwill, Peterboro; John A. Bruce, Hamilton; A friend, Hamilton. $20 each--Mrs. Coburn, Hamilton; Misses Waldron, Kingston; Mrs. A. H. Brown, Ottawa; Miss Penson, Weston; Miss Mabel Taylor, Hamilton; A. D. Cartwright, Ottawa; T. L. Saunders, Baynes' Lake, B.C.; Col. Smith, Otta- wa, $15 each--Miss Laura Berney, St. Thomas; Miss Boyd, Morrisburg; Miss Laura Phillips, Fergus. 811--Messrs, Ireland, Kingston. $10 each--Mrs, W. Boyd, Ottawa; Mrs. C. Ross, Ottawa; Mrs. C. P, Johns, Thornhill, Mrs, (Prof.) McNeill, King- ston; Miss L. McLennan, Alexandria ; Mrs. J. R. Aiking, Saskateon; Misses Ross, Kingston; Mrs. J, G. Campbell, Perth; Miss May Chown, Kingston ; Mrs. (Prof.) G. F. Scott, Kingston; Dr. Gi, C. Hoffman, Ottawa; R. M. McTav- ish Kingston; Smith Bros., Kingston; R Meek, Kingston; R. Waldron, King- ston; E. 8. Mallock, Lachine. $5 each--Misg M, B. Hiscock, King- ston; Mrs, T. G. Marquis, Saranac Lake; Mrs. H. S. Wood; Miss Ethel Ross, Craik, Sask; Miss H, Davidson, Kingston; Miss H, Anglin, Kingston ; Miss F. Williamson, Kingston; Miss A. J. Stewart, Carp; Mrs. C.J. Sutherland, Amherst, N.S; Miss C. Bajus, King ston; Miss Hilda Hague, Kingston ; Mra. (Dr.) Williamson, Kingston; Mrs, Wallage, Toronto; Mrs. 0. Chown, Kingston; C, C. Arthur, Cobourg; Rev. W. J. Clark, Westmount; Rev, A. D. Corbett, Renfrew, Mrs, Perley, Ot- tawa, $2--J. Edgar Parsons, Toronto. £1.00 each--Mise Maybelle Laing, Kingston; Miss D. J. Dickie; Mrs. D. A. McKeracher, Gravenhurst. Subscriptions werd published before to the amount of over £3,000, The total now is $8,444. } LECTURED TO WOMAN'S CLUB. Hobson, Hamil Ottawa; Rev. Dr. Herridge, of Ottawe, was the Speaker. The women's club had a large gathering at the Y.M.,C.A. building on Tuesday evering when Rev. Dr. Her- Wdge, of Ottawa, lectured on "I'he Intellectual Life of Canada," it being the same address as he gave the mem- bers of the Canadian Club in the af ferncon. About one hundred ladies were present and they centainiy were given a treat, Mrs. George Mahood and Mrs. Hugh Macpherson received the guests. During the wvening a musical pro: gramme was rendered by J. D. Ban Kier and Miss Massie. After the lec- ture refreshments were served. Miss Tierney played the accompaniments. A vote of thanks was tendered Dr. Herridge for his lecture, moved by Mrs. O. Skelton and seconded by Miss Ada Birch, : pins Grande Valse Brillagte, Got- ischalks' Last Hope, Suppes' Poet and Peasant, La Chasse Infernale, Gypsy Rondo, and 6,000 others. Dution's 'mugic store. Call for catalogue. Miss Minnie Darragh, whe under- went an operation for ' appendicitis on M y in the Hotel Dieu, is ns well as can be éxpected. Sale avi caps and tuques, from . Hunt will open a store on Prin< Abouleof prevention is better than a £ High-class wmusie, le. copy; Cho-} PRESENTED TO EDWARD MOORE ON TUESDAY) EVENING, By Cataraqui Lodge No. 10, LOO.F. ~=Mr. Moore Was Completely Taken by Surprise. A very pleasant affair took place at Cataragu. lodge, No. 10,-1.0.0.F., on Tuesday evening, when the mem- bers presented Edward Moore, one of the lodge's oldest members with the past grand's jewel. Robert Meek read an address to Mr. Moore, on behalf of the lodge and Simon Oberndorfier made the presentation. Mr. Moore was very much taken by surprise. He had been asked to be present to help in the initiation of some new mem bers. Mr. Moore has for years been one of the most active members of Cataraqui lodge. Mr. Moore spoke of the advancement in the lodge since he first joined it, twenty-three years ago. When he first entered the lodge there were only seventy-five members, while now there are five hundred. During the evening there was a musical programme. Solos were ren- dered by J. R. Foster, Frederick Hallt, and Dr. A. W. Richardson. Re freshments brought a pleasant evening to a close. : -- CITY AND VICINITY. Smoker Not Held. The smoker of the non-commissioned officers of the R.C.H.A., Tuesday night, to celebrate the anniversary of the battle of Paardeberg, was can- celled an account of the death of Lieut. W, A. Stroud. » on ---------------- Plebiscite on Commission. Hamilton, Feb. 28.--As a result of the constant clashing between the al- dermen and controllers, a plebiscite will be submitled later in the year to the people, asking them if they are in favor of commission gover a- ment. -------- A Pastor's Birthday. The members of the Christian Fn deavor society of Union street Baptist church entertained their pastor, Rev, Mr, Jores, to a surprise party, at the home of Mrs. Craig, Albert street, on Tuesday evening, on the occasion of his birthday. -------------- The Late Lieut. W. A. Stroud. The remains of the late Lieut, A. Stroud will arrive in the city Wadnesday evening, Thy funeral will take place from the residence of his son, W. A, Stroud, 91 Rideau street, on Tbursday. The funeral will be of a military nature, leaving the house at 2.30 o'clock. Ww. on Asked for Recommendation. It is stated by a leading conserva- tive that the conservative executive was asked by the post office depart- ment at Ottawa some time ago to make a recommendation for the ap- pointment of a deputy postmaster, a position which has not been filled for thirteen years. The late government decided "to have no deputy postmas- ter here, I i epi. Evangelical Alliance. A meeting of the Evangelical Al linnce was held in the Y.M.C.A. build- ing, Tuestlay afternoon. The purpose of holding a mass meeting for the dis cussion of our marriage laws was re considered, and in view of the deeis- ion of Justice Charbonneau, regarding the Ne Temere decree, it was decided to postpone indefinitely the holding of such a meeting. No Date Yet Set. No date has yet been set for the hearing of the lightweight coal cases by the police magistrate. The date will depend upon the convenience of the magistrate and City Solicitor Me. Intyre. The latter will be out of town from Friday till Tuesday, and the case may have to go over till the middle: of next week. No summonsss have yet been issued. ------------------ Liquor License Reduction Case. City Solicitor Melntyre will leave for Toronto on Friday afternoon in connection with the case of the hotel- men, who seek to quash the [liquor license reduction by-law recently pass- ed. The case comes up in Osgoode hall next Monday morning. Mr. McIntyre and Mr. Whiting, the laiter represent- ing the Moral and Social Reform League, have gone over the poll books together, and hope to have the ol motion the hotelmen dismissed, ------ Wolfe Island Lady Dead The death occurred at her home on Tuesday alternoon, of Mrs. Louise V. Baker, Wolfe Island, widow of the late E. J. Baker. The deceased lady was horn on Wolfe Island and had Jiv- ed there all her life. Nor years sho had kept the island post office. Ihe funeral will take place on Thursday morning to the church of the Shered Heart, where a solemn requiém mass will be sting repose of her soul, by Rev. Father Spratt. P-- What Happened a Quarfer of a Century Ago. Mrs. Druse kh in Herkimer, N.Y. h Tha "star em" appeared or the sixth time since the birth of Christ. | Revival services held in Sydenham Sireet Methodist church. * Rev. Dr. Hooper, of the t church, appointed superintendent of the general hospital. ; Twenty young sports, all between nineteen and twenty-five, arrested at a Capt." Spell, of Kingston the discuss i one of the in A PAST GRAND'S JEWEL THE SPORT REVIEW SOME COUNTY HOCKEY M ATTERS CONSIDERED. First Final Game to be Played Sat- urday--Curling Games on Tues. day--Other Sporting Notes: The trustees of the Edwards trophy had a long session Tuesday evemng, | dealing with complicated matters in connection with the county! hockey league. { It was finally decided to order the game between Cataraqui and Wolfe 1s- land replaved on Palace rink Thurs! day afternoon. The secretary, Wil liam McFedridge, will order the win-} ners to play off in the inal with Syd-! enham, which lead in the northern county of Sydenham on Saturday af- ternoon, At a meeting of the trustees held on Feb. 19th, Battersea had protested against two Wolfe Island players, claiming they had played on the K.B. C. team in another league, which was strictly against the rules of the league.' At the same time the trustees found out that Battersea had been playing a' Kingston man on their team. Wolfe! Island asked, at this meeting, to have! these men re-instated, and wpon tha! assurance of the secretary of Wolfe Is- land that the management of that! team had not understood the rules' regarding this point, and that these men had not played with the K.B.C. after they received a copy of the rules, these two men were re-instated. At Tuesday's mecting, Cataragui pro- tested against the re-instatement of these players, and proved that they played on the covered rink with the K.B.C. team on Feb. 12th, and that the management of their team had received the rules on Feb, 10th, The secretary of Wolfe Island had uninten- tionally made a mistake and the trus- tees ordered the game to be replayed. some ---- With the Curlers. Six (lub games were played at the local curling rink on Tuesday after noon and evening. In A series, Skip Wallace won from Skip Ross, 20 to 3. In B- series, Skip Brower won from Skip Turcotte by 15 to 5. In B se ries, Skip Givens won from Skip Dal- ton by 15 to 13. Two games were also played in C series, when Ski Hooper won from Skip Spalding by 21 to 14, and Skip Macnaughton won from Skip Goodwin by 15 to 10. ---- Rockwoods Won; An exhibition hockey game between the Bath Road Beavers and the Rock- wood keepers, was pulled off at Rockwood rink, Tuesday evening. The Beavers led by a good margin al- most throughout, at half time the score standing 8-2 in their favor, but in the last fifteen minutes of play, they seemed to fade away completely, and the "keepers" won out by 10-8. Junior O.H.A. Champions. Orillia beat Toronto Canoe Club in Orillia, Tuesday night, in the Jast of the janior O.H.A. finals by a scors of 5 to 3. Toronto C.C., however, win the junior. O.H.A. championship by three points. Century vs. St. Mary's. The Century and St. Mary's hockey teams played a game on the Stas dium rink last evening. The score resulted in a tie, 3 to 3. A Baseball Enthusiast. It is expected that A. W. Wheatley, the general manager of the locomotive works, on account of living in the United States, and being keen on the AdvanceShowing SPRING STYLES To-Morrow our Anni- versary Sale of Furs will over and from now the interest will centre on the New Spring Styles. Watch this space aily concerning them. 'Y are not all in yet but nearly so. New Spring Suis, New Spring Coats, New Spring Skirts, New Spring Dresses, . This store for New Wearing Apparel at Low Prices. (GEORGE MILLS & CO. 126 AND 128 PRINCESS ST. ! summer. With P| Frontenacs intend novelists of the day. By Harold Bell Wright-- The Calling of Dan Matihews, The Shepherd of the Hills, Printer of Udells, By Rex Beach. The Silver Horde. The S fers, The rrier. Pardners, : By Robt. W. Chambers-- Card uw. The Younger Set, 260 PRINCESS. $125 & $150 BOOKS ror 45c. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY Books that have been talked about and written about the country over--books Tales to suit any and every taste vVenture--and the very Lest of each. Lerraine, By David Graham Phillips Old Wives for New, Adventures of Joshua Craig. The Deluge. By deo. Barr MeCutcheon-- Cownrdice Court, Husbands of Fdith, The Sherrodn, Graustark, Beverly of Graustark, Brewster's Millions. Daughter of Anderson Crow, By Baroness Von Hutten--- A complete list for the asking. COLLEGE BOOK STORE OPEN NIGHTS. tales of love, More than 700 titles just as good as the few named below by the foremost mystery and ad- romance, Pam, Pam Decides, The Halo, Beechy, : ny Harold Bindlozs-- Lorimer of the North-West, Deillah of the Snows, By Right of Purchase, Tht Cattlehnron's Daughter Damaged Reputation Winston of the Prairie, Ver Jacinta, By Mary Roberts Rinehart The Man in Lower Ten, When un Man Marries. The Clreular Staircase, "Phone 919, national game, will take an interest in baseball in the city the coming Mr. Wheatley's enthu- siasm behind it the team of the works should "go some." * To Play in Gananoque. ! St. George's hockey team went to iGanapoque, at noon, Wedpesday, to play there in the evening. | Seek Hockey Challenges. | The fast RAD. hockey jaccept challenges from any junior team in the city. Address all com: munications to Gus Quinn, 179 Queen street, cily. team 'will i ---- Frontenacs vs. All-Stars. | The announcement that complete ar rangements has been made for a team picked from the best senior clubs in Toronto, to visit Kingston next Mon- day night, to play Frontenacs, has {heen received in local hockey circles iwith much enthusiasm. The fact that donating the pro- | ceeds, above expenses, to the general hospital and the Hotel Dieu, in equal proportions, has been noted with great satisfaction. Last vear Fron. tenacs had about $100 to divide, but it 14 expected that a much larger sum will be realized this year. No wonder Kingston is proud of her Frontenacs. Such devotion tq home institutions re- fleets great credit on them. Frontenacs and R.M.C: Cadets will practice after to-night's game. Cadets go to Toronto to play Varsity on Fridav. with the return game here next Wednesday. ' ---- All Kinds of Sports. Nermuda cricketers defeated delphia by six wickets. Toronto Eatons leave to-night' fora Winnipeg to play for the Allan hoe key cup next week. The right of the Billiard Associa. tion to suspend an amateur and publish the fact was approved hy the lord chief jus€ite of England and a special jury, + "Kingston wogld not bet a cent on {the game, and so.lost a fine chance for a clean-up," remarks the Toronto News. Well, the complaint down here was that Eatons wouldn't bet a cent. Toronto News : Queen's victory in the boxing and wrestling champion: ships was somewhat expected, the Timestone City collegians having car ried off the intercollegiate mat and ring honors at Montreal last vear. "Chaueer"" Elliott, manager of the I8t. Thomas Canadian Baseball League team, has signed W. GG. Nithaw, of Kane, Pa., right-hand pitcher, recom: 'mended by Pitcher Caldwell, of the New York Americans. Manager Elliott has booked the Cuban Stars for ex- hibition games early in May, APPEAL OF THE Y.M.C.A. FOR Phila: $1,200 TO FINISH CAMPAIGN. ITS Yt has Raised $6,800, But Needs $8, 000---Subscriptions are Invited to be Sent to the Secretary. The board of directors of the young men's cabinet of the Y.M.C.A,, assisted by a few other busy men of | the city, have been working energeti cally to raise S800 needed tor Y.M.C.A, purposes (his year. ' Those citizens who have been approached for subscriptions already have responded very generously, and the sum of $6, #0 is now promised. However, the hard part is always the last thousand dollars, and the directors feel thai they cannot pos gibly do without the full amount unless they allow a number of abso lutely necessary improvements go for years to come. There must of netessity be hundreds who have not yet been canvassed and who cannot be seen by these men ow- ling to the great amount of time need: od for such an undertaking. Pr can only be appealed to through the colamhs of the press, and to such we make appeal that theye do | something to make the Y.M.C.A, raise [this last $1,200. There is no greater tinstitution in the world to-day than that which has for its chief aim the moral uplift of the young men and boys of the community. Kev. Dr. Herridge, in that able address before the Canadian Club on Tuesday, said that "of ail industries in our great country, no industry was so great as that of making men." We ean con- ceive of no better argument in favor of the YM.CA., which 5 doing such an immense work along these very lines. 2 During the next week or ten days {all sums sent in to make up this ilast $1,200 will be reported in these col and we trust that no man or woman who has the welfare of our young men and bovs at heart will Jose this opportunity of assisting the YOLCA, Nake one grand pall for the top. Subscriptions may be sent to Lhe secretary of the Y NM. A; who will acknowledge the same. player § A Magnificent array of Nobby Suits just re=~ ceived. They: are perfect in fit and finish, made from the very latest! ideas by master tailors, and guaranteed cor- rect to the min- ute. Not a heavy tax on your purse either $10.00 = NEWMAN & SHAW The Always Busy Store. Pr Pa. ~ DRY PINE for } KINDLING WOOD DRURY'S Coal and Wood Yard "Phone 443, 235 Wellington St. Thomas Copley PHONE 987, Drop a card to 19 Pine Street wwe. wanting anything done In the Carpen- ter line. Estimates given on all kinds of repairs and new work also Hardwood Floors of all kinds. All orders will recgive prompt attention 8hop 40 Queen Street P a Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The great U y safe Vighiae Jogle, Loron which worssa ean depend. Sold in three of strength--No, 1, $1; degrees stronies 4 No. & Wy th Sra box; paler. adda" Te : pam) Sook Mevwoine 00. Toronto, ONT, {formerly Wi SPECTACLE FRAMES Correctly Fitted to the Face are as Essential as Pro- perly Fitted Lenses gre to the Eyes. A Lens should be mounted 80 that the centre will be ex- actly opposite the pupil of the eye. In any other position it will cause strain and have a tendency to produce double sight. The Bridge or Nose Piece should fit so well that wabbling will be impossible, § and fit. should bear equally at . all points. | The Right Way Is Just as Easy . as the Wrong. We Fit the Frames As Well as the Lenses. J. §. Asselstine D.0. S. Registered Optometrist & Optician 342 King Bt. "Phone 1019 PEARL RINGS We have some hea tifal PranL Rinas for yourselection; at i reasonable prices, . } One stone, Three stone, | and Five stone rings of } excellent workmanship. SMITH BROS. % 830 KING STREET, Opticians, Issuers of Marriage Licenses, Jewelers. Highest Price Paid for all kinds of RAW FURS. W. F GOURDIER BROCK STREET. At Last, A Permanent Monogram Stencil TED THIS SIZE 10¢. Why not do your own stan We have this Monogram in all sisin and designe, also Fancy Borders, etc. They are made of me tal, and wil last a grea! many years rt cheerfully demonstrate (he uses and advantages of the stenci Optometrist 'Phone 927, Sold only at Keeley, Jr. 226 PRINCESS ST. Promises Get Friends Performances Keep Them We're hundreds won through and we're going dreds more When we your of friends performances, to get hat ond promi LAUNDRY home at a specified performance takes it SHIRTS, CELLARS, Laundered in double tihe-----just as spotless daintily, (oo, as thong! had spent 2 week over them, C0000 000020320000000000000000000 - - - : & * £ s 1 g f : @ . SO00000000000000000000