- Daily British YEAR 79 -NO, 50 KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1912, LAST EDITION PREMIER BORDEN 'AGAIN FACES $ ERIOUS DANGER ------ a A---------- Hon. W. B. Nantel May Re- sign From Cabinet BECAUSE OF REFUSAL OF HIS! COLLEAGUES TO IN- CLUDE SEPARATE SCHOOLS In the Manitoba Boundary Exten- slon Bill--Sir Wilfrid Laurier Will See That Ontario Gets Fair Play. Ottawa, Feb, 28. That W, B. Nan- tel, minister of inland revenue, is on the point of resigning because of the refusal of his colleagues to include Sep- arate wehools in the Manitoba hound- ary extension bill is the rumor in the corridors, It is certain, however, that ho action along that line has vet been taken by the 'minister, and the idea was goouted by one of the nationalists in closest touch with him. Monk and Pelletier, it is said, will stick whatev- er happens. It is pretty certain that Sir Willrid Laurier will move the six-monthg' boist? not because of the lack of edu- cational provision, but on the allega- tion that Manitoba is securing financial rms not on an equality with the other provinces. It is stated by one of the national HON, W. B. NANTEL. ists that if the rights to schools are not asserted ten, or perhaps fifteen, of the French conservative members will vote against the government, and with the opposition, even allowing for that eventuality, whichi<by no means is cer- tain, Borden's majority is guite ample to carry him through over any com- 118 no justification for granting Mani- tha the arrearages as proposed ip he primé minister's statement. The whole situation furnishes interesting sidelight on the game an ol | | WHAT ONTARIO GETS, Instead of a port on Hud- son's Bay within the bound- aries of the province, On- tario gets: A five-mile wide strip from the proposed boundary to the Nelson River A frontage of tem miles along the cast bank of the river for terminals, docks and elevators. A two-hundred-foot of way to the Hudson Railway to connect kort Churchill. Exemption from land in Manitoba. right Bay, with taxes on CEPI PPIPFRIBN ESS $e FPRPIPPETRR PEEP EPIL eGP politics as played. Sir ler did not insist upon his pro- posal when he found it did not sa tisfy the provkuce, and sought to have them sottle the matter for them- selves. Premier Roblin made an elee- tion "ery out of the allegation that the liberal government gave Ontario too much. Premier Whitney com plained that Ontario got little Now the Ontario premier is pressing for nothing, and Mr. Roblin will gladly fake from Mr. Borden whet he refused with much show of indigna- tion from Sir Wilfrid Laurier The bill was given its first réading Wilirid Laur- too A LLLGED ILL-TREATMENT. China Plans Expulsion of Netber- lands Minister. Nanking, China, Fob. 28.--The re publican cabinet is engaged in con sidering the immediate cancellation of Chinese treaty relations with Hol land and handing the Netherlands tuinister his passports because of the alleged ill-treatment of Chinese rosi- defits by the Dutch authorities in Java. It ia stated that three Chinese have been killed and hundreds of others ar rested and imprisoned in that place ause they celebrated the abdication | if the Chinese throne. The members of the republican cabi- ast are most indignant. 'I'bey assert that the Chinese in Java are freated "like wild beasts." ' MONTCALM BREAKING ICE In Attempt +to Open Channel to Montreal. Quebec, Feb. 28. ~The government ice- breaker Montcalm, after its successful trip to; Seven Islands, is now engaged in bucking up against the ice bridge bination of liberals and nationalists. It was 3.30 Tuesday afternoon when Hon. R. L. Borden arose to move the | house into committee to consider the vesolution upon which the bill for the | extension of Manitoba boundaries is to be based, Mr. Borden read a letter which he! had addressed to Premier Roblin, stat- ing that in the extension of the Mani toba boundaries the principle of equal- ity with Alberta and Saskatchewan in respect to subsidy would be followed. In application, this principle result- ed in Manitoba receiving in the yea: beginning July Ist last the follow. ing amounts Allowance for Tov. ernment and local purposes, $190,000 ubs'dy based on population, %364, 101; indemnity for want of public lands, 100,000; interest at five per cent. on eapital in lieu of debt, RITRI4T; a total of $833,438. Next year Manitoba would receive $1,349. M5. The prime minister next statement showing approximately what arrearages will be paid to the province under. the bill. The total estimated is $2,178,648, The principal items were : ances in leu of debt, $381,584, rearages for four years $810,648, lieu of swamp lands, $562,500, Explaining these figures Mr. Borden said Mawitoba had taken the ground that the arrearages should date back to the creation of Alberta and Sas katchewan. The government, however, while not agreeing to this, had dated back the subsidy to July Ist, 1908, the date when the house adopled the reroldtion for the extension to the boundaries. : el : Fhe prime minister beyond pending the statistics summarized above, madi no vations on the principle of the resolutions. His remarks govered only twenty minutes, Sir Wilirid Laurier, alluding to the it negotintions, said the difficulty Rich had been encountered had re ference not only to financial terms, but to the aetunl boundaries, In that connection the claims of Ontario and Manitoba conflicted. The present acheme was indefinite. "The 'boundaries proposed in these resolutions," « interrupied Mr. Borden, 'are the same as (Hose in the resolu tion of HOR, except that they are more cleaely defined." ir Wilieid replied that evidently the matter was still indefinite, as Sir James had stated that ndario ex] read Allow. ar- in iy. r Then Sir Willd came to his real He contended thot thers ed a port on Hudson} shove Quebec. The boat has made daily trips to the solid formation up the river, and it has already cut away quite a block of the ice. The Mont- calm will continue its operations, and it will, no doubt, keep opening up the channel between Quebec and Montreal. DID ROOSEVELT PROMISE T0 AID TAFT? A---- Said to Have Declared He Would : Yas Kot Oppose President Taft's< Renomination. . Washington, Feb. 28.--The Washing- ton Evening Star displays prominent- ly on its first page a box containing the following statement: "From sources entirely independent of the White House it is ascertained that the confidence entertained by the administration and others, that Col. Roosevelt would not be a candidate against Taft was based on definite and repeated statements by Col Roosevelt, made within a year, that he would not be a candiate 'in 1912, and did not intend to oppose Presi: dent Taft for renomination." --------cretn BODY OF DUKE OF FIFE Deposited in the / Royal Vaults at : Windsor, London, Eng., Feb. 285. With a fun oral sefvice ihe simplest kind, the body of the late Duke of Fife was deposited in'the royal vaults at Wind sor, this morning. King George and Most of the members of the royal fam- ily were present. Later the body will be removed for final burial in the fam- ily vault in Scotland. rii------ He Saved Many Lives. St. Joseph, Mo., Feb. 25.--A small, red-haired, freckled-faced boy, whose last name is unknown, but, whose first name, is Bob," saved train No. 17 on the ' Burlinglon from being wrecked near Wheeling, Mo. The boy diseov- ered a broken rail and then waited an hour in the hitter cold to flag the first train which came along. When one 'of the women passengers tried to kiss him he took lo his heels, Passengers took up a collection to be sent to the boy when his identity is established. . Buy your eorsets at, Dutton's extra strong, sale; Hwill make a strong effort slmast lost sight of, and Queen's FARMERS' BANK COMMISSION. Government 'Importuned to Out Its Promises. Ottawa, Feb. 28%.-A return was brought down to the House of Com- mons in regard to the Farmers' Bank from which it appears that the pres- sure upon the 'government for the appointment of the commission of in- vestigation was most insistent right from the day on which the present government took office. Depositors and shareholders of the bank at Ponty- pool and Belleville had the hardihood to remind the premier that during the last election campaign speeches were made by Hon. R. L. Borden, Hon. E. Foster, Hon. I. W; Crothers and Hon. Sam Hughes, and by Messrs. Armstrong, Blain, Beattis, Carry 6G. SIR WILLIAM MEREDITH, The chief justice who will conduet Farmers' Bank Investigation the Boyee, Donnelly, Henderson, Edwards, Porter, Northrup, Sharpe, Thornton and Taylor, in which speeehes pro- mises were made that justice would be done to the depositors "in the event of the conservative party being elect ed" and "whereas literature was cir culated during the election on behalf of the conservative party to this ef fect; and, whereas the party were returned to power by the public in the: belief that they would carry out their promises, and vet nothing has been done by con- servative party; therefore, we request the government to earry out the po- licy upon which they were returned to power." These petitions had the effect de- sired, Because the commission to Sir William Meredith to enquire into the i wounding alinirg conservative as the pOIFCIRSLANCES. Au of the Farmers' Pank was soon there after iswued, But the issue will not end thore. It is the intention of certain Quebec members to ask fdr a similar investi- gation into the failure of other banks such as La Banque de St. Hyacinthe, La Banque de St. Jean, la Banque du Peuple, and possibly such concerns as the Provident Trust company. PITH OF THE NEWS. ------ The Very Latest Culled From Al Over the World, Major Vawdrey, of the British Service Corps, is to serve wo years with the Canadian force. : br. Daniel, ex-M.P., former member for St. John county, will go to the senate in place of Senator Wood. Senator Josiah Wood, resigned from the senate, will, in a couple of days, become governor of New Brunswiek. Coohrgne, Alta, fifteen wiles west of Calgary, is the scene of n big gold rush at the head water of Ghost Creek. FP. W. Heubach Army has arranged for Tuxedo Park, Winnipeg, to be taken over by the Southern Winnipeg com- pany, of London, Eng., with a capital of £300,000, While working at Guelph, John Bolen, a serious accident, a red hot pipe pene- trating his thigh and going complete ly through the fiesh. The vote upon the question of chureh union by the congregation of the Haynes Avenue Presbyterian chureh, St. Catharines, Ont., shows that eigh- ty jor cent. favor the union. The Duke and Duchess of Connaught, Princess Patricia and others from Gov. ernment House, will visic Toronto the week prior to the races in May, and will stay there for a week. W. R. Smythe, M.P. for East Algo- ma, Was gperated on in St. Luke's hos- ital, Ottawa, for hernin in a bad orm. A. C. Boyce, M.P. for West Algoma, is still in the same institu- tion the pipe mills, -- QUEBEC WANTS STILL MORE. Premier Thinks Province is Eutitied to Sundry Islands, Quebee, Feb. 28.--Sir Lomer Gouin appears much pleased with the resolu. tions providing for the extension of the Quebec boundary and giving Un gava® to this province. He points out, however, that there is no mention of the numerous is- lands along the shore line, and thinks these should belong to Yusbec. Two years ago the province asked for uli the islands in Hudson Bay lying to the east of the continuation of the boundary line between Ontario and Quebec. : McMastér for Hamilton. Hamilton, Ont., Feb. 28% --Hamilton to secure MoMaster University, 18 ia understood that the MoMaster wish to leave Toronto because their university is mow sueh a small pért of Torosto University that it Js in is pointed to as a university to something in a seull colored, met with ther sums are to be expended by the CALL ON ROMAN CATHOLICS = a-- To Demand School Rights for Mani- ) toba's Minority, Toronto, Feb, 28. Je Temps, of Ot- tawa, La Presse, of Montreal, Le Soleil, of Quebec, and other French- Canadian papers are editorially very much wrought up about the fact that the school question is ignored in the boundaries' settlement bill, and are out, today, with warm editorials, calling on the French-Canadian and Roman Catholic members of parlia- ment to see to it that the rights of the minority in Manitoba be preserved m the new districts to he annexed. WANT TO KILL The Queens University Bill Before Commons. W. F. NICKLE ARGUES THAT PRIVY COUNCIL DECISION FAVORED THE BILL. Mr. Bickerdike, of Montreal, Held That the Bill Infringed Upon the Jurisdiction of the of Ontario. to Province Special Whig Ottawa, Feb, 28.--~The bill introduc- ed by W. F. Nickle, Kingston, to make Queens University an yndenomination- the -- -- Adam Be Beck. A STRONG STATEMENT AGAINST USURPTION OF THE PEOPLE'S HERITAGE. Commission to Secure 120,000 Horse-power at Ottawa Rivér---- Notice Has Been Served Upon the Owners, Foronto, Feb. 28 equalizing the the eastern and ~With the view of power development in western sections of the province the Hydro-Electric Power commission have served notice unde the pubic works at to expropriate the power site at Chats' Falls, on the Ottawa river The estimated power development at this point is 120,000 horsepower, about the amount which the commission will czive at Niagara Falls, un ample supply of will be tor the about same re By this means pow er cheap secured entire al and "distinctively Christian institu- tion" was opposed in commit tee the whole in the commons ing by Mr. Bickerdike, St. Montreal; My. Wilson, Laval, ers, of | last even-| Lawrence, and oth | Mr. Bickerdike argued that par- | liament could not pass such legisla-| tion without infringing upon the nee | isdiction of the province of Ontario. He proposed that the commitiee and report progress, and thus kill hill, Mr. Nickle pointed to a decision ot! the privy council that legislation af-l fecting an institution in which people of two provinces were interested, must emanate from the federal parlidment He showed that that body had al ready legislated with respect to Queen's university, The hour for pri- vate bills expired with Mr Macdonald, Pictou, speaking, and the bill still before the committee, rise the Wants Protection. Cape Town, South Africa, Feb. 28. The government commission of trades and industries has submitted its re- port, in which it recommends ade. quate, but not prohibitive, protection for agriculture and industries. An in: Crease In various customs duties proposed, THE GRAND TRUNK T0 PAY ONE-HALF Ontario Road Will Get $300,000 2 Year From Grand Trunk For Running Rights. Toronto, Feb. 28.-- Thirty-three mil- lion five hundred thousand dollars paid to the T. & N. O. railway by the Gi. T R. for running rights over | the Ontario division of the railway is the recent contract executed by Mr. Englebart, and is what the G. T. R. 8 to pay on the basis of 4} per cent, of the cost of construction of the T. & N. 0. main line, and will begin at the rate of $300,000 per year. Thisis to be made in monthly pay- ments, and the G. T. R. to help | out from time to time on what fur | 8 is company for betterments. The G. T. R. has no running rights on any of the branches of the On- tario government railway, This pay ment of $300,000 means that the G.T. R. pays half the interest charges on the cost of construction of the pro- vincial railway. For the use of the T. & N. 0. terminals at North Bay and Cochrane additional payments have to be made. The lease is for ten years, and in that time the Grand Trunk will have paid the province $30,000,000, but it is expected by the time the lease is up the 44 per cent. rate will bring the cost up to about $33.500.000, THE BLOWING UP OF QUEBEC BRIDGE Theory Now That the Disaster Was Nea Susy Waning New York, Feb. 28.--A special from Montreal to the Sun: Detectives are working on the theory that the Que bec bridge, which fell into the St. Law- rence river late in the afternoon of August 20th, 1997, killing seventy-fou men, and doing millions of dollars damage, was wrecked by agents of the Bridgemen's union operating under the direction of the McNamarss, Fo weeks enquiries have been in progress in Montreal, Quebec and Ottawa, De tective Burns himself has visited Can- ads several times. A special to the World says: --There were persons at the time in Quebec who helieved in the possibility of the wreck having been caused by "man. About August Ist theve was a strike of workers et] HON. ADAM BECK. " -------- ie -------------- " eastern section of the provinee, in cluding Ottawa, Smith's Falls, Pres. cott, Breckville Kingston, Hon." Adam Beck last 'mpht explain- that the situation with regard to this water power was somewhat com: pleated. The original lease from the provinee t6 Hon. William Harty Ath, 1883, and development of to be erected and was con- power on 3s- made June templated the to operate mijlls lands in the river. On July eh, 1902, Mr, Harty sold one-third $n- terest to I. (Connor for $167, and on the same date another third to C'. P. Brophy for a' similar amount Subsequently, on April 22nd, 19)0, Brophy transferred his one-third to Mr. Harty for the nominal consider KINGSTON TO SECURE CHATS FALLS POWER ---- : ter is the ex of ploitation of the property the people of this province, and whatever the constitutional rights of the province may be found to be, the biases os 2 EP FOWER FOR KINGSTON, Hon: Adam Beck, chair- man of the Hydro-Electric Commission, made: the an- nougcement in Toronto on Tuesday that Kingston will receive cheap power from the Chats Falls, as a result of its expropriation by -the commission Two months ago the commission's Inten- tion was to get power for Kingston from the Trent, but - evidently this latter project has been held up owing to the difficulties that have arisen over expropriat- ing the Seymour Company's business and rights It does not look as if Kings- ton would secure any Hy Commission power before next fall at the very earliest. PENPPPIPPE POR P EITHER FGPG + PEPERPEPOFOPE PEEP PPS E OM commission intends thdt the people of Untario shall know to what extent the heritage of the people has been grant ed or appropriated "I for once derstood that. the resources , of this province, and of every legitimate agency which the government finds at its disposal, will be used to preserve or regain that heritage, and that in doing so we are not prepared to com- | Pensate anyone for gains made which were known to be unlawful or im- moral, so that the powers of eminent domain existing in the crown as re presenting this provinee will exer cised upon such basis to render nugatary any atlgopts at political brigandage or the baser methods of those who seek to prey upon a politi cal party for the adyantage of them selver or of a corporation, no matter how gigantic, which they represent." The situation, so far as the city of Ottawa is concerned, has been one Some anxiety was made to must and all be un be as of Recently an applicatign the minister of public works, Hon. F. 1. Monk, to invalidate the grant of October last to 0'Con- nor. This, however, has been hanging fire, with the result that the Hydro- Electric Commission dec ded upon sim- mary action Hon My this on clear that the Hydro harmony govern leck made it step the part of Electric Commission was in with the power policy of the ment to serve all sections of the pro vince alike criticism had been made over a seeming délay in extend ing the work of the commission into the eastern part of the province, but it was pointed out that no lasting good would be served by developing small powers only, which would not satisfy even a local interest. The east now rivalled Niagara The commis- sion is looking ahead for the demand for twenty-five vears Discussing the outlook for the vear, Some ation of dollar, Op Oct. [Hnd, 1911, D. O'Connor secured a gant from ihe dominion government of the! "Government slide for $1.4 471. Mr. Brophy was superintendent | of waterways on the Ottawa river | for the dominion government and made a valustion of the which | he stated 'were "no longer required for | public purposes." | On Friday last ap order-in-council | passed by the Ontario govern- authorizing the expropriation, and on Monday a plan of notice was in the registry office for Carle- ton county. ont reserve" slides was ment filed ------ Preserve People's Heritage. In this connection Myr. Beck' made the following statement : "The com- mission realizes that it has still some difficulties to overcome. (me of the principal ones it has had to eneoun- 100 ing luded in Mr. Beck intimated that the $2,000, the supplementary es timates would be suflicient for the re- quirements of the commission until the next of the legislature. Work would be undertallen in all directions session Will Fight Expropriation. Ottawa, Feb. 28. --Neither D. 0'Con- nor, Jr., 'its part purchaser, George P. Brophy, superintendent the Ottawa river works, who was in- strumental its transfer, had any- thing to say this morning as to their intentions in regard to the expropria- tion proceedings commenced by the Hydro-Electric commission for Chats Falls timber slide water power, og | have nothing to do with it at all," said Mr. Brophy. Mr. O'Connor also declined to make statement but it is understood the expropriation proceed: ings will he vigorously fought, nor of BUNGLING (BY WHITNEY Province of Omtario a Great Heritage, ' Special te the Whi Toronto, Feb, here is general dissatisfaction in Ontario over the settlement of the boundary question, it being the opinion that Sir James Whitney has bungled and lost a great heritage by noti ceding part of the Rainy River district to Manitoba and getting a Huds@n's Bay port outright, instead of merely the run ping rights ? The Hamilton Times save? tario's claims are ignored, Mr. Bor- den being a tonsenting. party to g- noring them. He either is selling out to placate Premier Roblin or feeding it was quite safe to treat Ontario's blustering premier with contempt." Has Lost "One Canadian Choir Praised. New York, Feb. 28.---"They sang like one perfect quartette,"" is part of the criticism of the New York Herald, this morning, regarding the Mendelssohn Choir, - of Toronto. Al ihe papers agree @® praising the Canadian choir as the greatest choral org nization ever heard in New York. sing here again to-night, thew go on to Boston, which is even more eritical in music macters than Gotham, Brandt Out on Bail. New York, Feb. 23%. His bail being at last satisfactorily arranged, Folke Brandt, 'the Swedish valet, whose new trig] for. burglarizing at the home. of his millionaire employer, promises to revesl startling , wad released, , from the tombs and wus | ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND MORE MINERS ON STRIKE The Negotiations For a Satisfactory Settlement Are Stil London, Eng., Feb. 28.--In a state ment issued this afternoon, the offi cials of the miners' federation say that negotiations looking to settle ment are proceeding through the me dium of the gover nt. There is no indication as No /whether they are satisfactory to Yhe union officials. In the meantime the strike 'is spreading A. hundred thousand more miners went out to-day. ---- Scene of a Gold Rash. Toronto, Ont., Feb. 28. --Ungava, the wild territory just ansexed to Quebec province, is the seene of the latest gold rush. Charters have been granted to two companies gnder Ontario laws and large expeditions are preparing. Ome party is contemplating leaving by balloon in the spring Only Beamer per vear goes up to gold" country. Eaton Strike in Montreal Montreal, Feb. 25 The entire staff of the T. Eston company garment workers at the factory, here, have gope out on girike in sympathy with thes in the Toronto factories. ' at Sar one this EPRI PEIEP VRC ORIIRO IRS IFO OR WEATHER PROBABILITIES, Toronto, Ont, Feb. 2%th, 10 am. ---Ot« tawa Valley and Upper St. Lawrence West to north-west winds: moderate to fresh, fair and uite cold to-day and on Thursday Pn THE NEW SPRING SUITINGS Richer and more beautiful than ever, with advance fash ion emphasizing the coming also the large cord effects in a host of new colors, including the new wu GREYS, TANS, BROWNS BLUES AND VIOLET SHADES, " We especially feature FRENCH CHEVIOTS. See Our reign of rough weave fabrics Great Line in all the New Colors at $1.00 vi YARD Also our great assortinent of IRISH HOMSPUNS, DONEGAL TWEEDS, FRENCH WORSTEDS, BANNOCKBURN TWEREDS, BRITISH SERGES, Ftc. You can see them if you call. STEACY'S The Store with a Reputation, PIED, - Al Gananogue, 1912, Mary wife of Her aged 6% vears BAKER At 27th, 1% Ont, Feb, Featherstone, bes iry F. Pelow, Sr, fe re Island, Ont, Louisa U Feb, Wol 12, M ker, aged 65 years Funeral from her late residence at ' am. Thursday. Feb, 29th, to the Roman Catholic Church, Wolfe Is land where & solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the re- pése of her soul. Friends and aoe quailtances are respectfully ine vited to attend STROUD---AL Guelph, Feb. 27th, in Bt Joseph's Hospital, Lieut Wm, Alan Stroud, in his 62nd year. Funergl will take place from the re- sidence of his nan, Stroud, 51 Rideau George's Cathedral, Thursday afternoon, at 2.30 o'clock. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully requested to attend ROBERT J, REID, The Undertaker, "Phone 577. Princess Street.' JAMES The Old 254 and BLACK WALNUT CHAIRS, Twelve of these In two aire t styles. A rare ki One at 32 3 the other at $i6. best I ever had. ie At Turks. "Phone 7 105 PURE HONEY In the Comb, 18¢ and 20¢ per sec tion. EXTRACTED. 2120b. Palls .. ,..... S8¢ SI Palle... .., ...... Se 10 1b. Pails ... ...... $1.28 201. Pails ... ....... $2.40 Jas. Redden & Co. A MAN IS SOBER % If he Can Say the Words "British Constitution." London, Ferg, Feb. 25. A new fost for drunkenness has besn adopted the British police magistrate. H = suspect can say "British constitution™ without stambling, he is di rged. The first prisoner 10 be tried at the sewsions this morning, got three months. The best he could de was "Bish eush." There are indications of the 180.000 miners Bintes anthracite' regions clared to ro