~The Daily Bri » YEAR 79 -NO, 49 tish Whig KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, i912. LAST EDITION CANADIAN CLUB GIVEN A TREAT Dr. Herridge's Lecture on "The Intellectual Life of Canada" in City Hallo Tuesday Aeron. Development of Self Respecting Canadian Sentiment.-- ti Be No More Powerful Stimulus Than That---A Fine Company to Hear Rev, W. T. Herrridge, D.D., of Otta- wa, was the speaker gg the 'uncheon of the Canadian Club, held in the city hall, at noon, on Tuesday, and his ud- dress on "The Intellectual Life of Can- ada" was listened to with gfpat inter est. . He dealt with the subject in a very interesting manner, and the ad- dress was highly instructive. 'I he mem- bers of the club, were very nuch jpleas- ed at having an opportunity of hear ing Dr. Herridge. Dean Elis presided, in the absence of THe president, A, B. Cusningham, who was unable to sitend, «nd in a few appropriate remarks, introduced the speaker. Messrs. Reid and Humbrook had charge ol the luncheon, and it was first class, a fine service being render- wl. The "speaker occupied the chair at the chairman's right, and Priheipal tiordon his left. Applause fre quently broke in pon the brilliant effort and was vigorous and hearty when the address closed. Rev, 8S. Sel lery moved the vote of thanks in fit- ting terms, The chiel points in the address were these. Dr. Herridge said: "From time to time youn tened Lo some who are able with authority in regard to the vari- ous departments of our vast material wealth and to others who made you feel anew the significance of our poli tieal relationships, and the important place we are destined to occupy as part of a gigantic confederation, on have lis to speak whose girdle of empire goes round the globe. But while the most halting tongue might wax eloguent over themes like these. I shall not apolo- | ize for bringing before you a sub wet which, though it may seem loss practical, really touches in the most vital way everything else besides, In the last analysis the future of our land depends on the quality of those who inhabit it, and while moral work is no doubt to be prized above all other gifts that must be joined with a fine mental discernment if we are ever to rise to the topmost heighis of national greatness. Those of you who read Dickens--1 hope you all do ~~will recall Mre. Detsy Prig's scepti cism with regard to Sarey Gamp's oft quoted friend, Mrs. Harris, 'I don't believe there is no such a per: son.' It may be that a few cynics think that the intellectual life of Can ada is not much more in evidence than Sarey Gamp's apoeryphal confi: dante, But the existence of Canadian clubs alone refutes such a pessimistic view. It was no mere superficial im pulse that created them, or that keeps them flourishing. Of cource. the initial movements of progreds among any people us a rule assmme a severely practical form. Nature has to be sub- dued and its resources developed and for such tasks the sturdy digger and delter, however illiterate, seems bet- ter adapted than the\most idealistic dreamer. One may refuse to worship the almighty dollar and yet not have learned to live on nothing a vear. When fortune can be won by toil of a prevailing prosaic kind and still more when in some cases at least it is won that way with starling rapidity, we need not wonder that commercial standards of value should be most in fashion, and that, when any object is presented before the average citizen, he should be less inclined to 'What ave its educating influences *' than 'How mueh is it worth Our material chances as Canadians are so obvious and #0 much talked about that we shall have to be persuaded that there is something else of still greater moment to us than wheat or real estate or the silver of Cobalt or the gold of Porcupine. "Ihe first condition, then, of intel lectual advance is some consciousness of our need of it. We must. strike the happy mean between a false pride and a false humility, not imagining on the one hand that we have nothing te learn, nor on the other hand that some unconquerable handicap either of surrqundings or of natural inaptitude prevents us from reaching these elysi- an fields, where others have walked not only to their own content, but in the world's enlightenment. One of the late masters at Trinity College, Cam bridge, Dr. Thompson, had such inor dinate wit . thai it was said of him, 'He eastoth forth his ice like morsals Who is able to abide his frost 2 One day, preaching a sermon in Trinity College chapel to a congregation which for some reason counts .itseli among the cléverest in the world, he began thus : 'It would be obviously out oi place before such an audience as this to expatiate on the responsibilities of those who have five talents, or even two talenis. | shall, therefore, con- fine mysell to the more ordinary case of those of us who have only one tal ent." Such an exordium, save in jest, would not seem to me appropriate to Canadians. Ii talent consists at all in power of receptivity to ideas, I think we possess a fair share of it. Bat Tam not quite so sure that we have yet learned to put it to the noblest uses. So far we have not reached the front rank as an intelligent people, We are crude, as compared, for example, with the Greeks of the age of Pericles, or the brilliant men who gave renown to the Elizabethan era, or to some of the nations of Furape to-day. Speaking jonerally, we are pot great readers, axcept of a kind of 'light' literature, sometimes very light indeed, not vig: orous thinkers except on subjects which concern what we call our 'prac tien' interesis: This may not seem a nice thing sav, yet, as truthful James would put it, 'I state but the acts." "Of course, the familiar apology for his condition of affairs is that we are + young people. But I think we are old enough®*now to have cut our wis lom teeth. A materialistic youth is wt likely to conduce to a miature age of fine sensitiveness to the spirit- vinds that breathe upon human life. "nergy in acfion and profundity in thought should go together. We can- wt postpone seh cule till we have wthing else to do. At Athens, every man was compelled to learn a handi- eraft in the golden days of its im- mortal poets and sculptors and philos- ophers. As a matter of fact, Philistin- ism is often marked, not amongthose whose honest toil is itself, to some ex- tent at least, educational, but amon, those of most abundant leisure, X good deal of our social life tends to the atrophy of intellectual powers, and the vulgar and selfish plutoerat is allowed at times to override without rebuke those. from whom he might take elemental lessons. in the 'art of living. But, thank heaven, this is not by any means the universal vogue amongst us. I believe that a revolt {Continued on Page 7.) to RUSSIA PLANS T0 GROW . OWN COTTON SUPPLY Government to Expend $250,000,000 to Iigate Turkestan Where St. Petersburg, Feb. 27.--The gov- ernment introduced a bill in the on ma vi for the expenditure of "$250,000,000 for the irrigation of Turk. estan, which already supplies half of Russia's consumption 'of cotton and now alms to y all of it and then use the s for exportation, I empl of opinion is that the anti-American feeling now prevalent here will ensure the passage of the bill, It is expected that this scheme will emsble Russia to be i ndent of America for her supply of cotton. Bound and Slain in Stove. © Toledo, Ohio, Feb. 27.--Mrs. Helena N tied i point to murder with robbery the mo- tive. - Moses Levy, Hamilton, Ont, a brok Plated' Winder acrest, charged with A FATHER'S REMEMBRANCE, Gives Million Apiece to His Three Son: So New York, Feb. 27.--Henry Phi who for several years has nN emu lating the example of his old-time partner, Andrew Carnegie, in hanadi out gifts by the hundred thousand, half million and million, has just handed out anc ther little present of $3,000,000, He has given $1,000,000 apiece to his three sons, John S., Henry Carpe: gie and Howard. The gift is in the shape of Chicago real estate, 'and Mr. Phipps, the elder," presented it to his "boyy," because he didn't want to be bothered with the amoying details ol taking 'care of it. Mr. Phipps is about seventy-t years of age and in excellent health and spirits, AN AMBITIOUS PROVINCE. British Columbia Outdoes All Others in Expenditure. { ¥Yictoria, B.C, Feb. 27.-- The finan- cial programme of the British Colume t embraces an expendi: ibia governmen ture of $16,000,000 during the current year, said to be the largest sum ex- by any proving of the domin Fight hundred and)seventy miles of mew railroad is 10 be constructed Kaiser" Sails for Venice. ls via Glace Bay Feb. Pps, 44 SHIPPING GRAIN WEST. A Winnipeg Dealer Looking Into Con- ditions at Pacific Coast. Winnipeg, Feb. 27 One of the largest Winnipeg grain operators, Hugh Patterson, has leit for the Pa cific const to look into the situation there regarding the movement of west- ern prairie grain to its final market via a British Columbia port, which is anticipated with the opening of the Ranama canal. Difficulties in grades have hitherto checked the free move- ment of grain westward, but in a few years several routes offering mini- mum grades will be available. The congestion this season has convinced the transportation companies that the solution of much of the trouble lies in deflecting the crop from as far east as middle Saskatchewan to the Pacific coast, Mr. Patterson is making a pre- liminary survey of comst port facilities for ls firm. 10 DIVIDE PROVINCE INTO TEN DISTRICTS The Government's Bill to Reform the Health System of Ontario. Toronto, Feb. The legislative provision for the division of the pro- vince into health distriets will proba- bly come before the house this week. | The necessary amending clause is be- | ing placed ih the health act in| the hands of the statute revision com- | mission. { The province will be divided into ten districts, each comprised of five or more counties, "The amendment will not fix the houndarics of the districts, ar. } i now which will be determined later, proba- bly according to population, with the counties in each district grouped\along| the railway lines to allow the inspec-| tors to cover the ground easily. | The new provision will not apply to the larger cilies possessing eflicie uty health departments. Cities of over H),- 000 "populatien "will probably be left | out, | Hop. W. J. Hanna's reform in the | health system has been commended by | medical men generally, and it is ex-| pected will meet with approval of the | opposition. BREFISH AERIAL FLEET, England Competes With France apd Germany, London, Feb. 27.--Great Britain con- templates competing with France and Germapy in building up an aviation fleet. 1t is expected that the forthcom- ing estimates will contain a liberal provision for the purchase of aero- planes. Ten have already been order- ed and before summer the army will possess from twenty-four to thirty, which will be built to meet the re quirements of the army. The activity of Europe in this direction is shown by the announcement of M. Millerand, the French minister of war, that 34, 400,000 will be expended for aviation during the coming year, and that Ger- | many intends to increase her expendi- | to $3,700,000, ---------------------- WAR TO THE KNIFE 1S TURKISH SENTIMENT Italians Pilloried as Barbarians and Bandits and Accused of Cowardice. Constantinople, Feb. 27 --War to the knife will be the outcome of the bom - bardment of Belrut by Italians, The Turkish government will reply by the expulsion of ali Italians residing in Turkey, The Italians are pilloried as bar- barians and bandits, who, embittered by the phture of their campaign in Tripoli/ are violating the laws of civilized warfare by bombarding un- fortified towns and killing harmless civilians. They are further accused of lacking courage to land troops and measure swords with the Turkish sol- diers. } | « I Re-affirms Turkish Atrocities. Rome, Feb. 27.--The Italian foreign office, to-day, published a memoran- um, accompanied by photographs, detailing terrible atrocities committed by Turks and Arabs on Italian sol- diers. The ltalian. gdvernment an- nounces, that it feels incumbent upon it to denounce to neutral govern- ments the systematic profanators, de- void of all human feeling, who, it says, are a stain upon the Turkish army. Proof is also offered that Turks. and Arabs fired upon ambulan- oes, constantly wing dam-dum bullets. ---------- MacINTOSH, OF TOREeNTO, [Goes to Utiea, N.Y. on a Charge Smuggling. Nashua, N.H., Feb. 27.--Bélore leav- ing for Portsmouth yesterday to lay the collector of the port the re- sult of his investigation following the arrest in Langdon, N.H., of Edward MacIntosh, who was indicted for smug- by the federal grand jury at Uti- ot, N.Y., Federal Detective 5. W. Day held a conference with United States District Attorney Charles W. Howitt. 'The indictment, which was obtained fase Sonth, Mages the fraudulent fan three horses, a buggy and a Tn harness. MacIntosh waived? rights, and was taken to Utica by As sistant United States Marshall Fred P. Johnson and Deputy ° Chas. Rowe. tlatosh's real name is Edward " { Canadian tures for this purpose from $3,200,000 roads, LATEST TIDINGS Despatches From Near and Distat Places THE WORLD'S EPISODES GIVEN IN THE! BRIEFEST POS. SIBLE FORM, Matters That Interest Everybody-- Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Bead and Re- membered. After- March Ist the post office of Aura Lake will be known as Schuma- cher. Falty railroad the west, The Canadian riflemen, may Bisley this vear rifie is admitted. At Belleville, Ont., John Mack his wiie ere sentenced to jail assaulting a bailiff, A freirht thousand men construction needed summer for mn are this got go to the unless Ross and for service Northern Wednesday, Mary, only datghter of the tll with influenza. William Alexander, Luxemburg, born on rederick to Deseronto RR. on be | | 1s to opened The on Princess third child and King and queen, is grand duke of | died, on Sunday. He was | April 22nd, 18052. Doty, Sr. Goderich, Ont, | TR ei alin' | hadi | EE ADALBERS. smpercr William, who United States this sum- PRINC of E th the Third son will visit mer inventor and maker of the Doty ma rine engine, is dead there. At Toroiito the Good- Roads' vention the government million dollars on con to good wants pend four The quarterly board of St. James' Methodist church, Montreal, supported church union by a vote of thirty-two to six, Asserting that it is. impossible to. ontinue to sell bread at present prices, bakers of Swansea, Wales, an- nounced, to-day, bread prices. An hotel that will be twenty-three | storeys high, and with stores under- | ground, is to be erected by the Van- derbili interests in New York, Walter Gunn, of Vanderhofi-Gunn company, Winnipeg, is to be the new a general increase of { the | I'he Olympic {out of dry-dock, after a collision with QUICK SETTLEMENT LIKELY. The British Coal Strike May Shortly End. London, Eng., Feb. thousand more coal miners left their pits on strike, this morning, and while the situation is made that much more serious, there is ground for hope of quick settlement; in fact some of the biggest owners of South Wales have acceded io the pleadings of Lloyd-George and agreed to a mini mum wage. This was announted at a conference in government offices jo- day, and mutual concessions may re lieve the tension. BOUNDARY BILL Premier Borden Gives Notice in Commons. ONTARIO BOUNDARIES SAME 27. --Neveral AS PROPOSED BY WILFRID LAURIER, ------------------ SIR New Mexican Rebel Army. Juarez, Mexico, Feb. 27.--In the very spot where President Maredos' troops camped and were victorious just a year ago, the rebel army is skirmish- ing with his government troops, to- day. The new revolutionists are strong and carry the red flag of anarchy with the Mexican tri-color, Will Ontario Stand for Manitoba Receiving Both Hudson's Bay Ports?--The Laugh is on Sir James Whitney. Ottawa, Feb, 27.-Late last night, Premier Borden gave notice of a re- solution to extend the boundaries of the provinces of Ontario and Quebec by taking in the whole of the hinter- AFTER STRIKING WRECK land, in accordance with the resolu: tion which passed parliament in 1908, on Sn The Laugh on Whitney. Special to the Whig, Ottawa, Feb. 27..-1s Ontario likely to agree to the arrangement of Mani | toba boundaries, which was announced last night by Hon. R. {.. Borden. That the question which the politicians | here are asking this morning, pi The resolution with regard to Que- The Steamer Olympic Has Another ve provides for the adding to the . . ipgovince of the whole of the district Accident n the Atlantic (of Ungava, comprising about 480,000 square miles. The difheulty with re Ocean. gard io defining the west houndaey of ; a a oA Labrador, which is now in dispute be Belfast, Ireland, Feb, 27.--The White '+ wuen Canada amd Norah, in Star steamer Olympie, eastward. {gotten over by merely stating that the bound, struck a submerged wreek in {poundary shall run 'to the boundary the Atlantic ocean early, this MOLD- | of the territory under the jurisdiction ihg, and is now limping into this port | of Newfoundland." for repairs and examination to see if | The Ontario extension is the same she can continue the journey to Eng. jas was provided for in the resolution land. It is feared the damage is seri- {of 1908, presented to parliament _by ous, : " : {Sir Wilind Laurier, although the She sailed: from New York on Wed- 'terms used in defining it are some nesday last, with an unusual number [what different, with a view to a more of first and second class passengers, | ,courate definition. Apparently Mani including Ambassador and Mrs. Whit- | ba is to get both ports 3 the law Reid, and a number of Canadians. | Hudson Bav. The gigantic liner struck the wreck at | ely good speed and shivered from stem to | stern, as if it was a rock. Passengers dressed hastily and many rushed on deck, but were speedily reassured hy officers, and there was no panic, has only recently come i { | is the battleship Hawke TO EXPROPRIATE ISLANDS There is some chuckling going on at the expense of Sir James Whitney, On tario's premier has been very emphatic iin his statements that Ontario's rights {were to be well safe-guarded and this {was generally taken to mean that he believed his province was to get of the Hudson bay ports. Instead of this, Manitoba gets them both, and | Sir James is left to explain to his leg- islature just where the safg-guarding Lies. Chats Falls Owned by Hon. William Harty. Special to the Whig Ottawa, Feb, 27. ~The 'Hydro-Elee trie Commission has filed at the coun ty registry office here, giving notififa- tion that they are expropriating the islands at the Chats Falls, there being about eighty-five acves. The names of the islands ave' clearly outlined. They are owned by Messrs. William Harty, of Kingston, and I). O'Connor, of Of tawa. The plan that is filed sets forth the acreage in each case, and on it an intimation that the Hydro-Elec- tric Commissioners expropriate under the power commissioners' act and the Ontario public works act, THE DISORDERS CAUSE MUCH WORRY TO CHINA Thieves are Being Shot Daily Soldiers Shot While Fighting Authorities. At one However, many people don't believe | that the arrangement arrived at is per- imanent. It is said in some quarters that the boundaries as announced will tbe changed later, and that the whole thing is ooly a part of a political plan, calculated to give the govern ment relief in a quarter where relief is i needed, When the bill finally does come down {to the debate stage it is expected that the opposition will move a six months' hoist. Meantime the Nationalists husy as ever. 1 i are as There is no doubt that {they are working every inflaence in { their power, and to the utmost of Naf Tower to compel the government {to give way n the matter of separate schools. ' Every day which passes be- Hony Kong, Feb. 27. Stringent mea- fore' the debate begins is weakening sures for suppress#®n of disorders in | their chances of doing much damage. the south are being taken by the new | A --- . - -- - government and the general situation REBUKED BY COL, HUGHES 15, moré quiet than heretofore, i Thieves are being shot daily in Can- During Commons Discussion on the publicity commissioner for Prince Albert at a salary of $5,000 a vear. The Grand 'Trunk rajlway earnings | from February 15th to 2st, shows a gratifving increase as follows : 1912, | $818,729; 1911, $749,988; increase, $69, | 711. { Lonis. Ryan, aged forty-five years, was found frozen beside the railroad | track near: Cobalt, on Monday. He had nearly chewed off one finger in his endeavors to resusciate himself. | President George Morgan Ward, D. LL.D., of D. | Wells college, Auburn, | bh bb bed bbb SWEEPER Ibo TO WORK MINES. 9 London, Feb. 27.--1t is re- ported in radical circles that Premier Asquith has deter mined in the évent of a na- tional coal strike the govern- ment will take over and work temporarily all the coal mines and thus prevent a panic in prices. Prete eteat att Seer eP beter | N.Y.. has written his resignation to the trystees of the college, assigning ill-health as the cause, Not only will the United States troops pivvent firing from Mexico ecross the inte ine, bat they will not permit PETE fought at Juarezz or on the Mexy side of the Rio Grande opposite Doflas. Ariz. It is stated that the Hon. W. 8. Fielding will take up his residence in London England, and assume the mansgership of the brokerage business of his son-in-law, the late Mr. MePee. It is nlsd said that H. J. Logan, ex- M.P., for Camberland, X.S., will take the position of legal advisor to the The meanest man on earth had been lotated in Cleveland, Ohio. He gave a ten-year-old newshoy a quarter to g0 to a nearby address for a suit case. As security he took the boy's and pennies amounting to $135. There was no suit case at the {equipped died, vowed at his deathbed that she {who ton, and the government is building motorboats to act as patrols in sup- pressing river pirates. The boats are with quick firing guns and their crews with Mausers. There is a clamor in Canton for (le appointment { a brother of Premier Sun Yat-sen, as governor-general there, but it is known that this demand is regarded unfavorably in the north. The wife of a Canton officer, who Ross Rifle. Ottawa, Feb. 27.--Harmony does not haunt the government benches. { Monday afternoon the apple of discord {was munched audibly in parliament, when W. B. Northrup and Col. Hugh | Clark, conservative members for East Hastings and North Bruce respectively, were caustically rebliked by their own | minister. "There is not a tittle of fact in the | statement the hon. gentleman makes,' would fill his place. When she was guoth Hon. Col. Sam Hughes, of one rejected because of her sex, soldiers of Mr. Northrup's observations. had served under her husband,! There were cries of "Order," but the started fighting the authorities, Ten militant minister of militia would not of them were shot. ibe dadnted that way. "Not a tittle ert stm of fact," he repeated NET CLOSED ROUND ROBBERS. Meanwhile Mr. Northrup and Col. ' pn Clark sat silent and ill at ease, while New--¥ork Police Believe They Have the government benches were shroud Thugs Who Robbed Taxi. | globa, fo Ne k { QT : - € exchange occurred In the course -- Yar a. The continus {of a short discussion on the adminis- hold-ups in this city was a anied tration of the British National Rifle by reports, yesterday, that Depuie Po.| ASSOciation and the Ross rifle, which Yioe Commissioner 'Dougherty . eten. | Preceded the consideration of the or tv ders of the day. Eins Sed att shut the pur | 5 Otek Wieou moved. the taxicab robbery and that arrests 2djournment of the house to permit would be made "in. forty-eight houre ithe consideration of the matter. He The five men who held ur the taxicab charged that the miles for the National occupied by two bank messengers i Rie Assosiation for the Bisley meet the heart of the financial district, have hay Zeing manipulated, to hasdliesp ' the Canadian competitors and the Bot. haan, at large ten dayu, {Ross rifle. A system. of "captions 0 CBE i quibbling and pin-pricking"' had gone THE REBELS IN CHARGE [ie a oT hey Of Jarez, in Mexico, and Have Taken "fluence ' of the British rifle-makers. Racehorses. ] Jarex, Mexico, Feb. 27.--~The revo- "I is a question whether Canada should send a team (o Bisley at all iH this kind of thing is permitted (o lutionary is now in possession of this Igo on," commented Mi. Maecdonsld town. It is stated here that Presi- Jo read affidavits from Private Clif. dent Madero himself ix marching at ford, winner of the king's prize, sod ithe head of a body of troops to re- capture, on behalf of the government. Races which were to be held, to-day, oO WEATHER PROBABILITIES, Taronto, Ont, Feb. 27th, 10 am --Ots tawa Valley and Upper St. Lawrenos--- Rirong west to north-west clearing and ould and cold THE NEW 'TRIMMINGS ARE HERE Altogether 'he best showing of things beautiful for dress decoration we have ever shown. We invite you to call to- morrow and see if only to see this great showing of ° NEW FRINGES, NEW GIRDLES, GIRDLE CORDS, BRAID FROGS, METALIC TAS. SELLS, ' SILK AND BANDINGS, ORNAMENTS, EDGINGS, MOTIFFS, INSERTIONS, GARNITURES, APPLIQUES, GOLD LACES, GALOONS, BULGARIAN BANDINGS, CROCHET LACES AND SERTIONS, ALL-OVER LACES, ETO. IN. TA A A ------ OUR STORE POLICY, Just as soon as you enter our store door it Is our aim to make you feel at home." Yon are per- fectly welcome to look around even if you do not want to buy. this as an invitation and call as varly as you can, STEACY'S The Store with a Reputation. DIED, At Havelock, Ont, Feb, 25th George, son of James and Charlotte Black, aged 16 years. Funeral from. his graidfathers reside ence (J. W. Marsh), Kim Btreet, Wednesday afternoon, at three o'clock, Friends and acquaintances respectfully Invited to attend STROUD--At Guelph, Feb, 27th, in St Joseph's Hospital, Lieut Wm, n Stroud, In his 62nd year. notice later. ROBERT J. REID, The Undertaker; 'Phone 577. Princesse Stree. JAMES REID The Old FY Undert NORE TREE, tor Ambulance, BLACK 1912 Funeral 254 mud 256 Pl "Phone 147 for BLACK WALNUT CHAIRS, Twelve of these in two different styles A rare kind. One set at $30; the other at $36. The best 1 ever At Turk's. 'Phone 705. PURE HONEY A -- in the Comb, 18c and 20c per sec tion. EXTRACTED. 2121b. Pulls ... ...... 85¢ 5 Ib. Pails... a5é, 10 Ib. Pails . csnsis $125 20 1b. Pails ... «eo. $340 Jas. Redden & Co. year, evidently designed to amoy the. riflemen. Lord Kitchener, Lord Rob- erts and Lord Grey had highly com- mented the position of Private Chile" ford. "The Rows trifle," said the mine ister, "ix the best shooting and mills tary rifle in the world today," and it would appear that the British mano. facturers were behind conduct of. "ew saan as . te oan the association in At the good roads' eonvémtion im {from Toronto, Ottawa and Quebec of ficers, declaring that the Canadian have been postponed, as the rebels have taken possession of all the race jnssed by Major Silverthorne while {border have arrested many refugees were 'safeguarded, or to take, the posi- i wamnen rioters Hon. Col. Hughes concurred it obstruction and the annoyance re shooting. Mr. Maecdopald concluded] S---------- One-third Back st Work. tion that the Canadian boys would not by tI police and troops this morn-|protest. The Ross rifle, which he eigh- ferred to." Certain of the Canadian om 3 Toronto on Tuesdsy, it way decided that the Ontario government be asked: to establish and maintain provincial turnpike roads from Quebee bo to Windsor, with trunk roads in every county connected with it. The Swollex, i: resulted in" his Melville Hunter, Barcie street, returned howe after being in Bost and New York on sa business trip. The Bei ia legislatare | competitors had been repeatedly har- (horses. United States troops on the py askiv - the midister of militia to] « isee that the rights of the Canadisns Lawrence, Mass, Feb. 27.-While go, and.let it be understood why they and "did not go. o in the ing, it is stated that all the mills are' characterized ss the best in existence, i i i are been subjected "to all this sort were certainly subjected treatment British Columbia legi and the Gal shoion oe Weld on Maren proving wh, *