Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Feb 1912, p. 9

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\ A Che Daily British Whig YEAR 7 79. NO. 41. Ee ---------- DR. ROUSH'S RACY "LETTERS He Wits to the e Whig About His Tour in Sweden and Elsewhere. ---- ---------- The Many Famons Men Who Have Been Born in Sweden--- A Pen Picture of Stockhoim---Geraniums Special to the Whig three Scandinavian. kingdoms, like three brothers, possess 'certain | family teaits and characteristios com- mon to all yet, as often happens with children of the same parents, Norway, Swaden and Denmark differ w idely from each other in many physical, civ- ic and social particulars, Among the similarities may be meutioned the lan- age which practically amounts to ittle most than different dialects of the same mother tongue. Habits, dress and customs, while varying consider ably with each country--and indeed with different localities in the same country--may also be traced to the same common origing. For mutual convenience the monetary systems. of the three countries are identical, the "Krone" composed of one "Ore" and eqhial to about twenty American cents being the standard But notwithstanding these and other similarities, Denmark, Sweden and Norway each stands out distinctly and alone. Physically Denmark is a com- paratively level country wholly lacking even a Inint suggestion of the frown ing grandeur of Norway's tremendous mountaing and rugged vales or Swe den's more conventional types of roll- ing plains, bold hills and dancing wa- hundred | nev. seven' Be Trees. r---------------- | day' s ride from Christiana. The route ed one through pleasant vales and undulating farmsteads and while not marked by scemery out of the com monplace, still the ride was restful and the day was charming and in consequence the hours passed pleas lantly enough. The shades of . the | {opalescent eve were falling when approaching the environs of Stock holm and as tne scattered electric | lights announced our proximity fa great city I aroused from my re [verie, sat up and began to take no tice. More and more numerous grew | the twinkling lights and now a paved road, a row oi substantial buildings {anh the passing of a suburban tram jcar spoke of the end of jour In a few minutes the hollow rumble of the train suggested our en trance upon a bridge and at the same time a long ling of reflected lights our HEAVY DRINKER CURED. Him Others. A man who has been released from the awful eravings of drink, and whose first thought is to help other, shows Samaria Cured and He Helps on ter the oth and the its gure isla has limi the and {parable city. is a kind of we [with the additional advantage { rounding land and while nels to {ling ns { the the It city aver tral od ten If city radi mor literally tillating diamands of the sea. "Holm" in means lated focal trunk supposed by fluences as an omen termined the capitol dom. occupied spre lands in that 3 sible dale, island to island till modern station. In were Stockholm mn KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY TT surface revealed the wa- beneath. Other lines of stars in azure walters appeared and still ull sirelching mirror was ablaze with quivering, scin a glassy ers the Swedisn means "island" in the same language as of a tree, so that word "Stockholm" literally trans- reads "Tree trunk island" and origin is explained by a pretty legend in which a drifting tree the founder to be led by an unseen but benign iv: finally landed om a certain "holm" which was taken of good and which de fature loeation of the of the then primitive king- But if the original city only tne site of one island it long outgrown its early tations for to-day Stockholm has wd over a large number of . is the picturesque - channel connects the lake above with bay below, providing the unique glorious setting for this incom- Stockholm, therefore, | inland Venice that of sur chan- and spark queen of "stock" "trunk," nd or since an its of water are as azure are those of the Adfatic, still it is more and adds to the marine beauty of forest amd Ill acves- charm and -- along walks and around geometrical flower beds. These small bushes usu- ally bore but a few blossoms but what imeomparable roses they were ! have seen of these little bushes bearing roses almost as large as a great. hydrangea and varying in color from white, yellow and pink to the deepest red. And how velvety and soft were their bpattiful petals in the gew laden air of the early eve! One was seized ie op ever constant desire to stoop dowp and caress them or pluck and carry' them away in sheer enthu- siasm and admiration. one Tree Geraniums. Geranioms were frequently trimmed and trained into small trees often higher than, one's head with a true woody trunk supporting a spreading top literally ablaze with' hundreds of great = scarlet blossoms. How they managed to develop this wood-like trunk in an ordinary geranium ! am not prepared to sdy unless it is in preserving in green houses during the winter, the same stalk from year to vear till it finally hardens into a sol- id growth. 1 ébserved the same 'treatment ap- plied to the common daisy resulting in a'trunk an inch or more in dianwt- er and as firm as that of any other similar-sized tree or shrub. Oue al ternoon to a native of Stockholm 1 expressed my surprise at the mar velous flowers found here in the lati- like entering a fairy as our. irain rolled | - travelling from | reaching the cen- | section we found ourselves halt- beneath the spacious was therefore evening bridges in that long roof of al! the Drottningga- we found a comfortable hotel and stowed away for the night. Architectural Masterpiece. the night soon before had presented the light of a fairy it was no less attractive in ihe ant sunshine of the following ning. After a refreshing sleep and lit all | day. tude of Alaska, but he seemed to think | gmite natural. "For," said he, spring opens here the sleep but might as rs apidly as during That is the reason vegetables here in half the time it takes 'once flowers | never white mature too," he continued, growth produces in both blos- interferes to " "Then uninterrupted a more perfect specimen som and fruit for nothing mar the full fruition." So another wonderful phase of ture was presented and one that for these northern climes a kindly | nights. "this ni 17, 1912. the flowers are any ful here than in the numerous other | upon these delicious gardens scattered in rich prodfality throughout the city, but because I did not expect to find in any of these North land these exquisite blossoms that not only equal led but Jar excelled anything 1 had ever seen in the warmer zones. of course I don't include the luxuriant growth of the tropics--these are al together different varieties--but those dowers with which we of the temper- ate zomes are familiar--roses, gerani- ums, daisies and the like--I have never seen grow as gorgeous and prolific as in the wmeighborhood of latitude sixty, North. The landscape gardener's art was fully up to the perfection of the plants, shrubs. and flowers he tended. Fyen grass grew as I have never seen it grow elsewhere resembling in soft ness and texture the finest grade of green velvet A favorite means of beautifying these Stockholm gardens is to form sunken designs in the grass plots scattered between beds of flow- ers These figures are as perfect if they had been imprinted by as grant {'omtter prints sometimes decorated with a bright patch of blossoms but often containing no flowers at all, simply outlined - in closely cropped velvety grass as clear and sharp cut as the limes of a cameo, letter seal or medal lion. | surrounding grow through the [stone coppings into the limpid waters the | « them to ripen in the latitudes of dark {like CE and stately canals to held | channels Emphasized Beauty. And so the beauty of these artistic {public buildings is emphasized by thei rdens that spill over m which brightly burnished boats ply landing stage to landing one may sail" the beautiful lake- his stage where heart's umlking esire, Or if he is partial we may loiter over ous bridgks from island to island at each tarn some incomparable bursts upon His delighted vision the canals of Venice the often debouch into consider bodies of water hordered by pri and view like narrow able the more beaut | parks of Stockholm for daily we came! ] | | i Lo | commodi | | 'A Frank Statement| Peri-na is the Best Medicine in a | RECOMMEND PERUA. | MR. EMILE A MAROIS. World, R. EMILE MAROIS, strect, Montreal, Canada, writes: "After taking nine bottles of Peruna, 1 I find that I am cured. "1 still take it occasionally Un | Is the best medicine in the world, | of persons." Mr. J. SECOND SECTION. 4 : Fresh Bluefish, "1 have recommended it to « number | C. Hervus Pelletier, Dept. de | THE CLUB HOTEL WELLINGTON STREET, {Near Princess). There are other hotels. but pone approach the Club for homelike surroundings. . Located in centre of city and close to principal stores and theatre. Charges are moderate. Bpecial rates by the week. P. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor. Teneo Removal Notice Owing to the fire at my place of business on Friday, I have removed to 2951 Princess St, next door to J. Stratford, Taxi- dermist, where 1 will be pleased to see all my old customers and also any new ones, JOHN GREEN, Shoe Dealer and Repaiver, 00000 OOOOOIRROIRNOGOOSDS "WE SELL Scranton Coal Co's Coal Selected from the Celebrated Richmond No. 4 and Ontario No. 1 Mines, the best Anthracite Conl mingd in Pennsylvania. Place your next order witk THE JAS. SOWARDS COAL CO. North End Ontario Street, 'Pbone 1586, CSOv0OOOTNOOOOOOIOGOS 0-9 00B000000000000 Mackerel, Smoked Clis- compensation for their long months of | va ate or public #Zardens or buildings winter. [ dud all this too in the very heart of This park in the Parliament grounds Stockholm. One looks forth from his impressed me vividly not that|hotel window down upon the decks of [an otean steamer or steps across the | i street from his office and into ying launch that) steams awav bridges, through little lakes and along Hear. granite-walled canals to his home. And in Five|with all this pleasure craft and ship nothing, of the fireight-littered PAgriculture, Ottawa, Ontario, writes: | "The Peruna is particularly effic elous in the cure of catarrhal affections of the lungs and bronchial tubes. | "Bix bottles cured me this winter of | Bronchitis. 1 am completely restored | aud I owe thanks to the Perana. "I have recommended this remedy to a large number of my friends afflicted with the » trouble, and they have | the spirit of true brotherhood and philanthropy. Read his' letter : "I'he Samaria Remedy Co., Toronta, Ont wil 1 send me book on drink. als ars relating to your valued remedy + drink habit. wish to hand these a friend Who is going to ruin through drink, You will remember that [ have ta your remedy, and 1 find i t to be I never thin) terfalls. These phases of nature have uoticenbly influenced the temperament nnd character of the inhabitants pro- * ducing the milder moods and graces of the Daves, Norwegian austerity and possibly the love of formality, pomp and ceremony imputed by certain cri- ties to the Swedes. While both Nor- way and Denmark have each furnished their Mall quota to the world's roll of Blue Shell Oysters and Poultry an enjoyable breakfast which the Point quaint-costumed waitress brought to our room at eight o'clock we strolled down the "'gaten' in the direction of the group of peerless buildings made jup of the State Bank. the Parliament, the Opera House and the Royal Pal-| ace. In no ether city in the world] do I know of a more striking ensem- ble of more artistic settings than that; COes, most STOMACH TROU BL E ENDED. Indigestion, Gas, Sourness, burn and Dyspepsia Go a a DOMINION FISK CO., 63 BROCK ST. PHONE 520 a wait- under great personages that Sweden rather loads Scandinavian neighbors in the bril- lisfiey and numbers of her renowned men 'and women, among the latter be ing the two famous singers, Jenny Lind and Christine Nilsson, : her two Sweden's Many Famous Sons. Sweden's Ist of pentivia anal of letters is 8 long one hea hap by the greatest hotanist world has ever produced, the Linnacus. Among the astronomers Celsius stands prominent, but who is best known perhaps by the thermome- ter which he invented and which still bears his name. Scheele discovered oxygen while Swedenborg followed the lwes of original spiritual investigation and ix best known by the system of theology which he ereated. The Swedes have always been an investigating na- tion, This trait has led them into many of the remote nooks and corners of the earth. Nordenskiold was the first Lo realize the dream of nearly ov- ery early navigator and accomplish the navigation of the oft tempted "Northenst passage."' The Swedes have also been leading polar explorers, the last perhaps that attracted the attention of the world was Andre, who, with his two companions, sailed men per- the great still it seems to me! ing strong drink desire for it has speak remedy use my name ™ an way you public H. Lilyw %, Brigdén, Samaria Prescription is tasteloss and odorless, and dissolves instantly in tea or coffee, or can be mixed with food. It can be given with or with- out the patient's knowledge. It re. moves the craving for drink, builds up the system and restores the nerves, Drink becomes distasteful and even nauseous. Drink is a Ontario" disease, not a crime, One drink of whiskey always invites another. The inflamed nerves and stomach create a craving that must either be satisfied by more whiskey or removed by scientific treatment like Samaria Prescription, Samaria Pre- scription has been) in regular and sue- cessful use by physicians and hospi- tals for over ten years, Ii you know of any family needing Samaria Preseription, tell them about it. If you have a hushand, father or friend that is drifting into drink, help him save himself. Write to-day. A FREE TRIAL PACKAGE of Sa- maria Prescription, with booklet, giv- ing full partignlars, testimonials, price, otc., will be sent absolutely free and postpaid in plain sealed package to anyone asking for it and mention- terp site tiful ite cury the ing stal In red som the thes 'mat in t {resated hy The {stand on enough enough to spare border of this islagd a massive surface of the ground down to below dlimbers are trained over this bountiful garden spilling itito the noticed those ornamental Jaden which forth charming of the temperate zone grew where have 1 ever seen such ecorgeous rowes winters and short summers this won- these architectural mas ieces hit i pang ant 4 separate houses of parliament island just large to countain these two exqui- and still have land to maintain a beau- Around the gran. extends jn pleasing masonry from the structures park-like garden. embankment es and stately In places vines and retain- wall giving the impression of the ery- water's edge. ea. .. ' this" attractive-fittle park I first h apple trees wth thousands of tiny. bright apples no larger than a filbert and in springtime must have put a mass of fragrant bloom as as the double cherry blos- Japan. The ordinary flowers here in most perfect profusion and no- s of « and flaming geraniums as in e northern countries. Ti was ter of considerable surprise lo find hese high latitudes with their long Minutes. If you had some Diapepsin and would take a little now your stomach distres or indigestion would vanish in five minutes and you would feel fine. This harmless preparation will di- gest anything you eat and overcome a sour, out-of-order stomach before you realize it. If vour meals don't tempt vou, or what little you do eat seems to fill you, or lays like a lump of lead in your stomach, or if you have heart- burn, that is a sign of Indigestion. Ask vour Pharmacist for a 50-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin and take a little just as soon as you can. There will be no sour risings, no belchin of undigested food mixed with wir no stomach gas or heartburn, fullness or heavy feeling in the ston ach, nau- sea, debilitating headaches, dizziness, or intestinal griping. This will all go, and, besides, there will be no undigested food left over in the sto- mach to poison your breath with nauseous odors. Pape's Diapepsin is a certain cure for out-of-order stomachs, because it prevents fermentation and takes hold of your food and digests it just the same as if your stomach wasn't there. Relief in five minutes from all sto- handy ping docks of commercialism is observed for only a few of the prominent wharves have been given over to this phase of ireighting and even here the crates and boxes are always seen in orderly arrangement and the granite paved quay is always kept.swept and spotless, This island-studded bay sweeps pceanward for a hundred miles or more and the summer homes of many of the business men of Stock- holm are scattered along the pictures- que coast between thy city and the sea. These suburban dwellers travel to and fro in their smart little steam vachts so that every wharf in the basi. ness district presents ,, most attractive and animated appegrance. Amid these most extraordinary and most fascinats' my city scenes it was a matter of no surprise that that first day passed be fore 1 was aware and only by the soft strains of 'music from the garden cafes and the subdued glow in the sky did 1 realize that the damask shades of eve had come and that a table canopied by trailing vines mear the orchestra in the royal opera open air restaurant where one could gaze out across the light-flecked water to the imperial pal- ace beyond was the proper environ ment for the evening meal. SIGEL ---------------------- less ROUSH. verified m y good opinion of this vals sable remedy." ALE --- STOUT --- LAGER? PURE -- PALATABLE ---- NuTrITIOUS -- BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WINE asp SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE LOCAL OPTION--Residents in the local option districts can legally order from this brewery whatevet they require for personal or family use. Write to derful floral display. Though it was September when 1 visited Stockholm still the roses seemed to be at the very height of their perfection. The bushes were invarably dwarfed, the sale at Jas. B. McLeod's drug score,| gardener even using them on account| of dyspepsia, indigestion or any other a tale from Orient's own marvel: | Kingston. jof their small size, to form borders | stomach disturbance. lous literature. Then there was John : "Hy -- - : Ericsson who invented the screw pro- rT SE ee ep . TT EE "Well Now, That IS a Good Idea-- transportation devices. But: perhaps the Swede who, more Extra Granulated Sugar In a 5-Pound Sealed Package" "than 'any other, has atteacted not only the greatest attention of the scientific 'world but through his bo quests has also drawn to him the no- tice of the domain 'of philanthropy; literature apd art is the great chem- "Of course I have always bought Sugar, as my mother did before me, because it is the purest, whitest sugar I have ever been able to buy. But this new Sealed Package is the finishing toucj of cleanliness, and if I had never used Sugar before, I would certainly try the new Package." ist and philanthr Alfred Noble, the inventor Ti 'and thy The new Sealed Package is designed for just such discrimi. nating people, wlio not only want the best sugar, but want it in the best away from Dane's Island in a dirigible balloon never to return. Another name recently added to Sweden's list |" of famous explorers is that of Sven Hedin, an account of whose travels in the sealed copatty of Thibet reads like he mach Misery is at any drug store wait- irg for you. These large fifty-cent cases of Pape's Diapepsin contain more than sufficient to thoroughly cure almost any case ing this paper. Correspondence sacred- JOHN LABATT, Loatep, Lonpon, confidential, Write to-day. THE. SAMARIA REMEDY CO. Dept. 7, 49 Colborne Street, also for through isn't the world A man may go always to his on credit, but it credit. It's far better a chiropodist--if mules, CANADA a to be your an oculist patients than are East. Agent, James McParland, 339-341 King 8t., eroator of the Noble Foundation. No ble, at his death in 15396, left a for: tune of more than eight million dol lars to be used to help on in various ways the onuge of humanity, Accord ing to the provisions of his will the income from this fund is to be divid- ed annually into fiveflprives and o warded respectively to those persons who have made iI, oro 2 the most important discoveries or improvements in \ phy. sice, chomistey and medicine and to the author of the best hook with a high idealistic aim, and lastly bo the individual who has done the most or worked "the best to bring about the and brotherhood of all L . 'These five prizes, _sach over to about forty thousand dollars, are annually awarded by the authors who have the Fonds in trust to those who, in tne opinion of 'the ) itled to this ; Extra Granulated Sugar i is first refined to absolute purity, Then, without being ofice touched by human hand, itis packed by automatic machinery and sealed aif-tight i in the 5-Pound Cartons. Thus in its trip to the wholesale warehouse, the retail store, and finally to your home, Jy Sugar is. perfectly protected from any taint or impurity. to you as fresh and as clean as when it left the refinery. Each Carton, automatically weighed, contains full Five Pounds of &% Extra class each of which Granulated Sugar. If you have been buying sugar by the bag or barrel, you will find a case of counties hod ond' or mare 24 Five-Pound Pack much more convenient in the pantry. Of course your grocer will oresntatives rer vs still sell you Extra Granulated in bulk orin 20 Ib. cotton bags as before if you prefer. in the fortunate lists, SEAL aa Bi | Te. most Sian, ome of THE CANADA SUGAR REFINING CO., LIMITED, MONTREAL. THE CANADA SUGARREFINING CO LimiTE It comes ance Fagland having divided it honors about equally in ERE Ara) Na £8ia A Ww form a second "The Right Way to Buy the Right Sugar" : 2

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