Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Feb 1912, p. 7

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HELD OX ONTARIO, fn WUI Not be Extended to Lake Erie. made famous craft to enter thie races, an sailing races, will hept gs a cup for Lake Omtario Loats only, for COMIDE ~vear, at least it bhetd hy the Roval Cana: dian Yueht Clubs, of Toronto, whose London have siranged telender, Vivis 1, retaioed it for thu Canadians in the races held at Toron to last August Some Lake Erie owners of its four-oared crew to the Ulywipie clase R " . desired to have the gntta at Stoekholm, i deed of gift enlarged so as to permit Iwo hundred Seattish and English}! ake Jitiv craft to enter the races, and took up the matter with the RC. YO, which referred the ynestion to thie Creseent Club, of Watertown, N.Y. {The opinion among Watertown yachts ion on Weeount of lack of grounds, | Men and among Toronto seilors as The Ottawa aré agmn after (lint well, ix that no change be made this Puede, but it in likely that he will | ¥ear, as the challenge for a race "has stick to the amitear hockey ranks.' ' | already been supe. At the Lake "Himwie © Muilen has purchased his Foie fincing Association regatia dur- reledne frm the Toronte Muple Leafs '0% ths coming. simmer, '8 meeting . of He way manage Lhe those interested mn class R boats will hall Club, i probably be held, sod then will be George Mullin, of the Deteoit Tigers, setthed the neste Ee quaking the wun the fuse big leaguer to reach Hot {oe up an inter . " Hop 3 hav Springs, Arkansas, and begin training Another D an Sugpenter 18 te wr oF, the 1912 seanon, the Lake [Erie craft wey ont for the I soets ou simple matter for "Tow | SHampionship al 3hat jake and, then Longbott 16 come hack: The great Hate log ghe os mplaiy RP of the tradile with the mlskin, however, twa lakes, She wihney a yo AeOrRe the fact that be cannot stay back. eup onc atario, representing { h low Ebokd 'ax if the © H A or lise. There would be little difficu}- to be brought to a close somewhay 1p 2 nesumed, in mranging a suit eabler Shin weason. ths find) patel +012 Wop for the inter-luke ¢ham- witk pliyed on March 10th Thst vear { piouship race. Kore itsd Walsh, of the Oita seven, have show'n their sehsational this Hath hitve been games Lo date, The dbneonsss taleutta race the diay. tha kiig anl queen attended for the run ning of the king's cup, was estimated at a million reople Gore Bay ESPON REN KERE AND WALSH SHOW POOL | FORM WITH OTTAWA freed of Gi The tCeorge cup, ob | ake Erie nterpational x OHA, Excontive to Consider Ques tion" of Fiuing Teams Which Not Complete Their Schedules. Detroit ihre Do . is ho and 8 for a series of home-and Bowe hockey papics tor 8 trophy. Fhe Thames Club will the 10 wing ol boats curlers vent to the iutersational von- spiel in switzérland, Ihe Toronta cub will not repre- seited in the National Lacrosse tn be Seranton Base hinils were champion } little | RECOVERED HIS HEALTH. form replaced season XN H.A Pardon Came as Gréat Relief to His on the Maidan, the course, on v, Thessalon, Fort William, | Port Arthur and Kenora have to be! addéd to the Ontario localities repre | sented #t the Winnipeg bonspiel, About 250 eniried are expected Owen Moran, the English light-| weight, who ix in this country waiting | for Ad, Wolgsst to recover sufliciently | to fight, has signed (0 meet "doe" | Bedell mn Brooklyn the litter part of | this month, i A Sydney enable The New | " 4 pha i 2a | auth Wale Rowing Association has selected, an vight-onred eréw to eom- pete at Stockholm in the Olympic grea to be held these in July next. Deteripined efforts are being made to mateh Frank totch, world's champion | y wrestler, with the winner of the Zbye- | zho-Ratsevich match, which will take | Charles Wi. Morse place in the Madisos Square Garden! Atlanta, Ga, Fob. 10-Ricovered suf. next Monday night. ficeutly that his physisians now, believe Foronto News : "Jim" Sutberland's he may live for years, Charles W. Frontenaes, when they stack up Morse is to-day planuing to ask either agninst Eatons will be going up President Taft or congress to remove aginst a team that has never heen the felon's stigma, which he beafs, extended, and which has, confidence in The commutation, which Pre ident ite ability to win. (Taft granted the former bavker on Canucks' in Detroit and Windsor Jatuary ISth, did not earry with it a fats think the Canadian tenms that go restoration of citizenship. from hare to Detrbit are more out for | a good time than te PN hockey. | They ask that a real hofkey team be ------ wetit, 80 they cun be givén un chance to Malian Soldiers Digging Trenches root / | Uncover a Beaxity. Teo unassisted triple plays in base | Tripoli, Feb. 10.~A body of Ilalian hall wage made in 1911, They. are troops digging trenches nei the Oadly credited to Walter Carlisle, of the Vers of Seiara, on the spot formerly occu- non Clih, in the Pacific (Coast League, pied by Rowman haperial Gardens, have and to Calvert, of Hubbard, Ove. Only uneqrihed ai ancient Greek Venus of seven ulinssisted triple plays have been remarkable beauty. The head and made of which un record has been kept. 'ooo are missing, but the torso is in England intends to win the wext an excellent state of presery ation, and Olymple games. Preparations for the reminds one of the famous Capitoline team are now well under way, and in Venus. The statute Has been sent to order to be well acquainted with the Rowe, where it will be: placed in the hottlegronnd, - Rev. 0. J. DeConrey | National Museum. In: nearly every Laffin, secretary of the British Olvm-'apot where soldiers have tapped the pie Conheil, pad a visit to Stockholm } oy und to throw up defensive works recently, =» ; they have uneovered traces of the anci- Berlin Telegraph : The levying of 'a ant Roman occupatian of Tripoli, iu file or the cancellation of thew mem- cluding tombs, Mosaics and ruins of bership: on teams that do. not fini splendid vithas out thelr scheduled games in their re . spective leagues might be discussed us the next session of the OH. A. There's ha Teason whatever why clubs who are down and out in the race should not finish out. their scheduled games. Fight at Edmonton. Bixteen clubs have been licensed in' VFdmontonm, Alta, Feb. 10.-Miss San Francisco to hold four-round pro- Bessio Nichols, law student, sufirdgist, fessional boxing matches. Each club iand an active member of the local deshgnated as class B will pay a license | Council of Womin, has announced her of $1,250 annually for of staging about three fights 4 year. sade | i f FIND A VEXUS AT TRIPOLL WOMAN FOR TRUSTEE. | Miss Bessie Nichols Euters Municipal | the elections to be held in this city on 'Ihe new fight ordinance divides Bd February 19th. Miss Nichols will be ly. perinits, permitting twenty round | the first woman candidate for public houts among four elubs, designated as | office of this character in Western Can: class A, jada. She was approached by the The rules of baseball will be a bong' Council of Women a few days ago, and of contention when the major league announced her candidature yesterday. code committees meet in New York | ------------ next week. The chief argument which| We're Beating the White Plague. has arisen thus far between Chairman Syracuse Post-Standard. . Ward, of the National League, and! The fight against consumption, Cotinolly, of the American League, is long 'lacking in visible results, begi shout @ play which occurred in Bos tO show itself in New York state. ng ton last season. With one out and g Wes submitied by the state com rannee on first, the batsman hit for a sioner of health showed 14,179 home pur. The ball was thrown to the last year. That means 151 deaths per eateher, who touched out the man who 100,000 of population. For the had evidently scored from first base, ¥Wenty-fivd years the death rate The wihpire 80 fadled to touch second base, and that 10 134. Last year the number the batsman was out for following the Heaths ®as the same as the yesr be- runner: in who had failed to touch one . 4 L g of the bases. Mr. Ward and President! figure is 'materially lower. Lynch decided that the umpire wag! Fi that this is not merely right in declaring hoth runners out. ice is Mr. Cownolly says the batsman should n be allowed Lo seore, for he was in no death rate in the country. districts is way resporsiUle for the action of the of decreasing. The deérense is entire ranner ahead of him in not touching ly in the cities. w the bases in order. Ottawa Journal ty = The most popular thing Sir James' Whit could sumounes to the Un- Jtario legislature, which opened to-da; would he that Ontiric municipalities coitld exercise their own opinion as to whether they prefer to pay a munici pal tat upon the market vilue of ell as upon land, or to Have been put in use. from tuberculosis in this From now on not of Jenths put the actual wan i this disease shoul athe (io this disne The hardest part of man is to Mare her wants. F -- buildings as w why should they" not have that t } ute & internal remedies LL Shel 8 13 jxken internally. ard ir dames Whitn reasons why not al far as we oan has. given some of them bad so hing is an ---- ee 1 to be hoj in ton le matter, Dut it would be refreshing to sed some conservative members of ihe some § lerrisiature fo load Tel acti mocons rer of the bination the privilege seli a candidate for schael trustee in ins mis the from called both out on the tuberculosis was 150 per 100,000. In ground that the runner from first had 1909 this was reduced to 161, in 90 .. In proportion to the population a 1 in the fact, lamentable h from one standpoint, that the here modern methods Thre should never be 4 greater num- heér of stat® than the number recorded last ohly the per- THE DAILY RREITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, |[D SAVE THE THRONE PREMIER REPUDIATES PROMISES EMPEROR'S ABDICATION. the Cause of Striking Turs in Situation---Preking Does Not Fear Attack. Pekin, "Feb, 1.11 now believed many quarters that Premier Yuan hi Kui will possibly suceeed in suv throne after all. the Pekin papers no longer mention abdication or discuss the throge s re- tiremeut from government, Certaloly Yaan Shi Kai does oot inten to pro ceed with abdication unless compel to do so be opinion is held here that Is do not possess the power compel the prender to act, Fhe publicans' readiness ages Lo a permanent armistice and also their willingtiess to grant to the court libe ral concessions, iAspires the belief that they themselves thelr inghility to capture Pekin. heports received at the eapital in- dicate that the republican prodiesqnmnt 15 worse Than that wn which mer Yuan finds himself. Coaliseations of property, forced 'usspssments and briganauge are enuses of discontent throughout the republicin proviness. Should Yanan Shi hai aconde to the republican deninnds his own authority would terminate; he would be at the mercy of the republican leaders and the heretolore loyal ary, would di- {vide between the repaohicans Manchus, with the latter s supporters Lpstile to him, believing he has been treacherous, But retaining the throne, whase power already gated, he undoubtedly country s strongest is in ing the he to re- i rel Lev recognize and tae Las been dole would be the nian, Lhe imperial premier's proposal of terms in behalf of the includ- ing even a provision for the ennuchs, hus won the comrt's support and baf- i Mun Yuan has encouraged his followers to make promises of uhdica tion to the rebels and publicly ar range planus to this end, but he now repudiates them, declaripy that the empress dowager authorized him only a week ago to enter into negolinkeans tor a settlement, The actions of hus adherents, therelors, he asserts, worn not authorized aud are not binding {upon hu Certain members of the legations eredit Yuan Shi Kai with honest wotives in desiring to maintain tha union by the only possible wmeans--the throne. Many, however, are convinced that he is entrenching himself for a dictatorship, that he is wearing out the republicans and breaking the pow- er of the throne whose authority will be preserved only sufliciently to serve his ends. eourt, vd the opposition of the mino chu noble 5. ALUMINUM CANTEENS ---------- Are to be Part of Soldiers' Equip- ment. Washington, Feb. 10.--The ordnance department of the army is bout to place a confratt for 60,000 alaminum Canteens, desighed to lighten 'the sol- diers' equipment, and for use over the canip lite in emergencies. 'Spun' og of_solid. disks of metal, the new can- teen is so, dificult Lo manufacture that only a few comeeriis have been found wilting to undertake the job. Aluminim . is now being used esten- sively for light field equipment. Sup- plementing the canteen and eup - is an aslaminum combination frying pan and meat dish which, With Koide, fork. and spoon inside, folds up for hanging to a soldiers' belt, The fork and spoon and the handle of the knife are alumi nium, while the knife blade is made of a new non-corrosive and" rust-proof steel, The canteen cost soventv-eight cents, the cup, twenty-nife-eents; the eanvas cover, six cents; the pan, fifty-saven cents; the knife, eleven cents, and the spoon and fork eight cents each. STOMACH FULL OF TACKS. Will Operate on Shoemaker to Sav: His Life. Feb, 10.--As a result an X-ray examinatibn, Abraham Leconey, a Delanco, N.J., shoemaker, who had been suliering from stomach trouble for over a year, is to be op- Philadelphia, life. The spotlight revealed about a hun- drext brass tacks sticking in the walls of the shoemaker's stomach. He ad- mitted that for several years he has used his moutly for a temporary tack hox while al work at his bench, as shoemakers do, and said he remember- ed swallowing a good many duting the last ten years. Surgeons sav bne seetion of Leconey's stomach has mora tacks in it than the sole of a boot. A Terrible Weapon. Paris, Feb. 10.-A néw and terrible weapon has been invented by the wat department--a dynamite dart for use " airmen. t is a hand projectile about six inches long, the sive and shape of a lead pencil, but The head is solid and very heavy and ex- tends about two inches up the shaft. Abont this the shalt is deeply grooved. action, when flving over a body infantry or cavalry, the airman has anly to drop these missiles in hand- fuls. Owing to the heavy steel head, the dart always falls point first, while the grooved shaft serves as a rudder, like the feather in an arrow. | ing. from an aeroplane, these darts woukl dequire terrific veloeity. Hy s*peritient it has been shown that a dart only penetrates it an eighth of an inch. Relics of | Maine. Washington, Feb. 10.--The collier eonidas has arrived at Annapolis with & great assortment of the wrecked battlaship Maine, are to be distributed among societies and relatives | the Maine. About fifty foal which the Leonidas lond- | from the wrécked battleship is being ed at Annapolis, where it will ' tt engineering labora- r upon the thirtern years' submersion E+ eARY D- bo aA wy Republicans Plight Believed to bel erated on here in an effort (to save his' 1 Marie car in the world. Marvelous simplicity In design but every part in barmony principle, | Made throughout of scientifically heat-treated, the stron ali known steels under tensile la gainst vibration and shock {Fora Magueto, built into the motor. INo weight on moving parts, assurin ibility, economy and long service, Ford spring suspension. The axles tached to the car at the extreme with Vanadium Ford Medel T Touring Car equipped ag follows: Exteng 850 Reaves Windshield, Two 6 Lag p®2 Born ana Tools! Ford Magneto FORD Mede. 1 Delivery © Steel condtructed chassis w. world-tameus; Steel gody 3 pounds of merchandise Complete equipment as follows: Auwtoma neh Gus Lamps; Generator, Three 0 built dno the matory Head Office and Factory WALKERVILLE, ONT. Asians, Branches and Dealers in all Principal Cities. Few 84 stress, point This apte@did Touring Car for $830, giving And (he car complete as shove, conta only $875 1.0 8B. Walkerville, ' FEBRUARY fo, 1912. Here are a few fa ts about Port cors that yon can ve "fy for yoursel: parts, fentific the springs, thus Lility, smoothness on tires. Ford Rear Axle its own to Carry wear LEIS mcans Simplicity in thie car may bands need ing wheel. ight Welgat FORD Model T Is the Lgh:- est in weight of any four-cylinder car in the a giving the in riding, flexi- Weal uimaost and least world, si It has 84 A \ over sib Steel, gest of Alc Look at ir, no think of the y-the regr tires opery tion The wovement be controlled by the feet, perer he taken fram we s fit b ig tf ay in of the the stee: it g dt gives ol tives. Xo Ford you are £Cylinders fon 4 ith bull T DREEPNEETS, complets'y Speedometer, Automa Generdior; Three motor Walkerville, in e F086, FOND Medel v Tor equipped low $ wlileld p rn and This car thux fells equipped far ¥i78, § Fr. 4 } ich eyviindeérs lias made rooms the regular the FORD interior Vanadi Moael Capheity, ' FORD Model T Uriinders, 20 "ler i 6 tie 0 OW er Brass Windshield: Lamps: Horn $1100 hoand Td Speedomert orke) 1 aud reuls; Fe neh Gas 1 Ww Hoe SLIGO FON, WwW {olor Qorrgfedntif-- OF CANADA, LIMITED, see th from Judge Ford Quality Yourself Visit the Toranto automobile show, check up our eMims for Ford Quality by Ford Cars themselves, yourself the original snd exclusive featares that have ade FORD Model T the see for most popular and serviceable oy re, power } pound Hiv, ower the mecianism 30 miles on gaily is & economical ules with on one Ca Unequipped a Wh val ARR fre hole (3 Mai 0,08, w alkersille, miRerville ANGROVE 124 BRON, 88 Mincess Clarence Si1cet, nt. Ni ningston, Exhibit pt Show, Ford Automobile the Toronto Veh, 21.38. DOINGS IN STAGEEAND. | About Plays Players and) Notes Playhouses, Marita Harvey trivinph in 'the scored al magnificent. §roduc-! tion of "Oedipus Rex" in London. deossie Millward and John Glénden ning 'are presenting the one-act gluy. | reaping the Whirlwind; ia --vaude- ville, "The Traii of the Lones yne Vine, y Fugene Walter's dramatization of thy {nosel, by John Fox, jr., made a hit as a big melodrama, produced in wu Ig way. {Announcement has been made by |}. Shubert that the new theatre on West Forty-Second street, New ork, ! known as the Palace Mute Hall, wij be opened next Sepeember. The hots. is designed to have a capacity of! 2,600. There will be no gallery. 24 Marc Klaw just left Berlin after ae-| quiring in Vienna the American rights | of the "'Cingmataplasticor," the lat est. thing in motion pictures, The | figures as produced on soem, it is said, to be moving ! bout the stage instead of ona canvas) screen. { John Uort's new musical production "Tht Rose of Panama," which is described as an opma comique, talon from the European ofera "Kricl a | (blat," has begun ag indefinite én gogement at Daly's theatre, ew (York. This necessitated the traps e: of "The Bird of Paradise" to Maxioe! Elliott's theatre. i Alan Patrick Calnpbell, who with | his sister, Stella Patrick Campbell, | acted with their mother, Mys, 1 , is giving up acting for authorship. He has writléa four-nct farce which 3 now eallad "The Mummy," but woich- will be renamed "The Dust of Feypt" before it is acted by Gerald Du Maurier, ny London, > i A steangd sight was witnessed this w in New York, The opening night of a merry Iavce, "OMficer 666." No than four critics applawding and! oven some plavwrights were laughing right. Written by Austin = Mac ugh, it was hailed ad the best farce in vears. In the cast are Vitiay i Martin, Ruth Mavelifie and Tom Find lay. has + i " Jt i the serewn } } A i \ Doro was the actress finall, { on by Liebler & Uo. to play {the title role in their "Oliver Twist," revival, for which réhearsals are now in progress. Suzinne Sheldon wil) play Mrs. Maviie, Olive Wyndham Rose," Fuller Mellish, Grimwig, Char ls Hanbury, Mrs. Brownlow, and Mrs, Cooper Clilie, Mrs. Bumble. Fred. UC. Whitney's prodoction of th, Viennese "gomic opera, "Boron Tren ok," with masie by Felix Albini, was presented dwo weeks ago in Wash ington. Alter a brie engagement in Philadelphia the piwce will be talon to New York, leading role thay of "Haron Tresck"--hos bosns en trated 10 Her Fritz Steonfels, of ths Roval Operas House, sie. (hers in the eompany jachnde y Se Dullicld, John Savis, Pear} Bar.' ! leago Opera "production was made in Paris by M, | sary : Ha Favor of Votes for Women fragists of fy pe Ward Howe, of rons of this republic Fhe Colonel admits where w Ethel Dujre Huston and otiver the the late John Walker Whiteside presented Mel ior "The Typhoon" at the! hi House, heb. dth, This play first produced ih \Nkuna then followed it: press tation in liad apest, the home of the author, where | Its one Leyngel's ern states little changes have was » 3 difference, but heen : tie bett it is now in periormance. Inst eller the tre, | wioath Europ ein service the Sarah Bernhardt and £8 How ite fourth Ihe play deals with the Japaneses in the diplomatie and how the Japahess burrow under mations and ultimately the information the mikado deems neces to keep his country in the les est touch with move mada by any nation that may Fe in the slight degrée wniriemdly to the rapid rosie x of "Nippon." Mr. Whiteside appear a Japarese di lo: Max at MOUNTAIN GROVE IN FAVOR «An ------ Of Church Union--Telefhone Live to Ardendale. Fel. © noucted shows Mountain service 29th, In quarterly get (rrove, arier] y was Jantiny Mi Arden. Th board was held is the Meth Saturday last, when a unanimous Vote was cast for church union." Th people guve Mr and Mrs. J show the ! Manitoba, ast on fielimrond, of every odist church, on it young D. Clark a variety evening. Mrs. Adgukt, renewed acquaintances hore i Mr Mes, Melville Dre trsday \ Mrs eo is mat. to ns other MILITANT SUFFRAGISTS week spent Ti Saunderson js The Ladi, at the which as meeting in the afternoon, the ing ofhcers wire re-elected © Miss brice, president; Mrs, H. Loves president: Mra, IL Youmans, ret J. Butterill was elected (ven in place of Mrs. signed and y N HIT. Cronk's -- some beter \ here ¥ Aid gave a quarter) parsonage, Saturday well attended They Want It, York, Feb. 10.-<Theodare Roose a pronunciamento on anid the ballot At fe Now velt has uttered the subject of woman in the current issu of the Ontigok and has descended from that the fence which in the opinion of the woman suffragists ho had comforinbly reserved for himself, to declare round- Is " Set on Se Ary rs, Ire Somers, who re "1 heliave in woman'd rights. 1 be. lieve even more earnestly in the per -lspring. A large' pimber of poles formance of duty both by men and glréady on the ground. women; for unless the average mab | The schools have a very small at and the average woman Livé lites ol | tendance, on atcount of the large mum duty, not only our democrgey but ther of children suffering from whoop civilization itself will perish, | heartily ing ehugh, lieve in équality of rights between Pavid Hartwick tween here and Ardendale in the are wet emphatic recognition of the fact that normally there cannot be ideality of 'outting a gash in his back function. ber of prominent Orangemen "f believe in women's sufirage where lod county lodee at Sydenham ever the women, want it. Where they ueek. Much sympathy is. felt for do not want it the suffrage should {and Mr BT. Beverls not be forced upon them. 1 thibk i lof their little daughter woitld be well 10 kt the women them selva, and only the women, Vote atlday fakt, Nr. and Mra Frederick Mil some special election as ta whether 15, Manitoba, visited. their awit, Mis they do or do not Wish the vole as J. R Moore lost week. Mik. + permanent possession. Thie is pecu Harly a case for the referendum those most directly alieeted, that Js, Kingston general hospital. on Frida: the women theniselves. {orS treatment. Joh Johnston "Lk do not regard the movement a8" oorited on, in Ki anything like as Wiporiast as either pital, itd extreme friends or axtrome op. ponents think. I have never been able to take a very heated interest in it, "I the woman salirage movement wore 1a he judged only by those ad. vorates of it who discredit themselves and their sex by disaedesty tactics in wblic and who assail the foundations srivate and public morality in their Piles Cured in 6 to 34 Days avo not ta raise the wise of | Your diuggist will refund money if moral duty. in man, Bat 10 lower the Vazo Ointment fails fo cure any case serise of morsl duty id woman, 1 of Diching, Blind, Blesding or Pro- should certainly = oppose the move. | veading Files in 6 to 11 days. She. ment, 1 call attention eo the fact that they are prominent, not in the fegion ww wornan sullrage exist. bul in regions where it not exist. "1 pin my faith caught in the tres and A num this Mr the death The remnains were placed my Arden vault on Satur mn Josha wan on Saturday, for appendicitis He is doing well. Miss Gertrude Mac Donald went tg Arden, on Friday last, i to fake charge of the post office there atenunt of the dearth of 65. } Thornten, postmaster, and retacned on Monday. } The peonle who complain thai 1a does dan't worth living are not the bues does who try ts make it #6, ; Age and a small brother tll on a to woman sul gil, - . 4 A telephone line is to be erected he with a serious men and womiin, but also in full and | goeident while felling a tree. His que came down, | attend | Cox is suffering from whooping cough | for and pleurisy. I: Godfrey winy to the | ngston generis] how | MORE | PINKHAM CURES ---- i -- Added to the Long List due to This Famous Remedy. Glanford Station, Ont.--*'] have taken > Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Com - pound for years and never found any medicine to compare with it. | had ulcers and fall- Jing of the uterus, and doctors did ma no good. I suffered dreadfully until I began taking your medicine, fi has also helped other women to whom I have recommended it." ~Mrs. Henry Crank, Glanford Station, Ontario, Another Cure Harvey Bank, N. B.~1 can highly recommend Lydia E, Pinkham's Vege- table Compound to any suffering woman. 1 have taken it for female weakness and painful menstruation and it cured me. --- Mis. DeVere BARBOUR. Because your ese is a difficult one, doctors having done you no good, 'do not continue to suffer without giving Lydia E. Pinkham"s Vegetable Com- pound a trial, It surely has cured many cases Of female Mls, such as in. flammation, ulceration, displacements, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, indigestion, dizziness, and nervous prostration., It costs but a trifle to try it, and the result is worth millions to many su. ig women. I yom want special advice write for it lo Mrs. Rinkham, Lyan, Mass. It is and | | i | | { 3 : i i i { FAT MAN MIST LOOK SLIM, {Has Decided That Slender Man bv 1012 Model, } Buflalo, X.Y. Fel 1A, | tree Fashion a de- governimyg dress during 1912 again offs small eominrr to the fat man. The dictum of the Custom Cutters" Association of America, now in session here, fallow i The sletder man i= to be the for M2 To be romsidired ed and weil groomed, © fun s oak miter fe5 provi Zive the improsdion o effvet a all tend derness. 5 There will be no padded duwiiders, nnd figie fs will be the order of ihe day. Either plain or striped effects will be Correct, arent wee Melon

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