Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Feb 1912, p. 1

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The 1 aily British Whig --r YEAR 79 -NO. 35 7 KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, (9i2 a LAST EDITION - 3 I TipINGs PROM ODESSA. PITH OF THE NEWS. s s WEATHER PROBABILITY | " : T™ re int Ont fat) oe BUT COULD NOT REVIVE HER XY, VrsCatiian {a Open Methodist PTI TNEY - The Very latest Called From AU BRITAIN § NAV Bor aed Sens Len ~~ i Church, March rd. ¢ r PR i Over the World. gine 8 to-ta becom : ---- Saturday was coldest day in seven re ant aud family are moving this week to | teen years Ate -- resem et . - | Thorpe, where he in el heesemaker in T Dis Those C In Tripoli the ltalians sustained s H ady F A Sudd C l Science Makes Heart Beat For Twenty-Nine -:v.:. os To Dismiss mse: eady For Any Sudden Cal, | Froderick® Yohtaon. +g Fhe Mia tive 0 { Hon, W I. White promises a surplus | % Ch hill. GOOD ' 'y sionary Soeiety realiz d about #100 | fof $30, GOU,000, | re Hours After "Deal Death. from the two concerts by : : Odessa, Feb, 5 --Bettram Wheeler wen the At Manchester, Bog, British lockers | ladies hefe--the old maids' convention! A. out on strik ¥ jand the old maid 5 réturn. frozen Re drat in Ottawa cansed WARM Little Freddie Decker fell from | NG Soa /00 fire Thursday + RUMOR WAS BASELESS Invention of Chicago Physician Si SUCCESSTU---Lif PIO- [ci eit "reali ie ot : 4 véather has again broken re {eollar Bane. Mrs, W. A. Baker is visit oe i ee " | Hor all over Outario. : {ing her som, . Baker, at Toronto. ol raga { Canadian failures for the past week longed at Remarkable Clinic---Patient Had | Avram. Hagerman is moving to "tie [IN THE FEDERAL ELECTION IX ura' 17, xanms woek 1011 i " [FHATSAYY Was NOT prep ann] ' ag AVI sired » . i A EARNER Ir EL re aa age, havi ww purchased one of SOUTH RENFREW. i. The provincial tases on successions, LAST YEAR. Ceased to Breathe. Thomas Yorke's houses, opposite the a in the province of Quebee, will be low- i { LIK iMasomie hall. Chester Snider has sold : ered ym 2 ibis farm on Seotland road for $2,0m 14. CU. Hiiott, of East Middlesex, Has Baron de Brands, Brazil's mast beil The New War Staff is Having a Cap-| : ! 3 ot am Toad I ry as 4 £ neo, Drag i i : ; ; ' | Neve ral from : he " iu fiche John Given Notice of a Poser--Ontaric : liant statesman, died at Rio Janerio, able Class of Officers Trained---| TO KEEP YOU WARM Chicago, Fel). 10. Science was given stricken with a malady resembling | rion he ga oon Husre Wy afternoon, Legislature Session on Friday Was | Saturday, Great Britain Never Had Any PT . ' td ie 8 Cf H : ew Ghailts Yesterday bn. the sucores of mastoiditis. The infection spread to" a J Ei hes . v lon, Neth Seiek. | Leo Gow, a Chinaman, is & can- Thought of Aggression . hy es a dav the brain and Miss Woodman 1 lapsed | a jeation ie Jew 2atho For § 10..1h {didate * for 'councilman inf George 1 Feb i A P an invention which Te vet a day into unconsciousniss. - Before an' opet im Shusth wil Sake Jie We on Sunflay i aeanta, ig Ta e sesston of town: Col Be Rag, eh, . 0. The "spe > de- | I wolonged the Jife of Miss Florence gion a {March 3rd. Bishop Carman, of To je WEihiduze Fhicay altersocn win he jong : : i Bn oy, yesterday, . hy gat. | Prolong : : could be performed she died--in {ronto, will be present, and salsa seve [brief Sie Jans Whitney moved the | hie nationalists in Japan are urging § Hon. Winston Spencer hurehill, i Woodman, J the ordinary sense. But "compicte I + fH . Y | . ral bthet ini a dr . ance appointment f the com s Te TL TT ord of the admiralty. at the Tasch i After the voung woman had been death" is a slow process, and it © ax (Tal bther ministers from a distanc Ao . yn : oi " passat fee to v fof Iv " 'N vi ' : ve | ess werk eo sli ng ¢ CE § | le avigalic Ist, W { pronounced ipecompletely dead, a decided to perform an operation with an tummitiog of the 3 Te i i house ton, J, 4. o ni { cerved with much ent vacuums cleaner with mechanical at- the invention of Dr. Richter. { 3 tause. dob, Foy and other nach { | hustusm: After | : » TS 2 Het schuced al ; i {rel » naval resouwes of 8 tachments 'was applied aud for twen- Miss Woodman had eased to bre athe! Hi mbers of 2 . on et introduced al [ forsing h > : a = au | C Kk b Uyl N 8 ty-bing hours her heart was kept heat- when the machine was applied. Tmme { - 4 number of statutes revied and eon { | ; arch an ans y | fn i : ES dated 1} he 5 8 rave ing and an almost normal supply of diately the heart began to heat regu | a : ] sobiduted . * Latute rovis n | Weed pumped through her veins, lurlyy normal respiration returned and! fa A comm = m a" tis they re cwved | JA 8 seeond ve oR n will | Woodman recently graduated | the pulse was ss strong as though the 4 : k 3 Hurst am eadings, and ul i ta rive a very ¢ wdcount of hip by ship it was superior they : latest | rr can ait or the University - of Illinois and | young women was in perfect health 3 4 : : ue 1 shen up by the house in com : ; "Ss gy --- 9 1 JAR oe ! BLACK CLOTH COATS wis popular in Champaign and Wood- | 1hs blood returned to her lips and! AELR g Flite Fas bay ne At. BNE ae 3 [he ons which il iy § he sel patnd ig Iswn., She was unusually bright and | face. As soon as the machine was! : . A ; i 3 hn ised mesures jniroduced in | - Psi : thio x a of re a vivadious, and scores of sorrowing | stopped, however, 'the pallor of death | ] 3 chiding bids to prevent mioors from ; ; i i pan friends attended hor funeral. The de- [returncd, the heart ceased beating | ' : frequenting sulhard 'roca and 'gther 0 : cl | ors of unp tails of how her life was prolonged at | and respiration stopped ' | | places, vospecting snow hates; to im 3 » Sn one of the most remarkable surgical{ In agony the girl's relatives watch: | : elinies ever held has just become od at the bedside watched the ight | known, . of science to hing back the spirit of! 'The machine is the invention of Dr. |the dead girl from skadowland i Three only, made of good quality all wool Enrgiiah Beaver, well lined with Warm ors' Satin to waist, Fur Collsy and Reveres \ Fwere absolutely h [pose a t on dogs: to prevent the | o ; thedlutely § : Sole that the création S,read of insect and tungous «}] e868 a i wi vas alread Injurions lo a walture: respecting J ne wa wren render such nor pounds; respecting the baroerry shrub . T such ry over, a class of respecting the property of religious in : | ' ; consistently: trains ttutions; for the protection of bees; ke i } : . externsinntion cf thi} SR wer problem $20 Garments $10 Harry A. Richter, of North-Western| For twenty-nine hours the fight went Medion] College. Dr. Richter applied [on. The operation which might have the invention to Miss Woodman and! saved the girl's life was performed. | i ratization for the first time in medienl Matory Dre. F. A. Besley, W. . Herriman and HG k ! ginseng; rospedting p 3 ¥ : g an operation was successfully perform- |(eorge B, Dyche took turns at ma- | J : # | ne Lem to authorize the ed after the "death" of a Pat nipulating the machine, which pumped! il i sitity ent ol Ere guardmaes, The young woman was an orphan. fthe lungs full of air, the valve auto- | : J. Co Blliott, of Fast Middlose, | She lived with, the family of her uncle, matically shutting off the supply. The Fak WN ? [gave notice that be will make an! C, Pariridge, No. 6114 Woodland i tube supvlving the air was attached tol Fy el Gees I jenquiry of the ministry, alleging that i i ! i; i | 1: CHILDREN'S GREY LAMB ap CAPS, 50 quality at | | ; Co A few weeks ago she 'was the wirdpipe. tgovernment ollicials are basy in toe Hoderal campaign n Sou Henirew COLLAR AND 1} g | = On Monday ¥ I a w Brown GIRL DIVES INTO SEA HAWLEY WILL MISSING, a Lay Hoy; or Hromlévy a license cotor, and Harry Moss, a government em 10 SAVE HE CHUM Disowned Nephew Becomes Heir to | Fo FIy £ Hains. who tloves, have received permi sion to R Magnate's Millions, recently was rik foe he kifiho {engage an the campaign . " . tof William vill sl - i fol! ery s . New! York; Feb, 9.--1t is said that fon Angst 1 He will also enquire as follo Is F Deck of Ste the failure to find a will of the hate | [the government aware that thes men | (p, govermment to aciuire further in Ve em not fv he ne ao] ONE MINK SCARY, om amship, Edwin Hawley, financier and rails add have for wee! been i x ol od : One only, Fine $20 Quality $10. a alt tat st i sl at. Bt Nt Ni St At tg st A Cenks actually enga =e" Lieresis in Ukina the i { ' Storm Tossed on Ww. to to jmogpate, may result in making | THEY HOE FLORIDA od. inythe s nid elation' campain ia The Congregational and Presbyterian |1et, but, on the otier hun the ala { $35 Quality $17.50, y ' ay nephew, whom Mr. Hawley intended to | MOTERS | the interests of the conservative enn | hurches at Danville, Que. have voted | fortunes of ; 1 emi I . AS ai . Honolulu. disinherit, a millionaire. | LAND PRO didate 7 Will the government WM: Lin favor of chitreh QUIN. whole treasu acermula ted . ONE SABLE RUFF, This is Frederick Crandall, employed | jstruct these men to refrain from alll Mayor Lees, Hamilton, has decreed | turies f rifier h | $17 1. 5 . a) ' ' uu ; as Pe & i Lhe ve } ' or 88.50. Hoaalula, H.I., Feb. 10.~The Japa- in this city, in a minor position, ohes | Hurither parii ipiati nin the s.id ele : : i cho { $ $8.5 that in future o wurchasing must be | Would peri n se steamship Nippon Maru ran into jthe finuncier's favorite nephew, hut 'Ripresentatives Charge That U. S| tion campaign ? Will the government | done by the ¢ Away, IN ou board of conirol a heavy sen off the islands and the latterly said to have inenrred hi {on proof th one or hoth of these Ihe w 3 a i dane t ie | We Wing and queen of Spain leit, {Yanger, coul in her bunkers shifted to such an {uncle's displeasure, because of his mar. eyatent of Agriculture Sup- | men have been en od in the said | Frid : ! It " > Friday, ic Andalusis sad was the British navy LiL sande | FUR LININGS extent (hut the big vessel was listing [age to 4 young Southern Pacific | eleotion Gampaign, case the removal | ape. sd hin ROASIRA, where a : rhs mace | a 8 § | impaigy, ct he al jgreat storm did immense damage, } YIBLY was | he but ino hire Low dn. telegraph operator, 4 - pressed Reports foun OEE of lim sr them: Pod ON Admin, 'exmayor: af buiialo, {1 great power, respected and honored | $16 for wiHow or hours in the sm . : : pS sm died, Frida: red sevent cary. | #1 over the world, before she i ¥ W pgton, Feb. 10.--Another in | - tied, on Friday, aged seventy years. | wiore she had x oe be} Thors rd pa LIVERY Roop@ COLLAPSE D. | asin af the deren of agri NATIONAL « HC RCH PROMISED. | He was a native of Peebles, Seotland, (1% single ship. These facts ought to be $1 for. SHENEETS nu to} | fe ------ Mrs \ { i cle arly sinter ie the « val 1644 « ¢ : . : culture, involving orders of Secretary : : :. i rs. lLhomas ian ell and uy | 3 10 Lae 832 for 1 of -- ia difeatses ol. the [Wau Barng own by the Weight Uw Wilson and Solivitor McCnbe, similar jiresident Sun Yat Sem Will Give] {heloless in her yard at Goderich for {thal the va 8 Great Britain rN ng » gS aanl, The Nippon : Snow, : jin many respect to the recently con His Support. some hows, and may die from frost ind Gern ere onan equahity way | tare i Hemi a . u the b jlellevitle, ht., Peb, 9 onsider- {elite Met abo-Wiley controversy, but | Nanking Feb. 10.--The Republican |bites. | utter intr he. government had Miss Ruth R nga, an an organizer A et ttt A ist i Brita a great power. (a a i AT able damage was sustained to the five [whieh = enbraces charges of suppressed | Official Gazette contains a letter from {© Gedrge W. Har listy, distrigt : bo 3 § . dist) i passen- | da ma MA the bavac supe: | the Yokoha , whe 8 ol Hey. establishment of | J. Wiggine | hy ireports and inthience of land specula- | President Sun Yat Sen to a hinese [ger and freight agent in: Montreal for |MeCY the com woved, They, | y the Ol a : 4d Was on lo coll apusing of the ra®i on account [tory over government officials, is to lq hristian pastor; endorsing his peti- [the Northern Pacific Railway. died op "0" © ' would talerate his pro. | § er Way {0 her home in PRVEr, Was of the. weight of snow. Many vehicles ha instituted by the house committee [tion for an independent national Frida. nee anf uit i nile the heroine of the occasion, She sav- wore damaged, hut : satisfied that | + hour the SW ed ber cotapanion Miss M. Pagé, of abl fortunately Hy n expenditures in the agrienlt I de- Christian church. I Ping-pong has turned to favor tol ir unl 4 ' stable part was not affect r. Wig- ! : a sh 4 . I, pul a x partient. He pronnses his support. in the es- such an "extent t one fim in Ton 20 i aken Lo secure the s THE PEOPLE'S STORE ib 3 A - 4 1 3 ¥ m i # We Oy yg . Berkeley, x from drowning when ! ging was in the building at the time, j Cireamstances smoldering for months | tablishment of a Christian chwreh on | don, Engiand, is: selling 100 buts and | th ! the big -- began to roll. The young ud narrowly escaped being caught in Iyelating to exploitation of Florida {broad national lines. 1.200 balls odo. ri women were standing: together on the the debris, {Everzlade lands, milions of aeres of A foreiint sendicate hiss howsht land Papers Laud Churchill. upper deck when he vessel struck the i 4 ' (cre of | aa Syn as gh od vide have been sold Throughout hs National Religion for Japan. Hor a great haibor near Montauk London s Fob 10. heavy weather. Miss Page was thrown OFFER T : a Sele he a: i ' a gre t 4 ont s ; : into the-water. kud Miss Ragan plung: JFFER TO AUSTRALIA, |Comnigy yw syndicates an the last dew Vietoria, B.C., Feb, 10.--The Japan |Point. They propose spending $30,000, [lish press practically ed in after her. Miss Ragan is an ex- aH [years,¥burst into a flame before the | oo ome minister has ealled un con- 1060 to £100,000 600 emphatiently praises Chae rt dA INeE "and snesarded Ju hold: Improved Steamship Serviee Between committen = 7 Frondu, folbowing he Hordes of Thi repressalative of Ts Mire, Dilord, un mionetintinr,. wes ivay Mite he x 1iMR PH 4 ramen g 4 And ite eligi 8 ing up the Herkeley girl until assist: Canada and Antipodes, summary dis 1 from governmet tian, Yuddhist vl Shinto religions | found, ance reached them from the vessel, Melbourne, Australian, Feb, 9. The service by Secretary Wilkou, of ( { ; commonwealth government lines veeoiv- j Eliott, chief engineer of the drainage Japan, according to advices brought shack, near St A PEACE APOSTLE, od the offer of the (anadian gover ihe Eng. DIED, unanimous wed | : | HARRIMAN or hill Clas} RR A ln M papers which on Thursday, with his head {mast vigorously opposed hi to discuss a national religion for imost severed from his body, in titude at Polfast, % howe ral 3 support his de Scholastigue, T Que & laration that Dritain's navy must had been dead about tem days, remain supreme, "Alpost in terms of ROBERT J. REID, {division of thé depa rtment, and \% hy the steamer Canada Maru. He ment to open negotiations for primary aim is to bring the North German Lloyd steamer Chem the great Atheni orator, Pericles, | The Leading Undertaker, + (religions into closer relationship with | nic took off thirteen wou from wreck. | Churghill recapitulated our resonrees | | "Phone 577, '280 Princess Brant bia {sistant Engineer A. I. Moorehouse, | The 4 Adan: tand the suspension of F. BE. Singleton rhiteath Treaties Little Use. Bat | reciproeity treaty between Canada and | Arn a hiicnl chaten : ' : | c : A ett Than Nothin : Australia. It promises an improved jan fanderenee of | bie I et WATZC {the state and to raise a God-earing | ed Norwegidn bark Euphrates, as she [20d showed they would be equal to or . er an . Re So steamship service when a broad of transference of public. funds, sentiment and a enlt 'of national mor: lgank in a terviiie storm off Get {the wl that whoever sue = ES Waghi gron, Feb. 10.~The. ratifica: treaty is eon luded, ! Gi RE Te ality, GRD. eumbed ? td not po down in | AM] 'REID tion of the pending arbitration "trea: : SH | Bitten hy Mad Dog. ri > i : jth "ey fit . ' The Old "9 ir % K h G Brit a Py The Montreal lice force has beep |' y Te Ys 5 the Daily M Vil 254 amd 206 INC ax ATT. ties ' wit Sent ritain ane Tanee, i Fort William, ¥eh, 10.3 FE, Sein DECLARES | Hi ME RULE vaceinAted on account of the outjweak |7F hurchill's spose. The Standard | "Phone 117 for Ambulnves, "the lamp and importent as an obliga, {hurne, barrister, and Dr. Ray Park of smallpox in its ranks many of the "Marks that it wa the inspired and | rm -------- tion to pesesiully suttle d.sputes, was thurst have gone to Toranto to take | SACRIFICE 10 FENIIN; men now carry their left arms in Mpa indication of England's in- | TAKE Norio. urged before the senate by hetiaton "AGAINST BOY HUSBAND '::- Pasteur treatment. as a result ol | jiuea | 3 enti Le We Bars the shoe i Ham Works, of California. He. declares | havigg been bitten by Mr. Swin -- fhe' special committee on old-age) oves," a good kin nd modery that if the representatives of the three y prices; also a lot of ood heat : iburne's fox terrier. Mr. Swinburne | so pensions will invite the vie of chi - THE ITALIAN LOSSES | Sond hand, which we will sell dues great powees had iotended to exclude | Saye Wealthy Father-inLaw Has Set oon bees Sentiment hor London Post. Says Its Object 'is Fails" canirasions amt trades an | Sondiand which we SHtAetA Rad Ee he - ada Don't wait till they sre all from tha terms of the agreement ev- organization and trades anil ih i i {peft the animal was infected with labour councils with reference to the { Sone. Turk's. Phone ery dispute that a nation was likely tied Case by Granting Weekly [rabies antil a doctor was called. When | to Placate Ford and > LARGE IN JANUARY --- a 13 go Lo war about, they could not scheme ¢ jreparing to administer the medicine! The Hanzard staff, of the House of ti have dune it flaky sfsciively, nll Allowance. the dos Joe wus bitten in the hand, i Nd Oth m Commons, is being reorgamized. Albert 'They Far Exceeded the Turkish Sengtor Werk advocated v . man died here some weeks ago from | lon, Feb. 10.--The Daily News, | Horton, chief reported, becomes dite ance betwetn the great powers to os-| Allentown, Pa, Feb. 10. Mus. ia Al ¥ | london, Feb her Jay. ews, | Marton, chisel reported, ecowes; editor tradize Sommercially and otherwise Richard 1. Janes hate desertio Wi firaphobia. iL dogs have bea or nr hea aappaTter, o She debates with T. H. Owen his | Casuaities---A Statement usbhan a graduate ol ehivh . . ay i # x ave ox 1+ {ns <ists 3 | v aa y, ution that par to vur_mud to university, created a sensation fo. beet shot, j ast a way sil Trclind A Haliiax boy uy flogged ou p at is Given ASPBERRY. pH . 1 . t- e 8 " Fvlobe, © incide 08 CRUSE ite | . i Nr inet. fo horns parent Pek 2 The Captain Exonerated. [Tha at dominions who are over-'a sensation in Halifax. ol St will] Washington, Di', Feb, 10, "Italian STRAWBERRY, MAY FIGHT IN NEW YORK. adelphin, for alienation of affections. Tononto, Feb. 10. Rev. T. E, Eger Whelmingly in favar , ot home rule, the heard of it, as it is claimed the Hoxses in Tripoli during the latter half | PEACH. Er tn James held a position as mech aridal ton Shore, foreign mission Recretary British anc oreigh, policy should en- logging was illegal. ; Cojol Jdamuary far exceeded the Farkish| = : ohy Been Offered $30,000] engivesr with an Allentown ' iron [Of the Methodist church, bas received |deavor to bring this country and the! James B, Duke will shortly resign jcasuaities, according to a statement APRICOT. bh. plant, ftom Suseph. Pops, Mule: Sextetars of Englislk spraking republic it re foi the, from the presidency a the American, ised hd the npesial Ottoman em { BLACKBERRY, ¥ a + red 3 AE ar external alisws, an explana | antic into il 2 © Obaveo company to NOME enairman | Dassy here to-day t, savy i " > px on 9duek" Johnson, He hide, nel riding to her slate tion of the incident which ac] exh ship, which san's be. 28. long ax the jf aes Re: A ocrican Tena nay I "The commander: of the Ottoman STONELESS DAMSON, 0 weight, eaves, for New ment, or esi -l rou Dressing. sift ap ficism of the commander of the gun. {Irish safer undér a sense of bitter pany, with chief office in London !forews at Benghavi telegraphs to thel STONELESS GREEN hms te oy arth io _ ing i ny i ls boat | Widgeon in mot accompany ing & | grievance." Pr. Peter Spain was ected, on Fri- | Giroman mn ister of war at Constan i GAGE. Petal Athi Hons BRE. i ean party of Canadian missionaries down | The Morning Post says everything is dav, president of the reichstag. le is [ti inople that in the course of three! 1 1-2 1b. Glass Jare, 35¢. Gilwon's ov rl . She sail that ny husband dns i the Yangtse river a shart time ago. {to be sacrifiesd in the hope of placat- Header of the clerical party, snd de- { noetural Aci made by Ottoman] * PURE AND GOOD. has Teen offered R000 ns fan Francisco, anil tht she had re: [110 report gshows that the mission: jing Patrick Ford and other Fenians | feated Bebel, loader of the social del troops in the second half of Jannary, | ry ; he imme Tosived lotion % hi Ske 7 said [ATs declined to leave their house: {who have long Leen the violent Enemies |i ocratic party, bi 196 to 175 | the Halians had foar hundeed killed! Jas Redden &( 0 i Jw 2 od, ie eh aa a hin. ure bo ol hoats and exonerates. the eapiain from jof the British empire. | Johnson, champion" heavyweight | in spite of 'the protection afforded by] . A. his od Hin hater s ng open. aver re ea any blame, | pagilist, adits marriage to Ettaltheir forts and fleets. The Citoman | -- -- " ote J. Spponent was nob sta him, Mew. mes 3 vow of nds ing -- The Big Symphony Orchestra. . |i. "Duriea, in Pittsburg, Pa. is losses wets thirty killad and forty | Echo Lake Echpes, atin e A § Weds Sixth Time. The visit to Ningston of the > big {wifa abtained divores rom son of | wounded. The Taliase Have nalvol Fe ho Lake Favor Charen Uyion, ! ---- ---- . New York, Feb. H.--The sisth mar- "Toronto Rymphany Orehustra, a? {myitliondire 'commission 'merchant. iabandoped 4 considerable quantity of [party at vats onl XREW EN r BAY - Arim of Mrs Julian FE. Woodrall {der the auspices of cucen's Music. and | 'Hon Frank Cochrane refuged to xl | provisions and males' : a ig The Misia) sty EW REGENT FOR BAVARIA. Thampeon xhe as anasred | and 4 {ramatic Lommitices, is a mater fox flow the CNR. to revise its plan of | -------------------- sard meeting of the First Meo Prince Ludwig May Take Over Rese rom "Kis Coy, the pugi |congra a, ation, ar are ino doubt {i North «The twenty-fom mem: : sponsibilities. i861. three times, is announced heve. | that they will be greeted by a crowd: present voted wnani: ) Her Jatest husband is George A. led house here, as elsewhere, as hing: Bi pa ciatog o Viguahiter- died: cu Taesder hat Ty : London, Feb. 10-The Times' Berlin yy Wheelock,: onve well-known in racing 'ston is wot belind the times in nv | familiar with the ground | somred. 41) option a a threw mil a omnia. ME. and Mrs. Vaadewa 1 t says "There ure in-'circles. The new Mrs. Wheelock,: ob- | preciation of atiractions of this kind. Lo Hon, WoT. White made it very clear {dollar site dor phe erection « ters have returned howe alter vit | {sistent Shmors that the Yeusenite, tained a Sisores from iy Thame, {The dan ll pen 18 2Vhperibars. on fin the banking and pommerte com hotel and hawk bids or {ing friends in Sydenham. Visitors 5 Regent S comtemy ing t POSS son, son a Hettady. banker an au jay, Fe a n go $ ' . "ibility of ning the regenty, 'which noted Yale. ocarsmas, pst one week ! Mins John Switres | attended ss blia raving mice! Miss Bay-Capreol. seeiion so ax Have Secured Option, fgone to the city for s few months ito lpave oul a place called Hamel Torante, - Fob.» H--5iy Rudolphe | Mr. and - Mw, (. MeCulbough's infans i The section 38 in he riding and he i» i Forget, Montreal, imitter, on Friday. that ne new bank a iMr. apd Mrs. Yelog, at J. Sajtzer's v {ould reesive a certificate antl eom- | Frightened on King street, Saturdays [Anthe? Cronk sod Miss Jessie |evlin, be has held snes the jrageties of 188g age, and was marrisd Again by a ins: § Aunuat Meeting. clueive eévidener of the bank's finan: {morning a horse Ed int H. Wels: Sir. and Mra. Gosaly, lg in | favor of his son, Prince 1 Ladwiy. {ice of the peace in Jersey City, ou. Kingston branch National Couneil of {cial stadng 18 produced. Hivery sleigh, made a lively ae amper{at Witham Mick's: T. Cox at 4 - ; Tuesday night. i Womeh will he held in the council Jhe Grand Trunk railway pepont for jatonnd the marke sqiare and thieat- Cox's Mra. G. Hostan, af A. Wagers Voting for Trion: teenie ichambir on Toesday, February 13th. "the Rall vear shows a sarolus of £466. ened to do damage, but was caught (I. Leslie, at I. Seitrer's Wiktiape Foronto, Febo(10. Af the preseut New Brewery for Montreal. {at three o'clock: Repags of work OF gon. admitting a dividend of four per Lin time. Wagar, at 3. 3 ory's, Movnoldetion tng on church union js any indi- | Montreal, Feb. 10.< Montreal is to! the council and federated societics will | cont, on pusranteed stock, 'and frst Stop paving res; $150 « and SP Misses Nelli, ider add Lucretiy yJeation of the ultimate outcome, Mi have 'a new brewery with a caparity be given. All wonen are cordially in | and second preferences. and one and per month will buy a mew eightvoom (Wag.v, at Henry Hick's; Mrs. NM thodiam will carry the mates hy as uh uh pa hurtple per Sau. he vited. i 4 a hall on third preferences. dwelling for $1.3 Met ann's "water wed 4. Wager, wt A. Bush : heey unaniBions vote. A num) « to own ast Fi | ; i i A $ x i Postrsasier Haviev. of Beohe Plain WW Kiel, of Figur » While do legs Mrs. A. Wagur, st W. Wagat's, - congregations have vob' tenure efies' company, will be lo Germin Spy Sentenced. 1% Vi. faemed ont Wis office fo the Canals the «ily, po Friday, Wagorville. ny Melwod, at the 1 reper od upto foe tod x She north ond of the city. Winchester England. Fon. 10 Tein: dian postmaster at" Pesbe Playin. Rue, dropiwd $7. ip a roll, ard when lam (Bafeock's Mex, M. € ox, of her futh Se a majority of almost six 4 ivich Gross, a captain' in the German jor 75 a shar; if pays $632. The 1 ne {heard from had of found it. bar's. Jf: Baboosk's. © Telegraph company has merchant marine. "arrestor on Become | rad Sintes government hounesd bev | } Mr. and Mre. RB. Dieksos, Montreal, | aia Joe: the. from bee Sth ¢ JSharge of Ak a Ind iT appears the boundsre line rane Af: who have been the goewis of Mr. aed :_ from 9d. Portame rectly throarh the post offies. The, Mrs. W. © Spesecer, Sherrie shreet : e ag fies i: ve refined bot Governor Harmon, of Ohio. has come . jout strongly aguiiut. | the wiitative snd *reforrndan,

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