Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Feb 1912, p. 9

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Daily British YEAR 79. NO. : oF ot AY WAS TAKEN SICK FROM CATCHING COLD . PE-RU-NA RELIEVED. 'sicciat 10 the Whig { Denmars 188 ERNESTINE BOUVARD, | : ; ' M Duck Laks, Ssskstchewan, Can, | coumtriss of Furope. writes: la "At the close of 1908 1 took sick as the only equal result of catching cold, I became very |. weak and could not do anything. {Denmark notwithstanding "1 consulted 8 doctor who had me significant figures take various kinds of medicine, but I remarkable Ihtle nation. did not find any relief from my suffers [erable acrofige reaches ing. At the advice of a friend, I wrote cent of the entire area I nlike Nor fo you sud you advised me, { way, Denmark for' the most "After 1 had taken two bottles of Pe 2 Ti h, allay inl plain, ite greatest Jana thers was noticeable improves elevation scarcely exceeding five hun- ment. Icombined the use of Peruns, 'f red feof in height. Penarth: if . Manalin and Lacupis and.after taking therefor: an agricultural country and ##vaFal bottles of each I find myself en- Rairy Products iu Un totmidubls aa, ty that If was through H clin, I have ne Sar Sees n nar tifa) or productive farming coun your medicines that | recovered my hat the dsland of Sealand and Bealth, | advise every one who ia he ht ol rip foam | "4 ai ihr Harp to Copenhagen when harvesting wis Pe 4 n i Ww gi i 5 ws} 5) Mrs, Wilda. Sloours, 8. P, D. No, 3 1% (01 #0 semaios wt tres in Lents, Oregon, writes: [that bright summer day last "For the past four years I was & , j., (he journey Was taken. It w wreiched woman, sufforing with severe .,, constant suecesion 'of gently rol backacles and other pains, leaving me ing fields of grain, now a garnered so weak and weary that it was only plot with the harvest in shocks, now with difficulty thas I was able toastend on golden mass of to my household duties, ready fir the veapers, "} used \ditterent remedies, but wns in. the midst of the found wo relief until I had tried Pe« band of picturesque peasants runa, their songs and bright colored "Within two weeks there was a atiues ine an interest and home: change for the better, and in less thas |; Teauty to the scene ns wholesonu threo mon #1 was & well and happy 4 it wag idvite and pictures je. woman, These peasacts tnlike the peasants "All thie praise 1s due to Peruna." fof other countries are for the most Perunia is not s local remedy, but as Part faidy well wlvcated, the por interna) systemic remedy. I$ will re (for tage of education in Bemmark lieve oaterrh in its most obstinate | 908 higher than in any other Furo- form. fpen eohmnrer. Thig is partie due to ithe excellent system of edueation und } fpartly' to the inheremt iatelligence of y s the nation, Fresh Bluefish, The to about one-tenth these Denmark's Gghty per ACrOsSs-gfy Koss close of Angus ripened Again a ha rves grain fretd the with Cow Danes are a most attractive people. Ghee are a merry peopl and while avoiding sha unbridled li- csnrde of kame of the mere reckless orev math ng they pairsie a safe and gone middle road of pleasure that ag once proves most charming and 'al though in close racial and political sympathy with Norway, are noticeably free from the rather austere character this at times becomes a prominent {emit of the Norwegiars, Corssiony {of their position in society Tturies of refimement back of (the Danish people neither to thir superiors ov lord it those heneath them. Mackerel, Smoked Clis- Blue. Point Shell and Poultiy DOMINION FISH C0. 63 BROCK ST. PHONE 520 COBDS, then {ruekle over Electric Restorer for Men Phosplionul fastores every nerve In the bdy | vim wind vicslity, ure decay and all Denmark's Royal Family, nens a at once. ia go Ba ax oc Yui Tot on. ' Far Sale at Mahood's Drag, Store subjects ds the royal family tell for Frederick Vill of Denmark is related to hall the ruling sovereigns of Fur ope. The present Danish Wing is a brother of the Queen mother, Alexan- ery of England, His second son, Lrince Chal 8, marcid third daughter of Fdward in 1903 wes elected king of with the title of Haakon V1, Ir.derie Vs eldest danghter is man' ad to Prince Charles of Swedan. br ther of the Danish King, Vi, and ess Ulge, of Russia, sor, Yriges Constantive, married Princess Sophia, sister of the present German emperor while his daughter, Alexandra, married the uncle of the Ersoy enpercr of Ressia, Besides Queen Alexandra of Fygland anather sister' of Denmark's kid ie the present dowager empriss of Hus sig, having married the late Crae Alex. ander TH in 1566, one of whose chil mis the present Rossinn emperor, Nicholas 11. Another Lirother, Prines Waldemar, marvied Peinccss Marie of Orleans and. was ofiorid the crown ol Bulgaria put declin ol. The durhiss of Cumberland is still another sister of Frederick the VI cand seeives her title fram her mar a with the English duke of Cum i berhind, sou of the ex-king of Han: over. - | The royal family ules aver a kingdom Hon not as great as the city of Pans i intimately connected with the sul ing houses of Murartand, East. Sauda therefore, the political future of Peunark. b With sack a Prayad relations it (aeprise that the seit of the reigning d {amily ghould he characterized' by vary EIR FR Coie Cli RAS And Ry Gt transpires huis os hagen 86 most ofix is combine as it does iy guiets of the cha ' quaintmosy of +h The the mude aud art of Vi . ROUSH'S RACY LETTERS He: Writes to the Whig About His Tour in Denmark and Elsewhere. : Denmark is One of the Most Unique Cours of the World---A Look at the Royal Family--The Sights About Copenhagen. is one of the most unique walk, With a popula. | along with scores of other idlers and tin bet a little more than two and given wyseli wholly over to baif willions and with a land ares | hightiul pastime termed in the Italian! of tongue dolee far niente," (that of the state of California, sull!ing nothing. in charming place as the son sinng below | is nevertheless a! part is' : {» hile our next-tahle ne ighbor has been (Utes with cen | Xo Jers remarkable than the Kini's' Princess Maud Norma i King { The wo wwe Eoropean capitals--and | fin George ished the last of them with St. P bo wes ele ted king of Greece in 15633. * Legh look alike Ring tiecr oe married dhe Crand Deh: voloas, gay, fascinating but not to be Ring George's {trusted seriously, that with a 'popula- a the greatest Furopean tg nations, a fae' that avgurs well for hy varity and areay of of if and what it did for hey: © isa patter of ney ans foroign fluences, idonse and inno: that Cope PIER pg mopalitan repel Name withheld by request y of Paris 'with the = cleanliness KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, FEBR BELIEVES BAD STOMACHS. $ he Your Ont-of<Order Stomach Feel Fine in Fiver Minutes, H your meals dongt fit comfortably, of you feel bloated after eating, and you believe it is the food which tills you; if what liltle You eat lies like a lump of lead ou your stomach; if there is difficulty ix breathing after leating, eructations of sour, undiges- ted food and acid, heartburn, brash or a belching of gos, you cau make up your wind that you need something to stop food fermentation and cure indigestion. : To make every bite of food you cat aid in the nourishment and strength of vour haody, vou must rid vour Stomach of poisons, excessive seid and stomach gas, which sours {your entire meal--interferce with dr {gestion and causes so many sufferers of Dyspepsia, Hiliousnéss, Constipa- ton, Griping, etc. Your case is no different--you are a stomach sufferer, that de- ip neh you may eall it by some other name; vour real and only trouble is that which you eat does not digest, but quickly ferments and sours, duting almost any unhealtny will have 1. laxuriously lownged do- what =a sweet Thew again pro- the western horizon to sit in whe cool condi- ing trees and partake of the evening | imeall A strenuous dav's work---foe sightseeing conscientiously followed is hard work--has prodeesd a ravenons appetite and ong glances aver s prof- i apne oh fa Bar 8 wer. the prop {dose that fermentation : and _ sour is 0 matter of supreme importance Stomach is causing the misery of In the selection of this meal -and avane digestion. : dish after another is taken up they ape No 'matter il vou call your troubls | discussed with as much earnestness and Cstarrh of the Siomach, gravity as if the destiny of the human Des or Gastritis, or by any race depended upon their proper eon. Name--always remember that a sidegation. {tain cure is waiting at any 1 Fimally the list is completed and #tore the moment yon decide handed to the nearby waiter who be. gin its use. {takes himisell at ones to the culinary | Pare's Piapepsin | department to execute the order. Mean out-of-order A case of Pape's Uiapepsin will cost fifty comnts at any Pharmacy heve, and will convince any Stomach suffer er five minutes after taking a single Nervous other oer drug to be will regulate Stomach within five and digest promptly, iserved and we cast fartive glances in any fuss or discomfort, all of his divection. UH from his appearance | kind- of food yon eat. and general familiar attitude towards his surroundings he seems to be a reg. ular habitue of the place we concede | tly proper and { considerable' confidence in his ability to | irmly indulgent Nicina i the child order intelligently and watch with no | # Latin mother and 3 Teutonie Flittle interest tho contents of ench dish | fathe v and the impulsive yomiance and (as it leaves the hand of the waiter, A [bandon inherited from gleam of satisfaction marks our faces Side mingles curiously if perchance the order is similar to ihe one we have handed waiter, for eich country has its gastronomic speciality and the experienced travelles soil {onrns to order here and that there whereby he nlways gets the! best. Copenhagen proved no ¢xeeption and as we seom learned had its cialties. which we early discovered tholigh whatever the dish mae be, the i . trey Danish cook will make the most of it M20 with an air of British business | "rnd one will seldom go wrong in of conservatism, French dehonairness and | dering dinner in Denmark whatever Austrian love of romanee and chivalry | may be the hazard elsewhere | Being built upon an island at the lovel ! ; And so while we were speculating on fol the Sea, 1 iSO, Poin ls one vague things, gastronomic. andl watching the ly of Venice with its numerous salt: most intresting animals God ever cps | VALE harbors, inlets and canals, ated--Himan beings---anr woajler ar Not the lonsk atirattive featurs of tives with tray held aloft from whichis Copenhagen is the fleet of small floats a stream of intense as sweet to | ¥eIm launches that. ph mnter Loar hunt nostrils os urban watirs and the tourist "the shrine of ancien through many a pPuduresqpie eanal,' Lone dish after another is placed on our Past stately buildings and moss green little individual table before us, there tMbankmeats, to Barbers where ships ott under the starry dome, and ii the om every land lie laaly dosing at cool might-seentod air of the evening | tie docis Vefore essaving the bring we exchange mutual expressions of sat- desp. - There are also numerous de isfaction that folly confirm our judg lightful fd excisions about Copen ment in selecting the meal and pre- {azen, to the deep-shaded doer | diet the vnalloyed joy of the awaiting [19's with its acres and hour. hoary, lehen-~covered beveh Arid a these side walk cafes with | interspersed with open pasture their alfresco meals whether recalled {Wiere hundreds of dey lie compla at 'high noon or eventids will always | cert] suming or feeding on the ten romuin in. my memory sé halevon [Cer grave. There is also the "ty spots of Copenhagin to be referred to | Sund" drive where this body of to with doe awe and toveranes amd to [Sparkling seawater iv bordered tor i be sherighed as adorable legacies of [miles by a perfect road way lined on | the past. the land side by villas and gardens among them the sumnwr homes of royalty. for many of the crowned kende of Kurope. Tea houses also ure spboklod and here along | the way with attractive gardens 00k ing out, on the Nound where the | vitor may slight and sit at a tabi: | with an evergreen hover and watch the sim shimmer on sea and while sipping his and age | any min- without any stately German, emis the maternal with the state- lines and reserve of her paternal par- 1 ent. Copenhagen lig a deo iy mopolitan city. From Eugland it bo rows ifs solidity, from the continent its love of letters' and life. Copen hagen is a combination «of Lond on, | Berlin, Paris and Vienna all rolled into one and certain features of all of | these cities may be found in the Dan ! ish capital. In cleanliness it ie Just OMY Cos th's t hese from And pe ever golds, arosn earry tor acres of tropes lots | Xo Two Capitals Look Alike. Cities, like individual each have their stice, and to me people, bers character ~My There's Paris, fri lerkin, the immacy- late German hausitan, js the personi- I Eedtion of a frugal Jadustrious refreshing bever mera | DRUNKEXNESS €AN BE CURED. ; Sights About Copenhagen i P Then there are the old with their monuments and statiarg that yay he visited with pleasure 'and profit for within the sacred pre i : } Cinets of a cathedral with soft hah l the habit. Whiskey, however, has un- {streaming through stained glass win dermined the constitution and crentedd foo lending a hallowness to the a CRaVILE that is "net to he denied !5ot rive, one may sit and meditate Aufl the man must have whiskey or and pest to his: physical and spiritusl something that will remave the craw: He heft Like all Seandinavians ing aie build up the system and. re- the Panes are' religious and with sit {ite the i hi fon it La oraiv {their Ive of pleasure, spiritual mat: Ting ahd renttion The. eters Suibls up jars dre not neglected ithe cortifientes | the general health aud wakes drink jo baptism and Sunfiemation, Hob ta aetuntly distastefnl and nauseons. It |PE0LION vacvination, are jadispendall i taintaless and odoriess, 'and 'oan he tel re entering on service, approotice- iven with or without the patient's ship ue matrimony. An hour In sowletlps in tea, coffer ir food It is tra, will being na to the old as] 3 rly by physicians and kos: tie hy the gen Ww orn unde i sad tals. I has cured thousands in |. have ¥¢ moved and had his Leing, Natvrally avast amount of A p i so tered Happiness iv sertiment, has been bestowed © wpon what Mrs. Gi of Hall, savs®? ste Rronhorg where an fnsistent "demand to see the grave of Hamlet Lmoved the kind-hearted fioper to ar ipsied to . range a heap of stones in the form 4h n A ¢ Etat Thuis, Doone ST had fhe esl BLT a grave and mow the visitor goes Folie Fertedy the patient xinpped drink. awn thovoughi, ES lied with a view ee nd has Po Srank a gle ofrof the '14st resting place of the : A Ra iL aoeey "imalageholy. Dane' ols your remedy Wherever i 111 wg fined its counterpart in oto Riba Be hy erhagin an the" Trivel. (rdens, one the gayest show places werld, Have in the very heart of the city = on immense park with preg mental giles opening from the prin cipal thovoughiave directly into (his fairy land of ploasure. A small en trance fee is of churches Old Fallacy That Drunkenness Came not be Cured Exploded, Many mai drink who desire to stop i Foo % four eoénths to.day since I Flaried to use your reoedy. I follow. wit ed; fess Holl Que. Xow, if there is snyoie in voi ton who needs this remedy, toll thom Practical philanthropy can take no better form. 1 vou have a has hand, futher, brother or friend who 2 ] thepiveives. na package of Samaria fot, giving full pardculacs, testinon: ete, god bot omée within the 'grounls there i& enough that i» free fo satisly the most penutiois viwisor. Hands play wm pagodas asd olen' air rosctaurants, serobats - form, chorus girls siog, the fountains 'yplny, the «mechanical devices are § hall swing and over all m%ions varicolored s wert the wie { brated i still The Champs) mn the | UARY 10, 1912. A PRETTY FICHU THAT HOME The dainty fichus of net are eather 1 rathey expensive fo send i} to the cleane's: make such belongings for herself and own pleases, The fichg pietured is of cream ne than pure white, and it is shaped by a it vests flatly won the shoulders wiiliout are finished with strips frills are put an wwder over a simple bodlice, with a large brooch, THI GI ot ef et sim THN erishabli but fresh ones rashion, aml it is whan mad us sh fashionab. » centre hack so that and the edges mrrow ficha may be effectively pleated wom 3 pin classical dram vi an cat Aave but { original ure tTesort only and the pentuscla Resting Place of Bat Thorweldsg above al | sociated who here st bihel and whose sweounded ny gemus and © vy le immortal Thorwal many venrs of mor still aver his grav Copenhbing possible exception of has ever r or craved prodigality ripe old age th chisel almos 15 th a hundred sen to Al with From total stat cen collected Danish goverment either in ¢ inal or in repheas and specially constructed | ous Thorwaldsen art gallery Thorwaklsen's musterpioees hit serves as the maus that is something presve tomb for into the ¢ on the small 1 hese have all place pitt nse not ofl lou fof the genin brought them inte therefor about from nial croppe court desd a fi artist and many motionless tion that they the wheert ips pro The orig In pro Foor believeth in Him evoriastihy ROUSH XE POWER, bio PAGES 9 FO 14. COND SECTION. - CATARRH CROUP LOLDS ASTHMA WHOOPING COTen BRONCHITIS COUGHS G- FETABLIANED 18YY whuaddn « Beek sul eles wr descriptive bogklet Ho VAPG CRESGLENE 00. Lecming-Milas BISg. MONTREAL INTERESTING EXPERIENCE OF A TORONTO LADY I lave seen OXO Cubes advertised a ; great deal and thought I would try them, so 1 bought a 25¢. tin and found them | so satisfactory that I am going to tell | the women of this city how | used then, MONDAY night, we were going tothetheatre, so 1 filled my brass kettie and alcohol lamp and left them he des with the box of OXO Cubes, Ae were tired and when we But in a boiling, the ved, ahd we were P 1 Cc oe { : be ef te BT ve did sleep 1d cold pdt might ! TUESDAY morning, my small daughter we take her m wasat my w hen I the one of the cartons, and showed hier how to stir in the OXO with the milk. She said it was "goody"! and every morning now she wauts her "brown milk WEDNESDAY There is a dear' old lady next door who has heen iI] for a long time, wanted to appetite, solved an ounce Gelatine and three OXO Cubes in a put of boiling water--then ad a wineglassful | sherry and poured into a mold, allowed if to'cool and sent it to my poor friend, When I ran in to sée her next morning, she actually cried as she tried to teil me how good: it was, THURSDAY Two of the children do not come from school at lunchtime. Ido !not care to give them meat sand. wiches ret want them td have some- thing more sustain. ing than bread and sweets. OXO Cubes ! solved the problem. I now spread OXO Cubes on and know that the i have a nourishing and appeti- né¢heon. bread FRIDAY Just as we nad finighied dinner, who should walk in but my brother and his new wifel While 1 was warm- ing the rest of the dinner, I had the kettle boiling, dropped in a few OXO. Cubes and brought in two big plates of steaming OXO soup in a jifiy. After dinner, my new sister asked "how did you make that delicious soup?" When I told her it was OXO Cubes, she was so pleased to know that she could have soup like mine. SATURDAY I came in from tdoing my ping all lagged out --and 1 conid feel nrvsell coming down wish a dread. ful cold. I madea ctip of OXO and felt so rested that 1 added two OXO Cubes to another eng of boiling water and drank that, "Vi fen I awoke Sunday morning, I had not a sign of 2 cold." 1 am finding pew uses for OX 0 Cubes every diy, SUNDAY We were tired of theeverlasting eggs or chops for breuk- fast #0 I tried © see what I could do with OXO Cubes. - ried d small onion ot in slices, with & little apple, ia | butter yntil brown then 1" y : teaciupful of stock made with two OX0O { Cubes and boiling water--and added a i tablespoonful of curry powder, a little { chintoey and finally mvinced cold beef i § stirred it for Sficen minutes over the re served in a hot di raised i with boiled rice, on y was | delighted with my OXO creation. OXO Cubes are the greatest advance 8 food imvention since men began lo and women lesral fo cook. 70 Cubes, ac, Suh o Cubes, roe. TV H worse wives would only shut op lot of disvores judge would have 1» § , k usr sls iy in the H Jt at the G oT en their busiands doll them go 4 Ath bi haben Hunt other jobs,

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