SI ort EEA INA thanks to Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy." The same relief is ready for you. Are you sure you do not need it? If Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy helped Charles Holmes, why won't it help you? "1 was troubled with heart disease, and after reading about Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy, I got a boitle. Be- fore 1 got the Heart Remedy I had to sit 4p most of the night, and felt very bad at my stomach. Whatever Iwould ext made me feel worse, and my beat very fast. But thanks to Dr. Heart Remedy, 1 am all now. 1 eat good, sleep good, and feel like & new man, al- though I am almost 68 years old. 1 have been a soldier in the late war of the rebellion, and was badly wounded." CHARLES HOLMES, Private Co. B, 54th N. V. Infantry Volunteers, Walton, Delaware Co, N.Y. o. 'Miles' Heart Remedy pt int thousands of homes as a rion always to be relied upon in "time of need. ' # Sold by all Druggists If the first bottle fails to benefit, your money Is returned, Ask any Druggist. MILES MEDICAL CO. Toronto, Can ree The = Kingston lee Company, Lim Limited The above Company la being ncors porated to take over the los © nasy of Kingston formerly St, Lawrence ice Gfeencn.. We are liver Pure lee at price commensurate with efficient sere vice _ Office - 14 Market St. Phone No. 68. Ompany and Jui. naw prepared to de. the lowest possible FOR SALE PRBPPPLPPPL PPE TEO LP 1. Several large up-to-date houses, all modern conveni- ences, in excellent locations; splendidly appointed. 2. Also some moderate sized comfortable homes at attracts ive prices for sale or rent. 3. Attractive building lots delightfully and conveniently located. 4. Several large sized Farms, with appropriate build- "ings and equipment, 6. Some of the highest grade Bonds and Stocks on the market, yielding large returns at right prices, Call at Office for full part culars, HOWARD'S 8. FOLGER Investment Broker, 44 CLARENCE STREET. "Bhone 985, STEFL DIE. EMBOSSING. AT RIGHT PRICES, ° WE ENGRAVE THE Cop- PER. PLATES, CUT THE STEEL DIES, DO THE . PRINTING AND EMBOS- SING ON OUR owyN PRESS ' RODGER & WRIGHT Jewelers, Society Em KINGSTON. conducted by the WILL FRONTENACS WIN SEXTON : 0.HA. HoNohs? Toronto Opitdons Biffer--Cataraqui Hockey Team Won From Fron Road---Davidson and McCammon Pelight Calgary, There | may be some fun 1 Toronto vet. Katon's may giae "TAAL. oa Vhorsday evening of thin week fnstend ol Haturday, as schedulind. $he erim- #On is the only team shat has defent ed | thus venr and they ure hoping to do the trick again. Should they win from the "Big Store" team, and Parkdale beat Stratford, then the Paddlers apd Eaton's would 'be tied for 'fist place, Upinions difier even here as to the probable outcome of the home nil home conflict between Frontenacs anid Batons, for the championship. To- ronto authorities differ also, and the Star and the News seem to think that Froutenacs stand a mighty good show to win from the Queen Uity bynel. With Kichardson of Boyer on © the line, the Frontenses can he depended upon to make au. great mixup of things. lover, lrouse, Crawford and Red, although none of them big 'men, have shown 'all the = Toronto teams who have visited here that they Know how to play hockey. Some of the To ranto papers love to well on the fact that Frontenacs do not have the style, although they give them credit of Playing good hockey. They're on hand to deliver the goods anyhow whim the time eomes, and many a sport will druw his whole bank roll tos hatk them when they enter the final series, Eaton's great hold is said to he wm drawing but the defence nnd reoring from: centre. James T. Sulber- dund saw them play Jast Safurda, wight and he didn't see that game without es arrying away gome of the tyle 'of play the Fatonians possess, The strugpele belween the (wo tenins is bemg awaited with the keenest suxiety here, Maton s Not Making Mc h Noise. Irenton, in spite "of the fact they have a professional econeli | trainer, do not seems ta be {much noise in junior OLH.A. circles {this year. They have been four vears Fgetting a team together and the best I material to coach it that money can (buy, and vet Belleville defeated then | by 16.16 3 in a league game there the "other night, Trenton is not in the I same class as the moior Frontenacs of {last venr, who aprang imo existence and snatehed the junior O.H.A. silver | Ware the first year. They eannot hope 10 wm the junior enp this year, that and making commen Cataraqui Hockey Team Won. " Uataraqui hockey team and Koad heel teams met in a' lively game at the Palace rink on Fuesday plternoon. The game Was very ong sided in the first hall, the score be ing 'BH to 0 in faver of Cetaragui The game ended 7 to 2 in favor of Cutaraqui. Rielly started the scoring znd before the half wes he had added three more to his list. Me- Guire, of the Front _Boad joam, woe WHOOPING COUGH SRONG ASTHMA COUGHS Front over TATEOLIONED 1070 A simple. safe and effective t for bron: chial troables. avoiding drigs. peties Lorene. lene stops the paruxvemn of W Cough es CTW SL ONE, Fong 1 to suf teres trom Asthma fo shotgly antiseptic, inspired » Bredth breathung cay; soothes the en thropt and stops the cough, aesdring restinl nights. is valu MOENers ii ALL DRUGGISTS Cresolene Anti. ¥ Throat Tablets for che init ted ae Shey y Mo simp i {ori deunuint 5 of rH us: VaPo CRESTLINE Lh. Leeming-Miles MONTREAL NORMAN & WEBB A Snap 1.000" Acre Farm, ghod hutldings, well 'watered, fenced and lots of wood, within 20 miles of Kingston, $5,000. Another--gaw Mill and Cheese Box Factory in thriving village, pot far Trom Kingston, up-to-date maclitnery, $1,000, Still Another---Grocery- siore doing a good business, which could bo doubled, © well stocked, (rade mostly vash, within four blocks of Princess Streef, must be dis- posed of as owner going west, $1,000. vo Ondl gud see i| NORMAN & WEBB, 171 1:2 WELLINGTON ST. Read Estate and Gemeral Insurance. abov eo lines o be 5 oived with 5 'the alphabet a apeite x a word , we lave used A 3 is Xu § Lotter hi SE | Hers are 5 spetiing | the ¢ (for EL Tiras HE vi Ta A ER of ain 1 Sie grand ensh : a 0 cents ER, staan wants | to settle things like this: before" the {imal games arp played, but the LEP, jout and the finances of the club will mi ms ancther goal, The Cataraqui boys were only on the ice a lew minutes in the second ball when Kiser added another score on 8 lone rush from one end Lo the other. The scoring, as far as the Catara- quis were concesned, was now ower, and their opponents set in to. got some goals, avd they succes in getting . two. McGuire sigfféd to rough it up a bit and was given two minutes. For a minute or soit looked as if there was going (o be a scrap on the ice like the ome hat! took place at the rink at Glenbhurnig a year ago. The spectators rushed out on the ice, but happily every. tikng quieted down and the game went on. 4 Latarayui~4ronl, McConville; cover, rover, Kiser; Rielly. Front Road--Goal, Gravelle; point, G. Driver; cover, MeGuics: centre, A. Barry; rover, A, Uravelle; wings, 5.) Driver and C. Graham. ° Simpwon; « point, Long; centre, Look; wings, A, ISelly, J. Doing Well in Calgary. That "Scotty" Davidson and McCammon are making good in hockey game, with Calgary, is shown by all the reports in the Calgary papers. Both made a great name for themselves in a game the other night between: Calgary and Bassano, when Celgary won out by 5 goals. to 2 The Calgary Herald gives great praise to the two Kingston players. "Davidson was a star and 50 was McCammon,'" says the Herald. "Those boys put up the game of their lives abd worked for sy. with every particle of energy they had. ibe eom- fuation pit wp by the Calgary for wards, assisted by McCammon, al times was the pretticst seen on this ice for years. Old "Bill McCammon played the game of his life and the crowd would yell 'Here comes Hill, and sure enough Bill would be seen plowing down the ice with that puck JH i8s own, He accomplisned seve ral individual stunts that were wor- thy of much faster company. Seot- ty Davidson was also a very cffec- tive man. He played a great game." Bill" Lig -- The Juniors at Perth. On Friday the junior Frontenacs will go to Perth, where they will play an exhibition game with a& team of that place, "Jungle" Gunn, on the wing tor the youngsters, did good work for the boys at practice last might, and showed up even better than in the last two games he played in. He is a play- er who next year will show some class The Fromtenacs Practised. The senior and junior Froptenacs practiced at the covered rink Tuesday evenihg, the juniors in preparation for their game in Perth, Friday night, and the seniors for their mi ghty strug gles with Eaton's for the senior silver ware. George McKay, president of the olub and a one-time hockey player ol note, was on skates and coached the team in a fine style, and showed bursts of speed at times. Weicker is improv ing all the time. He bores through well. 1f he can get the combination worked better he will be a valuable man on the wing. "Bert" Daniels, the former Queen's star, who mey be used in the final games, was in the nets and showed up well. IL will be a race be: tween he and Edwards to see who will hold the goal position for the remain- der of the season. They Beat Tecumseh's. Ihe Iroquois Club hockey feated the Tecumsehs at rink Tuesday evening in a friendly game, hy the score of 2 to U. This was merely a 'practice game to give the Teeumsehs good form for their re maining league games: S.85.A.A.A. Hockey. Two nore games are billed to bp played in the "SS AAA. Hockey boagie at the Stadinm rink, on Wed: nesday evening, whea Bethel meet Cooke's seniors, and St. George's meet Sydenham seniors, In St. Groorge's win they will have practically won the leagie, 'and will be holders of the George Mills & Co. cup for a year. team de the Palace No Exhibition Games. Tho senior Frontenace will not play any exhibition games ducing the per- iod between now and the finals with KEatons. The covered rink is so busy! hete that dates casnol be arranged and the management does not think that long trips would be avy good for the players, os they are liable to get hurt away frbm home, so they will content themselves with practising herve. ¥ Boyer Will Be All Right. Boyer, injured wing man of the Fromtenacs, will be all right for the final games. Tt was expected that his arm would Le released irom the sling pither to-day of to-morrow, and with ten days before the first game He will have a chance to get to shape for the crucial events. Will: They Go After I? Many of the followers of the Fron: tonnes: are wonderiag 'whether thy sen oes will go to Wi after: the Al- lan oup should' they win the senior (LHL As series. OF colpse. it is not wise might he econsiderad if Ui team wins pay for the trip. Nicholson Net 'Out. Nicholson was not aut with the sen- iors. last wight. is on thumb | will not permit him playing ust vet, but will not prevent him from turning ool for the final games. { penntived and while be was off Choke { AMUSEMENTS (GRAND 1 OPERA { HOUSE ) TO-NI IGHT Deiamater's Stupes tion of the Great gem A ng arr Me STAMPEDE By Cecil De Mille, with And a Powerful Company of Players | Greater Semin BOW on Sule. i Than the F: ™ Squavwmau, 2%, 50. 75 8L4e, 81.3. LILLIAN BUCKINGHAM. NE ee Yevveevvvews CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion le a word, Eseh con. secutive lusertion thereafier hail cent & word. Minimum charge for one insertion, 23¢; three lasertions, 0c; wix, $1: one month, ¥2, HELP WANTED. THURSDAY, FEB. 8th HENRY Ww. ps AGE OFFERS "EXCUSE ME"|: Rupert Hughes Convalsing Comedy. Tickets ordered and not called for before Noon on Thursday may be placed on sale. Original | Seats Bow on Sale, Brondvway 25, 58, 15, $1.00, $1.30, A COON. son, APPLY 191 King Street." BOY TO LEARN PRINTING TRADE, Apply to oreman, Job Depart ment, Whig office. AN INTELLIGRNY PERSON MAY RID 106 monthly corresponding for newspapers: no canvassing. Send for particulars, Press Syndi- cate, 3.969 Lockport, N.Y, A PARLOR MAID: ALSO A HOUSE. maid, willing to assist with chitin. references required. Apply to Mrs. A. B. Cunningham, "On gwanada," King Street West | COVERED RINK. Senior Inteér-Collegiate HOCKEY MATCH Friday, Feb, 9th: McGILL vs. QUEEN'S Game called at ¥ p.m. Admission---Gent's., 50¢; Lallies, 2c; Reserved Seats, 50c¢ extra. Plan opens on Thursday, Feb, 8:1, at 11 am No telephone messages will be re cepted. PUBLIC MEETING THE CHEESE of the County o to be ef Kings p.m > consid Factories in Fi MANUFACTURERS 3 > are invited the Windsor Hotel irday, Feb 10th at 2 the gmalgamation of ontenac J. CREAMER, King of Frontenac. §th The Kingston Cheese Feb. Will the Whig by handing the day all advertising copy greatly oblige previous intended for insertion on FRIDAY SATURDAY. or gros 2 receipts two per cent, - for purposes, No Stanley enp hockey games can be played in Boston, or at any place out of "Canada. Boxing exhibitions have been placed under the ban by the civic authorities of Berlin, Ont. FChaueer" Elliott has Pitcher 'Carvier, of Detrait, Thomas Canadian League Club. Ottawa pros double the score key team selected any other hockey centre in Canada. Totonto Telegram : Eaton's are right on edge pow, and are not at all tikely to go stale. Kingston has been stale; they were here against Varsity--but they have had time to rest up and come again tu top-notch form with .a two weeks' rest. Calgary Albertan : The Alberta Curl ing Association is the ouly branch of the Royal Caledonian lub west of Ontario; Lut Alberta i= completely ig- pored in the Beotsmen's itinerary, thapks to Winnipeg. Alberta curlers will live through # and will forgel all about the snub in a short time, but the fact still remains that all of the sport hogs do not live in Ontario, (Continued on Page 8.) Colds Cnuse Headache. Laxative Bromo Quinine, the world- wide cold and grip remedy, removes cause. Uall for full name. signature E. W, Grove, 25ec, road signed up for his St. Baseball boast that thev on any amateur hoe from Ontario or can Miss Whalen kas been appointed head nurse at the Hospital for the josane, Brotkville, and Miss Race. who Mas supervisor of the ad weed {rs been. promoted to the position of assistant head nurse at. I 'of the young ladies: betong to Brock. valle. : King's Seas fone, mamnfactor- ed by the Maple Leal Milling company, and wold "by all leading grocers, is in popular demand everywhere, Have you tried it ? Whithy sweet cider 304. a gallon, at Gilbert's, The trustees of arlotie 'street Methodist church, Paterboro, have ex- ended ag invitatidn to Rev. Manvwell Bragiford to be the next pas- tor of Wall street church, Brockville. Now is the 'me to make marmalade. Orange slivers to rent at Gilbert's If they are you are in 2 or don. Both! ONCE, SIX MINERS, HOIST RUN. ner, an compressor Than Soca wages and bonus will only experienced men hs tony Apply to North American Smelting Co. Perth Road, Ont TRUSTWORTHY MAN OR WOMAN to travel and appoint local repre sentatives for = established lire; $15.00 weekly and expenses: ex jetience not required: start a TO MISS FERGL. « GERMAN EE LT TTT LOST. LEATHER PoC KETHOOK, an amount of mokey i Finder Kindly retura lo Whig office and receive reward SMALL AE BLACK CONTAINING sum of money . iL up on King leave al Whig trouble HANDBAG, © and vifiee and save SYDENHAM STREET. PROBABLY between Earl and West, a silver watch, letters "C.H.C.C" in iorm of monogram engraved on case Finder will be rewarded on leave ing at this office A BLACK RUSSIAN LAMB MUFF, IN arty part of Wednesday evening Jan, 3ist. on Queen, Barrie Priv. cess, University, Johnsen or Alfred binder Please return eo WRig of- ice WILL THE PERSON WHO TOOK To- Joggan, with initials 'BRIE. * from Fort Hill, Monday night, mistake, kindly return mame to 149 Montrez! Street and receive their own. CANARIFES. CANARIES, CANARIES. « AN ir shipment of those beautiful son birds just received: come in a hear them; each bird.a guaranteed Rongster. W., J. Driver. "Phone ome. Manager. Box 53, Toronto FOPPe REPLI PVE LID PIP EPP IOP : poy WANTED, - Apptd ge YOUN. "LAIDLAW & SON & PRLPLLLLPPLPIE RPE L EPPS PINS HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS, BRUNSWICK QTEL, opposite GTR. station, one block from CPR; on Siren car line: bar 1 sup plied with best of wines and Quors; ehars es moderate; special rates by the week. John Cousineau, Prop. ONTARIO ST, A LINE FOR BEVERY HOME: WRITE us for our choice list of agents supplies; we have the gréatest agency proposition in Canada to- day: no outlay necessary. Apply BCI Co, 2283 Albert Street, Of tawa. WANTED, MA- ine and Vice Hatds. who are nc- customed 10 masine work Ap. rot RB MACHINISTS oh THE GRIMASON 'HOTEL, 342-341 Princeks Street Bar stocked with the best bof Alea, Beers, Wines Liquors and choicest brands eof Cigars. Meals, 25c each, or speein) the week. Fard and accommodation Rates reasonable. Mulville & Driscoll BUSINESS CHANCES. ply, Collingwogd i nilding Company, Limited, Cotingw aod, Ontario. LABORERS WANTED For filling Ice llouses: also number of Young Men to assixt ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN START a mall order business at home: no canvassing; Je Your own boss: Send for free bodklet: tells how, Heacock, 2,96 9, Lockport, NY. FINANCE AND INSURANCE. Six weeks steady work Apply on the Premises, corner Colling- vood and King Streets. x te lr em pies GENER INSURANCE. ~ T. 4, BOON, Agent, 159 Wellington 8 Fire, Life. Accident -and Health Policies issued. oLD LOUN STRY DOMESTICS. CAP. able © Scotch, English and ajdt also Danish girls; arriving twice & month now, The Guild, 71 Drummo% Montreal, 47 Pembroke Street, ronto, and 227 Bank Street, tawa. BATEMAN & GARDINER SIR, Insurance and Cus. Real Estate and Loan, n share of y sallcited ~7 'larence Kingston 'Phone 308 Life. Accident tonis Broker; Money te business Btreet, CLERKS TO SELL ARTICLES MUOR needed in every home, especially by working men; manent position; ing for small salary behind the counter, write to-day: you ofh double your wages aid be your awn bose Apply, Bex "BH. B, C." Whig office. : Strong Boy for the Whig's mailing depart- FRONTENAC 14 MARKEY Accident and Plate Glass 1d Motor } Ronda, Regina Insarance, Estate in Lec y 1 Winnipeg, Crigary, Moose Jaw, etc LOAN AND INVEST. ment Boclety; establivhed 1863; president, Sir Richard Cartwright; money issued on city and farm properties, municipal and country debentures: mortgages purchased: deposits received and interest al. lowed, 8. © _ McGill, Managing Director, $7 Clafence Street. ment. Good chance for advancement to the right boy. Apply at at the once Business WANTED--GENERAL, LIVERPOOL, A. FB. LONDON, AND GLOMEK Fire Insurance Company, Availabie aksets, $61,187.215% in addition to which the poticyhoiders have for security the unlimited i! bility all the stockholders Farm ¢ city property insured at possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get fates i we & Blrange, Agents 'Phone 328. DENTAL. KNAPP, RA, LDS, DOS, RE- moved to 258 Princess Street TENT. KMALY. DATRY must be pear city and school. ply, Box 235, Whig otlice, VAPW,; Ap- TO PUBLIC SCHOOL AND COLLEGIATE SPARKS AND "Phope 246. SPARKS, incess St réet, DENTISTS, Kingston IN, C. C. NASH, DENTIST; DR, 0. . Waicker assistant, 133 Princess Si. Phone 786. institate pupils to coach; also eRildren for private tuition Av- ply, Beatrice DD, Birch, B.A, 13% Bagot Street. . As AYKROYD, DDS, LDS, DE? et, over Dominion Express Office pad Wellington Gtreet.' 'Phone 10. IF YOU WANT A JOBRBING PLUMBER, Gasfitter or Electrie Jobbers call A D. Marshall, 123 Raglan Road Prompt atiention apd reasonable rates guaranteed SHOE REPAIRING OF EVERY DE. porintion; first class work: bem Teathet only figs one trial wit fice. your repatrs foots, 3 Barrie Btrest eor, of Clergy TAKE NOTIORE, THAT 1 WILL BUY all kinds of second-hand furniture and stoves: will pay highest prices; see mé before anyones else Thompson, 333 Princess BSireel, next St. Andrew's Church. GENTLEMEN TO BRING Cloth and have it made ap naa to-date suits. Price and orkma ship gusranteed to please. ress 18S IPL, ten owe oriest no owaYy, 181 Brock St, near Bibhy's Liv ed i FURNITURE PINIHER. mann and EET kl 1 colors, a Brincofl, 5. 08 best drop a card a Sire ntl oat At Lavant Station. Lavant, Feb. 6.--Norval Lee leit, yesterday, for a week's trip to Den- high and other plates, with John Wright, Oren Frood and his friend, Hr. , both of Medicine Hat, Alta, Coit on Thomas Lee, Monday. Mr. Frood, bookkeeper, got a sudden | eall to his sister's funeral at Renfrew] on Saturday. Joha E. Les and his mother spent Sunday afterneon at W. W. Roche's, Wilbmr, R Watt, Perth, apd Edward Watt, Balderson, spent. the week-end at William Tho- mas', vs Annie Watt, Morden, Man, spending the winter with friends in Ontario, in visiting her sister, Mrs. William Thoms Elins - MeGonigall Kista Forks, eallad on friends here 15> week, before lesvieg Jo Vancouver, on Monday. Jon orimer, lost a a here last Nh while hauling lumber for RB. R. Drys dale, of Lanark. or port News. . Westport, 'Feb. 5H: W. Lawsop lias DS, DDS, rincess and Bagot Sireet DENT. Bagot Tele- 8. BH. SIMPSON, ist onrner Eatranes phone 6816 on FOR SALE. POOL ROOM AND © GAR STORE, AP. PY. Box 122, Whig office. A XEW Re H HOLSTRIN cow ply to ifaw Davy, 345 Street FORD, MODEL "Te" MOTOR CAR, AP. piv. office of J. MeDonuld Mowat, Clarence Street. Ar. Barvie OILCLOTH, LINOLEUM, ALSO Cork, all remnants, a reat dite ose in prices, at Turk's. Phoae Er ---- GOOD B-KEY NATIONAL CASH RE. gister, Cutter. Top Buggy. Glad stone and Dweiivery Waggon Ap My 'to J. Nugent, 313 Universtiy Avenue, ONE SKIFP, and Sait, chest of carpenter's tons, set of caulking tools and mallets APply to Mrs Alphonse Rochefort, Garden Island A BARGAIN, & FIRST-CLASS GLAD. stone cutter and single harness a new bone grinder, new CHR incuba or, a ne tot of fowl Rhode island red. white Wyandotte and barred rock, at 106 Pine Street A FIRST-CLASS DWELLING, NEA. I¥ new: 'good Joeation: six , bea rooms; hot water furnac bo& (Wo): Jaundry in Basement; well adapied for boarding or rosming house, price, 32.000 J. Lock. hart, Ontario Chambers, Clarence Street PLAGS, AWNINGS, tamping, outfits, mar supplies, English raincoats, canvas, TENTS, © ANOER, fishing tackle, lunch baskets, evervihing in kit bags, silk tents, spray hoods, motor boat suppliae Frank W Cyols, 25% Ontario #t, 'Phone $51 or 23 FOR QUICK SALE © substantial block" known as Ix. change Bullding ahd Premises Brock Street, which will be sub- jec tenants, leases, ole, J . will give you fry u rental . $12.000 will taken at once. Estate Broker, OFFER ™ ar 1 THE balanes off f ' 06, was 1,700; in 1806, one; aati seven rafroads natural gas guaranteed é 14 Markel dtreei ATR power, title roll, CH-STOREY BRICK containing two stores dwellings north-east corner of King and Prindess Streats aceupied a8 a grocery and Provision store ASG sione bua Slory x tied drive house, stable on King Sire ot; no better stand and well cstabiish- ed. Owner retiring from business Apply on premises. and twn -- HOUSE ON GARRELT STREET, new; all modern Improvements $5,500 FARM, AT WESTRROOKE, $0,250 FARM, NEAR MI RVALE, ACTER; good for stock or grain A NUMBER OF HOUSER AND STORES to sell and rent. Enquire BATEMAN & GARDINER, 67 CLAR- ence Bireet, Kingsto n TO LET, DWELLINGS, FURNISHED AND" "m. Tur nish tores, ete. McCaun, §1 Brock street. ONE DOUBLY, TWO SINGS nished and heated Top ' located Address, Bo offi © FIR. Hirulis Whig ™o CAN mAVE board f all eng Joh YOLNG LADIES FLEA heat rob private family moderate ston AGE F FOR FURNITURE, ¢ LEAN, dry, atry rooms, abosiutely math proof: your own lock and key Frost's Clty Storage, 299 Queen St. 'Phone 526b ---- ™o FURNISHED vROATY xingle, noe donb) Froditenac Club; can he thi 181 of May Apply, Mis Hewgill, 568 William Street, NICELY © fone to THE HOUSE No, 251 BROOK srg "Ll present aecupied by bw Hamson, containing § 1 r modern improvements; § May 1st Apply, 248 Broek MEDICAL, PARKS, B.A, surgeon. hours, 10 to 9 p.m M.D, PHYSICIAN 100 Wellington #1. to 12 am, § 10 4 Phone 388 a ort and UPHOLSTERER, UPHOLSTERING, RB. W, J. GAVIN Jalring and carpet work, hair mat- ress renovating. Drop a card or call 216 Bagot Street OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENCY, PD. MacCATALUM, prYSIC IAN 142 Wellington St 1910 12 am. 2 to # to\% p.m Telephones 1083 PERSONALS. Di EC and Surgeon, Oftdce hours, and 7 TRANSATLANTIC LINES, ALL CLASS. B, Kirkpatrick, Agent, 42 Glareace Street, Kingston. "Phone $ ARCHITECTS, HENRY suiTH, ARCHITECT, BTC, 2358 King Street, 'Phone 346. ARTHIR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, 1% University. Avenue. Telephone 1013. WH. XEWLANDS & SON, ARCHT. Lotte, abe Offices," 258 Begot BL 'Phone 608. HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BRIRTH. marks and all growths and skin blemishes removed permabently without ars' Sapgsi- ence. Laks, Eye, Ear, Nose, and Skin Bpecialist, 258 got Blrest. OSTEOPATHY, "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS MR. G. Asheroft, DO, 126 Wellington #8t, Spriosite the Post Office; ehronh dlscasns treated and Electrical Vibration; Treatments by appointment. 'Pheoe LEGAL, POWER & SON, AR HT ECTS, MER. chante tank © Bu Sidings carney Bock: and 'Wellington reets ESTABLISHED 1806 CUNNINGHAM sna Sani Sleore" ia "fflen. Ti robes Street; Quality and Service. COAL AND WOOD THAT PO- SSESSES FULL VALUE DELIV- ERED WITH CARE AND DES- PATCH. WIFT'S William Bross in seriously ill poeumonin. Messrs. George 8. Conley snd J. 5H. Arvold weds (Miaws visi lors Friday and Saturday, tmpved into the McEwen block. Me. took pare in» fontert ai Delta last with § Friday Fox VManlsls evening. W. CW, Whiteher, Wiltianr MeCann dames Kane, of Montreal, are Sing 2 tow dags with Me. and « B. MeCann, Ottawa, i in Lown. and TWO rans op OARS i BUILDING, Pea 3 | ABER IRL avis tub iin