Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Feb 1912, p. 8

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oINGE 1855 BANK OF TORONTO Has provided for its Imany cus- tomers satisfactory and con. tinuous banking facilities, Today its servic is unexcel Jed. . Adoounts Solicited. ASSETS - $57,000,000 KINGSTON BRANCH 107 PRINCESS ST. GEORGE B. McKAY, Manager. TWO MEN DIE / (Continued from Page 1.) drop, 200 feet,' let him into che chills water up to his waist, Before he wa clear of it he was frightiully batter ed by three succewive floes of jut ting ice. Not content with the efforts of th men above to draw him up he tried t assist Mimself hand over hand. Th time was 1.10 o'clock and the hour o» more that the boy had beeu on th ice and the effects of the icy duck ing sapped his strength. He stoppe trying to pull 1imsell and hung lim «n the rope, which spun him aroum like a top, Kelly and his men pulle steadily. Ten feet, twenty, twenty five, thirty feet up, he came. Th. great crowd om the bridges cheerad these that were not weeping. (Grim) the boy hung on, trying always i get his leg wound ahout the rope Then his hands began to sip. H sought to get hold of the rope wit! lis teeth, but could not. Finally just #8 he was about sixty feet clea of the water hs head fell back. HH win utterly exhausted. He lost hi grip and Hungd far down into .th stream. When he came up his fac turned toward the great wave, am be feebly moved his arms in the breas: wiroke. But the mighty rush of we ter was too much for him. He wa caught like a cork and was sent rac ing on to the midst of the seethin, OIL HEATERS for COLD WEATHER We have been able to ywocure a few more 0il eaters from the manu- facturers which we will sell as long as they last at rock bottom pices. Beautiful design and finish. From $4.00 to $6.00 According to size W. A. MITCHELL HARDWARE _ PRINCESS STREET THAT TOBACCO With the "Rooster" on it Is crowing louder as he goes slong. Only 46c per pound. For chewing and Staking. AT A, MACLERAN'S, Outarie Street. : oox Meoioing 0g. ToRoNTo, waters. Fer perhaps half a minut he was in view, then he was seen mn more; he was swallowed up in th spume. Heacock's failure was witnesued ire man on the other floe. The we man apparently dared not look. Th man _ appeared ealm as he in turn pre pared to make a play against death ™, caught by a down river current the floe moved into the course lea cock had gone. As the conple swung under the can #ilever bridge the man grasped rope and tried to put it about the wo man's waist, The force of the curren was too much for the rope. It parte and the man wavetl the torn end to ward the crowd, dy, 5 A Husnd's Sacrifice. | There was still another chance--th: rope that was drapped from the lowe: steel arch Bridge by the Niagara ave Cook's Cotfon Root Compound The reat Uterine Tonic, un ual Monthl a depend. Bold in re d gros of strength--No. 1, 8 Wo. 3 dogrees : No.2 ie 1 cases, per old all Arey or a paid on rece sein. of price ens ory . (formerly W Windsor 0 Fire, Life, Accident, Sickness and Guarantee Insurance Effected. Renl Katate Bonght, Sold & Exchange Call or communicate with J. O. Hutrox, Kaiacket diver, Kingston, Ontariy Store Closes 5 O'clock. Saturday 9 O'clock. New Spring Suits and Coats Direct From New York WE New or hid S ing's trade, no two alike. a have just received from four of the leading fork Suit and Coat Makers over two hundred of their latest styles in Suits and Coats Also their of Cloths i in all the newest Spring shades, < Sinise -- 'can have made to order in any style to your own special measurements. Any orders given us will be filled in ten days to. two weeks' ume. We Guarantee to Fit You Perfectly. or No Sale. . Ashore a limited quantity of A cloths early buying means a larger variety of goods to choose from, Call and see hy far the largest va- Viet ot Now York Suits and Coats ever imported ™ oi for Sepmrate Skirts from any style. ) we firemen, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. MONDAY, As the floe went into wift Drift the man taught and rindy held on. Hyf was given slack nd he tried to wid the rope about he woman's waisf. He fumbled in his agony of effort if his hands were wm, The rufh of the ice in the stream was overflowering. When he sould not tie the Yope about the wo wan he lol it go. There apparently was ne thought of himself. He raised the women to her feet, kissed her, and 'clasped her in his rms. Lhe woman made as W L0 cross erself, and then sak to her knees. be man knelt beside her, his arms 1 sped _clcse about her, So they went to their death. oe held intact until it strack the great wave.' Then it shivered, there the gallant mas and (he woman at his ide disappeared from view. Practically no effort is being made to recover the bodies of the victims oi esterday's accident. The only thing can be done is to watch the river The i a Seiesssunistd el 3 TRAGEDY ON A TRAIN, Ottawa, Feb. 5.--An un- known man to-day be- came insane on an eastbound express near Swift Current, says a special from Moose Jaw, Sask., and terrified the passengers by firing repeat- edly with a revolver. He kill- ed John G. Klundt, of Garri- son, N.D., a wealthy land speculator, who was return- ing home from Medicine Hat with his brother, Guslen A. Klundt. The maniac then suicided. Both bodies were removed from the train at this point. The murderer had a ticket for -Campbell- ton, New Brunwwick. * »l » *i EEE EEEE4e HES E400 banks and the whirlpool for the time vhen they will 'come to the surface. his may happen within ten days, or he bodies may never be recovered. lhe crews of the Gorge trolley cars re conostautly on watch for the odies and are usually the first to iscover them in the lower river. Su- erintendents of reservations on both ides have posted notices warning ourists of the danger of ice floes, but either of them feel they have auth- rity to prevent people going on ice gridges if they want to. Burreil Heacock will remain in pub- | ic remembrance, as one of the great-| wt heroes of the world-famed cata- vact. Stanton died for his wife. wock died for two total strangers. ready there is 4 proposition to place a monument to his memory on the brink ! of the whirlpool. Heacockjs father was here this morn- ng, but nothing rarding recovering the body. He was an only son, but Heacock senior seem- xd to take some comfort far himself | ind his wife out of the fact that Bur- rell died a hero. SCHOONER CALKINS SOLD. } Vessel One of the Oldest of Local Fleet of Boats. | The schooner Bertie Calkins, one of | he oldest of the local fleet of vessels, has been sold by Capt. William Sim- mons, to Uapt. Hinckley, of Oswego, vY., for the sum of £3,000, Capt. Hinckley bad the vessel down he river, to assist' in the raising of the barge Davie, and the schooner is at present at the sceme, awaiting the | opening of navigation. The Calkins has been used in the ecoal-currying trade between Kingston and Oswego for many years, and is one of the best known known vessels in this port. Capt. Max Shaw, at present on the steamer Sowards, sailed the Calking for many years. Aski for a Memorial. Ottawa, eb. 5.--Lieut.-Col. A. B. Cuumingham, Kingston, is one of tho committee interested in the doings ol a deputation of sixty, which, to-day, waited on Premier Borden. They ask- ed for the erection of a bronze or granite" memorial to the memory of the heroes of 1812-14. They pointed ont that October 12th, of this year,' will mark the anniversary of a hun dred years of peace between Canada and the United States, and asked that the Dominion governmemt set apart a! sulistantial sum to erect a memorial, il posible, in the province of Ontario. of vietories won, and those of such heroes as Brock, Tecumseh, Macdon | ell and Laura Secord. i Died at Victoria, B.C. Mrs. Waddell, University avenue, re. ceived a telogram to the efiect that her husband, John Waddell, a Th harness-maker in this city, has died in Victoria, B.C. The remains will be brought to the city for burial. The deceased was a member of the Masonic lodge. lle had been sick only » short time, "Phone - 230 for drug store wants" Kilts |+ Hea- i} Allg could be done re- {2 On it they want inscribed the names day évening and when be went "Gananoijue, an tanced do three and a half IS IT ABLUFF? Are the Ulster Orangemen in Eamest? ALL BRITAIN STIRRED AS TO WHAT THURSDAY WILL BRING FORTH. Mutterings of the Coming Conflict When Winston Churchill Goes to Belfast to Speak in Favor of Home Rule. Londoh, kuz, Feb, 5~This week | opens in Lis hus of the Britith em pire wit singled fee. ngs of gratitude and appriaensicn. 'There is sinecre thankfulness at the safe arrival home of their majesties after several weeks' absence im a veritavle hotoed of sedi tion against the Briwsh crown in the Indian empire. As to what may hap- pen this very week in that other hery limb of tne imperial dominions, Ire land, is the yuestion uppermost mm tie minds of all serious-mmded Brit sh. What will 'tharsday nest bring forth ? That is the gay set for Win ston Unurcaill's much-advertised pro nouncement in ultra-unionist Belfast on home rule for lveland. Last week a counter demonstration by the Preshyterians against wgurch- ill's expected announcement was but a preliminary peace-mealing, but even there, there were mutterings of the o | COmIRG conflict which could not be overlooked. and already five thousand [troops are"om their way to Belfast to keep order next Thursday. 1hinkmg mn are today askmg is Ulster in earmest or only blutimg 7 it is pointed out that in tbe north of Ireland, religion is a tragedy, and Ul {ster . rotestants are determined to re sist home rule. SARAAA SAGAS SS SESSA AS : SACRIFICE MANITOBA. Ottawa, Feb. 5. --~There seems no doubt but that the government has decided to sacrifice Manitoba for On- tario in its boundary legis- lation. The way matters are now shaping, a settlement will be reported within a few days which: will give Ontario a Hudson Bay port which she has been demanding. while Manitoba will ave to be con- tent: with additional interior acreage. 1% ad * Pe 3: - +* a & + + & CREEP PPP PFEFFER EPP PEPIN INCIDENTS OF THY DAY. PREP GEASS eed Paagraphs Picked Onur Reporters. Colin anv Hugh Macpherson went to Montreal,» Monday Mrs, James Swall and Mis, went to Montreal, Men iay. Robert Cofiey, Kingston, is to judge at the lax-ton, AN. pouliry show, i which opens Tuesday. W. Gitbor, W. Fairficid and James Atkins, of this city, spent the woek- ent in Toronto. Rev. J. A. [Irollope, Toronto, visiting hie daughter, Mrs. James (Gordon, Bagot street. Gorden hompton. physical director of the XY. M.U A. who spent the week ond 4n Toronto, returmd to the city, Monday. Canon Newsy Up by 8 Laird is B Muckleston, of Oitasa va: thedral, preacued at bot mon ng and jarries | evening at St. field, Sunday. The Misscs Mark s chiro; May anl Edna Gren wood, left wn We 'n day for New York, to spond Wlruary with mr. and Mrs. K. V. Mathews. Lieut. R. Gi. Timmis, of tue Gover: nor-Genernl's - Foot Guards, (Mtawa, has veen appointed a lieutenant 1p tie Royal Canadien Hegiment. Wikam Craig, who spent ' the x. end in the city with his family, lt on Monday, By the Kingston &' Uem- broke 'railway, fcr Kaladar. Conductor Jack™ Kennad, a fine pair of gloves, Mu on 'the seet in ear No. 7 wy ie minhg left them | Salus hack to get them they had disappeared. Rev. T. W. Neal, pastor of Syden ham Street Methodist church. on that church, Rev, «J. T. Pitcher, the chairman of tie Rmgston drstriit has been in charge of the church. Bertrand Stewart, as promivest and wealthy London lawyer, wis found guilly, at Leip sig, of espionage, and years imprisonment in a fortress, Age and a small brother tell on a girl. Lloyd Nelser, a young prisoner "in, 'the penitentiary, lies in the prison hos- | pital, suffering from four wounds which he received in a fight on Satur- day afternvon with another prisoner named Cullens. No one saw the con- , and can only guess at the de nile: The two prisoners were on duty in the chaoging-room, when the afiair occurred, about three o'clock. They evidently had sowe disagreement. It is supposed that they slipped behind a hig Lp of ao hove the others nd had a quiet i THE. BRUTAL DEED OF A CONVICT {Stabbed a Fell Prise Fur Ties Wh 3 Kit i the Penitentiary on Saturday. on the floor. be slipped back to this bench pe Th The officer in charge of the depart- ment fond Nelser some time utes. wards, being attraeled by groans irom behind the clothing pile. Nelser was Bleeding vom four we and gu immedial Jemgeed to t hospital He implicated © a soner eo at ee 'Falls, as his assailant, and 'the latter was in the. to await an investigation on M ¥ afternoon. Where Cullens got the knife 13 not known, but it is supposed to. i nen one made in the Aft FEBRUARY went to | Monday noon, to preside lat Lue board meetmy of Lirace nurch, | 'Since the death of the late pastor ol 5, 1912. LINENS, LIN LINENS. Unusual qualities and dnusual values in our new stock of House: hold Linens just received from the Linen Centres-- Ireland, Scotland, Austria -- We have gathered the most extensive stock of Household Linens, selecting from each maker the particular lines in which he excelled. Table Linens Pure, bleachad, in variety of widths and makes terns, 50c, 65¢ 75¢, 90c, 99¢, 1.25 and others Table Napkins Put up in half dozens or dozens, new patton, in a good many makes, from $1, 1.23, 150, 1.75, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00 and on up per dozen. and many new pat 2.75, / Table Cloths and Napkins to: Match. Many of the finer makes are put up in Gift Boxes for Wedding Presents or Anniversary Gifts, | $4.50 to $25.00. Towels of All Kinds Towels In Many Makes. Linen Sheetings in wanted makes. Pillow Linens at prices that mean a saving to you Waist Linens, the round thread make that laundry easily. Embroidered Towels end Towels Starped Ready to Embroider. Jd. Lsiilaw Son. SER NORRIS-McCAREY. A Wedding at Breweis Mills on Monday Morning. : 'The marriage took place at St Partavas churca, at Brewer Mis, on Monday mon ng, al nine o'clock, of Miss Bose M. Met arey, daughtér of Join McCarey, of Joyeevillg, aud Capt. James V. Norris, of Bin ston, son of James Norris, pf the Uttawa tote The ceremony was performes oy Rev. Fatner Traynor. he bride was attended by her sie ter, on Mary McCarey, while toe groom was supported py John Foley, Jr., of Howe istand. Mr. ant Mrs. Mores left Monday afternoon, sa a trip to Bulta'e, lo ronto, Hamilton and other western points, ani upon iaeir return, they will reside im Kingston. The bride aml groom have a ast 'of Yerirle _ in Kingston and this distciet, rand congratulations. 'The bride re- ceived many beautiful presents. © °F and are suitable \ 2 BOOTS FOR MEN "THAT WORK We have just secured : 1 of those Heavy Oil Tin Boot: for Men, ¢ These are the best working doots a man can buy. gular price Is $3.00. Wea will Sell this Lot ut $2.48 to 10. The re Sizes 6

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