a .-. eae EE ER ADVICE TO STUDENTS! x HO GUARD AG SKLEISH SPIRIT, i % And to Seek Strength k Sermons by Rew. Prof, "Moss, of Montreal, at Queen's and in Chalmers Church. Prof, kK. the EMontrond, nud Syuent preachers, » Rev. pal of pudisne, Fpeaker vie nt Hix Fon, of nu n the front + tore the apenker tie, tnat fei nx Drged th ere i mettish his itl The ddd reay na 1 wee th jrose He ones | eonite Shave Stie Tiny Aut fora bakin r # Tis awed with at Lube # Euhecr vine it fisart-to-hmirt ts RFE Nn Hee i Bread upon tie eephy he un selhiein spar 9 the " attendance purposes © ol grent { in dite sididd prayer and SHEL gantlen of £ White the we in Fref, Hes ' rl da wht and the 1 «l His N eter 1 ae ived kas few ar iol. |oprest ved in five i gid not ur i" : yin avid Iie ive nny he ring the it apne Fae gorel wi us possible The selfish of ferns, and 7 fir one gentral "point 2 I'he s-caker pointed out how arity wes obtained: havieg Hs presence in our thoughts. wes to put with God was Hip, havieg hin WHS im ofr presence, I'rei. pointed oat the great comfory jo. derived from. praver, Rev. Dr. Maegilliveay, in a fev apy ropriate remarks, introduced Prof. | Bess, reflecting Lo. the Tact that it wes hig irst visit to Kibgstom, that membr; of Chalmers' church were Iv indetted to hin for his visit thot they would look foré'sx grect plegsare to fuiure Ligfts him variety they shed : Chine | lewis | CN. mah, * ie with Christ Preyer AINST THE in the nf sing ol of Trs n versation with man, > anay con in Prayer---- Johnson dJohoscn Ross, Preshvierian of pringi { ole *y, ol on the most elo heard Hy a HinINton Lime, the allerpoon Sey yesterday warn the Tore the He ol i the dor and with from foe the woe Mon ley Lniversdy Lhe nelidy oss his ; Cups Not Returned. Some of the members of the Poultry association arp the 'reason why the the jt leurs wim hy one of the Ganancgu, beshibitors in last wioter's ton pouliry show bave aot been © j tnened to the misofietion. The Nickle, Robertson and the Associgtien v ull won by Pug gre that be before the nnd nist 1 Ore win of stadenis presen 3 ! hing sy th ; ston 2 to know { anil sprit t da abl pore wd, dpeakimy fi it was harder Vonre wind dye y ang to keep by s | the : the same they must nest show, win one sbichimin, many rn od holders or @ v years in thy At this winter's pouliry shaw have beshh won by bids other exhpbitors, and wet bag "not return thing ol | son to berom lowper fo {the cups {owned by the silverware ed, been nat "ki eh He Kingston Composition. fe Passe- Temps, a Montreal music journal, in its igsue el February © contains a French song dedicated Prof. Paul Denys, organist of oer n > Mary's cathedral, Kingsion, to his od } Fear Ye Mt ) | niece, Mlle. Flore Denys, Montreal, and which receives Fhe words are the Royal music by Prof. Denys, pictures appear on the Le Passe-Temps. The song is "Mysters I Aimer." ite the vad th f wagn praise bv Prof. 1. M. 1 Military pulpit ar neh College. and A} both front dealing of } page of i the qos entitled from 1 hath minister good Lary ken 16 Ax the gH, we to the pra young every man be : Temperature Below Zero. tomperatura Sunln how | somewhat colder than it ante con- maorang, On Sunday mormng put to thermometir registered eight de wity i The bel iw Monday ust wheres tg was ws below thought of leistian vng weary amb tired of g put to them in another, "8 manifold grace of The on was wher potnted on was on Mon day the grees mer bet gospel different ta know oro, Un 7 degre yomnny ing it refer "King's There's a reafon thor Mest Quality" housewives flour. PACKED IN ONE of coffee by the cereal substi tute . people; " coffee. is still the breakfast favorite of milliods of sensible people. Seal Brand is the finest coffee that can be 4 SANBORN procured. Closing Out For Good Only a few days longer 25 to 50 per cent. off. "THE TOKYO" JAPANESE ART DEALERS, SALE OF SHOES SPECIAL en's. Suicnt Colt Bincher and Patent Colt Bit: : \w X33 75 and $4, al | Henry Sugarman"s Good Rows | | § {wold ing-room THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3 ~ISOLD FATAL REVOLVER {BUT WAS ALLOWED TO GO ON! Fhe ap! thy! SUSPENDED SENTENCE. Record saved Him From Heavy Fine in| Police Court--First Case to be! Tried Under Weapons' Act. It pavs to have a good record. Hen- 'rv Sagarman, second-hand deaser, On tario strect, found this out, in police court, Monday morning. Sugarman' to Charles ¥. Heroux, of Cassel | an, Unt., a revolver with which fhe Tatton copumittetd suicide; in the wait- i of the Kingston and! Pem- | | broke railway station, two weeks ago. it onstable finan had curious King | seeount {the {sounded a general of lors, WOT | . juenial Arniel found that Sugar- sald the revolver to He x, and had him summoned, charged wider the weapons' act, with selling a revolver without the permission of the chief of police. li was the first case the kind to be tried in Kingston under this new act, which was passed by the legislature, in April last. On of Sugarman's good record, maghsteate. said he would allow him to go on suspended sentence, but warning to all se of cond-hand dealers, stating that the fo-} cal hardware dealers had been obeying | the and that second-hand dealers must alsa da so. W. F, Nickle appeared op behalf of the accused, but had no statement the geevsed having simply mitted his guilt. "I am willing, in this case, to al- low you to go on suspended sentence," remarked the magistrate to Sugar | man. "And J am doing so, largely fori the reason of vour good record: here in the past. The police give vou a good This care will bring to attention of all' the second-hand deal- the fact that they must not sell | revolvers, pistols and' dangerots | withdut the necessary certifi- the chief of police. | know | Fare re merchants in the | ¢ily have been observing the law, and | |i hope that in the future, everyone {will observe the law." The magistrate pointed out that the | fine for such an offence was| and stated that if there should be | another case of this kind a penalty | would be imposed | Inw, to] ad} record, knives, cate froin that the m Hatmum A NARROW APE. Horse Nearly Went Thorugh a Plate Glass Window, A younz man, who recently purchas- fing bluck horse fromy the coun: try, was drvihig up Princess street, on Saturday 'nig wien the animal be came fughuenxt at an approaching car. It wade and in spite of the etorts of the young man at end of the ns, the beast steered sraight for the telgraph pole at tie corner of Montreal street, When cutter struck the pole the horse for the plate glass window of Marsunh 8 store, and, put for two men wno caught tae frightened beast by the head, it would have smashed the window. Neitaer of the gee up of tue cutter were hurt. HAD el ow fh, u wolt made MH. wi cars, [ persibt in {ears. tin the front (Bon, the {racks, | "King's Quality. the | toe | DOG ON STREET CARs Cause the Conductors a Good Deal of Trouble. Dogs are uot allowed on the streot but they ride on them all the I'he conductors are placed in a awkward position when people bringmg their dogs with themi, for "the order of the compmiy is that no dogs are to ride cn the Some people become very sore and even abusive when the conductors miform hem that canines are not al- lowed to ride. The conductors are not to blume, as Shey are following (orders. 11 the company wishes to on force the dog 1ulé, B® would he a wise {plan to put notices in the cars, so that the people would be otheally informed, and conductors would not be put in the unpleasant position of wrangling with dog owners, On Friday evening lust, a man got on a car on Princess street with a little dog in his arms, and had a live ly tak with the chnductor when the latter informed hin that he, would have to get offi the ear if he did not leave his dog beiind. Un Saturday afternoon, 4 woman got on a car with her dog and her husband. When the condutcor told her that the doggie {would have to walk, she was very | much annoyed, saying: "lI would sooner walk myself than have my dog walk." Fimally the ceninctor allow ed the dag to sit with the motorman vestibule, same, very A GOOD BUILDING YEAR It is Thought That 1912 Will Estab lish Kingston Record. From the present outlook the build. ing trades will be very busy next sea: A number of public buildings will tie Balvation Army bar: post effice addition, the the general * hospital, the | finishing of Macdonald school, and be erected, the wing to 1912. Abernethy's ~ THE DEBT DUE. (Continued from Page 1.) equip themselves now, before it is too late, and watch their chance. The speaker, with these unportant Preliminaries, went on with reierence to "CUanada." Patriotism is oot true unless the possessor really knows the reason for hig patvietsm. lly pointing out some handicaps which he has seen in other cotntries of the world, Mr. King showed some very apparent rea- the sanitorium, Among a large num- ber of new residences, five on hen- smgton avenue. are The flour the housewives prefer-- of Military is of a military lecture to be Wednesday afternoon, at To ronto University, by Col. J. HH | Crowe, commandant of the Royal Mihi tary College for the Children To Keep Their Digestion Perfect Nothing is so Safe and Pleasant as Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. "A Study the subject given, History" Trial Package Sent Free. Thousands of men and women have found Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets the safest and most reliable preparation for any form of indigestion or stom® ach trouble, Thousands of people who are not sick, but are well and wish to keep WANTED TO GO ON LIST. So Magistrate Told George Free to Put Himself on the List. Free {court many, drunk. In as one of been before the' times for being now registered has many lnct, he is the old-timers." "I wish you would put. me on 'Indian list," and give mie a chance, he remarked sMugistiate Farrell, when he was lined up on mornmg., Free was evidently pass, but the Licorge to for him looking mugistrate gave fittle surprise when he said : "You can put yewrseli on, rs as vou get out of here, 1 will a fine af 83 and costs, or one month." LOOKING FOR INCREASE, soon | IPOS 11 the { | Monday | | | Guards at Pen Think They Should | be Given Hoost. Sem fe tiny galery "ut es vel it 11 em and tre men to know if it thick te done hiring. tine ago guards at the j romised «incre e has not are very 3 will go through, They! 8 Li h time someting vhould | owing to the high cost Fie lieal firemen have Jil en as Lrg increase, the city po ie now have on application Before the commission. r= for 'increags which almest c.rivn to go throwgh, and in ww of this the guards feel that their ease 8 oi Ld Le looked after, Military Notes. Major A; W. Richardson has heen appointed intelligencer officer to the! Jed division, Lieut. Hubert Stethem, of the 17th Hussars, has been appointed a liouten- ant-in the Rovnl Canadian Dragoons. The 561k Regimonte "Licoar Rifles." has been re-orgnniced; headquarters, I rescott, The organization of No. 12 detach: arent, Permanent Army Medical Corns, in authorized in the 3rd division, with iarters at Petawawa, peni x ote been Snow Shoe Club Ofting. "The Magualicio wi..aria" 'snowshoe cls, of Winston, died samptaousty at the Staley house, Wolle 1sland, oh athrday evenny. This elub has many 'menibers. Aner "safe arrival and eorglial reception with home com: torts, overtures were rendered on the Wand uy tue. handsomiest member. Ren dinnor was announced, followed by toasts, ent muse. With an in vigorat ny motnlisit return ta the erty, the olab recorded ony of ts happie to vents. | © Able and Himimting. The --~dtratford Peseon says: "The Tectave of rel. Swanson, Yheen's Univelsity, i given, Friday wage) me te dial A, hh on "Simde Tax," was able and illam- smile tax, | thowed favoring Stax on land -- I wane the University Extansinn Lh seine. nl uvoid fom 8 been {4 Iyrereration dor all whather in 8 {weil take Stuart's Tablets after every 'meal to insure perfect digestion and trouble. | Dut it is not generally-known that the Tablets are just as good and { whale some for little folks as for lelders. Little children who are pale, ind have no appetite, or do not grow for thrive, should use the tablets after | eating, and will derive great benefit rom them. Mrs. G. H. CUrotsley, 538 Washing- St. Hoboken, New Jersey, writes: "Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets just Gil the bill for children ag well as for alder folks. I've had tHe best of luck vith them. My three-yearold girl takes. them as readily as candv. i have only to say 'tablets," and she (drops everything else, and runs for { them. A Bulialo mother, a short time ago, who despaired of tie life of her babe; was so delighted with the results from giving the child these tablets that che went pelore the notary public of Erie Lo, N.Y., and made the following af fidavit : Gentlemen :--Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets were recommended to me fgr my two-months-old baby, which was = siek and puny and the doctors said\ was suffering from indigestion. 1 took the child to the hospital, but there found no relef. A friend mentioned the Stuart Tablets and | procured a box from my deaggist and used only the large sweet lozenges in the box and was delighted to nd they were just the thing for my baby. 1 feel justi- fied in saying that Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets saved my child's life. SRS. W. T. DETALOPE, Subscribed and sworn to before. me bad 12th day of April, 197, .. BESHY RAKES, Notary Public in and for Erie Lo, AY. Foe abies, no matter how 'young or delicate, the tablets will secom- flish wonders in increasing fhuh, wp-|( vetite and growth. Usé only the Firge swept tablets in every box. Ful +i od bakes arp sold hy all fr 3le., and no parent should . let the wee of this sale remedy for! ll stomach and bowel Goubles if the child is sifiag in any way re ee its food or assimilation. Stuart's Dyvspersia Tablas Rave 1 and orm known £0 years as the ton ar lh " | the people in England. 2 {old country men denote how their , thin | storvach No 4 {sons for true Uanadian patriotism. | The first thing which strikes | traveller from the old tand when he ilands in Canada is tie dwercnze in Lthe faecal expression of Canadians and Zeal and opti I mism are avlaze on the fages of Cana- hans - who are cheerfully shouldering the burdens of the new world, while the gloomy look on the faces of the heavily world are the {the burdens of the old {bearing upon them. in Europe a series of countries all armed against each other. different it 18 Wn this conuinent, miles ol boundary without a fort or wall for protection purppses. In a few years we shall celebrate 1" years of peace between Canada and the United |>tates, 'The speaker said this was one ul the achievements of civilization, He nrged the students to do everything in their power to arouse public senti- meat, so that in 1915 this eelebration of 100 years of peace will be an Hbjest lesson to the world, und the speasr hoped would rush the day whin va will be impossible in the world. Referring to the liquor traffic, King said it was probably the basest evil of the day, ani hoy to see the day when it would ¥ be stamped out. He didn't consider a ac-party' -ques- flicn, but felt Ud ihe men of the nmiver- sities "would Hand themselves together and vow that 'they would never enter bars and use their in'luence to that end, 1 would be imore forewler taan any legislation. I'he spedker declared he believed we have the best system of government in the world. The liberal party has a policy by which it 1s prepared to, stand or fall, and we all hope the | government also has. {Laughter,) In closing Md Ning urged the stu dents to equip and discipline them- solves, for public service, and find their individual responsibility. Pe de sirgus of domg service to fellowmen and country. If there is any debt the wniversity 'owes the nation it is the turnishing of good leaders. Mr. aing's address was followed by prolonged «; ! plause. are How 4,000 Mr Other Speakers. "ueen's" was proposed by Prof. JJ. I. Macdonald. He said, in part, there | are many things universities have in {comman. 'There are peculiar anil dis tinotive characteriptics. The vutward expression on the faces of the stu jumas oftent tedects ths charactor of {the university. A few outward changes are about to be made in Lue ns, bat it is hoped that certain moral ear nesiness and independence may never change. Prof. William Nicol re sponds, ing many jaleresting" Yewiniscenses of the past, He spoke of the advance made under the late Principal Grant, and under VUrincipsl Gordon, and of the bright fotire shead of Queen's "Urfversity Edveation" was pro- posed by Prof. G. W. Mitchell and responded to by Principal Hutton, of University College, Toronto, and Frneipal ficrdon. 3 * Principal Hutton maid, as Secrato. reser praised Athens to the Alben ins, but lived quietly among them, ne. er leaving his countsy unless in Ler defence, but showed his love fo Ber in a different way, so be (the 1 rinéipal} would not stlempt Lo pritse university education to students. So, Lesuming Socrates' posilion, he cross questioned Some' of the universities the went on to say that Knowledge is jower, powerlowsness and disability. A men may be 85 cowrapped in his education thal he is often isolated from happier people. The principal fcompared the scruples of students 11th these of the lawyer, doctor, clergyman, soldier, and found the former small in comparison with thoss of the latter. In conclusion, he vrged ithe stmdents to apply them selves in their short time at college, an opportunity never to be had again, that later they may discharge lile's Laine s enfully, amd he a cvelit to heir Alma Mater and a blessing to mankind, Frofs, + Callander sd IT. G Lo Campbell very clevorely and amvs ly honored "The Ladies," at the Line time elling them a task for imperfections. eT w R, Sons WPOPONAE "futon Fie MeGall Urisenity Calle. Victoria, HeMaster, and the Royal Military € Jaa we giv- PAGE FIVE. SALE Gananoque Stock One Lot Ladies' Kid and Patent Slippers, regular $2.50 and $3.50 in newest style. , - Sale Price IN FULL SWING Bargains for Everybody. Come any time and look around. . $1.25 Make Nice Dancing Shoes -----o-- x ole ABERNETHY'S Confectionery of the choicest sort. Every delicious variety, all the eold- time favorites, everything de- lightfully pure and good A BOX OF CANDY will make a pleasing gift man, woman or child. Sakell's NEXT TO OPERA HOUSK. "Phone 640. to GRAND OPERA HOUSE. "The Girl and the Tramp" Presented on Saturday. Tha rirth-provokin ; success "The GIF] And The Tramp' was pre sented at the Grand Opera House on Saturday altermoon_ and evening was witnessed by Inrge audiences. The company, though small, was » ea pale one ard the work of Miss lola Lee, as "Flo Randall, the Girl' and Frederick A. Byers, as Happy Jack, the Tramp, was worthy of particular mention, of and "The Stampede." Good things come from the west and once more the occident in the field s tatises frond lected by Cecil B. DeMi#é, the author of *'Strongheart," for the big scenes of his latest success, "The Stampede," which will be seen: here this season. Mijas Lillian Buckingham, a young California girl, is the star and oo author, and Dame Rumor savy she ie excaptionally clever. "The Stampede' in 8 comedy-drama in three ucts, Al though a western play, there is not the slightest witimation of a knife or pistol, the 'dramatic frame being sup plied hy a plot som, years ago to de fraud the Witch Creek tribe of Indians, sinilar fo that lately exposed by Un ited States Senator Thomas P. Gore, the blind statesman of Oklahoma "The Stampede" comes fo the (rand on Wednesday, February Tth ---------- "Excuse Me." Ma" the Hughes, that Ro will present at the Grand op Thursday, Fe ebruary ®th, is a guhron- tee of every kind of laughter contain od in the human system, and in huge Quantities anid all the time. There is not a patise in the delightfnl gayets of this farce. Thers is 8 rush of novel and comic episodes, and there are sumsing persois whose adviniures bend an audience double with hilarity the characters in "Fxense Me" are tremendously droll. They arg Tallman passengers on a San Francikoo Over land Limited train, and the Journey in the play is feoni Chicago (6 Reno It is a two thoisdud mile trip, with pun avd laughter avery foot .of the way. It is a play, too, that tickles evervhody, It iv doubtful if the va A Man Can Feel Strong asa - Work Horse If he puts back each day the equal of what Ke uses up from body and brain iy his daily activities. Grape Nuts FOOD Is made of wheat and barley, and supplies the very ele menis from these natural food grains which the system Tre quires for the adily mourish- ment of body and brain keeping them at their highes' efficiency, " "There's a Reason" mee Grape-Nuts fond i i made of Can: adian Grain in a Coosdian Factory. » Sanadiah Libr. "Excuse Rupert farce by WW: Sav. yoy Henry "FURNISH "sYoUR HOME DURING OUR BIG FURNITURE SALE- Every department on tne move for present or later delivery. We furnish your home fn the latest at the lowest prices during our Big Sale, Also Carpet Squares and Oflclstha JAMES REID'S i | #ince he tool 'Phone 14% 5 could sd lightning course it person who through this laughter. Of has made an entrmous hit It ina record-hreak ng laughter maker Lo better company could have ben formed for {aree than the Henry W. Savage is sending here. Each pat is capitally acted atraight laced express ol ong -- CONTVIRMATION AT ST. PAUL'S, Rev. W. F. FitzGerald Presents 100 Candidates In Five Years, At evensong, in St. Paul's church, Sunday, conducted by Rev, W. ¥ Fitsliergld, the rector, the Bishop of Untario confirmed a class of abow eighteen, who were presented by the vicar, There was a large econgregs tion present. The bishop preached a lorcible and impressive sermon on the rite of confirmation An interésting fact in conneetiolt with this confitmation; is © that Sen: olay evining's class samplétes' one hun- dred candidates which Rev. Mr. Fity {Gerald has Jeesintell for confirmation charge of the parish, five years ago. It also.completes five hun dred whom the reetor has presented since be came to Capsda, twelve yonre ago, during which time he has Tabors ed ig the dioceses of Ontario snd Nontreal. It wad noticable, that among the confirmation eapdidates, Sunday, thery wert a goodly number of adults, four of them being prominent men of the deity. This is only one evidence of the growth of Bt. Paul's parish. £ PLENTY OF WORK. ! -- Very Few Cases of Distress Have Been Reported. to the reports, there have beens very tow men ant of work tii winter. Lhere has been plenty of work Jor men whe wanted to work, Cases have been reported where men were offered job, and would not as cept. About a score or haps more, made application to Ley Mel ona- chia, local sgent for the Assosisted Charities, and in Very case be gave directions as fo whee the mey coud secure etuployment The Whig made inquiries relative tn eases of distress, this winter, sod was inormed that there were very few Cates of the kind reported Avcording Rosal Pu Poul a full egg Bs