Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Feb 1912, p. 4

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~ {TIMBER x " > : Ambulance Service. > 4 it 3 FAGE FOUR. - gevessescstoncsssancne White Oak and Dong- las Fir Timbers, now 'on stick 'at our yards . for prompt delivery. iS. Anglin & Co. § oor. By Watington sesens € & M1D- SEASON SALE ; : : . : : : CONTRO NERR0RR000000000ROOOOS 0000000000000 « = Couches, Upholstered in Velours, $4.00, $7.00 and up. # Extension Couches, steel double size, $9.75 and up. . Bed Couches, $12.50 and up. _ . frame, Music and Parlor Cabinets, 20 per cent. off during this sale. R. J. REID 'Phone B77. 5 1 HERR EE Const pat on Vanihes For ever 3 Fran Reha - + Permanent Care CARTERS LUTTE ER PILLS arven TEAR RNe FRENCH DRY CLEANING. So thoroughly well cleaned are the finest costumes by the French Dry Cleaning process that we know we serve the publie in frequently telling them what the French Dry Cleaning means. Not a stifch i undone when a garment is cleaned in this way here. RK. PARKER & CO, ef liyets and tw --- Cleavers, ont. y professed : \ PAE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. published tario, at $6 per year. Editions at 2.39 morning at §1 a Thursday , making price of ar. be add Batty $3 and and cheap work; nine improved pr TORONTO OPPICE.~Suite 19 and Street, Torento. H 4 $. A---- The posimaster-general saw the wis- dom of accepting the resolution of Mr. Maclean with regard to the par- cel post. He saw that a division of members was likely to follow, and he could not sfford to invite a second expevieuce as painful as that which Mr. Lancaster caused on the masringe question. It may be some time before the gov- ernmerd can get definite information on which it can act, but the express business is *growihg in importance and rewards, and because now it is part of the ratlway business it is going be difficult to handle. 'The en quiry which the railway commissioner made some time ago, when the com panies' tarifls were revived, estelr lished the fact that the charges were outrageous, to they were in some re spects unequal and extortionate, and the only relief would through the parcel post, The btsiuess come im under examination in the United States where a profit of WEERLY BRITISH WHIG, 14 pages, published In parts on Monday To United States charge for postage Bn Ra +f, P, representative te THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, FEBRUARY THE WHIG, SEVENTYNINTH YEAR at 308-310 King Street, Kingston, On~ and § pm. . and iad tu of Weekly $1.50 per year. Attached is one of the best Job Printing Offices in Canada; raphl, sty.dah, eanes THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY, LIMITED J. 6G, EMiett, President. Leman A. Guild, Sec-Trean. 28 Queen City Chambers 32 Church 3 PARCEL POST IN CANADA. forty-one Jer cent, is carped snpual- lv on the capital invested, and wix- ty per cent. on the busimess and for the railways with which they hava contracts. The question is, Can the government carry the parcels by wail and cheaper thau the express com- panies 7 The post office is not money-waking institutich though in Canada, under. liberal ride, there was a handsome balance on the right side of the account every year, Whal kind of en arrangement can the department make with the railways which enable it lo share the busipess menopolind by the express companies amd at lower rates, Some vears ago there was a move ment towards a parcel post and it wus dropped because representations that it the departmental 1 will now had been made to the effect contribute of would largely to the Does that argument nat hol building up stores, good to-day ? When the reciprocily agreement wad under consideration by the {anadian commons the couservhtive "members, now occupying the ministerial benches, to see in the American tariff commission a very superior body. It this commission the (Canadian government now imitates, or profess to Umitate, andhence it is important to note what the editor of the Review of Reviews remarks in the Fel ruary number. . "The tariff board's report upom wool contained a large mass of in ter sting and useful information about costy at home and abroad. This is desirable for the purpose of reference." And, by the way, it is not confiden- tial. It is not reserved for the use of the government. And the Cana dian tarifi commission is to be the whispering board of the minister of finance. "But," siys the Review of Revims, "the sstablishment of is COPYING A FAILURE. revenue the of revenue laws, of great public policy which sre in a way touched upon by the work of the tariff board." Our contemporary coni*nues, and in 8 most practical way: "A tariffl commission, actually studying Liscal policies and making dations, --as and an affair as possible irom a mere sta- tistical bureau which employs peo ple to arrange facts and figures re lating to vosts in a given try." Ome gets an idea of real tarifi commission sep at a glance what {unadian proposition te. Canada system for and the modification are matters government, real reGomanen- in the case af Germany indus- wat i#, and he g fallure is bound to is copying the United States, dnd the reviewer of passing events shows how faulty and ineffi- can LB dint is the institution which itis tak- en for a model. through which the Hindus are plead- ing their cause with the Canadian people, and the leader of the rice, an educated and eloquent man, is Dr. Sunder Singh. He tells us that a Sikh is a disciple and of ome man, Baba Nanak, whose teaching in In- Cia wae in efiect that there was no caste in the sight of God, that sll people were equal. 'The Si™hs suffer ed on acconnt of their faith or refi gion, very much as the original Christigns suffered. They once fought against the British, but later fought with thei, and it is said that the history of the Indian mutiny would have been different but for them. The first Sikhs who came to ada wire some of the troopers whe vigited London in connection with the Queen Victoria jul™® se. Their re port of Canada made many desirous of seeing of getting in it. The first immigrants arrived in. 1905. They weve followed by others in 1906, 1907 and 1903. In 1909 immigration from india stopped. Most of the men Can- went on the land, Many own their own farms. They think it" great bardship that they can travel © in America, in China, in any country > Mr. Bourassa wants the naval hill repealed, seeing that the Ladlrier gov. ernment was defeated on the subject. Bul was it 7 The Whig thought The Aryan is the name of a paper: EDITC. Cau THE SIKHS HAVE RIGHTS. in Europe. Why mot in' Canada ? Japanese has to exhibit coming. to this country, A A Sikh ation ? Other immigrants ean reach their destioy as they please. The Sikh © must malo a continuoys jour. ity. Those on the, land have $2,000, 000 invested, a!l of it in British : Co lumbin, and they cannot have their families with then, cannot, as they des"rn, "settle down and develop the country." At meeting in Toronto some time ago it was represented that the Hindus in Canada were not only an alien bat degraded race, and it was said that if the clergymen con: timed to champion the cause of the Sikks there would be no help for it but to "fight the churches," sens to be an unfortunate ment. It is possible for the emment to get at the facts, and the interests of the 4,000 or 5,000 yoople who are typical of the best life in Tndia, goversment should ap- point a comission of anquiry--one mote will not make 'much difference and set upon. is reasonable recom. mendations. a labour 1 his state gov: in . RIAL, NOTES. Public opinion his forted the gov- ernment to surtender in the South Renfrew eleetion case. The writ has been issued, and the - polling takes will, a day or two later, say, "How- dy" to the prentier and swashbuckler of the government, Hon. J. D. Reid. The labour party will surely see to it that Chief Justice Meredith, the one conimissioner of the Ontario goverir the | only $0 op I thust have $200, Why this discrimin.! vey, and this is almost an impessilil-' place on the Mud. Hon. Mr. Graham DIED ON FRIDAY, AGED FIGHTY- FIVE YEARS, Tracks--A Seriously 'il. Napanee,- Feb. 3. William lewis Dengett, a ailizen of oves lopiy years stending, a commoner with an unocom- monly clean and high reputation, a member and ollic.al oi the Meluodist church and umversally respected, died at his residence, loosald street, panee, on lPriday mormpz, aller wrief illness. ie was an octogenarian of elghty-hive years awd a lew days, Mr. tennett had enjoyed slmost un- interrupted heats up to one year ago when he suftered some from a slignt stroke of paralysis, since which tune {be never quite recovered ins loretinie (vigor. He leaves a widow snd g fam- dy of aghl, five sons and three Young Lady Very (danghters. hae famuly are widely scat- | 'teredt, Richard, » mn indianapols, in- jdiana; Lewis, ut present at Lome; John, at Calgary; Alta; Ageil, mw | Pentecton, B.A.; teorge, in Winnipeg; 'the daughters, Mrs. £. L. honuedy, in (Toronto; Mrs. David baly, Napuwhee; land Mrs. Ralph, ot Hodgson, urang Forks, B.C. 'lhe funeral will take place on Mouday. { Un'Frday Just as John South, . ol Croyden, was coming to Napanee with a load of cedar posts, while crossing Ithe track, one of tue horses had the 'pusfortune to slip und break ns leg, lhe amumal, a vat¥anle one, had to ne shot. . Miss Lena Graham an! Miss Elecn or Baker leit this week to enter Roya Victoria hospital, Moutreal, as nurses- n-tranung, Master Willie ard Miss entertained a number of friends to a masquerade ty on Friday night, D. EK. Friskin, of Carman, Man., who has been visiting friends for the past month, lefives on Monday for his home in the west. Roy Smith and his ! cousin, D. A. Clark, left, this week, for Bassano, Alta. William Aruold left, Wednesday, for Manville, Alta, after spending several months with re latives in this neighborhood. D. A. "Fraser, of Emerson, Man., is renewing , acquaintances after an absence ol over twenty years, ; Miss tiertie Anderson is seriously ill at her home, with grave doubts for recovery. Mrs. Markland, visiting her brother, Wesley Dawson, [eseronto | Road, left, Thursday, for her home in Vancouver, B.C. She will visit rela- Jessie Dibb their young skating par- other countries, --is ag different' tives at Duluth and Tantallom Sask.,] en route. Miss Florence Johnston has returned 'after a month's visit "with friends in Seranton, Pa. Mrs. F. I'. Douglas and 'daughter, 'Helen, are home again, after a six weeks' visit with friends in. Buf falo, N.Y. ' To be Agugresive Minjster Spokane, Wash. Feh. 3.--Rev. Dr tL James W. Kramer, pastor of tha First Baptist church, has opened a business office in Spokune's yanking disiriet, where he will be on duty daily from 9.30 o'vlock in the morning to 2 |o'dock in the afternoon. Mrs. Kramer {has been installed as chief clerk and stenographer. Official announcement, jie Made that "aby one in the world Fhut a drunkard or divorewl person {will be married with on long or a short service." Dr. Kramer made this statement to-day : § "I shall mix with men, kaow men, be one of them, but never gompromise with any of them in anv way. In un dertaking the noliey af the aggressive minisier 1 shall extend a welcome to everybody in my office, and as | per sonally pay the rent I ean haveepri vacy when desired, a thing that wae out 8 question at mv church office. 1 purpose making my down-town office the Baptist Mocca in Spokane, though men anid women of other denomination are welcome. My wife has volunteered to attend to the correspondence, so there will be no paid stenographer in my employ." t ne | Griet Makes Her Blind and Duml, |- Minneapolis, Mian, Feb. 3.-trief iat the 'receipt of ae ems of the death of ber mother in Titdsburgh, Pa., caused Mrs. Loretta Blakely, of * this: He to become blind and dumb. {She is in a hosnital where physi ary (89+ she eventually may recover both sight and speech. Raise Pay in Rochester: Rochester, N.Y., Feb. creases afiecting nearly ployee of the city from municipal court judgis to janitors, dre ans notinced be Mayor Hiram FE. Ed: gertom; . "The high Tost of hving m Roches®yr, ax elsewhere; is the chigl renson for the increase. 3.-Salary in every em- i { To Care a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets. Druggists refuhd moves if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box: 25c. Addison Halladay, Llgin, appeared at court on a charge of assaunit pre, ferved Dy P. A. Jackson, of the same place, and pleaded guilty. A fina "of t and $12 costs was paid. W.L BENNETT, NAPANEE Horse Broke. His. Leg in Crossing Nagy Bibby's for Men's Rubd- bers and Overshoes. BIBBYS™ MEX'S AND DOYS' DEPT. STORE, We have solid comfort for you. See our Felt Shoe with rubber sole and heel. a Nobhy Ulsters for Fancy Worsteds, Er § New Tans. Flegant Models. patterns, new colorings, #15 and $16.50 qualities. ALONRO _- MIMDMLL Men. New Twi. Way Collars Your Pick for $12.50 iglish and Domestic Tweeds. Sample Suits, Sold outs and Only's. OVERCOAT REDUCTIONS tich Patterns and Colorings. $15.00, £16.50,. $18.00, and $20.00 Garments This offer stands good for 7 days only, commencing February 3rd. SUIT A REDUCTIONS oo . Smart designs, neat Regular Your Pick for $12.50 New Patents, This offer stands good for 10 days, commencing February ed, Agents for Hart's Celebrated Shoes for Men. ' New Gun Metals, ete. These Shoes are the aristocrats of shoedom. Agents for Fowne's and Dent's Gloves PROFITS OF VICE IN CHICAGO. Director Says They Reach $15,000, 000 » Year. . New York Feb. 3--Ceerge J. land, director , of Chicago Vice-Com 'mission, who made an exhadstive study of the social evil in the city for Knee on that subicet at the west side Young i Men's Christian Association, declared {that more than $15,000,000 profit was {made annually from the social evil in | Chicago. : i He said the segregmtion plan for the | regulation of the evil had been tried {With poor success, this, plan, in some form or other being m Ioece in thirty- three cities. Under it, he suid, the evil | was placed in the hands of the police {who made their own rules and regula i tions for the conduct' He declared that ithe evil reached its most flagrant ex- pressions in-cases. where police rule pre ivailed, In Chicggo he said men and women of high social position owned property iwhich was used for disorderly pur- poses. He reminded a Chicago millon {aire once that his hous was rented for an wmworthy p . The million aire replied, "I know it, but that's bus iness, o "¥ice he said, "often puts sn anti- ficial value on' property. 1 have known property to increase from $300 to $700 a front foot. I. know of a house in i ich ¥ renits for $1 200, but, put to a disorderly rents for 88.000. In the same manner a house renting for 210 a month can be made to, yield $150 a month." i i i i Have you een the foot . ox and Bree: o'veols. A colored boy, : Morgan, aged sixtern vears, emploved on a farm wear Mallorstown, left his . October 22nd, 1.4), and was the committee of fourtech in speaking' | BIBBYS Ld 78 80-82 PRINCESS. NO AFFECTION FOR DUFF. Minister of AgricuMtare is Unpopulir With the Farmers, + Tilbury, Feb, sa Lacon The geperal and tack of Auecti isting among the farmers of for Him. James Dufl,® which has Been the subject of conversation among the armers al the diderent rairs apd eon since the poifitment, but mors img the present wititer, cannot re Imain forever a silent grudge. In his presidential address before ' the mem bers of the Onta®o Corn Growers' Association _at their fourth annual convention here, J. H.' Williams, of Fletcher commented strangiy upon the indifferent attitude of the minister of agricultine toward every efiort the farmers were makin, to promote the indastry and improve their posi- tigne as citizens of the provinee Mr. Withams femarks Were | vigorously applauded by the farmers who had crowtled into the hall a ------------ White Capping Charge Sustained. Bloomington, Ind. Feb, 3.--Tobe (noddy;, an ice damier, one of ight (persons charged with white capping a farmer; was found guilty last mght, The penalty i» a term of from two to ten years in prison. This is the first cowvigtion ever obtained here on ;a& white capping Mhmrge, althours 'rdidnight flogginge have been comman an the hill country of Sonthern In diana. 2 dis Rex vesttion, time of his ap- particularly dus 0 Best pastry and bread floir on jmarket, "King's Quality." Try it. o } | LAIN "3 T | ile the pe Ontario ! Agents for + Penman's Underwear and Bweater Coats nes RAISIN SEED OF VALUE. | Ag" alnable ByyProduct of the Fruit Industry, Feb. Raisin ore of commercial value and A,000 and. 4,05 tons of them, whieh an wally are thrown away in Califor ris, may le utilized as a valuable oy-wroduet of the fruit industry. Ex periments, conducted by Dr, Frank | Rabak, of the mresu of plant in. dustry in the depertment of agri eulture, have demonstrated thes syrap vil, tannin and weal, all of them of valde, ean be made from the seeds Gotlmm's Income. New York, Feb. 3.-The asnna! in come Jf New York ety: from alt sources hay almost reached the half bilfon mark, according to the re part of the city chamberlain for the year 1911. The year's receipts © wounted to $464,200,00, Durieg 1911 S123,000.000 - was collected in taxes RIN0.000.000 from the sale of cor porate stock and bonds and $12, 000.800 from water rates und re { roars, 4 3 Washington, Sopxls A Youthful Grandmother. Portland, Mich, Feb. 3.%Mrs. Hat. tie A. Ames aims the distinction of being the youngest grandmother in Michigan, and as proof she turns to the newly born daughter of Adelbert Ames. Mrs, Ames is thirty-six vesrs of age. Bho was fifteen years old when she marvied. Mrs. "Nelson Atwell, mother of Mis. Aows, i now ua great grandmother at (he age of fity-five." ¢ i

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