Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Feb 1912, p. 2

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™E DAILY BSH WHIG, Noxmar FEBRUARY 5 1012. nN HOGREY CRGLESPILATE AND JAS] p= Ee vin sour smi wow mzrnet an ows || Best and Most Lasting VALENTINES. ) DEAW FROM K.T.H.A. FALL, SAYS DEAN BIDWELL. ; 4 : . No extra charge for these editions, Amd Hand Corbett Trophy Over But We Must Not Blame God For 1 - by 'as Theil 5 fon it] =n Able Seim by the Dean wn - : on 4 ™e a a a; on "Fate and Free whi ¥ The Princess, by Alfred Tennyson. IHustrated by Hdward Chandler Christy Goalkeeper. I ifter expluining that he had been The Lady of the Lake by Sir Walter Scott. ustratedby Christy. William MeFedridge, manager of the sent a Turing Irom the Whig contain: Evangeline, by Longfellow. Hlustratod by Christy, {Bath Road Beavers, twice junior cham- ing 3 id suggestion k that I Hate and | ( 1 Le 1 F ipions of the Kingston Township Hoc Suds. ete liged a play 4 Pity : Hiawatha, by Longfellow. astrated by Harrison Fisher, i ., { the presont aSsigncd Lo Lhem' in the betraval anc r = z vg fhovt Enno he Corbett, Toph chug sion of i Lord, the Dean Ter bee hen she Was About NS by: ames Whitcomb Rile *y. ih wi rated by {ln isty Hor the third time, aunounced ~Mon. MISH, on Sexagesia rg ie Lockerbie Book of Riley Veise, Containing poems not in dialect. lday, that ewing to the faet thie the Preaching in St. George's cathedral, ; it oe 0k ge " eX 3 loxecutive of the league had made it nowt ad SsEmou fem the text, "Ul She Loves Me. | Picturesque full color, Ly Henry Hutt. impossible for him to defend the cup [€1CS biust "ome, but woe unto him ya TER He Manas boas Se aw ) or the third time in a opetlo and Jf ham ke Someth cats Reveries of a Backiolor. hy Ts Mary L, a er hy F. M. Ashe, clean competitive manner, he had with- igh MLE Nas sal An Old Sweetheart of Mine, by James Whitcomb Riley: drawn his team from the league and that i : it h the 2ibleit, An Old Swe ! i . . Sat BLT vi mit win BO, ; ' rye . . 2a Fs handed the cup to the secretary of the Shough it. Te iiss wih ag " Fhe most beantifal and most p pala Mm asontation books of reednt VOUS, famm-- ot ge AE 5 " . i " x » « . F E B R U A R Y CHARGED WITH NOX-SURTORT. Ti" i uncement follows the result subjest dna 0) ress. - Turning berihboned, boxed and banded = To My Valentine e v Chrigt's on uids, we get light i . p i of an executive meeting' held Friday © ) y # ig! But the Case Was Settled in the night, in the Windsor Botel, when, ac- on the question, ui we wust siete | Police Court. "cording to Me. McFedridge, decisions ¢lear-iur minds of the idea that Bible | § A young man was arrested and were made in direct LEonition to the events and chatngtury are 10 be judg- E nt Stinday in the cells on a constitution of the K 1 A. Mr. fe = - Soy herent a am - f refusing to support his Fedridge says he Will exp ain more ful ose ob Our ome day. 1 dey © : Furniture Sa p charge in a carfastuiy OE ttlosupnt he in 'a letter at : later date, the com- we af the en playing parts asi 260 PRINCESS. : OPE) NIGHTS. \ : "hone 919, o thus puting the Bible on t as, wade in police court Monday plications of this situ, situation. ie i ie : » elerec's Decision. {Peare. Events yvecorded in the TRible ~ Carpets & Curtains It appears that the young man had Upheld Re ba : were real, its chargeters were men of beon working outside of the city but! For the first time in the history of like petsions with ug. If hey Were it wos cldimed by W. I. Nickle, who hockey in Kingston, the decision of a , i : ? --_-- Special Reductions oO iy ul of the ascussl, weismee was Singita aka Meeting Tu Dr pou, An, thes a -- wr Every time we yiddd to ow See SLEEPER EEREETEETE EW 0000000040 000000000€ that while hubby was away the wo the executive of the City Hockey . p xd 8 5 : : x 2 : months he had sent Home 380. For League, held Saturday evening, Re fore us and not build up a one-sided Jeesetting sin we shape ou charac WATCHES 20 & Sasa 200000000000500090040000004000000909 . {theory from a single passage, Our ter and remder the unal eatesu up be : s - the past couple of months he has Lyen giopolis jupior City League team pro- | ta torth the aa ass po 3 ; na § he £4 Cheapest Month of the Year. out. of werk and had been stay ing test 1 against the decision handed out tynt se ® lorth Lhe awful vealify of sin, § nore like ly. Me Are Bol prociociid |e) DINING-ROOM ~~ SUITE.---Turned | with a relative a short distance from hy Referee William Campbell at a sh sae by dp the wih of mas 3 yey » eaptauon, howgeets ne g Oak Buffett,' Round Table, ¢ Kiggston, Under these circumstances" game recently, and by a vote of five Wn cohelusions Ba : ae dl dn! iv ke on hr il Leather Chalrs. Regular $105] tha court did Bot want to press the to one the executive upheld the refereo : sheds and diate in the gospels, ans : "Predesiination as po ical doe fwe 8 e om Qur special at $90. cherge, especially when the husband and threw the protest out. ria ae joation a theological ' oe ve Sead shat woth, Wels atid, fiat ie 35 § >» ve. ¥, 2 g ye 8 Solid Oak Buffett, regular 3%35,Jand. wife were on good: ters, and was an attempt to explain the exist: |a g (® Gas HOW ARDS, BLGIN'S, WALTHAM'S, 3 LONGINE'S, TAVANNES, and THE HAMILTON WAl Any of these Watches p "a a stronger and stronger grip--luey | @ for' Feb. $29. ' chatted together in the court room. A Triple Header, ence of evil by the statement that a [pre ug. a aouger gnp wh 8 Large Oak Finished Buffett, re-|The Fong Nopan'y the ag Bot | At the meeting of the executive, of | cartain' number Were, apart from good | iucst nov blame God tor it. shat of * ry $2 « eR charge so was ¢ T 3 hs . : : 2 gular $34, for February $28. are 4 J . the ha g veh the City Hockey League, ol tui oF ovil actions, predestined to salva [fences must come is Lae penalty wi b agreed to adjourn the case eck, day evening, preparations for threeliion or for eternal death. Hut the r for higher ane the your man in the meantime toga es, t be layed at the covered hw i € pay lor our higher position, ana, ow get emp ployment and the case agaipst Ro ir Monday night, were made. held os tht ig lio Jonger widely weak wills often lead us to | chious eld 1s thal ut conflicts with our idea | ihe. wrong. But the messape of th nN bim will fe dropped, ~The magistfale There will be two junior and one sen- of God and love, who by no stretch | Chaistian revelation as ed in ats \ pointed out that the acoused mitst jior game. Members of the 1th band! i (ho imagination could we. belieye Jd cas on as | at A A) go to work and sty port his wile. | will be present, and a procession will would condemn the jorit {f Hi Jud auns by the fucalualion, was . that the latter has been kept by her failh- (be formed at Moore's garage and pro: ' oo Aon Toni yo is lod, realizing man's weakness, had hy creatures o damnation quite apart]. : n "The re er during the last two months. There ceed to the rink. from their individua? aet _ 2 come to impart the divfae strength al 5 baby 8» fe wonths old 'and th : etic to help hin in the stiuggle and wo | 38 8 Dany on : Eo . "It is unlikely that the writer of krace his weak will by toe indwelling fo aa 4 little one wa# at the police station | Curling Games. the newspaper paragraph had in mind} 500 Tr Cle divine will, Mere wo ' C ~ 3 " ". + % i 4 we 2 Will, ore Wy 5 2%) BIR ABT with the mother. I'wo club games were played at the his old-time doctiine, but rather F o the onder Yove of God. Lo wmanity. Can we believe that Ih who gave llis Son would acquiesce in the destruction of those that Bou came to sive ? Dear Brethren, God never rejects may though it is sadly true that man an excellent servant SEE OUR SUPPLY. er------ a : h ----_ curling rink on Saturday evening. In gospel of fatalisn which practically Kl 2 LILY TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. tae "uo sovies, SKip Turcotte wos denies to man free choice. a ra {from Skip Dalton Ly a score of ti} jeclares that heredity What Happened a Quarter of a to ¥. ln the "'D" series, Skip Good Century Ago. {win won from Skip Sliter by a Core | (hat could we'know every detail. of the ase regular $10. Speci 1] Sir John Macdonald arrived from of 13 to T. . character and Jife of his ancestors we thers $7.00, $11.00 up (0 Ottawa and addressed the electors of iin should be able t predict his actions ; . OE Issmers of Marriage Licenses $80 each. | Kingston, Queen's Lack Goalkeeper, under certain circumstances. This dil- doc Solietiies select Lod, Pde by S HATE Carpets, -Curtaing, Linoleum, Oil-] ur. W. Anglin elected president of | Toronto News fers little in the Mile wath 08, hphting in tae ro final eenzlusion from |: a Mldar IR oy . ns fi MEE $940 VVLVVV0 00000000 cloth all reduced for quick sales. the prov nein) YM.CA. "If we could only use A. M. Daniels, | Kjamet, the 'fate' of the Mobamme- |. 2 Elder Broth, ready lo spn i 7 / Repair and Upholstering wotk| Mayor Cook, of Napames, was in the jin the nets, there is not a college team dans. If we believe in the fact of com. : is iki aléougth, done good and prompt and cheaper city to-day. tin Canada that will defeat us," stated pulsion what becomes of poral judg: sg long as ne have hat co id es Wi new than any other season. John Carruthers very much improved a member of Queen's executive to the lyent ? Why should we call one action ni not Puzzle oYet the pro hem of Yours, in health, |News, "The lack of a goal tend has 'good,' another 'evil 3 the existence of evil in the world HY i St ¢ have a beautiful 1. H. McGuire delivered a politieal thrown the whole team off its stride, | "Wo know why one act is food and som 2 We he p ut 1 F. HARRISON COMPANY address in Hamilton. | and while Slite is doing fair work, he another evil. Ficause wi know INCIDENTS OF THK DAX. know that Oe w ready for Steps being taken to have the por- is not in'a class with the other man.' range now ready : a Giod has given man free choice, and Paragraphs y Phone 90, teait of Prot. Williamson painted and Daniels: will be remembered as a wem- | hag is iwhy offences must come. HM Newsy Our Re Picked Up 5 laced in Conpoecation hall. ber of the team thai won the college we had not this freedom theme would porters, x . The members of the Tramps' Snow- title and also the Allan cup in 1908. Fig neithor good nor evil. God has "Turkish bath soap." Gibson's. | to Ww ists Skirt ! He is now tegistered in science at i wi te W. ud. Wormwith, eft tor satay, (8 aists, oy shco club walked, BE given us this power and hes allowed 2 0 | Lieut.-Col, Smith, of the 14th bat- Queen's, and was enrolled in plenty off yg 15 work out our life on ~ these | Mongihy. Fatalism and environ. ment determing a man's actions and SMITH BROS. us some of his divine steength, ana eee) -- your inspection takicn, appointed an honorary A.D. time to play him in all the league |Goddike fives. The whole basis >of] John Voole, Toronto, was in the Gowns, UC. to the governor- ral. lgames. The desire of the Queen's ath- | si . Mayor Hart, of Watertown, was in Ietic authorities, however, that no pos: the city to-day sible grounds for protest be left open, ? caused the managemout to look for Inw and ovder dests on 1 hg cil Sunday. : . o orset Covers idea of man's responsiltlity, and he! Ary "Smg's Quality" flour if you C receives punishment or reward becays, | Want satisfaction. a : Drawers be is a free agent, We must not di For drug store wants," Gibson's Changé®in Drug Business. | another goal tend, corce reliai cal "acti {hone 230. i i Mr Change dl cotitrel of the : first-class net guardian is a whole ar ia a W >is: i William Swaine, piano Luner, Orders Princess Slips, Etc. €X en ® Mcleod branch drag storel corner of 10t toa team, and Qoeon's might have | 'igt™ believe that it was implant. [received at MeAuley's. Phone 778. i been fighting for the top position, in- 3 \ Two knights of the road were guests Values better than : . : Montreal and Princess streets Feb ed bv Cod, and all acknowledge that nig of tho road were gue . Hons il o ; on | stead of roosting at the bottom, had the principle of man's responsibility [at the 'police "station over Sunday Highest Price Paid for all " p L ; eyer, : The book accounts up to February they Diayed Danie . Spies of sports. is universal, ay i . kinds of RAW FURS. | Ist are transformed to Mcleod's main WA Ph hihi placed he. iohor 0 "To return to our subject 1 de "Shaving powder. Gibson's. . i store, corner King and Brock streets their college above any athletic vic fo, rodestination in the lives of| The Battersea ico races will take McLeod's telephone number is 219, tories, and this -is the reason that Pilate and of Judas, just as it ig [PI0ce on the 2st and 22nd of Yebru . ---- Queen's is now at the foot of the heap found ju the lives of all of ve, anal? : NEWMAN , Canon Starr at Stella. in the Intercollegiate Rockey League. hat is the predestination of charac ve the new truse'* at Gibson's. " BROCK STREET. Missionary services were held in ( Continued on Page 3) IL. Cunnivgham, piano tuner, 2} i CRORE RRR SRC S CT FC CIC) ALL BLANKETS | the parish of Amherst Island on Sun- in CSAS Pains day, Neb, 4th. Fhe services were THE LATE WILLIAM McUEN, ibright and hearty and well-attended. Kingston's Famous Fur Store. "th having cream." - Gibson's, [The oferings ~Were good and = two, A Former Loughbora Township Re. Sn dent Hea the Calvinists have done nothing | clouuent and inspiring addresses were § it, foutball or hockey since they lett William Molen, aged ii vears, the Prosbyteri shai rel given by the special preacher, Rev. § . EF ANNIVERSA ANNIVERSARY SALE e Vrcshytenian church, : z Canon Starr, M.A, of Bt. George's an od _midont, 4 JeougBhora town Fee 'the new truss" at Gibson's, Ring strect. leave orders at Me Auley's book store, : & A Last, a Permanent © athedral, Kingston. | Sou, Drug wants, at Meleod's drug HY Montreal atreet, Sunday marning, store, Telephone "219. . after an illness of two years. He was RING FEBRARY. Prof. 0. 1. Skeltoy I be thie Ay He Mined the Stage. {horn in Sydenham, and lived there wptahtr at a er of the Canadian missed stage, your wor: until about four vears ago, when he ship," sail a little baglishwan, a8 yetied and came to the city t \ "1 L1ub on Friday next, ut noon. he bobbed wpm police court, Monday gide, . ¥.. 10 Prices Low Ey Jurilies." h Gibson oe ny morning. 'Liwas on my way out id The late 'Mr. Mélen, who was a Me- * : ny, o is utlending tne Perth Road, but it you give me a thodist, was respected by all who 8 : Pe, Ee ey wenk: nd t with DUNLOP chance now 1 will get on to Yelleviite. knew him. He is survived by hig wife, . i q ) Prag yo ants ' Mel. d's. a | know: 1 can get a job there. The | 4nd one son, Hoovert, of this city; al- g on st vg Teleph a a 219. 20s Trig . one. montis, Te 14 ®) nnd costs, or uo four daughters, Mrs. W. Nelsou, of -------- RI omnne Hugston. in 18 Traction Tread one ¢ : this city; Mrs." H. Cunningham, of " Cas . 14 ] ' ' » . imnanogue, "soliciting subscriptions te - Colts Sold, N.Y:, aid MPs. M. Toras, of Syracuse, - ; We are always a hew conl campany to be formed i i MONOGRAM STENCIL On Saturday afternoon, Joseph Fow- IN.Y. The funeral took place, Monday | fi . careful to there. } Another Opinion: ler, of Glenburnie, purchased from | Gibson' b Craig Hawkey, Ulenburnie, two colts Selp---------------- > , IF Gibson's. from Ald. Carson's veang Counsel) DIAMOND JUBILEE oA assorted stock Rev. Dr. Herridge, Ottawa, is tol@ packiiey stallion, for the sum of $340. ---- - oy A of Mink Goods le a Canadian Club speaker og th 1 ---- Will be Held in Connection With topie, "The Intelleetnal Ife of Can ; Toronto; Mis. H. Gill, of Bufiglo, Needle workers will welcome them « as a long felt want. Metal Blencits "The sth-Skidding © feature of your own monogram that can be : Lh used for years and years over ands of Dunlop Tread. is te Ver over again We cheerfully demonstraie: the afternoon, to Uataragyni cemetery. show a well CB! 1hone 200 for drug store wants' goretots af apretaslue production, in|" Aunouncemént was wade by the pas i ¢ ing our sale a Ji The great English remedy, the won Sold only at flere of the Kmpive on March th, juisiles of Sydepham Street Methodist J BB is anunusually ¥ibrock streets. Phone 219 Wise, 1 have never experienced Optomet Ist "Land of the Golden Dream," a} : R(% and now dur- Bods," at an early date. best. Running fast or slow uses and advaniages of the steneil, 2 Church. J g ¥ will take a Cerful Semum, Sequarine, at Mo or turning corners or other tor, Rev. I. W. Neal, at the mor 1 N t 3 | part, ll be - on 'by the Daugh- yoriice "ay. 2 that the diamidn ' Mink Sett ({Leod's drug store, corner King and Ke:ley, Ir Ah x aod 9th. Col. UDragg, New Miles would 'be beld, Sunday, Marca rd good invest- ; = She naw pic +8 "at Gilwon's; the least difficulty." 228 PRINCESS ST. "Phone ". ork, is the conductor. NE and the few following ays, A rday the police received 'a call ---- ' C. H. 8. Norwebb, Ontavie strect ment. "1to. shoot a dog on Oniaria © strist i returned home on Saturday" frony i trustees, some arr ] . However, the pont animal Paced a See Your So0scssansncssonancay {tip to his old fiome in the ol} ra y : § ; way before the police arrivaed. 11 ix Aci (LAs $8100 Mink Stoles, $35.50 F|'eltoel that the dog was poisoned. Garage Man 'Almond cream," for r woh etin. $30 Mink Stoles, $22.75 ¥ Gikson's, Alihough no charge has ben mode . ---- in police court asx vel 1t Hegod $15 Mink Ties, $9.75 bo ER mat - TR a Te : that a man Rving on UAL Fin siraat + viet Has Kept Her Farntally eysated his wife on Satur # : ; 181 ill : AEA a Active For Years . ri Jpresent. Tuesday Vening, 13 { $90 Mink Muff, $71.50 ; hy - hour and he 5 " i a | one 230 for drop store wants HE $45 Mink Mufts, 838725 © } Gibson's. 3 : 5 Hora, Clark, Kingston, was in Port $30 Mink Muff, 22.75. transferring thé command of ' ora fegiment from Lieut. -Col 1, he Rowe, retired, 6 Major (. A. V Preston. ur ash hath soap." Gibson's The comply whit presemtod "ihe E10) and the Trang" at the Grand on i Satordsy, 1% on the noon K. & IN i fox pri The company stay: at dhe Iroquois. Rok lr "B! Prevost, g all his fal] and | order ing Can De High-Class Work. No contradiction can wash out that fact, It {s as "lear ak the water we use, as. in effable as the snowy whitpoas we Import 10 Iipens, and as unyielding a8 the starch in our col- fais atid cuffs $ WE DO HIGH-CLASS wo R K. with pew woods. p Je ta, [encraible to gel » "Furiish bath soap." Gibson's. Eh he. ian Willism McCammon, harbor 3 om Lo Lenmes in our moat ilcegted u spot whout rm ihe shere ut the south Fide « , where Andersan Bros. - Bul jew lor riwoling PRTPORes. boa Nicholas is rarting ice for domestic] Kingston _ Laundry Cor. af & os Tonia Sta, essssssansessiertesea 45000000 000000000000000 80000000 ROORPOOROS BACON E00 RN000000URNEQNONN00000000000004S x NA

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