SERVICE TO | SAVERS 'This Bank [oir be Yice 6 those Who system- atieally Wave + inglting deposijors. jo (heir Bavings Department. A Savings Account fs & great assisténce mn sav- fog mohey, it attrdcts many sums that would otherwise be spent, and it keeps your « money safe fsam thieves, "from fire and other loss. : od t. 1 added to tiatances lerest * nairyearty. Br OF To «+ $4,000,000 $3,600,000 107 PRINCESS ST. GEORGE B. McKAY, Manager. money, by ji The Universal Food Chopper fhe best known to the public to-day, Chops everythitig and never gets dull. No. 1 Fanlly Size $1.50 Sent out on, trial and gone: fredly refunded if it i, 0 everything we claim. W. A MITCHELL ROWARE, © #5 PRINCESS STRE®T. rot THAT TOBACCO WHA the "Rosster" on It is crowing louder as he goes slong. Only t8c per pound. For chewing and ? nd | A Macumancs, BANK OF TORONTO ANNUAL MEETING SHOWS sorted STRONGER POSITION. il West Account Now Exceeds Paidsup Capital by $5,000,000--Splendia Tucreases Shown 'in Every Depart. ment, : ' At the angus! meeting of the Bank of forcuio, a full por of. which will be found on page seven. Duiscan Colson, 'the pressdent, referved par- tidilarly: to the increase of tie making it now thin FLUO in excops r Paidup capital. He said the was jotended rimarily 1 strengthen the ponttion of the Sa atl to insure that the interest both of 'depositors and shareholdérs should Le protected aod preserved, Fince am, lotues that wight occur would. natu. ally be iu' conneelion with the low $1 investments ly the: back, at was proper to sovsider the FPO - tion which the rest hore to Deine counts aud investments of the hank, or to the liabilities due to the pub- lic, rather than to its proportion to the capital stock, The pergentage of rest fo liabiliting to dhe public of all banks in Canada wiu, on Dec. 3st, 190), S42 eent., and on Nov. 30th, 1911, 8.1¢ per cent. 'The Bank of Toronto on Dee. 31st, 1991, showed their per centage to be 11.46 per cent. and on Aov. 30te, 1911, 12.63 per cent. The reliuros to the government show that the percentage of rst to total id bilities' of the cight leading banks ries from 6.07 per cent. to 10.35 por cent. While the figures presented indicat: that the Bank of Toronto's percent age compares favorably with that of other leading jnstitutions Mr. son. considered that the bank was aéting in the best interests of their thareholders "in bavieg the rest ac count grow with the increasing lin bilities, . The general statement showed idereases went of the bank's business. The pro. fits for the year were equal to 10:67 per cent. oh the average paid-up capi- tal os compared with 14,74 per cent. ifor the previous year. The rate of {¢ividend paid the shareholders was ihcreased from 10 per cent. to H Coul '| per cent. The deposits increased $4,140,944, and now stands at $11,126,664, while loans and investments now aggregate = 400,222, an increases for the vea of $5,003,692. Quick assets aggrepa- ted S15500,604, which equals over 33 Per eet, of all Hibilities to 3 SFE a a SPECIAL CSA LE SATURDAY 60 doz. good quality cotton pillow cases, 40, 4% 44 in. wide made fron: heavy English Cotton. Regular 18¢ and 20¢ quality. Saturday -Sale Price - 12 12 ' 20 doz. Extra heavy quality "English Sheets, ready for use, double bed size 72 Din long. Regular price $1 25. Ei 9 Waka hap w» in. wide, 40 doz. Pure Trish Linen Bed Room Towels, size 18 in. hy 36 in. This huckaback towel actount. cf the bank go 8,605,000, | J submitted in every depart ow". ik is sold regular 15c and 206, = Roa ay SOR She yo ra ¥ Sus 2 shen Abed wold niblic "for. deposits, bank Ahef balances. George 11. McKay is ~mubn, Jewst heaneh, which has notes apd of the ont el v of this enterprising neti Mav Ist; its own building on ecofner of Wing ead Biock streets, kfiown as Wade's corer. Mt is iu tended | to remodel this building and it up as a hawdsome: banking of fice, eovering the entire ground floor. The bank purchasad this property when it opened for Bodmess in King #ton a little over two yenrs ago, hut leases them existing did not ex- ire until the coming hist of May, so that occupation could mol soomet be secared. ' AE TOWN OF GANANOQUE. Leeds Pioneer Dead--Water drants Were Frogen. Gasaborjue, Jan. 13. ~Another of the pioneer residents of «© Leads township passed to rest; yesterday, at his fome a few miles east of Gananogue, in the person of Hobert Eliott, aged seventy-two years Deceased was wide fy known and Held in high esteem throughout this section. 'lhe funeral takes place on Sunday afternoon to Lansdowne vault. The first hockey mateh of the sea son at the Park rink will be pulled of this evening, when the Regiopolis team, of Kingston, and Shamrocks, of funanoque, © will crogs sticks in a friendly game. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Turcotte, River street, entertained a nuthoer 'of friends at a dance last evening. A namber of the town hydrants wer frozen wp, vesterday, and the town engineer had a gang of men at work thawing them out. 'live hrst erossing on tie ice be tween Clananotpue and Grindstone Is fand, was made by a party of fom in a cutter on Thursday, going by way of Granite Island and head o Hay Island. Frank 8. Redd, operator at Collins Bay, bas resigned his position witl the G'T.R., and has accepted a pod tion ns junior clerk .in the Bank @ Toronto here. Méusre, Frederick V. Skinver, King street) and J. Sampson, Arthur street have returned to their studies at Trin ity, College School, Port Hope. Somer. O'Connor, spending the past few weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mys. 1. D O'Connor, Charles street, has returner to his studies at Si. Michael's school Toronto. Miss Hazel Wilson, spending the past two weeks with her mother Mrs. D. J. Wilson, has returned to hey Studies at Vietoria College, Toronto Douglas Peck, holidaying here wit) his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Peck Brock street, has xeturned to Toront to regume his studies at Varsity. {. Parke, King street, has re turned from a visit in Ottawa. Mr and Mrs. Frederick Bell have returne from a short visit with relalives - ir Corawall. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hl who have spent the past few month with relatives in this section, have re turned to Hamilton. Frank Lalonde Garden street, has takem a situatior in Hamilton. e Hy Wedded at Banff, Alta, A pleasant event of interest to man: Kingstonians, took place at Baoff Alta., recently. This was the marviag: of Miss Annie Stansbury, eldest daugh ter of John Stansbury, of his majes ty's customs. Miss Stansbury has been staying with her sum, Mrs Brewster, at Banfi, for the past tw years. The groom is Francis Fletcher of Morley, formerly of Halifax, an owns extensive ranches near Morley The ceremony was solemnized in St Paul's church, Banff, by the rector The bride, who was given away by her cousin, James Brewster, was unattend- ed. She looked handsome in a travel Bing dress of navy blue broadeloth anc large blue picture hat, with willow plume of white. The groom was sqp ried by Roger Moore, of Boston After the ceremony the bride party and, guests drove to the "Bongalow," the home of John Brewster, where the whdding breakfast was poartaken of Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher then boarded the west-hound express for Vancouver and other cities of the const. On their réturn they will take up thar resi dénce in Morley, Alta. A large num: {her of beautiful presents testified to the popularity of the handsome bride : feeland ss. Greenland. It is no fair shake for the dldest countries in the battle in Kingston for supremacy just now. To help every boy and man keep warm during the fight, we patting our oVerconts down twenty-five and fortyfive per cent. Defy the clements, secure a good cdat from KE, P, Jenkihs & Co., at néarly half price and Jongh at the results of the contest two A Near Gas Tragedy. When Thomas Gibson, driver for Val- od the home of his eonsin, Mrs. Wil jot half ay open. No one noticed it 'when | a ---- 4 : Entertained Hockey Club. Ite Troquois club entértained | Teow ' a supper. A programme of. shngs gives. N. ca the origin of the Troqwois club. Kingston Poultry Show. Kingston Pouliry Show, Jan. 23rd, g 25th, Entries close Jan. 17th. Jasses for all varieties of fowls, pig- sons, turkeys; utility pens, exhibition pens, eto. Eniries may be made at W. J; Paul's cighr store, Princess street. Jenkigs' roverroat - sale is edrnest. : Miss: Beith, Newton, of Swith's Finks, lost. neatly tivo hundred dolls on wm its share to the general tution. The bank will take over, op} Sale of eveni pers. ton' Ah the euing shippers. Dutton's. world toy are from fy, samc Pennock, an aged resident lel" grodert, Montréh! street, enter idm Dean, Colborne street, with gro-{' orien, Friday, his -eap torhed the gas rs. Dean's daughter came into the kitchen later her mother was partly unconscious. + Jb- took eensider- {able time to bring hér around. the mseh hockey club at ¥heir 'rooms of Privesss street Friday evening, to And nimsical seleoons were O'Connor gave a talk "Kodak supplies." Gibson's. king' sale of coats is. irresistible. There was uo session of court Saturday mormng. : "The genuine Blaud's Pills." son's. . Best's Short Stop cures all coughs always, for 18¢c At hume cards; neally printed, at Whig office, Kingston. : St. Mary's cathedral Christmas col fection totalled $2,113.55. Men's, lined pigskin mitts, - Sue. tom's, yy william Swain, pi tutier, Orders cectived at MeAuley's. Phone 778. B,J. Murphy, Brewer's Mile, Kingston, Friday, for Flmt, Unt. Mig sale of sweater coats for men, women and children at Dutton's. ember high tea and concert, queen street church, Thursday, Jan. i8th. Tickets, 20c, Sele of men's sweater coals, €3c; s, B0c. Dutton's. hort Stop tablets cure colds al s Gib- left el . H. Cunningham, piso tuner, I. sing street. Leave orders at Me Auley's book store. ' | The school nurse is rendering valu- | able service. "lis the opinion of In spector J. RR. Stuart, "The genuine Blaud's soh's. Sale of women's boots, great values. | 'all and see for yourseli at Dutton's. | Prof. Morison is speaking this after- | aoon on "Nationalsm," vefore Lhe Jttawa Women's Canadian Club. "A good wash cloth." Buy them at Niibson's. : Sale of boys' waterproof 1.65 and Jutton's. ! Lettuce cream makes rough chapped | hands smooth, at Best's. Mrs. Jamies Stinson, formerly of | Aiugston, is dead in (heago. The! remains will be brought here for in- erment. Now is the time to buy baby a iweater cheap, at Dutton's. "Buy cough syrups." (Gibson's. Mre. William Scott and daughter, Wes Olive left, to-day, to visit the tormer's daughter, Mrs. John Palmer, Ma! erly. "Cod Liver Oil Emulsion.' Gibson's. At home cards, neatly printed, at Ahig office, Kingston. Every person is talking about the Id weather to-day--but they are not topping very long on the street to do it. Moccasing 'ons. "Chamois vests." Gibson's. "It is an ill wind that blows no-per- son good," is an old saving, and this old weather has certainly given the duntbers a run for their money. " Book-binding and ruling at fice, Kingston. 1 ss Rheumatic Pills are a sure re. 2c; at Pest's, ! "Chamois vests," Gibson's. Sale of toques, 19¢; 'clouds, 25c.; nitts, 8c; threewnch silk ribbon, l0¢,; 'overstookings, from 25c. Dut | tan's. qe ; Next week the Kights of Columbus will tender a banquet ig thew clnb- house to Archbishop Spratt. The mterer will be W. C. Macdonald. Men, boy your wool anderwear at; Jutton's and save money. A Bagot street woman received al ade jolt when she arfived at th narset Saturday morning and found Jat whils on her way from her home the had lest $21 from her satchel. Men's $1.25 nightshirts, 5c. Dut- tan's. Best's chilblain core, a 10¢. "Chamois vests." Gibson's, Major H. Hopwood, Indias army, is granted a temporary com- mission as major in the active mile tin, whilst serving with Te perma: pent force of Canada, Major Hope wood is stationed at prisent in King ston. mills." Gib. boots, $2. Hockey boots cheap. | for all cheap at Dut Whig sure eure, Reports Fram Elgin. Elgin, Jan. 12.-Martin Long and Leo (VDonnell were badly hurt in a dynamite explosion at Halladay's vock cut, C.N.R. construction work, one and a hall miles from here. It is supposed thay had lighted the fuse, | and, as it did not explode, they had gone to investigate, when the explo- sion ocourred. Both men were stand ing on the rock that was blown in pieces. How they ever escaped death is a mystery. Local option was de feated in the township of South Cros of this place, is gradually sinking, No hope is entertained of his recovery. Mrs. (Rev.) Wiliam Pearson is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. J. F. Single- ton, Kingston. Mise Mabel Toward has feturned to Ottawa normal school, afier offending a fo dav at home. Hugh. Glover, Jones' Falls, died very suddenly, {cember 28th. le had just returhed from the Brockville hotpital. number of western friends are renpw- ing old acquaintances, among whom are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scott and children, a+ Mrs. Reott's mother's, Mrs. Stephen Pennock: Mr. and Mrs John Smith .and son, all oi Edmon- won, amd Me. and Mrs Walter. Ripple, and son, of. Calgary. 1 ----------------------. . The Coward Won't Fight. The police magistrate of St. Thom: as 5a natura' peacemaker amd al wavs endeayors to smooth over 'any alight differences between the persons] brought before him. Omer, when the charge involved was for technical assawlt, it tame out in the courses of evidence thac the ph ties were + and had formerly 'been on the best of terms. ] "This i toe bad, téa Bad!" dom mented the judge, "And between such old friends! Is ths not & ease that: Be settied out of esort *" "Fm sorry to say. that i can't ba done, your honor," ed the plaintifi, sevwousiy. "I thonght «i that wivsell, but the toward wob't fight." Toronto Mail awd Empire. A good wash doth" Bus them. at Gibson's. "NManthotated . Palm," the hn wt Bets, | We Will Place on Sale The F oliswing Very Special Purchase. . Your pick To-Night 10 cents each. This is part of a large purchase secured at a price much below their value. Men's Four-in-Hand Ties 480 Men's Ties +. Men's Knot Ties A large range of plain shades and fancy, All Men's Gloves Will Have To Be Cleared Out Before Stock- taking so To-Night We Offer Men's Kid Gloves, Lined Men's Mocha Gloves, Lined Men's Mitts of all Kinds. These ave all DENT'S and MORLEY'S and other well knowikmakes, Your Choice To-Night . 1-3 Off Children's White' Clouds 180 Clouds, Special at 120 Clouds, Special at 15 Cents. 25 Cents, Your Pick To-Night Children's Knitted Toques In Red, White and Navy, good value regularly at 25 cents, 125 15 cents. Delineator For February Now Ready. February Fashion Sheet FREE .Laidlaw& Son. OCOULT POWER USELESS. American Adventuress in Berlina Sentenced For Fraud. Beott, an Ameriean woman who was char with frauds, came to an und, today, and she was sentenced to Sghteen montns in prison. As ghe has been in jail for two. months, the time wo bs deoved 18 reduced 10 sixteen months Mex, Seott carried on a rp dGieht : business in Hedin, throu sale 'of books, which were alleged to give instructions for the attainment of miySteribus powers. Une of the babks told of how ah enemy could be réndersd powerless by econtmued wtsr- ing at the bridge of his nose. "Sirs. Beott's divorced hmsband car vied on a similar in Berlin abd was arrested. He jumped his ball of #3000. The trial of Mrs Soot was begun on Janudry 2nd. The frhount: she obtained "by Wer irautls 'was $10,000. Bee oir music. folios. "Home Sowg." Putton's Ne Es Wone walk at side. Jenkin", overcoat | Walia, Jan. 13.-The trial of Viola J FELT BOOTS WiTH FELT SOLES KEEP THE COLD 0UT TRY A PAIR FOR THIS COLD WEATRER Light Weight, ' Not Clumsy. Mrx's $5.00, $2.50 & $2 Lanes' $200, & $3.50 CALL And Very Warm. Bove' $200 Gikis' $1.26 & $2.00 AND LET U8 SHOW YOU THESE GOODS, "Aa - . : aim aaa----G,