Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Jan 1912, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE. "Tightens Her Skin-- {From Social Mirror.) "J want to tell you how essily and quickly I got rid of my wrinkles," writes one of our ecorrespindents, - "While in Loudon a friend, much en 'vied because of her youthiyl appear gove me eo formula for a"home preparation which has the of fect of instantly tightening the skin, thus smoothing out wrinkdes and fur- Tips F or the Farmer ---- Timely Pointers, Sawdust js substitute for straw for hedding said to be an excellent for THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 1912. END STOMACH TROUBLE. { Heartburn Go in Five Minutes. gestion or some form of . st ¥ ttouble, why don't you pepsin in the house : This harmless blessing will anything vou can est without tor, Indigestion, Gas, Dyspepsia and As 'there is often some ous 3s, your femmil: ho suffers an sttack of - pray : omach keep some Dia- v digest the slightest discomfort, and overcome a sour, gassy stomach five minutes af- 'I'ell your pharmacist to let you read the formula, plainly printed on these 50-cent cases of Pape's IRapepsin, then ately disappoints its owner. a 3 fairs supply a splendid oppor- tunity for beginners to find out for themselves what constitutes mutton form ex 3 ' The lamb which furnishes host money in the fall is not the product of .poy- erty: he is a delicately modelled and finiwhed creature of affluence. I is a wellknown fact that, pound fed & mutton lamb, as a rule, will pay better retdrns than soy other domes tic animal. s The secret of the English shepherd's sucorss lies in' the fact that he eon filled farms. Such a combination) for pound 'of grain, jerage and, fodder | CATTLE SAID TO BE RETTER OFF WITHOUT THEM. While Some People Think it Cruel to Dehorn Cattle, Experts Agree That Practice Improves the Herd. , One of the many odd jobs on the Jarm, that should mot be neglected in the off season, is -dehorning the young cattle apd mileh cows about the place. I the young 'stock is to be sold as WOMEN PEARL DIVERS. Io---- They Set Out at the Tender A Fourteen. The pearl divers of Japan are wo- men. Along the cosst of the bay of Ago 'and the bay of Kokssho the thirteen and fourteen vear old girls after they have finished their ' primary school work, £0 10 sea and learn to dive. They are in the water and learn 10 swim almost from babyvhood, They spend mest of theic time in the wa- ter, says the Oriental Review, except the coldest season, from the ond of ge of rows, *"The pri ingredient is pow- principal dered saxolite, which I found could be cows. Ferhups the time may when farmers will be buying saw- dust for bedding, but the day is a long ways off if proper care is takes of the straw. Working in the straw pile at thresh- ing time is hurd and disagreeable work, It is so hard to get men 10 build a good straw pile that some farmers pay extra wages to their straw pile men in order to have o pile of straw that is a real stack. Waere one finds himself with more cattle on his hands than he can feed Kberally through a long, hard winter be is at a loss to know whether he shull feed libevally in the fall and cramp them in the spring or reverse the operation. There is one way sjaround this knotty problem that works Juite well and that is to sell some of the stock and keep the rest well. 'If any feed can be spared in the spring there will be many buyers. Hog cholern and cornstalk disease are somewhat alike in one respect. When they are not present almost everyone knows of preventives and gure cures without number, but when the real thing comes, ghout the only thing to do is to grin and. bear it and listen to the advice of the more fortunate neighbnrs, The profitable horse for the farmer is the draft horse. This class of horse invariably commands the most ready sale, at the best prices. In se- lecting the 'stallion to breed to the heavy mares next season, make the best drvaffer in vour digtriet the choice, Patrick Burns, the big eattle man of Alberta, says that the supply of cattle in the west is little more than enough to 'supply the laeal demand, he saul. The percentage of young stock has been decreased bv the ex. port of heifers to a paint where it will take years to recover. Watch the hired man a bit and see that he is not continually jerking the horses and making their mouths sore. Such cruelties are unnecessary and a friendly word now and then sugges:- | ing better treatment may be of great benefit to your teams. 2 Two-LUnele Josh Jon December {to ithe beginping of Feb: ruary. Even during the most in clement of the season they sometimes dive for pearls, . They woar a special diess and the hair twisted up into a hard Knot. The eyes sre protected by glasses to prevent the entrance of 'water. 'Lubs are suspended from the 'waist, A boat in command of a Man is as vigned to every five or ten women ivers to carry them 'to and from the fishing grounds, When the divers arrive on the grounds they teap into the waiter at once and begin to gather oveters \t the bottom. The oysters are drop- ped into these tubs suspended from their waits, When these are filled the divers are raised to the smfac, and jump ivto the boats. : They dive to a depth of from five to thirty fathoms without any Spe cial apparatus and retain their breath feony one to three minutes Their ages vary from thirteen to forty years and batween twenty-five and thirty-five they are at thei prime. S stockers and feeders or if they are to go into the feed lot later, they will sell to better advantage if all the horns are removed. The 'milch cows, unless they are pure-breds and are to be sold as such, are better off without their horns, They will not dominate the rest of the Lb when dehorned and there is no danger of injuring sny of them. If there are afew cows in the herd with phorns, they will as a rule worry and bother the rest of the cows at feeding and milking time, and in that way keep down the normal flow of milk, Some people think it is cruel to de horn cattle, but those who have had extensive experience in dehorning are agreed that it is an improvement to the herd. The best time to dehorn cattle is in the spring before it gets very warm or late in the fall after cold weather sets sets in. It may be done at any time, however, but when done in the summer time it requires more care and atten tion. The implements necessary to perform the work are a thin rope, and a clean, sharp meat or mitre saw, with a rigid back. Dehorning clippers may be used instead of a saw, but are more expen- sive when they have to be purchased for only one herd. Fither of these two instruments will do good work, The clippers may cause a little more edge, while the sdw leaves a rougher bleeding, because of the sharp cutting edge and the bleeding will stop soon er. There is little difference in . the the horns by these two methods, If the clippers are used, they must be sharp or there is some danger of crushing or fracturing the skull, The horns should be severed from a quarter to hali an inch below where the skin joins the base of the horms, cutting from the back toward the front. In case the cut is wade too High, an irregular and unsightly out. growth of the horn may follow. When it. is out near the base of the horn theve is little further. of further growth, Tie a rope around the neck of tne animal anh draw it over the top of a stanchion rail, where it can be held by ove person. I the rope is secure ly fastened about the neck and. the stanchion closed so that the animal cannot get its head through, there is little diflicuity in holding the head in place. As a general rule no application of vou will readily see why .it makes in- digestion, sour stomach, heartburn, and other distress go im five minutes, and relieves at once such miseries as belching of gas, eructations of - sour, undigested food, nausea, headaches, diz- ziness, constipation and other stomach disorders / siders the sheep an animal to beeared for and from birth to sale. Too 'meny farmers 'have the idea that "the sheep is a sort of 4 wanderer on the face 'of the 'earth, capdble of caring for iteelf, Produce and Prices. Kingston, Jan. ~ 13.-The market clerk reports prices prevailing as fol- wa : To ath, 10, and 15c. peek; turnips,' 10c. peck; potatoes, $1.40 to §1.50 per bag; beans, Se. qt.; cabbage, 60c. per dod; celery, 7c. omions, ¥1 per bush. radishes, 5¢, bunch; lettuce, be. bunch; a , 2c. peck, Hg Phles A. Mek atlane, Brock 'street, 're ports grain, flour and feed, selling bs follows : Oats, 45¢.; local what, 3105, ust. wheat, B0cg seed rye, '$1; , $1 © £1.10; ion feed corn, 90¢.; bakers flour, $2.75 to $2.90; farmers', $2.75 to $2.90; Hungarian patent, $2.90; oat- meal and rolled oats, $3.50 per bbi.; cornmeal, $1.8Q to $2; bran, $24 ton; shorts, $26 ton; baled straw, $7; loose, £8; hay, loose, $13 to $15; pressed hay, $14 to $15. Moat-- Boel (local), carcase, 6c. to 7c; prime western beef, $10 per cwt.; by carcass, cuts, 10e. to 15e.; lamb, tlc. to 3c. ib.; veal, Se. to 10¢c. per Ib.; ducks, $1 to $1.25 pair, turkeys, 16c. to 18¢. Ib; fowl, T5e. to five hogs, 5c. a lb.; dressed hogs, ork, Be. to 10c, by quarter; mut- Be. to 100; pork, Sc. to 10¢.; spring 90c. a pair; spring chickens, 50¢, © to 80c. per pair; geese, $1 to ¥1.25; but- ter, creamery, d0c. to #2c.; prints, © formation was 50 marvelous 1 looked younger, ven crow's fo re affected , as were the annoy: ing cresses about my neck. 1% seems dies to believe that anyThing could POL he NEVER ANY FAILURE OR DISAPPOINTMENT Some folks have tried s0 long to find relief from indigestion and dys pepsia or an out-of-order stommeh with the common-every-day cures ad- vertised that they have about made up their minds that they have some thing else wrong, or believe theirs is a case of nervousmess, gastritis, catarrh of the stomach or cancer. This, no doubt, is a serious mis- take. Your ree! trombile ir, what you eat does not digest; instead, it 1ér- ments and sours, turns to acid, =as and stomach pomson, which putrefy in the digestive tract and intestines, and ides, poison the breath with nan- A hearty appetite, with thorough di- gestion, and without the slightest dis- comfort or misery of the stomach, is waiting for vou as soon as you de cde to try Pape's Diapepsin. go resulls like these, bul several Jur "1 recommended the remedy have been. similarly helped, Snclading an elderly lady whose cheeks had be come quite baggy." r PTI, TY TRE TRS and Poultry Show OTTAWA, ONT. JANUARY 15th to 19th Round Trip Tickets will be issued at $3.70 Gopd. going Jan, 14th to 18th, re- * turn limit, Jan. 20th. MARD! GRAS CARNIVAL QUEBEC CITY, P. Q, 16th to 20th Round trip tickets will be Iefned at 10.00 Hood going Feb, 15th ta 26th eturn Hmit Feb. 22nd 'or full particulars apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, "Gorner Johnson and Ontario Sts. ISUSED. | CONTAINS NO ALUM. COSTS NO MORE THAN THE ORDINARY KINDS. |! alm onni Idle Thoughts of a Reporter. Everybody who isn't in trouble wants his picture in the paper, Always judge a man by the he answers the doorbell at clock in. the morning. Press committees are usually posed of men who Rnow nothisg their organization. The more important a story looks to the man that figures in it the less important it really 1s. It's hard for a reportef who works thirteen hours a day to roast u cruel manufacturer who ployees ta-labor for Diplomacy is essential to a newspaper repose, if he told people what he thought of them would be fired several times a day A reporter sees nn lot of the "eo gray dawn of the morning after." 'There is everything to gain in takiog up cow testing. With the Live Stock. Never put hot water directly the cream. A reliable Lhermometer should 'ul ways be kept handy and used. Guess work doesn't pay when | making but: rer. Cracks in the bottom of the rack will swallow up more grain than the sheep eat, and fat nothing at that. The size and strength of thie lambs t hirth will be governed by 'the 'eed and care of the ewes during the vinter. Glover and alialia hay, with a 'ight ration of wheat bran and lin: cepd meal and roots, is the Cdeal ia- tion § for the ewes. I'he colt must have exorcise growing to develop its muscles tendons. Don't keep the colts tied up the stalls day in and day out, will ruin the best colt. When you buy; a horse do you book «fi his knees ¥ I they are all mark *d up make careful inquiry as te the cause of stumbhag om theroad, * Remember that the colt has a small ftomach and must be fed with care and : intelligence. A colt crammed Tn : ; #ith coarse food develops inte alowing to poorer quality and poor de- diminfectant is necessary. The amount pot-bellied; dyspeptic, colicky horse. *{mand.- We quote hides, No. 1, trim-|of bleeding which takes place fis Much of the success wilh hogs de-{med, 1Qc. per Ib.; No. 2 and bulls, 9c. {usually not excessive, and the wound tends upon keeping them free frgg [per Ib; sheep skins, fresh, 85c; dea-|will soon heal unless some foreign lice, ® cons, $1; veal skins, Ide. per Ib.; |miatter gets into the opeitng of the It pays to brush the sews with n|sheep skins same as hides; tallow, ren- | core of the horn. 1 the dehorning is good stiff brush. Try it and se how jdering, Se. per Ib; wool, washed, 2c. [done in the summer time il is well they enjoy it. per lb.; wool, unwashed, 12¢. per Ib;]to apply pine tar to keep the flies Do not give the hogs frozen swill, ar $5 to $6.50 per To; horse | away, Young stock should be at Do not give them frozen or hali-frozen|Dides, No. 1, 33; red fox, No. 1, Prime, {last a year old before n satisfactory vegetables. It will upset the stomach, 85 to $7; mink, No. 1, prime, $5 to}joh at dehorning can be done. cause indigestion and a loss in con: |3" skunk, No. J, 81 to 82; R600 The horrs of calves about a week dition. No. 1, $1 to $2.50; UHKFaL 0, Gn * J cld may be treated with caustic pol- When chaff or other particles get a black, $10 to #20; lynx, | ,qh wauitic eos, sticks of high » that ever was Knows 3 its history: into t e an ammal, syrin , : : may be sacture i al . ey are regarded as a luxury in the or oye ut a iy with Poi Don Mp BL ide It is a very simpiz and painless oper | winter, hut they were so abundant clan, cold water, contaiming sulphateli. 10 value ation. When the cali is from three that a peach basket full of them could of #ime, one grain to each ounce of] ® > days to a week old take a pair of be obtained for (wenty-five cents. water, Keep the stable darkened. shears and clip the hair from around | The reason for the glut in the mar- the 'horn buttors or points of the{ket was that thousands were found off horn which have started to grow.|Atlantic Highlands om "The Rocks" Moisten the end of the soda or pot | when the tide went out. ssh stick and apply on the tip, be Weather 'prophets say a mild, short ing careful not to get it on the sur-|winter with an open spring is indicat rounding parte as it is apt io cause |ed.--New York American. : Way mle y two o'- OUR CRYSTAL BRAND Of Standard Grn Bas been o and f for presery i table use Frit is always com- of pulnted Sugne tri wund exes } g and right, ANDREW MACLEAN, Ontario Street, in . Sin HE NEW {PI HH TH ERAPIO Breach Hospitals with great suc Paiva bad fey os, dischargesivithervey fweakvess ost vigor kv 4 « ao, Eber No.at drugnisis or Mail 81 from Foug { St. NewYork Cit Hin doubt No req po for free book to 1) o. Ha kd Hampstead, London, Eng. Try newDragée! Tasteless) Form of Therapion, easy to take, safe. lasting curd. 27e. to 28¢c.; rolls, 26¢c. per Ib.; eggs, 35ec. to 4be. Dominion Fish company rices as follows : Whitefish, 15c. Ib; pike, 10c. Th; hinook salmon, 30c. Ib; erring, Yarmouth bloaters, 40e. doz; Atlantic salmon, 30e. Ib.; salt codfish, be. tb.; halibut, 20c.; fresh haddock, fic, 1b.; bullheads, 1240. Ib.; mackerel, Se. 1b; sea bass, 12}c. lb. George Mills & Co. quote the fol lowing prices for raw furs . fox, as to size, $4 to $6.50; skunk, as to size and length of stripe, 50c. to $1.50; raccoon, large, $2.50; medium, $1.50; eswall, 5c; mink, as to color and size, $2 to $6; muskrats, 266s to 42c.; weasels, 20c. to 60c. John McKay, Brock street, reports as follows : The hide market is steadily declining reporta compels nine hours, his em Ee . v, REM » No good me he GIVEN REA VTET TT RAILWAY IN.CONNBOTION WITH 'Capadian Pacific Railway NS LEAVE KINGSTON 1.45 a.m, Express----For Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec, St. John, N.B., fax, Boston, Toronto, Chicago, vor, Renfrew, Sault Ste. Marie, luth, Bt. Paul, Winnipeg, Van- or, Seattle, Portland 'and San 17 pi \ 5 | H i hed, ax ARS whilg and That Tmpudent Question. Just as Rivers was about to down to dinner there came a ring « his telephone. "Well 7 he said, placing the roe to his ear "Who is this 7' demanded a itched, imgfatient voice. "This," pleasantly answered div ers, "is Don Hippolito Lope¢ om poso Antonio Ricardo Doloroso, Is that all you wish to know ? A Good- bye." Hanging up the receiver, down and ate this dinner, happily up aware that an indignant person at the other end of the wire was storm. ing at central for giving Rim the wrong number, Glut of Soft Crabs, Red Bank, N.J., enjoyed the greatest winter feast of soft shell crabs recent. in It ThomasCopley Ty a" PHONE 987. card to 18 Pine Street wway wanting anything done in the Carpens ger line. Estimates given on all kinde of sepairs and new work also Hardwood Floors of all kiads All orders will receive prompt attention. Bhop 40 Queen Street, Value of Cow Testing. An address on (he value testing was delivered by C. }. Whit. ney, of the dairy depantment at Ot tawa, at the closing seswion of... the Eastern Ontafio Dairymen's associa tion yesterday, Before a cow jean 4 return a profit of even one cent. she 00 p.m. -- Local for Bharbot|must give over 4,000 pounds of milk connecting with C. P. R. East|per year, he'said. On examining the West. records of 1,600 cows for last year, 145 a.m. Mixed--For Renfrew and|Mr. White found that thirty-live per te points, Mon., Wed, and feout. 'gave less "than 4,000 pounds; : that is, 'seven out of every twenty gers leaving Kingston atleows scattered over several counties arrive in Ottawa at §loould not be said to yield any prolit . 1 , 4.38 p.m.; gone; above the cost of feeding. A com: pa Hoptreal, Fis oe parison between two herds in Ontar- hy 4.30 am. Bt, John, 12.0005 "one of eleven cows and the,other 3 3 7 of five cows, showed that every time 3 posticulars BS ay the eleven cows filled one factory can ¥. hehe the five cows filled not one but three Gen. Puss. Agent. [similar cans. The five cow herd gave an average yield of 12,068 lhe. of tmilk each that tested 3.3 per cent. showing a profit of of cow BV. er high yop @ g Drop a hi sat AY OF QUINTE RAMLWAY, In leaves Union Station. Ontaria oh, thereby Wm. dally (Bunday exeep ©! per cow. eed Srdchian, Rapance Hotor:| "Jig herd of cove, gave o profit of 0 secures quick despatch tof only $5, per cow. Thus one good Spurn. goth, and Torney cow equals sixteen of the pooreg o Spine Rati w ¥ aroha kind, To slsimming the worth of Lie ars, apply, RH. Ward individuals in this herd the cows o H.. le h, Pass Agent. must be tested regularly and properly: o Dairy records show that some cows produce mills at a cost of 65c. pe ¥ JDA 100 pounds while others under ho Ga in ARTS § same roof run up the eost to $1.20 TRIP $10 AND UP 8.8. "Bermudian" now , sails from A Character Certified. Record Cheese Price. One of the most original certificates The highest price ever received on of character was that given by a poor an Ontario chesse board--fifteen cents] Irishman, who was asked by a judge --~was paid last Septeniber, said Heury if a eertain witness with whom he pro- lendinning in his presidential add fessed to be acquainted was of good in eigialie fek Ve di i, ) 1 i ' repute, an irritatio . s RE oo a" ayes Fell, yout honor," was the reply, thoroughly before the second appli- week. But. this high price was accom- "he rades the Boible, he plays the fid- eation is put on. I'wo or three ap- panied by a feed shortage, in many | dle, he never wollops the old woman, plications will entirely check the sections, that offset its benefits. As a land now and then he takes a drop of lgrowth of the horns. conseq said Mr. Glendinning, good whiskey. 1 don't know what After. a treatment keep the cows were them giving a small quan-| more you could say for any man. out of the rain, as water will tity of milk, and the income to far- the caustic to run down over the wers was much less than the casual face, removimg the hair. This me observer might be led to believe from thod simplifies the problem of dehorn- the bigh prices prevailing at the time. ing catile, "Dairy conditions during the past senson have been what might be term od 'sectional,' " said Mr. Glendinning. "West of about the city of Délleville was marked by the clovers and grasses being badly killed in the spring, fol- lowed by very hot and dry weather that produced poor pastures and Fight crops of hay and grain. The eastern section did not suffer to any great ex- tent from the spring frosts and winds, fl and wece blessed with sn abundance fof rain, which has given them ong of { (he best seasons in the dairy busivess. fi "The lesson of the past season should impress upon us as farmers the Jimportance of having a plentiful sup- H ply of feed to supplement the pastures in the form of peas amd eats, clovers, aliglfa, or corn silage, so as to keep: up the milk flow. We should bear in *{mind that it is only what we get over J the cost of production wherein we have i Assuming that it costs ten a pound of cheese, | only oh cent profit; 'when we sell for fifteen cents per pound, the price which Hit brought last September, we have Hive cents profit, or five times as much H | i | i i e . 31 THE MARVEL Bi LING 0, Terania § No man can serve two masters, and no woman can serve both style and comfort. calves cause RE am. January Sst, and every Wedness {ter HH Mike, with private bath, Bilge keels: electric fans; § British American Ladies' Tailor Wishes all hig eustomers Happy and Prosperous New Year. ' Hoping you will call and take ¢ advantage of our big January ¢ Sale by saving your money $ And when a man hopes for the best and gets it, he wishes he had hoped for something better. - ww ' tos iy. 4 ag SERN and only in passengers at the dock on, "WEST INDIES 88. "GUIANA" and other 8 § pm. alternate Saturdays. "Ne York w fo homas, St i Sith det Suniel and Dem : ¥en REE tl 4 ip gon ushen anton: ebge JARS A NEW CRUISE TO THE WEST STRAMSHIP . Came From Good Family. Youth's Companion He was a gentler specimen of his class that you usually meet. When he made his request for something to eat at the kitchem door he was asked by the goodemawsced cook to come in by the fire. As he sat there, the San Feancisco Star says, she said "You don't look as if you bad way# been a tramp." "f haven't," he replied, without of- fence. "I came from a very good fa- " HEAVY DRINKER CURED. hia our big reductions » garment, Style and guaranteed. I. COHEN 7 PRINCESS STREET, 267 'Phone $51. -------- OB evel Samaria Cured Him and He Helps thers. tal A man who has been released from the awful cravings of drink, and whose first thought is to help others, ehows the spirit of true brotherhood and philanthropy. Read his letter : "The Samaria Remedy Co, Toronto, Ont. : Will vou please send me book on drink, also circulars relating to your valwed remedy for the drink habit. I wish 'to hand these to a freind who is going to ruin throygh drink, You will remember that 1 have taken yom remedy. and I find it all you claim it to Be 1 never think of taking or us- ing strong drink in any way, as all Josie for Na left me. rng y 1,aak 3h na dal speak too ily © your "It was lla ig J? respo odd, a my name in any a . . £ " ge WH hy irs Fra al "Why," she said, in surprise, that H. Lilywhite, 'Brigden, Ontario" "Mg the name of the man who lives Samaria Preséription is tusteless | pext door to uve." : and odorless, and dissolves instantly "Yes," he replied. *1 noticed in tea or coffee, or can be mixed with | i the door plate. That's: where food. It can be given with or with- | uu from. He throw me down: out the patient's kuowledge. It ref just before | called here." moves the craving for drink, builds up of the system and restores the nerves One of Bob's Best Boosts: Drink becomes distasteful . and even Robert Williard, the setor, ndiitec, _ a. diseasd' hot "a erie 1atems in the role of a hero, west. 10 One drink of whiskey always invites | Physician not long ago sn b v told that- he would have to underge es oe a neat a a slight operation, says the Popular Magazive. removed, 'Ty wematiic sreatment like | © AM right, doctor." waid Hillard amaria Preseripti B ia Pre- | 'There's only one thing » . ' Ey ee you i Please dor't huts me." scription has been vin regular and suc 5 cessful weivians. and hospi 'Explaining that it would be foolish I ho. to A atl an soaacsthetic for tals for over ten years. . : Ii you know of any 3 such a slight operation, the doctor Bamaria Prescription, tell them about i to be as gentle as posdble. . MH you have a husband, father or | Hilliard squirmed and wiggled and dviend that is drifting into drink, help | rrowsted in no uncertain tones while | him save himself. Write to-day. the remedial -nife was doing its work. After it was all Gver the doctor said ; "You're an aclor, aren't you , Mr, fren | Hillinpd 7° "Yes," answered Mv. Hilliard. "And yon play heroic roles--von act the hero, do you mot?' *Yeu, I do "Well," econcladed ihe dactor, "all I've got to to say is that you're a n y i workmanahly AUTARLISHED 107 " sale sad-efiscuive Seehtmenn for roe haut doting stomach with Used with success for thirty ears rendered strongly amtisbptic, insrdred breath, treating easy Southes 3 nemring "ope the 3 pew is Invaluable to met hers from soil wed ol » Boom te rulerers ole eatin tht rt ch SS al- : : : 4 She let 'hign eat on without inter- ruption, but after she had finished she waid : "You say you came from a family, May | ask the name?" a 3 ' 4 ATT'S STOUT The very best for use in ill-health und convalescence Awarded Medal and Highest Points in Argerica . 'at World's Fair, 1893 PURE ~SOUND--WHOLESOME LABATT, LIMITED, LONDON. CANADA Agent, James McParland 339-341 good for 4 Sports, 3 8 XO t cuisine, or- me Booklet 1% Stats St. NY. iv a who : Large stock of Fancy Boxes | B of Chocolates. Big variely of best makers' goods kept in our' profit ak when we sell for eleven cents. In the Sheepyard. fiood lambs are monev-makers. eep dogs and strangers out of ight of the flock' Nd | mbs will make a great growth on 4 _ o Offer most of the F/0d Dest for the least aE > | money. C + A Special Process of Pre - paration guarantees Eddy's Toilet Papers free frem injur- ious chemicals of any kind. % "If you're sure it's Bddy's, you're OMS GIR » Bf $5

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