Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Jan 1912, p. 5

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PACKED IN ONE THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURS) YAY, JAN APPEAL TO "RISE UP" FIRST OF THE ~ SERIES AND MAKE THE FUTURE BRIGHT i AND CLEAR. | Address by Rev. W. P. FitzGerald in baying low gfadé toffee, An extra half cent or cent a day will buy : Seal Brand and you will know the 'exquisite flavor of the finest coffee obtainablé, : i Calvary Church---Two Other Week of Prayér Meetings. | One of the meetings Sor the week jof prayer was held, Wednesday even- ing, in Calvary Congregational church, the pastor, Rev. H. D'Arcy | Whitmore, presiding. The speaker {for the evening was Rev. W. ¥. Fitz Gerald, M.A, of St. Paul's church, {who spoke on "Christ in the Na- { tion," or "Christian Citizenship." He {chose as his text two phrases from {Mark xiv,-41, 42: "Sleep on now," {and "Rise up." "How easy it is," said the speaker, "for anyone, even a Christian, to * Mail in the hour when nesded most. ® ABOUT TROUSERS Trousers that are well cut will hang straight when standing. They will give freedom for stride and bending, and will not créep up toward the knee or bilge at crotch when sitting, nor will they quickly bag at the knees. We are experts at trouser cutting and would like you to wear Just one pair of our make of trousers. We have a good selection of cloths which we can make to order from $4.50 Up. Thos. Lambert, 157 Princess Street - Retail Only Everything sold at lowest possible price only by retail "THE TOKYO" JAPANESE ART DEALERS, 174 Wellington Street. SELLLL0LA000000000(ROAALLSLEEE40008000807 @ 8 COMING! PROFESSOR PEMBER of the well known Pem- ber. Hair Store of Toron-- to will be at the RANDOLPH HOTEL, KINGSTON, On Monday and y Tuesday Pat S ' i January 15th and 16th, '12 ¥ With the finest Sispiny of Parisian and Ameri- @ can styles of Ladies' Hair Goods ever shown in ¥ the Dominion, Transformations, Switches, Waves, Bangs, Curls, Etc. Advice on all diseases of the scalp absolutely free FOR BALD MEN. The Pember ventilated Lightweight Toupee or wig is the most natural ever produced. Worn and recommended by Gentlgmen of the Medical b Profession throughout the world. REMEMBER THE DATES! EA ------------ a EC SY y Mon. & Tues, Jan. 15th & 16th, Randolph Hotel GRRE R VRRP IRR EEN PEERY Gee ES -------------------------- WEE TELEPHO Tn ving 0 shu by Telephone svt partesirs 5 to location of fire as calmly and distinctly as possible. Moments | was heartily in jTo be asleep, as it were, at our task, | only to awaken and find that, the {enemy has been at wotk while we slept, as it was that day when Christ {found 'Ris three disciples asleep in the {garden of Gethsemane. No wonder that tender rebuke, sleep on now, pussed the lips of our saviour, for | when Ho most needed their sympathy {they failed Him: Let us not be {found asleep when the opportunity to do something for Christ presents it- self, but let us be up and doing, for {when the opportunity is gone it is igone forever. Rise up! was the next command |from Christ and by this we see there | is still something to do. Christ nev- er in all His teachings said wink down, but rise up, or, I say unto thee |arise. Let us arise to every oppor. {tunity as it presents itself, to make | this fair land of ours a better na- {tibn, This Cdnada, with all its rich- iness and beauty, is a gift to us from |God, and we must rise up the task of making and keeping a | hristian nation, by being a true | Christian ourselves and helping others {to become ope. We have Just enter- ied upon a new year, which opens be- {fore us with a bright future and many possibilities: H you have {failed in the last year do not let | that Hinder your usefulness through- out the present year. The past { irreparable, _ its opportunities {gone never to present | gain; let them sleep on, thev can do no more harm now. But let us rise up to the available future, which looms up before us bright and clear, and resclve thay God helping us, 'we {will make 1912 a year of Christian service to our God, our nation, and our city. to it is are themselves a- Princess Street Church. At the meeting of the weels of pray- er held in Princess street Methodist church, Wednesday evening, theré was 8 good attendance, and fervent pray- ers and helpful addresses were given by Rev. E. L. Rice and F. Gi. Loc kett. The pastor of the church, Rev, F. G. Robinson, presided. Rev. E. L. Rice's topic was "Peaco in the Nation," or "International Ar- bitration."! The speaker said pray- ers ought oftener to be said for God's guidance in the affairs of om nations, and especially mentioned the international arbitration movement between - England and the United States, M the principles of Christ were carried into the national life war would Te impossible. War was a sin because it wasted the best. life of a mation and enormous amounts of money, Cripples and old men are | deft to become the fathers of the 'future génerations. The last excuse for war had been taken away whkth the establishment of The Hague tribupal in 1898 and the court established by hich national' grievances could be submitted for settlement. In closing the speaker urgyed the need for prayer for speedy consummation for world-wide peace. F. G. Lockett, in his address, dwelt on the need of prayer for those in authority. When we sing 'God Save the King' in should in reality be a prayer. 'ihose in high positions greatly need the 'in-dwelling presence of Christ. Mr. Lockett asked for prayer for our members of parliament, mayor, aldermen, school trustees, etc. He clesed with an appeal for aggres- sive effort of Christians to make our city and nation what they ought to e. At Cooke's Church. Another of the Wednesday night meetings of the week of prayer was held in Cooke's church with 'an en: couraging attendance. Rev.: J. W. Mcintosh, the new pastor of the church, presided and read the serip- tare lesson. ' Rev. Dr. "Macgilliveay, Rev. T. W. Neal, Rev. Mr. McCallum and George Pound led in prayer. Rev. John Webster, pastor of Brock street Methodist church, on the sub ject, "Chtist in the Nation," gave a . The backbone of a nation is its Christian men and wo- men. Christ works from within the individual, establishing His king- dom in the nation. The kingdom manifests itself in the fruit of the spirit. . The speaker then on the individual in the church. Ged works in the church, by .the churth, and through the church, to. save the nation. : Had Abraham found ten righteous men Sodom would never have been destroyed, so that pious men become in a sense, tne saviours of the nn tion, and the safely and prosperity, of a nation is wrapped up in the indi vidual units that make a nation. After the address the meeting thrown Spen for discussion. 1. W. Neal said he believed the greatest thing needed to-day was a revival of righteousness in civic and parliamen- Mary affairs. Our best ingtitutions are the fruit of the labors of Chris tian men and women who nave pass i away. Rev, My. Nealchad said. Rev. Mr. NMchay, Preshytesian mis sionary from India, will in St, George's hall this evening. * Sergt.-Major' William Rlaind died in lle, Ned 'aged ninety- Dr. Jordan seid he |F' svmpathy with what} speak at the week of prayer meeting THE CENTRAL ONTARIO CURLING LEAGUE, IN Kingston Juniors Defeated Napanee Juniors, Whilo the Local Senior Team Was Defeated--Good Ice . land Fine Sport Marks the Opening of League. The first of the games in the tral (Omtario Curhng League were played at the Kingston Curling rink, Wednesday night. Two rinks, from both the seniors and juniors, mt Napanee, came down. The Napanee seniors won by a total score of 46 to 20, and the Kingston juniors se cured a victory -over the Napanee juniors, by a score of 46 to 22. The ice was in good condition the games, and the sport was enjoyed. The scores follow : Cen- for much Senior Match. Kingston--A. Beecroft, S. Kirkpat- rick, J. 8. Maedonald; R. Laird, skip, --11. Napanee--L. Boyes, W. Smith, J. W. Robinson; Dr. Leonard, skip--20. Kingston--P, +T. Pilkey, T., Slater, A. Strachan; L. W, Gill, skip--9. Vapanee--H. Daly, II. G. H. Travers C. Mabee; wp. 5S. Ham, skip--26. Total for Kingston, 20; for Napanee, 46. Junior Match, Kingston--E. J. Gildersleeve, H. Douglas, J. Hooper; R. D. Sutherland, skip--25, Napanee--T. Killorin, J. Derry; J. L. Kingston--A, Searle, W. 21. Napanee--J. Boyes, G. M -17. Total for Kingston, 46; for Napanee, 0) A. B. Allison, McGill, skip--5. B. Williamson, T. E. J. Driver, A. Turcott, skip Fitzpatrick, F. 8S . Taylgr; H.|] aylor, skip EE ---- POULTRY ASSOCIATION. Anmiial Meeting "Was Held on Wed- nesday Evening. The annnal meeting of the Kingston Poultry Association was held, Wednes- day evening, when the following offi- cers were elocted : Honorary presi- dents, W. F. Nickle, MY. Dr. A RB: Ross, M.P.P.; Dr. W. Fdwards, M.I*, A. Rankin, M.P.P., Mayor F. J. Hoag, Ald. R. E. Kent, B. W. Robertson, George Nicol, H, B. Donovan, Toron- | to; president, DD. G, Scott; vice-presi- dents, James Holland, Robert Sin- clair; secrptary, William Gilbert: trea- surer, Frederick Crozier; executive committee, R. Coffey (chairman), 71. Clligston, P. D. Lyman, 0. J. Hickey, W. H. Reid, J. Laturney, J. Saun ders, T. Thurlby, V. Bryant, H. J. Gray; board of judges, R. Coffey, W. H. Reid, P. D. Lyman, J, Holland, R. Sinclair, G. Pratchett, H, Guy. Further arrangements were made for the winter show, which will be held on January 23rd, 24th and 25th. George Robertson, of St. Catharines, will give two lectures on January 24th, in econ- nection with the show. Mr, Robertson is a former Kingstonian. J, E. Ben- nett, of Toronto, will' be the judge of poultry. ot ---------------- DO YOU BELIEVE THIS? Getting Up Early on Cold Mornings Suré Cure For Grouch. "How do you like getting up these cold, dark mernings ¥"' The workingman has to get up very early in the morning, or middle of the night, as it seems to him, as he al- ways hae to hive a lamp lit when he gets up these days. Some get out of their warm afid comfortable bed yas early as five o'clock. i Perhaps getting up early does wot appeal to many, but it is stated that getting up early is a sure cure for the grouch, as the cold weather makes a person hustle, and keeps him on the jump all day. Perhaps the average reader does not believe this, but the only wac to settle the question would be to give it a trial. : In Winter Quarters, Capt. John Geoghegan, customs of- ficer, left on Thursday to take up his quarters at Point Alexander, for the balance of the winter. Last winter he went a week earlier than this year, He will return to the city as soon as the ice breaks up, FREE PILE REMEDY Sent to Demonstrate the Merits of Pyramid Pile Remedy. - What it Has Done for Others It Can Do for You, We have testimonials by the hun- dreds showing all stages, kinds and degrees of piles 'whith have been cured by Pyramid Pile Remedy. If you could read these unsolicited letters you would no doubt go to the nearest drug storé and buy a box of Pyramid Pile Remedy at once, price fifty cents. We do n Send us you we will send mail, free. We know what the trial package will do. Jn 'many cases it has cured piles without further treatment. If it proves its value to you, order more from your druggist at 50c a box. This is fair, ie it not? Simply cut out free coupon below and mail to-day, with your name and address on a slip of gaper to the Pyramid Drug e., 425 Pyramid Bldgs Marshall, ich., and a sample will be sent you ask you to do this. name and address and you a trial package by ville, and will enter on the series, | VARY 11, 1912 - -- : ¢ | f JPRICES AL PAGE FIVR 0009 POCVVE POTION G Hockey Boots, Overshoes, Snowshoes, Felt Boots, Moccasins Everything That's New Will Be Found Here. : WAYS RIGHT. ° N ABERNETHY'S CASE AGAINST MILLIONAIRE HOTEL KEEPER CALLED, Plaintiff Injured While Employed as Engineer on Defendant's Yacht, Brings Action to Recover $10,000. George C. Boldt, millionaire pro- prietor of the Waldori-Astoria, is the defendant in a $10,000 lawsuit which was called in the supreme court, at Watertown, N.Y., with Samuel J. Porter, formerly en- gineer on the Boldt the Louise, as plaintiff. The action is the result an accident at the Thousand Islands dur- tog the summer of 1909, when a boiler tube on the yacht burst as the boat was nearing Clayton. Por- ter was badly scalded, being taken la- ter to an hospital an Ogdensburg, where he was under a doctor's care for more than ome hundred days. The fireman and Porter, who were in the engine room at the time of the explosion, sprang into a room back of the engine room, and at- tempted to réach the deck by means of the emergency hatchwayn It is claimed that they were unable to get out on account of not being abt to raise the hatchway because of trunks tand luggage which covered it. It fs the plaintifi"s contention that the trunks were piled on the hatch- way by order of the yacht captain, who had been duly authorized by the defendant to manage the boat. In the demial of any "liability, it is alleged and contended that Porter was in- jured through his own negligence, and likewise the negligence: of a fellow servant on the boat. y an yacht, So of MAN DRUNK IN A SLLUIGH. Asked That He be Taken to the : Police Station. "I'm drunk, all right, me to the police station." It is not very often that a person makes a regjuest to be taken to the lock-up, but there was one man in the city on Thursday, who was very anxious to get to the police station. The man who made the above re- quest was very drunk, sitting in a sleigh, in the yard of a local hotel, when Police Constable "Harty" Fil- son, came acrossiim. In a few min utes the man 'was in the lock-up. He is a Swede, who has been em- ployed on construction work, but his name is not known. He was too drunk to give his name when arrest- ed. Had he not been taken to the station, he would have perished with the cold. please take Wielding the Axe. London Advertiser. A batch of postmasters has been dismissed in North Simcoe without any reasons being assigned. It seems, however, that the dismis- '}sals all over the country are not hap- hazard, but obey a definite rule. This rule is the, ipse dixit of government candidates. A conservative member of parliament or defeated candidate "has merely to pick out the victims, and the government does the rest. The postmastemgeneral, the minister of public works, and the minister of cus toms have won a preeminence in the use of the axe which has made them thé heroes of the spoils brigade. Mr. Borden still talks piously of civil service reform. If he talks long en- ough, his wicked partners may have {all the liberals out of office, and then the patronage system may be abolish- ed with a fine show of virtue. City Property Committee. The tity property commiftee had a meeting on Wednesday afternoon. Ow- ing to thd absence of the chairman, Ald, Givens, the chair was taken hy [Ald. Harrison. Others present were {Alds. Clugston, Stroud, Litton g&nd { Armstrong. The committee regretted that it eottld not place the Ontario (hall at the disposal of the Poultry | Asscbiation for its show, as it is" oc cupied by the Oddiellovs. The room just vacated by the city auditor was given to City Eaogineer McLelland for a private office. 5 The Gift of Silence, | Ottawa Free Press. Pf This is i dv an age of wonders. Seveniy-five doctors dined in Mont eal and not ome of them made a speech. Could any other profefsion produce a similar record ? Rev. H. 8. Osborne, B.A, B.D., Mor tisburg, has accepted the unanimous invitation of the official board of Bridge Street Methodist church, Belle orate of this important church in June next. We print letter heads, bill heads, én- velopes, statements, dodgers, posters, olame. The Tne TRUANCY CASES INVESTIGATED. Father of One Lad Ran Away, and He Had to Help His Mother. There is an old saying that "one half the world does not know how the other half lives," Every day, something comes under our notice to verify this old saying. Investigation in truancy cases, some- times, reveals sad cases. Yesterday, the police went to a certain in the city, to see why Johnny was not attending school. This was the reason Johnny had been kept home from this studies. The lad's father skipped out of town, his mother was keeping. 'sixteen boarders, and as the girl assisting her in her work, had left, she had to keep her hoy home, to help. The mnther had tried to get. a girl, but had been unable te do 80, She did not want to keep the boy home, but what could she under the circumstances ? And what eould the authorities do, under these most trying circumstan- ces 7 Would it be right to have the mother summoned to the police court lor neglecting to send the boy to school ? Several other oases investigated showed that children were su ering from sickness, and this was the cause for their absence at school. Threw Sweeper Off Track. The street railway sweeper met 'in an accident on Wednesday afternoon on Barrie street. The sweeper was coming down the track at a pretty good rate and had the big iron a paratus down to throw back the snow, when the sweeper reached the corer of Stumrt street the iron flan struck a large stone on the side of the road with such a force that the car was thrown off the tracks. It is very fortunate that some one was not hurt. ct ---------- Working at Elevator. Richardsons' elevator was working, to-day, taking the grain out of the schooner Ford River. The Ford River was used to take part of the cargo out of the steamer Prines Rupert, one of the last vessels to arrive in port, Last winter, the elevator ran as late as February. 4 Dand home, | Delicious Confectionery " Chocolates, Bon-Bons, Caramels, Taffies Etc., Always Fresh. Sakell's NEXT TO OPERA HOUSK. 'Phore s40. For Ideal Dining Room. Solid Mahogany Dining Room Sets. For People who Care. Quaint Spanish Mahogany Buffet China Closet. Six Chairs and Pedestal Extension Table. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY! Reid's Quality i and Reid's Low Prices. JAMES REID'S phone 14 "The Rosary" Was Good. A fair-sizea ' audience greeted the production of "I'he Rosary" at the Grand Opera House, on ~ Wednesday evening. The show was deserving of a much larger house. John Meshan,g in the part of "Rev. Father | ian Kelly," was very fine, Richard Gorman, the young man who kicked in the windows of the Anglo-American hotel in Belleville, on Saturday, will spend the next year in the Central prison. ine Stops Falling Hair and Destroys Dandruff Makes the Hair Grow and Luxuriant and We Quickly Prove It If You Wish to Double the Your Hair at Once, Just Cent Bottle and Try This Agee - Beauty of Get a 25 Surely try a Danderine Hair Cleanse if you wish to imegediately double the beauty of your hair with de row nd at a cost fiot worth mentioning -- lly thr cloth with a little Danderine and J ough your hair, taking one a time, this will cleanse the hair of y excessive oil --In a few moments Your hair will be wavy, softness, Justré an shimmer of true hai ir health. and possess an' incomparable luxuriance, the beauty and Besides beautifying the hair, one application of Danderine dissolves every particle of Dandwuff; cleanses, purifies and stopping itching and falling hair. invigorates the scalp, forever Dandetine is to the hair what fresh showers of niin and sunshine are 10 vegetation. exhilarating, stimulating and life- roducing ties cause the hairto grow aa y ¢ It goes to the roots, invigorates and strengthens them: ne t t's proper Jong, se and beautiful. It at once imparts a sparkling bri Eancy and velvety softness to the hair, and a few ee. XI came, saw hair vo sprout all over the se it every day for a short time, after which two orthree times a week will be sufficient to complete whatever growth you desire, » pL oh you will just get a 25 cent is : _y or . . counter and try it as divected..

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