The simplicity of 0X0 Cubes appeals to every woman who cooks or has a cook. You hoikthe water--we have done the OXO Cnbes are so handy and complete in themselves ~10 mess--no trouble--no measuring no sticky bottles or troublesome corks. er year. 2 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1912. . 5 THE WHIG, SEVENTYNINTH YEAR . DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 306-310 King Street, Kings- ton, Ontario, at $6 per year. Hditions at 2.30 and 4 p.m.' WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 16 pages, published in parts on Mon- Ay and Thursday morning at §1 a year. To United States charge for ostage had to be added, making p rice of Daily §3 and of Weekly $1.50 Attached fs one of the best Job Printing Offices in Canada; rapid, tylish, and cheap work; fine improved presses. THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO. LIMITED J. G. Elliott, President. Leman A. Guild, Sec.-Treas. ' TORONTO OFFICE: Suite 19 and 20 Queen City Chambers, 32 Church Street, Toronto. H. B. Smallpiece, J.P., representative. : . Exact -- conveni ~ and econ ical, because no wast? 34 One Cube THE BEST COAL Is to be had ANGLIN'S s Cor. Bay & Wellington. : "Phone 66. SCHEIN SE SENSIS SE 4000s Threw Away His TRUSS! Strenuous Old Sea Captain Fools the Doctors And Cures Himself, No man or woman who is ruptured--n¢ matter how severely or at what age--nee¢ despair of being cured. Fr -- --_ Throw Away the Truss. The ease of Capt. W. A. Collings gives en- t for all sufferers from rupture. suffered a double rupture~ was confined to his bed for furs, No could hold such a rupture. y examined his case and pronounced sary, Capt, Collings kept imenting on himself and finally to the ishment of all he cured his rupture. He 6 gE as below, he will mail you entirely fone week's trial treatment so you ean it on your own ease. This vosts you no- i and yon are sure to be benefited. So mail the coupon now, FREE TREATMENT COUPON. Capt. W. A. Collings, Ine., 'Hox #73, Watertown, N, Y send me One Week's Test Treat ment for Rupture. This test to be FREE, 1 will commence using it at onces - Our Annual Sale of Men's and Boys' Clothing has begun . Great Reductions on Overcoats, Buits, Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, etc. All New Goods. Large absortment to choose from, | suppose. thur Hawkes must give his attention Those who have to do with the enforcement of the Truant Aét are persuaded that it sBould be amended. It. was designed to put into the pub. lic schools all children who were giv- en to truancy and for two reasons : (1) Truants are given to idle and vagabondish = occupations that ruin the character end develop criminal fendencies; and (2) every hour of the youth's time should be spent in ac- quiring an education. The law is well meant. It covers some cases fully. It enables the pa- rents--sometimes a widow who finds it hard if not impossible to restrain an erring boy--to co-operate with the truant. officer, with the best results. It does not fit the circumstances occa- sionally, however, and 'for the reason that the penalty is too severe. 'I'he lowest fine is $6 and when it is im- AMEND THE TRUANT ACT. posed the unfortunate parent has to pay it. Occgsionally Tis parent is somewhat to blame. As father or mother the disposition is to screen the boy, and save him from the cor- rection of the court. The magistrate would have less compunction about applying the pen- alty if it were reasonable--$1 or $1 and costs. He would be willing to exact such a sum; indeed he would be justified in doing so, But $5 is a different matter; and one does not find fault with him for resorting to every other expediency in view of all the faots.. The education department should be asked to give this matter attention, The board of education would be warranted in petitioning the legislature for a change in [the law, and one which Would certainly pro- duce the best results. The conservative press affects to be surprised because Sir Wilfrid « Laurier has said in Moutreal, liberals, that he regards the reciprocity question as unsettled. in addressing the young There was a wicked combination of political unite against the govern- ment, and for the time being it triumphed, but the end is not yet. One sees the evidence of this in the information from Ottawa and Winni- peg of the fact that the western members are bound vo have tariff reduction. They have been home for the holidays, and have come into comtact with the electors. They see in the present attitude of the party towards the tariff an aggravation that, will surely lead to political trou- Ele. The west, as the Wiig pointed | agredment, PARTY IN A PANIC. out, is bound to rule, and the con- servatives from the newer provinces will press this conviction on the par- ty and the house. There may be an attempt to stave the issue off until the situation can be considered by a tariff commission. But Mr. Foster, one of the old guard, and wiser than any in this genera tion, does not believe in remitting tp a4 commission that which should be dealt with by the government. He will see the prudence of placating the western members, or rather of heroi- cally promoting the power "of the western people by promoting trade with the United: States, without an Who would have expected the ship of state to be so much . in Wenger from the rocks, and at so eally a date in ite reign ¥ The spirited discussion which took place in the commons just before its adjournment at Christmas, regarding the dismissal of officials, will be re membered. There hag been a heart- less decapitation of liberal heads; the reports, indeeed, recalled an experience in China, where it was a common oc currence, in some places, for trivial offences, or alleged offences, to call out public executioner and set him to work on certain unfortungtes with- out question or ceremony. The crux of the debate in parlisment was as to the mammer in which re- newals should be made. Granted that there was great pressure from the outside, that in Ottawa alone nearly three thousand persons were clamour: ing for appointment, that they did not care what steps were. taken by the government so long as vacancies DISMISSAL OF OFFICIALS. were created in the service, the idea reimained that dismissals only should be made for cause. What should be the moving consilleration, partizanship, gross and offensive. It was urged that a letter from the member, based on what he regarded as good ground, should be sufficient. It was not conceded by the premier, but it appears to have been accepted by his colleagues, and the result is a wholesale dismissal of public offi- cials. Some of them may have de- served attention. Sqme of them oer: tainly did not, and.even the oc tive Telegram protests against the business and declares that it must be stopped by Mr. Borden if he would not have it react upon him, and his government. The article which ap- pears in an adjoining column will be appreciated for the great truths whick it contains. va- 'There are more murmurings about patronage and disappointments. The conservative exgcutive is not having as delightful a time as some people The socialists of Berlin are worling hard. They want to capture all the city. They have it now except the kaiser's district, and they want it because his nibs has said that in that event he will move to Potsdam. There are 2,770,500 British born in the United States. These people Ar He must be their EDITORIAL NOTES. War with Britaln--or an attack from Britain--is the slogan in Germany. Votes are sought on the ground that Germany is in danger, and that the emperor must be given all the battle ships and fighting men that he needs. Nothing like a war scare to stampede the people in an "election. The World still leads in the matter of exciting reports. It has it that the liberals will shortly retire Sir Wilfrid Laurier and that he will be succeeded in the leadership of the party by* Mr. Guthrie. A pipe dream, and a ries the World's 'man about once & month. No warcity of news while he can reel off his visions. -- The Betterment League is one of the spoen-fed religi organimmtions of THE TELEGRAM TALKS TO HIM SERIOUSLY. Must Stop the Slaughter of Libe vulsion of Feeling--The Premier Must Not be a Puppet. Toronto Telegram. Does Hon. J allow Ms postmaster-general to cut off the heads of liberal postmasters in any constiluency on the strength of a written request from the 'con- servative M.P. representing that con- stit ? 1f so Hon. R. L. Borden is to make himself look more like the puppet of the worst and smallest element in his own party, rather than like the premier of a whole going * |eountry. Every liberal postmaster or ap- pointee who is dismissed is a new hand in the rope works that will supply halters for the needs ol twen- ty conservative members En this province. : Sir James Whitney could not dis miss sherifis, registrars and other ap- pointees of liberal origin without in- curring the risk of reprisals from sympathizers with these dismissed office holders in the government 'at Ottawa. But Sir James Whitney , would not, if he could, have dismissed sherifis, registrars and other appointees in any constituency on the written request of the member representing that con- stituemcy. And if Sir James Whitney had per- mitted a general slaughter of liberal office holders, Sir James might be in power to-day, but he would be faced by the strong, urfited formidable opposition, which had the sources of its strength in the wrongs perpetrated by a tyrant government. If Right Hon. R. L. Borden proves himself & premier rather than a pup- pet he will hot permit his postmas- ter-general to make "the blood of the martyrs the seed of fhe church" in the experience of the liberal party in Ontario. If Right Hon. R. L. Borden should vrove himself a puppet rather than a premier, he will permit his de partmental chiefs to give free rein to the worst elements and impulses of a victorious party, and the re sult must be that never agifn will the. liberals go out of this province with only thirteen seats to their credit. Prof. Pember Coming. Prof. Pember, of Toronto, will be at the Randolph hotel on Monday and Tuesday, January 15th and 16th. All ladies should visit this display. Bald men should see the Pember ventilated lightweight toupee. Read the advt. on another page. C. 0. Johnson, pastor of West Queen Stréet Methodist church, To- ronto, says in reply to his crities, that if the oath he read to his con- gregation "is not the Jesuits' oath, then it's as bad, or worse." Tungsten lamps will lessen your lighting bill seventy per cent. Drop the H. W. Newman Electric Co.'s store and see how they work. Walter Gillespie and wife, of Graf ton, were arrested for brutally beat- ing a twelve-year-old girl with a horsewhip. They were released on bail. The ease will come up at the spring assizes in Cobourg. You can emjoy + toast. made. with one of the H, W. Ra's . Electria Co.'s toasters, Come in and see them dem- onstrated. That the strike of 30,000 laundry workers in New' York will end short- ly is the confident belief of the strik- ers, who declare that five of the twenty-five wholesale steam laundries alreagly have signed up contracts. DR. SOPER DR. WHITE SPECIALISTS ws the following Diseases of Men: es Varicocele | Eczema | Kpile) | Ton Diabetes SE SR, And Blood, Nerve and Bladder Diseas Call or send inuntion of that which wor- | ¥ WARNING T0 BORDEN) Officials--It Will Lead to a Re-| R. L. Borden propose to New York, which cannot justify its existence. It wants to save the life of a specials young murderer because he is not just fit to die. It could find 9 Agents for the Celebrated BIBBYS™ MEN'S AND BOYS' DEPT. STORE. We now sell Suit Cases and Trunks. SALE OF OVERCOATS New Speedway Style. Double Breasted, fly front, large collar, two-way, st yle, handsome fabrics, neat patterns, sizes 35 to 44. $22.00 values. Clearing Price - - The Protector. Regular $18.00, $20.00 and ~. $15.00 Single and Double Breasted, large collars, two-way style, choice patterns in Domestic Tweeds, expert tailoring, smart style, $15.00 and $16.50 values. Bibby's Clearing Price The Colonial. Regular - $12.00 New Style Heavy Ulster, same style and cut as our more expensive coat. Good patterns, only a limited number of these coats on han 1. Regular $12, $12.50 and $13.50 values. Bibby's Clearing Price $10.00 Shoe Department Special Shoe Polish. Half Price. 10¢ Blacking . 25¢ Blacking, 2 for 26¢c, be. Sale of Sweater Coats Ladies please take notice. See Our Window Display. ; nts for Fowne's and Dent's Gloves for Men BIBBY 78 80-82 PRINCESS. Ltd Agents for Penman's Underwear and Sweater Coats ideboards. .. . $6.50, $8.50 Juffets worth $22.00 for .. Juffets worth $20 for Tables... $6.50, $8.50 up. In Golden Finish. Big Line of Cabinets all reduced 10 per cent. R. J. REID nounces that he has rem to larger offices over Bank of Koa: whore oie bogs , where 'facilities for conducting hi» business. : fer says if he had 150, settle the Riff ques \ . 2d ow EE ------ Your orders will be filled satis tactorily if you deal there at P. WALSP'S, 656-57 Barrack Street. A Special Process of Pre- paration guarantees Eddy's Toilet Papers free from injur- ious chemicals of any kind. *"If you're sure it's Bddy's, you're sure it's right." CHINO ee ? ' v4 0000000000000 00000000 Highest Grades GASOLINE. COAL. OIL. LUBRICATING OfL. FLOOR OIL. GREASE, ETO. PROMPT DELIVERY. W.F. KELLY. Clarence and Ontario Streets. Toye's Building. 00000000000 seROOIBORS 00000000000 COOGOIOIOGIGOIONTS 190000000000 000C00OCOOGIOS ny, offer most of the best for the least Wenmermenmor? 0B and 5 RAWFORDS Come CIR PURPOSES Ham tts see A EER