Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Jan 1912, p. 3

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AY, JA BIBBY'S CAB STAND] Te KINGSTON BUSINESS oBLifGe (Limtted) "Highast Education at Lowest Cost' Twenty-sixth year, Fall Term begins re on Courses in Look keep! horthand, Tele. far Toivil Service and Eng- graduates get tha best positions, Within a short time over sixty secured 'positions with one of (lie largest raliway cor- porations in Canada. Enter any Lume. 11 or write for inforrs- tion, F. Metcalfe, Principal ingston, Canada; Removal Notice Dr. Simpson has Dental Office, from 258 Street to corner Princess and Bagot removed his Princess Streets, over Mahood's Drug Store. Entrance on Bagot Street. SYNOPSIS OF OANADIAN NORAH. WHST LAND REGULATIONS. ANY PERSON WHO 18 THE 80 head of a family or any male over I ars old ma 7 orm tgad a guatnsr fon of available minion in Bante Baskatchewan or Alberta plicant must JvRear in person at iba Appiioant mus Agency or Sub- ey for the district. ntry by proxy may be made at any agency, nn certain Sanghicr." b father, mother, hter, brother or sister of Tate omesteader, uties--Six monthy' rewidence upon and Sultivation of the rend r 'may live threes years. ames eade: within nie Ntles Jomestead on farm of Bother, a ACT y solely owned ---, ughter, brother or 1 Foortain districts a homesteader iv good standing nay D pre-empt a quarter 1 FEA alongside his homestead. Price 15.00 0 per acre. Dutles--Muast reside up pn the homest ad oF Dre-empiion six i n eac te of homestead entry' 7" adciuding the the re-emption ip. hased Homestesd Tn cart a * ata Prioes a) $3.00 per hore. Duties Mut goside six months 'nm each of three years, cultivate doi de." acres and ereo' & house worth § CORY, Deputy of The) Minister of the -- thorized biication Rv ertiaement uf ai pe and Embossing WE ENGRAVE PLATES FOR VISITING CARDS, ANNOUNCEMENTS, \ WEDDING INVITATIONS COPPER | AND CUT BTEEL DIES FOR EMBOSSING PAPER, - WE SUBMIT FREE OF CHARGE SPECIAL DESIGNS | OF MONOGRAMS---CRESTS-- ADDRESSES, ETC. ' NO FINER WORK DONE ANYWHERE, RODGER & WRIGHT: Formerly Spangenberg's, 847 KING ST, KINGSTON. Marriage Licenses. NOTE- ty bl Ide Sixteen Dunia of it for 80s, Save You $2. Does the Work Quickly Money Refunded. For quick, positive results the 16 ounces of cough syrup that you make with a 50- cent bottle of Pinex, cannot be equaled, It takes hold listantly and will usually stop the most obstinate deep-seated cough inside of 24 hours. Even croup and whooping cough yield to it quickly. The user of Pinex mixes it with home~ utes--full directions in Pinex soothes and troubl ex is a special and highly concen- trated compound of Norway White Fine extract, rich in guaiacol and other natu ral healing pine elements. Simply mix with sugar 18-0z. bottle, than any other cough remedy. Pinex has often been imitated, but never suctessfully, for nothing eise will produce the same results. The genuine 18. guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction or money refunded. Certificate of guar- antee is Wrap in eath package. Your druggist has or will gladly get it for you. If not, send to The Pinex Co. Toronto, Ont. OUR CRYSTAL BRAND Standard Granulated Sugar Has OE tried and found excellent for preserving and table use. Price is always right, ANDREW MACLEAN, Ontarie Street. | APPLES |" TALLMAN SWEET, BELL FLOWERS. NORTHERN SPIES. SWEET CIDER. COAST SEALED OYSTERS, D. COUPER, Phone 70. 841-3 Princess Street Prompt Delivery. A LIBERAL OFFER We Guarantee to Relieve Dyspepsia ~=If We Fail the Medicine Costs Nothing. To unquéstionably prove to the people that indigestion and dyspep- sia can be permanently relieved and that Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets will bring about this result, we wil furnish the medicine absolutely frew, if it fails to give satisfaction to any one using it. . . The remarkable success of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets is due to the high degree of scientific skill used in devis- ing their formula as well as to the care exercised in their manufacture, whereby the well-known properties of Bismuth-Subnitrate and Pepsin have been combined with Carminatiyes and other agents. Bismuth-Subnfiirate and Pepsin are constantly employed and recognized by 'the entive medical profession as invaluable in the treatment of in- digestion and dyspep sia. The Pepsin wsed in Rexall Dyspep- sia Tablets is carefully prepared so as to develop -ils greatest efficiency. Pepsin supplies to {he digestive ap- paratus one of the most important elements! of the digestive fluid. With. out it the "digestion and assimilation of food are impossible. The . Tarminatives possess proper- ties which aid in relieving the dis- turSances and pain caused by un- digested food. THis combination of these ingrotfions makes p remedy invafuable for the complete reliel of indigestion and _ dvepepsia. We are so certain of this that we ng R Lo to try Rexall Dyspepsia on our own persofial guar- antes. Threw Sizes," Me., S00. and $1. Remember, you can obtain' Rex- all Remedies only at our store-- The Rexall Stor, ¢. W. Nahood, McGILL DESPAIRS 0 OF A VICTORY IN MONTREAL. Does Not Think it Can Win From Queen's--S SA AA. to Receive] Entries For Hockey Teams. ' ;, (Continued from Page 2.) The McGill 'hockey r Sunt is working hard to get in shape for the opening inter-collegiate Rockey match in Mon-§ treal, Friday night, when Queen's roam plays there. Gathering from the newspaper reports, McGill does not expect $0 Je able sto withstand Queen's onslaught long enoughite pull out a victory. They seem to have gained the impression in. the Fremch city that the tri-color bunch are mighty strong, and they are not far oft in their guess. They are being warned that Queen's is not in the same class with the teams McGill en- countered across the border, and will have to use all their energies to ply the game. McGill team is fairly well balanced, but, sepia to Je weak gn the wings. They 'are havi t practices, but on Wednewday ap - between twelve and one o' ' Queen's management is led. ing even the smallest detail in connec- tion with getting the team in shape for, the opening game, and fans apd supporters are. confident that the bo! from "the old Ontario strand" will uphold the reputation Kingston has for hockey when they journey down to Montreal for the opening contest. A large number of followers of the game expect to go down with them. Hockey at Glenburnie. On Saturday afternoon, the Mount Chesney Midgets are to play the Glenburnie Garnets on the latter's rink. There may also be a game the same afternoon between two Kingston teama at the Glen rink. To Receive Entries. The executive of the S.8.A.A.A. will receive entries in the Y.M.C.A. build- ing, 'Friday evening for admission into the proposed hockey league. A meet) was oalled last ge night, but through some mistake one was present to call the doting together, Several teams have signified their intention of entering, so a good scitedule should be arranged, As soon as the entries are in a committee will draw up the schedule and present at the next meeting. Queen's Tennis Club. The officers of Queen's tennis club the business of the past season and elect officers for the coming year. The report of the past season's work will be given and commented upon. Frontenac's Next Game. The junior Frontenac hockey team will not be given much chance to get rusty. They played last Friday night here, , last night in Belleville, and the next game is here, Monday night. Trenton is the visiting" team and with the practice the local team gets be- tween now: and then, a good game may be expected, Millan Eligible to Play. According to Manager John Marsh- all, of Queen's Hockey Club, Leo Mil: lan, the fast Frontenac wing man, is quite eligible to play with the univer- sity seven, and the faet that he has out practising for the last two days seems to strengthen the fact that. itis intended that. be shall play with Queen's. He is registered as a ma- triculated student, and as such has a Queen's hockeyists. Collegiates Had Workout. CCA junior hockey team hig its first practice at the covered rink Wednesday evening, from seven to eight o'clock. "Jimmie" Stewart was the only one of last year's to be out this winter. Some of the promising ones are "Char- lie" Stewart, the K.O.I's junior city league wizard goalkeeper; Brownfield and Stewart, Harry Cook, "Punch" Derry, and "Mike" Milo. A number of the juniors were on the job too, among them being "Baldy" Fa: ford, George Smith, Len Smith, G. Mills, Howard Williams, Young and Hugh Toland. The team this year will be very light, the heavy material having ran ted into senior '| company. Seniors Worked Well. From eight to mine o'clock, the id ot Frontemacs worked out at the rink, Wi y evening. are worked well in goal and Mills relieved him. Hyland, * OL S08 ed ssveseve are to meet this afternoon to wind wp | perfect right to play, according to | Intercollegiata Clarence ALL NEXT WEEK LIFE-LIKE C01 KINEKACO OLOR| FRIDAY, AY 12th $4.05 Fare $4.05 Train leaves Oity Depot, 1.08 pm. Tickets good for return till Hon day evening, NOTICE 1S HEREBY arves, Har the Grand Trunk Rallway YS Canada did, on the 6th day of nuary, 31] deposit in the Office of he Ho. strar of Deeds for the City ot Ki ton, Ontagio, a certified copy of Order of the Board of Raiiway on missioners No. 16715, dated 18th De- eember, 11, amd of ihe lication and pian, profile and book of reference in connection therewith, horizing the said Company to take certain therein referred to, Anglin & Company Chatterton, required for the pit Mian vew Kingston Freight Terminals. Dated at Montreal this 10th day of January, AD. 1912, WW, H.' BIGGAR, Counsel, Trunk R. sda, General Grand Trunk Statement of Expenses of Mr. Anthony MecGuin Rankin, MPP. For his election to the Legislative As- sembly on Dec. 11th, 1911, Rent of Halls 'and School Houses Livery Hire ' Telegrams and Hetepha Ae- counts. Postages Ce a Clerical Assistance oy She 1 Printing .. ROBT, BUSHEL Li, Financial Agent. br_Warbl's Fond Pi Nineteen Years the Standard. Prescribed and recommended for wo- men's allments, a scientifically prepar- ed remedy of proven worth, The re- sult from their use is guick and per- manent, For sale at all drug stores, Berra srssssraresasannnl THE CLUB HOTEL WELLINGTON STREET, (Near Princess), There are other hotels, But none approach the Ciu homelike surr ings. Located in centre oF city Sloss to pr incipal 'stores oh modera ppohrens, are LT he WoAk. P. M, THOMPSON, Proprietor, - lll Nicholson, Prouse, Reid, Boyer, Weit- ker and Crawford were on the _ job. { The team will be in good condition Tor the game to-night. Given Time to Decide. At the executive meeting of the City Hockey League, Wednesday afier- noon, the guestion of whether the Granites would be dropped from the Cit Hockey League was left over for a day. members of the Granite team _-- iven twenty-four hours to decide whether they will play in the league without any O.H.A. members on the team or drop out. The officers of the city league have ied that no OD.H.A. players will be allowed to play on city league team, and to that nr they have made this rul- ling. As nearly all the members of the Granite team are trying out for places on the senior Frontemacs, it will be a hard thing for them to get a sufficiently strong team together to defend the cup cuccessfully. The Juveniles Were Embraced. The senior and junior juvenile hoc- | key teams which last year were . run Yiin a league of their own, were taken into the fo Id of the city league at the ednesday afternoon. Had not this adn heen taken, in all prob- ability the youngsters would not have been organized. The entries are re- tjuested to. be in as soon as possible in ordét that the schedule may be drawn up at once. Hockey Notes. The junior Stadiums defeated Bath vers, at the Stadi rink, Road ac a evening, by the score of 4 to ov i } 4] lands the Prges erty x = allway of Can-} _| the Canadian Pest NUARY 11, 1912. The P goples Forum | - ------------ SL L0080008, 4 CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion le a word, Each cone secutive insertion thereafter hall cent a word. Mislmum charge for one imwertign, 2We; thure insertions, ._S0e} six, $1; one month, $2, HELP-~WANTED, A GENERAL SERVANT, Apply, AT ONCE 50 West Clergy Street, A FEW GIRLS, RASY WORK AND bax Apply, ingston Hosiery mol A GENERAY SERVANT. APPLY TO R. J. Gardiner, 180 Bagot, in oo "Evening. A YOUNG "GIRL children and ly, 146 Stuart TO ASSIST WITH ht housework. Ap- treet. TYPEWRITER AND STENOGRAPHER. Address, in applicant's handwrit- og, Pox-111, Whig Office + COMPETENT WAITERS OR WAIT. Tesses, at once; none other need apply. Hotel Randolph KITCHEN WOMAN AND WAID FOR general work; references required, Ap ly 'at the Avonmore, 207 liam Street. JAGENT PERSON NAY 100 monthly corresponding Send for partistlars, rh Syn n ere . cate, 3,969 Lockport, ay BARBER; MUST BE SOBER AND RE- liable, wanted, by Friday, as party leaves for Florida for health, 'Phone, at once, Kink Edward Barber Shop, or Jas A. Ferguson, Prop., Napanee, Ont. FOR EVER us for our choice supplies; we haw Agency Pp roposition ir SEES * BE) Be 1 Co, 238 Albert Street A LANE 2 Mie of 'Spenty ist ©! A OLD COUNTRY able Scotch, Elian maids; niso Dan arriving twice 3 aD APR now, The Guild, 71 Drummond Montreal, 47 Pembroke Street, To rofito, and 227 Bank Street, Ot- tawa, RATIOR CAR. and rish irs; parties CLERKS 0 SELL ARTIOLES MUCH ed in Srery home, ssperially by ng salary; De it: positii n; i yo ing for smal 'salary I enna H the Ste You Faxes rot = your es you i own ADDY, Box "BE. B, Oy . Whig office. . "4 WANTED--GENERAL. MAN AND WIFE WANT FURNISHED housekeeping room, large, warm, with gas or electric Mght! State prices must be gentral, ply, Box ABC, Whig office. Ww GENTLEM DESIRES TWO r Be] with Br antant, in central Jogaill must be comfortable and homeliks, with telephone preferred, State price, Bax 134, Whig office GERMAN ment fer a corner 'Phone No. 812 can ust nr y: 3 nas gift, Queen and Barrie Streets FT us e ng W. ™ FUER ERR eee Eee | FQR SALE. FORD MODEL sy» ag cDonald Mowat. THREE BUY condition, ver, ak Boiled eau, P. TIOTELS AND RESTAURANTS, HOTEL, ONTARIO ST, TR station, one block street car line; h best of wines charges mod erate; pry rates by the week, ohn Pre A BARNES SCREW with an 8 1 3 at J. RC 1 ence Stent ou TTING LATHE neh th Apply #1 Clar- FOR sak on EXCHANGE city property, a model RE on latest improvements and twenty acres of land. Inquire of Dr. Lake, Meals, 2c rates » th THE GminasoN Rove. 342-344 Princess B stocked » ith Aj Bier nen oo Turd od Muly ry = Drill or fi Battersea, Ont, -- Hd FLAGS, AWNINGS, TENTS, CANORA, ath EK outfits, fishing " ifine supplies, lunch Eaglish raincoats, everything K on. spray Wi outBRVS motor Frank Ww. Tooke, 'Phone 881 or * BUSINESS CHANCES. $3,300 HOUSE ON GARRETT STRERT, new; all modern improvements, ANYON canvassiu E Be Sina a Tok! ANYWHERE, CAN STA 1 order business at home. your own booklet. Lockport, A 4 FINANCE AND INSURANCE. Dons how B5,500.~F ARM, AT WESTHROOKE. $6,250. FARM, NEAR MURVA 185 acres; good for stock or pr H A NUMBER OF HOUSES AND Te to sell and rent. Enquire Ri BATEMAN & GAR ) - ence Street, RRDINER, 7 ULAR TO LET. BATEMAN GA Lite, A toms ker; Money to Loan: a Street, ngston. solicited. RDINER~FIRE, mt Insurance and tus. 3 our rence shite 'Phone 8 a---- DWELLINGS, FURNISHE furnished. Stores, etc, DANDY reet, Ns ONE WELL-RAEATED CARROLL, N Epsurance, Calgary, Moose Ji Life, tL] ou Accldént' Plata Glass Lipmility and Motor Recurity Real Estate in Winnipeg, Regina w, ete, amt Bonds FRONT BED. room with board Apply, 434 Princess Bireet THREE LARGE ROOM iy located, with Apply. Box 81, 8, OREN or without Whig worfice, AL- oard. ~ FRONTENAD ment Soclety: fesued properties. bent ures; deposits receive on Fire Insurance Comp assets, $61,187 which el ny 'Phone Hn Director, 87 Clarence He LIVERPOOL, LONDON, the Is, insured at ates. Before renewing old or EIVIng new business get rates from Budnge & Strange, Agents LOAN hn ND INVEST. ablished President. Sir Richard Cartes eit municipal Yd county mortgages and interest al- Managing vy arm DENTAL. AND GLORK ny. Available ta addition te dors have for security the iinlimited liability of all the stock-holders. and oft lowest DOUBLE WLAT, PRINCESS smuny sgt rooms' good EY wi : mprovements, Apply to T, J. 159 Wellington Blre et' Boos, oma, Aeon ¥ J, mots Phone "ab, aye Sieen' TWO ROOMS ON CLARE near Bagot; hat water heating; electric Hght; EAs for cooking: sunny location; all conveniences, Apply, 152 King or 128 Clarence. NCE STREET, AT ONCE, A house, corner Streets; easy provements, 106 } NEW RIGHT-ROOM Quebec and Division terms; modern ims A 1 t : Ah 'ine Bireet. PPIy to J. D. Boyd, THOSE DESIRABLE RESIDENCES, SPARKS AND "Phone : €. ©, NAS ®. Fei cker, ass stant, 'Phone 735. SPARKS, 230 1-2 a re. Street, DENTIST; DR. C. 133 Princess hy DENTISTS, Kingston 417 and 419 Johnson Btreet, soll brick, semi-detached; seven rooms fy bath; ll conveniences and gas; 19 go furnace. Appl oo; h Division Streets kiss ont aes § i ARCHITECTS, DR. A, BE. KNAPP January 1st, Street, 'Phone Li 1912, 852, B.A, 58 AFTER Princess HENRY PF. SMITH, ARCHITECT, 8 King Strest. 'Phone 4b, = ¥ ARTHUR ELLI ARCHITECT, 181 187 Wellington st 5. A. AYKROYD, DDS ¢ver Dominion B Lireet. LDS, DENT. xpress Office, 'Phone Tory ersity venue, Telephone ante ok Pho ei ottices, ne "Bagot oo ---- SHOE REPATRIN a TAKE NOTI all kinds of and stoves see me Th "next F EVERY oo clase work; 1 will HE edb, 3 THAT I WILL BUY second-hand furniture Ad ne highest prices; qise. . on, 383 Prince , Btreei, t. Andrew's Church, TO BRING THEIR th ana have it made up into up. to-dnte suits. Erice sud Sv workman > 'oh the of Gal Ballpwar. ship guaranteed to ing and yepatring sho ost notice. Th 131 k St, near Bib SITUATION WANTED: ALE COOK Sn: WANTS SITEA. " tion: Junk & erences. Apply, 119, Whig offi FURNITURE A SPECI ameling kere square miles, constitytes T- national asset of enormous value, ac to's circalsr Jue issued by Four bogs, withina Y oilia" of Ot- taws, are estimated to sontain over 8. H, SIMPSON, ist, corner ph N, LDS, D.D Princess Entrance. on Bagot Street. i BENT. 0 e- POWER § SON, ARCHITECTS, chants' Bank Bu ullding, Brock and Wellingt ot MER. corner on Streets, & OSTEOPATHY. MEDICAL, "HEALTH Ashcrorl; 1.0 Do. wide floss wel veilingion ot tfige Shean: Hooshe he "0 dienes Dethcls od lect ont Viiation : WN and hE 1" fo Sa and 7 to 9 pm ny OR. E. C.D, MacCALLURN, PHYM: and Surgeon, 142 Willington | UPHOLSTERER. Office hours, 10 to 12 rm, and 7 to 9 p.m. Telephoas on w. J. BAYISE rap Best STEERING, RE. work, nalr mat- Ratan, ures' a card on REA, ESTATE. PERSONALS. HAIR, MOLES, marks and unt blemishes BOUGHT AX ord SOLD; Eo abion, Vistar RENTS woney to loan; effice Ri Btreet. CVHIBOPRACTIC. WN UNIVERSITY Examination free, IRGAL. FioR A NEVE. Avenue TRANSATLANTIC. Li} Siarence, ktreet. 3 ESTABLISHED 1866 PA Cv WEINGHAM 4 leitors, Clarence ish La CAREFUL OVSENEEPERS Best Value for Money. Buy on a basis of the We have a lot of them bu¥ing our Coal . 4 5 '

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