Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Nov 1911, p. 8

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i PAGE EIGHT, F Joint Savinas + THE TRUE CONDITION THE WORLD'S EPISODES HE E BLED 10 "0 pres re WITH REGARD TO THE SIEGE OF GIVEN IN Tuk rE Pos. | Fou ND IN BU SHES AFTER FOUR i Accounts Interest-bearing Savings Acegunis may be opened 3 The Bank afs Toronto in the names of two persons, either TRIFOLL | SIBLE FORM. PAYS SEARCH. The allan Ariny Is Demoralized-- Matters' That Interest Everybody -- Was Throws From Rig--Prominent | The Men Disgusted With the Wau Notes From All Over--Little of Resident of Simcoe County Meets and Long to Return Home. | Everything Easily Read aud ite sad Fad. ! London, Nov. 6 Ananias, in Bi membered. | Barrie, Ont, Xa. 6. oi he dead body | ) i y , i. sod ; jof David Barciay, rried i paloest days, never wréle half 0} Solem White avor of Cobalt. 1" arciny, an unmarei man, | many. falsehoods «and misrevresenia aman kite, mayor A iveVenty vears of age, who has been Ho tions as have uppeared he. ltalin . - ] | misting from "his ome at Stroud | press in the official 0 in the. jusged | Ries. Henry Phomas, Methodiat Win- | ince ry, a iy - by: the lealian' movermment," tole. | "197. died at Colhome, on Sunday. some low bushes near ihe roadside graphs the coreespontlent of Reuter' Three more; dandidntes for the leg-1, tl Lefroy, on Saturday. He Felegram Co. Lad, at Tripoli, wh | Slature were named by the indipen is said to have fallen from his rig ! Ishor par arrived at Malta, to-day. font ; Mr Party. : | while intovicated, death ensuing from From Malta he was able (6 send an he buddy of Mrs. Christina Hanson * * ® ® 8 » eo ° . . » » . of. whom may withdraw ¢ a > * * * . ° . * ° 'ja cut on the wrist made by some ® | uncensored mesaage which contains . Ld » . »® . ° ° * . ° * ® ° . » * . . o ° 6 ® . money, and upon the death .of either the balance belongs to the sarvivor, . formerly of. Windsor, is nh ill. mean a saving to you. These are very -convenien household sceounts Black Dress Velveisins 50c yard, Fine Even Pile with Clear Color. . Also rd : Navy, Myrtle, Merion Blue, Brown, Garnet. Purple Tans and other wanted shades. {Seventy-four years old, was found in broken glass. Ii is supposed that u pessimistic desoription of 'the con: | Ashbridge's Bay, Taranto Barclay than crawled to the side of dition of the Italian army around | Meso Lottie FEvoy, of Galt, took: a the ioad and fay behind g clump of bushes, white he died from bleeding to death, ; \ diligent search bad been kept up for him since Tuesday night, hit 16 ond suspected that he had heey [iii The neighborhood where the bods was found, which is some seven miles from his. home: John and George Barclay are brothers of the deceased, | who was widely known in ths district. i Barclay post office, just o fen miles | south of Stroud, was named alter this cramped and confined, with an _active| The body of BH. "Dosndl, of | 205 enetay within a few yards of them [Brooklsn, N.Y. 'who jumped from a i : FI [ { i } The Bank of Toronto Assets Over $55,000,000 KINGSTON BRANCH 107 PX. [NCES ST. what he terms the besieged city of dose of carbolic acid, on Saturday, Tripoli, He says : and is seriously ill in hospital "To sum up the result of the cam | Mt Chieggo, ou crisade against ob- pair: The Italians hold, with nearly jectionable post cards has been started ; twice ad guany.. sen, half the geound by LPastmastor DA Camphill... -- ¢ that they held three weeks ago. They | Mir Hugh "Gilzean Reid died, at have lost in killed and wouided, not Rome, on Sunday : He was first presi- counting the siek, well over Loo dent of the world's press parlinment. men, Many Arabs have been kilted | Pive towns in Haldimand county are abd vast. pumbe were shot in cold | gue to vete on ldeal option in Jan blood: Now 25,000 soldiers find them: uary. The contest is n very hitter selves with their backs to the sea, one. il with cholera raging among thens. 'train it Belle ] : was found in the | Despite official efforts to conesnl the! Moira Fiver GEORGE BD. McKAY, Manager Princess Black Dress Velveteen 23 inches wide, rich, deep black | -- and close even pile, 75c¢ C y Leaky Gas Jet Ca ause of Tripl sith g ap 3 J e! ruth, there have been many' cases Cunedian Pacific gross for week end F wnony the troops and the civil popu: fing' Ouober 31st, tend follows : | Sy Tragedy. ttion is suffering so much that whole | 1911, 2,675,000: 1910, %3 LOO: in f. Elmira, X.Y. Nov, 6.-- Walter as or . SLrEeLS in Fripali have bern~elosed By | oppass. £104,000, . WH ine, nrominemt fruit grower Us SHOW YoU THE 1 nerd sentries, the flying post special train struck win wife and fourteen-yehr-old son, all] 'Y 4 : There has been no Singrase On Frederick Wills waggon at Burling. | tot isnet an the dames which Hewsto wy , 3 ie the contear he Hal \ Sled his he i 2 g the trary, thie ali roofs ton. bo iv horses were killed and Mp. | Ud Dis home at Addicon, N.Y, ast | fought with great courave 'and. théie | o { evening a ¥ Ba "Broken: me ofticars set a noble example, A a Pelletier the new | «Fhe fire was discovered by Engineer | on jst | FATHER SECURED CHILDREN. } 2000000000000000 000050000TIRLIBEE000000830OTSETD Fimathy Fram, of the UBiffelo & | master-general, will be onteirt gin \ ertaingd agg oy wmehania riifroad, who, while his vw banquet an December 2nd next, by [ train was passing the spoi ~ the ie Trianda? of tuciur, k flames and shrieked Pe a with | *Urhs } che locomotive whistie, The firemen, | § | auie kly responded, but the fire was! | beyond control. | Fhe charred hodies of the three vie | | | Our $1.00 Black Dress Velveteen Case Before Magistrate Tn duyeniie Is particululy good value, suitable for Dresses or (oats. the French minister of public Court, will introduce a bill establisl ing 5 i: i ome time "was taken up in the ju. | mininium salary fof women, worker venile court, on Monday morning, It {at home to prev ont: the swenting sys had to do with the possession of two | tem Extra Wide Velveteen . Black only, for Suits or Coats v tims were foi a children, and the case is an extremely | 3 special convocation will be held | jive ined in the debris. The gad one, 'The father has been lividg iat Motiill University on December | . : Se a] y oon i leaky wax jet. , Tompkins and his in the west, ai ie mother. was JS 2th, for the purpose of conferring the | I : thatight to have started from ; f nil wore wobabl vercome | k cently removed to an hospita he ar c shit - I ¥ overcome n € 1 degree doctor of laws on the Puke | the fumes white asleep amd thus: chald children were 'given over into the of Cannavight. charge of. the mother's parents, and The trafic earnings of The Grand! they were eontent to keep the ehil | not escape. ---- ka -- pTrnpk railway for the last: week of Oc | v " hy for ( " dren, a boy, aced four, and a givl, foher were $1,463,496, au: inst 51, 290 - | Ato Rau Into Ditech, thremrears--okh beth bright--ehf Tre "WIOEE of The seme week Tosi Conran el ~Meorrknen- belonging tothe city gang but tHelather wished to have eonty crease of $70.55 were engaged jn "digging a digin be: of thent, and. they were han ! pd Four other _former--governors-general | tween Bari 1 and Clergy sireets, on re Hin ! tol TARGA Duke of Aripvil, Lore} pireet, Monday morning. At | Lansdowne, | ord Ab erdecn and Lord | MOON they Teft thei, work to go home Corded Valvelesns Ia Navy, Brow, Myrtle, "EWA, Carnet, suitable foi ¢ 'hildren's € oats, . a * A == Io ew TRIN A Very Special Black Satin | Full 36 inches wide, for Lining Coats and Suits, This wears quite equal to the Imperial or Sinner s Satins and the priee is only 78¢ Yard. 4 . resentation of | : the visit of the Duke ang: Ihichess tthe froedh ie pre F, a Lo | 0'Glock an avtomobile, driven by n that will Ao eyerything the 'high-|¢ atgrht . jthe trope of 2iavion to rl Gedy. Ly al enthusiast 'came along at priced cleaner will do, utd ut a priest. onal | An imperial challinge chimpetition |, Be ig SB 3 werybody ean bear topen to the services of the whole that « 1 i Pe Lut notice the dr ain, for he neve a : ONLY 86.00, {ilritich empire, will be held on any | swerved from: Bis course. The result Sold only at i ie esu ' CAS FORA cai: ait, "Si ih orl gris Sve" he fo an fy 43h next year. : } to the excavation. The force at w ick W. A. Mitchell For Infants and Ch ldre., i A. XN. Black, of Dutton, Ont. "the car was travelling propelled the making' money raising foxes nnd oll I ir wh x : - eels out he HARDWARE. The Kind You Have Always buugty | 2h, "vies "isin foxes wd sell ot ea U2 the dite, hut the 83 AND 87 PIRNCESS ST. $2,000, and Was Ro ofier of S500 for] pee 15 insuflieient bo. 2, ' {to Bit the rear wheely ont and the Dears the sxeeptionally" fine ble) skin iq T . " ad J Keep wi ' jaek % | machine was stalled there. The men Fhe only wav to feel good ix to bes Bignature wr « 5 in his possession vd not left their work vet and as : | . : i : ) $ lieve that way, i H. Bingham, Baptist minister | Giuted" the hapless. driver $ {of London, Ont. has Turnished o Footer shite in the basement of, his church, as nursery, sg that mothers may leave ively slip. Evidently, the dive w did AsK to see it, get a sample and compare. to get his wed. It was not: dam aged in any way for as goon as the : i jengine was cranked the auto went off their ceving babiss there during ser he all aight. vide, Several voung women Re we ~ Navy Blue Serges The Famous All Wool English . Admiralty Serges. These keep their color and give excellent wear. Prices 49c, 59¢, 75¢ The government had fixed a % : ' . BE : It is underst fms ® standard for maple sugar and hi bwill : onde at ood bis i 0. Abrams The standasd is long and complicated, | gon on, ubiges Lo the extent of e bt slethares. ; . i hi h | Of, as the result of the shooting of | put feet among other things that | hig horse - by the Humane Saciety, thers must not be more than ten peri Abrams is charged with cruelty ton font. water in #migar or above thirty horse, but the case has not ott hoe : : ' {five per cent. wate he sy dispose : A Special Lot of Pure Linen Irish Table Pro are re . m Be oR disposed of, it being adjourned in the! i ns ane | police court, to-day, for a week, The * 1 je | a volinteered as nurses. co : win Seok Damages. ®t New Dress Trimming, New Black Silk Fringe, New Fancy Dress Ornaments, New Black Silk Braids. Many new and stylish trimmings, Brought out in short lengths, thus preventing a sameness, \ . : i a A cared for, while the prosecution : a i Bang & acLInn arges of | « tims that the animal 'was nes glected | we offer at 1-3 off Regular Prices. perjury in conneetion With the regis-! ad in such a condition ns fo have | tration were dismissed, as the midge {to be shot. - : - > ' sent to jail for 'six months by Frid ' cetised claims . ob : Cloths, "slightly imperfect" which J |Powting, of Chatham, for personation | wel a Meu, Yhe hore we held that the registration board wast Sizes 212, 3 312 yares long Bot property constituied | Cleruyman Invited, AT THE POLICE COURT. Fhe manager of the Russian elassie nan dancer, Countess lie Swirsky, claims | A " a | a 5 ¥ . . { that the rumor to the effect thy t the] These * imperfect" cloths are in many Bimal 1 ches Retard MARION idormance In. Hake, B atin acl m ' titaates that the performance is instances equally as good as first quality Magistrate Farrell had a rather | {horaughly high clans, he rovane wd | small docket, on Monday" morning, j complimentary. tickets to all the eler- | Nome time was taken ap in the tak- |; men of the city Ao prove that his | img of evidence in the case of A. OO. '. , d It | PEA AIAN GN tr ANN AN A PAHS ti contention is treet. The countess | £ Abrams, accused of eruelty to a JOHE horse, by Constable Arniel, the otficer | Jomiay for the Humane Society. 'After evi i A Princess Street Runaway. dence had beea taken on both sides, '| Earl S 5 hog ; the case was enlarged for a week in a upday moming a hore at appears al the rand this evening. i el : i | | | tached to a riz dashed down Princess | & | i { | | i | | i New Allover Nets New Allover Laces, Black, White and Colors. order to give the defence a chance to i . at rot. additional witnesses ¥ street, the driv er unanle to control Lh I. 1: Walkem appeared for the H | it Near King street the driver wis C C iar aby | T Ti he Bi lihrown out' and was picked up by gy gy mate Society, ane Rigney ap | Robert (Cousins wetty well shaken | peared on behali of the accused. The! a i , ® ni withesses for the prosecution clafmed | New and Pretty Designs, p. The horse stopped when it reach % hilt nie: home was aot properly Car fest the water's edge, evidently not | vw? HOCKEY CAPS. ed for, after being placed. in pasture, {ready for a cold plunge . amt that this neglect was the direct | A cause of it having to he shot. On the! Potatoes Not Delivered. other Gand the accused claimed that \ lady writes the Whig to sav that 25 35 40 90c that the horse was properly looked jon Saturday she bought two bags of | C., C., C., after, potatoes from a furmér on the mar- A Woman, who told the magisiraie ket, and paid for them, but the pola ' " i i 5 See BBTV VROVRVRRY that if was the first time she had|ioes were not deliversd, She says she sessssssersesseesvenl Presses ensan +0 Oo : Hh ever heen before the court, was on the can identifs the farmer, and whey she | f earpet for being deank, "and was! ees him she "will report him tor the | == gilen a chance to go ta Deseronto, potice. WRONGIUI LY SERVED where she said she: had emplovinent. 4 . - ta vp dno i rhea | . 000500000000 000000000000 0 y Une male was lined $5 and costs, and i: - 000000000 OPONPOISSISS We are Agents for the the other was given a chance, on a] = btirday midnight a man shrped | with a Summons For Speeding ad charge of drankenness. on the walk on Princess street in Toronto, i - : . 'Rubbers, Rubbers, front of Corbett's hardware store, In| { faldting he came in contact with the! MH. W. Newman, of the Newman El-} aN Rubbers. odge of the eurh, and received a cut 'ectrie company, was summoned on Now is the time to buy. 3 EE celebrated ERR | Why Attresses So : | aeons his forehead, just Above "the Saturday Miteinoce i aphtas before' Peco o : » Never Grow Oid - | = i Colonel Be police court in A Fresh Stock of New Rubbers - Just Received. Fhe gmiing theodore Martin, Toronto on morning, for who he fied in St. Jabs, B., on Sa. speeding his automobile on Ring street A Tl Theatrical World. hl turdily ie expected © arrive in the west di Thanksgiving day. There is Nothing conceriing the profession city at four Welock | ronday after: cortaiply (a mistake, as Mr. Newman 'Rubbers to Fit all Shoes. Extra Quality for Boys and Girls. seems more puzzling to the dear old | PoP has uot. been in Toronto for the past public than the perpetual youth of A PE percentage of" the Western two months. The last time he wax' esecessesssaesssscsesresentannanseeseesens TLTVLRLVVITTVVL ELL EVV OY * ¢ : 4 4 4 : $ ¢ ¢ : ¢ : ' ' 4 ¢ : ' ' ¢ ' | ' ¢ ' ' ' ' 4 ¢ ' ' 0 ' $ ¢ : ¢ ' ' : Faronto wil be. gaily corated for! Mino, will alten ne {to dinner. Shortly ~ after twelve $ Sa | ' ¢ 4 ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ : i ; : ¢ ¢ ' i ' ' : ¢ : ¢ ¢ : ao i g olir feminive members. How , often Canada erop his been threshed. There (hers was at the time of tie Toronto we hear remarks like, "Why, saw is a shortage of cars and on Inek of exhibition, .und. he did not 'have his M W omen and her as Juliet forty years age and she |90Tage room, hut the Autlook * is oar with him. Hes was never in Toron or en, doesn't look a vesr older now !" Of good. to with his nuto. The one who laid course, allowance is made. for make 1 One' of the best Known physicians in the complaint must have been mis up, but when they seo us off the stage Ohio, Dr. H. H. Brown, Toledo, was taken in the number of the car. Mr. Children' Ss Vests, Drawers | ab close range, they peed another ev. Killed when an Erie passenger train Newman has engaged a lawyer and has Rinuatiqu. Istonek his automobile at Niles, a #U- Jind the case postponed for a week. How stratige women wenerally ir of the city, ' i : haven't learned the seccet of keeping 3 voung man hailing from Syden: | o : Combinations, Tights. J the dace Song + Row simple n mat- ham, fell on 'the walk at the corner | . , Celebtated at Stella. we sey tor to vance of mercolised wax [of Princess and Montreal streets on rey Lodee, Noo 2. 1.0 L., of at the drag Sore, apply it like cold | Monday afternoon 'aud broke = his "tela, Amberst ledand, celebratod cream, and in the morning wash it | nose. Guy Fawkes'...asuiversary with a off! We know bow this gradusily,}] A requiem mass was sung 'nthe grant ball on Friday evening. . The i ably oid cuticle, | chapel ai the Hotel Dion on Monday. dance was held in Vietoria hall and repose of the soul of the supper "tables were laid in the rillage hall. Salsbury Hros. «rehes- public jtra, of Kingston, furgished the music Tb dancing was indulged in wmtil 3 jam There wos a meeord aitendanee | S8eugeeegeecsnesensguev secant aenvIeeeeney R%0censdocsonnee

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