3 Bliss sasssnaasasess = : eens AASSALEL0E 10000000400 00008 : TEMPERANCE WORKERS [x muscments HAVE OBTAINED MANY TO SIGN ol Th | ] F » : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28. 1911. : PAGE THRER. a Asking That Question of License Reduction _be_ Voted Upou--an! 'TT 0 - N i GCG H T FEFFIPRIIIIIRRFEIRI IRENE IIIs FITTV IIPPIIPIVI IIIT INOS IRV ¢ ' ' 4 ' ' ! ; Encouraging Report Given at thos CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES LOST. : FOR SALE. : Meeting of the Ward Workers. Paul Gilmore and Company S------ GENTLEMAN'S GOLD WATCH, OPEN] ONE LARGE WALNUT BOOKCASE Very encouraging reports were Te-| Presenting Clyde Fliche's Greatest |Fifot insertics le a word, Bach con- face. on October 13th, No. $62,508 for library at Turk's. "Phone 106 ' cdived t the meeting of the ward Comedy, secutive lssertion thereafter half Reward for return to Whig office : pel V a LL igo 3 cent a word, Minimum echarge for workers, in the interests of license N gn | A CORN CUTTER » = "a ' : eae Insertion 2We; three lapertions | $83, FRIDAY, AT NOON BETWEEN Sl = AN LOWE 3 reduction, held on Friday night, in " n SOc; six, $1; one phe on McGall's. Princess Street, and 3 very cheap. Apply to D J res : the Y.M.C.A. The workers have been J R. Dapot Finder ¥ retin Clarence Streét y : J A na rod to Whig office and re WRT we------ -- ------------ around with a petition and so far ; 2 FIRST CLASS coc e : ANS CKRELS, Ss. ; they have secured S60 names to it, ROARS OF LAUGHTER Rhode island White t a & w HT 3 A KRUEGER SOVEREIGN WATCH ted, Wyn. and it is stated that before the work| Prices--35, 35, 50, 75, $1.00, HELP--WANTED, iy i Bb between the Yesidence of H datle and Plymouth Rook Apply Nickle and the residence of W. b M. Boyd, 108 Pine Street : . : J! a Oey sale. And every woman who 1s interes- . Suished . Shay a #1. Seats uw a Sule A COOK. APPLY TO JOHN COVSIN- Nickle, Bar! Street. Pinder Kindly | -- 10 . "ean, Prop. Branswick Hotel return to Whig office and recei THE wi k Fan, ONE-HALW 3 : This petition will be preseatad to reward 1 oly Imits. For fur her ted in Furs and latest Fur Fashions. {| ™ wT ems | 2 GOOD PLATE CO WPT To) cob i nha. FoF fu het H apply in November, so that ample time ean Miss Hora, 45 King Street. oN W NESDAY BVENISG, A LARGE tichardson, 351 Victoria Street ! A . \ : . . 'i. 1911 be p th anti t be Carpet Cleaning, Laying BN Sawfil |... ee----------------_ red pocket book aining a sum * Lan a ea emo -------- y given or ie © question 0 i Ciletoth jailed icycles tepalred, GENERA BR - uf money IT be reward a GE CABINET GRAND PIAS A Post Card will bring our - the | Cleaned and stored ST winter A Gohan Ny hs WANT. AP ed y : offi Ay 4 walnut case, rented six PIA, ut to a vote of the people at ily, 30 Colborne Sireet. by calling at this months Pp I J iei i OR only. will sell ve eR : 12 Catalogue of McKAY FURS municipal slpctions. KiNG Pe : sos Bayer" 1," at chicab 19 Guleh gu ) . A great ;of interest is being 'Phone 1032. GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, PANDY} ---- ee payments. Apply to Box a 458, oat ) gf two. Apply to 252 Bydenham] LEATHER CUSHION, ON FRIDAY Whig office token in 'the work by the temperance Street. evening. between Catataqui and le. 1 8 Ciiice a . . £ . 1 in - ------i le ver fifty having already city or in of finder will be re- It gives va lu a b 1 € 1n ormation, petip'e, Soover. Ady . haying THANKSGIVING DAY, A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT: NO In aaa iy ne or. THAGS, AWNINGS. 3ENTS, CANOES, been engaged in aetive work. tu camping outfits, = fishing h . . oe - . . ™ + V i erst : J washing Apply, in the evening fice. marine sq ppiies, lu hb ¢ their description in plain English, ---- {| 7 Vii vas 'sees U0" sntestond Monday, Oct. 30th. | ==. San ae | Engilin REE leesh patho 2 a i: . : 1 ' an, age, » ts, the temperance people were in .his! Matinee, 3 p.m. wvening, S.15.| 8o¥Y FOR MAILING DEPARTMENT] MOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. hoods, motor k tents. spray Photographs from actual furs. He popersher_Plople Wore in, iis; Maine 8 dv venue whan MAILING DEPARTMENT, Bonk woo, M8 ontuntiigh i DELLA CLARK'S CANADIAN-AM. lad. Apply, Business Office, the] BRUNSWICK HOTEL, ONTARIO ST. 'Phone ¥91 or the saying goes. PAN Whig. opposite G.T.IR. station, one block "No doubt the liquor men will ERICAN DRAMA, from C.P.R; on street cur Mpa; | == -- fight," says ome, "but we are pre . OUR HIGH.GRADE HOUSEMOLD bar supplied with best bf Yines \ PEDIGREED BULL, RB. sured to put i a good fight, teo specialty sells on sight Every and lquoerd; charges moderate; ative « e f@mous St. Lambert pare Pp ip £ ght, " order brin one ta twelve mn special rates by the week, John » mired by Mar. 0 on ol rder brings one to twelve repeit . and so far our work has been very M1 Cousineau, Prop. + } Lawrence dam. Bers X Fe orders. Write to-day, Sussex a Mtawa, Ont w---- 3 particuisrs : . : " Co., Bex 261, ' Hie . v encouraging. £S: Matinee, 05 THE GRIMASON HOTEL, 843-344] r pertormatoe of herd, C A are ma ein in - eb eT - PRIC * Eveslug, 39, 75, 91.00, LIVE AGENTS WANTED BOTH Princess Street. Bar stocked wiih] Lt apply M. Ahderson, Barriefield [ INCIDEXTS OF THF DAY. Seats now ou Sale, sexes, to canvas rk houses he best of Ales, Beers, Wines tm ! d God commission to hustlers daunrs. ane nolcest Brands ay HE PARE Ri ecm --- ston, known as Fort Frontenac m Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Eagan, Roem No. 2, 1 Gant Stree | Cigars, Meals, HC neh, OF 2pecial Ey nw, hye BART Lov ' ) eek, X § wn ov Eston h 1 ff tr di Our Reporters. Wednesday, November 1st. orento, stable pre ommodation = Bales acres, in First cians state of cuitivas t € ear y ys Of I'ur tra ng. Men's wool sox, 2 pairs, 35c.; wool R. A. JOHNSON PRESENTS AN INTELLIGENT PERSON = MAY ona aauivilie 4 Hien)! od any Tala od bi P10 underwear (men's), 78c.; night skirts ? earn $100 monthly corresponding 4 . barns, ofc CURVE ot 16 reho de J, » Sanford Dodge In his New Play, for newspapers. No canvassing BUSINESS CHANCES. Jarus. ER nveislent | school, # ¢ ¢ $ : ¢ : i ' : ' ' : ' ' 4 : : : i : : Giie. Dutton's, 209 Princess' d ; : It was here the Red Man held his o., B ton'ue oe Sau retuned THE RIGHT OF WAY Send for Pyrticulars, Preas Synd I factory: wise te Let 100 acres, bo ' ' ¢ ' | ' ¢ : i ' ' ' i e : : ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN SPART rt lot an Ce vas lo home from buffalo, Saturday, where gor * : - phi "n 4 : pn me ee nail order business at home. No gston, with Awelling, solemn council of War and disposed |}: 2 al fader buninele at hor nih felting LABORE AND QUARRY MEN: canvassing Be your own : . t ply 10 Michael M Kindling and hardwood, any quan- Sir Gilbert Parker's Wonderful Story, wages, $1.35 to $1.50 per day and Send for free bo Tull nbu of his winter harvest of furs. tity delivered, Swift' Dramatized by Eugene Presbrey board: nope Dut ateady men Reed Heacock, 2,969, Lockport y gevyared.: » 8 - * apply. Apply te exploration] er Fred. Sproule, Brock street, 'spent | Special - a m---- Syndicate, Collins Bay, Ont TO LET : : : ents ou Sule M . ) ET. ° kn Id vd ihe holidays with is pareuts, Rev. Aer th 25 50, 73, Stoo. y EUROPEAN CAPITAL EAN C APITAIL a > LET. = r ouse 18 own W oria- W ide . H. Sproule and Mrs, Sproule, at - tes, sarefully selected. arriving] Furnished = Tor ior ipmm--m--n IIEEANLE Prag Prag WA da) oot -- COMFORTABLY Winchester, BH i Oct. 30th, Nov. 12th and 26th. Ap» prises in all substantial lines of busi y Fresh Rowntree's chocolates. Gib Queen's Athletic Committee ply now. The Guild, 71 Drummond | hess : : a modern Conveniences We ¢ 0 n ly } le Street, Montreal, or 47 Pembroke Raflroads, Water and ONCE CAPABLE OLD COUNTRY DOMES. son's. Tractions, "A GOOD T-ROOM HOUSE, Electric 'owess Trrigations, Timber with ba at $7.00 per month. An \ hunting patty composed of Frank : - 3 I J : : yy ho, . . Mining, Agricultural and Industrial i le BR. Chas. Bell, 289% Bagot Ni i Keid, William Keeley and Melville cursion 0 oron 0 A LINE FOR EVERY HOME; WRITE| 1 5 Do a _dusteial, --_-- ag 8 se " purc Thompson went out on the K. & P us for our choice list of agents Underwritte \ Pa A ased or he g 1 RE. dan Baring 4 . . VIA GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, supplies; we have {ihe Bteatont ye he . . hy " - bo Ces hunting, > - - fe ney proposition in Canada to- 'roperties purchased far ropes direct from the ; bing ad FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd a5. A SEVER : TEA See our 31.50 suit case. Barbains v yi . . day: no eutlay necessary. Apply, | exploitation and investment IWERAL WELL-SI'TUA . i in -- $3.80 A RE--$3.80, BCI Co, 228 Albert Street, Of- Financial Undertakings of nll sors ices and Stores . tri ' x acbiatn ; For more than Alf 2 § cee * Movs M0 riven) quod tin tore oar esol at : haa : 12 noon. -- php------ Miscellaneons commissions aad or Street, Toronto to Sr 3 Bmythe, Ontario Chambers, Brace Fretwell, formerly of the Tickets good to return by regular | WANTED, LADIES TO DO PLAIN] ders of 4 sh ry accepted A . -- - ¢ | Domini : i and ligh ying whole | » n An a0 Your TUHARE FOR FURNITURE, CLBAN ce Wa 2 n minion Express office, here, and 5 : and ght sewing at heme, whole! acution 4 UFOPLAn POURLEY hs hl e 8, exc - 1 A - or sp . x » dry, ul ar ry ave 8 now of the Montreal branch, spent trains, except and 4, until Mon Pr spare times good pay work 'Correspoligante; shelosMg full de Y. wiry rooms, absolutely moth ls . . . : . day evening. s any distance; charges .paid:f, HUT in ahi groof: your own lock and ke and deal in @ [the holidays in the city. ' . Lal send stamp for full particulars, | 13118 at Hest writing Invited Le Erost's (ny Borage, 199 Queen w. National Manufacturing Company THE INTERNATIONAL RANK ERS hans ERK Rowntree's English choleates. Gib GRAND FOOTBALL WATCH aoa, Furs and our ositive sens," In Queen's Athletic Grounds on ALLIANCE y p Wiss Ethel Wilder, of the Ottawa THANKSGIVI ¥, MONDAY, MATRICULATION THE DOORWAY | 14-10-15 iifoonsiirs X ORYER HROCK AND FRON. " A wt 3X pan. Nireet, Londua, 4 be ; a an p Normal College, (sent the h lidays IUEE . wm RMA to the professions, doctor. lawyer Eugldud, are: Moder tm ang . ¥ let ria guar 0 S with her aunt, on Nelson street Admission, 2bc; Bleachers, 35¢: Grand minister, engineer (elvil bia ator heatin A y ty oy "95 5 " : 410 ; re carries] Stand, 60 cents; Reserved Seats, 50 ¢lectrical), ete; we prepare you ' Oo "ny PRY to 397 Jolin fit st and M 4 he high class drug store carries cents. (i at for this examination at home FINANUE AND INSURANCE, on. Street in 1, g : . kodaks, "Gibson's." Plan at Uglow's till Saturday even Write Canadian Corréspondence fo. 00 MU Ue de "gs . ' , = > 1 a y . Mikes Annie Macdonald and Miss | ing, 9 p.m. College, Limited, Dept. P. Toronto, | pon INSURANCE THAT INSURES GO . ; A Canada : oie " 2 "4 rr an 4 to W. H. Godwin & Son's Insurance GROT FLO » -~ goes with every piece of y Davidson, of Sydenham, spent the -- i ------------------ Emporium, over Northern creo 1GR END LOOR FLAT, CONSISTING r. bedroom, dining -room, . y week-end in the city. : COO OOOO 0000ROCOOOGOO0 Bank, Brook Street, or 'phone 421 "Ritahon: hap Th ater heating: Fur, hearing the MCKAY § |" hs 62% 1 we co : ove Fi ' "Comfort shoes." No more foot trou- Q WANTED, JIE 1 it Apply, Box 2,410, Whig office + Accident, and Hea icles and all who might become customers] X cigar making Apply at rates, P. Boon, Agent, 15 fr Fatriek; remodeled over the time fo make our ' \ horse belonging to a local manfof mine that I Rave naved from Wil. 3 Oberndeffers Cigar Factory, § Wellington Street with new cellar modern A prave . . ' Fv Ch 5 Po _jton te Yarker, where will continuo Ontario Street dr, A te meq ady to move w Tan away on King street | riday af to sell the best kinds of Planos, Or-| Q BATEMAN & GARDINER. nie t ain Ht rest $ ternoon. Up 2 Brock street to Wel gans, Sewing Machines. Cream 'Separ-| 6.6.06000006000 OG Life, Accident lusurance and -------------------------- y lington street it went and on to ators, Furs, Sfoves, Jjarpess, ete, at ------ toms Broker Rn : ant i " 3 the lowest price possibile and on y - 3 16 Lo ia . y - . begins : Princess street. The obstructions of terms, and am always willing to take M JESS : or ) 6 Clarens MEDICAL, - . the road paving company halted the|iiorses or Cattle ur (rain on deals, 336 r-- Kingston Phone p-- - q sm -~ J. F. SPARKS, BA, MD, PHYSICIAN animal. It was stopped by a block- With thanks for past favours GIRLS WANTED; -- pina -- Ww it T da ¢ jade at Princess street. J. B, SANDERSON highest wages; steady]: et ROLL, EE A ee anon, 9 io Tf ust i wi rite O= y. p Bale of boots for all. Comes andweel ~~ =" DhEOR. employment Apply Brain he, late. Acside ' and. to 8 p.m, Phone 358 A the bargains. You save money by immediately, D. 8. Per. Employers' Liability and orf - aia ¢ | buying at Dutton's, 209 Princess Fin. & Company, Lud, Boat Insurance, Seciirity BR. B.C. D, LUM, PHYNCIAYN, : street. ~ Londen, Ontario. Real state | Winnipeg, Regina and Ww i lllustration S h 0 Ww S ! Select your building lots in Ken Calgary, Moose Jaw, etc Office 't Sele Yo 0 " € [McCann Vv . ' : oo . . ¥ - . , sn Styl No 3 McKAY Sale men's sweaters, £5c. All wool, CLERKS TO SELL ARTICLES MUCH ment Society: established 156 : ' eH $2.75 swedter, $1.75, Dutton's, 209 : president, Sir Richard Cortwrightil QORAN NTEAMSHIP AGENCY. i n 0 uncement em | FRONTENAC LOAN AND IN ) 1 - . . ' a p he z A needed in every home, especially by ha td Eh or aed model, Lady's Fur-lined Coat, 50 inches | made § | vrincess. and 'Ret EIT Baths 1Mieiy car | Working men" Wood salary: S| | BrODertium MRIIDAL ARE COMI | eee emmevermsroe comers ; " 9 ried on by R. J. Lawler, 1 am now pro- Manet position; If you are work- TRANSATLANTIC LINES, ALL CLASS. A | - 2 ' i : ! ear . 200 Q | , -- . : Trade Mark. N 0 Ww IS ¢ sa eae_ure worn. Dutton's, I wish to inform my ald customers QO BOYS AND GIRLS TO LEARN ed; firstaclass « ompanies: standard | py EN-HOOMED Hot Conse g i pet, J and ¢ : Hngton ' to 12 a.m, 2 te --~ i ----------------. and 7 to 9 pm, Telephone 1093. debentures mortgages purchased Censi lace, si Uni e - . Ye Kensington Place, situated on Union pared to Supply ail the old Customers ing for small falary behind the deposits received: and Iotoren ren: 8. Kirkpatrick, Agent, 42 ini street, near Beverley, will be the and. a ny, new ones aseghalh. favor counter, write to-day; you can Yohon 8. C. McGIIL Managing Clarence Street, Kingston. Phone Y $ [choicest residential district. Make an|me with ely patronage with all. (he double your wages and be your or. ¥ © Street 56x 7 Arence i al Pai vil own boss. Apply, Box "E. B,C, IS of Alaska early selogifon,. of your building lot | choicest Wines-and Liqiers Whig office, *F bg ert . p [at McCann's. Family Trade s#aciably: sotlgiied. ' N. AND GLOBE > Thanksgiving day wouldn't be eom- i AHN GORDON, Prop REPRESENTATIVE WANTED, AT Ee a yopnle Company. Available PERSONALS, 1,187,216 in addition t 7 ' 0 once for work In your locality; mad hal). plete, without a hox of Mel onkey's All gutstanding accounts must will guarantee $2.00 to $3.00 per the polieyholders ti { ti # . or Huyler's high class sweets. "Gib settled. by, Nev. 15th, otherwise » day: opportunity to advance rapid. security the unHmited Habijity of | 1 AIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH. . son's.' shall he gut In ougseHcitor's hands ly; will pay 'liberally for spare AS Sotkntliders, Farin aud fiarks and EE hhnd, uicin William Robinson, jr., of the draught- | for celfection. time; work not difficult; experi- possible rates. Before renewing ol) without T years experi % . y . ence not required. International ° , aW: business fet ra 4 BRO " { 1. Lak Eye ing departmant® of the Locomotive a -- Bible Press, Toronto. or mew Db Bane a t gt Kar Nose, Throat and' skin . works, left Saturday for Rivers, Man- : 'Phone 325 Specialist, 258 Bagot Street WANTED--GENERAL. " _- - a itoba, where he has secured a position . sean . ren ee with the Grand Trunk Pacific. Before - SURNITURE FINISBER. FORTUNE TOLD. -- PANT future marriage busi - = 5 SHOE REPAIRING OF EVERY DE- A ad all al ot ifs carefully Corset Jetiption: Hest Slass ork: Nant ANTIQUE FURNITURE A SPECIALTY, "4 : 1 birthdute and Se in Bo eather only used, one trial w ebonizing and gliding, enamelling pt J of, Millet, Box 725. Bt "ka leaving he was presented with a hand- Ei pi op bd Thousands of women are writing for our Catalog, § |:-=e-si "ick bo ae" i*5 fl ™, g 0g. Canadian Locomotive Company. 3 : HE 31 suffice. Being your repairs to i colors oO on ro . lew foundiand " : a Kodak supplies, "Ciiosonte Salaction and fiklbe dose Tone Scott's, 206 Barrie Street, cor, of and au fren Pest atcention. Xi Newfoundland -- § Don't you want to see the latest Fur styles in | Teachers |" Dution's fon musi. po SY Et ere] ow Driscoll, 2 Join Bir." oun' os ARCATFR ' - | pular from 10¢c., 209 Princess street. . ' Il rrose mavixe p : -------- ARC CTS, : ING GOOD SECOND. - . Muffs, Coats, Etc. Don't you want one? Write Re SBE [ln avis, coon wmcown DENTAL, . ass ; IN MARINE CIRCLES. rb, ER Porson else; | will pay the highest HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, RTC, to-day while you think of it. You don't need to m-- sénd post "ane and oh Kinase bi andar | SPARKS, Di 9 358 King Strest. 'Phone 345 Arrivals and Departures of Vessels Rh 'ange and all kinds of Stoves and rr ep ig iets mesmo -- : furniture, J. Thompson, 333 Prin- 130 ARTHUR HLLI ARCHITECT, 181 send one cent. Make your selection from our Cat- idiigohiog i Vain re [| "eo Se Tava, 3a eral "hE TE 08 , The government boats Reserve and 2 ] 3 adore sdvertibomgnts 14 Tada" Home GENTLEME TO BRING CIR | 8 L.D, ------------ ree We will send them to your Express Office pre- § [scout 'we at vor Sn "wis iiict™ ||} 222 2 TUAEY |, 10, BRING, THEIR |S. BW. SOGTSON, LDA, 004. Buwr. . . | The steamer Missisquoi was up from | 'Q " / to-date suits. Price and workman - ad. tects, ele Offices, 268 Bagot St, Gananoque to-day. -- wo ship guara-ieed to please. Press- WH, NEWLANDS & SON. ARCH. : 4 Bis RT pk and repairing done on the| pm. @ 0. NASH, DENTIN DR, on "Photo 608 rincess Bt. ) ) The stesmivarge John Randall clear- t, 158 Your ? wg Boe ; shortest notice. Thomas Galloway, elcker, Folger * whatl, ie ¥ al 181 Brock Bt, near Bibby's Livery. Xeoloks 136. Eo ailer, high Abella » POWER § SON, ARCHITECTS, MER- © 1 BC -- i : The steamer Alexandria came up : 3 \ : . : rata ne PM steamer, operated ane ene LEGAL. S$. A. AYKROYD, D.D.S, LDS, DENT. chants' Bank Ballding, corner JOHN McK. \Y Established from Montreal Friday night und dis: gines, arrived in por aL 80 o'clock ) over Dominion Express Office, Brock and Wellington Jit Fuats ed for Port Milord. . ist 1859 charged a heavy cargo of freight at on Friday afternoon, Hit" wlhle ere coNvINGHAN & wun, BawmIsT- ie Wellington Strest. Phone - A Sh SS RS -------- (CAS inspect by quite. a number © ers an cltors. w ce, . IN ; CANIN . ) i -------- -- WINDOW CLEANING. i t i Clarence Street, Kingston. KINGSTON, ONTARIO. bs | Baring men. Capt. James Martin, of A. E KNAPP, BA, LDS, DDS. j this cily, was in command, The Toil- Dentist, 19 Mo: (Paul Sizcet, nerr| THE SEASON OF FALL HOUSE iFor : er afterwards cleared for Col AUCTION SALE Princess. 'Phone ey Ground flower cleaning is now here; we do ull 148-157 BROCK STREET, : borne to load grain for Menlvesl. | WEAL BSTATE AND HOUSEHOLD nifien Fs: a aly, Taxing and ofiing M. T. Co's elevator! The steamer FURNITURK, UPBOLSTERER. storm windows, Kingston Wine i Fors Willigm, dis-| WEDNESDAY, NOV. 1ST, 10 AM. --t A CE Coie Bromtreal St, Sharged os trishels of whit yd Chas. Purdy, Loe 1, Cataraqui Ww. a Gavin uroLsTERING, RE. : rl A clea or 16ad commen y pairing and carpet work, hair mat. WwW {for Fort William; the tu " Fmerson Frame House '(brick lined), dine ress To ping DIOP & card or OSTEOPATHY. 5 . li cleared for Montreal with t grain rooms, hard and Son paler, uous an call 216 - : : . + acre in lot: OL arn, enhouse "EE . »", *YNOPSIS OF CANADIAN Nou. ment, YU Ae : YY Dacges, the - tug Thammay., arrived] abe. ete.: iin mgr. Sorin oa REAL ESTATE. hig +t Pct WEST LAND REGULATIONS. . | os ins oud i Foe Grass from Montreal with "three light bar-{ milk wagon. cuties, harness, garden iain i apposite' the Post Office: chron's 4 cn Cot ASS. R ges, and oleared for Montreal with ey ars pain. Jmniements, ete.; BOUGHT AND SOLD; RENTS (OL. disenses treatsd by Osteopathic BE A -- : i eal, AND Mo on. a ator apate 3 p io , . . a ¢ Aoney to loan: office methods and Electrieal! Vibration; " od 'y or anY ale over 18 : . 2. PINE CHINA fj [three grain barges, whatnot, rockers, centre tables, side Neo. 28% Vier | gan: Tt treatments by supolntment. Phone EY h * . 447 etalon 7 dot + ft" . $ ite; Revi hoard, extension table writing desk, i Salad Testngt STERLING iLVER, [i peed uh toes: Fim Aba] HAH EHEC, hm A Byles Mishadson nn mo ent A Appiican) ' in person Ea ; : i : ; > bedding, Liavia sewing machine. BW : ty for ti riot. Ney 1 IN ; ELECTRIC LAMPS, . : + : Reai estate offered at 12 o'cloel ESTABLISHED 1866 C O A Ay | a Hines seency' aig . PROPERTY DPS 3 » : T . 4 « altern : nobn. .34. i eatonder, : JER 3 ] from Montreal yesterday, but is ex- Motor bun ar Panis ur] anaes at oa MALLY 4 ; DIAMOND JEWELRY. ipected up to-day; schooner Bertie] s.1 am BRACELET WATCHES. Calkins is expected from Sodus to- Sale liber watever vou ave. Blecli "a sui ar wr mes AUCTION SALE/S #8 Fresh Mined Coa purchaser's comer: FRO" TUR BEST OF Js By Nitlord viet ocurco| Tuesday. Oct. 3lst, 10 am.| \GDNEPON Thoroughly Screened 88 aap 363 BROCK STREET \§ : Prompt, efficient delivery. as. M3 : a Tab. Bak Biase Dinner Set. Hippy very Load. TRY US THIS WINTER - KIRPATRICK, ROGERS, Se I . Our customers can be certain of e, fron Odd