ee TED EVERYTHING WITHOUT REE Uti] | took "Frolt-a-tives" Banxia, OxT., Feb. sth, 1910. #I have been a sufferer for the past 28 yeas with Constipation, Inaigestion and Catarrh of the Stomach. tried many remedies 'and many doctovs but derived no benefit whatever, . Finally, I 1ead an advertisement of * Pruit-a-tives'. 1 decided to give * Pruit-a-tives' a trial and found tl did exactly what was claimed for them, 1 have now taken 'Fruit-a-tives' for some months and find that they are the only remedy that does me good. '1 have recommended 'Fruit-a-tives' 10 a great many of my friends and I cannot 1 fruit tablets too PAUL J. JONES " ail y Prats tives" is the only natnral cure stipat ar Stomach , because iy is the onl icife in the world that is made of hi ae ies, lh Snudre of ve cured, as ¥-by a Be, by taking Praitatives the famons fruit medicine. : soc. & box, 6 for $2.50, trial ; At dealers, or sent on receipt. of gi Fruit-a tives Limited, Ottawa.» GAS FIRES, =f We have the piniiation hard and soft Coal 3 i thing for the parlor or © room grate; no trouble; no no ®; a8 oh as coal ta us give vou a price use. 'piped a #et cimplete, , » Fohone 516. Personal atterition, v THANKSGIVING n-- "By CARL WILLIAMS. had just come in his car from the Beacon-Hargrave wed- ding. In Howard Christy's estimation all weddings were bores, but one must be bored in the cause of a merger still hanging fire. And now, with the cefemony and quickly dispatched reception behind bim, he was beaded for the office once more, His patient secretary would be awaiting him. "Mother!" > In the half gloom, half mist of the oncoming twilight, as his car was wedged in amoung scores of other ve. bicles In front of the Grand Central station, he beard that word, and heav- en ooly knows why he leaned forward | to see who had uttered it. He looked straight into the dewy '} depths of wonderful violet eyes, but they were not xed on'lim. ' They looked far beyond. across the of vehicles, to where a woman brown hair aud beautiful eyes smiled to the girl from out fars and violets. forgot to urge his chanffeur ; to get out of the tangle somehow. He sat quite still for ~ "ea chanical "YOU CAN DROP M¥_g54 not se much NER: as by the flicker of an eyelash did he betray his aston- "{}ishment as his master stepped from the car and, immaculate in frock coat, gray trousers, silk bat, soft gray gloves and boutonaiere, stalked through the gloom and crowd into the brilllantly lighted station. Christy bad a private car in one of the uptown yards, but he gave it no thought. Ie bought a ticket for Tru- mansburg. He was going home for Thanksgiving the first. 'It always ended in his send- ing for his mother to visit him instead. 4 patch of gray over each ear and a oo fe Shoulers, be Jag over his fifth willion. Eminent nerve specialists had warn- od him that he must cease his endeav: ors br lose his health, but Christy aug hed at them. Nedther urgings of friends nor orders of rhhysiclans hdd any effect. Yet he himself and planned his arrival at He had taken the flier because it town 216't so smal that it hive hotels. You can always 38s eyes of her beart, could tell was the much talked of millionaire. Jt was Nan whom Christy sought when the short service of prayer was "1 came to see my mother--and you." be answered in a whisper. "I thought it was only mother, Nan, but when .I any chance for we? For a moment the Once she had dreamed dreams of a home in which she and Howard Chrig ty should live bapplly ever after. Then be had made his first scoop In Wall street, and after that there "You don't need TO BE THANKFUL to ndd that last," YOR he said humbly, "1 didn't suppdse that you were going to fall on my neck just | because 1 came back and asked you. | But if there isn't any one else I'm go- fag back to town to close up deals, and then Vm coming convince you that I'll make a moi her--and my own old self. Three thanks for one Thanksgiving are & | Jriule Wits Nap, aud the best of nie "Your own old self," quoted Naney, 'Instead of the costly flowers for ! central ornament of the table make 18 ¥ i i i Be i gis fil i § T | I 1 J i 1H Fact tlk fig: faite ii i £ gd i i: Ff f & Ee ih] li A LE Ih tt ih i il Hh FH i i £ i ; | i [ Hii ! Es Li i i 5 . 's ' plain anything, without a-gittin' down chee - calendar, Thanksgivin's rollin' soun'. De cawo rows keep a-rustlin', an' de rambo ap- ples fall, Fe' Weshadys buy. an' we couldnt pick 'em De chillun keeps alludia' an' suet puddin' Like what dey's useter gittin' long erbout Thanks. givin" day-- Ab well you signs am p'intin' to # comin' loog "A MoNsTOUS Lor of vIrrsia" H b'liebe ADM git de spices fo" to mek de tam'ly cake Aa' sabt to wo'kin' extry, fo' ANIL why Ab lke to heah mul min call, "Tukey. tukey, wkl" founic ou, . 0st, PAGE ELEVEN, This Magnificent Doll's Piano and pol and Lovely Imported Doll RLS. We will give GHIFICENTY MAND be! Of im ai the wey from Gi BiG HANDSOME i MPO. 2 than 8 14 is bea ABSOLUTELY FREE his AND LOVELY Gorman, PIanND an BE cry hair pRAly R LA ons, Bockings anid hat al Py ORL dolly oa fcatches ihe plana " TR (he Mificent plane eosly beoeh BTR SA doll SIVER TO YOU FREE Ji you EV worth of the He 100 euch theta. and your will sarely sil them to 6 ey. when sold, aud we peoptiy sen we sand sment of sll delivery thames Wide lor 1 pi n Jewellery today magnificent Nationa! Jewelles They are handsome Doveitien Gul Di K © eouapiefe exuctly ad represented. By oer tind iisetiahile by dress, ine under frie The lovely bedah "° ti nL bardsome three 3.00 thes at only pdy wens Return our TOG proven pent sytem ¥ Setar. rakes AdSress-- ve! ily The Rational Sales Co.. Lid., Depl. P 125 Tsrento, Ont. VALUE $325.00 test PRIZE.-- Finest action 20d Prize - Sed Prize - 4th Prizo . 8th to Sth, 5 Prizes of $5.00 each and 25 prize of $1.00 cach * * TOTAL CASH PRIZES - CONDITIONS: 1. This colitest is absol enter. . 8. Xo omployee of curs or relation of cupioyoe will be allowed > ¢ e eorpett . 8. Judging will ba lon with Shs 0 14 TTT A Bt " y ~ or es NA-DRU-CO Tasteless Cod Liver 0il Compound There is no question as to the very high Value of Cod Liver Qil, properly prepared and made digestible, as a "'builder-up" for convalescents or thosé who are run-down, Na-Dru-Co Tasteless Componnd contains the valuable proper ties of the Cod Liver Oil withiont its disagreeable flavor. In fact, This Jrepartion is decidedly pleasant to the taste, With Extract of t, Extract of Wild Cherry, and Hypoplhiosphites of Lime, Soda, Potassium, Manganese and Iron ad 3, it makes a conibina- tion that puis an edge on the appetite--~aids digestion --invigorates the nerves--relieves and helps to cure affections of the throat and lungs -- and generally huilds up strength and restores health, For puny, delicatechildren there is probably no better "'builder-up" thas Na-Dru-Co Tasteless Cod Liver Oil Cogipound. 162 National Drug and Chemical Co. OF CANADA LIMITED. FOR EVERY ALMENT THERE'S A NA-DAU-CO BPLCINCG BEARING THIS TRADE MARK. SEC THAT YOU GETIT ~ Sl Macniricent Piano $100.00 in Cash BPPLLH GIVEN AWAY ABSOLUTELY FREE 3 FOR CORRECT ANSWERS IN THIS PUZZLE CONTEST. a nia / WN WAN \ \\ \ AR CUNY X\ AN JARI A \ = ~ = ~~ Fa, = A, =" Sal XS | WI a ~ Ir BS Zhai MAGNIFICENT UPRIGHT PIANO AND STOOL TO MATCH, VALUE $328.00. and tone, heantiful hand polished Spanish mahogany case ever offered ina cotlesto! this kind VHE PUZILE GEPNINIY NOTRAELM The jumbied letters give " | Canadian Utigs, To ban letter in each name The firut 13 Wissipop {then of wil fgur + os i ately free. No one i: asked to spend a cet $3 J, lean wide prices A. Th £28.00 cash . - $15.00 cash $10.00 cash £25.00 1a cagh 225 00 in cash eorespnt th A $100.00 awandod testapis, er 1% received you if it i FAD : having wbsolutely no eon +10 In pecepted as lined, = INTERNATIONAL MA » by thren gentle rm. Their dechsic correct and Adi iN Dept Fit for the home of 4 Kiug and the {itis on view any business dey fro 9 to Sal ver wetery.) greatest prize GRTONOT XFAILAN nes of 4 wollihnown vedechned tae fires pe e at and you may na good . here 5 a wopl « 6 to he Tullfillad which we ask of all con we will write advising a of ty conditiva 98 70 When the Cook Leaves don't fret or scold--lay in a good supply of Shredded Wheat--the food thatTs ready-cooked, ready-to-serve--contains all the nutriment in the whole wheat grain, steam-cooked, shredded and baked sa crisp, golden brown--a food that is good all the way through--tempting in its nutlike flavor--a delight to eat and to serve. ¥ HREDDED WHEAT BISCUIT is without doubt the most perfectly balanced," most easily" digested food ever given to man. It is not flavored or compounded with anything ~mnot a *patent-medicine" food--not a "pre-digested" food--just plain, simple, wholesome, steam-cooked whole wheat, shredded and baked. It is better than mushy porridges because you have to chew it, thereby getting from it all its rich, body-building nutriment. i -- > wimps fan wen, - - Try it for breakfast with milk or cream (hot milk in Winter). Being in bis- sit form it is easy to prepare a nourishing meal with it in a few minutes in combination with fresh or stewed fruits. Always heat the biscuit in oven before serving. Two Biscuits with milk or cream crispness and a little fruit make a complete nourishing meal. Your grocer sells it. ded Wheat wafer--a tasty, nourishing whole