Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Sep 1911, p. 7

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JHE DAILY BRITISH W HIG, Samu RDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1911. yop 3 PAGER seven. dining places this winter, for alll low will be seemein the fashionable! {SHE ERECTS HER TOMB ] " 7 e pre 7¢ ? the yellowish tints, from pale wt Je. Fé O) CZ. color to deep mandarin orange, ar rel sae bi the rage in [Paris The stunn {IS LOCATED ON STORM-HEEATEN | i gown illustrated has ROCKS OF BRITTANY, restaurant -g a or en, beige colored chiffon tunic dr ped - ye. o aup , 8 st st be y a ver taupe gray--a most lash Ole! Summer Home Close By----It Stands combination- i the taupe satin sj . ; dies Four Square to the Winds of used to form a graceful fichu bodice | and sleefe, Fast) Indian embroidery| Heaven, in couched lines and dome © with white] vellow, pale green and black worsted decorates - the beige chiffon Luc Sept Wo un ite "i of ast of Brittany, Sarah Bern : ) for so \ wad her Fhe train has three points, the cen Ay} SO hat: tre one being weighted with a fur border, 7 With many of the new evening cos Y home House 1% org fna a fort, but be } uke St ole wa disman tumes long gloves embroidered on the fed $ prentu » the acts outside of the band and up the arm, J 108% : i to ibe are being worn, in imitation of Queen | WiDUs hea is vue croneliated Mary's choice of enmdwoidered gloves | Walls siine with yellow ochre, with {at . heh cont the win slats 3 with her cdro n costume Theta 10h 00 Rr ia of the window shuts ie flat root tly new embroide \ are made ) \ f a beautsnil ustrous and cling jlOWr Rugs, iw reneh, one American, ing silken f on which the em [and ong te fe the "diving hroiderics ow up with handsome | Sarah' spends 3 effet fronong th taking long DIED IN WATERTOWN, \.Y. the smmple hie i + the Inte afternoon she will drive in a domkey The Late I. 8. McRae. Formerly of jearniage to a distant field which com Wolfe Island {mands a wide view of the Atlantic Ftos NY dard i Here she will @t in a small pay ition n stuart MeRa + 1-4 wii | whie he ha ni wi watch the play of « ir ght over the great young man of the i treme end orp | { } stretohes Jernhavdt i { a low 1 5 UPAR | pe vill rise b ¥ { 1 as irom the + tr 5 , ks In the wentv-seven years old e was borat, oo . rq iki n wea # she sits in har pavilio Wolie . ' 1 No ok X o the A --. , SR BR AN BUIIMer sea unabated zeal ite the world Falls, Ne -~ [0 Ne Ss? Trains may be 3 : oo | ond ba Lui | biter. Sal? 0 Lifted Gracerully 4 cA : : A Paquin AAI "a Budget From Wellingion. | i hid Over the Arm qd yas ll HB Conception of $0 RE | a Wellington, Sept A | Be A good 4 ise i i : Chiffon Weldhted Phd wy livia a. West ant Eat' Takei 3 ap a MO wilh Pearls ee. a 0 RUE. 1 el en Lo find BF feel 83 which, try Abbey's § 2s 343 3 os 2115 John AD Yoon cand G0c beotide ung bride, Oc b A. and Mi nl 8 Sold everywhere have been confined pe . through sickn k preached 1e Sermo dist church, on Sunday evening lost. | 1 HOMAS COPLEY He will take his departure thi week > i e Nori oi territories ' Pronk 87, Dunming is + ting het sister Mrs Urop a card to 19 Pine Btrost whem Pie + i t Bs sauting anything done in the Carpen erson, a sani Ba) er (ine. Kstimaios given on all kinds Mrs, Jonas wd, is slowly recover M repairs and new work aise. Mrs. BR. Wil | Hardwood Floors of ail kinds All » : yrders Sill receive prompt sttestion, son, is again confined to her bed on | Wen Queen Brrpar ing from a s were illness Consacon streat. Miss Cronke, is the get of ce wuntie, Me. Gere | (Jy, Martel's Female Pills 4 og 1 ; Gorralt 18 a scarcity corn Handsome RestaurantsCown 2 se : 3 at the canning factories here. John with New Worsted Embroide er pow 3 Ts toputon, of Mitchel street, had the | EIGNTEEN YEARS TNE STANDARD ry Bi dss Fa j misfortune lust week, fo injure his | Prescribed and recommended for women's ail - a : Be HSH Al 3 knee and it is no better. Rev, Mr. and ments, a scientifically prepared remedy of proven ven : : : : S ; Fhe g Mrs. Fenton, who went to England, | worth, The result from their use is quick and ivening dress, during the coronation broideries and airy - tulles - and nets | ihout four weeks ago are expected | permanent, For sale at all storea. by in London, in June, set a wesehi with fringes be y re " home next wesk. The two new teachers stindard of splendor and lavish « lux- | So of the American dressmakers ao a B ; of the publi hool are well liked by ury that will require generously lined ! are railing at what they call the * up- | ye vs : the = hears Arth a Nox¢ ° man or pocketbooks to keep up with. Never | holstery" fashions that Paris has set i of ) fo ¢ kit ot Bar k Ar i were seen such brocades, such tissues for the coming season 7 and of { A $ 5 : of 3 " oli mnk, melias ' ' ¢ «1 h parents, Mr and of gold and silver embroidered with { truth the heavy brocades, the coars Mrs oxon, on Sunday last penrls and jewels, such laces, such fa- patterned maerime laces, the fringes, | a y > €Y ~ 2 Pe 3 fa SY 57 § Mr. and Mi " ATE St ord ol i a brics as were worm<at the functions pl metallic gimps and the huge tas- | . 4 . r 4 i : > 3 a : wdelphin, who visited Mr d preceding and succeeding the great sels do suggest sofa coverings and | : J ry aithisrn's. Liv Sa o event, A deéseription of the costumes lambregquing--until ong has seen | conta of sontenstioe fabsie. 13 the oes ore torot ho t croall noth girdles al Shourds retorned t worn at the presentation cefemonies | them made np inte Paris inspired cos t dratiery bein | Your { } n wok : at Buckingham Palace reads like an! tumes. Then one only exclaims, te hp : he ED ' account of fairy queen taiment, and "How superb!" and falls into ee} a oo hig op vag the Hoot t \ ' dyn frock of chiffor : of course the bare words convey [it tases over the harmonious blending | = » igs oe Rar in the ap - Bn hi CE A : i hein Low Colonist Fares to Pacific it the pron of a= new' play ea f eur ". ; of Via the Ch Union | tle idea of the beauty and sumpto- | of so many rich materials out) month Cost of Dyeing Whili I iyelng ane leaning any ar l in thes works is { ' . ost Us really a trifle A ry smail I Hi ai n N Bal 0000000000000 H PARKER & Cu, Dyers and Clenners, ah Princess St, Kingst find, : Over petticoat « rold « h . : Do | bei X ! 1 © wo lo We hh { ousness of the wonderful gowns with During the cighteenth century wo-| Tod i plan ay i i ' EL riv wear j i { 1 : vin i 3 : ! Daly 1 '"oo0ececvcsessssvsneses veiled wi their magnificent court trains, and: man's dress consisted of a bodice ind / ] : i : dra 1 tumie of ywrple hrocade which oH . ; ' : ) t " { evity yt x x1} or | pur : 1 ® bein, or ' bea : : @rcccsssassssssasassassd the superb jewels which accompanied Joop di 1pery Se a' pete rat 4 as slashed' af the Moot | Hs eoniragung material. the hodice an Padma wnderdress. Quantitie | G00DS SOLD ON ' ' ASY PAYMENT PLAN 1 "All the fabrics for evening use this | dr ipery were all in one piece and were | witle. sold Ince: were abn) . season are exceptionally rich and lux | ealled the * acque,"' Very elegant cos ) 8 4 i od } i urious, amd the eolors are extremely | tunes ha SHOT of, brs mde ove skirt and. showec Lhe of Dry ' and Mufis, Labies' Clothing, Carpets ¢ dian] 0 spiny beautiful --wonderful Fast Indian | pettico of tin; humbler models hues, vivid vet soft and elusive which | wore mad i nespun or. of printed will be veiled with tissues of gold and | lawn « intz. This old, style saeque silver, rare lace, chiffons heavy and is sugrost some of the new even-| ha t th : 4 chi clinging with bead and worsted em- ing gowns which have under petta-{ | A. jaa Ina ay SH tii dix Ho tiie it I tend dow e ar } News From Colebrook Teseseses thicloths el of Household Furnishings had on Ey payment IN. A reor Nor Call and for vourself 214 Division Street .. COHEN MALI TVABAIRSAAASL NY ms 5 = OCTOBER SNE | TTT" TBLBBON A noth DSi | pele New pon thick! SOW . { {in front to pres I truguoises or burg tie | Stones, was a cutaway ' yale | regulation fr: for the sake « . ng LIONS ne Tr are not w, has igh ww house ' hg blue charmeuse which wa tite short [ation there was $ t v A bl tate X acler & formerly " 1 i ile ra. | ' u front, but sloped downward nd | sho » | inh front, any the mo SRremonious Costu Johy Sha wv, 1 being edt 2} i { f § v ned ' vil, ope An ther o pushed a y in this vicinity, | "ma tyne Rie She Mat 01 tie Coir | atei lol Bie ARI Tiompter aes Lint prety: auvertnelsns a: dwveh \Ginirge Shavgtaw wd daughter, | Exceptional Values in all surplive: fronts. wera § t{ may be, ther \ fist or : 0, ti retty | William, all of Alexand v, N. lines of Furnitare r $, ane palest ue, 'one lilac' the If a Pay wl und oenny eo spendin i the other weel ; ble dancir lhe. whe wot p. nol. many nights : ag omen sveniugs. (me was a Mor- Lif hi fall and winter ' - : ahr. oh : : order clothing departme: white maline ite 1 shi Mie | ready-made clothing and i" wishing departm ; debutante ' assorted with new goods even she boasts n irs ' leating we inge herries 2 Three (hieago ehildres frock. The mew ne are) > nm ' Ba leaves mw Or 2 Sreen | Kansas judge ing him but stately, Some of he Es a Clik Py affeta, tHe fringe of of £ hang or exec papa," lly absurd and bob at thei he unde : Find it Sad the net pleat) ' ce mother is doing froe uch flip a + hig alint t dre ER ashi Around p ape aan treatment at papa's hs tf i v © y § salhers . tealhe hile walks, trate may be round, work sash of lustrous. Wah Lan white moe Ne lace wit rluster oA . Square ox Poambed but. it aust. seer ode ribbon with 4 fat Bickle how cherries and Jeaves at imtervals. Per to be just a rar of fabri ' Hi i & pk th ail has « nin the § pon and om Hi hi "non i h ) ws heavily weighiad with silver thas or nn Enron and vot | | afte & gow over the oar . iis: oul wotnan i strip oc ndecne old | . & i pever sweebs aut frome the waist « [Iringe. ooh Wim | How to Prevent it Growing Larger. | 4 tout 1% roe th This motion putting weighted lace is tiny 4 to us n this . > Sp » be i a > bron he ark des : LE sash ends over skicts of tery ashion { Pansian Sage will do thi . ! bight ale skin . iis i= H ustra fois ow at is exopsdingly of if, Anvther 1 ly dancing frock, worn ih killer g and removi ¢ nid Tables in, Gole len. $1. 50 up, ra Pe 1h fhe restanr AIR gowy § § rer 1 Lev Little po rs atest 4 ve restativant Aer Hand we ave , rts see meh t this house purty, pictured on germ. These Little fellows ' 5 of green chiffon heavily enertsted . . Bs . ; : e¢ deep into the = el i Solid Mahog JAnYy fable i P 15 ' v during the coming winter, " the seated re ! frock is ot La * , X ' a! : ' mg almost wa right angle with the +s 3 , - : roots and are the cause of aif 0= + : 3 : fhe shoulders and sleeyelios even chiffon in oa p ude, aprievd or pink- "i $20 a nd » 35. with white bead embroidery, hie btain ' in : 4 J ; om I : { troubles and disease . gown has the extremely slander, cling: [198 g0WR 15 not ob sining - particn far Ish-ye Haw xhade, dropped ovr | white Parisian Sage is the best | Surfac 2 Tal i es $2. ol), &¢ ing fines that are called "elassie," ie } aver now: bat it may be that the satin The smbroidery is dane with hair grower » 3 os ® a ic > Ww . % > $ La fi 5 & og # ' A i. 8 the routariers and because of the in| contutiers are reserving these costiunes iridescent bes ip villettes, nod | dandruff and sealp iteh : g ; in finite skill with which it is eat, this] or an appesravce st the opens ater there ix a hatr ringe of iridescent to do this by Jas ol particular gown is exquisitely grace | on. Shoulders and "arma, toons in heads a the bottom of the sel. | why, will refs ed VOUT men { wile Pier Suites, reg. B35 jor 821 {tal the clinging lioes, the clear | ax the odbow at least are covered hut The 14 KALID MIEPeCR are MnOroMer: | to do all that is claimed i P £20 ' . . . . . i" " 2 woe Nurs + mn (green color amd the imcrustation off the covering 'is the most transparent of with irbdesoent bends, This froek | Parisian Sage is x nwt aici all 5 4 - y : a \ 4 & : ¥ i iit pore, wand 3 whet pew, | bead embroidery Like barnacles -- { sort, of chiffon of tulle, and the deeol {4 evepedingh girlish in { pe, desnite | hair dressidg and hair bes atelier, . suggested the name "wermaid for} lotage is of wu more daring because «! (he handsome maierinls which it | sticky of greasy and ix weed by | this beautiful gown, 3 this. Many of the fashionable eveslag is made ~The band of Tip he foen and geen of refmement the comin | : i Another photograph shows a chiffon f gowns mre sothing but chiffon above ler and the string i Pern ry over, Large botils, We mers | R J REID gtrain which may he lifted over 'the|the waistline, a film of lace being (hs (heat ars alse sigue 3 i | where s i - . parm for dsieimy. The trade in <i drawn over the bast beneath she oivil- (ob cod debutante. | See that the girl wou the nubur justauce is part of a chiffon tunic, | special - corsets. Tiwi. are ft is probable that plenty of yel- BAF on each package. Phone S71 The Loading Undertaker

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