Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Aug 1911, p. 6

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PAGE SIX. li. HOTEL ; DESERONTO, PENH STEWART HEUSK, ." Ta Commercial Hotel Hales th % 'WHOS, STEW sit, Ta Canadian National "Exhibition TORONTO, ONT. Return Hewges will be issue £3.55, Going Wednesday, Aug Sept. 6th, and at £4.90, Going Aug. 26th, 27th, 31st, Sept. 1gt. 2nd, Tth. Frh, 9th, All tickets good Sept. 12th. Ticket cepted on trains LABOR MONDAY, SEPTEMBER Round trip tickets will b SINGLE FIRST CLASS ARK Return limit Wednesda vd 1 For iy particulars J.P. 4 29h th 28th wid, until to return ill no be a AY CSR C LTE TT RAILWAY CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY EXHIBITION, 10f OND August 26th to September 11th ROUND TRIP FROM KINGST Aug. 30 and Sept. 6 Aug. 28 to Sept, Hth Return lmit, September HARVESTERS' EXCUNSIONNS, $10.00 To Mooscjaw and. East Propo: toly low rites bey , to and in cluding Macleod, © algai and Ed monton. Aug. 16th and 25th, ROUND TRIP HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS TO WESTERN CANADA, AUG. 8-22; SEPT Full particulars at K. & P P.R. Ticket Offide, Ontario F. CONWAY. Gen. Pass. 'Phone 60. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY, Train leaves U'njon Station, Ontario tr m. daily (Sunday excepted). Nik Sydenham, Napands, Desers | onto, Pa b urn and all nto | Suipk despatch to | ook and points on | mtral OREO R of Quinte Rallway. ® your shipments | i Eire u are a R. artic y A ° No. ALLAN LINE 12 at 7.45 am. 8-19. and C, Street Agent Ward, Pass Agent. Royal Mail Steamers 4 a -- nl AUTUMN SAILINGS MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. Sictotian, Pri, Aug 18, Fri, Sept jean, Fri AE, . ri, Rept or intan, Fri Boept., 1, Fr Sept oa sian, Fri, Sept 8 Pri; Oct MONTREAL TO GLASGOW. Scotian, Sat. Aug, 12 esperian, Sat. Aug an, Sat, Aug, Grampian, Sat. Sept, 2, MONTREAL TO HAVRE & LONDON Moderate rate service, carrying o 4 slase (second) cabin p ASSONgers Hng at Hav re, France uperior accommodation at rates will allotted on stean the balance of the Mt 28, "Bat Sat, Sept. 20 Lawrence son. , Full Information on appli J.P. HANLEY C. 8. KIRKPATRICK, G.T- Ry athin to Clarénce Allan Line hehe Starship Conny River and Gulf of St. Lawrence 5° Aur Cruises fn Cool Latitades, Agents, Kingston "Cascapedia," 1.900 tons, : conly fitted out on the Clyde, speci = for this service, with all modern! t FROM MONTREAL ON T! DAY at 4 pan, Jlist Augunt 0H ana ith September and 1 mi ghee the tollowing day wy ¥ Hl. NB. onlling at A Perce, Grand River, § VBL ana Charlottetown, PB New York From Quebec the faritam River town : at as" Brin ie iotielown an an Quebee at 3 pm, AH Sth Sept. 10 and up, by | Ey 88, ermudian" §- an itug from New ut re. nw Mint 1erside A he 0? days gi perature * cooled by &¢ seldom Tides above x0 de. ripe. of ihe sensun for| tater goms: phi PAT | Kineton. nt "Agents. FE : MPANY, L Phosphots DOCOTOTOTOTOCODO0 O00 9 8 GOOOOOONCTOOOTOO00000D | or 20th and 30th | 2 : » = ond- | Kin ia £ Pre Bugermai s, . Beco ta Hand Furniture i TH 3 TOBACCO WW Hn the "Rooster" on Craw a, * xs he Roos along | 5c po Ww For ehi wing an woking A FA MACLEAN'S, shminrio Street. | Electric res every nerve inthe body nd 7 i aephomel will | x, on two for ec 85a ® Tho Scobie Drug no Po. v Mauood's Drag Siore. Failing. me v abllity onfidence om tion- WINDS OL \ soe LY C Piadaor. Ch ' greeeenees $ 7 Ashes Wall Plaster ® ¢ $ | 9! ¢ ¢ ® ¢ $ $3. 00a Ton mneptres oP. WALSH, Barrack t$ Oe ht sePoevBeoe@® Genuine mus bear Signature o i - f CHOCOLATES | Ganong's, G. B. THE FINEST IN THE LAND ¢ A. J. REES 'Phone 58 166 PRINCESS STREET. LAKE oNrTARnIo AND QUINTE STEAMBOAT CO, LTD, STEAMERS . North ing & Caspian -, fing a close, and the present 1000 ISLANDS AND ROCHESTER, N. i (AE # am, ton daily, wl baad 368 pm. } ve Ki he we! ATioN AL EXOIUITION, Steamer for 1.000 Islands. calling at (Alexandefa Bay, Rockport and Oanan- {enue Retupning isaves at Whariotte: Ry: Part of Rochester), 'calling at Baye ? Gusate ports. For full Information, asply PF, HARLEY, Tisket Agent. hE IAS BWIFT & CO. Freight Agent. © ------------_------------------ i --_------ i will be iss od # 20. "th, good ts An THE TWO CRUISES © Duration 8: the Stemmahiy 110 DAYS | 'crEveLann UE CE 115,500 Tons) $650 A 1 Thee Toure 2atorer for Men | | O00 OOOO OOOO0 | ) Imonds BAY OF 1 Tha feaves Cingston dally at beat everyone ingerasted 5 pm. for pleased with the management. | i 1 » THE DAILY "BRITISH WHE, THURSDAY, FOURTH DINGHY RACE i: wEb- A Hes 24, 1991, NEW. ELECTION SOON ALGEST PREDICTION OF KE --TALKS LIKE M. THOMSON YACHT cits Al TERNDON, SALLE DD OFV XESDAY Left Take Races--Heather Afternoon The Borden--Somebody Calculations, Conservatives are Deserting Mr. is Out Part in, Will r Has to George Cup Up This Kathleen in His Go ngt ¥ isk » Yach fre | bo Pil Not Go to Round Island, i & asehall team did Mond ry We Play Night, swmwith' Gifts eH, | to Hospitals, Plai mld not get awa JL 0"s. Won in Belleville, il Wit i Ie Mercantile, the Civil play an exhibition t field this eveniug if the Sunday School vs, v's teaw wiki wan snp both team, vers Phas wil mpon Ws Exeentive Meets. Mercantile Base ening, Mercantile 1 Fruit Farm. Ilan \ About the sitth ide , thas ev i stati standing, | tu « entered by i over | oa ormwith e Rail who pitched | Airpin hat § In Five Trim Tor Saturday. i} I ZRisStE, 7 ¢ \ +7 ville, Wednesday, the touts o Mins 8. So v jn fine shape fo very imp vim 8 visit with nl game, vay, with the } : in ¥ . Brooks gd cho : nye, wing slab art W en : in expected arent | . F ' Will hu result. of this game : BICYCLE SUNDRIES BICYCLE MUNSON 240 Yonge St. TORO! DNTS Ahletion low Con will be proclaimed champions serpy i What Kind of a Pitcine, the Frunks, at Cat Prices | Send far cul Prize Catalogue. '|OUR CRYSTAL BRAND Of Standurd Granulated Sugar iahhe Misses | Has bean tried and found excellent for | 'Cighbor hoo 13503 | preserving and table e. Price - 1s {'vke are. spending uiways right Pittsburg fir ANDREW MACLEAN, ---- Ontarle Stree ix Ashton? cold, Visita mond artist of Belleville, Montreal, H there all season for wd had not lost a g yet t £1.06. + pounded him [] I pleces in twe ¥ Either nated, where he the Montreal teams i ich heavy slugyuers | builders of &hton, Grand | Fata record in i fom i freat Lpitehing In ue West. Rev My ich, King Sun da Fang . Mrs a Left for the he er-est Comes | from, or else | heen are | 1 i not as the engmne | Liere "i i i Kingston The Sunda mrtend Bowlers. interesting and | untested bowling matches of } the season took place at Queen's Bowl Send ds Ling green, on' Wednesday evening. The | team skipped hy J. McKellar, in the | ahsence of I. Murr Av, from : THERABIGNE Sinter's to X Iater's team, by a score of 14 to 12 In wpitais with great wi |B ad legs sores, discharge sip th vigor fv tal force, drains, loses de on Me 181 fri « Vow York City, wo fin doubt No a for free bux i { Hampstea don, Eng. Tne "Drage" | Form of TROrapIoD, casy to take. sat annual pieni on Aug Wilthert Purdy, ii, I young With the ol the most 18 Cons wmber o eek close mer wt Inst {Among those to !derson, Arnold ton mo Fo ! Sovbishy. i d = od " 1: = Ling I Irish, Yarker, IW. Wallace ar iN Y.. aud Mr (nee, at William Mrs, John Ifwir Irwin's; Mise Jes t Joh y Bruce wi' to Pov here bd d ehildren, Fred. K Wallace's has won his teams a or 58 J. & Melntyree, J. F. McMillan, P. Spalding. J. WeKellar, skip. 4 Wallace, W. M. Canipbell, Andirson; T. Slater, skip. -- 12: Fhe- senson- fot bowling is now near schedule will be all plaved off, in about a week | jor so, This season has been one of the | in the history of the club, ond | h been w x Fe Ww wa LEton, a BIBBY'S CAB STAND DAY OR NIGHT | ton would that country be Phone . 201 {given Canada the fullest measury iy reciprocity' in the years wh I ATW country' was weak, without prosfleri THECLUBHOTEL or population, and apparently coule WELLINGTON STREET, i Warning Unheeded, Hiawa x If the fines has United States had believed thal reciprocity . hi would lead to i Notes on Sport. { Broce Redpath is determined to out lm i { } {do Perey Lesweur and Fred Lake. Reddy" hag ihvented a new' shin loud and hockey' gauntlet. "Young" Sweeney and Stewart Don molly, hghtweights, and "Jack" Moc gon and Goorge Koerner, ride E weights. have been engaged for bouts, whith will be featuces of {earniv al for the benefit of the chars To "ei Hanis, { Young wise his reappearance in a) National League game, at Boston, af | $5 i in EL i be easily absorbed. Uo: the mere ren (Near Princess) son that the hiberal party has sak its future the. prediction that re proety Bons so are other hotels, proach ithe Club dirs Home ines rt party should stake it« Faun that re in centre of ety and cas 15. a wtores *, it by but tor follows that the the conservative : ¢ ' ' ' ' * ciprocity will be a failure mature decision fo fight rec eo tol jhe bitter end, it runs the oh placing iisell in the unhappy p puition of the liberal party of 87s, without nay Sompyaties advantage. a Fates By Ths Week, PF. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor, sessssatasanaane a3 fer an. "of eleven veags s x rks ou eA 0 ONE WHO KNOWS, - no 4 vo | il #090004000s0asaerssntesseetesetares #e00004054000 500000000 < | ~the fa vorite in a million homes Inland 2 pound sealed ti ns only. For SAL Eesmesees E. Blake IVER NORTHERN CROWN Fnone 286. Thompson, RANK MARKET SQUARR, KINGSTON, ONT. LIPTON'S TEA OVER 2 MILLION PACKAGES SOLD WEEKLY You Have Always Doug and which has been over 30 yea has the signature of ------ 20d has been o under his pers its infancy, Tn sonal supervision sthes ARow no one to deceive you in this, All Commtevielts, Imitatid 1 ust=as-gooi®' but Experiments that trifle with an wer the health ol tant: 5 and Children--LExperionce inst 'Experiment, What is CAS STORIA CW " Castoria is on harmless tit , Pare- rops and Soothing Syrupes IE fs Pleas \ The Kind in rs, unre subs I It Opiam, Morpl or pr reotio vi Ve stbhstancee, Hs age is Its guara and alla Foeverishness, It Wind Colic, 1t relieves Teething Trou and latulency, It assindiate Stor h and Dowels, giving bh The Children's Panacea--The Mot) ~ GENUINE CAS MR] (AW gorie, 1 contal: neither 18 and onstipation rulates the Ruy natural sleep, a A ALWAYS 47 Zn | The fd 5; Have Aiwa ays 5 Bought In Use For Over 30 Yerrs Meany "ry i THE CONTAUR CO rw HOPDGGELLPHPLD0000 6 a > > o> be a a a tl Same People well } Lhe 0th o ti! NeW aud er People gong LOLOL 0P nifortabile de and ea 1 Vil ( aabin «] ul til bath Most People - Sli and com I reason 1 b HOR HI - priced, Ve wring) Now, Reade here. { pleasure in / = EL Hi [i ft hie above ps Vvour aed wi tainly the I ii One in showing J. H. Sutherland & Bro. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES SELENE 202IE L002 D 00000000 2040080000

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