DAILY WHOLE CONGREGATION OF YACHTS TO" TAKE foe OF TORONTO it Disciples of Christ, New York, July 25.-0be change of a whole congregation from ome réli- gious denomination to another. took place in Do) Puck, Brooklys, yes- terday, when the People's Church was admitted 'to the Digiples of Christ. A meeting of the yacht elub execu {The church was begun six years ago tive was held on Mouday evening. las & union church. Jt got into its The Whig's suggestion that the club support Protestants of almost all. de arrange for an dluminated parade of | pominai®ons. Swocess attended the vachts on the evening of Manday next | work, property : worth $30,000 being in honor of the old boys, was hrough! laieimulated. ~The pastor was the up by H. P. Smith, who advoeated Rev, W. C, Pettit. He had Presbyter- the club taking the matter in, hand. jan leanings, and practically made ii The committee concurred, and it was ly Presbyterian church, but when he decided to make arrangements at once {applet for membership in. the Pres by iaviting all the owners of yachts hyterian body it war said he was re to decorate their craft for civie holi- foged. . day. night and parade slong the shores -------------------- of Macdonald Park. Tre civic ecom- That's Gratitude. mittee will be asked to donate 'al "Speaking of lawyer's pleas," said prize for the best illuminated yacht. } Assemblyman Alfred E. Smith, leader It also decided to hold a yacht race | fh. American house, "I recall a on the morniag of the eivie holiday. [ io they weed to tell about James and thus add another feature to." the ; Blaine to illustrate his wizardry in celebration in honor of the old boys. {winning sympathy. He was ing The committee decided to give ihe', nan charged with stealing a watch, ase of the yacht club rooms to the 4 he painted so vivid a picture of Canadian Press Association, which} oo verty, want, and hobesty thal the meets here in August for a couple of Sury wept and in a few minutes re- days. [turned a verdict of not guilty, The mamma wat-- N prisoner aldo was overcome. Nad. he A PROTEST WAS ENTERED to Blaine : i : : "Nir, 1 have never heard anything By Railroaders Regarding Game' wondiriul as your plea. | have no With Waormwith's. money «to give you, hat § fee] that 1 srotest was plisced inthe amds must show my gratitude.' Ay or dent of The Wars Reaching down ii ab side pocket; cantile Baseball League, Tuesday af he produced something and offered it ternoon, protesting the game plavel to M-. Blaine, Monday evening ween Wormwith's " 'Here's the watch; take that," and Railroaders. The protest is ve- said." garding Shultz, whe pitehed for Mpeg Wormwith"s and also pitched for the THE WARNING MADE X y g Junior {tioles.. They say this acti i is a digect violation of rule VII, of the Mereantile constitution, which { An Insclent Question Put By tord * Hogh Cecil ta the British states that no player who has forined part of a battery for a city league team is eligible to play the same pasition for a Mercantile team . Armor od int London, July 26.--Woen the com nH prions, farms imo 913 pp amply hin fiero. wn she yo" a 2 + "' Speaker Lowther gave the members ©1,000,900-in inotisy, and this move at mild admonishment and warned por enacting wd 1 El tn Linh them thai the session would be im 3 mediately suspended if anything like yestieday's disorders occurred againg~ When Asquith appeared he was: ré ceived with =n government ovation o Which completely drowned the opposi- mad rush de- ftom groans. ¥ Te ished pleting our farms: losing best Jord Hugh Cecil again distinguishe citizenshin, combining, with a continued himself as demonstrationist by asking oo. . Asquith if he would communicate his injury heyoml human estimation--the * loss and injury sustained by this mind on home rule to the commons be NEXT MONDAY EVENING. Yacht Clab Executive 'to Make Ar] rangements--A Yacht Race to be Held on Monday Morning. i } HAS... 000000000 COGRINGS Ample funds, excelleat bank- ing facilities and connections, and a long experience of bank- ing business in Canada. Our full . equipment and tacilities are at the disposal of the progressive. business men of Kingtson, 'oseeo ee A AAI HA. SORT ITO 0000000000000 00000000 00000 0000000000000 0000000000 : INCORPORATED '1855. 850,000,000 £ - Resources, . KINGSTON BRANCH 107 PRINCESS ST. GEORGE B. McRAY, i" Manager, Awd SOTO T HITEC T IIIS OIE HOT WEATHER Hammocks The kind you can lay straight out on and not doible" up like a Jack knife. = Gessescecnscscsstsncene he Tidal Wave of Tmwmigration. TONKressman Gudger in Congres "During the last eight yaar over THE COUCH HAMMOCK Just like a bed for comfort Hammocks from $1.00 to $7.00, over ment year by gathering momentum alone crossing into Canada settle the Westerg States carried in with them $225,000 in cash, Adopt this agreement and a tidal wave of emi. gration will sweep this country in for Canadian homes, our VO ane W A. Mitchell r anode nf our best farmers iy met 4 10 press. comparable with wars and pestilence.' | I consider that an insolent Er tion" Asquith said, and * thew ere were #gns of another approaching storm like yesterday, but wiser heads kept the would-be rioters in check, STOCK MARKETS Furnished by 8, 8B. Lyman & Co, : Anchor Ruilding. WE WILL SELL a Thursday, 8.30 a.m. "FOR 25c. EACH HARDWARE: Something for nothing may prove a curse and not a blessing. In deli payiig some men markably shsent-minded. | "Buy Zymole Tivkeys™ Smugglers ave not the only who shirk their duty, Gibson's people nre re - Open. Amalgamated Coppe 5731 Aichison .... en American Smelters ... - Baltimore & Ohio ..... .... Brooklyn Rapid Transit Chena cake & Ohio... Canadian Pacific Railway brie Erie, first aC sineaeavniin Great Northern, pid. . Ueperal Electric .. SiR NR &T. cl cco is LOB ines ino ris A Louisville & Nashville .... 152} Lehigh Valley ...... ..... is 93 1087 813 . 8g Ay 364 571 134% . 161 36 CHANGES DENOMINATION. -------- Union Charch in' Brookiys Becomes; ie t AND THE SCRAP "WILL BE TO THE FINISH. © . -- re Result of the Liberal and Tory Cancuses--Must Ratify Recipro-| city or a General Election "Wil Take Place. { Ottawa; July 25.~Fight with a big} F. And it will he right to a Snish. | That was the result of the caucuses of both political parties, held this morning. The conservatives met at tem o'clock and sat until nearly noon, when they broke up with hearty cheers for R. 1. Borden and the policy of rei ity. The liberals gathered from eleven to] one. There was a unasimous 'deler- mination to stick to the programme outlived by the premier, yesterday, in the commons. In other words, the re ciproéity agreement must be ratified or there must be an. appeal to the country. This afternoon the premier will propose the resumption, to-mor- row morning, of morning sessions, Parliament's proceedings yesterday were fraught with Jeep significance. They spell an early crisis in the exist- ing impasse. Both Sir Wilirid laurier and Hou. Mr. Fielding spoke with can- dor, clarity and emphasis, and their utterances were horalded by such a storm of applause as told overwhelm- ingly of the temper of the libaral party in every province. The opposition initiated the de- Jnonstiation. For --aweek--- past---ita. members have held the country's legislation at bay while they talked. Not a single item of public business has been advanced. And the people have grasped the situajion. With the week-end many members visited their constituencies, came iu contact with the electors, and learned something of the mind of the public. When the minister of finaice, im- mediately following the oweliminaries to-day, moved the house into com- mittee for the further consideration of reciprocity there was a change in the opposition procedh we. Instead ot the customary launching of the time- devouring garrality the member for North Grey rosé with a new form of complaint. The opposition, he com plained, were being branded ob structionists, and all the time ti government was preparing for the elections. In turn he complained that instructions had been given to | prepare the lists, to issue instructions | to the returning officers, and to pro | vide for the preparation of electrical regulations in the unorganized dis- tricts, What did the government' mean by this? But the position was not maintained long. Met with the veminder that an election is what! i as they desived, the weather-cock of the position swung completely | around, and the complaint concerning it place to insistenc? upon it. It place within an hour, and was one of the most amusing instances of the whole volte face yet perpetrated. it served however, to secure from | f Sir Wilirid Laurier and Mr. Fielding {a clear-spoken and candid announce { ment of the position . of the govern-| ment. Both ministers placed the i | ue plainly before the house and the, {pountry. The premier brushed the | {cobwebs of misunde: standing and {doubt away. Construction must in-| levitably mean dissolution and an im- | mediate appeal to the people. Ui re-| {eiproeily, redistribution and public business are to be held up by ithe minority and government made a | {faree, then, as Sir 'Wilirid Laurier | {himself put it, "there wre judges over! us to judge between the government | {and the opposition." | } Hon. Mr. Fielding, following, {with the situation in detail. It | gave | took | : { other | i dealt way big iB a . 3 { And for once the gallows may be {cheated of any miscairiage of the laws, has so peculiarly © ject for 1 confronted with one of the most "his execution under the methods emnly. is BUILT FOR A HANGING Bigger Than His Head, So He May Escape the Gallows for Killing His Stepméther. Murderer's row in San Quentin pri- son holds a genuinely live arguinent favoring the electric chair over the gallows for the infliction of capital punishment, says the Oukland, Ual, nquirer. It is really the case of a neck saviog = but because of a fregk of nature which | constructed . gon | that he is aot a fit sub hangman's noose. ¥ In. the Derson of Willie Chinese, under the sentence of for the murder of his father's wife, the authorities find demned y: fais, a death young themselves pe- { bis- | culiar conditions in the criminal tory of the state. i This coudition arises because of the | fact that it will be practically im-} possible to hang the condemned man | because his neck and "head wre 50] closely joined. His meck is larger than | his head and starts at his ears. Al rope placed around his neck for the | purpose of jerking out his existence would slip over his head without touching his ears. In consequence he | wouldn't hang worth a cent and the | authorities are at their wits' ends for | a solution of the problem. | In order that time may be bad to | study over the case. the governor has | extended to Willie Luis four weeks' re. | d#pite. This respite isn't hecanse of any | fear of argument that the Chigese is entitled to lemiency, but solely for the all-powerful reason that he is mot built on lines which would permit of | now in vogue Ln this state. : There is a feeling in the minds of the public officials that the condemnod Chinese should pay the penalty of his act. But as the faw won't permit them | to shaot or poison the prisoncr or to fast m1 a hangman's noose around las waisy and slowly squeeze him to death | it appears that it will be nece may to 1+ him live and his sentence will ran ably be" changed "to imprisonmen' for i life. { It is inet possible that the ease of | Willie Luis will result in Calfornia | adopting the -efoetric method for legal executions. ------ Proof of His Honesty. Detroit Free Press Oliver H, Curtiss, sociologist, of | Omaha, said recently ! "Our slums are 'much cleaner than | the old slums of Europe. Our slum den- | imme are cleaner, too. "Among us it is unusual. to sew children. in woolen underwear Jor the winter. Not . heard in {lungary of n ease that will hardly credit. "A man was arrésted for stealing he. must his cell. the up vou n pig, and they told him that take a bath before entering 'What ! Tale wu bath!' man eried, horrified, "Yeu, said the jatler. 'How long is if since you've hand a bath 7' " 'So help me,' suid the pricone sol: '1 never was arvested before never !' -------- The Wrong Viewpoint. New York Tribune. senator Brown, apropos of ghe mar tial misadventures of u young multi millionaire, said at a dinner in Wash- | ington : "The trouble is that too many of | our idl? rich young men think that | among their many rights is included | the right to Jo wrong. : "They are, in truth, as foolish this respett as the maid servant who | said: mn top ! abroad. And 1 Gite | M.S. M. 100 Dozen Ladies' White Muslin Blouses = 573 Short and long sleeves, fancy em- broidered fronts, over 50 Patterns to choose from. At this price; you cannot buy Muslin alone, not to 'say anything of Embroidery or Laces. - Sizes run 34 to 42 and prices range to $1.25. THURSDAY 25c¢ For 48¢c Each ~- lafies' Gingham Underskirts lis, Baws nd os 'These Goods Range in Price up to $135 | : PEER aa EE Norfolk ........ . { Roek™ 1sland TTURAR occining aor A {Union Pacific .... United States St Wheat-- Sept. . trom McOun Canadian Pacific | | Missouri Pacific ...... Northcrn Pacific ...... = New York Central .. Ontario & Western | Pennsylvania RR. .. t Reading uve wie col... |Southern Pacific i... (Southern Railway ..... Chicago. JU aad cis vay i oo tewy oop! STOCK QUOTATIONS Bros, Flwongh J. 0. Hatton, July 25th, 1971. | "Railway roit United ..... . 1101 132 108 . 18g . 1247 A . 189 "e _ 25} 493 [the desire of the government to pro-| 'I've got a place among the 141 |cred with Both reciprocity and redis-|notchers for sure this time. 1324 | tribution. The former - was para (hang-up aristvocrats I live wath now.' 109 mount. Redistribution could not be | "What do you mean -by hang-up 1083 consummated until the census + was aristrocrats * a friend asked. 00 completed. I was, moreovcr, legisla-| ' 'Ob,' she replied. 'I' mean places 195 [tion which was within the control of where they have three kinds of wine | 1583 (parliament at any time. Not so with and the ladies smoke and the men #2 reciprocity. Ht bas required what no swear." agi other tariff legislation in the United | 3 | Staies had yet been able to secure : | No Case of Arithmetic. | 987 1a combined approval of the House of | Judge A. A. Adams, of the "Indian | 199% Representatives, the senate and the Appellate Cowt tells a story of a 0 president, units in legislajive machin- {man who was a good horse trader, | + - ery comprising at present both politi- but, through lack of a mathemavical | sical parties in ihe sepublic. The min-jeducation, was unable to determinechis | 49} 46 156} Open. Close. |ister of fiuance emphasized the fact per cent. of profits. . 86} S68 88) 873 N3-91 | that there was nothing binding about, "This man," relates Judge Adams, | {the agreement, that the Canadian per- | "mnade a good trade, and he was anx- | iliament had the right at any time 40 ious to know his veal per cent. of pro- | {terminate it should such a course bheifit, so he consulted 5 school teacher. 'des' red. The United States had apok- | "I bought a horse the other day for | jest. Canada was confronted with the §o5 and sold it for $175: now, what | opportunity she had wailed forty [was my per cent. of profit " he asked | tlyears to obtain. the teacher. : : pi Hon. Nr. Shielding nd Bon " 'That,' replied the teacher, was no! . .Pagsiey ve hints as to. t 3 i » a Montreal 'cmity for sngiovaly Sonsidering tho Lofty it. wus laremy.""~Jndisnapoh 'advisability of introducing the closure. | : 62} ead 61} a3 Meredith's Days of Pemury. The city council is to be asked and no aoubt it will consent to place me morial tablets on the house onee oc eupied by William Morris, Burne-Jones tand Dante Gabriel Rossetti, at 17 Red Lion square. (leorge Meredith in the days of his exteome pennry, joined with those other three young men in their ~~ bachelor | establishment. The state of his boots, wenge told by one of the biographers, at length aroused the solicitude of hin fellow tenants, who one night stealthily rapdnced them by an new pair. Bat Meredith was much piqued by what was meant in all kindness that he withdrew from the fellowship the nest day. Looadon News, Ask. Bid. | Matrimonial Lemons, 22} 'Saturday Evening Past. 000 A vaudeville woman in New York, 245 {who had had several matrimonial .ex- 714 | periences, married for the fifth or sixth B57 time. This time she took a man in 84 her own profession. Not long after HO the wedding, when the happy pair set- 86 tlel in a theatrical boarding-house, 1613 j the wife did not get home one Sunday Ha) fight until after her husband had ar. rived, 585! The Mn .. 238 334 Tu 5 'was sitting in the room, poring over the comic supple ment of a4 Sunday newspaper. His wile gave him a loving greeting. He did not respond, but continued his in- ve tigations of the comic pictures. She "spoke again-and be remained silent, sheorbed in his comic supple ment. She looked at him Gingusted 5 "Don't 1 v in the worst fuck "4 my * she exclaimed. "This time I've married a bookworm." { He, Too. Admiral "Bob" Frans was visiting the Brooklyn savy vard one day when a dispateh was hauded him. Not hav. ing his eve glasses he held (he paper first far, than near, but couldn't read] his lit. Then, handing it 16 an old Trish ; who was st be, suid : wer Unconscionably Slow. The professor of shorthand adduced this unanswerable argument in an ad- dtess to a pew class the other day © "We are told that it rook Grey, asuthcr of theoweli-known 'Elegy in a Country Churchyard," seven years to write that famous poem. Whe had known stenography he could hate done it oi Thang inten. We have gradostes ve done that same poets in that feagih of time" - They Ye | § if SPECIAL SALE TO-MORROW, 9 to 5. 116 Ladies' Fine White Nightgowns vroidered "Insertion and fi re tucks, and Low llo.nd Nock with Dainty Fillet Lace loser- tion aud Casing of Lawn with Ribbon running through, 'Sleeves trimmed with Hemstitched Lawn Krill and 2 other cqually good styles, Tie cotton used in these Nightgowns ase good, most of the lot being of Fine Buy lish Waite Cotton and ; Madapolams. YOUR PICK TO-MORROW 65c Each. Men's 'Balbriggan Underwear SHIRTS with leng or short sleeves, DRAWERS with Ankle or Knee lengths, pruperly shaped Waist Bands and made to 50c Each. Men's Light Weight Fine Wool Shirts and Drawers Just the thinnest and at the same time most comfortable garments for those who caunot wear cotton. ' 75¢ Each. Ladies' Black Silk Stockings Made with double Toe and high spliced Heel and wide garter tops. These are worth usually $1 20, Yours while pre- sent lot lasts 715c¢ pair JOHN LAIDLAW & SON. e008 0080000000000000000000000000060000000000 Spruce Up For the Old Boys 5 A ab SA AAA El AINA A Sl ANI A i Hl IO A ANG AA DON'T GO AROUND WITH OLD SHOES. We are selling and ends in Ladies" |} and Gus Métal cheap this week. some odd 5 'ater Hoes © 20 Ver Cont. op all Men's Ox- fords. There are some snaps for you in New Shoes, CRA000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000 4 Nar Bons on is APA pl AEN SP A dl rl I AN Al » The Lockett Shoe Store rot PS A NN be * PRONE C00000000000000000000000000000000000 * Eo : : 180008000800 0U000000INS0ENPNNEROIONRIINNS R